Holy Cross 011016 bulletin.pub


Holy Cross 011016 bulletin.pub
H oly C ro s s Ca tho li c Ch u r ch
3 773 Ch am bl e e Tu cke r Ro ad, At l an t a, G e o rgi a 3 0 34 1
M ai l i n g A ddre s s: 3 1 75 H at haw ay Co u rt , A t l ant a, GA 3 03 4 1
P ho n e : 770 - 93 9 - 3 5 0 1 Fax : 770 - 72 33- 70 1 3 w w w. ho l ycro s sat l an t a. o rg
Fr. Jude Michael Krill OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext. 237
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Gary Johnson OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext. 224
Fr. Abelardo Huanca OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext 225
In Residence
Fr. Reto Davatz OFM Conv.
Chaplain Blessed Trinity Catholic H.S.
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Rev. Dr. Dayle Geroski
Rev. Mr. Cecil Reimer, Ret.
Rev. Mr. Thomas Silvestri, Ret.
Rev. Dr. James Weiss, Ret.
Faith Formation Office
Director of Faith Formation
Barb Garvin, Ext. 233
[email protected]
Coordinator of Elem. Faith Formation
Aida Buzeta, Ext. 235
[email protected]
RCIA – English
Cindy Durham, 404-713-9117
[email protected]
Linda Smith
[email protected]
RICA – Spanish
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Aida Buzeta, Ext 235
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Emily Holmes, Ext. 232
[email protected]
Thrive Coordinator
Mary Busbee, Ext. 201
[email protected]
Asst to Thrive Coordinator
Peter Le, Ext. 201
[email protected]
Director of Music Ministry
Gail Goodman, Ext. 228
[email protected]
Front Office, Ext. 221
Business Manager
Beth Butler, Ext. 226
[email protected]
Assistant to the Business Manager
Gregg Watson, Ext. 242
Pastoral Associate
Monique Marlette, Ext. 223
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Yrene Lorenzo, Ext. 234
[email protected]
Sacramental Secretary
Penny Lampe, Ext. 252
[email protected]
January 9 & 10, 2016
...the Holy Spirit descended upon him in
bodily form like a dove. Lk 3:22a
... el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre él en
forma corporal, como una paloma. Lk 3:22
From our Pastor/De Nuestro Pastor
Good People of Holy Cross,
Gente Buena de Holy Cross,
Devastador as tormentas, inundaciones, desastres
naturales, ataques terroristas, fusilamientos, el
genocidio de cristianos en el Medio Oriente, refugiados,
conflictos familiares que nunca se resuelven, la muerte
de nuestros seres queridos; ¿quién puede entender por
qué suceden estas cosas? Muchas personas se
preguntan dónde está Dios cuando el mundo es tan
oscuro. Los cristianos tienen una respuesta:
especialmente en la oscuridad de la muerte y el dolor,
Dios está allí. Especialmente cuando el camino se hace
oscuro y largo, Dios está cerca de nosotros, y nosotros
todavía seguimos, con fe. En Jesús, Dios ha traído luz a la
oscuridad, una luz que no se puede superar. El pecado y
el mal parecen regir este mundo. Siempre habrá
desastres naturales, tragedias globales y penas
pequeñas, privadas, que forman parte de nuestra vida
cotidiana. Existen líderes malvados, personas que se
llenan de pánico ante la idea de que su poder les sea
quitado, y entonces gobiernan a tr avés de la violencia y
la destrucción. Este mundo oscuro es el lugar en el que
nace la luz, la minúscula y pequeña luz que la oscuridad
no puede superar. Ni las guerras y el terrorismo, ni la
desesperación o la depresión, ni gobernantes y poderes
terribles; NADA puede superar el poder de Jesús!
Todos los que son sabios buscan a Dios y confían en el
plan de Dios, a pesar de que el camino es largo, lleno de
peligro y duda. Ser sabio no significa saber o entender
todo acerca de la fe. No estamos aqu í por entender
todo, estamos aquí porque estamos rotos y necesitamos
la plenitud. Estamos aquí porque es aqu í que Dios nos
alimenta con su propio Cuerpo y Sangre. Ser sabio
significa seguir la luz a donde nos lleve, en busca de
Jesús siempre, sin importar lo que pase en el camino. A
través de la oscuridad, la ambigüedad, el aburrimiento,
corazones fríos, fe errante, la duda; a través de todo eso,
la luz de Jesús brilla. En la cara de la tragedia, la
incertidumbre por el futuro, la ansiedad, la luz de Jesús
nos llama a servir a nuestros vecinos y ayudar a los
necesitados, trayendo nuestros dones, poniéndonos al
servicio de Dios y al servicio de los demás. Seguimos
porque Dios nos lleva. Dios
guía, nosotros seguimos, no
importa qué. La celebración de
hoy es el bautismo de Jesús, fin
de la temporada de Navidad,
seamos agradecidos por los
muchos dones recibidos.
Devastating storms, floods,
natural disasters, terror
attacks, mass shootings, the
genocide of Christians in the
middle east, refugees, the
family conflicts which never get
resolved, the deaths of those
we love; who can understand
why these things happen? Many people wonder where
God is when the world is so dark. Christians have an
answer: especially in the darkness of death and gr ief,
God is there. Especially when the way grows dim and
long, God is near to us and we follow still, in faith. In
Jesus, God has brought light in the darkness, a light
which cannot be overcome. Sin and evil seem to rule in
this world. There will always be natural disasters, global
tragedies and the small, private griefs that are part pf
our everyday lives. Evil leaders exist, people who panic
at the thought of their power being taken away, and so
they govern through violence and destruction. This dark
world is the place into which the light is born, the tiny
little light which the darkness cannot overcome. No tides
of war and terrorism, no despair or depression, no
terrible rulers and powers; NOTHING can overcome the
power of Jesus!
All who are wise seek God and trust in God’s plan,
even though the path is long and full of danger and
doubt. Being wise doesn’t mean knowing or
understanding everything about faith. We're not here
because we have all this faith stuff down, we're here
because we're broken and need wholeness. We're here
because it is here that God feeds us with his own Body
and Blood. Being wise means following the light where it
leads, seeking Jesus always, no matter what happens
along the way. Through darkness, ambiguity, boredom,
cold hearts, wandering faith, doubt; through all of that,
the light of Jesus shines. In the face of tragedy,
uncertainty for the future, anxiety, the light of Jesus
calls us forth to serve our neighbors and help those in
need, bringing our gifts, placing ourselves at God’s
service, and at the service of others. We follow because
God leads us. God leads, we follow, no matter what.
Today’s celebration of Jesus’ baptism ends the
Christmas season, let’s be grateful for our many gifts
Fr. Jude Michael
Padre Jude Michael
Registración en la Parroquia:
Bienvenido a la parroquia de Holy Cross. Si desea ser un
miembro registrado en nuestra familia parroquial, debe
completar el formulario “Registración Parroquial” ubicado
en el escritorio de bienvenida o en la oficina de la
parroquia. Al completarlo lo puede enviar por correo,
entregarlo en la oficina parroquial o en la mesa de
bienvenida con uno de los voluntarios. El formulario
también esta disponible en: www.holycrossatla nta.org.
We welc ome you to Holy Cross Paris h and hope you enjoy your
experience here. If you would lik e more information about our
parish or would lik e to pic kup a regis tration form, please vis it our
Welcome Desk located in the narthex. You may als o visit our
website at www.holycrossatlanta.org.
Plan to join us! There is a place for everyone at Holy Cross.
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de Holy Cross. Esperamos que
disfruten su experiencia aquí. Si desean más información sobre
nuestra parroquia o les gustaría recoger un formulario de
inscripción, por favor visit en nuestro Escritorio de Bienvenida en
el vestíbulo. También pueden visit ar nuestro sitio de internet en
www.holycrossatlanta.org. Planeen unirse a nosotros! Hay un
lugar para todos en
la Iglesia de Holy Cross.
¿Sabía usted que puede recibir actualizaciones sobre las
actividades y eventos de la parroquia directamente en su
correo electrónico? Para recibir actualizaciones
simplemente vaya a nuestro sitio web,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, y busque por un sobre en la
columna derecha de la página web. Suscribirse es fácil y
seguro. Las actualizaciones las recibirá al principio de cada
mes, a excepción de las notificaciones y recordatorios
Parish Registration:
Welcome to Holy Cross. If you would like to become a
registered member of our parish family, you may pickup a
registration form from our Welcome Desk or from the parish
office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish
office, mail it in or hand it to one of our Welcome Desk
volunteers. Registratio n forms are also available at
¿Encerrado en casa?
¿Conoces a un feligrés que no pueda salir de su casa
debido a una enfermedad o por su avanzada edad, y le
gustaría recibir la Comunión? Por favor, póngase en
contacto con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al 770-939-3501 Ext.
Monthly Parish e-newsletter:
Did you know that you can receive updates about parish
activities, events and funeral notices directly to your
email? To receive updates simply go to our website,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, and look for the envelope on the
right hand column of the webpage. Subscribing is easy and
safe. Mailings will be done at the beginning of the month,
except for important notificatio ns and reminders.
Actualice su información de feligrés: ¿Se ha mudado,
cambio de correo electrónico, hay un nuevo miembro en la
familia, han cambiado sus números telefónicos? Es
importante mantener actualizada su información para
poder informarle de las actividades en Holy Corss.
Por favor, visite:
para enviar los cambios a la Oficina Parroquial.
Homebound? Do you know a parishioner who is
homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would like to
receive Communio n? Please contact Eileen Anandappa at
Envío de información para el Boletín:
El contenido para el boletín debe ser recibido en la oficina
parroquial a más tardar el Viernes a las 9:00am una
semana antes de su publicación. Por favor envíe sus
presentaciones a [email protected].
Update your Parishioner Information:
Have you moved, changed email address, added a family
member, no longer have a la nd line or changed phone
numbers? We need to know so we can keep you informed
on what’s happening around Holy Cross. Ple ase visit :
http://holycrossatla nta.org/update-parishioner-info
to submit your changes to the Parish Office.
Flores para el Altar:
Las flores del altar pueden ser dedicadas a una intención
especial tal como cumpleaños, aniversario de muerte o de
matrimonio etc. Si desea hacer su donación por favor
comuníquese con Monique Marlette de 9am - 1pm de
lunes a viernes, al 770-939-350 Ext 223.
Bulletin Submission Information:
Bulletin content must be received in the parish office no
later than Friday at 9:00am of the week prior to publication.
Please email your submissions to
[email protected].
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers may be given in memory or honor of loved
ones. To schedule your altar flower intentions ple ase call
Martha Murphy at 770-934-1464.
church family, and your advertising helps cover the cost of
printing and production, a huge savings for Holy Cross.
You are cordially invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving in honor of Monsignor Paul Fogarty’s Re rement on
Fri da y, Ja nua ry 29th , 2016
a t St. Thomas More Ca tholi c Church
Deca tur, Georgia a t 6:00 pm.
A recep on will follow in Mulhern Hall.
If you would like to a1end,
please RSVP to Ma rie at mdiebold@s tmga .org or
call 404-378-4588 X 112
If you would like to send a card please address to:
Msgr Paul Fogarty, 636 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030
Come celebrate Fat Tuesday!
Where: Holy Cross Catholic Church Parish Hall
T ra
d it i
o na
l Lo
When: Tuesday February 9 , 2016
a va
le Fo
ila b
od w
le f o
Time: 7:00 PM
r p
ill b
Tickets: $10 per person; $75 per table of Eight (available at the door or in
advance by contacting John Stephens (Dawna 770 865865-7547)
Proceeds goes to Veteran’s Organization
Knight of Columbus
Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara
Assembly #172
Mass Intentions/Intenciones
Sunday/Domingo 1/10 The Baptism of the Lord
5:00pm Vigil
Leokadjia Zielinski
6:30pm* Vigilia Leokadjia Zielinski
Hanh Do & Do Mai
Nancy AuClair
11:30 am
For the people of Holy Cross
Por la gente de Holy Cross
Florentina Cruz
Vui Vu
Andrea Gonzalez
Monday/Lunes 1/11
Marcella Ashley
Altar Server Training
Training for ne w alta r servers will be
held on Saturday, January 23rd,
from 9am – 11:30am. Any child
registered in the parish who is
3rd grade or olde r and has re ceived
their First Holy Communion may
become an altar se rver.
Please contact Kris Cha<ield at
krischa<ield@ bellsouth.net
or 770-414-9338
for addi onal informa on.
PLEASE CONFIRM your child’s
a1endance prior to the class, via email
or phone call, so that we a re prepared
for the corre ct number of children.
Tuesday/Martes 1/12
Robert DiMaio
Susan Schillaci
Wednesday/Miércoles 1/13
Peggy Gargiulo
Zahir Martinez (in celebration of his birthday/
celebrating his birthday)
Thursday/Jue ves 1/14
Delores Hall
Friday/Viernes 1/15
Fred Stephenson
Clarence Albright
Saturday/Sábado 1/16 St. Berard, OFM, Priest and Companions Protomartyrs (Memorial)
Leokadjia Zielinski
5:00pm Vigil Leokadjia Zielinski
6:30pm* Vigilia For the people of Holy Cross/Por la gente de Holy Cross
Sunday/Domingo 1/17 Second Sunda y in Ordinary Time
Han Do & Do Mai
Nancy AuClair
11:30 am
Leokadjia Zielinski
Leokadjia Zielinski
Don Conner
Por favor recuerde
en sus oraciones:
Christmas Offering: $67,057.13
Dec 26 & 27: $34,429.97
Jan 2 & 3: $30,398.71
2nd Collection – Catholic Charitie s $6,413.00
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: $6,251.00
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Gracias por tu generosidad.
Jill Stewart, Catherine Henry, Pat Telly, Pat
& Jim Kelly, Christine Lilley, Philip Craig
Moore, Dolores Kolvenbach, Carol Gilman,
Glenda Rogers, Kim Krabe Barnes, Joan
Bjork, Rob Anderson, Tom Melvin, Kathleen
Edwards, Jimmy Oliver, Fr. Joe Peek, Ed
Amaru, Andy Aguilar, Hemona Samuel,
Michael Edward Welch, Katherine Million
Welch, Charles Berry, Noreen Mastriani,
Linda Speight, Karen O’Briant Miller,
Christine Nugent, Marietta Tevarayan,
Maureen Whitmer, Clem Lisi, Edith Leisen,
Rita Wright, Sue Weiss, Christine Verner,
Beverly Cash, Michael Daunt, Rose Erbs
& Marty Martin
January Second Collection/
enero Segunda Colecta
1/10 - St. Vincent de Paul/ San Vic ente de Paúl
1/17- Friends of St. Martin/Amigos de San Martin
1/24 - ARCH - Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministries/
Ministerios Hispanos de la Arquidió cesis
1/30 - no second collect/no hay segunda colecta
Dear Paris h Family,
The Friends of St. Mar n de Porres will be conduc ng our
annual proje ct for the homeless in January. Each year we
assemble bags of outerwea r, socks and toile tries and de liver
them to a downtown Atlanta home less shelte r. Please he lp us
by buying new men’s XL hooded sweats hirts, and bring them to
Church on Jan 10thand 17th.
A St. Mar n volunteer will be in the ves bule with a box to
receive them. Thank you! Blessings!
Querida familia parroquial,
Los Amigos de San MarGn de Porres en el mes de ene ro
llevarán a cabo nuestro proyecto anual para las personas sin
hogar. Cada año prepa ramos paque tes con abrigos de invierno,
calce nes y arGculos de higie ne pe rsonal para entregar a un
refugio de desamparados en Atlanta. Por favor ayúdenos a
compra r nuevas camisetas con ca puchas XL para hombres. Su
dona vo puede se r entregado en el vesGbulo de la Iglesia
el 10 y 17 de ene ro, un volunta rio de San Mar n estará ahí
para recibirlo. ¡Gracias y Bendiciones!
If you would like the name of a loved one added t o our p ublished prayer list,
please call the church office at
770-939 -3501, o r email your req uest to [email protected].
Individuals will be kept on our prayer list for six weeks.
Por favor, llame a la oficina parroq uial a 770-939 -3501 si desea pone r a un
familiar en la lista de oraciones, o cuando la salud de alguien mejore o si ellos
necesitan ser removidos de la lista. También nos puede mandar un mensaje
por correo electrónico a [email protected].
The church offices will be closed on
Monday, January 18th, 2016 in observance
of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Las Oficinas Parroquiales estarán cerradas el
lunes, 18 de enero debido al
Día de Martin Luther King Jr.
TODAY our second collection is for
Holy Cross St. Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Society continues to assist families with their rent, utilities,
prescriptions and other basic needs. Together we can ease the suffe ring of those
experiencing hardship in these tough economic times.
La segunda recopilar para la próxima semana se
beneficiarán de San Vicente de Paúl
La sociedad de San Vicente de Paul continúa ayudando a familias con su alquiler, luz, gas,
medicamentos y otras necesidades básicas. Juntos podemos aliviar el sufrimiento de
aquellos que están pasando tiempos difíciles durante esta mala época económica.
In prayerful observa on of the January 22 anniversary
of Roe vs Wade, which legalized abor on in 1973,
the Archdiocese of Atlanta is holding a
Mass for the Unborn on January 22, 2016 at 10 a.m. at
the Cathedral of Christ the King.
St. John Neumann Regiona l Ca tholic School (grades K-8) will be
holding its Ope n House on Tuesday, January 26th, from 6:308pm. Principal’s ta lk at 6:45pm. Our family looks forwa rd to
mee ng yours!
St. Peter Claver Regional Catholic
School is hos ng an Open House
on Sunday, January 31st from 13pm, with a principa l’s talk to
begin at 1:15pm. Prospec ve
families with preschool,
elementary and m iddle school age
children a re invited to take a tour
and learn more about the school’s
effec ve use of blende d learning
and technology to enhance
educa on. While on the tour, take the opportunity to discover
how SPC can provide your child with opportuni es to grow in his
or he r faith and successfully plan for the future. Following the
tours, there will be me to answer ques ons about the various
academic, spiritual a nd extracurricular programs St. Pete r Claver
has to offe r, as well as informa on regarding the applica on and
admissions process. For addi onal details, contact Meaghan
Schroede r- mschroede [email protected] or call 404-241-3063.
For our address and dire c ons, visit our
website: www.spc-school.org.
This will be followed by "Stand for Life" from 12 un l
12:30 p.m. Stand for life is a living chain of witnesses
for life on Peachtree Road from the Cathedral to Lenox
Square. The Respect Life Ministry of Holy Cross is
organizing a carpool to the Cathedral that day for these
events. For details, and to sign up,
contact Beth Mogenson
at [email protected] or 404-509-8376. You can
sign up through January 20th.
Ladies of the parish you are invited
to our next mee ng on
Tuesday, January 19st star2ng at 7pm
in rooms 7 & 8 in the s chool of religion building
At this mee ng we will be signing up for toiletries
tha t we will bring to the Februa ry mee ng to fill di1y
ba gs for our “Homeless Women Veterans ”.
Please plan to come and help us wi th this very
important project.
Any ques ons please conta ct:
Ma rtha Murphy, mgms ma [email protected]
or Eleanor Ca ma ra ta a t 770-938-2776
Altar Server Training
Training for new altar servers will be held on Saturday,
January 23 rd , from 9am – 11:30am. Any child registered in
the parish who is 3 rd grade or older
and has received their First Holy
Communion may become an altar
server. Please contact Kris Cha<ield
at krischa<[email protected] or
for addi onal informa on.
PLEASE C ONFIRM your child’s
a1endance prior to the class, via email or phone call, so
that we are prepared for the correct number of children.
GriefSha re at
Imma cula te Hea rt of
Ma ry Ca tholi c Church is
a berea vement support
group open to anyone
in the communi ty. The
group meets on Wednesda ys , 7:00-8:45pm, sta r ng
on January 6th. For more informa on about the
progra m, conta ct Ma rga retAnn Ha rris
a t griefsha re@ihma tlanta.org or go
to www.ihma tlanta .org/griefsha re.
Ti ckets for this yea r’s Hol y Cross Thea ter Minis try show Shrek,
the Musical, benefiYng St. Ma r n de Porres food ministry,
will go on sale in the narthex a Zer all masses duri ng the
weekends of Ja nua ry 2/3, 9/10 and 16/17. Ti ckets can also be
purchased in the pa rish office up to the da y of performances .
Ti cket pri ces are:
Dinner Show, Friday January 29:
(8 per table-reserved sea ng) - $40 firs t two rows ; $35 rest of
the house (dinner a t 7:00 p.m./show 8:00 p.m).
Buffet Show January 30: (8 per table-reserved sea ng) $25 (Buffet a t 7:00/show 8:00 p.m).
Ma2nee Shows (no reserved sea ng): Sunday, January 31 & February 7, 4:00 p.m.
Adul ts $15 Children(12 and under) $7.
Evening Shows (no reserved sea ng) February 5 & 6 8:00 p.m. – Adul ts $15/Children(12 and under) $7.
For those who would simpl y like to contri bute to the cos t of the show, envel opes for contributors , who will
be listed in the show progra m, can also be obtained in the na rthex a Zer masses. Jus t drop them in the
offeri ng basket duri ng mass or bring by the pa rish office.
Families in Faith - Descent of the Dove
Before bidding farewell to the Christmas liturgical season, we have one last feast to
celebrate; con nuing with white vestments, we enter into the feast of the Bap sm of
the Lord. The Synop c Gospels (Mark, Ma1hew, Luke), as well as the Gospel of John,
offer details of this momentous event inaugura ng Jesus' public ministry. Situated in
the arid desert region of the Jordan river, they share the common elements of water,
the presence of the Spirit in the form of a dove, and the striking voice of God over the
waters calling out to Jesus, reminding, affirming, and ini a ng. God calls to His
beloved one, beckoning him from the comfort and safety of obscurity into the
vulnerable and risky place of witness. Jesus is summoned to service, brought to
ministry with striking signs--yet in spite of the magnitude of these signs, faith is s ll
required. Eyes perceive, ears receive, but only a faithful heart renders these things
both intelligible and valuable, meaningful and true.
Each of us has had our own "descent of the dove" experience. Brought to the waters of the bap smal font, either as
infants or adults, the Spirit of God has alighted upon those waters and permeated our individual lives. The voice of God
may not have filled our sacred space with booming sound, but through the words of the priest, we and those around
us heard the promise of God revealed anew. We have also been reminded of our graced and giZed lives through the
proclama on of Scripture each Sunday morning. We have been affirmed in the love of God, given an iden ty through
the Church, by its ministers, people and sacraments. We have been ini ated into a life of eternal love and genuine
service to others.
Jesus' bap sm and encounter with the Spirit did not end with a celebra on. Immediately the Spirit jolted him into the
desert, where his experience of the presence of God was confronted by tempta ons from one sent to derail and
distract him. The tempta ons focused on turning faith to doubt, hoping to move Jesus' unqualified yes to God into a
qualified maybe or a defiant no. The feast of the Bap sm of the Lord reminds us of Jesus' ul mate triumph and his
unswerving belief in God's presence, as well as our own challenge to receive and be faithful to the Spirit's descent and
presence in our daily life.
As we celebrate this feast of the Bap sm of Jesus may we believe the words of God spoken that day. May we
acknowledge the truth of Jesus as the beloved one. May we know that we too are beloved ones of God, called to
follow in his footsteps.
C<=>?@ RABAC? H>? PD=>?< is a weekend retreat open to all.
• Relax, pray and rethink priori es.
• Get to know others in the parish and grow as a community.
• Examine, rediscover and enrich your rela onship with Christ.
• Weekend of reflec on and sharing of spiritual and life issues.
A $25 registra on fee is requested, however, the spirit of the Christ Renews His
Parish weekend is to make the experience available to anyone.
Please do not let the cost of the weekend be a barrier to your a1endance.
Special arrangements can be made.
For more information, contact
Terri O’Leary at 404-731-4349 / [email protected] or
Therese Garrett at 678-984-8083 / [email protected]
February 6 – 7, 2016
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them—Ma hew 18:20
Coffee & Donuts Ministry
We invite you to join us Sunday, January 10 & 24
Stop by the Parish Hall for doughnuts immediately following the 7:30am &
9:00am Mass. This is a great way to meet other families in the Parish and
build community!
General Inform ation / Inform ación General
Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501, 9am -4pm
Faith Form ation/Form ación en la Fe: 678-689-2819
Regular Mass Times/Horario de Misas
Mon—Frid/Lunes a Viernes:
Wednesday/Miércole s:
7:00pm Spanish/Español
9:15am and 5:00pm Vigil
6:30pm Spanish/Vigilia Español
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am,
1:15pm Spanish/Español
5:30pm Thrive
Burmese Mass (3 rd Sunday)
3:00pm Burmese
Saturday / Sábado
Parish Office Hours/
Horas de la Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Friday/Lunes a Viernes:
After 9:15am Mass or by
Después de la Misa de las
9:15am o con cita.
9:00am - 4:00pm
Baptism Under 6 Years of Age
Parents are required to be members of the parish f or at least six months and are
required to complete a preparation program. Call the parish office to reserve a
space in the Baptism class, held quarterly. Baptisms are celebrated on the third
Saturday of the month at 11:00 am
Marriage: This sacrament requires completion of a marriage preparation program
(generally five to six months in length), as well as other notifications. You must also
be a registered member of the church f or three months before securing a calendar
date f or your wedding. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners must notify the parish office to receive a
communion v isitation or anointing by a priest in the home or hospital.
Bautismos para niños menores de 6 años: Las charlas o pláticas Bautismales
son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes (puede variar según calendario
parroquial). Los bautismos se celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de cada mes
a las 12pm. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia 3
meses míni mo antes de la celebración del Bautismo, asistir a 2 pláticas y
entregar acta de nacimiento del niño/a. Los Padrinos deben asistir a 2 pláticas
bautismales y presentar constancia de elegibilidad como padrino “Sponsor
Letter” firmada por el párroco de su parroquia. Todos los documentos, junto con
el formulario “Registro Bautismal” deben ser presentados en la primera plática.
Para más información, en la mesa de bienvenida puede encontrar el formulario y
fechas de las celebraciones.
Presentaciones (No es un Sacramento): Para niños y niñas de 40 días o de 3
años de edad. Completar el formulario “Solicitud de Presentación” para el jueves
anterior a la Presentación. Los niños de 3 años deben estar bautizados.
Matrimonios: Como requisito deben completar una preparación matri monial y
ser mie mbros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas información,
comuníquese con Monique Marlettet al 770-939-3501, ext. 223
Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfermo o conocido, puede llamar
para que el Sacerdote o un Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión lo visite.
Para mas información comuníquese con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al
770-939-3501, Ext. 225.
Bereavement Support:
The Holy Cross Bereavement Support
Group meets the first Tuesday of the
month at 1:30pm in the Assembly Room.
Holy Cross hosts this support group for the
recently bereaved or anyone havin g
difficulty with the loss of a loved one. Being
with others who are walking the same path
of loss is a help to many. If you are
interested in being part of this new group,
please drop-in to our meeting or contact Al
or Elaine McNeil at 770-935-4993.
Celebrate the lif e of family or friends with a
Votive Candle. Votiv e candles burn brightly night
and day as expressions of prayer
for special intentions.
The living flame of each candle is a beautiful
symbol of both prayer and of hope. At Holy
Cross, the bottom rows (the smaller candles)
are lit for a love offering. Sim ply deposit your
offering and push button. If you would lik e one of
the larger candles, there are 2 options:
Suggested offering for a 7 day candle is $10.00
If you would lik e a yearlong candle, the offering
is $150, and a personaliz ed tag will be placed in
front of your candle by
the following week.
To lite a weekly or
yearly candle, sim ply
complete Votiv e Candle
envelope and drop it by
the church offic e.
Encienda una vela votiv a
para honrar a un ser
querido o simplemente para agradecer por todas
las bendic iones recibidas. Las velas de abajo
(las velas más pequeñas) se pueden encender
por una ofrenda de amor. Deposite su ofrenda y
oprima el botón de la vela que quiera encender.
Si quiere encender una de las velas más
grandes, hay dos opciones:
*Por $10 puede encender una vela por 7 días.
*Por $150 puede encender una vela grande por
un año e incluye una etiqueta personaliz ada que
se colocará delante de la vela.
Complete unos de los sobres de las Velas
Votivas (de promesa), ponga su donación en el
sobre y entréguelo a la ofic ina principal de la
iglesia o en la canasta de la ofrenda.
El Bautismo del Señor
La fiesta d el B autismo del Señor es la última del tiemp o navid eño. En
ella se expresa, como en la Epifanía, que Jesús, ese Niño, envuelto
en pañales y recostado en un pesebre es la manifestación d e Dios
mismo en tre nos otros. Durante la Nav idad viv imos un tiemp o
extraordinario; parec e que el mundo se detenga y aprenda a hacer el
bien. La alegría es desbordante, las personas se encuentran, se
reconcilian, se dan regalos. El ambiente en la liturgia es de gozo, de
ternura y sencillez. El evangelista Lucas, presentando la predicación
del Bautista, n os enfoca en una doble observación. El pueblo estaba
en expectación. D e hecho la g ente creía que Juan era el Mesías. Per o
Juan aclara y encamina hacia el verdadero Mesías con su propio
Hoy es un domingo que n os llena de n ostalgia invitándonos al
equilibrio entre la N avidad que ter mina y que tiene un sentido extraordinario y la entr ada al ciclo ordinario; en la
liturgia empezar emos a seguir al Señor en la normalidad de la vida cotidiana. Pero antes de eso vale la pena
detenernos y pensar en la importancia de nuestro propio bautismo. ¿T e has dado cuen ta de que eres hij o, hija de
Dios? ¿Sabes lo que quiere d ecir seguir al M esías? ¿Comprendes el c ompromis o de estar vinculad os a la misión de
Jesucristo? Hoy es el día precis o de comen zar de nuevo, c entrarnos en la v ida pública de Jesús en sus milagros y su
deseo de que el Reino de D ios se cu mpla entre n osotros. H acer presente a Jesús en el mundo con sencillez y
apertura de cor azón. ¡Eso h ace un verdadero discípulo de Jesucristo!