África / Kenia / Protección y S


África / Kenia / Protección y S
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Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
10379: Mango fruit producing fruits
which suddenly rot before reaching
10298: Mango crop producing fruits
which then shrink and rot prematurely.
10298: Twigs and shoots
10298: Mango crop producing fruits
which then shrink and rot prematurely.
10298: Apllication of manure
10298: soil type
10298: Mango crop producing fruits
which then shrink and rot prematurely.
10298: Mango farmer
9788: The mango fruit tree producing
9733: The mango fruit tree producing
10298: Mango farmer
9733: Spots on the leaves
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Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
9733: The mango fruit tree producing
9733: Yelowing
9733: Farmer
9733: The mango fruit tree producing
9733: poor yielding
9733: Mango field
9731: Mango production threatened
by Powdery Mildew disease
9733: The mango fruit tree producing
9733: Mango farmer
9415: Mango production threatened
by a disease.
9415: Leave spot & curl
9415: grey deposits on the leaves
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Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
9415: Mango production threatened
by a disease.
9415: Scattered affected branches
9415: Underneath of the leave
9415: Mango production threatened
by a disease.
9415: leaves
9415: Leave curling
9415: Mango production threatened
by a disease.
9415: Mango farmer
9415: Mango farmer
8477: powdery mildew of mango
8471: Mango die back
8471: Die back
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Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
8471: Mango die back
8471: A healthy Mango tree.
8471: Maize crop field
8471: Mango die back
8471: Mango farmer
8132: Mango plant affected with
whitish powdery clustering substance
8113: Die back of mango tree
8113: Fruit skin with scars
8113: Prominent spots
8113: Die back of mango tree
8113: mango fruit
8113: Mango farmer
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a www.runetwork.org para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
8113: Die back of mango tree
8062: Mango infected with Powdery
mildew disease
8037: Mango
8037: Mango
8037: Galls
8037: Leave
8037: Mango
8037: Mango tree
8037: The Mango Farmer
8037: Mango
4369: Apple Mangoes Drying
4368: Apple Mangoes Drying
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Images for: África / Kenia / Protección y Salud / Mango
3500: Stained Mangoes
3408: Apples Mangoes With Dring
Skin and Cracking and Dull Look
When ripe
3408: Benjamin explaining the
problem to the field agent
3376: Stained Mangoes
3376: Farmer checking on the
3376: The mango plantation