OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm
OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm
Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Giờ Lễ WEEKDAYS Monday: 8 am, 7pm Tuesday: 7am, 8am Wednesday: 7am, 8am Thursday: 8am Friday: 7am,8am Saturday: 8am SATURDAY VIGIL 4:30pm (English) 6:30 pm (Español) SUNDAYS 7:30am , 9:30am, 5:00pm (English) 11:30am,1:30 pm,7:00pm (Español) 3:15 pm (Vietnamese) Reconciliation, Confessions, Giải Tội Tuesday 6:00pm Fridays After 8:00 am Mass Saturday 3:00 pm OFFICE (760)945-8000 FAX (760)945-8036 525 West Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm (closed for lunch 12-1) CLERGY Rev. Efrain Bautista, Pastor Rev. Minh Do, Associate Pastor Rev. Phuoc Nguyen, In Residence PASTORAL ASSISTANTS: Deacon Ron Arnold Deacon Robert Mueller, DDS Deacon Loi Hoang Deacon Pedro Enciso This w__k [t St. Fr[n]is GAUDETE SUNDAY As we enter the 3rd Sunday of Advent, we arrive to what is also called “Gaudete Sunday.” This Sunday is right in the middle of the Advent Season and unlike what many people will often think, this is the Sunday in which we light the Rose, yes Rose, not pink Candle in our Advent wreath. Many priests will also use a rose vestment on this Sunday rather than using the purple ones we are used to seeing during Advent. If you are like me, you are more than likely thinking; why is this Sunday so different, why is it set apart? What does the word “gaudete” even mean? The word “gaudete” means “rejoice” in Latin, hence this Sunday in English would be “Rejoice Sunday” because we are drawing ever closer to the celebration of Christmas. As we draw closer to this important celebration we are invited to pause and be joyful that the celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world is so close, only a few days away! The question we might ask ourselves is what do we have to be joyful about, particularly with the many sad situations going on in our world right now? How can we be joyful in the midst of even our own struggles and challenges? The reality is that as Christians we cannot be discouraged and live a life which is not full of hope, because Jesus is our Hope! To rejoice doesn’t mean that we are always happy and laughing. It does mean that we realize and become aware that we are not alone in our walk, that we have Jesus Christ who wants to come and be with us, that we have our hope and sight set on Him, who is always the cause of joy, and of our rejoicing. I invite you to rejoice as we get closer to the Christmas, because the infant born in a manger so many years ago, remains with us even today and He is in fact our cause to rejoice and live a life full of hope. ~Fr. Efrain Mon. 14 Soup Kitchen - 5:00 pm Queen of Peace Rosary - 6:30 pm Queen of Peace Mass - 7:00 pm Tue. 15 NO confessions Wed. 16 Mother of Perpetual Help Novena after 8am Mass Fri. 19 Confessions after 8:30 Mass Sat. 20 Confessions 3:00 pm Sun. 21Fourth Sunday of Advent Upcoming Events: Dec 20-21 (Sat-Sun): Directory sign ups in patio Christmas Mass Schedule Wednesday, December 24: No morning Mass today. 4:00 p.m.—English in Church 4:00 p.m.—English in the Halls 6:00 p.m.—Vietnamese in Church 8:00 p.m.—English in Church 10:00 p.m.—Spanish in Church 12:00 Midnight—English in Church Thursday, December 25: 9:30 a.m. English in Church 11:30 a.m. Spanish in Church There will be no evening Masses or Confessions on December 25. DECEMBER 14, 2014 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT TODAY’S READINGS First Reading As a garden makes its growth spring up, so will God make justice spring up before all the nations (Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11). Psalm — My soul rejoices in my God (Luke 1:46-50, 53-54). Second Reading — Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:16-24). Gospel — I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, make straight the way of the Lord (John 1:6-8, 19-28). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Thursday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Friday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Saturday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday of Advent Tuesday: Las Posadas begins DECEMBER 14, 2014 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT The Holy Father’s Intentions for the Month of December Support Group for Separated/Divorced A support group for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associated with a separa on or divorce. We meet Sundays at 10:15 AM at St. James Catholic Church – Ministry Center in Solana Beach. For more informa on contact Frank Grant at 760-533520 [email protected] Please remember us!! As you are making your list and checking it twice, please remember to put St Francis on your giŌ list. We are very grateful for your generous tax deducƟble donaƟons. Do you know why you’re Catholic? Can you defend your Universal: That all may faith to someone at the experience the mercy of God, door? Do you know who never tires of forgiving. someone who has left Evangelization: That families, espethe Church? cially those who suffer, may find in Lighthouse Catholic Media the birth of Jesus is here to help! a sign of certain hope. You will find a display in the back of the church near the main doors ofSt. Francis has a publication called fering these totally Catholic CDs. “Friar News”, that allows us to keep There is a $3.00 recommended donaour parishioners informed about tion to keep the program going. That’s parish events. more than a bargain, that’s priceless! We invite all of you to send your email your address to [email protected] , you will receive inforCHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE mation on Mass times, liturgies, Don’t forget to help families in need activities, and most importantly this holiday season. Catholic Charities keep you updated on all our 75th Anin Vista is sponsoring an niversary happenings. We will never “ANGEL TREE” for local families in share your information or send you need this Christmas with the assistance spam!! of members from our parish. If you Discerning Life's Paths chose an angel, make sure you bring January 13, 2015 your gift to the office. Pre-selected February 10, 2015 families will be invited to shop at a March 3, 2015 “no-cost” Christmas Store on DecemApril 14, 2015 ber 18rd. For more information, food May 5, 2015 and monetary donations, or to volunteer at the distribution, please contact from 6:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Marco Lemus at at Nazareth House--6333 Rancho Mission Rd (760) 631-4792 or [email protected] . Discerning Life's Path for Young We greatly appreciate your generosity! Women 21-45 whether faced with life choices: married, single or religious life; career or ministry choices; decision about Current relationships, or to learn discernment skills for future decision making. A free 5 part series on Tuesdays (6:158:45pm at Nazareth House in San Diego) will be offered by experienced religious women. Program includes Lectio Divina, faith sharing, fellowship, discussion of topics related to discernment, plus individual guidance. Contact Sr. Vera at [email protected] 75th Anniversary directory: This is the last weekend that the sign up sheets are in the patio. Appointment times will continue to be available on the website or by calling Life Touch 760.576.8393. No charge for 8X10 photo and directory!! Please be a part of this special celebration of our parish’s 75th Anniversary. Questions? Contact Sharon 760-941-4540 [email protected] Advent Penance Services St. Mark’s, Monday, December 15, 2014 Church of the Nativity, Tuesday, December 16, 2014 St. John’s, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 St. Peter’s, Thursday, December 18, 2014 World Youth Day We are taking sign-ups for those who are interested in aƩending World Youth Day 2016 in Poland. Please email Theresa Phan for more info.! (760) 945-8016 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. We have another service opportunity for you with the Annual Epiphany Celebration the Spanish Young Adults put on. It will take place Sunday January 4th and they need help All Day. They would like you to help in the following shifts: 7:30am-noon, noon-4:30pm and 4:309:30pm. Please be aware that some of you may be on retreat that day. Stop by the youth center to sign up (Monday-Thursday 2-7pm 12/18-Journey 1 1/6 Journey 2 1/20 Journey 1 1/27 Journey 2 Do you Own a business?. .. are you a Saint Francis Parishioner??? Be part of the 75th Anniversary SF Directory!!! At no charge Submit your company info on the Parish website, at the Parish Office, or at your Photo appointment. Questions: contact Michele 760-630-9575 or [email protected] FREE!!! san damiano chapel update We give thanks for the 13,542 hours of community service hours that have been documented up to 12-4. As we near the end of December, this will be a good time to complete a card for hours you have done this month. We just ask for your name, the number of hours, and a simple checkmark as to how you want this placed on a brick. Looking for a place to volunteer? We need some people who are willing to volunteer to be with the chapel between Masses to explain it and encourage people to report their hours of service. Call Jackie at 760-224-4811. Volunteering is available in community sites such as the blood bank ( Donate a pint of blood or help the donors.), community theaters ( Be an usher at the Avo or the Moonlight Amphitheater.), or a community food distribution place ( Help at Brother Benno's, ourShopportunity store.). DECEMBER 14, 2014 Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Anna Quang+ Wilma Mohaupt + Juan Carlos Aguilar+ 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30pm 3:15 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Michael Joseph Pyper+ Daniel G. Martinez + Lourdes Zamora + Veronica Castro (Sp. Int.) People of the Parish Guadalupe Vielma( Sp.Int.) Monday 8:00 am 7:00 pm Roger Meredith+ Klentschy Family (Sp. Int.) Tuesday 7:00 am 8:00 am Megan Klentschy (Sp. Int.) Alicia Burton + Wed. 7:00 am 8:00 am Katharina Despotovic (Sp. Int.) Mark Ianni + Thur . 8:00 am Raymond Valdez + Friday 7:00am 8:00 am Gustavo Munguia Albarran + Marvin Francis Knox + Saturday 8:00 am 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Augie Morales + Women’s Ministry Guild (Sp. Int.) Armando Gonzalez Heredia + Sunday THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Virgencita de Guadalupe(Acc. De Gracias) Weekly collection report for December 7- 8, 2014 $21,588.00 PRAYERS: For our sick, Azucena Galicia, victor cardenas jr, Lourdes sanchez, Richard Sigmon Emiliano arellanes, John Herrera For the deceased, Manuel castro,Rodolfo turalba Mona zane, Rosalio Delgado, Francisca Ruiz Saint Vincent De Paul report for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2014: Due to your generosity through the year, we collected $63,523. We helped 254 families which included 1,468 people. This averaged about $248 per family, for food, rent, utilities, and/or transportation. Our members volunteered approximately 2,869 hours and drove an estimated 6,089 miles. Thank you for helping us to serve the “least of our brethren” as Jesus calls us to do. Have a blessed Christmas! If you are interested in joining SVDP, our meetings are on the first and third Thursday of every month at 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the hospitality kiosk by the large parking lot. Our next meeting is December 18th.Please join us!! Vocations Discernment "Dear young friends: If we want it to have real meaning and fulfilment, as you want and as you deserve, I say to each one of you, “Put on faith”, and your life will take on a new flavour, it will have a compass to show you the way; “put on hope” and every one of your days will be enlightened and your horizon will no longer be dark, but luminous; “put on love”, and your life will be like a house built on rock, your journey will be joyful, because you will find many friends to journey with you. Jesus is the one who brings God to us and us to God.” Pope Francis I God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts. The closer you are to God the easier it will be to understand his whispering voice; so make a plan for your spiritual life and include the following: Pray often, asking God to reveal his will and to help you know yourself better. Find a church or chapel that has Eucharistic adoration and set aside time each week for silent adoration. Consecrate yourself to our Mother Mary by praying the Rosary. Live a sacramental life: attend daily Mass whenever possible and go at least monthly to the sacrament of Penance. orgRead Scripture daily and look to other good spiritual books such as the lives of the saints, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, classics of the spiritual life, etc. Seek the guidance of a spiritual director who has a good understanding of the consecrated life, or of a religious sister. Participate in retreats or days of prayer, especially in a religious community. Talk to a sister about the concerns you might have. Visit a religious community and experience a come and see day. For more information please call Sr. Aurora Lopez-Ornelas, SJS at 619.651.5954 or E: alornelas@sisterservantssjs The ABCs of Fostering, Supporting and Nurturing Vocations within the Home Answer your children's questions about priesthood or Religious life; never discourage them or ridicule them if they bring it up. Ask your child to identify a talent which he or she has, and imagine together what work or ministry God might want someone to do with that type of talent. Also talk about what good things can be done with the talent right now. For instance, singing talent could be used to sing a baby brother or sister to sleep. Talent at soccer could be used to help someone on the team who needs extra practice. Bring your family to the next ordination mass or prayer vigil for religious. Challenge teens and young adults to consider a Church-related vocation. Tell them about the gifts in ministry you see in them. Encourage them to participate in at least one special vocation event (ordination, vocation retreat, Focus 11, etc.). Cultivate an attitude of service by responding as a family to the needs of others. Seek out those in need and find ways to care for them (to be continued next week…) Mùa V†ng - Chúa NhÆt III- NiŠm Vui MØng Chúa nhÆt thÙ ba mùa V†ng mang tên ‘Gaudete.’ TuÀn này khác bÀu khí so v§i hai Chúa nhÆt vØa qua và trong nhà th© ng†n n‰n màu hÒng së ÇÜ®c ÇÓt sáng. Màu áo lÍ qúy cha m¥t së ÇÜ®c LJi tØ màu tím qua màu hÒng. N‰u ACE suy nghï nhÜ tôi, tåi sao tuÀn này låi khác hai tuÀn trܧc và có gì lå không? ‘Gaudete’ nghïa là gì? NguÒn góc ch» Gaudete tØ ti‰ng Latin nghïa là ‘Vui MØng.’ Anh ng» cho Chúa nhÆt này mang tên ‘Rejoice Sunday,’ là Chúa nhÆt cûa NiŠm Vui MØng, vì Giáng Sinh s¡p ljn. VÆy chúng ta hãy vui mØng vì ñÃng CÙu Th‰ cûa nhân loåi gÀn ljn, chÌ còn không bao nhiêu ngày n»a thôi. Có ngÜ©i th¡c m¡c, có gì Çâu mà vui, vì bi‰t bao s¿ Çau kh° Çang xÄy ra trong th‰ gi§i hiŒn tåi? Làm sao mình có th‹ vui mØng trong khi chúng ta ª trong nh»ng tình huÓng Çau kh°? ThÆt ra, Kitô H»u không nên näng lòng vì chúng ta có niŠm hy v†ng, Çó là Chúa Giêsu giáng trÀn! NiŠm hân hoan không nh»ng là vui cÜ©i, ta nên hi‹u lúc nào Chúa luôn ÇÒng hành v§i m†i Kitô H»u trên bܧc ÇÜ©ng tông ÇÒ, và Chúa Giêsu luôn hiŒn diŒn v§i chúng ta trong m†i hoàn cänh. Chúa Giêsu là nguÒn góc cûa niŠm hy v†ng, chúng ta phäi trông cÆy và phó thác nÖi Ngài. Kính m©i qúy Kitô H»u hoan hÏ vui mØng vì Chúa Hài Nhi Çã ljn v§i nhân loåi trên hai ngàn næm qua, th©i nay së ljn v§i chúng ta vào Çêm Giáng Sinh. ñây là lš do ACE hãy vui mØng và Ç¥t tr†n niŠm hy v†ng cho cu¶c sÓng Chúng ta. ~LM. Efrain DOMINGO DE GAUDETE Al entrar al 3er domingo de Adviento, llegamos a lo que también llamamos "Domingo Gaudete". Este domingo esta exactamente en el medio de la temporada de Adviento y a pesar de que muchas personas suelen pensar , este es el domingo en la que encendemos la vela rosada (no rosa) en nuestra corona de Adviento. Muchos sacerdotes también utilizarán una vestimenta rosada en este domingo en lugar de utilizar el morado que estamos acostumbrados a ver durante el Adviento. Probablemente usted se pregunta al igual que yo lo hago, ¿por qué es este domingo tan diferentes, ¿por qué se diferencia? ¿Qué significa la palabra "Gaudete", incluso, que significa? La palabra "Gaudete" significa "regocijarse" en latín, por lo tanto, este domingo en español sería "Domingo de Gozo" porque estamos cada vez más cerca a la celebración de la Navidad. A medida que nos acercamos a esta importante celebración se nos invita a hacer una pausa y alegrarnos de que la celebración del nacimiento del Salvador del mundo está muy cerca, a sólo unos días de distancia! La pregunta que podríamos hacernos es ¿de qué tenemos que alegrarnos, en especial con las muchas situaciones tristes que suceden en nuestro mundo en este momento? ¿Cómo podemos estar alegres en medio de nuestras propias luchas y desafíos? EST@ SEM@N@ Ministerio de Hombres 7am MISAS ESPAÑOL 11:30am/1:30pm/7pm Comida para indigentes 5:00pm Grupo de Oración 7pm Reflexión Dominical 7:00 p.m. Tutoría 6:00pm Domingo 14 Lunes Martes 15 16 Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo 17 18 19 Confesiones 8:45 am 20 Confesiones 3pm 21 Cuarto Domingo de Adviento 14 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2014 La realidad es que como cristianos no podemos desanimarnos y vivir una vida que no esté llena de esperanza, porque Jesús es nuestra esperanza! Para alegrarnos, no significa que siempre estamos felices y sonrientes. Lo que significa es que nos damos cuenta y somos conscientes de que no estamos solos en nuestro caminar, que tenemos a Jesucristo que quiso venir y permanecer con nosotros, que tenemos nuestra esperanza en El, que es siempre la causa de nuestra alegría y de nuestro regocijo. Los invito a que se regocijen a medida que nos acercamos más a la Navidad, ya que el bebé nacido en un pesebre hace tantos años, permanece con nosotros con nosotros hoy por siempre; él es de hecho nuestra causa para regocijarnos y vivir una vida llena de esperanza. ~ P. Efrain TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Regocíjense en el Espíritu del Señor que nos trae buenas noticias (Isaías 61:1-2a, 10-11). Salmo — Mi espíritu se alegra en Dios, mi salvador (Lc 1:46-50, 53-54). Segunda lectura — ¡Alégrense! Conserven su integridad en el Espíritu y guárdense sin mancha hasta la venida del Señor (1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-24). Evangelio —Juan Bautista dice: “Soy la voz que grita en el desierto” (Juan 1:6-8, 19-28). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Martes: Sof 3:1-2, 9-13; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Miércoles: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Jueves: Jer 23:5-8; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Viernes: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Sal 71 (70):3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lc 1:5-25 Sábado: Is 7:10-14; Sal 24 (23):1-4ab, 5-6; Lc 1:26-38 Domingo: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lc 1:26-38 14 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2014 HORARIO MISAS NOCHEBUENA Y NAVIDAD Miercoles, Diciembre 24: No hay Misas de 7:00 a.m. o 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.—Inglés en la Iglesia 4:00 p.m.—Inglés en Salones Parroquiales 6:00 p.m.—Vietnamita en la Iglesia 8:00 p.m.—Bilingüe en la Iglesia 10:00 p.m.—Español en la Iglesia 12:00 Medianoche—Inglés en la Iglesia TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS: Azucena Galicia, victor cardenas jr, Lourdes sanchez, Richard Sigmon Emiliano arellanes, John Herrera QUE EN PAZ DESCANSEN: Manuel castro,Rodolfo turalba Mona zane, Rosalio Delgado, Francisca Ruiz Jueves, Diciembre 25: 9:30 a.m. Inglés 11:30 a.m. Español NO HABRA MISAS Sábado 25 por la tarde MÁS QUE DISCÍPULOS Cada uno de los cuatro roles en las Escrituras de hoy —discípulo, profeta, apóstol, testigo— forma una faceta de la vida en Cristo que vivimos día a día. Isaías nos dice que el profeta es ungido, tal como fuimos ungidos en el Bautismo con agua y con el Espíritu, para traer la Buena Nueva y promover el Reino de Dios, un reino de salvación, justicia y paz. El apóstol, como Pablo, es un “enviado”. Cada uno de nosotros, a su manera, es enviado por Cristo a ser una voz de alegría, a animar las voces proféticas en el mundo y asegurar que prospere la obra del Espíritu. Juan Bautista nos muestra la labor del testigo, enderezando el camino del Señor, anunciando la venida de la Luz del Mundo. Hoy escuchamos también a María, discípulo modelo. Su canto, el “Magnificat”, nos muestra el mundo en que debemos creer y por el cual laborar: uno en donde Dios sea alabado, donde el favor de Dios se derrama sobre los humildes, donde los hambrientos quedan repletos y los ricos se despiden vacíos, un mundo que continúa conociendo y celebrando la misericordia de Dios que perdura por todos los siglos. Almuerzos a bajo costo para personas de segunda y tercera edad se sirven todos los miércoles fuera del Salón P. Ullman , se sirve almuerzo Preparado por solo $2.00 dlls Tendremos presentaciones cada semana, Información y apoyo, así como oportunidad de Inscribirse en Cal Fresh. Presentado por: Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Acompañenos!!! DIRECTORIO PICTOGRÁFICO DE NUESTRO 75 ANIVERSARIO: Este es el último fin de semana en el que se pueden apuntar después de misa en las mesas fuera de la iglesia. Horario de citas seguirán estando disponibles en el sitio web o llamando al 760.576.8393 a Life Touch, si necesita ayuda, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial, con gusto le asistiremos, recuerden, queremos tener participación de todos los feligreses! Recibirá una foto de 8X10, y el directorio sin costo alguno! Por favor, participe de esta celebración especial del 75avo aniversario de nuestra parroquia. ¿Preguntas? Contacte a Sharon 760-941-4540 [email protected] O llamando a la oficina (760) 945-8000 Tutoría en el área de Lectura, matemáticas, y ciencias Grados 1-8 los jueves 5:00-6:45 en el Salón en frente de la biblioteca escolar. Si alguien desea ayudar en esta sesiones, favor de llamar a Irma Amezcua 760-945-1712 14 de diciembre de 2014 tercer domingo de adviento NUEVA ORDEN EJECUTIVA DE ACCIÓN DIFERIDA PARA PADRES El 20 de Noviembre del 2014, el Presidente Obama aprobó un programa de acción diferida para padres que tengan hijos ciudadanos o residentes permanentes. Se estima que aproximadamente 4.4. Millones de personas serán elegibles para este programa. No se sabe todavía cuando entrara en vigor la acción diferida, pero se estima que será entre los próximos tres o seis meses. Todavía no se conocen los requisitos exactos para ser elegible. Por lo tanto, se les recomienda no contratar a nadie para llevar su caso, así como consultar con un segundo abogado si ha tenido problemas penales o violaciones de inmigración. Si todo aguarda al Mesías: la brisa, el ave, la flor, ¿Qué es la acción diferida para padres? y ya lo anuncia Isaías Es un beneficio que le permitirá a persona ser elegibles de vivir y trabajar en el país legal¿Por qué se tarda el Señor? mente, por un periodo de tres años. No es una ley que llevar a la residencia permanente y eventualmente a la ciudadanía. Es posible que este beneficio sea cancelad una vez que el Presidente Obama salga del poder. Se apresuran los pastores ¿Quiénes son elegibles para la acción diferida? Padres que tengan hijos ciudadanos o residentes de los Estados Unidos, sin importar y la estrella da su luz su edad. Ángeles cantan primores Padres que hayan vivido continuamente en el país desde Enero 1º 2010. Ciertas salidas o deportaciones pueden descalificarlo. ¿dónde está el Niño Jesús? Padres que pasen el chequeo de huellas. Ciertos delitos penales o violaciones de inmigración pueden descalificarlo. ¿Quiénes no califican? El establo ya está listo, Personas que tengan hijos residentes o ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos. la tosca paja también Padres de hijos que actualmente tienen el permiso de DACA (acción diferida para los jóvenes). anochece ya en Belén Personas que hayan sido convictas por manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol (DUI). !y no llega Jesucristo! Probablemente personas que han sido deportadas y estén sujetas a la re-deportación. Probablemente padres que han tenido una salida voluntaria por parte de agentes de inmigración, o el juez de inmigración en los últimos cinco años. Callad todos, tened calma. Probablemente personas que hayan sido deportadas en el puerto de entrada por preAlgo pasa, si no llega, sentar documentos falsos, o que hayan tratado de cruzar ilegalmente. El Programa de DACA ha sido ampliado: falta....!preparar el alma! La orden ejecutiva también extiende la acción diferida para los jóvenes. Ya no existe el límite de edad, (tener menos de 31 años cuando el DACA entro en vigor en Junio 15, 2012) y la fecha de residencia continua es Enero 15 de 2010 (en lugar de Junio 15, 2007). Se estima P. Salvador Lugo Azuela, MNM que aproximadamente 300, 000 personas calificaran bajo la nueva ampliación de DACA. Diócesis Católica de San Diego Centro Pre-natal en Oceanside Consulado General de México—San Diego Alfabetización INEA1 Clases Ciudadanía Comité Justicia por Inmigrantes Child Abuse Hotline/Abuso infantil Abogado Inmigración Caridades Católicas/Servicios Emergencia MI—Enfermedades Mentales San Vicente de Paul Línea Diocesana para Abuso Sexual Escuela para Adultos—VistaTutoría Tutoria Retrouvaille Español/Problemas Matrimoniales Abuso Domestico Casa de Amparo Ayuda para Suicidio Caridades Católicas/Inmigración Servicios de Empleo Sheriff / Vista (858) 490-8200 (800) 395-4357 (619) 231-8414 (760) 224-4081 (760) 758-7122 (760) 644-3229 (800) 344-6000 (760) 351-6776 (760) 631-4792 (760) 722-3754 (760) 407-8900 (858) 490-8310 (760) 758-7122 (760) 224-7610 (951) 259-9474 (858) 568-5200 (760) 754-5500 (800) 784-2433 (760) 631-5890 (760) 929-8121 (760) 940-4551 R E C U R S O S Aviso muy importante: C O M U N I T A R I O S Nuestra parroquia de San Francisco tiene una publicación llamada "Noticias Del Fraile", que nos permite mantener informados a nuestros feligreces sobre los eventos de la parroquia . Los invitamos a todos a enviar la direccion de su correo electronicodirección (e-mail) a: [email protected], usted recibirá información sobre los horarios de las Misas, liturgias, actividades, y sobre todo, los mantendra siempre informados sobre todos los acontecimientos de nuestro 75o aniversario. ¡Nunca compartiremos su información o le mandaremos “spam”!! ¡Por favor, envíenos su dirección de correo electrónico para poder participar mas activamente en nuestra comunidad !! INMIGRACION William E. Wright, D.D.S. Family Dentistry Deportación, Ciudadanía, Petición Familiar, VAWA, U-VISA, DACA ¿Quiere Mejorar su sonrisa? ¡Sí se puede! Todos son bienvenidos 760.351.6776 Law Office of Erubey Lopez Many PPO insurances accepted - Call for more information Accepting new patients Si desea ayuda en español, con gusto le ayudaremos 635 South Santa Fe Avenue, Vista, CA 92083 [email protected] 520 W. Vista Way, Vista, CA 92083 ~ Phone: 760-941-1906 Email: [email protected] * We are directly across the street from St. Francis Catholic Church in Melrose Plaza Abogado de Inmigración Castaneda Business & Tax Service Bookkeeping (760) 941-4520 550 W. Vista Way Ste. 205 Se Habla Español HANNA PLUMBING Sales & Service & Repairs $10.00 Disc. on Service Calls 643 So. Santa Fe, Vista 726-2002 Members of St. Francis MORTUARY (NORTH COUNTY) FUNERARIA Custom Funerals Servicios Cremations • Pre-Planning Funerarios • Cremaciones Family Owned Traslados a Mexico, Centro America Sur America 760-724-1680 Member CFDA/SDCFD/Vista Chamber Commerce / [email protected] 328 Vista Village Dr. Ste. #E • Vista, CA 92083 FD#2185 ARE YOU OVERWHELMED CARING FOR YOUR LOVED ONE??? Don’t Wait For A Crisis!! Call us regarding all your options!!! FIRST CHOICE SENIOR PLACEMENT 855-407-1591 Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Residential Care, Home Care, Adult Day Care Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513025 St Francis Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Attorney - Abogada Family Dentistry Mary Gaines, JD Maria Elena Afan 410 So. Melrose, Vista DMD 1010 E. Ohio Ave., Escondido Criminal Law 760-419-8562 (760) 743-7117 1350 E. Vista Way, Ste. 6, Vista (760) 940-1011 $50 NEW PATIENT (EXAM/X-RAYS) Open M-Sat./Evenings/Tagalog/Español TC’S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Full Charge Bookkeeper Teri K. Carr - Owner - Parishioner 131 Beaumont Dr.,Vista CA 92084 Cell Phone: 619.840.8113 Email: [email protected] Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Mortuary & Crematory 1999 El Camino Real, Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 754-6600 FD-234 • We Specialize in Preplanning • Proudly Perform Cremation Onsite MEAT MARKET Serving the Norh County Community of San Diego Since 1947 “Sirviendo a La Comunidad Mexicana Centro-Americana” 356 Vista Village Drive Vista • 758-0513 Se Habla Español Vista Pantry RESTAURANT • • • • • • Tree Trimming • Clean-ups Palm Trimming & Hauling Stump Grinding • Tree Clearing Chipping • Topping Lacing • Landscaping Palm Skinning • Wood Fencing • FREE ESTIMATES 760.685.7585 760.519.6843 European Motorsports Expert German Auto Repair Audi • Porsche • Mercedes Benz • BMW JOE VAMPOLA Owner • Parishioner St. Francis 599-9307 FATHER & FIVE SONS BANKRUPTCY & Bankruptcy Alternatives $100 STARTS (760) 450-3333 Free Consultation Se habla Español Hermosa Boutique 995 Postal Way #100 Vista, CA 760-496-4346 PARRIS MORALES PAINTING LIC # 977326 Over 15 Years of Experience Interior/Exterior 760-519-8292 HOMEMADE PIES @ Regular Price (of equal or lesser value) Any Time, Any Day Also on Sunday Only, Show This Ad & Get a 945 S. SANTA FE AVENUE FREE COFFEE VISTA, CA 92083 • (760) 414 -9803 AZTEC TRAFFIC SCHOOL TICKETS CON CAMARA O POLICIA NO SE PREOCUPE! Classes 8am-4pm Saturday-English • Sunday-Español Appointment Required 760.630.6392 English 760.724.0434 Spanish Classes in Escondido, Vista and Oceanside Adicional Servicio: INCOME TAX TRI-CITY CARPET Quality Carpet at Wholesale Prices 1455 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 724-5595 ALL STARS HAIRSTYLES BARBERSHOP Appointments M-F (760) 758-1756 Sat. Walk-ins Only Closed Sun. Sam 1070 S. Santa Fe Ave. #5, Vista, CA Vista Village Pub Purveyors of Food, Spirits, and Good Cheer Member of St. Francis ATM 513025 St Francis Church (A) FEATURING Get 2nd Meal @ ½ Price DOAN LAW FIRM DOAN LAWYERS 7am to 8pm Buy One Meal MICHAEL DOAN IS A CERTIFIED BANKRUPTCY SPECIALIST - CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY LAW - AMERICAN BOARD OF CERTIFICATION California’s Largest Family of Attorneys Open 7 Days BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER per Week Sat-Sun Breakfast 8 AM-2 PM Eggs Benedict • Biscuits & Gravy • Pancakes Lunch/Dinner Menu Served All-Day Kids Menu • Patio Seating • 760-643-1619 224 Main St., Downtown Vista • [email protected] 3/4 Mile from St. Francis / Free Wi-Fi For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 PARISH OFFICE (760) 945-8000 Yolanda Cortes [email protected] Lourdes Barton [email protected] Daniela Lopez [email protected] Cindy Bang, Bookkeeper [email protected] BAPTISMS/BAUTISMO Sr. Madeline Fitzgerald (English) (760) 945-8040 Monday-Thursday 10am-5pm Irma Hazan (Español) (760) 945-8029 Martes-Viernes 3pm-6:30pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIGIOSA For Children/Para Niños Tuesday-Friday 1-6:30pm Martes-Viernes 1-6:30pm Coordinator– Maria Luisa Valdovinos Rel. Ed. Assistant– Erika Arciga (760) 945-8015 (760) 945-8010 (760) 945-7189 Vietnamese Coordinator– My-The-Huynh YOUTH MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS JUVENILES Monday-Thursday 2:00-7:00 PM (760) 945-8016 (760) 945-8039 Director of Youth Ministry- Theresa Phan Youth Coordinator- Michelle Barton Youth Coordinator-Yazmin Reyes ADULT FAITH FORMATION/EDUCACION RELIGIOSA DE ADULTOS Sr. Madeline Fitzgerald (English) Louie Luan Pham (Vietnamese) (760) 945-8040 (760) 445-6274 LITURGY/LITURGIA (760) 945-8013 (760) 645-3843 Leticia Chramosta An Vu (Vietnamese) (760) 945-8043 (760) 945-8043 (760) 415-4093 MUSIC/ MUSICA Kerey Quaid (English) Roberto Vallin (Español) Anthony Dinh Pham (Vietnamese) ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL (760) 630-7960 Elizabeth Joseph, Principal Somyr Perry, PTG President George Burrola, School Board President Mary Drego, School Secretary WEBSITE Judy McDonald [email protected]