Week ending September 7th: Contents


Week ending September 7th: Contents
Week ending September 7th:
PTA Directory Information
PTA Membership Information
Grocery Rewards
Girls on the Run Information
Chess Club
After School Sports Information
Family Science Night 9/27
Community Flyers for Oak Hill’s VFF
Volunteer Orientation Sessions
Counselor’s Letter to Parents
Reston Interfaith Program Information
Ecumenical Community Helping Others--English & Spanish
NephCure 5K run/1K walk
FFX County Immunization Clinics
FFX County Health Department Clinics--English & Spanish
Income Verification Letter
Welcome to the 2012-2013
School Year!
The Oak Hill PTA is pleased to announce that this year we will be partnering with A to Z
Directories to compile our school directory. As part of your Oak Hill PTA membership, you will
receive access to an Oak Hill directory mobile app as well as a hard copy directory for 20122013. You will quickly find out the directory is a great tool for on-the-go parents to keep up with
planning children’s activities and play dates.
To receive directory information, please include [email protected] in the
safe sender list of your email program.
Current Oak Hill Families: An email informing parents how to log into the system was sent from
this address last year. Keep this information in a safe place as it will allow you to manage your
family information while at Oak Hill Elementary. Once logged in, we are asking every family to
ensure that an email address is entered and correct. Household information will be used to
compile the directory, so please check for accuracy and completeness. If your login information
is no longer available to you, please contact Michelle Doucette [email protected] to
verify we have your correct email address and to receive your login information.
New families may go online to http://schooldirectoryupdate.com/desktop/login.php and select
“Join as a New Family” to Oak Hill Elementary. Login information will be sent once the school
has verified the student’s registration or transfer to Oak Hill Elementary.
Log into the system and update your information soon. We are hoping to achieve 100% parent
verification by Sept. 15, 2012 for an accurate PTA directory and NEW directory mobile app.
Parents also have the option, through verification, to purchase an ad in the “Kids Classifieds”
portion of the directory.
For questions or directory advertising information, please contact the Directory Coordinator,
Michelle Doucette at [email protected].
It’s a brand new year! Let’s start out by supporting our school in a very important way.
This is our ONE AND ONLY fundraising effort. There are no fundraisers throughout the
year in which we will have to participate. The money we use to run all PTA sponsored programs comes from you and your membership donations!
With pledge amounts of $75 (for a family with one student) or $100 (for family with 2
students) you will receive: PTA Membership for 2 adults, Free family admission to fall dance, 2 free
tickets to either Fall Festival OR Oak-Hill vs. Lees Corner Basketball, and new this year access to the
new online directory! You can try it free until Saturday, September 15.
This year you are able to pledge online. This an easy and affordable way to support Oak Hill.
Please go to: http://oakhillpta.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=default and donate today to
invest in your child’s experience at Oak Hill!
Every year Oak Hill must re-register all grocery store reward cards. Let the Oak Hill PTA do
the work for you.
1) E-mail the information listed below to [email protected]
2) OR fill out the form and turn it into the school office. You will then start earning money
for Oak Hill Elementary. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the form.
You can also go to the store or the store’s website to sign up your card.
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone: (_____)_______-______________ Email: ______________________________
Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Giant Bonus Card # _______________________________________________ (12 digits)
School #01962
Food Lion Card # _________________________________________________ (12 digits)
School # 219,441
Harris Teeter VIC Card # ____________________________________________ (11 digits)
School #5407
Safeway Club Card # ______________________________________________ (11 digits)
www.escrip.com Group ID #6608471
OHES Office, Please put in the PTA Shop & Save folder.
Chess Club!
Oak Hill PTA Sponsored
Mondays, 12:55 pm - 1:55 pm
Optional Tournament Training from 1:55 – 3:10
(see the box below for more information on tournament
September 24 – December 17
No chess club on October 8 or November 5
Kids of all levels from K-6 are welcome to join
All equipment provided
Chess Club meets in the cafeteria
Chess Club Tuition: $120
Tournament Training Tuition: $150
Students must be registered prior to attending
Registration will be available online from
Friday, September 7 – Friday, September 21
Children in the Oak Hill Chess Club now have the option of joining
Tournament Training, which meets immediately after chess club on Monday
afternoons. Tournament Training is meant for children that are more
serious about the game and wish to improve. Students use play rated
tournament games and use scoresheets almost every week, and the focus
is on playing slower games and analyzing students’ games to learn from
mistakes. Participants in tournament training must join the US Chess
Federation which costs $17/year.
Register online at oakhillpta.org
Click on Online Payments on the left side of the site
Additional questions can either go to Silver Knights Chess at
[email protected] or (703) 574-2070
After School Sports at Oak Hill ES!
Tuesday Sports Spectacular
$85 per child
Grades K-3rd $80
3:25 - 4:25pm Starts 9/25 (8 Weeks)
Do you love to play sports? Then you'll love Sports Spectacular!
Each week we'll play a different sport or game including: basketball, soccer, flag football, kickball, capture the flag, tag games and
MORE! Get moving with games like Bump and Bite, Knights and
Dragons, the Numbers Game, and Safe Base. We'll work on teamwork, sportsmanship and fitness, all while having FUN.Sign
up today!
Thursday All Star Sports Scrimmaging
Grades 4th-6th $80
$85 per child
3:25 - 4:25pm Starts 9/27 (8 Weeks)
Play Ball! Come join OTA for our ALL games ALL the time after
school program. The All Star Sports Scrimmaging program features a variety of sports (basketball, soccer, flag football, etc.) and
will be structured as a REAL GAME from start to finish. Choose up
sides and get ready to play! Coaches will organize each game to
teach kids the rules of competition, team play, and sportsmanship.
We have always believed athletes get better the more they play.
Here is your chance! This organized scrimmage every week will
give players the opportunity to test new skills and get more comfortable in game situations. Come be a part of our TEAM!
Check out our Birthday Parties!
Oak Hill is offering 2 new multi-sport classes this fall: Sports Spectacular is designed for K-3 students
OTA will provide the coaches, equipment, and a gift bag for the birthday child.
which will start on Tuesday
September 25th and All Star Sport Scrimmaging for 4th-6th graders that
Choose from any activity in our catalogue!
will start on Thursday September 27th. Each of these classes is 8 sessions long over the course of 8
weeks and limited to 30 Contact
each. On-line
registration is through the PTA website (www.oakh(703) 437-1200
[email protected]
illpta.org, click on After
School Programs)
and is open for registration. Please see the Virtual Friday
Folder or PTA website for more details. If you have any questions, please contact David Edgington
[email protected]
Family Science Night coming soon!
Please join us on Thursday, Sept 27th. Exciting and engaging hands on
science activities for all ages, presented by the Northern VA Children’s
Science Center. 10+ stations and activities; promoting STEM (Science,
Tech, Engr, Math); fun and educational for the whole family. Details to
follow in next week’s VFF. $2/person or $5/family.
Oak Hill Elementary School will allow community
organizations a one time opportunity this fall to
send Virtual Flyers home in the September 21st
Virtual Friday Folder.
Your organization needs to send me an e-mail with
the flyer as an attachment to include it on our Virtual
Friday Folder no later than Tuesday,
September 18, 2012.
If you have any questions please call
Miriam Rutherford at 703-467-3500.
If you would like to be a school/classroom/cafeteria volunteer this year, we
will be having several volunteer orientation meetings. Our first orientation
is planned for Monday, September 10 at 5:45-6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Please complete and return this form indicating which session you will
If you have attended an orientation in previous years, you do NOT have to
attend one this year.
Parent’s Name______________________________
Child(ren’s) Name(s)_________________________
Teacher (s)__________________________________
I will be able to attend:
Mon., September 10 - 5:45 – 6:00 PM (cafeteria)
Wed., September 12 - 5:45 – 6:00 PM (cafeteria)
Wed., September 19 - 8:45 – 9:00 AM (cafeteria)
Wed., November 14 - 8:45 - 9:00 AM (cafeteria)
Counselors’ Corner
Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year at Oak Hill Elementary School! We are very excited
about working with all of the Oak Hill students! Kimberly Gallagher (formerly Sharp) is
returning to Oak Hill as our full-time counselor and will be working with first, third, fifth, and
sixth grade general education. Christy Ryder is back as one of our part-time school counselors
and will be working with fourth grade and sixth grade AAC on Wednesdays, Fridays, and
alternating Tuesdays. Please welcome Melissa Cochrane to Oak Hill as our new part-time
counselor. Melissa will be working with kindergarten and second grade on Thursdays, Fridays and
alternating Tuesdays.
What are school counselors?
School counselors are helpers in the school who work with students, parents, administrators,
and teachers. We address all students’ academic, personal/social, and career needs through a
comprehensive school counseling program. School counselors have at least a master’s degree in
school counseling and have been specially trained to address the developmental needs of all
What do school counselors do?
School counselors talk with individual students, meet with students in small groups, teach
classroom guidance lessons, hold lunch bunches, and work as a team with teachers, parents, and
administrators. We also coordinate programs such as the Oakie Pal Mentoring Program, 504
Plans, Peer Mediation, and outreach programs.
How can my child meet with the counselor?
Children can request an initial visit with the counselor by using the available forms outside of
the counselor’s office. Parents, teachers, and administrators can also refer students. Parents
are invited to call and/or make an appointment to see us. We are happy to discuss resources
and services that may help children and families.
are some reasons a student might want to come and talk to the school counselor:
“Some kids in my class and I had a problem at recess. Can you help us work it out?”
“I would like to get better grades on my report card and I am not sure where to start.”
“I am getting bullied at the bus stop. Can you help me?”
are some reasons a parent might refer their child to the school counselor:
“My child doesn't want to go to school in the morning."
"My daughter is having trouble staying organized at home and at school."
"I am about to get remarried and my child has been having difficulty adjusting to the
Here are some reasons teachers or administrators might refer a child to the school counselor:
• "A student in my class is absent a lot."
• "A particular student is new to our school and it might be helpful for him to have lunch
with you and some new friends."
• "I've noticed my student seems distracted and anxious lately."
"One of my students is consistently turning in homework late or not at all and I am
concerned about her study skills.”
Meet the counselors…
Kimberly grew up in a military family that moved around a lot! She has lived in Germany, Arizona,
Hawaii, Nevada (Las Vegas), Georgia, and Virginia. She received her undergraduate degree from
Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!) and her Graduate Degree from Valdosta State University in Georgia.
Kimberly got married last December to another Hokie graduate and has a Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel named, Beau Walker, who she adores and talks about all of the time. She enjoys going to
Bethany Beach, watching college football, and working with your kids!!
Christy grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, and is a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. She received
her teaching degree from James Madison University and her school counseling degree from
Virginia Tech. Christy and her husband are proud parents of Caroline, 4, and Craig, 2. In her
free time, Christy enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, and playing
volleyball in her neighborhood league. She is looking forward to another exciting year at Oak
Melissa is joining us from Fairfax Villa Elementary School and also grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. In
fact, she and Christy grew up within miles of each other and graduated from the same high
school. Melissa received her undergraduate degree from Penn State University and her school
counseling degree from Marymount University. Melissa has a 2 year old daughter named Sydney
and enjoys exercising and walking her dog, Kuma. She is thrilled to join the Oak Hill family!
How can I contact the counselor?
Kimberly Gallagher
703-467-3575 and [email protected]
Christy Ryder
703-467-3575 and [email protected]
Melissa Cochrane
703-467- 3519 and [email protected]
We are looking forward to a great year! Please visit our Blackboard course for more
information about the school counseling program.
Kimberly Gallagher, Christy Ryder, and Melissa Cochrane
Es un programa académico efectuado en las
tardes para niños de tercer hasta séptimo grado
que necesiten reforzar sus habilidades básicas en
la lectura, escritura, deletreo y matemática..
Profesores profesionales, con la ayuda de
profesores voluntarios, dirigen clases pequeñas
de estudiantes, proveen ayuda con las tareas y
repasan de forma creativa los conceptos de
lenguaje y matemáticas. Los profesores del
programa trabajan muy de cerca con los padres
y profesores de las escuelas para crear un plan de
aprendizaje individual para las necesidades de
cada niño. El programa no tiene ningún.
Niños de 3ro, 4to, 5to, 6to y 7to grado
participan en el programa referidos por sus
profesores de las escuelas de Herndon:
Clearview, Herndon (primaria), McNair, Floris,
Hutchison, Coates, Oak Hill, Fox Mill, Rachel
Carson, Dranesville y Herndon (intermedia).
Las clases son de lunes a jueves en las tardes de
7 a 8:30pm en el Centro de Recursos (Herndon
Neighborhood Resource Center) ubicado en el
1086 Elden Street en el Dulles Park Shopping
Center en Herndon.
Reston Interfaith es uno de los principales
proveedores de servicios que ofrece
programas completas en el área de Herndon-
Reston. Nuestros principales programas son
los siguientes:
viviendas asequibles por medio de la
adquisición y administración de unidades de
vivienda, sean para una sola familia o
multiples familias.
Recursos para Seguir Adelante: Nuestros
reconocidos programas de servicios sociales
ofrecen servicios profesionales de apoyo para
familias trabajando o en situación de riesgo,
para que puedan seguir el camino a la
Refugio Comunitario Embry Rucker—
ofrece refugio y servicios completos para
las familias y los individuos sin hogar,
transiciónal y de violencia doméstica.
Laurel Learning Center— ofrece a las
familias de bajos y moderados ingresos un
programa de cuidado de niños de alta
calidad, enfocado en su buen desarrollo.
alojamiento estable para familias al
mismo tiempo que los padres reciban
apoyo en la educación o la formación
profesional. También, participan en la
gestión intensiva de su caso, con un
trabajador social, con el objetivo de
hacerse dueño de una vivienda.
Recursos del Vecindario: Nos asociamos con
la comunidad para proporcionar ayuda
alimentaria de emergencia / ayuda financiera,
información y referencias, consejería de
vivienda, y otros apoyos para evitar crisis y
proporcionar la estabilidad de la familia. Nos
asociamos con centros comunitarios en los
vecindarios de bajos ingresos, ofreciendo una
gama de programas para adultos y jóvenes,
proporcionando un ambiente seguro y
saludable y que ofrece ayuda práctica para los
padres que trabajan y otros adultos residentes.
¿CuÁles son Los Apoyos
EconÓmicos que Recibe el
Programa de Enriquecimiento?
El programa recibe financiación del
Consolidated Community Funding Pool del
Condado de Fairfax, donaciones privadas y
contribuciones en especie.
Con regularidad contratamos profesores, así
como profesores ayudantes voluntarios.
También, necesitamos donaciones de libros,
nuevos o un poco usados, que son apropriados
para los grados 1-7.
Contactarse con la Gerente del Programa
Minnie Orozco,
[email protected]
Por favor ayúdenos y ayude a sus hijos
siguiendo las siguientes reglas:
Traiga y recoja a sus hijos
programa es de 6 a 7:30 pm
martes/jueves, o 6 a 7:30 pm
Asegúrese que sus hijos asistan a cada
del programa.
profesores necesitan colaborar
usted para así atender mejor a
Asegúrese que sus hijos traigan todas
las tareas a la clase. Nosotros
ayudaremos a que las terminen.
Sus hijos no deben de traer comida ni
bebidas a las clases.
Sus hijos están participando en el
programa bajo la referencia de sus
profesores, por eso hermanos o
amistades no pueden acompañar a sus
hijos a clases hasta que ellos tengan
una referencia apropiada.
Nota: El programa sigue el horario de las
escuelas públicas del condado de Fairfax.
Si las escuelas están cerradas por días
feriados o mal tiempo, el programa estará
cerrado también.
All Dulles Area Muslim Society
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
Congregation Beth Emeth
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Heritage Fellowship United Church of Christ
Herndon Friends Meeting
Herndon United Methodist Church
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Martin Luther King, Jr. Christian Church
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
St. Thomas à Becket Catholic Church
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
The Church of the Good Shepherd
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston
United Christian Parish
Washington Plaza Baptist Church
Este program ha recibido un apoyo financiero
por medio de una donación del Consolidated
Community Funding Pool del Condado de
Programa de
Académico de
Reston Interfaith, Inc.
11150 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite
Reston, Virginia 20190
Teléfono o TTY (571) 323-9555
Fax (571) 323-9554
CFC #8177
United Way of the
National Capital Area
Programa Fortalecimiento Académico de Herndon
Formulario de Inscripción de Estudiantes
Instrucciones Para Padres:
Muchas de al preguntas exigen información privada. Esto se debe al hecho que el programa recibe
fondos del condado de Fairfax. El condado nos exige documentar información sobre nuestros
participantes. Gracias para su cooperación. Su información siempre se mantendrá confidencial.
Para más información, favor de contactar Minnie Orozco ([email protected]), 571-3231410.
Por favor, llena este formulario por completo y devuélvalo a la maestra/al maestro de su hijo/hija lo más
pronto posible. Los cupos son limitados.
Información de Inscripción del Estudiante
1. Nombre de su hijo/hija: ______________________________________________________
2. Grado (año académico 2012-2013) __________ 3. Escuela actual ____________________
4. Sexo: M / F (indica con un círculo)
5. Fecha de nacimiento: _______________
6. Nombre del padre, madre, o guardián: __________________________________________
7.Dirección residencial del hijo/de la hija:____________________________________________
8.Teléfono de casa: __________________________ Teléfono de trabajo: _______________
9. Dos nombres de contacto y teléfono para emergencias:_____________________________
10. ¿Su hijo/hija tiene algunos problemas de salud o alergias? Sí or no (indica con un círculo)
En caso de sí, ¿cuales
Información Sobre la Familia
1. ¿Cuántas personas en total viven en la casa donde vive este niño/a(Que contribuyen con
ingresos en la familia para los gastos)? __________________
2. ¿El jefe/la jefa de la familia es hispano o no-hispano?______________
3. ¿Cuál es la raza de el jefe/la jefa de la familia?___________________________
Blanco o Oriente Medio
Negro o Afro Americano
Indio de las Américas o Nativo
de Alaska
Asiático o Isleño del
¿Es una familia con encabezada por una mujer? __________
¿Alguien en la casa está incapacitado/a, físicamente o mentalmente? ____________
¿Cuántas personas en la casa tienen 55 años o más? ________
¿Cuantos adultos en la casa NO están trabajando Y están buscando trabajo? _________
¿Está participando la familia en el programa de TANF? ___________
Verificación de Ingresos Familiares
¿Cuántos son los ingresos familiares de la casa donde este(a) niño(a) vive? Basado en el
número de personas en su unidad familiar, encierre en un círculo el monto que más aproxima
los ingresos familiares, pero que no sea menos de lo que gana entre todos en la familia.
Persona Personas Personas Personas Personas Personas Personas Personas
or higher
Permiso de Divulgación de Fotografias
Por este medio, doy permiso a Reston Interfaith, Inc. utilizar mi fotografía, o la de mi niño(a), en
formatos digitales, impresos o de video para propósitos de publicidad, en publicaciones,
revistas, periódicos o reportajes de televisión.
Sí _______________ (iniciales)
No ________________ (iniciales)
Consentimiento y Permiso de Divulgación del (de la) Padre/Madre/Guardián
Yo, _________________________________ (su nombre), el padre/la madre/el guardián de
____________________________ (nombre de su hijo/hija), certifico la veracidad de la
información presentado aquí y doy permiso para mi hijo/hija participar en el Programa
Fortalecimiento Académico de Hemdon, un programa de Reston Interfaith ofrecido en el Centro
de Recursos de Herndon. También, doy permiso a los maestros de Escuelas Públicas del
Condado de Fairfax compartir los récords académicos de mi hijo/hija a los maestros del
Programa Fortalecimiento Académico de Herndon. Toda la información se mantiene
estrictamente confidencial. Entiendo que Reston Interfaith y el Centro de Recursos de Herndon
no pueden ser responsables si mi hijo/hija sale del edificio.
Firma ____________________________ __
Community Helping
7205 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA 22150
M - F 9:30 - 12:30;T and Th 7 - 9 p.m.
ECHO is a community-based organization that provides assistance to Greater
Springfield/Burke area residents within the boundaries established by Fairfax
County including all addresses in the following zip codes: 22151, 22152,
22153 and 22015, and some addresses in 22150 and 22312.
The types of assistance include:
• Emergency Food
• Clothing
• Housewares (including baby furniture)
• School Supplies
• Limited Emergency Financial Support
• Holiday Food Baskets
• Holiday Shop
Clients may be referred by Fairfax County Coordinated Services, churches,
and schools. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Appointments must be made by phone. We are unable to handle walk-ins,
mail, fax, or e-mail requests. Hearing impaired should use the Virginia Relay
If ECHO is unable to help, every effort will be made to find the right
community based organization or county office to provide the needed
Community Helping
7205 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Springfield, VA 22150
M - F 9:30 - 12:30; T and Th 7 - 9 p.m.
ECHO es una organización communitaria de voluntarios que provee asistencia a
residentes de Springfield y Burke en el Condado de Fairfax e incluye todas las
direcciones en el area de las siguientes ZIP codes: 22151, 22152, 22153, y 22015.
ECHO sirve algunas de las direcciones en los ZIP codes: 22150 and 22312.
Tipos de asistencia incluyen:
• Comida en casos de emergencia
• Ropa
• Artículos para el hogar (incluyendo muebles para bebés)
• Utiles Escolares
• Asistencia Financiera Limitada en casos de emergencia
• Canastas de comida para las fiestas de Acción de Gracias y Navidad
• Regalos para la Navidad
Servicios Coordinados del Condado de Fairfax, iglesias y escuelas nos pueden
recomendar clientes o nos pueden llamar directamente a nuestra oficina.
Se hacen citas por teléfono solamente. No podemos responder a peticiones por
correo, correo eléctronico o atender clientes sin cita. Personas con deficiencias
auditivas deben llamar a Virginia Relay Center.
Si ECHO no puede ayudar haremos todo lo possible para encontrar la organización
communitaria o oficina del condado que pueda proveer la asistencia necesaria.
Dear Family and Friends,
Looking for a community activity/5K or 1K run/walk with your family and friends?
Pls join us while supporting a local family, The Buermeyer's, in raising awareness
and funds in hopes of finding a cure for a rare kidney disease, for their daugther,
Allie's brother, Lucas, is a 6th grader at Oak Hill ES; and a friend of Ryan's.
First ever NephCure 5K and 1K fun run in Fairfax, VA. Please consider running, walking or
bringing your children for a great 1K fun run and lots of family fun. There will be a raffle with
some great prizes, a deejay, face painting and fun to be had by all.
We would love your support to make this event a success and find a cure for FSGS and
Nephrotic Syndrome.
You can register or donate online at Allieshope. This web site will direct you to the NephCure
web site where registration is set up more for fundraising than registering for a race, but you will
find your way. You can register by creating your own team or by joining the "Oak Hill Friends"
Saturday, Sept 15
7:30 Registration (if not registered online)
8:30 5K race start
8:40 1K race start
8:50 Walk start
Fairfax Corner Shopping Center, Fairfax, VA
(between Coastal Flats and the Movie Theater)
Hope to see you there :)
to Immunize!
School Year
The Fairfax County Health Department
Clinics are Offering
Extended Office Hours
for Back-to-School Immunizations.
5 Health Dept Clinic Locations
August 27
August 28
August 31
September 4
Fairfax (Joseph Willard)
8 am - 3:30 pm
8 am - 6 pm
7:30 am - 3 pm
8 am - 6 pm
7:30 am - 3 pm
8 am - 6 pm
8:00 am - 6 pm
8 am - 4 pm
7:30 am - 3 pm
8 am - 6 pm
New Location: Opens Aug. 30
Mt. Vernon**
**All services at MVDO are offered by
appointment. Call to make an appointment.
For faster service, an appointment is recommended.
For information about school required vaccinations,
go to: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hd/immun
Fairfax County Clinic Sites:
Immunizations are also available Monday - Friday during regular clinic hours.
Clinic hours and services may vary by location.
Joseph Willard Health Center
3750 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax, VA 22030
Herndon/Reston District Office
1850 Cameron Glen Dr., # 100, Reston, VA 20190
Springfield District Office
Cary Building, First Floor, Suite A-100
8136 Old Keene Mill Rd., Springfield, VA 22152
New Location
Opens Aug. 30
Annandale District Office
7611 Little River Turnpike (East Wing) , Suite 400E
Annandale, VA 22003
The Falls Church office is permanently closed.
Mount Vernon District Office**
8350 Richmond Hwy., # 233, Alexandria, VA 22309
**Mt. Vernon District Office offers services by appointment.
Please call to make an appointment.
updated 8/27/12
TTY for all sites: 711
August 2012. Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of
disability in all county programs, services, and activities. Special accommodations
will be provided upon request. Call 703-246-2411. TTY 711.
C o u n t y o f F a i r f a x , Vi r g i n i a
To protect and enrich the quality of life for the people, neighborhoods and diverse communities of Fairfax County
Fairfax County Health Department
For more information about clinic
hours and services, visit the website
or call the clinic nearest you.
Clinic Sites
Herndon-Reston District Office
1850 Cameron Glen Drive, Suite 100
Reston, VA 20190
703-481-4242 TTY 711
Mount Vernon District Office
8350 Richmond Highway, Suite 233
Alexandria, VA 22309
703-704-5203 TTY 711
Springfield District Office
Cary Building, First Floor, Suite A100
8136 Old Keene Mill Rd
Springfield, VA 22152
703-569-1031 TTY 711
New Location
Opens Aug. 30, 2012
Annandale District Office
7611 Little River Turnpike
Suite 400-E (East Wing)
Annandale, VA 22003
703-534-8343 TTY 711
The Falls Church District Office
is permanently closed.
Joseph Willard Health Center
3750 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax City, VA 22030
703-246-7100 TTY 711
updated 8/27/12
Fairfax County Health Department
10777 Main Street, Suite 203, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-246-2411 TTY: 711
Fax: 703-273-0825
C o u n t y o f F a i r f a x , Vi r g i n i a
To protect and enrich the quality of life for the people, neighborhoods and diverse communities of Fairfax County
Departamento de Salud del Condado de Fairfax
Para obtener más información acerca
de las horas de clínica y servicios,
visite el sitio web o llame a la clínica
más cercana.
Ubicaciones de las Clínicas
Herndon-Reston District Office
1850 Cameron Glen Drive, Suite 100
Reston, VA 20190
703-481-4242 TTY 711
Mount Vernon District Office
8350 Richmond Highway, Suite 233
Alexandria, VA 22309
703-704-5203 TTY 711
Springfield District Office
Cary Building, First Floor, Suite A100
8136 Old Keene Mill Rd
Springfield, VA 22152
703-569-1031 TTY 711
nueva ubicación
Abierto 30 de agosto 2012
Annandale District Office
7611 Little River Turnpike
Suite 400-E (Ala Este)
Annandale, VA 22003
703-534-8343 TTY 711
La Oficina de Falls Church está permanentemente cerrada.
Joseph Willard Health Center
3750 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax City, VA 22030
703-246-7100 TTY 711
Fairfax County Health Department
10777 Main Street, Suite 203, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-246-2411 TTY: 711
Fax: 703-273-0825
Fairfax County requires us to document family income for the Herndon Enrichment
Please provide to us proof of income. If your child is enrolled in any government benefit
program based on income qualification (such as free and reduced lunch, TANF, food
stamps, etc), you can simply bring us a copy of your approval for those program. If you
did not retain a copy, you can ask the program to provide you a copy. If you do not
participate in such a program, you will need to provide the last two pay stubs for all
those earning income in the household.
Please provide us this documentation the first week of your child’s classes at the HEP
Thank you so much for your assistance in helping us meet this requirement.
The Herndon Enrichment Program Team
El Condado de Fairfax nos exige documentar los ingresos familiares de los que
participan en el Programa de Fortalecimiento Académico en Herndon.
Pedimos una prueba de sus ingresos. Si su niño(a) está inscrito(a) en un programa de
beneficios del gobierno, que ya exige una calificación de ingreso (tales como el
programa de almuerzos gratis o de bajo costo, estampillas de comida, TANF, etc.),
usted puede traernos una copia de su aprobación en el programa. Si usted no guardó
una copia de su aprobación, puede pedir una copia de la administración del programa.
Si no está participando en cualesquier de estos programas, tendrá que proveernos las
últimas dos colillas de pago para todos que los trabajan en la familia.
Necesitamos su documentación de ingreso en la primera semana en que su niño(a)
esté participando en nuestro programa.
Gracias por ayudarnos cumplir con este requisito del programa.
El Equipo del Programa para Fortalecimiento Académico en Herndon