oct-03-10 - Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
oct-03-10 - Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Mass/Misa: Thursday/Jueves Oct. 7 @ 7:00pm. Ride tickets special offer / boletos para los juegos mecánicos, oferta especial: 20 tickets for $12.00. Raffle Tickets / boletos para la rifa: $2.00 each. Viernes: BANDA LA PEGADORA BANDA LIMON GRUPO EL TIEMPO PORRISTAS DE LAS CHIVAS USA Sábado: TIRANOS DEL NORTE Domingo: LOS BONDADOSOS ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON Birthplace: United States Feast day: January 4 GOD IS LOOKING Born into wealth in 1774, Elizabeth Bailey was baptized in the Episcopalian Church. She married William Seton when she was 19. Together they had five children, and because of William's illness and failure in business, life was difficult for them. William died while they were traveling in Italy, and it was at that time Elizabeth became acquainted with Catholicism through friends. She was a widow at age 30, and entered the Catholic Church, drawn by her belief in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and her devotion to Mary. She was for her the ideal of a woman of faith, and later called Mary "the first Sister of Charity on earth". Because of her conversion her Episcopal family opposed her; friends abandoned her and she found herself in dire financial straits. She started a school and later a boarding house in New York City. A Priest from Baltimore hearing of her plight invited her to open up a school for girls there. After she did so she gathered round her a group of like-minded women and established a congregation of nuns. On March 25,1809 she took her first vows as a religious. The community adapted a religious habit and took the name of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and from then on Elizabeth was known as Mother Seton. Later they took the rule of the Daughters of Charity. In June 1809 she moved her school and new community to Emmitsburg, Maryland. The order grew and she eventually also opened orphanages in Philadelphia and New York. Where ever she went she opened schools and started orphanages. Mother Seton wrote textbooks, translated books from French into English, and composed hymns and spiritual discourses, many of which have been published. She and her Order are tightly regarded as founders of the American parochial school system. Mother Seton died in Emmitsburg on January 4,1821, by which time her congregation, the first to be founded in America, had spread to some twenty houses across the United States. Their work and influence has grown ever since. There are now five independent communities of the Sisters of Charity. They staff hospitals like St. Mary's in Milwaukee and Mequon, child-care institutions and homes for the aged and handicapped, and schools at every level. There are houses in South as well as North America, in Italy and mission countries. She was canonized by Pope Paul VI on September 14,1975. She is buried under an altar in the chapel of the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Seton in the provincial house of the Daughters of Charity in Emmitsburg, Maryland. 1 767-2258. email: for good young men to be Scalabrinian Missionaries. You don ’ t fit the profile? Don ’ t worry, give it a try, call Father Giovanni Bizzotto at ( 818 ) “WHEELS OF HOPE” Do you know someone who has been deprived of their ability to walk due to illness or disease? If so, “Wheels of Hope” can help your loved ones regain confidence and their independence with a power wheelchair or scooter. “Wheels of Hope” helps Medicare Recipients who suffer from respiratory disorders, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, has a mobility limitation and difficulty in propelling a standard wheelchair, to receive a power wheelchair or scooter paid for with the assistance of Medicare. For eligibility information on “wheel of Hope” please call (866) 631-3022. VALLEY FAMILY CENTER 302 S. Brand Blvd., San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 365-8588 ALL SERVICES ARE IN ENGLISH & SPANISH Counseling Services Include: Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. Special groups for: Teen girls, children, ages 5-12, children of divorce, couples, victims of abuse-children & adults, children’s bereavement group (as needed). Learning Center: Tutorials, basic skill building for children and teens. Sliding scale fees. CALL TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT QUINCEAÑERAS The young ladies wishing to celebrate this Hispanic tradition need to register at least six months in advance by coming to the parish office on weekdays from 8:00am to 8:00pm and Saturdays from 8:00am to 4:00pm. You must present their Baptismal and First Communion Certificates. POST-ABORTION RECONCILIATION AND HEALING: Project Rachel can help healing the deep wounds of abortion because “Jesus makes all things new.” Call Sister Rita Callanan (626) 398-6100. Prayer for Vocations By Cardinal Roger Mahony Good and gracious God, you have called us through our Baptism to discipleship with your Son Jesus Christ, and have sent us to bring the Good News of salvation to all people. We pray for you to grant us more priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and lay ministers to build up your Church here within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Inspire our young men and women by the example of Blessed Junipero Serra to give themselves totally to the work of Christ and His Church. We ask this in the name of the Jesus the Lord. Amen! TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - VIGESIMO SEPTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO OCTOBER 3, 2010 SECOND COLLECTION Mission Appeal This weekend, Fr. Vidal M. Martinez, O.S.M. of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites)-USA Province is here to talk about their missionary work in KwaZuluNatal, Republic of South Africa. The Servites are one of the mendicant orders and were founded in the 13th century in Florence, Italy. At the present time they serve all over the world in every type of apostolate. The USA Province of Servites is responsible for the missions in KwaZulu-Natal. The main task of the missionaries today continues to be the proclamation of the Gospel and the establishment of viable Catholic communities. The idea that the people are the church is quite strong and participation in the liturgy and the work of the Church is very good. Other ministries included education and primary health care centers, providing funding to improve the water system and root out malaria. They are also ministering to the victims and orphans of the “AIDS” epidemic and the building of homes for these victims and other people of the area. They are in need of prayers and financial help to carry on these ministries. God Bless you for your prayers and financial assistance. Envelopes will be provided. Generation in Action (GIA) has MOVED to Sundays after God is love 5pm Mass, from 6:15-7:30pm in the auditorium. Come and meet new people and have fun all while learning more about youth faith, your community, and world. DID YOU KNOW? Reporting Child Abuse “Priests, deacons, school faculty and administrators and other staff members in our parishes and schools have been designated as mandated reporters under California law. When one of these persons receives information leading to a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that a child is being abused or neglected, he or she must make a report to the appropriate child protection or law enforcement agency.” From the 2010 pamphlet, “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: Keeping Ministerial Relationships Healthy & Holy,” published annually by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The pamphlet is available in the parish and online at: archdiocese.la/protecting. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at 213 637 7650. MASS INTENTIONS We place in the Bulletin the intentions of each Mass for the whole week. Nevertheless, there are many people, who come just as the Mass is about to start and ask the celebrant to mention their personal intention for that Mass. This is not the proper approach to the case. People wishing to request a Mass intention, should come personally to the parish office at least three weeks or one month ahead of their intended date, so that the intention be duly registered in the parish Mass Book and included in the parish Bulletin. Learn more about the Missionaries of St. Charles ‐ Scalabrinians, go to their website: www.scalabrinians.org. Learn about their ministry in North America as well as around the world. You will have the opportunity to make a donation on‐line to support their ministry. Retrouvaille ... a lifeline for Marriages A program to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages. Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille provides marriage help! (661) 257-7980. DETENTION MINISTRY Every first Sunday of the month a priest from the parish celebrates the Eucharist at Sylmar Juvenile Hall at 8:00 am. But many lay people also volunteer their time taking part in that Mass and listening and praying with the inmates. Anyone wishing to be added to this ministry, should call the parish priests. FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE PARISH - RECURSOS ECONOMICOS DE LA PARROQUIA Last Sunday’s collection / Colecta del domingo pasado: H O L Y R O S A R Y C H U R C H: $8,168.77 2 1. Erasto Ambriz & Fabiola Díaz 3. Cristóbal Avalos & Bianca López Saturday, October 2 8:00am. 5:30pm. Blessed Virgin Mary / Proceso Isip † / Julian Isip † Salvador P. Calara † / Rev. Thomas Aiken † / Alejandra Reyes, 15th Birthday / Anita Gonzalez, Health WELCOME TO THE FAITH THROUGH BAPTISM BIENVENIDOS A LA FE CON EL BAUTISMO Sunday, October 3 (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 8:00am. Jesus Gonzalez † / Delmi Azenon † / Fam., Zuñiga, Accion de gracias 10:00am. Pedro C. Manabat †Winston Louison † / Edgardo Darios † / Jose Cornejo † / Mike O’Gara, Special intention / Lydris Joseph, Special intention / Tessie Cornejo, Thanksgiving / Riley Eleco, Birthday / JD Orsana Darios, Health 8:30am. (Zapopan) Rodolfo Perez † / Ma. Angelez Velasquez † / Oscar Gonzalez, Cumpleaños 11:30am. (Zapopan) Santos Vasquez † / Carlos A. Vasquez † / Noe M. Fuentes 12:00pm. Victoria Castro † / Juan & Refugio Fraire † / Ma. Del Rosario Mariscal † 2:30pm. Altagracia Mendoza † / Rosa A. Lozano † / Francisco Vidal † / Mason Diaz, Cumpleaños 5:00pm. Jose Flores † / Jose F. Carranza, Por su salud / Mauricio Diaz, Por su salud 1. Ruben Maya A DAY TO CELEBRATE OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY! Thursday, October 7th. “With the Rosary, the Christian people sits at the School of Mary and is led to contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of His Love,” (Pope John II). Monday, October 4 (St. Francis of Assisi) 8:00am. 6:30pm. O.L. of Mercy, Thanksgiving / Jennifer Fune, Birthday / Eeza Halasan, Birthday Michael Armendariz † / St. Francisco de Asis, Accion de gracias / Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario Come let us pray in honor of Our Lady, starting at 9am, continuously until mass at 7pm. The Zapopan Danza will be present at 6pm. Tuesday, October 5 8:00am. 6:30pm. 2. Kevin Contreras Healing Ministry / Leila Brion, Birthday / Mercedes Del Valle † Ana P. Castillo, Cumpleaños / Michael Armendariz † / Natalia Vasquez † Wednesday, October 6 8:00am. 6:30pm. Lyle Agagon, Birthday / Joseph Brion, Birthday / Arturo Valenzuela † (Zapopan) Michael Armendariz † / Ma. Angela Velasquez † / Ernesto Gonzalez, Cumpleaños Thursday, October 7 (O.L. of the Holy Rosary) 8:00am. 7:00pm. Russ Hawe † / Gregorio A. Nuquin † / Martin O’Sullivan, Health MISA EN HONOR A NUESTRA DEL SANTO ROSARIO Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen Friday, October 8 8:00am. 6:30pm. O.L. of Conception, Thanksgiving / Agusto Canchela † / James Farris † Michael Armendariz † / Ismael Tirado † / Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario, Accion de gracias Saturday, October 9 8:00am. 5:30pm. Arturo Romero † Salvador P. Calara † / Michael Armendariz † / Mariano Tolentino LA HORA DE LA MISERICORDIA WORDS OF WISDOM Don't use a lot where a little will do. 3 Tenemos Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, Oraciones de Adoración, Meditación del Viacrucis y Peticiones Personales. Sábados a las 3:00pm, Capilla del Santo Rosario. ¡CELEBREMOS A NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL SANTO ROSARIO! Jueves, Octubre 7. ¡ADVERTENCIA! No todas las iglesias que usan el término “Católica” en su título están en comunión con el Santo Padre ó bajo la jurisdicción del obispo local Católico Romano. Por ejemplo, la “Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia” en la Calle Arminta, y la “Iglesia San Judas Tadeo” al número 11855 Hart St., North Hollywood, ubicadas dentro de los límites de la parroquia, están incluidas en esta categoría y no son Iglesias Católicas Romanas. Sus sacramentos no son considerados válidos por nuestra Iglesia Católica Romana. “El Rosario es una lluvia de rosas que cae sobre el mundo entero. Por cada Ave María que un alma reza con amor y con fe, yo dejo caer una gracia,” (Palabras de la Virgen). DIOS ESTA BUSCANDO jóvenes dispuestos y que quieran formar parte de la familia Scalabriniana. ¿Crees que eso no es para ti o que no cumples con lo requerido? ¡Trata! Llama al Padre Giovanni Bizzotto al (818) 7672258, email: [email protected] El día jueves, comenzaremos a rezar el Rosario a las 9am continuamente hasta la misa de 7pm. A las 6pm nos acompañara la Danza de Zapopan. ¡Te esperamos! ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL invita a las parejas a echar un vistazo a su matrimonio y a darle chispa al amor. Si desea participar en un fin de semana que cambiará positivamente la relación con su pareja, llame a Armando & María Moreno (818) 9821208 o Toño & Lupe Gómez (818) 799-7461. TARJETAS DE MISAS PERPETUAS Dios te salve María llena eres de gracia el Señor es contigo; bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora y en la ahora de nuestra muerte. Amén Si una persona está enferma, necesitada de una oración, ó alguien de sus amigos ha fallecido, no hay mejor manera de enseñar su solidaridad con la familia afectada que pedir unas Misas Perpetuas de los Misioneros Scalabrinianos. Pase a la oficina de la parroquia entre semana para pedir esta tarjeta con la secretaria. De esta manera ayudan también las misiones de los Scalabrinianos. CENTRO DE CONSEJERIA (“Valley Family Center”) ubicado en San Fernando, bajo la responsabilidad de las Hermanas de la Caridad. Ofrece servicios de consejería para familias, matrimonios, niños y adolescentes, víctimas de abuso, violencia doméstica. Todos los servicios en Inglés y en Español. Llame para hace una cita: (818) 365-8588. lo menos un mes antes de la fecha del bautismo para apuntar a su hijo/a. Es requerido que traigan el acta de nacimiento y la cuota de inscripción de $30.00. Las clases de bautizo se ofrecen en el Santo Rosario. Si desea saber las fechas de bautizo puede llamar a la oficina al (818) 503-8920 de 3-8pm. Entre semana (cerrado los lunes) o el sábado de 8am.-4pm. Es un requisito que si los padrinos son pareja viviendo juntos sean casados por la iglesia Católica Romana, sino son pareja deben ser mayores de edad y tener el sacramento de la confirmación. Los niños para ser bautizados en el proceso regular tiene que ser antes de que cumplan los seis años de edad ya pasada esta edad serán enviados al proceso de RICA. BAUTISMOS EN LA MISION DE ZAPOPAN Los padres de los niños deben pasar a la oficina de Zapopan por RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION Oración por las Vocaciones Queridos Hermanos, Por el Cardenal Roger Mahony Es con mucho gozo que les anunciamos un encuentro con Jesús atreves del Retiro de Evangelización que se llevara a cabo los domingos, 24 de octubre y 7 de noviembre en el Auditorio Parro4 Dios bueno y bondadoso, nos has llamado a través del Bautismo a ser discípulos junto con tu hijo Jesucristo, y nos has mandado a llevar la Buena nueva de la salvación a todos los pueblos. Te rogamos por mas sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos, religiosas y ministros laicos para edificar tu Iglesia aquí en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Inspira a nuestros jóvenes con el ejemplo del beato Junípe‐ ro Serra para que se entreguen totalmente al trabajo de Cristo y su Iglesia. Te lo pedimos en el nombre de Jesús nuestro Señor. ¡Amen! FIESTA UPDATE Return the stubs and money of the Grand Raffle to the rectory at your earliest convenience. The school will be closed on October 7, 8, & 11 (Thursday, Friday & Monday)-There are no classes on these days. There are no Religious Education classes on October 8 & 9 (Friday & Saturday). And also no Confirmation classes on Monday, Oct 11. Any other parish group or activity scheduled to meet from Tuesday, Oct 5 thru Monday, Oct 11 in any of the parish facilities will have to cancel their meeting. Everything resumes with the regular schedule on Tuesday, Oct. 12. SET UP TIME: Starting Wednesday, October 6 noon/evening, electricians, master carpenters, or anyone wishing to help set up the FIESTA STANDS are needed. MUJERES INMIGRANTES ORGANIZADAS invitan a todas las personas a que las acompañen a la Presentación del Libro “DEL NORTE AL SUR” René Colato, el autor del libro, nos deleita nuevamente con esta conmovedora historia. La de José, un niño cuya madre ha sido deportada por carecer de documentos legales. Auditorio de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario 7800 Vineland Ave., Sun Valley, CA 91352. Domingo, 17 de Octubre a la 130pm. Para mas información, favor de llamar a Juana Nicolás (213) 268-2250. SESION DE INFORMACION MATRIMONIAL Los novios, las parejas casadas por el civil solamente, y las parejas que no están casadas y que desean casarse por la iglesia, están invitadas a una sesión de información matrimonial en la que se podrán enterar de los pasos a seguir. Se lleva a cabo el segundo Viernes de cada mes en el salón 16 de la escuela a las 7:00 pm. La próxima fecha será el Viernes, 15 de octubre. EL ARZOBISPO COADJUTOR JOSE GOMEZ Regrese los talones y el dinero de la Rifa a la oficina parroquial lo mas pronto posible. esta celebrando la Misa del domingo en la parroquia de uno de los veinte Decanatos para conocer a la gente de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. La misa para este Decanatos se llevara acabo en la parroquia de St. Elizabeth, 6635 Tobías Ave., Van Nuys, CA. a las 11:00am el día 24 de octubre. Después de la misa habrá una recepción simple y la oportunidad de saludar al Arzobispo. Esta misa será bilingüe (InglesEspañol) y todos son bienvenidos para asistir y conocer al Arzobispo Gómez. La escuela parroquial no tendrá clases el jueves 7, viernes 8 y lunes 11 de octubre. QUINCEAÑERAS *************************************************************** TODO SOBRE LA FIESTA No habrá clases de catecismo el viernes 8, ni sábado 9 de octubre. Tampoco habrá clases de Confirmación el lunes 11 de octubre. Todo grupo que tenga algún encuentro (reunión) en las facilidades de la iglesia entre los días del martes 5 al lunes 11 de octubre deberá cancelar su reunión. El martes 12 de octubre regresamos al horario de costumbre. Se necesitan electricistas, carpinteros, y cualquier otro hombre con martillo a la mano para que nos ayude a preparar los puestos de la Fiesta. Vengan el miércoles, 6 de octubre por la tarde o por la noche. Las chicas que desean celebrar sus 15 años deben inscribirse por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de su fiesta, presentándose a la oficina parroquial entre semana de las 8:00am a las 8:00pm (En Zapopan, durante las horas de oficina de 38pm. de martes a viernes y sábados de 8am-4pm. Las fechas para el año 2011 ya están disponibles. COMPARTA CON LOS POBRES Acudimos a la generosidad de la gente de la parroquia para las necesidades de la CASA DEL MIGRANTE en Tijuana. Nuestros hermanos emigrantes mas necesitados necesitan su ayuda. En este momento la casa necesita comida enlatada o no-preservada, artículos de limpieza de cocina y de pisos, artículos de higiene, como pasta dental, cepillos de dientes, rastrillos desechables para afeitar, barras de jabón, peines, etc…Entregue estos donativos a la oficina parroquial entre semana. MINISTERIO DE SANACION se reúne todos 5 los martes a las 7pm en el salón 12.