Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Hollywood
CHRIST THE KING ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 624 NORTH ROSSMORE AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our shield. — Psalm 33:20 PARISH OFFICE Administrator: Rev. Don Woznicki Priest in Residence: Fr. John-Paul Gonzalez Seminarian: Joseph Choi 616 North Rossmore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90004 Phone: 323.465.7605 Fax: 323.463.4895 Hours: Mon - Fri : 9:00AM to 5:00PM PASTORAL TEAM Deacon Ricardo & Elba Villacorta Deacon Felix & Alicia Rac Deacon Marco Antonio & Martina Garcia Business Manager: Eva Clarke Director of Rel. Ed.: Sr. Alicia Hernandez, CVD Confirmation Coordinator: Maria Elena Burgos Wedding /XVRA/Funeral Coordinator: Sr. Maria Teresa Diaz, CVD Maintenance: Marcos Cortes PARISH SCHOOL (Grades: Transitional K through 8th) School Principal: Patricia Hagar 617 N. Arden Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90004 Phone: 323.462.4753—Fax: 323.462.8475 Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Receptionist: Gigi Rabo Maintenance: Francisco Resendiz HOW CAN WE SERVE YOU? ¿COMO LE PODEMOS SERVIR? New to Christ the King? Welcome. Wherever you are in your faith journey, it is great to have you. Please visit us in the office. We’re here to serve you. ¿Nuevo en Christ the King? Bienvenido. Donde quiera que este su jornada de fe, es bienvenido. Por favor visítenos en la oficina. Estamos aquí para servirle. Have your child for baptism? Please stop by the office to register at least three (3) months prior. A baptismal preparation is required to help parents and godparents understand more deeply the sacrament. ¿Tiene un niño para bautizar? Por favor pase a la oficina a registrarlo por lo menos tres (3) meses antes. Hay una clase pre-bautismal requerida para los padres y padrinos para que entiendan mas el sacramento. Getting married by the Church? Please make arrangements at least six (6) months prior. Please call the office. ¿Casándose por la Iglesia o celebrando sus XV años? Haga preparativos por lo menos seis (6) meses antes. Por favor llame a la oficina. Sick and/or homebound? Would you like to receive Communion? Or seriously ill or in danger of death? We have dedicated ministers who can visit and bring you communion. Feel free to approach or call our priest for the Holy Anointing of the Sick. Please call the office. ¿Enfermo en casa u hospital? Desea recibir la Comunión? Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil (Eng): 5:30PM Sunday (Eng): 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 5:30PM Domingo (Esp): 12:30PM Daily Mass/Misa Diaria Monday - Friday: 7:30AM (Eng) 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 6:30PM (Eng) Holy Days of Obligation / Días de Precepto 7:30AM, 8:15AM, 12:15PM, 6:00PM (English) 7:15PM (Español) Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday / Sábado: 4:00PM - 5:00PM Tuesday / Martes: 7:00PM - 9:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposición del Santísimo Tuesday / Martes: 7:00PM - 9:00PM 1st Fri. / 1er Viernes: 7:30AM - 9:00PM Tenemos ministros dedicados que le pueden visitar y llevarle comunión o si desea que un sacerdote le de la Unción de los Enfermos16. Por favor llame a la oficina. Mass Intentions If you want to offer up a Mass for your intentions, please call the Parish Office, at least two weeks in advance to the date you wish to have the Mass. 323-465-7605 Parish Financial Update Total Income (Plate & Envelopes) This Week $4,675.50 Actual YTD $24,034.50 Budget YTD $26,903.00* ($2,868.50) Difference YTD *Weekly Collection Budget Goal $5,380 These Figures Do Not Include Online Giving (Budgeted and Actual) which will be reflected into a monthly report From Fr. Don Woznicki I would like to introduce to you all another supply priest that will help here at Christ the King at least once per month on Sundays. I am developing the 5:30pm Sunday Mass to have an increased outreach to the young adult and entertainment community around the area. I am particularly excited to have Fr. Luis Proenca (and Fr. Michael Tang, Chair of the Art Department at Loyola Marymount University) join Fr. John Paul and I in serving this Mass. Fr. Luís Proença is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Film and Television Department at LMU. It is recognized as one of the Top 10 Film Schools in U.S. by the Hollywood Reporter. Since 2000 he has taught Television and Film Production, Post-Production, Advanced Editing, and Post Production Effects classes. In addition to Administration and teaching, Fr. Luis is involved in directing and producing documentaries and new media art. Recently he just had his latest 2 documentaries broadcast at RTPi (Rádio Televisão Portuguesa Internacional) over all the continents. These two works are about the Portuguese community in California. They are called Tradition - As Festas e Tradições dos Portugueses na Califórnia; Off the Boat- As Histórias de Imigração dos Portugueses na Califórnia, and Hopes and Struggles of Mozambican Refugees (April, 2006), and the documentary Mo’olelo – Oral Histories of the Portuguese in Maui, Oahu and Hawai’i. Fr. Luis also served as Producer, Director and Editor on Pukiki – an Official Selection of the Hawaiian International Film Festival (Oct. 03). In addition to film, Fr. Luis has directed live television programs for Portuguese National Television (TVI). He is also the President of a Non-Profit Production Company called Hope Media Productions. Please join me in welcoming Fr. Luis to Christ the King! -------Fr. Don PARISH CALENDAR 2016 Date Time Event August 07 Sunday 9:45 AM Eng. Choir (Church) 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Sp. Choir (Church) Eng. Baptism Class (Library) August 08 Monday August 09 Tuesday August 10 Wednesday 7:00 PM 8:00 PM August 11 Thursday August 12 Friday August 13 Saturday Blessed Sacrament Adoration & Reconciliation (Church) English Choir (Church) No Event Scheduled 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM Evangelization Group (Hall) Sp. Bible Study Group (Hall) Deaconate Ordination of Joseph Choi at the Cathedral of Los Angeles Pray for the Sick Bernardette Mendoza, Rosendo Martinez, Angela Alvarez, Revoydia Davis, Megan Meyer, Mary Rosenast, Eli Sanders, Msgr. Al George, Teresita (Baby) Go, AJ Espadilla, Michelle Thompson, Jose Mendoza, Esperanza Calderon, Evelyn Mazza, Daniel Price, George Phillips, Sr., Cesar Bahena, Susan Berberich, Dora Morales, Jose Torres, Erick Salomon, Claudia Garcia, Charles and LaJeania Moore, Eva Rivas, Kamran Karimi, Francesca Chung, Mr. Gladwin, Barnabas Barretto, Marianne Leon, Andrea Romero, Jacinto Hernandez, Ricky A., Sanna A., & Angela Palacios. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that, whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen. Masses for the Week SAT. 8:00 AM 5:30 PM August 06 Olga Gomez † Maximiana Catilo † SUN. 8:30 AM August 07 Joana Cha (Intentions) 10:30 AM Raul Palada † 12:30 PM Miguel Alvarado † 5:30 PM Rose Mary Garcia † MON. 7:30 AM August 08 Aurora Alix † TUE. 7:30 AM August 09 Pedro Guardado (B-day) WED. 7:30 AM August 10 Claudia Brandharst † THU. 7:30 AM August 11 Maria Lily Cabural (B-day) FRI. 7:30 AM August 12 Joseph Choi (Thanksgiving) SAT. 5:30 PM August 13 Rosy Calderon † H eavenly Father, we lift up into your loving embrace: Carlos V. Miranda, Hector Cruz, Jose Margarito Acosta, Arthur Kerrigan, Colin Wilson, Sara Semperpegui, Ma. Apolonia Mateo, Pedro Gonzalez, Liberato (Levy) Medrano, Elly Dronkers, & all deceased Parishioners of Christ the King Please give us the grace we need to continue with our lives and hold the precious memories warmly in our hearts, knowing that we will one day be reunited in that glorious place you have prepared for us all. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Pool safety is about more than swimming Swimming is a fun way to have some fun and beat the heat during the summer. Parents should teach their children about swimming safety, including how to identify and handle uncomfortable situations. Although you may be watching closely to make sure your kids are safe in the water, don’t forget about when they’re walking around, sitting out by the pool, using the restrooms or out of sight. Teach your children what to do when they feel uncomfortable at the pool, and let them know it is okay to walk away and find a parent or trusted adult at any time. For more information and a copy of the article called “Know the Rules…Summer Safety Tips to Teach Children” from the National Center for Missing and Exploited, email: [email protected] Jubilee Year of Mercy August 7, 2016 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Last Sunday’s “Parable of the rich fool” delivered a compelling reason to do the right thing—now: “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you” (Luke 12:20). Today, Jesus warns us: “You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come” (12:40). Though we do not know when our Master will come, we do know what our Master expects to find. Jesus expects us to be vigilant (12:37) and diligent (12:42) in our work for the kingdom, but also filled with reverent mercy toward our fellow servants and ourselves. Hopefully, Jesus’ warning not to get drunk and beat each other up (12:45) does not apply to us literally! But what changes do I need to make, right now, so that the many people outside “the Master’s house” will want to come inside to experience the healing comfort of Jesus’ own mercy in the compassion of Jesus’ modern-day disciples? —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Welcome to Christ the King Church If you are visiting or new in our community, we are blessed that you are here to worship and celebrate with us. Our Administrator, Fr. Don, and all our parish family extend to you the hospitality of Jesus Christ. If you would like more information about our parish, or wish to join our faith community, please call or stop by the parish office. For more information about our parish, please visit our web site You are invited to Joseph Choi’s Deaconate Ordination at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels 555 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Saturday, August 13th at 9:00AM (No tickets required) All are welcomed! Deacon Joseph Choi will celebrate his first Masses (8:30am and 10:30am) at CTK August 14th. Religious Education Registration Begins NEXT SUNDAY, August 14 from 8:30AM to 2:00PM Outside the Parish Hall Then Monday to Friday in Parish Office – call for hours (323-465-7605) For First Communion you must bring copy of Baptism Certificate. First Communion 1st Year $75.00 Second Year $150.00 Post Communion $35.00 For Confirmation bring copies of Baptismal and First Communion certificates. Confirmation $250.00 (Includes Retreat fees) WE THANK THE HOSPITALITY Host: Hospitality Ministry Sponsor: Vita Cortese Special Thanks to the GO and MONSOD families for donating supplies. Please be generous in your cash donation to be able to continue to support the hospitality ministry. If you wan to volunteer or to be a sponsor, please contact Mariem Rigonan: (213) 793 - 1028 or the parish office. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Your ancestors waited in faith and courage for God’s promised summons (Wisdom 18:6-9). Psalm — Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own (Psalm 33). Second Reading — Because of his faithful obedience to God’s call, Abraham’s descendants number as the stars (Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]). Gospel — Keep watch and be prepared, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man will appear (Luke 12:32-48 [35-40]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Humor Corner Bill: “I’ve been seeing fuzzy spots in front of my eyes for the past couple of days.” Bob: “Did you see a doctor?” Bill: “No, just the spots.” BE NOT DECEIVED Do not be disturbed by the clamor of this world, which passes like a shadow. Do not let the false delights of a deceptive world deceive you. —St. Clare Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 7 de agosto de 2016 Nosotros aguardamos al Señor: él es nuestro auxilio y escudo. — Salmo 33 (32):20 CALENDARIO 2016 Fecha Agosto 07 Domingo Agosto 08 Lunes Hora 9:45 AM Coro Ingles (Iglesia) 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Coro en Español (Iglesia) Clases Pre-Bautismal Ing. (Biblioteca) Agosto 09 Martes 7:00 PM Adoración del Santísimo y Confesiones (Iglesia) Agosto 10 Miércoles 8:00 PM Coro Ingles (Iglesia) Agosto 11 Jueves Agosto 12 Viernes Agosto 13 Sábado Ningún Evento Programado 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM La seguridad en la piscina implica más que saber nadar Evento Grupo de Evangelización (Salón) Comunidad 1a. Corintios 13 (Salón) Ordenación Diaconal de Joseph Choi en la Catedral de Los Ángeles Inscripciones de Educación Religiosa Comienzan el Proximo Domingo 14 de Agosto de 8:30AM a 2:00PM afuera del Salón Parroquial Y después de lunes a viernes en la Oficina Parroquial. Llame para saber las horas al 323-465-7605 Para Primera Comunión debe traer copia del Certificado de Bautizo. Primer Año de Primera Comunión $75.00 Segundo Año de Primera Comunión $150.00 Post-Comunión $35.00 Para Confirmación traer copias de Certificado de Bautizo y de Primera Comunión. Confirmación $250.00 (Incluye cuota de retiro) LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Tus antepasados esperaron con fe y valor el cumplimiento de las promesas de Dios Segunda lectura — A causa de la fidelidad al llamado de Dios, los descendientes de Abraham son tan numerosos como las estrellas Evangelio — Estén alerta y preparados porque no saben ni el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del hombre aparecerá Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Esquina del Humor… Definición Telepatía—Aparato televisivo pa’ la hermana de mi mamá. La natación es una manera divertida de combatir el calor durante el verano. Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos sobre la seguridad acuática, incluso cómo identificar situaciones incómodas y cómo reaccionar en estos casos. Aunque usted los está vigilando atentamente para asegurar que los niños están a salvo en el agua, no se olvide de poner atención cuando los niños caminan o se sientan alrededor de la piscina, usan el baño o cuando están fuera de la vista. Enseñe a sus hijos qué hacer si se sienten incómodos en la piscina y que al cualquier momento está bien huir y buscar un adulto de confianza. Para más información y para obtener una copia del artículo completo del National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, escriba a: [email protected] Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 7 de agosto de 2016 Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En la parábola del domingo pasado del “Rico Insensato” escuchamos una razón de peso para hacer lo que es correcto aquí y ahora “‘¡Insensato!’ Esta misma noche vas a morir” (Lucas 12:20). Hoy Jesús nos advierte “estén preparados, porque a la hora en que menos lo piensen vendrá el Hijo del hombre” (12:40). Aunque no sabemos cuando nuestro Maestro vendrá, lo que sí sabemos es lo que nuestro Maestro espera encontrar. Jesús espera que estemos vigilantes (12:37) y diligentes (12:42) en nuestro trabajo por el Reino, pero también llenos con misericordia reverente hacia nuestros prójimos y hacia nosotros mismos. Con confianza, la advertencia de Jesús de no beber y maltratar a los demás (12:45) no parece que se siga fielmente. Pero justo ahora qué cambios necesito hacer para que las personas fuera de “la casa del amo” quieran venir adentro para sentir el consuelo de la sanación de la misericordia de Jesús en la compasión de los discípulos de Jesús hoy en día. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Dom: Lun: Mar: Mié: Jue: Vie: Sáb: Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Santo Domingo Santa Teresa Benedicta de la Cruz (Edith Stein) San Lorenzo Santa Clara Santa Juana Francisca de Chantal Santos Ponciano e Hipólito; Santa María Virgen P A R I S H D I R E C T O R Y RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Religious Education Sr.AliciaHernandez,323.217.3661(cell) GradesK-8: SaturdaysfromSept.toMay 9:00amto11:00am Altar Servers: Scholastica Lee 323.216.0380 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mila Agpaoa 323.313.7262 Lectors: Susan Sayar ot 323.559.1737 SacramentalPreparation SaturdaysJanuary-April Sacristans: Mar ie Moor e 323.463.0652 Ushers: J oe Silva 323.572.0996 Music / Choir Director: Br ad Fuller Contact Par ish Office CatequesisFamiliar:Sá bados, 11:00amto12:00pm 9:00am-11:00am Conϐirmation Coordinator MariaElenaBurgos,323-465-7605ext.103 Con irmation Classes:Saturdays(Sept.-May) 3:00pm-6:30pm Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA / RICA) RosalindDiego,Coordinator(English) 323.463.3306 Classes:Wednesdays7:30pm Dn.FelixRac,Coordinator(Españ ol) Clases:Viernes7:30pm 323.732.2782 SOCIAL / FRATERNAL Hospitality Ministry: MariemRigonan 213.793.1028 Filipino Community: GaniRomana AnnualSimbangGabi 323.578.3258 The Serra Club: Doyouwanttobeapriest? Fr.SamWard Fr.SteveDavoren PARISH COUNCIL Finance Council Chair AlexBañ ez MINISTERIO DE LITURGIA Coordinador: Dn. Ricar do Villacor ta 323.225.1009 Ministros de Eucaristía: René Bur gos 213.382.3633 Lectores: René Her nandez 818-502-0976 Director de Música: Dn. Mar co Gar cía 818.239.9699 Sacristán: Mar tha Pazmino 213.241.1272 Ujieres: Delfina Salas 323.336.2236 Obra de la Pasión: Rolando Bur gos 626.457.6138 OUTREACH Homebound Ministers / Ministerio para los Enfermos: Bring the Blessed Sacrament to CTK shut-in parishioners Llevar la Eucaristía a los feligreses que no pueden venir. Knights of Columbus: GrandKnight: DeputyGrandKnight:DariusCadorna SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Chair :LelisCruzata 323.393.4144 323.715.1048 323.461.7265 213-637.7514 Prayer Community / Comunidad de Oración Divine Mercy: LelisCruzata 323.393.4144 ·Formation“Faustinum”:every2ndSat.,3pm-5pm ·CoreMembersMeeting:every2ndSat.,5pm-6pm Respect Life / Respeto a la Vida NFP / Planificación Natural Familiar Maria Elena Burgos 213.382.3633 https://www. Bereavement Ministry / Ministerio de Duelo: Dn. Marco Garcia 818.239.9699 St. Mary’s Center: 213.251.3591 Emergency food, utility assistance, & community resources. Alimento y asistencia de emergencia y recursos comunitarios. 4665 Willow Brook Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029 Fax: 323-666-2708 One Heart One Mind: RosalindDiego Meet2nd&4thSun.,3pm-7pm,Hall 323.463.3306 Be sure to Corinthians XIII: Dn.MarcoAntonioGarcia 818.239.9699 EstudioBı́blico,Viernes,8:00pm,saló nparroquial Couples for Christ: FelipeGalanida Singles for Christ: AllanGonda KEEP IN TOUCH, KEEP INFORMED 323.387.8141 323.205.6068 and Follow us on Christ the King Roman Catholic Church Website:, ctk1917 Email: [email protected] Phone 323.465.7605