September 11, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
September 11, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
XXIV Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016 Year C Volume 2 Number 41 The SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community 2 | The SETON Sunday News | Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 24TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Readings this week: Sun., Sep 11: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15: 1-32 Mon., Sep. 12: 1 Cor 11:17-26,33; Lk 7:1-10 Tue., Sep. 13: St. John Chrysostom 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Lk 7: 11-17 Wed., Sep 14: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Nm 21:4b-9; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Thu., Sep 15: Our Lady of Sorrows 1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 2:33-35 Fri., Sep 16: Sts.Cornelius and Cyprian 1 Cor 15:12-20; Lk 8:1-3 Sat., Sep 17: 1 Cor 15:35-37,42-49; Lk 8:4-15 Sun., Sep 18: Am 8:4-7; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 Online: Administration Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar Armando Hernandez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Craig Lundberg, Deacon Shannon Everist, Pastoral Asst. for Administration Lori Lowery, Secretary Office Hours: Mon. - Thu. 9 am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm) Mass Times: Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.or g Facebook web link: Email: [email protected] g myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton Monday September 12 Home Visitation Evening Prayer Estudio Biblia Español Liturgical Planning Tuesday September 13 Women’s Fellowship Rosary for Life Altar Server Training Adoration/Bible Study Wednesday September 14 Funeral Committee Nimble Fingers Evening Prayer Alpha Feast of the Holy Cross Thursday September 15 Cascade Serra Club Mass Evening Prayer SacraMentors Luz y Vida—Gpo de Oración Friday September 16 Grupo de Jóvenes 5:30pm 6pm 7pm 7pm St. 4 Chapel Casa Seton Seton House 10am 12noon 7pm 7pm Hall Church Church Chapel 10am 12pm 6pm 6:30pm 7pm Mass Hall Hall Chapel Hall 5:30pm 6pm 7pm 7pm Church Chapel St. 2 Seton House 7pm Youth Room FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Our Shared Vision Phone: 425-481-9358 Enliven Faith Embrace our Ethnicities Enhance Spirituality Monday thru Friday: 10am - 5pm TEAM Stephanie Moran, Faith Formation Director Rosamaría García, Bilingual PA for Faith Formation/Administration Susie King, PA for Youth Ministry Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino, Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy, Jim Krieger, Alice Paine The Leadership Team Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez, Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg, Steve Robinson The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Dc Craig Lundberg, executive vice president Index Amazing Parish Calendar of Events Daily Readings Directory Faith Formation From Fr. Mario Happening… M.Sp.S Pastor’s Reflection Sección en Español Vocation Awareness Typology Year of Mercy SCAN ME FOR MORE INFORMATION 7 2 2 11 6 5 10 4 3 6 9 8 4 Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3 PASTOR’S Reflection My dear brothers and sisters, during the Liturgical year C we hear the parable of the Prodigal Son twice. The Fourth Sunday of Lent, and together with the other Parables of Mercy, this XXIV Sunday in Ordinary Time. But it is not a repetition, the different First and Second Reading give the Parable a different tone. During Lent, the other readings stressed the need for man to repent, the call to reconcile himself to God. Now, on the other hand, the emphasis is in God’s attitude toward sinners; we could say God’s repentance is stressed. This should call us to reflect about the image we have of God. Not about our “theoretical concept” of God, for God does not fit any concept and, moreover, he overflows all of them. The question is more practical, we are talking about God’s attitude toward us; and then we find out that he surpasses and surprises us. A God who repents. Many accuse God of being indifferent in light of evil in the world. Others, however, think that God reacts by punishing sinners for their transgressions. The Word gives as background three especially grave sins. The first reading mentions idolatry, that is, undue divinization of natural realities. In the Letter to Timothy, Paul accuses himself of having persecuted Christ; he didn’t quite adore a false God, he went against the true God. We human beings have the duty not only to act according to what is good and true, we must also honestly seek what is good and rue. The Gospel presents the prodigal son as the sin of denial of the father and the derailment of a selfish and dissipated life. The first reading seems to give God the desire to punish idolaters by wiping them from the face of the earth. It is only through Moses opposition and intercession that God “repents” from his decision and calms his anger. Paul confirms in his letter to Timothy the same thing, there’s hardly room for any more words, better to read the letter again to feel the power of those words full of strength and trust in the outpouring of graces, love, compassion and patience God is always bestowing on us. In case there are still doubts, the parables of mercy should be the final argument, God not only forgives, saves and creates anew, he also “goes to find us” when we lose ourselves, he seeks us faithfully and dutifully, to all costs. Christ himself has shown this to us, in order to find and save sinners he’s gone even to death, and death on the Cross. sustenance and that of our family. But Jesus goes deeper in his teaching about mercy; we are more than a sheep known by name; to God, we are like the only son, loved with an exclusive love, the kind of love good fathers, and especially good mothers, feel for their children, no matter how many they’ve born. An exclusive love is unconditional love, a love that goes out to find the lost son “when he was still a long way off”, a love which neither chastises nor punishes, rather it hugs, creates anew and celebrates the return home. God has an active attitude toward sin and evil, but it is also respectful of human freedom. God’s forgiveness is unconditional, but we can only receive it if we open ourselves to him. Therefore, the need for repentance. The idea of divine punishment for sin is more of a projection of ours that clamors for revenge and is closed to mercy. It is precisely a kind of sin that does not appear in the previous list, the sin of the older brother, of those who think themselves just and deny their forgiveness to those who return to the house of the Father, and rather clamor for a just punishment. This is the sin the Pharisees commit, to whom these parables are addressed as Jesus is using them to cleanse our image of God by revealing Him as a Father full of love. Christ has taken upon himself the sins of the world and taken them to the Cross, so he can transform death into life and sin into grace. Shepherds are said to know their sheep individually, not as a “flock”. This is the way God knows us and searched for us. We are more valuable to him than the coin the woman had lost in the second parable; she couldn’t have lost more than a few cents. We can understand the loss Fr. Jose Gerardo Alberto, MSpS of the sense of security for our own 4 | The SETON Sunday News | Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 JUBILEE OF MERCY Merciful like the Father We will be hosting the Relics of St John Paul II and St Faustina as they journey through the Archdiocese of Seattle. Sep 20, 21 and 22. Misa en Español 9/21, Mass in English 9/20 and 22 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton September 29th Praise Music begins at 6:45 Celebrant: Fr John Baptist Bashobora M I S S I O N A R I E S of The Holy Spirit St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is staffed by the Religious Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit In this Section you will find interesting articles about the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, the Spirituality of the Cross and the life of their founding parents: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita) and Fr. Felix de Jesus Rougier. hours. Neither discrimination torture infuriates us. Light Light meals are popular these days. They keep some of the original flavor but have fewer nutrients, however, lightness not only applies to meals; it is also manifested in many areas of our personality. nor Our ties are disposable. Relationships, even within the family nucleus, are superficial. We are terrified to connect with a person or an institution for life. Our commitments and decisions are fragile. In the past, a person’s word was enough. Now only a paper signed in front of a notary public and with witnesses has value. Half of all marriages end in divorce before the Our thinking is weak. We do not fifth year. seek truth. We are content with hypothesis. Our capacity to reflect has Seriousness is lacking in our been diminished. Soundness is lacking actions. We do things haphazardly. in our arguments. We neither put our heart into our actions nor do we concentrate on the Our feelings are superficial. We task at hand. We do things poorly or at measure our affection. Nothing excites best with mediocrity, without allowing us. Our happiness vanishes in a few enough time. Our virtue is only a varnish. Our self-control lasts only a week. We pray only when we feel like it. The giving of ourselves is determined by circumstances. Our service is motivated by pride, a desire to appear virtuous, and a search for gratitude. Our values are extremely shallow. People no longer dream of justice, freedom, love or sanctity. Now we are content, perhaps, with not stealing or killing. We cannot continue like this. What are we going to do to give consistency to our life? From “ Seeds of Hope” Fernando Torre, MSpS Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5 Takemewithyou —————Fr. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS————— Fr. Felix wrote this phrase that impacted my soul this week: “Above all else, because it’s fair, let us talk about God some!” What a beautiful invitation for all of us: to talk about God. I think we Catholics are very shy when it comes to talking about God in our daily life. We tend to enclose God at Church, and we even trap him in the tabernacle and we don’t allow Him to come out. God does not want to be enclosed; he wants to go out to where the people are. Simply remember the way Jesus acted: he was always where people were, at celebrations, dinners, fields… Jesus always went out to others. He did not sit to wait for others to come to Him. This is why I think that Fr. Felix’ invitation is very current. We need to talk more about God. Take Him everywhere you go, and no matter where you are, there should God be as well. It is QUITE FAIR FOR YOU TO TALK ABOUT GOD. I invite you to not be afraid to talk about God and the things He does in your life. Give witness of His great love for you an all of humankind. Don’t just share this with those who believe, share it especially with those who don’t believe. Make them aware of Jesus in your life. Don’t be shy and be more open. Believe in the action and guide of the holy Spirit. Fear not, Jesus goes with you and he will give you the words you need. I pray you take courage and next time I see you, you can tell me: I did do it. Llévamecontigo El P. Félix escribió esta frase que esta semana impactó mi corazón: “¡Ante todo, como es justo, hablemos algo de Dios!” Qué bonita invitación para todos nosotros: hablar de Dios. Creo que nosotros los católicos somos muy tímidos para hablar de Dios en nuestra vida ordinaria. Tendemos a encerrar a Dios en la Iglesia, y muchas veces lo encarcelamos en el sagrario y no lo dejamos salir de él. Y Dios no quiere estar encerrado; él quiere salir a donde está la gente. Simplemente recuerda como era Jesús; él estaba siempre en donde la gente estaba, en las fiestas, comidas, en las plazas, en los campos… Jesús siempre salía al encuentro de los demás. No se quedaba esperando a que todos vinieran a él. Por eso creo que la invitación del P. Félix es muy actual. Tenemos que hablar más de Dios. Llévalo a todas las partes que vayas y no importa el espacio donde estés ahí tiene que estar Dios. Es muy JUSTO QUE HABLES DE DIOS. Te invito a no tener miedo a hablar de Dios y de lo que él hace en tu vida. Da testimonio de su gran amor para contigo y para con toda la humanidad. No sólo lo compartas con los que creen, sino también con los que no creen. Haz que se enteren de Jesús en tu vida. No seas tímido y sé más abierto. Cree en la acción y la guía del Espíritu Santo. No temas, Jesús te acompaña y pondrá las palabras que necesitas en tu boca. Espero te animes y que la próxima vez que me veas me digas y compartas que sí lo hiciste. 6 | The SETON Sunday News | Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 SECCION en Español M is estimados hermanos y hermanas, durante el año litúrgico C leemos dos veces la parábola del Hijo pródigo, en el domingo cuarto de Cuaresma y, junto con las otras parábolas de la misericordia, en este domingo 24 del Tiempo Ordinario. Pero no se trata de una repetición, el diferente acento lo marcan la primera y segunda lectura. En Cuaresma se insistía en el arrepentimiento del hombre, llamado a reconciliarse con Dios. Ahora, en cambio, se mira sobre todo a la actitud de Dios ante el pecador; se puede decir que se subraya el arrepentimiento de Dios. Esto nos invita a reflexionar sobre la imagen que tenemos de Dios. No se trata de nuestro “concepto teórico” de Dios, pues Dios no cabe en ningún concepto y los desborda a todos. La cuestión es práctica, pues trata de su actitud ante nosotros; es ahí donde descubrimos que Dios nos supera y sorprende. Un Dios que se arrepiente. Son muchos los que acusan a Dios de permanecer indiferente ante el mal del mundo. Otros, en cambio, piensan que Dios reacciona ante el pecado humano castigando a los pecadores. La Palabra propone como trasfondo de la actitud de Dios hacia el hombre tres pecados de especial gravedad. En la primera lectura se habla de idolatría, esto es, de la divinización indebida de realidades naturales. En la carta a Timoteo Pablo se acusa a sí mismo con dureza de haber perseguido a Cristo; no es que haya adorado a un falso dios, sino que se ha opuesto al verdadero. El ser humano no tiene sólo el deber de actuar de acuerdo a lo que le parece bueno y verdadero, sino también el de buscar con sinceridad lo que lo es realmente. Por fin, el evangelio personifica en el hijo pródigo el pecado de negación del padre y la depravación de una vida desenfrenada y egoísta. La primera lectura parece atribuirle a Dios el propósito de castigar a los idólatras borrándolos de la faz de la tierra. Sólo ante la oposición e intercesión de Moisés, Dios “se arrepiente” de su propósito y aplaca su ira. Pablo confirma en la carta a Timoteo lo que acabamos de decir con tanta claridad, que apenas cabe más comentario que releer esas palabras llenas de fuerza y confianza sobre el derroche de gracia, de amor, de compasión y de paciencia que Dios se gasta con nosotros. Por si quedaban dudas, las parábolas de la misericordia deberían ser el argumento definitivo. Dios no sólo perdona, salva y crea de nuevo, sino que, cuando el hombre “se pierde”, sale a su encuentro, lo busca con empeño y esmero, sin ahorrar esfuerzos. Así lo ha manifestado en Cristo, que para encontrar y salvar al pecador ha ido hasta el extremo de la muerte. Se dice que los pastores conocen a sus ovejas una por una y no en “rebaño”. Así nos conoce y nos busca Dios. Somos para él más valiosos que la moneda perdida de la mujer de la segunda parábola, que seguro que no había perdido más que unos céntimos. Cualquiera entiende qué supone perder la garantía del sustento propio y de los suyos. Pero Jesús ahonda aún más su enseñanza sobre la misericordia; somos más que una oveja conocida por nombre; para Dios, somos como el hijo único, amado con un amor exclusivo, que es como los buenos padres y, sobre todo, las buenas madres quieren a cada uno de sus hijos, por muchos que tengan. Un amor exclusivo es un amor incondicional, que sale al encuentro del hijo perdido “cuando estaba todavía lejos”, un amor que no reprocha ni castiga, sino que abraza, crea nuevamente y festeja la vuelta a casa. Dios tiene una actitud activa ante el pecado y el mal, pero también respetuosa hacia la libertad humana. Y es que el perdón de Dios es incondicional, pero nosotros podemos recibirlo sólo si nos abrimos a él. De ahí la necesidad del arrepentimiento. La idea del castigo divino por el pecado se parece más a una proyección nuestra que clama venganza y se cierra a la misericordia. Es precisamente un género de pecado que no aparecía en el listado anterior, el pecado del hijo mayor, de los que se pretenden justos y niegan el perdón de los que vuelven a casa, y exigen para ellos los castigos apropiados. Es el pecado de los fariseos, a quienes se está dirigiendo Jesús con estas parábolas y con las que quiere purificar nuestra imagen de Dios al revelarlo como un Padre lleno de amor. Cristo ha tomado sobre sí el pecado del mundo hasta el extremo de la cruz, para convertir la muerte en vida y el pecado en gracia. P. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7 of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton As part of our Pastoral Plan and the “Many Cultures – One Faith” program to celebrate cultural diversity, the SIMBANG GABI MINISTRY of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish invites everyone to celebrate the lives and faith of our two Filipino saints, San Lorenzo Ruiz and San Pedro Calungsod, on a special 5pm mass on Saturday October 1st. After mass, tr aditional Filipino dishes will be offered in the Parish Hall. Did you know we offer email reminders to intentionally pray for our parish, our priests, and special events in our parish? The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in 2697, “We cannot pray “at all times” if we do not pray at specific times, consciously willing it. If you have not registered yet please commit to praying one day a week for our parish to become an Amazing Parish. Bible Study coming soon! Bible Study begins Tuesday, Sept. 20. Curious or afraid of the last book of the Bible? Why does it have 2 names: Revelation and Apocalypse? Come and unveil what God wants you to know. Read, discuss, and view a DVD lecture by Jeff Cavins, a Catholic Bible expert. Fellowship Hall, 7-9:00 PM. See Come for Fellowship, Fun, Faith, and Friends! Dinner on us. Childcare available! FELLOWSHIP BEGINS September 14th at 6:30pm Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Chris an faith For informa on contact: Steve Robinson: [email protected] (425) 422-8860 “In the Eucharist we find all the good of the Church. In it we have the certainty that God is faithful to His promise and stays with us until the end of time. In our visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good Shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of a faithful friend. We all experience this large support in our lives provided by faith and our personal and intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist." Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm. TALLER PARA PADRES—Crecimiento Familiar Becoming Catholic Grover Bravo MA MFT Fecha: 8 de Octubre 2016 Hora: 8:00 AM a 4:00 PM Lugar: Iglesia Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton 2316 180th St SE, Bothell WA 98012 Costo: $ 20.00 por persona ( cupo limitado) Informes: Caro Esparza 425-273-5999 Oscar Esparza 425-273-5258 No Habrá cuidado de Niños! Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic Have you ever wondered about what Catholics believe? Have you ever wanted a better understanding of Mass or the Sacraments? If you have thought, wondered or wanted, then maybe it’s time to check out how one can become Catholic. Please feel free to drop by Station 4 (lower level of the church building) this Sunday, September 11, 10:15am to 10:45am and ask about becoming Catholic. No sign-up, no obligation, just a chance to find out what we have for you. 8 | The SETON Sunday News | Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 Y o u t h Section Typology St Teresa of Calcutta Vatican City (CNN)Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun who devoted her life to helping India's poor, has been declared a saint in a canonization Mass held by Pope Francis in the Vatican. Pope Francis delivered the formula for the canonization of the Albanianborn nun -- known as the "saint of the gutters" -- before huge crowds of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City on Sunday morning. Applause broke out before he completed the formula of canonization, in which he declared "Blessed Teresa of Calcutta to be a saint." India renamed the city of Calcutta to Kolkata in 2001 to match the Bengali pronunciation. But the church F A I T H uses the spelling of Calcutta in its references to Mother Teresa. Francis: 'May she be your model of holiness' Pope Francis then delivered a homily, in which he praised Mother Teresa -- "this emblematic figure of womanhood and of consecrated life" -- for her charitable work. "Mother Teresa, in all aspects of her life, was a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through her welcome and defense of human life, those unborn and those abandoned and discarded," he said. "She bowed down before those who were spent, left to die on the side of the road, seeing in them their God-given dignity. She made her voice heard before the powers of this world, so that they might recognize their guilt for the crime of poverty they created." 'Saint of the gutters' Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910, Mother Teresa set up her Missionaries of Charity in the slums of Kolkata in 1950 and made her headquarters in the Indian city for nearly half a century. Her small figure, often in a white-andblue sari and sandals, became familiar around the world. She died in Kolkata in 1997 at age 87. Formation Life Teen/Confirmation/On Fire and Edge: Save the date September 25th for our Kickoff to the new year. Make sure you are registered. !!! Edge: Par ent/New Student Infor mational night Sept 19th at 7pm. Come and check out what EDGE is all about. Save the date Septmember 26th for our Edge Kickoff Mass and Ice Cream Social!! Dont forget to register.... Registration is now open for all Faith For mation Programs. Registration is required for all children and Youth seeking a Sacrament, even if this is their Second year of Formation. Registration Forms can be found in the Vestibule, the Faith Formation Office and online. Ya estamos recibiendo inscripciones par a clases de Catecismo en todos los niveles. Llene la forma que se encuentra en el Vestíbulo y entréguela en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe. Todos deben llenar una nueva forma, aunque sea el segundo año que asistan a clases. Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9 A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness How Will I Know? Most of us who have ever wondered if the vocation to religious life was for us must have asked the question, "how will I know?" It comes in many forms. "What is God's will in my life?" "How do I find happiness and fulfillment in my life?" "What is the ultimate purpose of my existence?" "How will I know that God is calling me to live the religious life as a priest, brother, or sister?" "How will I know that God is calling me to live the religious life as a priest, brother, or sister?" An inherent part of life is the responsibility to make difficult, challenging, and sometimes even painful decisions. To make important decisions often requires time, prayer, and discernment. Perhaps today more than ever, we face a greater multiplicity and complexity of decisions in ordinary day-to-day living. In the discernment process, we consider the options, balance the advantages with disadvantages, and carefully examine the consequences. "How will I know . . . what is good, right, or best? How will I know what God is calling me to?" WHAT KINDS become PEOPLE OF priests, sisters or brothers? Are they people who don’t relate well with other people? No. They are people who love others — people who find real satisfaction chatting with a 93-year-old parishioner, holding the hand of a cancer patient, listening to the troubles of a streetwise teen. They are people with the courage to touch lives, hearts and souls in a high-tech, unchurched world. Are you that kind of person? Before the rainbow shown in the sky, perhaps Noah wondered, "How will I know?" Before John the Baptist sent his disciples from his prison cell to find Jesus he must have asked, "How will I know?" When Thomas heard from the disciples that Jesus rose from the dead, he must have struggled with the question, "How will I know?" As Mary Magdalene gazed into the empty tomb that first Easter morning, she must have pondered, "How will I know?" Today, as in Jesus’ own time, God continues to give signs to help us to decide, to discern and to know what the Lord is asking us. O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock. Lord, we need a lar ge number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocactions, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life. We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother. Jesus give us pr iests accor ding to your hear t. Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them! This week please pray for Jonathan Cheever, from Mountlake Terrace. Last June he finished Theology II, Has your family prayed for vocations today? For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Priests: Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S. Fr. Armando Hernandez, M.Sp.S. 10 | The SETON Sunday News | Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 HAPPENING Here and elsewhere Our spiritual adoption baby shower will be Saturday, October 15 after the 5 PM Mass. Now is the time to start procuring items for the shower. A Prepares crib will be available after all Masses on October 8-9 and October 15-16 for you to donate items if you cannot attend our baby shower. All are welcome! Please see our website for a list of suggested donations for the baby Shower. Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners every Tuesday at noon. All are welcome. We meet by the Immaculate Conception. SHARE THE WARMTH! Bring your gently-used COATS, TENTS, and SLEEPING BAGS for the Homeless in our Community Sep 18th / Parish Hall Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus A New Beginning for Your Marriage Are you going through a difficult time in your marriage? Do you wish you could take back unkind words and actions? It is possible to move past the hurt. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) helps struggling couples rediscover each other and take positive steps to begin a new life of healing, commitment and love. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning Sept 23-25, 2016 call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at Planning to get married? Marriage Prep Retreats are coming up in English and Spanish. English: Oct. 21 and 22 Spanish: Nov 12 and 19 Email [email protected] for info in English [email protected] para información en español Retiros Pre-matrimoniales Dos sábados: 12 y 19 de Noviembre OKTOBERFEST TO BENEFIT THE MISSIONARIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Join the MSpS and 120 guests in a celebration of the harvest Bavarian style with authentic German dinner and music, beer, wine, and dancing. The event will be held on September 25th, 2016 from 49pm in a pr ivate r esidence in Hillsbor o, OR. Pr oceeds will benefit the retired and infirm MSpS. Tickets are $100 a person and a portion of the value of your ticket is a charitable donation and tax-deductible as allowed by law. To RSVP or for more information, contact Pierre Van Der Sluys at (503) 706-7465, [email protected] Bloodworks NW and the Mill Creek Lions Club are sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE On Thursday, September 29 from 1-7pm (Closed from 3 to 3:45) In the Fellowship Hall of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton For questions, call Marilyn or Roy de Soto (360) 668-5447 Women’s Fellowship begins Tuesday September 13th at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. All women of the Parish are invited and Child Care will be available. Come and get to know us—Introduction on Tuesday. Home Visita on/Grief Ministry Your parish has trained ministers to visit you or your family members who are going through difficult transi ons and in¿lnesses in their lives, When you have handicapping illnesses or lose a loved one, it helps to talk and to grieve the loss. Please call on us and allow us to live the Gospel values by serving you. We spend an hour each week listening to your story and your pain; we pray with you; we connect you with community resources and with your parish. There is no cost to you… More informa on in the narthex. Joan Kluck & Coordinator ([email protected]) / coordinator Visitas en su hogar/Ministerio de Consejería Su parroquia enes ministros entrenados para visitarlo a Ud. O su familia cuando están enfrentando transiciones dificultosas o enfermedades. Cuando se ene enfermedades discapacitantes o se pierde un ser querido, ayuda hablar sobre el dolor de esa pérdida. POr favor, llámenos y permítanos vivir las enseñanzas del Evangelio al ayudarlos. Dedicamos una hora por sema escuchando su dolor; oramos con usted; lo conectamos con recursos en la comunidad y con su parroquia. Las visitas no enen ningún costo. En el ves bulo encontrará más información. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Alpha, Steve Robinson Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver Encuentro Matrimonial, Lupe & Alfonso Bustos Environment Team, Claudia Galindo Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Linda Brownfield Matrimonios para Cristo, Estela y Cesar Verduzco Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Stavros, Jim Krieger Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie Young Adult in Spanish, Juan de Dios Cruz COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie Catholic Daughters, Lois Raske Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504 Connect to St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church through myParish App (for I-Phone and Android) Homilies, Messages and Upcoming events featured. Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Mina Amlag Salvador Andrada Roberta Autron Michelle Barthole Tom Bender Jane Bentley Shawna Boger Eulalia Castillo Ruth Carpizo Ed Crull Billie Dougherty Anna Epps Fran Fielden Marjorie Frye Dee HolidayJoyce Rosas Osborne Florentine Ruhland Rosemary Jesmer Fran Shephard Helen Johnston Benita Schumacher Patricia Kramer Jim Schumacher Christopher Leon Leticia Solorzano Jennie Leyva Fran Sphung Patti Means Adrienne Steuer Marie Milne Harry St Nicholas Shirley Muntz Francis Sullivan Yolanda Noblezada Richard Totorica Teresa Paris Barb West Ritzy Rafer Tami Wyatt Floyd Roderick Beatrice Zorzi May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and God the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen. Twenty-fourth Sunday, 09/11/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11 PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Alberto, Fr. Gerardo [email protected] 425-481-0303 x39 Everist, Shannon [email protected] 425-481-0303 x24 Garcia, Rosamaria [email protected] 425-481-9358 x31 Hernandez, Fr. Armando [email protected] 425-481-0303 x 26 King, Susie [email protected] 425-481-9358 x34 Lowery, Lori [email protected] 425-481-0303 x21 Lundberg, Dn. Craig [email protected] 425-481-0303 x25 Moran, Stephanie [email protected] 425-481-9358 x28 Rodriguez, Fr. Mario [email protected] 425-481-0303 x23 Ugalde, Fr. Jose [email protected] 425-481-0303 x22 Ministries and groups Adams, Arthur [email protected] 425-948-7635 Alejandro, Jon [email protected] 425-487-3432 Apin, Ana May [email protected] 425-741-2007 Apin, Gerry [email protected] 425-741-2007 Augustine, Rolfson [email protected] 425-420-4406 Auroux, Jacqueline [email protected] 425-585-0303 Baer, Jane [email protected] 425-357-1037 Brownfield, Linda [email protected] 360-863-3750 Bustos, Lupe & Alfonso [email protected] Cardona, Eduardo [email protected] 425-212-8053 Cardona, Veronica [email protected] 425-212-7864 Carver, Amelia [email protected] 425-745-1436 Chagoya, Graciela [email protected] 425-770-0680 Christie, Ken [email protected] 425-776-3967 Christie, Mary [email protected] 425-776-3967 Cooley, Kelly [email protected] 425-239-5665 Cruz, Juan de Dios [email protected] 425-321-8740 Dellino, Jean [email protected] 425-337-3182 Egashira, Kathy [email protected] 206-214-5884 Galindo, Claudia [email protected] 425-315-5151 Gagner, Nicolette [email protected] 425-481-7022 Gallagher, Paul [email protected] 425-338-1268 Gimenez, Marcia [email protected] 425-481-0303x42 Gogal, Heidi [email protected] 425-337-1028 Harvill, Chris [email protected] 360-348-0793 Hernandez, Elvira [email protected] 425-876-9986 Iwamoto, Marianne [email protected] 425-385-8694 Kennedy, Robert [email protected] 425-418-1636 Kluck, Joan [email protected] 425-337-9928 Krieger, Jim [email protected] 425-770-0361 Leone, Vicki [email protected] 425-870-0940 Maurer, Pat [email protected] 425-931-9330 Mori, Kimie [email protected] 425-418-4783 Occhiuto, Scott [email protected] 425-308-0888 Paine, Alice [email protected] 425-418-4925 Portello, Doug [email protected] 425-530-1846 Raske, Lois [email protected] 206-999-8176 Robinson, Erin [email protected] 425-422-9881 Robinson, Steve [email protected] 425-422-8860 Salvati, Karen [email protected] 425-327-8700 Verduzco, Cesar [email protected] 425-301-9473 A Call to Share… Sat. 5pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5 pm $4,914.00 $5,284.00 $3,130.00 $2,352.00 $3,449.00 Children’s Envelopes $92.00 EFT Contributions $6,904.75 Mid Week $2,263.25 Total Offering 28,389.00 Thank you... Law Offices of Shara Svendsen Parishioner Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.