St Anthony Catholic Church
St Anthony Catholic Church
JANUARY 18, 2015 ● SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Welcome to the Catholic parish of St. Anthony PARISH CONTACTS Pastor, Rev. Andrew Semler, Ext. 225 Email ...... [email protected] Parochial Vicar, Rev. Sinu Joseph Phone ........................................... Ext. 259 Email ........ [email protected] Deacon, Wally Gove Phone .............................. 972-276-0983 Email ...................... [email protected] Deacon, Randy Wilson Email [email protected] Parish Secretary, Debbie Conway Phone ………………………...Ext. 224 Email .......... [email protected] Receptionist, Linda Miranda Ext. 100 Email .............. [email protected] Faith Formation: Grades KN-12th, Lucy Cavazos, Ext 226 Email ............... [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper: Darcy Wellbrock Phone ........................................... Ext. 227 Email ............ [email protected] Safe Environment Coordinator, Terry Amaro Phone ........................................... Ext. 223 Email .............. [email protected] Maintenance: Bill Kane Phone .............................. 214-704-8009 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon - Thurs 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. CONFESSIONS Sat: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. and Wed, 6:00 - 6:20 p.m. Or by appointment. ADORATION Mondays 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (Spanish) MASS TIMES SUNDAY 7:30 & 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. (English) SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Obligation) MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. (Daily); Wed, 6:30 p.m. 404 NORTH BALLARD AVENUE | WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 | 972-442-2765 | WWW.SAINT-ANTHONY.COM 2 Please pray for the sick, those facing surgery, JANUARY 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY SATURDAY JANUARY 17, 2015 5:00 p.m. Trent Gibson 7th birthday SUNDAY JANUARY 18, 2015 7:30 a.m. +Rodolfo Rivas by Fred & Dee Whitfill 10:30 a.m. “Pro Populo” 12:30 p.m. +Thomas Stanley and Helen Patricia Lowes by Maria 5:30p.m. +Margaret Fetzer by JoAnn Hunt Please pray for the sick, those facing surgery, those recovering from surgery and those in need of healing, and all that are listed in the book of Intentions. And for all who have died that they are rejoicing in the eternal home of God. MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015 9:00 a.m. Mass Intention: +Bob Ackerman by Tom & Carole Fleming Reading I: Hebrews 5:1-10 Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 9:00 a.m. Mass Intention: +Bob Ackerman by Tom & Carole Fleming Reading I: Hebrews 6:10-20 Gospel: Mark 2:23-28 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2015 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Mass Intention: +Bob Ackerman by Tom & Carole Fleming Mass Intention: Chuck & Laraine Milkiewicz Reading I: Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17 Gospel: Mark 3:1-6 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 9:00 a.m. Mass Intention: +Bob Ackerman by Tom & Carole Fleming Reading I: Hebrews 7:25-8:6 Gospel: Mark 3:7-12 FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015 9:00 a.m. Mass Intention: +Bob Ackerman by Tom & Carole Fleming Reading: Hebrews 8:6-13 Gospel: Mark 3:13-19 SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mass Intention: Martin & Karla Warborg 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass Intention: +Antonio Gonzalez by DelaCruz family Reading I: Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14 Gospel: Mark 3:20-21 THE GIFT OF GENEROSITY We thank everyone who has supported Saint Anthony. If you need a convenient way to make regular offerings, St. Anthony encourages you to look into our egiving options. Online giving accounts for any exchange of funds outside of paper money (that means cash or check). This includes automated bank drafts, online bill pay, credit cards, debit cards, etc. As the pace of life speeds up, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit If you, as a communicant, suspect the onset of the flu or are simply not feeling healthy, you are asked to refrain from receiving the cup. Please be respectful with others to your own personal health situation. Si usted como un comulgante, sospecha de la aparición de la gripe o simplemente no se siente saludable, se le pide que se abstengan de recibir la copa. Por favor sea respetuoso con los demás a su propia situación de salud personal. For those who are not feeling well, please note a simpler gesture (a smile, a bow of the head) to accompany the words of peace which people exchange is permissible during the flu season. Para los que no se sienten bien, tenga en cuenta un gesto más simple (una sonrisa, una inclinación de la cabeza) para acompañar las palabras de paz que la gente intercambia es permitido durante la temporada de la gripe. MASS COLLECTION COLECCIÓN DE LA MISA JANUARY 11, 2015 ~ 11 DE ENERO 2015 Collection / Colección .......................................... $25,855.00 Attendance ......................................................................... 2368 January—Children’s Collection is for St. James FAMILIAS DE OFERTORIO Celebren su cumpleaños, aniversario, o de gracias llevando las ofrendas al altar y reciban una bendición durante la Misa de 12:30. Para más información contacte Yolanda Almodovar—214-779-2325. 3 SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS English Baptisms are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday of the month at 6:00p.m. Please contact the parish office to schedule the baptism. The parents and sponsors must take a baptismal preparation class. Baptismal preparation classes are offered the 3rd Saturday of each month at10:00 a.m. in old white church in English Please call the parish office to register. Baptismal preparation for children ages 7 to 14 is handled in the Faith Formation Program. BAUTISMO En español: el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10 de la mañana. Las clases son ofrecidas el tercero sábado de cada mas a las 10 de la mañana. Por favor llame la oficina para registrarse. MARRIAGES Marriage preparation requires a minimum of 6 months. Both parties must be free to marry in the Catholic Church. MATRIMONIO Preparación de matrimonio requieren un minimo de 6 meses. Ambas partes deben ser libres de casarse en la Iglesia Católica. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Notify the parish office to receive the Sacrament of healing. EL SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS Si usted está enfermo y quiere recibir la Santa Comunión por favor notifica la oficina de la parroquia. CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the parish office of any homebound or hospitalized. EUCARISTIA LOS ENFERMOS Estamos extendiendo el ministerio de llevar la Eucarisía a los enfermos que no pueden salir de su casa. Las visitas serán los domingos despues de la misa de 12:30 p.m. y serán en español. Si desea que alguien le visite llama por favor a la oficina de la Iglesia para que lo antoen en la llsta para ser vlsitados. N1.1mero de Ia iglesla: 972-442-2765. NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH One of the many things difficult at the time of the death of a loved one is the planning of the Mass of Christian Burial and having all the information that is necessary for all of the other planning. In the parish office we have material that will assist you with this. Please stop by and pick up some of these materials. GROUP QUINCE AÑOS The traditional Quinceañera Mass will be celebrated three (3) times a year as a group. The family must be registered members at St Anthony and must contact the parish office to schedule a meeting with the Quinceañera consultant to determine if the young lady has fulfilled the requirements to celebrate the traditional Mass. The Quinceañera must be registered and attending Faith Formation classes at St Anthony one year prior to the celebration and continue the classes through the 12th grade. CONTACTOS PARROQUIAL HISPANOS Lectores: Eva Ramirez, 972·442·9571 Acomodadores: Richard Ramirez, 972-442-9571 GROUP QUINCE AÑOS La misa tradicional de Quinceaiiera sera celebre Ires (3) veces al año como un grupo. La familia deben ser miembros registrados en St. Anthony y ponerse en contacto con la oficina parroquial para programer una reunión con la consultora Qulnceañera para determiner si la dama joven ha cumplido con los requisites para celebrar la misa tradicional. Las Quinceañeras deben ser registradas y asistiendo clases de Formaci6n de Fe en St. Anthony un año antes de la celebraci6n y deben seguir asistiendo las clases hasta el grade 12ce. Ministros de Eucaristia: Margaret Estrada, 972-530-3829 Familias de Ofertorio: Yolanda Almodóver, 214-779-2325 4 UPCOMING EVENTS DATE & TIME EVENT Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:00PM Hispanic Choir practice, in SPH (NURSERY) 2nd Wednesday of the Month SASSY meets in Father Pondant Hall at 10:00am St. Anthony’s Seniors Staying Young Every Thursday at 7:00PM Cada Jueves a las 7:00PM Baptismal Classes February 21st ,(English) Clase de Bautismo, de Febrero 21st (Spanish) Call office to Register for Class 972-442-2765 Reminder: Communion Service followed by exposition, adoration and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Recordatorio: Servicio de communion seguido con exposiciόn, adoraciόn y bendiciόn del Santisimo Sacramento. Baptism Class (English) meets in White Church @10:00AM Clase de Bautismo (Spanish) meets in the Choir Room in Father Pondant Hall @10:00AM CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS UPCOMING EVENTS MEET THE 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:00PM IN FATHER PONDAT HAL Catholic Daughters will be selling wings and briskets for super bowl Sunday, January 31st and February 1st after all Masses. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS UPCOMING EVENTS 2ND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH 7:00PM Meet in Father Pondant Hall SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Knights of Columbus Pancake Brunch “The Catholic Daughters are sponsoring a blood drive in Fr. Pondant Hall on Sunday, February 8th, from 8am-2pm. Please give the gift of life and sign up in the narthex after Mass today. “ JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS USUALLY MEETS THE 2ND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH AT 2:30 PM, BUT OUR NEXT MEETING WILL BE FEBRUARY 21ST, 2015 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A SQUIRE OR NEED INFORMATION ABOUT THE SQUIRES PLEASE CALL PAT FLETCHER AT 972-771-9878 5 The first Safe Environment class of the new year will be Tuesday, January 20th at 7pm in Fr. Pondant Hall. This class will be for those needing to update their training or if you are interested in volunteering for the first time. For any questions please contact Terry in the church office. STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE for fall 2015 ACCESS APPLICATIONS AT PARISH WEBSITE then click on Organizations/CDA SCHOLARSHIPS are available from the Jean Davidson Fund for catholic male or female applicants from St. Anthony parish—$1000 for college, $250 for Catholic High School, and $50 for Home School. Application due date is Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Local awards will be made on Mother’s Day. Texas State CDA Court Memorial Fund $1000 scholarship will be awarded to an applicant (male or female) entering college in the fall of 2015. Must be postmarked to Texas State CDA Court by January 31, 2015. CDA National Court will award a $500 scholarship to an 8th grade (male or female) catholic student entering the 9th grade in the fall of 2015 to a Catholic school and a $500 scholarship to an 8th grade (male or female) catholic student entering a Public or Private High School. Entries must be postmarked to National by May 1, 2015. CDA National Court is offering two Father Leonard Bachmann Graduate Scholarships in the amount of $3000 and $1000 for Catholic students (male or female) who have completed UNDERGRADUATE studies and who desire assistance for tuition in order to continue studies on the graduate level. Application and required support materials must be postmarked to National by May 1, 2015. For information contact a Scholarship Committee Member: Karla Warborg Ronnie Fetzer Donna Rowe Felicia Fitzpatrick Lee Bates Lori Griffin 972-941-8266 972-442-1387 972-422-5027 972-442-1233 972-442-9069 603-540-4194 Yvonne Martinez, Regent St. Anthony CDA Court #2486 214-274-3142 NOTE: For information about scholarships offered by the Knights of Columbus, contact Richard Ramirez at 469-323-7135 We thank all those who participated in our Commitment Weekend for our Parish Capital Campaign “Caring for our Present, Planning for our Future”, which took place on December 14th - 15th. For those that were not here, or have not yet participated, we encourage you to please join our other parish families by making a response to our Campaign, either by a sacrificial pledge or a response “Praying” for our future Family Life Center. You may fill out a pledge card in the pew and include it in the offertory, or bring it by the parish office. As a parish family, we desire a 100% response of every parish family or individual. “Join other moms at Saint Anthony Moms for food, fun, and fellowship. We meet during the school year on the first Monday of the month, from 6-8PM. For more information, please contact Hannelore Le at Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your generosity to the Collection for the Church in Latin America is invaluable to the future of the faith in this region. Your donations will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formation. Please give with a joyful and generous heart. Please support programs like these and give generously in next week’s collecton. La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta para la lglesia en América Latina. Su generosidad en la Colecta para la lglesia en América Latina es inestimable para el future de la fe en esta región. Sus donativos financiarán programas de catequesis, matrimonio y vida familiar y la formación de seminaristas. Por favor, contribuyan con un corazón gaeneroso y lleno de gozo. Por favor, apoyen a programas como éstos y contribuyan generosamente en la colecta de la próxi- The 4th annual North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference is scheduled for Saturday February 7th at the Hurst Convention Center, 1601 Campus Dr., Hurst, Tx. Check in will begin at 7am. The conference will last from 8am –4pm. This year the conference is blessed once again to have a lineup of great speakers: Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and Bishop Michael Olson! To register go to Promotional materials can be found in the back of the church. 6 ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH CONTACTS Altar Servers Gene Martinez 972-442-2765 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Ned Pinaroc 972-853-2136 Archive/History Karla Warborg 972-941-8266 Our Lady of Schoenstatt June Danker Catholic Daughters Yvonne Martinez 214-274-3142 Pastoral Council Jennifer Holloway Columbian Squires Pat Fletcher 972-771-9878 Prayer Poncho Ministry Darwin Blanchard 469-366-6444 Come Holy Spirit Joan Manker 972-734-2825 Pro Life Mike Cole 972-442-3355 Eucharistic Ministry Warren Bissig 972-422-4742 RCIA Director Jeff Vehige 972-461-2797 Fall Festival Lourdes Genera 972-897-3708 Retreats—Men Chris Starr 972-853-2371 Flowers Contact the office 972-442-2765 Retreats—Women Joan Swirczynski 972-442-6708 Giving Tree Margarete Swayden 214-850-2624 Sacristans Guild Margaret Hersley 972-422-2141 Habitat for Humanity Kyle Thornton 214-394-0531 Safe Environment Terry Amaro 972-442-2765 Hispanic Representative Eva Ramirez 972-442-9571 Speakers Guild Mike Cole 972-442-3355 214-208-7514 Homebound Visitation Representatives Felicia Fitzpatrick 972-442-1233 Gerry Whitt 972-672-6498 St. Anthony Gift Shop/Tienda de Regalos Religiosa Felicia Fitzpatrick 972-442-1233 Home School Amy McDermott 972-442-6364 St. Anthony Moms Hannelore Le 972-461-0875 JCDA Janice Harkins 972-429-8989 St. Anthony Seniors (SASSY) George Casmir 972-881-7546 Knights of Columbus Chris Starr 972-853-2371 St. Vincent de Paul Society Assistance Hotline 972-648-6000 Lectors Warren Bissig 972-422-4742 Ushers John Swirczynski 972-442-6708 Little Saints & Scholars Sabrina Worral 972-442-6076 Wedding Coordinator Debbie Conway/Linda Miranda 972-442-2765 Marriage Encounter (Spanish) Pedro & Margaret Estrada 972-530-3829 Welcome Committee Casey Williams 214-502-6243 Music Ken Frerichs 214-773-5460 Young Adult group Luis Villarreal 214-732-9426 Nursery 972-442-2765