August 9, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church


August 9, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
Welcome to St. Therese Catholic
217 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC 28117-9103
An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the Maryland
Province of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) since 1970.
Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J.
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil
5:30 pm
Sunday (Summer Mass Times)
8:30 am, 10:00 am
(Sunday Nursery at 8:30 am and
10:00 am Masses) 12:00 noon,
2:30 pm (Misa en Espanol),
5:30 pm
Daily Mass
9:00 am Monday through Friday
and First Saturdays (Day Chapel)
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on Saturdays
or by appointment
Eucharistic Exposition and
First Friday of each month
9:45 am - 4:45 pm with
Benediction at 4:45 pm
7:00 pm Mondays (Day Chapel)
6:30 pm Tuesdays (Day Chapel)
Bulletin Deadline
4:30 pm Thursday for the next
weekend bulletin. All items
subject to approval and editing.
Submit to Lisa Cash,
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
& 12:30 pm - 4:30pm
704-664-3992 Fax: 704-660-6321
E-mail: [email protected]
Faith Formation Office
Summer Hours
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church!
Thank you for being here with us!
The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors.
Please introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Your
presence is very important to us, as is your support.
Every household is invited to register. Forms are
available in the Parish Office or on our website.
According to Diocesan policy, parish registration is
required for Faith Formation, all Sacraments,
ministries, and school vouchers. MOVING? Please
notify the Parish Office!
Communion of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office if you want
communion brought to the home, hospital or nursing
home. Hospitals do not notify the church that you are
there except at your direct request.
Anointing of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office of
those who are homebound or in
hospitals, or nursing homes,
especially when seriously ill.
According to Diocesan policy,
registered couples must begin
marriage preparation at least SIX
MONTHS pr ior to the desir ed
wedding date. Please call the Parish
Office for an appointment.
Baptism of Infants and Children through Grade 1
At least SIX WEEKS before the
anticipated date of Baptism,
parents must contact the Parish
Office to arrange for required
baptismal preparation. Contact:
Christine Leal at 704-664-3992.
Baptism for Children Grades 3 through 7
All children in the above grades are prepared for the
first Sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of
Christian Initiation of Children. Contact: Dave
Conklin in the Faith Formation Office 704-664-7762.
Adult Sacraments of Initiation
All adults (age 17 and older) who wish to
be baptized, confirmed and/or receive
First Eucharist are prepared through the
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
This is also the process for non-Catholics
to come into full communion with the Catholic
Church. Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714.
Parish Office: 704-664-3992
Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102
[email protected]
Parochial Vicars/Vicarios
Rev. Dominic Totaro, S.J., ext. 225
[email protected]
Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107
[email protected]
In Residence
Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J., ext 205
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. John Sims
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Myles Decker
Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired)
Rev. Mr. Joe Santen (retired)
Parish Manager
Melinda Drury, ext. 101
[email protected]
Latino Coordinator
Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114
[email protected]
Ministry Communications Coordinator
Lisa Cash, ext. 105
[email protected]
Music Ministry
Phil Haigler, ext. 106
[email protected]
Liturgy Coordinator
Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315
[email protected]
Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler
Christine Leal, ext. 100
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Elaine Runski, ext. 301
[email protected]
Maintenance Manager
Wesley Weaver, ext. 2014
[email protected]
Faith Formation/Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762
Carmen San Juan, ext. 109
Assistant Director
Dave Conklin, ext. 108
Office Assistant
Darlene McClure, ext. 110
Little Way Preschool: 704-664-7762
Preschool Director
Dayna Auten, ext. 318
Pastoral Council President
Bill Streiff, [email protected]
Finance Council Chair
Rick Fabrize, [email protected]
AUGUST 9, 2015
In Your Prayers
Peggy Bachand,
Jan Balmat,
Michelle Bischoff,
Barbara Cahill,
Joseph Chesno,
Steve Coyne, Dutch Detchemendy,
Teresa Geraci, JD Gibbs, Bea
Hynsen, Dolores Licari, Nick Politis,
Cindy Powell, Kevin Powers, Ron
Regula, Rose Regula, Maureen
Rossi, Helen Russo, Angela
Schelter, Robyn Wolf, Johnnie Ziats.
If you have any changes to the
Prayer Request list, please contact
Christine Leal at 704-664-3992,
ext. 100 or [email protected].
Please remember our homebound
in your prayers: At home: William
Cote, Patsy Freeze, Jean Garrison,
Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Angela Leuci,
Mark Marchese, Jeanne McDonnell,
Charles Memrick, Dean Nash, Helen
Odomerick, Claradilla Pineda, Rita
Sabella, Mary Strup, Art Takes, Stach
Wisniewski. Autumn Care: Betty
Markovich Brian Center: Cynthia
Ferrer, Rosemary O’Dell, Gregory
Ramirez, Hattie Walker, Joan
Waltman. Carillon: Betty Bunyan,
Marie Fields, Jim Harnett, Mila
Maldjain, Vartavar Maldjain, Mitzi
Moody, Patrick Naso. Churchill:
Cecilia Blouin, Connie Caron,
Corinne Cordillo, MaryJane Farrell,
Diane Fisek, Helen Holmes, Trudy
Keller, Regina Kilcarr, Joan Koch,
Louise Logono, Jean Loeshen, Ruth
Martins, Helen Mastrianni, Robert
Matsey, Johanna McCloskey, Jean
Mueller, Lillian Pingel, Evaline Seyk,
Elly Schenne, Inga Shealy, Sherry
Thompson, Jean Woodall. Crown
Colony: Rosemar y Leonetta, Linda
Turner. Genesis: Joan Brennan,
Lorraine Cardillo, Leona Dreiling,
Barbara Jedrey, Lelia Leon, Margaret
Lovine, Francis Mariea, Dee Murray,
Terry Nagel, Jim Strup, Patricia
Vance. Huntersville Oaks: Carol
Osmer. Serenity House: Connie
Zimmerman Statesville Place: Irene
Nemeth. Summit Place: Wanda
Binder, Bill Bonsignore, Attilo
Ceraldi, Nickie Ceraldi, Connie
Ferraro, Lee Floyd, Mary Kozar,
Elaine Panuski, Paul Poisson, Beverly
Wisbon, Yvette Wynn. The Pines:
Florence Chandler, Lee Kuras,
Kathleen Sabalis.
If you have any changes to the
Homebound List, please contact
Rosemary Hyman at 704-664-3992,
ext. 315 or
[email protected]
Please remember our military personnel in your prayers:
READINGS FOR Sunday, August 16, 2015
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1st Reading - Proverbs 9:1-6
Responsorial - Psalm 34
2nd Reading - Ephesians 5:15-20
Gospel - John 6:51-58
In August, the Holy Father asks us
to pray that volunteers may give
themselves generously to the
service of the needy and that
setting aside our very selves we
may learn to be neighbors to those
who find themselves on the
margins of human life and society.
Madison Ahlers, Dave
Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine
Campbell (USS Pickney),
Crista Campos, Garrett
Carnes, Douglas Cestari
(Afghan), John Cevasco, Alan
S. Colvin (Iraq), Steven
Fotiadis, Kody Garrison,
Matthew Geremia, Jeffrey
Guild (Afghan), Courtney
Hanna, Gregory Hanna,
Richard Hedges, Nicholas
Hemm (Japan), Mary
Katherine Hesler, Ryan
Howard, (Afghan), Jeremy
Lacey, Matthew Laxton,
Rachel Laxton, Adam
Livingston, Andres Molestina,
Carlos Molestina, John
Nickolopakos, Stephen
Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez
(Afghan), Caylin Sandke
(Afghan), Jay Sandke, Ryan
Smith (Okinowa), Daniel
Spaulding (Iraq), Erik
Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner,
Donovan Wagner, John
White, Kyle Wishlinski (USS
Louisiana), Billy Wyatt
Please let us know if
someone in your family is
deployed overseas, injured,
or returns home.
The Ignatian Corner!
Tom Ulrich (Deputy Director of Ignatian Volunteer Corps)
As you can see from the
tables last week, there is a major
difference in the need to do
charitable works and the need to
organize how that work is to be
done; that organizing would
include working for social justice.
Here at St. Therese, we have many
people DOING social ministries:
e.g. Christian Mission, Soup
Kitchen, our own Pantry, Habitat
for Humanity, Thanksgiving
Baskets and Dinner, Advent Tree,
Christmas Baskets, Eucharistic
ministers to the homebound, etc.
But we do not have a Social
Ministry Chairperson. This person
and his or her leadership team
would be responsible primarily for
the items listed under
“ORGANIZE”. “The primary
role of a parish-based social
ministry leadership team is to
ORGANIZE the ministry, not to
DO it." This team would also be
responsible for looking at the
causes of social structures and
recommending the advocacy
which would be needed and taken.
If there is a parishioner who would
like to do this task on a volunteer
basis, please let me or Fr. Vince
(In addition, Tom Ulrich
gave some indicators on how
Social Ministry is woven into the
fabric of a parish. Then he asked:
how would you rate your parish on
each of these indicators? Perhaps,
you would like to rate them
Fr. Dominic)
"Weaving Social Ministry into
the Fabric of Your Parish":
Some Indicators
1. The parish governance
structure (mission statement
and parish council) clearly and
explicitly includes a social
ministry component.
2. There is a system in place to
ensure regular communication
between the parish pastoral
leadership (pastor, staff and
parish council) and the parish
social ministry team.
3. Those communications update
and fully inform each party
about activities undertaken and
planned as well as explore how
each can be supported and
promoted by the other.
4. Have and maintain a "Social
Ministry" bulletin board and/or
a web page summary that
keeps parishioners updated
about current parish social
ministry events and actions.
5. Social ministry and Catholic
Social Teaching are always
woven into Eucharistic
Liturgies. That may include:
*Prayers of the Faithful
*Liturgical music
*Promotion of CRS, Catholic
Charities, CCHD, Respect
Life, etc... on a regular basis.
*Collections to support social
ministry in the diocese (e.g.
CRS and CCHD) are taken and
ministry purpose described
*Announcements of activities
are made including invitations
to join efforts
6. Adult education and formation
opportunities that include
Catholic Social Teaching and
social ministry are offered, at a
minimum, during Lent and
7. All religious education
materials include Catholic
Social Teaching and social
ministry (and the teaching of
the Church's Social Mission is
viewed as essential to religious
8. Parish youth activities include
volunteer opportunities to
engage in social ministry
9. Small faith groups are
encouraged by the parish.
Those groups include a
Catholic Social Teaching and
social ministry component.
10. The parish provides social
ministry team leaders
opportunities to build and
sharpen their ministry skills.
11. All members of the parish
understand that they are
always invited to participate in
social ministry efforts of the
parish, (e.g. parish prayer
networks are provided regular
social ministry intentions and
social ministry specific
prayers; regular pulpit and
bulletin announcements
inviting participation; RCIA
participants are provided the
opportunity to learn about and
be invited into social ministry
efforts, etc...).
“an IGNATIAN book of days”
by Jim Manney
Distribution of the books
will continue this weekend
after Masses,
August 8th/9th.
There will be an
opportunity to purchase
additional books for $5.00
during the distribution.
Coming in the Fall…
What do you get when you
mix a hand me down family
recipe using the ingredients
of God, Prayer and Ignatian
Spirituality? Come and taste
the goodness of God as we
invite ALL for a FREE Sample; a five week program
to see if you are called to participate in the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius. Stay tuned for further
WAKING UP TO THIS DAY A Day of Reflection
with Paula D’Arcy
Altar Server Training
Saturday, October 3, 2015
9:30am to 3pm
Cost: $35 per person (lunch included)
We will have training classes for
New Altar Servers on
August 15th and 22nd
from 9 am to noon.
Day of Reflection: WAKING UP TO THIS DAY
During this Day of Reflection we will explore
guideposts that summon us to live in the present
moment and open our eyes to the perfection of
Divine love moving in our lives.
The day will include time for reflection. Please bring a journal.
For more information and to register, please visit our website at
Contact: Carmen SanJuan at [email protected] or
Any interested children 10 years
of age or older should contact:
Cathy Johnson
[email protected].
Class size is limited to no more
than 5 and servers must attend
both sessions.
If you are an adult (11th grade or older) not baptized or are baptized into another
Christian faith, and are thinking about becoming a Catholic, we will begin on
September 3rd and on the following Thursday nights at 7:00PM, the faith journey
process and discernment called RCIA. This process is in three stages. The first is a
ten-week exploration of Catholic beliefs and practices. The second is a study of
Catholic doctrines, and the last is a Lenten preparation for full reception into the
Church and the Sacraments of Baptism (for unbaptized adults),
Confirmation and First Eucharist. There is no force nor obligation along
this journey. The decisions to continue are up to you and the Holy Spirit.
For information and registration for the first stage, please contact the office
or Deacon John (704-662-0714).
Peace and Justice Corner:
Prison Ministry Update
Sat 8/8
5:30 PM Alma Leveille+
Tom Cronin+
Sun 8/9
8:30 AM Joan Joy+
Joe Kennedy+
10:00 AM Anthony DeRiso+
Joseph Soda, Jr. +
12:00 PM Parishioners
Requested By
Paula Barslow
Requested By
Joy Family
Al & Marie Salerno
5:30 PM Cynthia Baiamonte+
Claire Baiamonte+
Mon 8/10
9:00 AM Maryilyn Magnusun (Sp Int)
David Scaletta+
Tues 8/11
9:00 AM Ray C. McDevitt+
Joan Campbell+
Wed 8/12
9:00 AM Nilsa Maldonado+
Special Intention
Thurs 8/13
9:00 AM Elizabeth Fournier+
Madelyn Harper+
Fri 8/14
9:00 AM Lucy Thomas+
Mary Jachym+
Sat 8/15
5:30 PM Monique Chaou+
Howard Brown+
Sun 8/16
8:30 AM John Trontell+
Bob Margolis+
10:00 AM Marijana Resmondo+
Sr. Eugenia Latendresse+
12:00 PM Annie Vernier+
Fr. Julian Harris (Healing)
5:30 PM Parishioners
Requested By
Paul & Jan Balmat
Michael Scaletta Family
Requested By
Requested By
Tom & Diane Brown
Requested By
Ed & Michele D'Orazio
Megan Faye
Requested By
Paysor Family
Paysor Family
Requested By
Adifon Family
Joanne Knapp
Requested By
Joann Bosi
Magnuson Family
Barbara Smith
Materials donated to the prison
ministry are greatly appreciated.
However, we can no longer
accept dated materials, no matter
the date. The chaplains are no
longer collecting this material
and only throw it away. This includes such
booklets as Magnificat. Please consider recycling
this material.
We still are in need of religious books;
especially bibles. All books must be paperback
- hardback books are not accepted.
If you have any further questions, please contact
Anne Cerutti at [email protected].
Meat (Turkey, Ham)
Toilet Paper
Cereal (Children’s Cereal)
(Food can be dropped off on the black rolling
carts in the Narthex of the Church or you may
continue to drop donations off in the carts in
the hallway of the Administration building)
Angela Leuci and family on
the death of her husband,
Please Remember:
No opened or fresh food
Check expiration dates - expired food
must be thrown away
Michael & Joanna Falzone
on the death of his parents,
Joseph and Loretta Falzone.
Food Pantry is open Mondays
from 10:00am to 11:30am
Deepest Sympathy To:
The pantry is closed on church Holy Days
& all Federal holidays.
STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure
Christ makes it quite clear
that he expects us to be
different. One of the ways
he expects us to be
different is by practicing
stewardship of time, talent
and treasure.
Friendly Reminder
Thank you to the many generous
parishioners who have donated food for
funerals. Please pick up any plates or
dishes you may have left behind by
August 16th. Items can be found in the
Family Room Kitchen. Anything
remaining after August 16th will be
donated. Thank you!
Leave a Legacy
Planned Giving is for everyone. A properly
executed will and financial plan are just as
important for young families with children as
they are for those who are retired.
Monthly AutoDraft
Active Families 3,685 as of 7/28/15
Thank You for Your Generosity
From SWAT: Many thanks
to all who made our
Rummage Sale such a huge
We appreciate all who
worked, all who donated,
and our many happy
Mass Attendance
July 26, 2015
5:30 Sat
Sunday 9am: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th
grade spots available
Please Call the Faith Formation Office for more
Information - 704-664-7762
Sunday 10:30am: 3r d, and 5th gr ade cocatechists needed
Sunday 7pm: Confirmation Class (8th Grade)
Tuesday 6pm: 1st thr ough 7th gr ade spots
Wednesday 5pm: 3r d, 4th
and 5th grade spots available.
Please prayerfully
consider joining our
team of Catechists.
Celebrating St. Ignatius
Thank you to everyone who came on
Friday, July 31st to celebrate St. Ignatius!
And thank you to all
who worked to make
this a wonderful event!
Sanctuary Praise Band Accompanist, Lead
Guitar, and Bass Guitar
Sanctuary, the Contemporary Praise Band that serves
the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass, is looking for musicians to
fill a few vacant slots. The Positions of Piano
Accompanist, Lead Guitar, and Bass Guitar all need
to be filled. These are all volunteer positions.
Commitments include the majority of Sundays, a
rehearsal on Sunday afternoon approximately one
hour before Mass time, with a
predominant energy and drive
to serve the Church in this
contemporary musical setting.
If you would like to share your
time and musical talent in the
Music Ministry of Saint Therese, please contact any
member of the Sanctuary Praise Band or Phil Haigler,
the Director of Music Ministry for Saint Therese, 704
-664-3992, ext. 106 or [email protected].
Saint Therese Music Ministry Alumni
As the Director of Music Ministry for Saint Therese, I
have met many Choir members, both current and
former. I would like to celebrate with all those singers
in a service of hymns, both old and new. This will be
a way to realize where we have grown musically both
before and after Vatican II. Over the years, the styles
have changed, the tempos have slowed down and
speeded up, and composers have come and gone.
Please look at your calendars for the Fall season. This
will be a great experience for the participant and the
spectator, honoring those beloved melodies and those
vintage Choir members. If you are
interested in participating, please
contact Phil Haigler, 704-664-3992,
ext. 106 or
[email protected], or any
current choir member.
Sound Tech Crew Needed
We are looking to increase the roster of our Sound Tech Crew. We have
established a rotational schedule so that no one needs to become over-committed.
There is a simple process by which training is given: observation during Mass, man
the mixer board for Mass with supervision, then join the scheduled rotation. There
are instructional videos and documentation available. If you are interested in
finding out more information about becoming a Sound Tech and what the
commitment might be, please contact either Phil Haigler or Bob Frohman through
the Church Office at 704-664-3992.
DATE: Sunday, August 9, 2015
TIME: 1:00PM - 3:00PM
PLACE: Parish Life CenterMPR
ALL parishioners - new and current - are
invited to a free luncheon to welcome our
new parish members!
Please come and join us!
-St. Therese Parish Life
Parish Library
Volunteers Needed
The Parish Library opens on
Monday, September 14th!
Library hours during the
week will be Monday through Thursday
from 9:30 to 11:30am. We need volunteers
on Mondays and Wednesdays every other
If we can get volunteers, we would like to
be open on:
Sundays: 9:00 to 11:30am, 3:00 to 5:00pm,
and 7:00 to 8:30pm;
Tuesday evenings: 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Wednesday evenings: 5:00 to 6:00pm
Volunteers working in the library are
required to complete paperwork and take a
Protecting God's Children class.
If you would like to volunteer in the library,
please contact Pat McCue at
[email protected] or 704-661-5862.
Sunday, August 9
1:00 PM
ESL-Citizenship Class
1:00 PM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
1:00 PM
Newcomers Luncheon
4:00 PM
Sanctuary Praise Band
Monday, August 10
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
9:00 AM
Labyrinth Prep
9:00 AM
LWP-Summer Camp
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
Respect Life Committee
7:30 PM
K of C Business Meeting
Tuesday, August 11
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
9:00 AM
Labyrinth Prep
9:00 AM
LWP-Summer Camp
6:30 PM
Marian Prayer Group
7:00 PM
CLC-One Bread, One Body
7:00 PM
Ignatian Latino Prayer
Wednesday, August 12
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
9:00 AM
Labyrinth Prep
9:00 AM
LWP-Summer Camp
5:00 PM
Latino Music Ministry
7:00 PM
Adult Bible Study
8:00 PM
New Beginnings
Thursday, August 13
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
9:00 AM
Labyrinth Prep
9:00 AM
LWP-Summer Camp
9:30 AM
Luminous Rosary
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Peace & Justice Committee
Friday, August 14
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
9:00 AM
Labyrinth Prep
9:00 AM
LWP-Summer Camp
Saturday, August 15
8:00 AM
Charlotte Cursillo
9:00 AM
Altar Server Training
9:00 AM
Eucharistic Congress Choir
9:00 AM
Good Shepherd Catechisis
2:00 PM
Latino Baptism Prep Class
Sunday, August 16
9:00 AM
MOST Coffee & Donuts
10:00 AM Jesuit Collaborative
1:00 PM
ESL-Citizenship Class
1:15 PM
4:00 PM
Sanctuary Praise Band
Room 14
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
Multi Purpose Room-PLC
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
MPR & Kitchen
Rooms 103 & 106
Room 14
Day Chapel
Family Rm, MPR & Kitchen
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
MPR & Kitchen
Rooms 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 204
Room 16
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
MPR & Kitchen
Rooms 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 16
Family Room
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
MPR & Kitchen
Rooms 103 & 106
Day Chapel
Room 16
Room 14
202, 203, 204, 205, 206
MPR & Kitchen
Rooms 103 & 106
Rooms 202-203
Choir Room-101-PLC
Rooms 204, 205, 107, 110
Room 110
Family Rm & PLC Kitchen
Room 15
Room 14
2015 Eucharistic Congress
Worldwide Marriage
Sunday, August 9th, 2015
Paul instructed us – “So be imitators of
God, as beloved children, and live in
love”. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle
your marriage sacrament. The next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter weekends are Nov 6-8, 2015 in
Atlantic Beach, NC and Feb 5-7, 2016 in Asheville,
NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more
information visit our website at: http:// or contact us at
[email protected] or 704-3152144.
Programs for children, young
adults, adults and Hispanic
people will be a part of the
eleventh Eucharistic
Congress of the Diocese of
Charlotte on September 11 &
12, 2015 at the Charlotte
Convention Center. Make
plans to attend. Visit for
more information.
SEPTEMBER 11 & 12, 2015
Summer Shakespeare - Entertaining Live Theater
Please join the Saint John Paul II Theater's Guild for
their performance of William Shakespeare's The
Winter's Tale on August 8-9 at 6:30pm in the
gymnasium at St. Ann Parish (3635 Park Rd. in
Charlotte). This performance is FREE but a goodwill
offering will be collected and all proceeds go to Our
Lady of Lourdes Parish in Monroe.
Conflict in your marriage?
Men at Prayer (MAP)
Is your marriage cold or filled with stress?
Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that
feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their
marriage. Most don’t know how to change the
situation or even talk with their spouse. This program
has helped thousands of couples experiencing
difficulties in their marriage. For confidential
information or to apply for the next program
beginning with a weekend September 25, 2015, call
800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at
[email protected], or visit the web site at
When: August 19th from 7pm - 8:30pm
Where: Charlotte Catholic High School Chapel
7702 Pineville-Matthews Rd., Charlotte
Come and hear the inspiring message from
Deacon Joe Diaz and witness from Brian Pusateri
the author of Tuesday’s 4th Day Letters.
Different speakers monthly on the 3rd Wednesday.
Info: http://
Little Way Preschool Openings
Little Way Preschool has openings available in the Monday/
Wednesday/Friday two-year old class and the Tuesday/Thursday three
-year old class. Please contact Dayna Auten at
[email protected], or
704-664-7762, ext. 318 for more information.
FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762
Faith Formation classes are beginning soon.
Here is a glance at the first two weeks of
Week of:
Classes begin as scheduled (NO YM)
Confirmation Parent & Student Mtg in PLC at 7pm
Adult Ed - 7pm
Classes as scheduled (Catechetical Sunday)
Youth Ministry Begins Sun 7pm
Together in Faith - 3:30pm
Friday Night Live
Classes as scheduled
SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm
Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm
Adult Ed - 7pm
Day of Reflection with Paula D'Arcy
Classes as scheduled
Together in Faith - 3:30pm
First Communion Parent Meeting 6:30pm
First Communion Parent Meeting 6:30pm
10/10 Confirmation Retreat
Classes as scheduled
10/11 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm
10/11 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm
10/11 NO Confirmation Classes
10/14 Adult Ed – 7pm
Classes as Scheduled (Last 15 min. all in MPR)
10/18 Together in Faith – 3:30pm
10/18 Confirmation Parent Meeting (A,B,C & D)
Classes as scheduled
10/25 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm
10/25 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm
10/25 Confirmation Parent Meeting (E,F,G&H)
Classes as scheduled
Together in Faith - 3:30pm
Adult Ed – 7pm
7th Grade Retreat (1-6pm)
Classes as scheduled
SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm
Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm
11/13 Friday Night Live
Saint Claire
This week we celebrate the life and devotion
to God of St. Clare. Clare was a beautiful
Italian noblewoman who became the
Foundress of an order of nuns now called
"Poor Clares." When she heard St. Francis of
Assisi preach, her heart burned with a great
desire to imitate Francis and to live a poor
humble life for Jesus. So one evening, she ran
away from home, and in a little chapel outside
Assisi, gave herself to God. St. Francis cut off
her hair and gave her a
rough brown habit to
wear, tied with a plain
cord around her waist.
Her parents tried in
every way to make her
return home, but Clare
would not.
Feast of the
This Saturday is the
Feast of the Assumption. It is the principal
feast of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of
Jesus Christ. This feast commemorates two
events - the departure of Mary from this life
and the assumption of her body into heaven.
The Church's official doctrine of the
Assumption says that at the end of her life on
earth Mary was assumed, body and soul, into
heaven. Some mistakenly believe Mary
"ascended" into heaven, which is incorrect. It
was Jesus Christ who ascended into heaven,
by his own power. But Mary was assumed or
taken up into heaven by God.
Misas en Español
Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m.
Adoración al Santísimo
Sacramento. El viernes 4 de Septiembre del 2015. Todos los primeros viernes del mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm
tendremos adoración eucarística.
Confesiones: Todos los domingos a
las 2:00 p.m. Usted puede llamar para hacer una
Clases de Bautismos:
Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases
de bautismos. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas,
la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La
próxima clase será el sábado 15 de Agosto de 2:00
- 4:00 pm y el domingo 16 de Agosto de 4-6 pm. Por
favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse en la clase.
Atención Padres: No niños en las clase.
Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran
organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6
meses luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer una cita con el coordinador del misa.
Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar
con seis meses de anticipación.
Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a
Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762.
Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana
estará tomando un descanso en el mes de Agosto.
Las clases Ignacianas se abren en el mes de Septiembre, a las 7:00 pm. Pronto se publicara la fecha.
9 de Agosto 2015
19avo. Del Tiempo Ordinario
Los regalos de Dios que él ángel llevó a Elías– comida, agua, descanso y ánimo– fueron dados no sólo
para su propio bien, sino para fortalecerlo para el
servicio. ¿Cómo estoy usando mis regalos para servir a los demás?
Charla de orientación al nuevo sistema de liturgia:
Domingo 23 de Agosto a la 1:15 pm en la iglesia
Congreso Eucarístico 2015: El tema de
este año es “He aquí, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas “. Tome tiempo para asistir
a este evento tan importante, el 11 y 12
de Septiembre del 2015, en el Centro de
Convenciones de Charlotte.
Anuncios del Congreso: Programas para niños, jóvenes, adultos y personas Hispanas serán una parte
de nuestro congreso . Haga planes para pasar un día
en el culto especial durante el Undécimo Congreso
Eucarístico. Visite el sitio web :, para mas detalles.
Picnic Parroquial: Gracias a todos los voluntarios,
ministros y jóvenes que contribuyeron a la coordinación en nuestro picnic el 25 de Julio en el parque
de Lake Norman. Fue un éxito rotundo. Gracias al
espíritu santo por su obra de unidad en Santa Teresita.
Consagración a Jesús a través de Maria:
Les recuerdo a todos los lectores de esta
sección , que estaremos unidos en un retiro
de 33 días de oración junto con la Madre
de Dios, la Santísima Virgen Maria. Ya comenzamos las oraciones el 6 de Agosto, en
la comodidad de nuestros hogares. Pero si
usted quiere unirse al grupo para orar el Santo Rosario, pueden llamar a Leyda al 704-664-3992.
English Second Language : Si usted
esta interesado en aprender ingles, por
favor llame a la Profesora Deanna ella
habla español, al teléfono 704-9926721.
Los horarios se publicara prontamente.
Asistencia de Alimentos: Atención a
todas las familias latinas, nuestro servicio de ayuda de alimentos será distribuida, Lunes en el siguiente horario
10:00 am– 11:30 am. Si usted necesita
asistencia en otros horarios, por favor
diríjase a las Misiones cristianas.
Congreso de la Renovación Carismática: Invita a
participar en el quinto Congreso de la Renovación
Carismática el día Sábado 15 de Agosto en Cobarrus Arena, en Concord. El tema es
sanado por el Espíritu Santo.
Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321
“La Esquina Ignaciana”
El mes de agosto es un mes especial en la que se destaca la tradición larga
eclesial de la veneración de la Virgen María. Hace unos diez días celebramos la
dedicación de la basílica de Santa Maria la Mayor de Roma. Es una de los
cuatro templos principales de la ciudad eterna. Es sábado de esta semana se
celebrará la Asunción de la Virgen al cielo. La próxima semana el reinado de la
Virgen estará recordado. Y finalmente el día 26 es la fiesta de Nuestra Señora
de Chestajova, un ejemplo de la devoción ligada a un país (Polonia) que se ha
sembrado por todo el mundo católico.
Todas estas fiestas indican el respeto enorme y el cariño ardiente que, los fieles
han mostrado hacía la madre de Jesús durante la historia de cristianismo. Pero
necesitamos ser conscientes de que, en nuestro entusiasmo a ensalzar las
virtudes y los méritos de María, no caigamos en la tentación de admirarla y
alabarla por razones erróneas. Durante muchos momentos de la historia de la
iglesia, aquella tentación ha sido de hacer de María que sea alguien que
simplemente no es. No es una diosa de las cuales fueron muchas en las varias religiones del tiempo en
que vivía Jesús. No es una criatura sobrenatural dotada con poderes extraordinarios y místicos. No es
una salvadora que tiene lástima por la condición humana en que todos los otros seres humanos se
encuentren. No, la grandeza de María es que ella es una de nosotros, ‘verdaderamente nuestra hermana’,
en las palabras del Papa Pablo VI. Recordando esa verdad teológica, miremos a dos de las
celebraciones marianas que se celebran durante el mes de agosto, las de la Asunción y de su Reinado.
Verdaderamente nuestra hermana, María se levantó al cielo en espíritu y cuerpo. No significa que su
carne es de una clase superior a la nuestra y, por eso, no podía tolerar la corrupción que es la suerte de
todos los mortales. Su carne es la carne en que cada ser humana participa y, por eso, la asunción de
aquella carne, nuestra carne, al cielo es la promesa solemne y eterna de parte de Dios que todos nosotros,
por el triunfo de Jesús sobre la muerte y el pecado, estamos llamados a la patria a donde ha ido María,
nuestra hermana. Su asunción es la celebración del proyecto humano iniciado por Dios en el momento
de la creación. En la alegría de María encontramos nuestro consuelo y nuestra esperanza desbordantes.
En la celebración del reinado de la Santísima Virgen traemos la memoria del reino del que su Hijo
hablaba con tanta pasión. En su predicación sobre el reino de su Padre, Jesús nos aseguraba que la
justicia y la paz, la esperanza y el amor son los signos concretos de la presencia del Dios que salva. En
aquel reino los más importantes son los que sirven. En ese reino, los últimos son los primeros. En aquel
reino, todos - los ricos y los pobres, los sanos y los enfermos, los aceptados y los marginados, los santos
y los pecadores, - vivirán como hijos e hijas del mismo Padre. María, verdaderamente nuestra hermana,
se ha llamado ser la reina de ese reino. En ella, los sueños por una vida que se conforma a esta voluntad
de Dios, no solamente son posibles sino que ya han empezado en su reconocimiento como reina. Esta
fiesta es una canción que proclama que todos nosotros estamos invitados a participar en el triunfo que
ganó Jesús en su pasión, muerte y resurrección de entre los muertos. El Reinado de la Santísima Virgen
anuncia que el misterio pascual es un misterio que salva.
Pidamos la gracia grande de que, por las varias celebraciones de la Virgen, nos traemos a una amistad
más fuerte y tierna con María, no porque ella es distinta de nosotros sino porque ella es verdaderamente
nuestra hermana.
P. Donald Ward,SJ