5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614
5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614
CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL 5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33614-6623 Phone: (813) 875-4040 ~ www.stlawrence.org Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00am-5:30pm August 21, 2016 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am (signed for the hearing impaired), 12:30pm, 5:00pm (en español), 7:00pm Weekday Masses M - F: 6:30am, 8:30am Martes: 7:00pm (en español) Saturday: 8:30am Morning Prayer: 8:00am Mon - Sat Anointing of the Sick every last Saturday following 8:30am Mass SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 2:45 - 3:45pm Sunday 4:00pm (en español) First Friday: following the 8:30am Mass and 6:00pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT in the Christ Child Chapel following the 8:30am Mass every Thursday, closing with Saturday 2:00pm Benediction St. Lawrence Catholic School (813) 879 - 5090 Early Childhood (PK-3) through 8th Grade www.stlawrencecatholicschool.org THE NARROW DOOR; SALVATION AND REJ ECIlON "For befio(J; some are {ilSt wlio w i({ hejirrt. Ima some arefirst wlio wltr{u fast . " LA PUERTA ANGOSTA "IQul soryresal Unos IjIU esta6tm entre (os u{timos son aliara yrimeros, mimtrlls 'Jut' (as ),",""OS Ii"n yasatfo II ser "(timos. " l.ucH 13:30 Called to Serve Dear sisters and brothers, In their book Rebuilt, Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran describe the journey their church took towards becoming a more vibrant faith-filled community. Together as a parish they shared the call to reach out to those who had fallen away from the practice of their faith White and Corcoran assert their belief that the biggest need in our Catholic parishes today is a change in attitude from having a consumer’s mentality to one of discipleship. We have been trained by advertisers all of our lives to be consumers and it's easy for this mentality to slip into our spiritual life and our expectations regarding our faith. People often only ask what am I going to get out of whatever I’m experiencing. Jesus had a very different perspective. He called people to follow him, to become disciples and cited that the one among us who serves the rest is the greatest. Liturgy is a Greek word which means the “work of the people” and so our celebration of Sunday Mass is meant to be an encounter with our Living God in which we are fed with the Word of God and the Eucharist , but at the same time is an opportunity to serve each other in our community of faith. We are very blessed by so many who live this call by serving as lectors, musicians, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans, servers, ushers and greeters. Each weekend we all have opportunities to welcome visitors, new members or to invite those who may be away from the faith. St. Lawrence is a microcosm of the Universal Church with parishioners from so many different lands and cultures. Our openness to the richness of faith and the experience of others is also a gift and service that we offer. May we continue to embrace the call of Jesus who sends us forth each week to be the Good News to everyone we meet. God Bless you! Fr. Mike Muhr Pastor Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20: 26-28 View this bulletin online at www.OiscoverMass.com Page 3 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Confirmation 2017 PRAYER FOR A NEW BISHOP Almighty and all loving God, Eternal Shepherd and Guide, we are grateful for Bishop Lynch and his twenty years of ministry in our diocese. During this time of transition, we trust in Your love, confident that You will once again give to the Diocese of St. Petersburg a shepherd who will inspire us to be Christ’s heart of mercy, His voice of hope and hands of justice. ) Confirmation Youth Confirmation Registration and Preparation will begin at the end of August 2016 for all 8th Grade students at St. Lawrence Catholic School, Youth Faith Formation students, or any other young teens in 8th grade or higher who have yet to be Confirmed. Guide our new bishop to enlighten our hearts and minds with the truth of the Gospel, the power of the sacraments, and the desire to serve you in all things. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 27-28, 2016 Registration Packets and a complete schedule will be distributed at the upcoming Orientation/Q&A Session. Parents and Confirmandi may choose one of the following Orientation/Q&A Sessions: SAVE THE DATES! Sunday, August 28th; 10:45AM-12:00PM; St. Michael Room in Higgins Hall OR Tuesday, August 30th, 7:00PM—8:30PM; St. Michael Room in Higgins Hall Questions? Contact Chris McBride at (813) 875-4040, Ext. 211 or [email protected] For your information and planning—Conirmation will be Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 10:30AM. Readings: Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a Gospel: Luke: 14:1, 7-14 Have you moved or changed your phone number? Please help us keep our records updated, and lets us know if you have moved, changed your telephone number .This help us stay in touch with you. Please e-mail Luisa at [email protected] with your changes or call (813) 875-4040, Ext. 251. Thank you! View this bulletin online at www.Di.covarM....com August 21, 2016 ®~ 'Mass fjntentums Page 4 Eucharistic Adoration Special Intentions for the Masses and Deceased August 21 -28, 2016 VLMJNOLPQ NL NRS PTOSQNRLLU JPU RSWOXOLYQ LOZS — SN. LJ\TSPMS 8:30 J.K. IP KSKLT] LZ MJT] WJXPST — NRS BTL\P FJKOW] TUE 6:30 A.M. FLT JWW NRS SLYWQ LZ NRS UP^LTP — PSNST TTJP 8:30 A.M EW_OUOL GJTMOJ — CJTKSP JPU FJKOW] MON 6:30 J.K. 7:00 P.M EP KSKLTOJ US MJTXJTONJ ] RJYW LSLP, OWXJ RLUTOXYS`, EaSWOL CS_STL — SOWaOJ LSLP WED 6:30 J.K GTJMS ZLZZPSQQ 8:30 J.K IP KSKLT] LZ GSLTXS FSTPJPUS` — NRS ZJMYWN] JPU QNJZZ JN QN. WJ\TSPMS THU 6:30A.M. EWcOP PJWJMOL — EWcOP PJWJMOL 8:30 A.M. GWSPP A. CWS__ST d TRS CWS__ST FJKOW] — PJN CJQNSWWJPL JPU ZJKOW] FRI 6:30 A.M. IP KSKLT] LZ APUTSJ MLPQO^JS` — XTJPUQLP, GJ^TOSW MJTNOPS` 8:30 A.M IP KSKLT] LZ MJPYSW GLP`JWS` LP NRS 3TU JPPOaSTQJT] LZ ROQ USJNR — ]LYT \OZS HSWSP SAT 8:30 A.M. S_SMOJW OPNSPNOLPQ DJPOSW PLTNJWSQ — TRS PLTNJWSQ FJKOW] 4:00 P.M. IP KSKLT] LZ FTJPMSQ MJTNOPL — MJPP] JPU LOQJ TYSTL SUN 7:30 A.M. JLQS_R NSWQLP JPU JLQS_R JLRP ZJK^ONL — SJTJ JPU FJKOW] 9:30 A.M. NOMJPLT FTJPMOQ PJKJP — NRS PJKJP FJKOW] 11:00 A.M. SN. LJ\TSPMS PJTOQROLPSTQ . 12:30 P.M. RLKSL FLTNOP — RONJ JSJP MMW]PP 5:00 P.M. EP KSKLTOJ US APNLWOPJ RLUTOXYS` — NJPM] RYO`, HOeJ ] NOSNJ 7:00 P.M. IP KSKLT] LZ MJXUJWSPJ ] RSOPJWUL ZJKLTJ — ATKJPUL PSTS` With gratitude to our advertiser of the Week whose support helps to publish this bulletin Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is presented every week and is held in the Christ Child Chapel, Thursday, 9:15am (right after the 8:30 a.m. Mass) ending with Benediction on Saturday afternoon at 2:00pm Please prayerfully consider being an adorer. If you are able to cover an hour occasionally, please contact Dolores at 813 962-0191. Thank you and may God bless you for your commitment to Adoration. Corpus Verum Pious Association. Please Pray For Our Parish Family Illness Osvaldo Plasencia Luz Aviles Luis Gonzalez Katisha Solard Cayden Kesler Emelda Fabic Jose Callejas Jim Wehman Pam Toner Katie Lopes Lena Campodonico Maria Agudo Eric Escalone Carmen Collazo Brunilda Perez Rosalie Nocilla Diana Perez Ribas Joyce Wehman Deceased Antonio Marco Ramirez The Mortgage Firm Do you have a legal question? PATRICK STORCH, BRANCH MANAGER THE MORTG TA FOR PRE-ApPROVAL CALL G PA 813.616.8844 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.THEMORTGAGEFIRMTAMPA.COM View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com Legal Consultation and Referral Service on Mondays by appointment. The service is free and provided by an attorney parishioner. Please call (813) 932-2404 to schedule an appointment. Page 5 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Report Collection for the Week of August 14, 2016 Envelopes and Checks $20,133.50 Loose Collection $2,238.41 Electronic Giving $9,865.50 Total Amount of Collection $32,237.41 Need More Information on? Sacraments Baptisms Presenting a child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism is a serious obligation on the part of the parents and requires the Faith commitment by being a practicing Catholic. Parents are to contact the parish office at 813-875-4040, Ext. 202 before attending the required instruction class. Further information will be given to you at that time. Marriages Call the parish office, 813-875-4040 at least six (6) months before anticipated wedding. All couples must participate in the preparation program mandated by the Diocese after the assessment process has been completed and a wedding date scheduled. Contact the LPMI Office for more information at 727· 344· 1611, ext. 5458 . [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Villit our web page: http://dollp .org/lpmi! Scan (his QR rode w ith your smart phone (0 be direcled \0 OUr ,,·cbsilc. APA 2016 Goal Penance Saturday 2:45p.m.-3:45p.m. , First Friday: following the 8:30a.m. Mass and 6:00p.m. Tuesday: 6:15p.m.-6:45p.m. before the 7:00p.m. Mass and Sunday : 4:15p.m.—4:45p.m. en Español or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Every last Saturday following the 8:30a.m. Mass Ministry to the Sick, Homebound and Hospitalized: Eucharist is brought regularly to the homebound and sick. If you have a relative or friend who can not make it to church and they would like Holy Communion to be brought to them, please call the parish office, provide details and someone will call you as soon as possible to make arrangements, parish office number is as follows 813-875-4040. 2016 Annuol P-"storal Appeal Thank you to $1 53 ,151 04 Rallied all that have made a contribution or pledge to APA! Currently we have $153,674 pledged toward our goal of $279,696 by the generous parishioners of St. Lawrence! Please prayerfully consider joining our brothers and sisters throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg by participating in this vital initiative which provides help to so many in our diocese. Thank you for your continued support! View this bulletin online at www.DiseoverMass.eom August 21, 2016 Upcoming Events Krakow, Poland World Youth Day 2016 K,.kow WYD St. Lawrence Alumni who were part of the Pilgrimage Experience in Krakow, Poland with Pope Francis for World Youth Day 2016! >JX,mmny to get involved with your foster a stronger love of sports team-building atmosphere, you've positive, the right program! We're happy to announce that registration for the 2016 soccer season is now underway! Registration for kids age EC-4 through sixth grade CLOSES August 29, 2016, so visit tampa yap.com today. Hope to see you on the field! 100 parent volun teers are involved football, cheerleading and now pio<:ese. Contact YAP President Page 6 Page 7 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Lawrence – On the Web! Rite of .chri sti an Ini tiation of Adu l ts Another step on your journey towa rd s Ch rist -. R.C.LA. wi ll g ive you: . • A g roup to jo urney w ith . . •- "<-, -\f- "" ..... • O ppo rtuniti es to bui ld a d eeper relationship with Christ • And a bette r understanding of Catholicism . All a re invited to o ur n ex t sessio n o n Wednesday, Au g u st 3J, 20J 6 at 7pm in St. Augustine Room. Fo r more i nformation, contact Neil Kennedy at (813)875-4040, Ex t. 255 o r nken nedy@stl aw rence.org Our new website is an easy way to find out information about St. Lawrence! Today’s website feature is the Calendar section of our website. When you visit www.stlawrence.org, you will see a page like this: Sf. lawrence Cothollc Church If you click here - D You will come to a page like this: St. Lawrence Catholic Church St. lawrence Calendar of Events Saturday Sept 17, 2016 ~ s, .0 T, Christ the King Catholic Church 31 1 2 Mclaughlin Center (behind Church) 1 821 S. Dale Mabry Tampa, Fl 33629 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM 14 21 28 4 $16 includes Hoi Breakfast ~ ""'\;"'" 2016 """ We 3 Th 4 F, • " " " " ,. , , , • 8 22 10 Sa , , 11 12 13 18 19 20 23 24 26 21 30 31 2 3 1 10 Reservations until 9114 or sold out Sorry No walk N. Online: tampamagnificatnet Mall: Ck's Payable Tampa Magni1'lcal Mail to: Peggy Pfeiffer (813-245-7920) 2806 W. Fountain Blvd. Tampa 33609 Sr. Elizabeth Ann Docker is a sister of the Disciples of the Laid Jesus Christ for 12 years. Raised as a protestant in a broken home, she became Catholic while working on a master's degree in music al Southern Methodist University. She travels the US speaking and bringing God's love to those spiritually poor. By clicking or tapping on a particular date, you will see all scheduled activities and events in all buildings on campus. Click or tap on a particular event or activity to receive even more details about that event, including contact information. Our website is mobile friendly! You can visit it from your computer or mobile device! View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com August 21, 2016 View this bulletin online at www.OiscoverMass.com Page 8 Page 9 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time All are Welcome to St. Lawrence Catholic Church ! ¡Todos son bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica de San Lorenzo! Msgr. Michael Muhr Pastor Fr. Chuck Dornquast Parochial Vicar Msgr. Michael Muhr, Párroco P. Chuck Dornquast, Vicario Parroquial Senior Priests In Residence Msgr. Laurence E. Higgins, Pastor Emeritus Fr. Crispin Keating, O.F.M. Assisting Priests Fr. Ramon Hernandez Msgr. Joseph McCahon Fr. Rock Travnikar, O.F.M. Deacons Deacon Greg Lambert Deacon Cris Stout Deacon Julio Vázquez Staff Deacon Cris Stout: Administrator of Pastoral Programs Mrs. Glenda Paschall: Accountant /Office Manager Mrs. Audrey Boston: Director of Sacramental Services Mr. Philip Jakob: Director of Music Mr. Dan Allen: Facilities Manager Ms. Danah Lee: Higgins Hall Events Manager Mrs. Luisa M. Long: Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries and Bulletin Editor Sacerdotes en Residencia Msgr. Laurence E. Higgins, Pastor Emeritus P. Crispín Keating, O.F.M. Sacerdotes Asistente de Habla Español P. Ramon Hernandez, Diáconos Diácono Greg Lambert Diácono Julio Vázquez Diácono Cris Stout Personal Parroquial Diácono Cris Stout: Administrador Parroquial Sra. Glenda Paschall: Gerente de la Oficina Contable Sra. Audrey Boston: Directora de Servicios de Sacramentos Sra. Luisa M. Long: Coordinadora de Ministerios Hispanos Sra. Danah Lee: Gerente de Eventos de SalónHiggins Philip Jakob: Director de Musica Sr. Leo Tellado: Director de Musica en Español Ministries Misas en Español Mrs. Sarah Williford Director Religious Education and Youth Faith Formation Grades Pre-school-4 - through 8th Grade/EDGE Mr. Chris McBride Director of High School Youth Ministry Mr. Neil Kennedy Director of Adult Faith Formation Domingos ~ 5:00 p.m. y Martes ~ 7:00 p.m. For Sacrament of the Sick and Homebound Please call the parish office at 813-875-4040. Confesiónes En Español Martes 6:15 – 6:45pm antes de Misa Domingo 4:15pm ~ 4:45pm antes de Misa Sacramentos Pastorales a los Enfermos Knights of Columbus Council 11830 Alcides Segui, Grand Knight 813-389-2590 Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al 813-875-4040. St. Lawrence Catholic School Mrs. Therese Hernandez Principal Mr. Matthew S. Przybycin—Parents Club President MARTES Sacraments Baptisms Presenting a child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism is a serious obligation on the part of the parents and requires the Faith commitment by being a practicing Catholic. Parents are to contact the parish office at 813-875-4040, Ext. 202 before attending the required instruction class. Further information will be given to you at that time. Ministerios Hispanos Grupo MDS Para Matrimonios Seguiente Salón San Augustin 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Contacte: Edwin y Vicky Perez - 813 449 3209 MIÉRCOLES Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” 7:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. Henry Menendez 813-503-5748 Grupo de Emaús Mujeres 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m Elba Nieves 813-506-3291 Marriages DOMINGO Call the parish office, 813-875-4040 at least six (6) months before anticipated wedding. All couples must participate in the preparation program mandated by the Diocese after the assessment process has been completed and a wedding date scheduled. Rosario Dedicado a Nuestra Santisima Madre La Virgen Maria VIew this bulletin onlln• .t www.DI.cov.rM•••.com Llamado A Servir Queridos hermanos y hermanas, En su libro Reconstruido, el Padre Michael White y Tom Corcoran describen el viaje de su iglesia se llevó a convertirse en una comunidad más vibrante llena de fe. Juntos como una parroquia que compartían la llamada a llegar a aquellos que se habían alejado de la práctica de su fe. El Padre White y Sr. Corcoran afirman su creencia de que la mayor necesidad en nuestras parroquias hoy es un cambio en la actitud de tener la mentalidad de un consumidor a una de ser un discipulado. Hemos sido entrenados todas nuestras vidas para ser consumidores y es fácil con esta mentalidad deslizarse en nuestra vida espiritual y nuestras expectativas con respecto a nuestra fe. A menudo la gente sólo pide lo que voy a recibir. Jesús tenía una perspectiva muy diferente. Llamó a la gente a seguirlo, para convertirse en discípulos y citó que el uno de entre nosotros que sirve el resto es el más grande. Liturgia es una palabra griega que significa el "trabajo de la gente", y así nuestra celebración de la Misa dominical está destinada a ser un encuentro con Dios nuestra vida en la que se nos alimenta con la Palabra de Dios y la Eucaristía, pero al mismo tiempo es una oportunidad para servir unos a los otros en nuestra comunidad de fe. Estamos muy bendecidos por tantas personas que viven esta llamada de servir como los lectores, músicos, ministros de la Eucaristía, sacristanes, servidores de hospitalidad, que dan la bienvenida. Cada fin de semana todos tenemos la oportunidad de recibir a los visitantes, nuevos miembros o para invitar a los que pueden estar lejos de la fe. San Lorenzo es un microcosmos de la Iglesia universal con feligreses de tantos países y culturas diferentes. Nuestra apertura a la riqueza de la fe y la experiencia de otros es también un regalo y el servicio que ofrecemos. Podemos seguir abrazando la llamada de Jesús, que nos envía cada semana para ser la Buena Nueva a todos los que conocemos. ¡Dios los bendiga! Padre Mike Muhr Mas entre vosotros no será así, sino que el que quiera hacerse grande entre vosotros será vuestro servidor, y el que quiera ser el primero entre vosotros será vuestro siervo; como el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos. Mateo 20: 26-28 View this bulletin online at www.OiscoverMass.com 21 de Agosto 2016 Pagina 11 Liturgia Y Eventos Ministerio de Lectores Peregrinaje 28 de Agosto 2016 Lecturas: Nuestra Señora de Aparecida Patrona De Brasil llega a San Lorenzo en su peregrinaje. Primera: John Diaz Segunda: Martha Vergara Oración Para Un Nuevo Obispo Dios todopoderoso y eterno, Pastor que guías a tu pueblo. Te damos gracias por habernos concedido al Obispo Roberto Lynch como obispo nuestro durante los últimos veinte años. Confiados en tu amor durante este tiempo de transición, creemos que, una vez más, darás a la Diócesis de St. Petersburg un pastor que nos inspire a ser el corazón misericordioso de Cristo, su voz de esperanza y sus manos de justicia. Fortalece a nuestro nuevo obispo, para que guíe nuestros pensamientos e ilumine nuestro corazón con la verdad del evangelio, el poder de los sacramentos, y el deseo de servirte en todas las cosas. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén El Santo Rosario Dedicado a Nuestra Santísima Madre "..Qlll&JA ..... I'-..:M .....,. -:-0.,,. MAaJA" €I MI'AIlU N IlUT1IIO" oL'. "Cuo ""'1 DIos No pierdas la gran oportunidad de únirte a rezar el Rosario en la capilla. Todos los Domingos, antes de la Santa Misa de las 5:00p.m. M Todos son bienvenidos! Si esta interesado en participar, por favor vea a el Señor Gabriel Pulido, por telefono 813-679-9886 o correo electronico [email protected]. Este perenigraje nos deja compartir una de las cosas que nos une como católicos comprometidos: ¡nuestro amor y devoción por la Madre de Dios! Rito' de Iniciacion C ri stiana para A dultos Un Paso en su Camino Hacia Cristo -. R'.l.C.A. Ie ofresera : • La Oportunidad de . .: Aprender en genera l sobre las creencias de la Iglesia Catolica • Tiempo para examinar su decision • Oracion y reflex ion . .....--- ;;~! Personas interesadas estan in vitadas a nu estra proxima sesion el Lunes, 29 de Agosto, 2016 a las 7pm en Sa lon Thomas en Higgins. ~ Para mas informacion contacte a Lu isa M . Long (813)875-4040, Ex t. 251 lIong@stl aw rence.org View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com Pagina 12 Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario MISA EN HONOR A 00 (f!]Q[)®~~[J@ ©®UlJ@[?@ d e la a d e l Cob r e I!"""--. '-..;alli qf PATRONA DE CUBA, MADRE DE TODOS CELEBRADA POR EL Mons. Arnaldo Fernandez Berroa Nacio en Cienfuegos en 1937 y fue ordenado Sacerdote en Roma en 1964. Es Vicario General de la Diocesis de Santa Clara. Jueves,8 de Septiembre 2016 a las 7:30p.m. Lugar : Parroquia San Lorenzo 5225 N . Himes Ave . Tampa , Fl . 33614 - 6623 ESQUINA DE HILLSBOROUGH Y HIMES AVENUE-TAMPA View this bulletin online at www.OiscoverMsss.com 21 de Agosto 2016 Pagina 13 Papa Francisco: Con la Asunción de María vemos cómo Dios eleva a los humildes: En el mensaje previo al rezo del Ángelus por la Solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María, el 15 de agosto, el Papa Francisco subrayó que en esta día vemos “que el Señor derriba a los poderosos de su trono y eleva a los humildes”. El Evangelio de hoy, señaló el Papa, presenta “el encuentro entre María y su prima Isabel, subrayando que ‘María partió y fue sin demora a un pueblo de la montaña de Judá’”. “En aquellos días, María corría hacia una pequeña ciudad a los alrededores de Jerusalén para encontrar a Isabel. Hoy, en cambio, la contemplamos en su camino hacia la Jerusalén celeste, para encontrar finalmente el rostro del Padre y volver a ver el rostro de su Hijo Jesús”. El Santo Padre destacó que la Virgen “muchas veces en su vida terrena había recorrido zonas montañosas, hasta la última etapa dolorosa del Calvario, asociada al misterio de la pasión de Cristo. Ahora la vemos llegar a la montaña de Dios, ‘revestida del sol, con la luna bajo sus pies y una corona de doce estrellas en su cabeza’ –como dice el Libro del Apocalipsis– y la vemos cruzar el umbral de la patria celeste”. Santa María, indicó el Papa, “ha sido la primera en creer en el Hijo de Dios, y es la primera de nosotros en ser elevada al cielo en alma y cuerpo”. “Fue la primera en recibir y tomar en brazos a Jesús cuando era todavía niño y es la primera en ser recibida en sus brazos para ser introducida en el Reino eterno del Padre”. El Santo Padre destacó que “María, la humilde y simple muchacha de un pueblo perdido de las periferias del imperio romano, justamente porque ha recibido y vivido el Evangelio, es admitida por Dios a estar para la eternidad junto al Hijo”. “Es así que el Señor derriba a los poderosos de su trono y eleva a los humildes”. El misterio de la Asunción de María es grande, dijo, y “se refiere a cada uno de nosotros, concierne nuestro futuro”. “María, de hecho, nos precede en el camino en la cual están encaminados aquellos que, mediante el Bautismo, han ligado su vida a Jesús, como María ligó a Él su propia vida”. El Papa señaló que el regocijo de María, expresado en el canto del Magníficat, “se convierte en el canto de la humanidad entera, que se complace en ver al Señor inclinarse sobre todos los hombres y todas las mujeres, humiles creaturas, y llevarlos con Él al cielo”. “Y el cantico de María nos lleva también a pensar en tantas situaciones dolorosas actuales, en particular a aquellas, de las mujeres oprimidas por el peso de la vida y del drama de la violencia, de las mujeres esclavas de la prepotencia de los poderosos, de las niñas obligadas a trabajos deshumanos, de las mujeres obligadas a rendirse en el cuerpo y en el espíritu a la concupiscencia de los hombres”. El Papa Francisco expresó su deseo de que para estas mujeres pueda llegar pronto “el inicio de una vida de paz, de justicia, de amor, en espera del día en el cual finalmente se sentirán tomadas por manos que no las humillan, sino con ternura las levantan y las conducen en el camino de la vida, hasta el cielo”. “Y pidamos al Señor que Él mismo las lleve en sus manos por el camino de la vida y las libere de estas esclavitudes”, dijo. Papa Francisco Vaticano-15 de Agosto 2016 VIew this bulletin online at www.DlscoverMau.com View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com EST TAMPA DOOR Be HARDWARE Ul offer you my personal attention ••• alwaysf#1 Cadillac Sales Consultant 13 years In a row. 23 years experience. new. pre-owned. certlfled - sales a leasing COX'S SEAFOOD MARKET WHOLESALE & RETAIL RICHARD COX 879·5084 (813) 484-9033 6821 N. Dale Mabry • Tampa, Florida SINUS PAIN & PRESSURE? No Surgery. No Downtime. RANDALL C. LATORRE, MD American Board of Otolaryngology st. Paul's Parishioner Youllifo. Our specialty. CARROLLWOOD PLUMBING SERVICE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE PH. 876 . .5786 JERRY PEREZ, Pari shioner AUTO- HOME - LIFE • HEALTH PHONE 931-3000 Parishioner BRITTANY VILLA, ARNP Board Certified Nurse Practitioner St. lawrenc::e's Parishioner 813.908.8585 C A T ~c::: THE 875-2000 2322 W Cypress Sf. ~--------------------------~----~-------- Fine Catering And Affordable Elegance PATRICK STORCH, BRANCH MANAGER THE M O RTGA · E F ,I RM Litigation, Appeals, Business Law, Land Use & Personal Injury TAMPA 813.229.2775 www.dgfirm.com 101 East Kennedr Blvd./Ste 2000 Tampa, F 33602 Proud Sponsor of Humane Society of Tampa Bay & Southeastern Guide Dogs 6402 W. Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33634 mastrosubaru.com 813-884-7513 FiatExtraordznary 50QL ~KS -... __ ----- ofWESL YCHAPEL For People! 28647 State Road 54· 813-99L-3428 FiatU~'aOfWesleJ'Cltapel.col" Your Church is closer than you think ... 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