Test Dote The ASVAB fnterpretotion dote f or the Junior closs will be
Test Dote The ASVAB fnterpretotion dote f or the Junior closs will be
Senior Reminders -Stort orgonizing moteriols needed f or the F AFSA. -Continue working on the Suson Buffet Scholorship. -Stort working on locol scholorships locoted on the counselor's website. -If you ore oworded o scholorship, please shore thot informotion with Mrs. McConnell so it con be shored of Groduotion. Junior Reminders -Sign up to toke the ACT this spring. -Stort reseorching possible ACT Testing Dotes Test Dote Februory 6,2016 April 9,2016 June 11,?016 colleges ond universities interested in. Reqistrotion Deodline Lote Reqistrotion Jonuory Morch 4 Moy 6 Jonuory 9-15 Morch 5-18 Moy 7-20 I HOBY Congrotulotions to Jored Sullivon on being chosen to ottend - the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leodership (HOBy) seminor this summerll This seminor provides sophomore students thot opportunity to goin self-oworeness,leodership skills, ond the motivotion to make a oositive dif f erence in. th.eir communities. Nebrosko Leodership Seminor Notolie Rosenfroter ond Berenice Arvizo will be ottending the Nebrosko Leodership Seminor thot will be held this summer on June 16-19 ot Midlond University in Fremont. Congratulotions!! A5VAB The ASVAB fnterpretotion dote f or the Junior closs will be on Jonuory 6th ot 8:i5 o.m. The ASVAB speciolists will be going over individuot resutts with the students os well os possible career options during this meeting. THIRD GRADtr, The Third graders received dictionaries from the North Platte Elks Club recently. The Elks have been giving dictionaries to all third graders in Lincoln County since 2004. Thank you Elksl PENNY PROJECT I]PDATE, On November 25th, the Sth grade students counted pennies againl To this date, we have collected 250,244 pennies. Remember, each penny collected represts one chiid's life that was lost dur'ing the llolccaust. We would encourage 3il1-rs11s to turn their pennies to Betty Frederick's office or Kelly Smith's classroom. This has been a great communitysei'vice pr"oject anci \,'e'+,'ould iiketo thank everyone's support so far! WALLACE SCHOOL DISTRICT 65.R BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2OT5 The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Cindy Christensen at 8:00 P.M. Board members present were Josh Friesen, Conrad Nelson, Ben Widener, Kristi Griffiths, Cindy Christensen, and Lila Koop. Also in attendance were Mr. Sandberg, Mr. Rhode, Mrs. McConnell, and 2 guests. A motion was made by Lila Koop, seconded by Conrad Nelson to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of 11-11-15 and the Special Meeting of 11-30-15, and to pay the General Fund claims in the amount of $270,783.52, which includes a total Petty Cash transfer of $1,574.73. After discussion, the motion carried 6-0. A reminder was made by President Cindy Christensen of the Public meeting law and rules posted on the Board room wall. Notice of the Board meeting was posted on the school house door and in at least two other conspicuous locations in the town of Wallace. Board policy regarding public speakers at the Board meeting was included on the agenda. Mrs. McConnell, Guidance Counselor, gave us a presentation of the specific programs she is using in grades K-12, and also her responsibilities, which include: a. attending all IEP meetings, b. student assistance team inviting parents and teachers, c. responsive serr,/ices r,vhich include individual counseling, and crisis counseling, d. career planning, e. academic support for struggling students. f. equity for all students. g. working with small groups involving parents and teachers. h. registering all students and helping them with different options for courses of study. Mrs. Mcconnell also uses the Second Step Curriculum for grades K-5. They work on being a good learner, empathy, controlling feelings, and problem solving. Mrs. McConnell also works with the Seniors on scholarship applications and teaching them living skills facing them when they go to a secondary education. Old Business: Discussion was held on the various plans that were developed at the November 30, 2015 special meeting. Josh Friesen made a motion, seconded by Ben Widener, that the Wallace Board of Education contact BD Construction for price proposals on different options for a shop building. Motion carried 6-0. New Business: The Board discussed the Board Policy 9014. Lila Koop made a motion, seconded by Cindy Christensen, that the Wallace Board of Education approve the amended Board Policy 9014-signing Checks. Motion carried 6-0. MaisieKennicuttinformedusofthemanyactivitiesoftheStudentCouncil andtheF.F.A. 1. StateRange Judging was held in Scottsbluff. Wallace had a junior team consisting of Natalie Marquardt, Peyton Messersmith, Meredith McCoy and Haley Lopez, they placed 43 out of 54 teams. The senior team was made up of Maggie May, Madisyn Cutler, Maisie Kennicutt, and Collin Swedberg and they placed 29 out of 47 teams. 2. The Student Council attended a Student Council Workshop on September 30 at Bertrand. 3. The Student Council also provided babysitting during the parent-teacher conferences. 4. Homecoming week was October t2-77, the students had a great timeparticipatingindressupdaysandhall deeorating.5. Agroupofstudentswenttoseetheresultsofthelrcorn plot in Gothenburg that is sponsored by Monsanto. 6. The FFA chapter received a Sr,ooo by being recipients of the KIFA Governors Excellence Award, the money will be used for the Aquaponics system. 7. Collin Swedberg had agreatexperienceparticipatingintheNational FFAHonorChoirduringtheNational ConventioninKentucky. g., The Drama students pertormed their dinner theater on November 7, and they presented a musical this year "Darn Yankees". 9. A Veterans Day program was held at the school on November 12. Several eighth graders presented short essays that they had written foi'ihe Pairiots Pen contest. fvlany different music groups performed as weil. i0. The Freshman Ciass ancj the FFn oiiicer ieam aiiencjecj EDGE, a ieaclership conference in Gothenburg. 11. Hannah Sullivan, Tanner Clough, and Collin Swedberg were selected to sing in the All State Choir that was held in Lincoln Nov. 19-21. 12. The Quiz Bowl team attended a meet at Medicine Valley. 13. Some FFA students competed in Livestock Judging. The junior team, consisting of Jared Sullivan, Jayden Widener, Micah Swedberg, and Natalie Marquardt, won the competition and qualified for State. The Jr. High team consisting of Aubyrne Mcclintock, sydney pelster, euinn Koop, and Nathan ogier placed 2nd. euinn Koop placed 2nd overall and sydney was 3rd. 14. The Ag Demo team consisting of Erin Witt, Hannah Nelson, Sarah and Taylor Banks placed 3'd and they are alternates for State. Hannah Sullivan won the National Resource competition and qualified for State. i.5. The FFA chapter held a pancake feed for a fundraiser during the Dec. 4 basketball game. 16. Maisie also showed us pictures of the trip to Nationals. Mr. Rhode's report: 1. Wallace High School basketball Parent's Night is Friday, Dec. 11. 2. Basketball participation numbers: High school boys - 19, High School girls - 25, Junior High boys - i5, and Junior High giris 16. 3. The K-12 Christmas Program will be held in the old gymnasium at 7 P.M. on Tuesday, December 15. 4. The basketball five day moratorium runs from Dec. 23'd through Dec. 27th. 5. Wallace High School will participate in the Perkins County Holiday Basketball Tournament on Dec. 28 and 29. Wallace will play Sandhills/Thedford on Monday. Girls at 3:00 CT and boys at 4:45 CT. 6. The NSAA 2016-2017 three year enrollment numbers are out. Wallace ranks 227 out of 304 high school in the State of Nebraska with an enrollment number of 53. 7. The NSAA has released the 2016-2017 High School Football District assignments. D2-8 teams are Arapahoe. Eustis-Farnam, Loomis, Hitchcock County, Wallace and Wauneta-Palisade. P.M. 2. Mr. Sandberg's report: 1, ESU 16 Board Member Workshop will be on Wednesday, January 27, at 5:OO final classification report was handed out. 3. Cash flow summary of the past 4 years. 4. AQUESTT 2015 DistributionofChristmaspies.5. Bluebirdbusinformationongasolinepoweredbuses.6. NoticefromCounty Election Committee. Discussion was held on the Superintendent's contract. A motion was made by Kristi Griffiths, seconded by Conrad Nelson, that the Wallace Board of Education amend the Superintendent's contract to set the salary at 5128,000 for the 2OL6-2O17 school year. Motion carried 6-0. Lila Koop made a motion, seconded by Cindy Christensen, that the Wallace Board of Education adjourn the meeting at tO:tg P.M. Motion carried 6-0. The next regular meeting will be held on January 13,2076 at 8:00 P.M. The meeting will be open to the public and a current agenda is available at the office of the Superintendent. Respectfully Submitted, Lila Koop d* f r.:::=a' How much isyour tim" -ffiffi W W iSl'/'l t:t,;;t; I r) +"t l;:*I z1;4] {|; ty,:,,t *yl =i. liiit; ;s*"r ,*:,ry 4x; L;:t+:t ,;;*i*1 zi# €r:t'l t"\z* ?ir*i iti*y +r"i- ii/Jv{: .i.::ir}{ n*Z,*ry lir:rt;ts\* *v**Ty r|*y i,l'r '; +:::::,th.'? F[ g u re Th ;. :*'t:tV% rti," Number patterns can change at very different rates Uncierstaneiing raies oi change is importani in banking, biology, and economics S*:."i;-,"c: 15,:,ti k:l , :- Peeir:p-i.K:.Ohva!, irnd P , it . fains W4reidt 'Manenno$,q"iip::,Nnmber ?atier N:Y cuisenairelDale Seymour'ft.1bffiionSj.:lg9a ' . Seymour, Dale, and E{, Beardslee. CrilicalThinking Activities in Patterns. tmqery and Logre \brnon Hills, NY: FfA 1997 www,elauniverse.com 4** ' h, .)J ".. igorrncel,(computersoftwarepackage).'Flbalint ,'Cotl.Tulif:ations,.leee. \^. i^ ft dnl':^1r -a,a i\:!'qre$,ai .v**\sJs,*r)1, a seguence like 2. 5. 8. 11 -an arithrnetic A sequence iike 2, i' ft6 .:,: lr.::: ^i$h ^f inwhicfi yqu add:3 eaq{l time, is also sequence-.,: r::,: Dh 6, l8r 54, ..., !n whidl you multiply by 3 eacfi time, :,:i1. ;iljirttitiirlt::=:: ^ri+H6^li^ ^ li^^ ':::.::=::=:.,i ^l^^^ ^ ^+,^!^hl :..i.ii l:^^ wtilylYburatq.,:lr w:11111i1$*&i.;1.: :: NtrsunUuisti.ti .p,ll-, : :::;:.i: ' ., ,:.: :.::t:= l =. ,'' -b , qry,..*e{ f$ .ffi vale tu tiempo?:' M ,:{ttf W ':. ! ;Fr*$*r*rix* ?z'lr"*n*i;tr 7 ',ka*i' ;x l;: ,s? s*r$&$r& * $H* *i r*im, * q#e 7* p*gmr*ra $*r prla*:*r" tLi,x y qu*x ta,* sm$ar}* ** wz*:t\1;"rp|c**r;: ;*$ ; ffi*stt*{vel* dq:fuB* c+r$+ r$i* p*r *$ x"t*Er:;#alr;+ttu] Los patrones de ntimeros pueden cambiar a tasas diferentes' E-4^-l^Lltlalluci t^^.^^^^ roi loss5 l^ aGiirurv ^^-Li^ uE ^-:-^^*a6+^ rrrrPvrrq.r!e a0 la banca, la biologia y la economia. ^^?Pure . {"slil-re* Bs: tt: und; .' langqas gl Brimer ola,. 5noJ'cioi'rntroioi dia? ;Cudlet serfal-tus ginincias.. tes a! tiriat.Uel=equ;rOo Ui ,l'. ,'i llirl :..:i ii il:,1=r ,, - ..1t:: ,..,: t-: i $*l uc,o rt crrnir q"l r.t.r : tlt iqanlo :::, .. , :!|ru'iiri:= :::;:a::; ... r: :':-'1" ,| =::i I l ..,- t i:+i:rrx iii'ZC6 ,,::,iif1il1l,= . fret'.ts ir.: porla, et. maffo.,Doblalo cq@ain el es-iiesoi:de,l pet dobrado con , Uba una calcutadora para contar de3 en 3, En otias palabra!;tna1t.tt;;', que la calculadora muestre la frecuencia 3. 6, 9, 12,...2La puedes hacer multiplicar oor 3? =li il.:ll:IL. o* pabet sin dobiar? Repite este proceso, contestando la pregunta i cada vez. 2Cu6ntas veces puedes doblar ei papei? 1El iamaRo de! " papel con el que comenza*e hace alguna diferencia? lCudn grueio es el papel cuando ya no puedes doblarlo mds? . .:'r:i: l ,,1i[tf-o=.!!1.q'iu0p'edbzo.de;pg.ppl-decudlquie.r clil:ru*si*s. . 6+mAiecoJge.6$a descnros en el -Rero" se fi.ier ra tliilaiid,iilj:rlii ii;,i cabo por un mes, icudnto drnero te habrias ganado totalmente al ::'Al:=.:: ,i 2. iou6 'n':::r :t, : . t: .-..'i+r.i.'-*ima.,iuiita,rmlotogat6nygat6n. .,t; :::- ::::::. proceso se usa para generar cada uno de los siguientes natrnnoc) ir"'=taYYi : , -qent .'moneda ue diez centavos, dolar, diezd6lares, ,t t::::: .,: : .'.....,.'= clgn d6tai"es '. ,' y asi.Sucesivamente. ',.s\tgo glar.'\ . . 3r*nsr,*, .,t ).: aa::: ]i};.^ . ".. .,..rr-r.l g; .,..,lri aaa:aaa:aa:aaa:: :::::: l: ::.::::::,: iiiiii\\-l=.::. ra].::;a: ,' . t= "t -- el pago de intereses ahte I '1rr,'1; tt,$tlfst qci{}..,I .,,,',i' .i il prin*pa'-t:j1...: , ,.,"-' . I l .",La radioac..ividad es a menudo descrita por una "media vida'j el tiempo requericlo p€ra que la mitad del material radioactivo se desComponga. a:a::aa=....:, , los:',,bancos l..,lii',**,'?itp,,f,+'Jamos?,,'-, I . ' r 2Como aumenta la cantidad de dinero en una cuenta de ahorros? :.ri r',ac6..ry determinan I ,i!1itt l:-:-: , .... Contar de . . j:.,iu,l 1 en 1 es un ejemplo de una secuencia aritm6tica. 5, B, 11. , en la cual anades 3 cada vez, es tambi6n una secuencii aritmetica. como 2, "*Llna trecuelrciq j . ., . .l Una secrrenc!a cornc 2,6, 18,54..., en vez, eS una secuencia geom6trica. , !.? cue! !^nu!t!p!icas pcr3 # !. ,:.:: , ., l, :,'. " Seymour, Dale, and Ed Beaidslee. CrtticalThinking Activities in Pafterns, lmagery and Liglc. Vernon Hills. NY ETA 1997 segundo metodo ganas mas dinero al final de la semana. Exserintertis: - Page, D., K. Chval, and P Wagreictr . Maneuveirs with Number Patrems. White Plains, NY Cuiscnaire/Dale Seymour P.ublications, rgg+.j drn aiii$;i#al$ .,,:'rirlli:,., 1illi,,= '' t-!Sro. +: 9 o sea $140. Si se te pagan $2 el primer dia y tr-r satario se multiplica ai .doQltlircada,oia:0or !o-i p;o*m,oi O O1as, enionces gbhas ,::j::;;*=',, Oraflcl para una secuerEia aritmdtica recae sobre una linea recta. $t**srces$$: ,: lil i i' '.::: =illri.= Ef cede WALI.ACE SCHOOL DISTRTCT 65-R .d 5T N WALTACE ROAD WALT.ACE NE 69169 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID WALIACE NE G9169 PERMIT # t BoxxotDeR E4ITH MEMORAL LTBRARY The Wallace Faith Memorial Library brings you Carolyn Clark's portrayalof the infamous Annie Cook. Annie Cook was featured in local author Nellie Snyder Yost's novel Evil Obsession. The presentation will be January l-6th at 1:00 CT. lt is free to the public and will take place at the Faith Memorial Library. Check FML on Facebook for weather updates.