Milner libre/open Hayman damas/ladies
Milner libre/open Hayman damas/ladies
MEDELLÍN 2016 Jun. 4 . 2016 Medellín, Colombia BOLETÍN | BULLETIN № 9 Milner libre/open Jun. 4 Editores: Ana Roth y Fernando Lema Layout: Sandra Leal FELICITACIONES CAMPEONES SUDAMERICANOS Hayman damas/ladies 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE LA CSBNEWS.ORG LES DESEA UN BUEN VIAJE A CASA… La es una revista online que publica artículos de Bridge diariamente, que pueden ser divididos en: • Toneos que se estan jugando • Articulos de Bridge Nivel: Avanzado/Intermedio • Noticias de bridge del Mundo Todos los posts se agregan a una base de datos, que comenzó con el primer día on-line en 2012 y que sigue creciendo con lo que se publica día a día. Los lectores están acostumbrados a leer lo que se publica todos los días, pero hay mucho más que eso ... hay una posibilidad de encontrar información de meses / años atrás... por autor, tema, categoría, palabra clave... etc. Déjese tentar… Búsqueda de Información en la CsbNews THE CSBNEWS.ORG WISHES YOU A SAFE JOURNEY HOME... The is an online magazine that publishes daily Bridge articles which can be broadly divided into: • Tournaments that are being played • Bridge articles for Advanced/Intermediate • Bridge world news All the posts are added to a database that began with the first issue of the CsbNews in 2012 and it is growing every day with what it is being published. Readers are used to read what is published daily but there is much more than that ... there is a possibility of finding information from months ago / years ago ... by author, subject, category, keyword. ..etc. Finding Information on the CsbNews 22 nd RED SEA INTERNATIONAL F E S T I V A L E I L AT - I S R A E L N OVEMBER 10-20, 2 16 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE | 6º SOUTHAMERICAN BRIDGE TRANSNATIONAL A PRAYER ANSWERED Por Russ Ekeblad We all know how cruel the bridge gods can be and we often bemoan our fate at their hands. Every once in awhile, however, they smile down on us in a moment of great peril. Board 7 from the 1st quarter of the Ortega - Chagas Open Semi-final was a classic case of their beneficence. ♠ J82 ♥ 2 ♦ Q874 ♣ Q ♠ QT93 ♥ AT874 ♦ T2 ♣ 97 ♠ 75 ♥ Q963 ♦ AK9653 ♣ Q ♠ AK64 ♥ KJ5 ♦ J ♣ KJ643 O N E S Bianchedi Demuy Madala Ekeblad and playing the ♥10 and riding it produces 10 tricks even if ♣s are mis-guessed later. Ekeblad could have played the ♥8 at trick one and pursued the same line. However, explaining to your teammates that they led a ♥from Q 3rd and you went down may not have garnered a great deal of sympathy. 1♠ Pass 2♥ Pass 4♠ 1 ♠ Canape Style 2 ♥Artificial, constructive 2♠ raise promising 4♠ Canape often has the advantage of concealing longer side suits, thus making it far more difficult for the opponents on opening lead and in the defense. On this deal the concealment actually worked against Ekeblad. Bianchedi led the ♥2 and Ekeblad was, of course, delighted. After ♥4, ♥6 and ♥J, 3 rounds of ♠s were drawn ending in dummy and then a ♥to the K getting the bad news. The prospects are now grim. Ekeblad must ruff out the ♥Q now or the opponents will be able to tap declarer’s hand with Ës even if Ekeblad leads a ♣ off dummy and guesses who has the Q and who has the Ace. With a hint of resignation Ekeblad ruffed out the ♥Q with his last trump and was now stuck in his hand. His only hope now was to find either the ♣ Q or the ♣ Ace singleton. He guessed to lead the ♣ K and was rewarded with the ♣ Q from Madala. Nirvana! At the other table, the auction proceeded 1♣ - 1♥- 1♠ - 2♠ 4♠. When the ♥2 was lead it was far more likely to be a singleton than from Q 3rd. After ♥8, ♥9 and ♥J, drawing trump For those of you who do not know Russ, he was born and raised in Evanston, Illinois and attended Brown University as an undergraduate and Columbia University as a graduate student. After a 3 year stint as an officer in the US Coast Guard, he returned to Providence [home of Brown University], met his wife Sheila and raised 3 children while operating a jewelry manufacturing business founded by Sheila and Russ. He retired 9 years ago to pursue the far more exalted avocations of bridge, golf, and boating. He splits the year between Rhode Island in the summer months and Florida in the winter months. Their two eldest children now operate the business and he is blessed with one grandson and one granddaughter. While flying under the radar, his bridge successes have been considerable. His US National Championships include three Spingold Cups, one Grand National Teams, and one Open Pairs. In World competition he has twice represented the US in the Bermuda Bowl, winning the Bronze medal in Estoril in 2005. He also won a Bronze medal in the 1990 Rosenblum teams in Geneva and the Gold medal in the Cara World IMP pairs in Lille in 1998. He also garnered a Silver medal in the Senior Bowl in Beijing in 2008 playing for the US team captained by Reese Milner. He has thoroughly enjoyed his stay here in Medellin and looks forward to attending another South American Championships in the near future. The hosts and hotel staff have been amazingly gracious and the competition has epitomized sportsmanship. He would like to extend a special thanks to Sonia Prieto for her above-and-beyond help both before his arrival and while here at the Intercontinental. — 4 — Jun. 4 . 2016 Medellín, Colombia MEDELLIN 2016: FLOTA COMO UNA MARIPOSA, PICA COMO UNA ABEJA FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY, STING LIKE A BEE Por Ana Roth Medellin, Junio 4 2016 Medellin, June 4, 2016 Hoy es un día triste para el deporte mundial, a los 74 años de edad murió Muhammad Ali. Él fue tres veces campeón del mundo y ganó 56 de sus 61 peleas profesionales. Muchos fueron los que hoy le rindieron homenaje, entre ellos Barack Obama, el Presidente de los Estados Unidos que dijo: “Él estuvo al lado de King y de Mandela, estuvo allí cuando eran tiempos difíciles, hablo cuando los otros callaban. Muhammad Ali sacudió el mundo. Y el mundo fue mejor para él. Todos estamos mejor gracias a él.”. Today is a sad day for the world sport, 74-year-old Muhammad Ali died today. He was three times world champion and won 56 of his 61 professional fights. There were many who today paid tribute, including Barack Obama, the President of the United States said: “He stood with King and Mandela, stood up when it was hard, spoke out when others wouldn’t. Muhammad Ali shook up the world. And the world is better for it. We are all better for it.”. A los bridgistas de hoy y del futuro queremos recordarles algunas de sus frases inspiradoras: Odiaba cada minuto de entrenamiento, pero me decia, ‘No abandones. Sufre ahora y se campeon el resto de tu vida. These are some of his inspirational phrases: I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Deslizate como una mariposa, pica como una abeja. Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja. I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want. No tengo que ser lo que tu quieres. Soy libre para elegir lo que quiero. The man who has no imagination has no wings. El hombre que no tiene imaginacion, no tiene alas. Aquí un video al finalizar la pelea que le ganó a Ringo Bonavena (ARG): The video: at the end of the fight against Ringo Bonavena (ARG): 1970-12-07: Muhammad Ali 212 lbs beat Oscar Bonavena 204 lbs by TKO at 2:03 in round 15 of 15. Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA. Bonavena was knocked down three times in the 15th round, forcing an automatic stoppage under the three-knockdown rule. It was the only time Bonavena was stopped in his 68-fight pro career. 1970-12-07: Muhammad Ali 212 lbs vence a Oscar Bonavena 204 lbs porKO a las 2:03 en el round 15 de 15. Lugar: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA. Bonavena se cayó tres veces en el 15to round, forzando al KOT. Unica vez que Bonavena pasaba por esta circunstancia en su carrera de 68-peleas como profesional. Bonavena fue el boxeador argentino que nos enseñó a todos que: “La experiencia es un peine que te da la vida, cuando te quedas pelado”. Bonavena was the argentine boxer who quote: “Experience is a comb that life gives you, when you are bald”. — 5 — 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE | 6º SOUTHAMERICAN BRIDGE TRANSNATIONAL CUANTA EXPERIENCIA GANARON DURANTE ESTE CAMPEONATO SUDAMERICANO? HOW MUCH EXPERIENCE DID YOU EARN DURING THIS SOUTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP? Después de casi una semana de juego hoy termina el Campeonato Sudamericano de Equipos en sus categorías Open y Damas. After nearly a week of play today ended the South American Bridge Teams Open Championships in their categories Open and Ladies. En el Open se enfrentaban: Open Final: ORTEGA MILNER Acompáñenme en un rápido pasaje por algunas tablillas de la final: Join me in a quick review of some of the last hands: MATCH MILNER-ORTEGA; Set 2/4 TABLILLA - BOARD 20. Dador Oeste. Todos Vul. Dealer West. All Vul. ♠ Q ♥ K964 ♦ JT42 ♣ JT94 ♠ AJT9862 ♥ Q72 ♦ A ♣ 82 ♠ 75 ♥ AJT ♦ KQ973 ♣ AKQ ♠ K43 ♥ 853 ♦ 865 ♣ 7653 Pepsi abrió de 2NT; Justin comenzó con un transfer a nivel de 4, para después preguntar keycards y ante la respuesta de dos keycards decreto el slam en espadas…El declarante solo perdió un triunfo y anoto +1430. En la otra mesa E/O solo llego al game en espadas. O N E S Pepsi Demuy J Lall Ekeblad 2NT Pass 4♥ Pass 4♠ Pass Pass Pass 5♥ Pass 6♠ — Pepsi opened his hand with 2NT; Justin started with a game level transfer, and continued asking keycards, when he heard two, he declared the spade slam…Declarer lost one trump and scored +1430. At the other table E/W only arrived to game. La Comision Directiva de la CSB agradecerá a todos los participantes de este evento, cualquier aporte voluntario, para solventar el viaje de nuestros equipos juveniles al mundial de Salsomaggiore (ITA). Cordialmente agradecemos de antemano su colaboracion Eduardo Rosen SECRETARIO Jun. 4 . 2016 Medellín, Colombia TABLILLA - BOARD 26. Dador Este. Todos Vul. Dealer East. All Vul. ♠ K5 ♥ K ♦ KJ964 ♣ AJ432 ♠ 64 ♥ QJT74 ♦ T82 ♣ T76 ♠ AQJT972 ♥ Q962 ♦ Q ♣ K ♠ 83 ♥ 853 ♦ A753 ♣ Q985 Pepsi en una de las mesas abrió de 4♠ y anotó +450. En la otra mesa Sabourin después de dos Pass, decidió abrir su mano de 1♠. Eso le dio la oportunidad a Auken para decir 2NT = menores. Huang paso y Welland eligió el diamante, Sabourin decidió repetir su palo de espadas y después de dos pasos Welland re-abrió con el otro menor. Auken eligió jugar a nivel de parcial y eligió para hacerlo el palo de diamante. El declarante hizo 11 bazas, y la mano le produjo 13 IMPs. O N E S Sabourin Auken Huang Welland Pass Pass 1♠ 2NT Pass 3♦ 3♠ Pass Pass Pass 4♣ 4♦ — At one of the tables Pepsi, after two pass, opened 4 and scored +450. At the other table Sabourin after two pass, chose to open 1. This gave the oportunity for a 2NT from Auken, showing minors. Huang pass and Welland chose diamonds, Sabourin repeated his spades and after two pass Welland reopened showing now club support as well. Auken chose to play a partscore in diamonds…Declarer made 11 tricks, and the hand gave them 13 IMPs. TABLILLA - BOARD 12. Dador Oeste. NS Vul. Dealer West. NS Vul. ♠ Q74 ♥ QJ972 ♦ Q ♣ QT72 ♠ A9 ♥ AK ♦ J98 ♣ A98643 ♠ KJT6532 ♥ 3 ♦ AK542 ♣ ♠ 8 ♥ T8654 ♦ T763 ♣ KJ5 O N E S Dwyer Auken Huang Welland 1♠ Pass 2♣ Pass 2♦ Pass 2NT Pass 3♠ Pass 4♣ X Pass XX Pass 4NT Pass Pass 5♦ Pass 7♠ — En las dos mesas de damas se jugó 6 ♠ dos en una de las mesas del Open también, Dwyer y Huang con necesidad de sumar puntos vieron la oportunidad de descontar y declararon el grans Slam. 6♠ was the contract at the two Ladies final tables and that was the contract for the other Open table. Dwyer – Huang urged by points saw the oportunity and declared the Grand Slam, the card’s Gods smiled. Salida: ♣7 Lead: ♣7 El declarante fallo la salida y jugo una espada al nueve… BAZA!!! Afirmo el palo de trebol fallando en el muerto y se tendió con 11 IMPs para su equipo. Declarer ruffed the lead and played a spade to the ♠9… and WON the trick!!! He set up the club suit and claimed his contract for 11 IMPs. — 7 — 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE | 6º SOUTHAMERICAN BRIDGE TRANSNATIONAL En Damas se enfrentaban: NOS Ladies Final: HAYMAN TABLILLA - BOARD 6. Dador Este. EW Vul. Dealer East. EW Vul. ♠ AJT ♥ J4 ♦ Q974 ♣ KQ72 ♠ Q92 ♥ AK985 ♦ T63 ♣ J3 ♠ K543 ♥ T62 ♦ A2 ♣ 8654 ♠ 876 ♥ Q73 ♦ KJ85 ♣ AT9 O N E S Sarniak David Dufrat Mello Pass Pass 1♥ 1NT 1♣ Pass David abrió en cuarta de 1♣, Dufrat mostró su palo de corazon y Mellos definió el contrato de 1NT. David opened in 4th position with 1♣, Dufrat showed her heartas and Mello defines the contract with 1NT. Salida: ♥6 Lead: ♥6 La declarante hizo la primera baza, adelanto un trebol alto y siguió con un diamante, Sarniak gano con el as y jugo todos sus corazones y siguió con una espada, el resto era de Mello. Declarer make the first trick, cashed a high club, and played a diamond. Sarniak after winning with her ace, played a heart. Dufrat run her hearts and continued with a spade, the rest were for Mello. En la otra mesa Norte abrió de 1♦ y el contrato final fue de 3♦, hechos… mano empatada. At the other table, North opened 1♦ and the final contract was 3♦ done. A push. TABLILLA - BOARD 10. Dador Sur. All Vul. Dealer South. All Vul. ♠ AJT ♥ J4 ♦ Q974 ♣ KQ72 ♠ Q92 ♥ AK985 ♦ T63 ♣ J3 ♠ K543 ♥ T62 ♦ A2 ♣ 8654 ♠ 876 ♥ Q73 ♦ KJ85 ♣ AT9 O N E S Vargas Brewiak Pain Hayman 1NT X Leda Pain abrió de 1NT , Hayman doblo, fin de la historia. Leda Pain opened 1NT, Hayman doubled…End of story… Salida: ♦J Lead: ♦J La declarante ganó la primera baza, y jugó el ♠J. Después de ganar la baza cambió al ♣5 y el ♣9 del muerto, ganó la baza. Ahora vino una espada a la dama. Declarer won the trick and played ♠J. After winning the trick she switched to the ♣5 and the ♣9 won the fourth. Now came a spade to the queen. Hayman puso su ♠ A y salió de la mano con el ♦10… Pain hizo todas las bazas menos tres para anotar 580. En la otra mesa, Este carteo 2NT hechos. — 8 — Hayman played her ♠ A and left her hand playing the 1♦0…Pain made 5 tricks more and gave the last three, to score 9 tricks and +580. At the other table East played 2NT done. Jun. 4 . 2016 Medellín, Colombia SALVADOR | BA - 2016 29/10 a 5/11 Duplas Parejas Equipes Equipos Sábado Sabado (29/10) Segunda a sábado Lunes a sabado (31/10 a 5/11) 1ª sessão 1ª sesión - 15h Coquetel de abertura Cocktail de apertura - 20h Domingo Domingo (30/10) 2ª sessão 2ª sesión - 14h30 Final Final - 21h Inscrições inscripciones Duplas Parejas - R$ 400 Equipes Equipos - R$ 2.000 Bahia Plaza Hotel Round Robin Round-robin - 14h30 às 21h 14h30 a las 21h Sábado Sabado (5/11) Final Final - 13h às 17h 13h a las 17h Jantar de encerramento Cena de clausura - 20h Informações e reservas información y reservas [email protected] ou fone +55 21 99450 8956 Hotel - Incluído café da manhã e jantar incluye desayuno y cena Hotel Riverside Diária do quarto para 1 ou 2 pessoas Double room: R$ 480,00 reais — 9 — Cama extra Cama adicional: R$ 180,00 *horários sujeitos a alteração Horarios sujetos a cambios Programação Programación 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE | 6º SOUTHAMERICAN BRIDGE TRANSNATIONAL RESULTADOS COPA MEDELLÍN Libres | Open Pos. Pts. EQUIPO INTEGRANTES 1 130.92 PERLITA Sultan P, Hamaoui S, Frontaura F, Goded F, Goded G, Alujas G 2 129.74 PELOTAS Fetter L, Proto L, Yurgel L, Soares A, Oliveira H 3 125.03 ISIDORO Mooney A, Alfonsin J, Rubio G, Mandelot P 4 107.37 MILANO Milano E, Rosen E, Hantos J, Rondon H 5 107.05 PAZZA INTER Gusso F, Fellus R, Fellus S, Madala A, Lema F, Pacheco M 6 106.05 LORETO Mina M, Palma I, Cuevas L, Lavin A 7 105.89 MOMIA Gamio V, Reygadas M, Gueglio J, Mehech R 8 102.39 COSTA RICA Hammer S, Piza E, Alonso A, Siano G 9 100.54 LAS VOLQUETAS Figueroa S, Nunez J, Glauser P, Carrera J, Mejia L, Morales R 10 99.74 DULCE JESUS MIO Vasquez C, Busse L, Valenzuela R, Zamora V, Correa L, De Castillo E 11 99.67 PAULISTANAS Gama V, Gorescu R, Tajtelbaum L, Machado L, Malta C, Amaral M 12 97.07 BARCELONA Llopart A, Markovic D, Priutous J, Gomez H 13 96.84 JORDAN Jordan H, Barrera J, Castillo J, Madueno L 14 95.88 LARRAIN Nishnikow A, Botto A, Larrain A, Awad V 15 91.87 LA CONEJA Herrera G, Cohen A, Salinas A, Rosenberg M 16 91.42 AMILCAR Magalhaes A, Silva N, Barcellos E, Machado M 17 91.29 CHARLIE'S ANGELS Pailhe M, Espinosa P, Pellegrini C, Previde C, Robles B 18 90.99 CAMIS Gomes I, Casabona L, Marchioni L, Pereira L 19 89.42 DICHI Dichi A, Tagliavia M, Devletian M, Zullian T, Andres G 20 86.77 AREVALO Arevalo C, Calderon A, Lumbroso E, Herskovitz C 21 85.78 LEGA Lega G, Ferrero L, Lama A, Iacapraro M, Boldt S 22 83.11 ULTIMA HORA Estrada M, Moran A, Di Domenico M, Di Domenico V 23 82.48 LAS CARAQUENAS Ruah H, Dioguardi E, Goldstein L, Vaisberg T 24 80.96 MOVAREK Schnetzer J, Llugany A, Linale M, Movarek D 25 79.97 TEPE Tepedino F, Ruefenacht M, Sanche D, Senuk R 26 79.94 VIDAL Vidal G, Concha G, Cickovic L, Edwards M, De La M, Valdes D 27 78.49 GRANDA Aguilar A, Sar S, Suarez A, De Jesus K 28 78.41 MIAMI VICE Tessaro T, Letford J, Jaramillo D, Ulrich M 29 77.62 BEATRICES Echeverri B, Mejia B, Acevedo T, Rodriguez S, Romero M, Restrepo B 30 73.27 CHIVECOLO Huidobro G, Aguad F, Londono M, Londono S, Cruz D, Goldstein C 31 71.52 KING King C, Jackson C, Salinas J, Prazak V 32 71.01 ACQUARELA Correa G, Pinoargote A, Restrepo M, Londono C 34 53.13 TITI Wigoda A, Braun C, Fernandez M, Sanche B 35 52.80 PORTO Wielgus M, Posada M, De Macias L, Seabra E, Villa F 35 0.00 PORTO Wielgus M, Posada M, De Macias L, Seabra E, Villa F — 10 — PROGRAMA TORNEO CLASIFICATORIO MUNDIAL FRANCIA 2017 (EQUIPOS/TEAMS): Round Robin: Miércoles Wed. 3, Jueves Thurs. 4, Viernes Fri.5 y Sábado Sat.6 de Mayo de 2017. TORNEO DE PAREJAS/PAIRS Clasificatoria: Jueves Thurs. 4 y Viernes Fri. 5 Semifinales y finales: Sábado Sat. 6, Domingo Sat. 7. TORNEO TRANSNATIONAL (EQUIPOS/TEAMS): La Federación Chilena de Bridge tiene el agrado de anunciar la realización del LXVII CAMPEONATO SUDAMERICANO DE BRIDGE que se jugará en el Hotel Sheraton San Cristóbal de Santiago de Chile, entre los d♠as 3 y 13 de mayo de 2017. The Chilean Bridge Federation has the pleasure to announce the realization of the LXVII South American Bridge Championship taking place in the San Cristobal Sheraton Hotel in Santiago de Chile, from May the 3rd to the 13th of 2017. Recordamos que los pa♠ses campeón y vice campeón de este torneo en las categor♠as Libre, Damas y Seniors, serán los representantes de la Zona Sudamericana en los campeonatos mundiales Bermuda Bowl (equipos Libres), Venice Cup (equipos Damas) y Trofeo d’Orsi (equipos Seniors), que se jugarán simultáneamente en la ciudad de Lyon, Francia, entre los d♠as 12 y 26 de agosto de 2017. We remind you that the countries champion and vice champion of this tournament in the following categories: Open, Ladies and Senior, will be the representatives of the South American Zone in the World Bridge Championship: Bermuda Bowl (Open Teams), Venice Cup (Ladies Teams) and D’Orsi Trophy (Senior Teams), taking place simultaneously in the city of Lyon, France, from August the 12th to 26th of 2017. Desde el Lunes Mon. 8 al Sábado Sat. 13 de Mayo de 2017. Con el profesionalismo, hospitalidad y cariño acostumbrado, Chile acoge nuevamente al bridge sudamericano y mundial. Los esperamos con los brazos abiertos ¡BIENVENIDOS! WELCOME! Classifiche Butler 9 Suizo A - Cumulata # 9 BUTLER COPA CIUDAD DE /MEDELLÍN round # 1 2 3 . 5 6 7 8 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 17 . . . . 22 23 24 . 26 27 28 . 30 31 32 . . . 36 37 38 39 . 41 . . 44 . 46 . 48 . 50 51 52 . . 55 imp bd n o m e 1.72 64 1.52 72 1.48 48 1.48 48 1.43 64 1.37 72 1.32 55 1.11 72 1.11 72 1.10 48 1.06 40 0.98 32 0.96 71 0.95 56 0.87 72 0.87 72 0.86 72 0.86 72 0.86 72 0.86 72 0.86 47 0.84 64 0.82 64 0.76 71 0.76 71 0.72 55 0.67 63 0.59 72 0.59 72 0.58 64 0.53 56 0.50 72 0.50 72 0.50 72 0.50 72 0.48 72 0.45 47 0.44 56 0.39 55 0.39 55 0.37 32 0.37 72 0.37 72 0.36 72 0.36 72 0.34 71 0.34 71 0.33 72 0.33 72 0.30 71 0.29 56 0.28 72 0.28 72 0.28 72 0.27 31 Goded Federico Goded Gonzalo Frontaura Frankie Alujas Gustavo Soares Antonio Yurgel Luis Eduardo Zamora Villamizar Jose A Rubio Gonzalo Mandelot Pedro Fetter Luiz Carlos Proto Luis Carlos Restrepo Beatriz Madala Adolfo (h) Gorescu Rosa Markovic Dragan Priutous Joan Mooney Andres Alfonsin Julio Alberto Gueglio Jorge Mehech Raul Mejia Luis Alejandro Oliveira Horacio Cuevas Loreto Castillo Juan Carlos Madueno Luisana Fellus Simon Fellus Robin Espinosa Paz Maria Jose Previde Cecilia Lavin Alejandra Amaral Maria Lujan Iacapraro Maria Susana Boldt Silvia Rosen Eduardo Rondon Hanoi Larrain Alfonso Vasquez Carlos Acevedo Teresa Figueroa Santiago Nunez Juan Manuel Romero Mario Alonso Ana Siano Gerardo Gomes Irene Casabona Lia Herrera Gonzalo Cohen Alberto Suarez Adriana De Jesus Karla Glauser Pablo Tagliavia Marisa Milano Eryck Hantos Jonathan Botto Attilio Pacheco Morella # 56 57 58 . 60 61 62 . 64 . 66 67 . 69 . . 72 73 . . 76 . 78 . 80 . 82 . . . 86 87 . 89 . 91 . . 94 . . . 98 . 100 . 102 . . . . 107 . 109 110 imp bd n o m e 0.23 48 0.22 64 0.20 24 0.20 56 0.18 71 0.17 48 0.14 71 0.14 71 0.10 72 0.10 72 0.09 72 0.05 69 0.05 69 0.04 72 0.04 72 0.04 64 0.01 40 -0.04 72 -0.04 72 -0.04 64 -0.06 48 -0.06 48 -0.07 72 -0.07 40 -0.08 69 -0.08 69 -0.10 71 -0.10 71 -0.10 72 -0.10 72 -0.11 72 -0.15 32 -0.15 32 -0.17 64 -0.17 64 -0.18 32 -0.18 72 -0.18 72 -0.19 71 -0.19 71 -0.19 64 -0.19 64 -0.20 72 -0.20 72 -0.22 64 -0.22 64 -0.24 72 -0.24 56 -0.24 56 -0.24 71 -0.24 71 -0.29 64 -0.29 64 -0.30 64 -0.31 72 Gusso Franco Vidal Gabriel Gama Vera Valdes De La Maza Juan P Busse Lucha Lega Guillermo Jordan Herbert Barrera Jorge Arevalo Cecilia Calderon Ana Teresa Awad Victor Linale Maria Cristina Movarek Dagmar Hammer Sharon Piza Eduardo Lama Ana Tajtelbaum Lia Goldstein Luz Vaisberg Tania Mina Macarena # 111 112 113 . . . 117 118 . 120 . 122 . . . 126 127 . 129 . 131 132 Devletian Maro De La Maza Beatriz Tessaro Tina Letford Jody Magalhaes Amilcar Silva Neto Joao De Deus Sanche Daniel Senuk Raimond Nishnikow Alex Londono Marta Cecilia Londono Santiago Edwards Magdalena Dichi Andree Correa Laguna Nicolas Correa Gustavo Pinoargote Alamiro Barcellos Eduardo Machado Mauricio Salinas Julie Prazak Vladana Huidobro Garcia Enrique Aguad Fernando Estrada Magda Moran Andres Pellegrini Carlos Machado Leda Malta Cecilia Salinas Adriana Rosenberg Miriam Palma Isabel Pailhe Maria Celia Andres Georgina Llopart Amedeo 133 . 135 136 . 138 . . 141 . 143 . 145 146 . 148 149 . 151 152 153 154 155 156 . imp bd n o m e -0.31 72 -0.32 55 -0.36 72 -0.36 72 -0.36 71 -0.36 71 -0.39 48 -0.41 72 -0.41 72 -0.48 72 -0.48 72 -0.51 68 -0.51 68 -0.51 72 -0.51 72 -0.54 56 -0.56 72 -0.56 72 -0.59 64 -0.59 64 -0.60 32 -0.62 40 -0.70 64 -0.70 64 -0.78 24 -0.79 32 -0.79 32 -0.83 24 -0.83 72 -0.83 72 -0.85 40 -0.85 40 -0.86 64 -0.86 64 -0.92 64 -0.93 69 -0.93 69 -1.06 32 -1.11 48 -1.11 48 -1.22 48 -1.62 64 -1.76 56 -1.94 32 -2.06 40 -2.18 64 -2.18 64 Gomez Hierro Ramon Valenzuela Rivera Joan S Lumbroso Elisa Herskovitz Carol Gamio Valerie Reygadas Miguel Rodriguez Selene Restrepo Maria Victoria Londono Claudia Marchioni Laura Pereira Lucilla Jaramillo De Jordan Marg Ulrich Maria Eugenia Aguilar Adriana Sar Shalom Nathalie Wielgus Mina Tepedino Fernando Ruefenacht Marianne Di Domenico Marcio Di Domenico Vilma Sultan Perla Carrera Jaime Wigoda Ana Braun Carolyn Hamaoui Steve Concha Gutierrez Isabel Cickovic Ljubomir De Castillo Elsa Ruah Huguette Dioguardi Ermelinda Cruz Danny Goldstein Carlos King Carl Jackson Christopher Posada Maria Victoria Schnetzer Jacqueline Llugany Ana Maria Ferrero Laura Mejia Beatriz Seabra Elder De Macias Luz Zullian Teresa Echeverri Beatriz Fernandez Maria Rosa Sanche Beatriz 15 Side table Manteles Linen 42,000 28,000 Jun. 4 .10 2016 Medellín, Colombia 6TH 6TH SOUTH SOUTH AMERICAN AMERICAN TRANSNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS TRANSNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS --MEDELLÍN, MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA COLOMBIA Busca esta lista de reproducción en el Busca lista de reproducción en canalesta de youtube de la WBF Official el canal de youtube de la WBF Official Este video está ofrecido por: This video is offered by: Proximamente encontrarás videos sobre las semi finales, finales, la clausura y más manos Vetop Este video está ofrecido por: This video is offered by: 22nd SWEDISH BRIDGEFESTIVAL — 10 — ÖREBRO, July 29th - August 7th 2016 Come, Enjoy and have Fun participating in: • The nd Chairman’s Cup • 6 National Championships • 30 Bronze Tournaments • 8 Silver Tournaments • The Gold Mine • 5 Seminars forth Beginners • Vugraph ÖREBRO, July 29 - August • Daily Bulletin • Master Points and Cash Prizes in all Tournaments 22 part in 2015. Take 8359 pairs in lds largest SWEDISH BRIDGEFESTIVAL or one of the W efestivals! 7th 2016 and best Bridg ome, Enjoy and have Fun participating in:All information to be found at in e Chairman’s Cup • 6 National Championships 15. Take part 0 2 in s ir a p City Hotel Örebro 9 835 Bronze Tournaments • 8 Silver Tournaments s largest of the World ls! e n o Gold Mine • 5 Seminars for Beginners • Vugraph festiva d best Bridge n a in • Master Points and Cash Prizes in all Tournaments BEST WESTERN ————————————————— All information to be found at BEST WESTERN ————————————————— City Hotel Örebro — 13 — 22 ÖR Come, Enjoy and • The Chairman’s Cup • 30 Bronze Tournam 6º SUDAMERICANO TRANSNACIONAL DE BRIDGE | 6º SOUTHAMERICAN BRIDGE TRANSNATIONAL CUADRO DE GANADORES SUDAMERICANOS 2016 WINNERS BOARD TORNEO PAREJAS CONSOLACIÓN: COPA CIUDAD DE MEDELLIN: 1. Morella Pacheco con Padma Darinyani 1. PERLITA: Perla Sultan- Steve Hamaoui- F. Frontaura_ Gonzalo Goded - Federico Goded, Gustavo Alujas 2. Christopher Jackson con Carol King 2. PELOTAS: Luiz Fetter - Luis Proto - Luiz Yurgel Antonio Soares - Horacio Oliveira — PAREJAS PAIRS — EQUIPOS TEAMS CAMPEONATO DE PAREJAS MIXTA: EQUIPOS DAMAS: 1. Valerie Gamio con Miguel Reygadas 1. Equipo Hayman: Jessica Hayman, Grazyna Brewiak, Anna Sarniak & Katarzyna Dufrat 2. Equipo Nos: Paula David, Sylvia Mello, Leda Pain, Isabella Vargas, Marina Amaral, Graça Poncioni 3. Equipo Of Course: Agota Mandelot, Heloisa Nogueira, Marlena iacapraro, Maria del Rosario Garateguy 2. Monica Yussem con Enrique Garcia Huidobro 3. Luisana Madueño y Juan Carlos Castillo PAREJAS DAMAS: 1. Margarita Jaramillo con Maria Eugenia Ulrich 2. Nathalie Sar Shalom - Adriana Aguilar 3. Ana Llugany - Jacqueline Schnetzer PAREJAS LIBRES: 1. Maurizio Machado - Eduardo Barcellos 2. Miguel Villas Boas - Gabriel Chagas 3. Russ Ekeblad - Vincent Demuy EQUIPOS LIBRES: 1. Milner: Sabine Auken, Reese Milner, Roy Welland, Justin Lall, Hemant Lall, Jacek Pszczola 2. Ortega: Luz Ortega, Kevin Dwyer, Russ Ekeblad, Vincent Demuy, Davil Saouborin, Shan Huang 3. Chagas: Gabriel Chagas, Miguel Villas Boas, Agustin madala, Alejandro Bianchedi, Marcelo Branco, Ernesto Muzzio. Ganadores parejas mixtas Valerie Gamio con Miguel Reygadas — 14 —