2010-2011 Spring Semester - Charlotte
2010-2011 Spring Semester - Charlotte
Free Workshops for Families! 2010-2011 Spring Semester Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Parent University Course Catalog Las clases de la Universidad de Padres también n se ofrecen en español. Vea las páginas 31 – 40 para la lista de clases en español. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg e Mecklenb g Schools and the families and community we serve.Please check out our website for updated dates, times and locations of courses at: P.O. Box 30035 • Charlotte, NC 28230 • Phone: 980-343-0318 • Fax: 980-343-1338 www.cmsparentuniversity.org www.cmsparentuniversity.org Parent University Course Guide 2010-2011 Spring The most successful students are those whose parents are involved in their education. These students tend to earn better grades, score higher on standardized tests, have better attendance records and show a more positive attitude toward school. Effective involvement happens when parents have access to information and resources that encourage children to succeed. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is offering CMS Parent University to help parents learn what they can do to support their children’s academic success and well-being. Parent University, which is a collaborative effort partnering with many agencies and organizations throughout the area, is a dynamic compilation of FREE course offerings, activities and resources in locations throughout the county. Parent University’s offerings concentrate on four primary areas: Strand I is Parenting Awareness. These offerings provide information that can empower parents to raise confident, educated children ready for the 21st century. Strengthening parents means strengthening children. Strand II is Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century. These offerings provide parents information about how they can support their children’s academic opportunities and challenges today. Strand III is Health and Wellness. These offerings support information and activities to help families build healthy lifestyles physically as well as emotionally. Strand IV is Personal Growth and Development. These offerings will help parents to grow personally and professionally, so they can become the most effective advocates for their children. Por favor pregúntele a la escuela acerca de los intérpretes. Las clases que se ofrecen en español están listadas en las páginas 31 – 40. 2 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Parent University Course Guide 2010-2011 Spring Parent University “Knowledge on the Go” Can’t make it to one of the courses listed in this catalog? Don’t worry, Parent University delivers! We’ll bring the learning to you and your organization. Parent University “Knowledge on the Go” offers a variety of workshops and learning opportunities tailored to your group or organization. If your PTA, business, house of worship, parent group, neighborhood or community organization would like to schedule one of these workshops, please contact the CMS Family and Community Services Department/Parent University at 980-343-0318 or email us at [email protected]. Subjects include: Bullying Prevention and Intervention – Learn more about the CMS Bullying Policy and how to recognize, define and prevent bullying. CMS 101 – Who we are, what we do, and what’s new in CMS. Can We Talk? Effective Home/School Communication – Keeping the lines of communication open between home and school and holding effective parent-teacher conferences. Preparing for the End-of-Grade and End-of-Course tests – Learn more about these state standardized tests, what they mean, why they are given, and how you can help your child prepare. The Importance of Parent Involvement – Find out why your involvement in your child’s education is so important and what you can do at home and at school to be an effective advocate for your child. Building Study Skills – Learn strategies and techniques to help your child study harder and focus more on their homework assignments. Managing Behavior and Promoting Positive Self Discipline – Learn ways to manage behavior, identify factors that influence behavior and tools to encourage positive behavior. Using Technology at Home – Find out about online resources such as Parent Assistant, Study Island, Accelerated Reader and other technology resources to increase student achievement. Have a topic not listed here? Let us know your needs, and we’ll work with you to provide a session through Parent University. Call 980-343-0318 or email us at [email protected]. 3 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Table of Contents by Course Title Parent University Courses by Course Title Course Title Page # Course Title Page # 5 Components of Literacy .................................. 14 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel.............. 12 Adolescence 101.................................................... 8 Poverty Simulation............................................... 11 An Afternoon with Dr. Jon Rosemond ............. 12 Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests ............ 22 Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate ................................... 14 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests .............. 22 Believing is Achieving! ...................................... 14 Big6™ Inquiry Based Research: Elementary and Secondary ............................... 14 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! ................ 15 CPCC ESL and GED Classes ............................... 30 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century ................. 9 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ............... 9 Creating an Appreciation for Art in Your Family ................................................. 18 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child .................................... 22 Ready, Set, Read .................................................. 23 Science Beyond the Classroom ........................ 23 Special Education Law into Practice ............... 23 Spring Family Fun and EducationDay ............... 29 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement ........................... 23 Transition from School to Adulthood ................ 24 The Fat Boy Chronicles ....................................... 10 The Incredible Years ............................................. 8 Eating Disorder Awareness ............................... 25 Understanding and Using CMS School Tool Parent Assistant ............................. 24 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself ............................................... 25 Understanding College Savings Programs................................................ 24 Effective Presentation Skills .............................. 27 Using Technology for Research ........................ 24 Financial Fitness for Families............................. 27 Why School Attendance Matters ..................... 16 Gang Awareness ................................................. 11 Graduation Project .............................................. 15 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC ................................................. 28 Hands on Interactive Tour of The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film .................................... 28 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! ...................................................... 26 Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College ............................................. 16 High School 411.................................................... 15 Homework Without the Headache ................... 16 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy .................. 17 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ......................................... 18 Making it Happen – Math at Home ................... 18 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ...................................................... 11 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ........................ 20 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum............. 20 Math Science Family Fun Night ........................ 21 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students................. 21 Meeting Your Child’s Needs with a PEP (Literacy & Language Arts) ................................ 21 Moving Up Series – Transition to Kindergarten, Middle and High School ............ 19 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 ......................... 26 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education ................ 26 4 Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres - Clases en español...........................31-40 — Las clases se presentan en español — Entendimiento de las pruebas EOG y EOC ....... 31 “Understanding EOG & EOC Tests” Requisitos de graduación .................................. 31 “Graduation Requirements” CPCC ESL y GED Clases ...................................... 30 — Clases con interpretación en español — 5 componentes de lectoescritura ..................... 33 “5 Components of Literacy” Adolescencia 101................................................ 33 “Adolescence 101” !El creer es lograr! .............................................. 33 “Believing is Achieving!” Cuídelo lo suficiente como para imponer disciplina: Criar hijos para el siglo XXI............. 33 “Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century” Comunidades, padres y escuelas trabajando juntos para prevenir hostigamientos................ 34 “Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying” Aliviar el estrés: Maneras simples de renovarse .......................................... 34 “De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself” Conciencia de la existencia de pandillas ........ 34 “Gang Awareness” Visión general del programa “ESL” Inglés como segundo idioma para adultos del CPCC ........................................ 35 “Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED and Adult High School Program at CPCC” Course Title Page # Tarea sin el dolor de cabeza .............................. 35 “Homework Without the Headache” El modo cómo hablas si importa: desarrollo del lenguaje, rendimiento de los estudiantes y lectoescritura .................. 35 “How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy” Haga de su casa un ambiente de aprendizaje ...................................................... 36 “Make Your Home a Learning Environment” Manejo del comportamiento y promoción de la autodisciplina ...................... 36 “Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline” Investigaciones de matemáticas – Entender el nuevo plan de estudios de matemáticas de la primaria .......................... 36 “Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum” Noche de diversión familiar con las matemáticas y la ciencia ............................. 37 “Math Science Family Fun Night” Cumplir con las necesidades sociales y emocionales de los estudiantes superdotados37 “Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students” Conciencia de la Existencia de Asma .............. 37 “Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education” Prepararse para los exámenes de fin de curso...................................................... 37 “Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests” Serie Crecer.......................................................... 38 “Moving Up Series” Los años incredibles ........................................... 38 “The Incredible Years” Prepararse para los exámenes de fin de grado ..................................................... 39 “Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests” El fomentar la resiliencia (Capacidad humana de asumir y sobreponerse con flexibilidad a situaciones límite): Un escudo de acero para su hijo ...................... 39 “Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child” El club familiar de libros: una herramienta para aumentar el logro de los estudiantes ................................. 40 “The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement” En sus marcas, listos, a leer .............................. 40 “Ready, Set, Read” Ciencia más allá del salón de clases ............... 40 “Science Beyond the Classroom” Vayamos a la Universidad .................................. 40 “You can go to College” Formulario de inscripción para la Universidad de Padres en español ................ 41 Parent University Registration Form ...................... 42 Parent University Accomplishments 2009-2010 ........................... 43 Please check out our website for updated dates, times and locations at www.cmsparentuniversity.org. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Table of Contents by Age Range Parent University Courses by Age Range Course Title Page # Birth to 5 Course Title Page # 7 to 12 Make Your Home a Learning Environment............................ 18 Making it Happen – Math at Home ........................................ 18 The Incredible Years ................................................................... 8 0 to Young Adult 5 Components of Literacy ....................................................... 14 Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate ........................................................ 14 Believing is Achieving! ............................................................ 14 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ..................................... 9 Gang Awareness ....................................................................... 11 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team!......... 26 Homework Without the Headache ......................................... 16 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education ..................................... 26 Science Beyond the Classroom ............................................. 23 7 to 14 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! ................................... 15 8 to 12 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests.................................... 22 8 to 14 Understanding and Using CMS School Tool Parent Assistant ........................................................................ 24 9 to 10 Transition to Middle .................................................................. 19 9 to 15 Transition to Middle and High School.................................... 19 4 to 6 Math Science Family Fun Night .............................................. 21 Preparing for Kindergarten ..................................................... 19 5 to 10 10 to 18 Eating Disorder Awareness..................................................... 25 11 to 18 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ......................................... 20 Ready, Set, Read ....................................................................... 23 Special Education Law into Practice ..................................... 23 5 to 12 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century ...................................... 9 Transition from School to Adulthood ............................... 24 11 to Young Adult Adolescence 101 ......................................................................... 8 Graduation Project .................................................................... 15 The Fat Boy Chronicles ............................................................ 10 14 to 15 Preparing for High School ....................................................... 19 5 to 14 Big6™ Inquiry Based Research: Elementary and Secondary .................................................... 14 Understanding College Savings Programs ........................... 24 5 to Young Adult How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ........................................ 17 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ............... 11 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ............................................................... 20 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students...................................................................... 21 Meeting Your Child’s Needs with a PEP (Literacy & Language Arts) ..................................................... 21 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child ................. 22 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement............................... 23 Why School Attendance Matters ........................................... 16 14 to 18 Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College ................................................................... 16 High School 411 ......................................................................... 15 Preparing for End-of-Course Tests......................................... 22 14 to Young Adult Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel ................................... 12 Adult CPCC ESL and GED Classes .................................................... 30 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself .................................................................... 25 Financial Fitness for Families .................................................. 27 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC .............................. 28 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7............................................... 26 Poverty Simulation ................................................................... 11 Adults and high school students Effective Presentation Skills ................................................... 27 Parenting Awareness Courses Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century Courses Health and Wellness Courses Personal Growth and Development Courses 5 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Table of Contents by Date Parent University Courses by Date Date Course Title Page # 1/10/2011 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education .......................26 1/12/2011 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement ...................................23 1/18/2011 Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 1/19/2011 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself...25 1/20/2011 Adolescence 101 ...........................................................8 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! .....................15 1/24/2011 Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 Meeting Your Child’s Needs with a PEP (Literacy & Language Arts)........................................21 1/25/2011 Graduation Project ......................................................15 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline..11 1/26/2011 5 Components of Literacy .........................................14 1/27/2011 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 High School 411 ...........................................................15 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline..11 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ....................20 Math Science Family Fun Night ................................21 1/29/2011 Adolescence 101 ...........................................................8 1/31/2011 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 2/1/2011 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .............................................................26 2/3/2011 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline..11 2/7/2011 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 2/8/2011 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .....................12 2/9/2011 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .............................................................26 2/10/2011 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! .....................15 Eating Disorder Awareness .......................................25 Gang Awareness .........................................................11 High School 411 ...........................................................15 Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ....................20 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...........................................21 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .....................12 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Ready, Set, Read..........................................................23 2/15/2011 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! .....................15 Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 2/16/2011 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! .....................15 2/17/2011 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century.........................9 2/17/2011 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ....................20 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...........................................21 Science Beyond the Classroom................................23 2/21/2011 Believing is Achieving! ..............................................14 2/22/2011 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century.........................9 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 6 Date 2/23/2011 2/24/2011 2/25/2011 2/28/2011 3/1/2011 3/2/2011 3/3/2011 3/7/2011 3/8/2011 3/9/2011 3/10/2011 3/15/2011 3/16/2011 3/17/2011 3/21/2011 3/22/2011 3/24/2011 Course Title Page # Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..............18 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ................................20 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...........................................21 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ................................20 Believing is Achieving! ..............................................14 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century.........................9 Homework Without the Headache ...........................16 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .....................12 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Transition from School to Adulthood........................24 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement ...................................23 Poverty Simulation ......................................................11 Why School Attendance Matters .............................16 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Understanding College Savings Programs .............24 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ....................20 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC ......28 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Gang Awareness .........................................................11 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..............18 Making it Happen – Math at Home ..........................18 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child ...22 Ready, Set, Read..........................................................23 Science Beyond the Classroom................................23 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement ...................................23 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Financial Fitness for Families ....................................27 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 .................................26 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .............................................................26 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement ...................................23 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate ......................................................................14 Preparing for High School .........................................19 Special Education Law into Practice .......................23 Why School Attendance Matters .............................16 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself...25 Preparing for High School .........................................19 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 High School 411 ...........................................................15 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...........................................21 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Ready, Set, Read..........................................................23 Big6™ Inquiry Based Research: Elementary and Secondary ......................................14 Date 3/25/2011 3/26/2011 3/29/2011 3/31/2011 4/5/2011 4/6/2011 4/7/2011 4/12/2011 4/13/2011 4/14/2011 4/23/2011 4/26/2011 4/27/2011 4/28/2011 5/3/2011 5/5/2011 5/6/2011 5/10/2011 5/11/2011 5/12/2011 5/14/2011 5/16/2011 5/19/2011 5/24/2011 5/25/2011 Course Title Page # Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century.........................9 Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College .....................................................16 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education .......................26 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ....................20 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself...25 Science Beyond the Classroom................................23 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline..11 Preparing for High School .........................................19 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century.........................9 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...........................................21 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Transition to Middle and High School ......................19 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Preparing for High School .........................................19 Science Beyond the Classroom................................23 Using Technology for Research ................................24 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 High School 411 ...........................................................15 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..........................17 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 .................................26 Effective Presentation Skills......................................27 Adolescence 101 ...........................................................8 Effective Presentation Skills......................................27 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child ...22 Understanding and Using CMS School Tool Parent Assistant ...............24 Preparing for Kindergarten........................................19 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Understanding College Savings Programs .............24 5 Components of Literacy .........................................14 Gang Awareness .........................................................11 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..............18 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying .......................9 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Ready, Set, Read..........................................................23 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC ......28 Eating Disorder Awareness .......................................25 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ......................22 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself...25 Gang Awareness .........................................................11 Financial Fitness for Families ....................................27 Transition to Middle and High School ......................19 Transition to Middle School .......................................19 Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests ....................22 Adolescence 101 ...........................................................8 Understanding College Savings Programs .............24 Please check out our website for updated dates, times and locations at www.cmsparentuniversity.org. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Table of Contents by Zip Code Parent University Courses by Zip Code Zip Course Title Page # 28078 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! ..........................15 Graduation Project ..........................................................15 Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College .........................................................16 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...............................................21 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .........................12 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Transition from School to Adulthood............................24 Understanding College Savings Programs .................24 28105 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..................18 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ......11 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement .......................................23 28202 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century .............................9 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education............................26 28203 Eating Disorder Awareness ...........................................25 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .................................................................26 28204 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28205 Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate ..........................................................................14 High School 411 ...............................................................15 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...............................................21 28206 Believing is Achieving! ..................................................14 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..................18 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28207 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28208 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century .............................9 Gang Awareness .............................................................11 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ......11 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ........................20 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...............................................21 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28209 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .........................12 28210 Big6™ Inquiry Based Research: Elementary and Secondary ...........................................14 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ....................................20 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 .....................................26 Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel .........................12 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement .......................................23 Using Technology for Research ....................................24 Zip Course Title 28211 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .................................................................26 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...............................................21 Ready, Set, Read ..............................................................23 28212 Page # Adolescence 101 ...............................................................8 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century .............................9 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 High School 411 ...............................................................15 Homework Without the Headache ...............................16 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students ...............................................21 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child .......22 Ready, Set, Read ..............................................................23 Science Beyond the Classroom ....................................23 Why School Attendance Matters .................................16 28213 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Ready, Set, Read ..............................................................23 28214 5 Components of Literacy ..............................................14 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 High School 411 ...............................................................15 Make Your Home a Learning Environment ..................18 Math Science Family Fun Night ....................................21 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28215 28216 5 Components of Literacy ..............................................14 Adolescence 101 ...............................................................8 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself .......25 Effective Presentation Skills ..........................................27 Financial Fitness for Families ........................................27 Gang Awareness .............................................................11 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education............................26 The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement .......................................23 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself .......25 Eating Disorder Awareness ...........................................25 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students ....................................20 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ........................20 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ........................20 My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 .....................................26 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Special Education Law into Practice ...........................23 Understanding and Using CMS School Tool Parent Assistant ...................24 Understanding College Savings Programs .................24 Zip Course Title Page # 28217 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC ..........28 Why School Attendance Matters .................................16 28226 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! ..........................15 Understanding College Savings Programs .................24 28227 Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century .............................9 Gang Awareness .............................................................11 High School 411 ...............................................................15 28262 Adolescence 101 ...............................................................8 Believing is Achieving! ..................................................14 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself .......25 Gang Awareness .............................................................11 Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC ..........28 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ......11 Meeting Your Child’s Needs with a PEP (Literacy & Language Arts) ............................................21 Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests ........................22 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child .......22 Ready, Set, Read ..............................................................23 Science Beyond the Classroom ....................................23 28269 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 Effective Presentation Skills ..........................................27 Financial Fitness for Families ........................................27 How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy ..............................17 Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline ......11 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ........................20 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 Science Beyond the Classroom ....................................23 28273 Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum ........................20 Ready, Set, Read ..............................................................23 28277 CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! ..........................15 Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying ...........................9 De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself .......25 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! .................................................................26 Making it Happen – Math at Home...............................18 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 28278 Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests ..........................22 “Moving Up Series” (classes on Transitioning to Kindergarten, Middle and High School) – located in each Learning Zone – see page 19 for more details Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 7 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Parenting Awareness • Strand I • Parenting Awareness Strand I These offerings provide information that can empower parents to raise confident, educated children ready for the 21st century. Strengthening parents means strengthening children. Adolescence 101 Age: Presented by: The Incredible Years – A 14 Week Parent Training Series 11 to Young Adult Randolph B. Muhammad, Dean of Students James Martin Middle School Date Location Room Time 1/20/2011 East Mecklenburg High 6800 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/29/2011 Muslim American Society 4301 Shamrock Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Cafeteria 4:00pm– 5:30pm 4/26/2011 McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Room A 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/24/2011 Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: The target audience for this course is parents of adolescents ages 11 – 18 Description: The presentation provides parents with a quick-look into the who and what of adolescence and recommendations of where to look for help in addressing academic and social development challenges of this age group. References to federal statutes, type interventions, literature, academic and mentoring support programs coupled with a Be, Know, Do concept for parenting adolescents are topics of discussion. A Fun Filled Group Experience for Parents of Children Ages 3-5 Sponsored by: Thompson Child and Family Focus This workshop is designed for parents who want to effectively manage the challenges of raising children in today’s challenging world. Learn how to build your parenting skills using a variety of strategies that include group discussions, video vignettes, home activities, and interactive practice sessions. - Reduce stress! - Increase your confidence in parenting! - Network with other parents! - Learn positive parenting techniques! Great prizes and family gifts given at each session. Monday Evenings Beginning February 14 through June 16 5:30 – 7:30 pm PRE-REGISTRATION STRONGLY ENCOURAGED BY FEBRUARY 7 Windsor Park Elementary 3910 Sudbury Road Charlotte, NC 28205 For more information: www.cmsparentuniversity.org 8 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Parenting Awareness • Strand I • Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century Age: Presented by: 5 to 12 Dr. Lane Anderson, National Distinguished Principal, author and education consultant Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying Age: Presented by: 0 to Young Adult CMS Family & Community Services and CMS Bullying Prevention Program Date Location Room Time Date Location Room Time 2/17/2011 Northeast Middle 5960 Brickstone Drive Charlotte, NC 28227 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/27/2011 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/22/2011 Thomasboro Elementary 538 Bradford Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Atrium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Morgan School 700 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28202 1/31/2011 Cafetorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Morgan School 700 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28202 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 2/8/2011 Cotswold Elementary 300 Greenwich Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/24/2011 Bailey Middle 1430 Allenbrook Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/9/2011 Crestdale Middle 940 Sam Newell Road Matthews, NC 28105 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/7/2011 Piney Grove Elementary 8801 Eaglewind Drive Charlotte, NC 28212 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/17/2011 Stoney Creek Elementary 14015 Mallard Roost Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary and adolescent age children 2/17/2011 Wilson Middle 7020 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Description: Time proven, no-cost, real-world strategies which increase student achievement and decrease student discipline problems. Parents will gain life impacting knowledge on raising responsible, successful citizens. 2/22/2011 Beverly Woods Elementary 6001 Quail Hollow Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/23/2011 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Parent-Teen Dialogues Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 3/8/2011 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Young Lives on the Edge Hawk Ridge Elementary 9201 Bryant Farms Road Charlotte, NC 28277 3/9/2011 Martin Luther King Middle 500 Bilmark Avenue Charlotte, NC 28213 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Mountain Island Elementary 7905 Pleasant Grove Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/12/2011 McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Room A 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/5/2011 Ranson Middle 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Documentary Young Lives on the Edge is a documentary that chronicles the real life stories of four youth from Charlotte who have faced some of life’s toughest challenges including substance abuse, violence, physical abuse, family dysfunction, and other issues. The parent-teen dialogue will allow parents and teens to ponder, discuss, and consider solutions. Thursday, March 3, 2011 6:30 – 8:00 pm Quail Hollow Middle 2901 Smithfield Church Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: This session will present an overview of the CMS Bully Prevention Policy and provide helpful information on how to recognize, define, and prevent bullying. For more information: www.urbanleaguecc.org www.cmsparentuniversity.org Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 9 Parent University Course Guide – Parenting Awareness • Strand I • 2010-2011 Spring Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2011 6:15 – 8:00 pm Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Free Fat Boy Chronicles book to the first 30 participants who register online for the class. To register for the workshop, call 980.343.0318 or go online at www.cmsparentuniversity.org 10 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Parenting Awareness • Strand I • Gang Awareness Age: Presented by: Interactive Workshop 0 to Young Adult Kevin B. Thomas, CSAPC, CGS President, Motivation Through Struggle Date Location Room Time 2/10/2011 Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Computer Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Thomasboro Elementary 538 Bradford Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Atrium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/3/2011 Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/12/2011 Northeast Middle 5960 Brickstone Drive Charlotte, NC 28227 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children of all ages Description: Criminal street gangs are one of our nation’s most serious problems. Charlotte’s gang problem is small compared to other cities, but it’s rapidly growing. New members are recruited everyday and many become career criminals. Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline Age: Presented by: 5 to Young Adult CMS Family and Community Services Department Date Location Room Time 1/25/2011 Crown Point Elementary 3335 Sam Newell Road Matthews, NC 28105 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/27/2011 Statesville Road Elementary 5833 Milhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/3/2011 Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Nathaniel Alexander Elementary Computer Room 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary and adolescent age children Description: Interactive, participative workshop to help parents manage behavior, identify factors that influence children’s behavior and help parents intervene when undesirable behaviors happen. Parents will also receive tools to help children reflect on their own behavior in ways that promote self discipline. Understanding Barriers Families Face – An ESL Poverty Simulation Targeted Audience: CMS administrators, teachers, and community leaders/volunteers who work with families in need An ESL poverty simulation is an interactive and experiential workshop to help school administrators, staff members, and community leaders/volunteers better understand the daily challenges faced by many of our community’s most economically disadvantaged families. In addition, this simulation is focused on working with and understanding families with language and poverty barriers. This understanding allows people to engage and work with students and their families in a more effective manner. In the simulation, 39 to 85 participants assume the roles of up to 26 different families facing poverty at different levels and with different circumstances. The task of the “families” is to provide for basic necessities and shelter during the course of four 15-minute “weeks.” Monday, February 28, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm First Baptist Church-Huntersville 119 N Old Statesville Road Huntersville, NC 28078 For more information: www.cmsparentuniversity.org 980-343-0318 Gain a greater understanding of the barriers families face each day in today's tough economic times. Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 11 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Parenting Awareness • Strand I • Parents and Teens Behind the Wheel Age: Presented by: 14 to Adult CMS-Driver Education Department Date Location Room Time 2/8/2011 South Mecklenburg High 8900 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/10/2011 Myers Park High 2400 Colony Road Charlotte, NC 28209 The Art Gallery 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Hopewell High 11530 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and their driving-age teens Description: This session will share strategies with parents on helping their novice teen driver to become a safe and defensive driver. Parents will also learn how to improve their own driving skills. I attended the “Can We Talk? – Effective “Parent-Teacher Conferences” workshop, and I learned a lot. The workshop helped me feel confident as I went to my conference, and it gave me some ideas regarding the kinds of questions I should be asking. I left the conference with lots of ways to help my child at home with reading and math. I really felt like I was a partner in the conference. ” — CMS Parent – A Child’s Place Impact Series ““tried and true” parenting tips An Afternoon with Dr. John Rosemond Childcare and Refreshments Provided Sponsored by: The Junior League of Charlotte Well-known author and regular newspaper columnist WellDr. JJohn Rosemond will provide parents with tips and strategies that are D h R “tried and true.” One of America’s most popular speakers in the parenting field, Dr. Rosemond gives more than 150 talks to parent and professional audiences all over the map. His talks are provocative, informative, and always entertaining. Exciting children’s activities will be offered throughout the afternoon! Sunday, March 27, 2011 2:00 – 5:30 pm Providence United Methodist Church 2810 281 Providence Road – Charlotte, NC 28211 Be sure to register today! www.cmsparentuniversity.org 12 A partnership and promise bet between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 13 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • 2010-2011 Spring Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century Strand II These offerings provide parents information about how they can support their children’s academic opportunities and challenges today. 5 Components of Literacy Age: Presented by: Believing is Achieving! Age: Presented by: 0 to Young Adult Omar Tyree, The Urban Literacy Project 0 to Young Adult Calandrah Davis Date Location Room Time Date Location Room Time 1/26/2011 Briarwood Elementary 1001 Wilann Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/21/2011 James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Cafetorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/3/2011 Wilson Middle School 7020 Tuckaseegee Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Walter G. Byers Elementary 1415 Hamilton Street Charlotte, NC 28206 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of students of all ages Description: The workshop focuses on how to master and utilize The 5 Key Components of Reading, Writing, Thinking, Visualization, and Application. Mastering these 5 literary skills is a MUST for ALL AGES! This workshop will make understanding and teaching the importance of literacy much easier, impactful and meaningful for the students as well as the parents, the teachers and after school care providers. Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary, middle, and high school students Description: The way educators think about learning can affect their ability to establish proficiency in all children. Simply put beliefs matter. This class will review recent research that discusses how perceptions about students can affect student success and how students view their own potential. Becoming Your Child’s Best and Most Effective Advocate Age: Presented by: Big6™ Inquiry Based Research: Elementary and Secondary 0 to Young Adult Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC) Age: Presented by: 5 to 14 CMS Media Services Date Location Room Time Date Location Room Time 3/16/2011 Seigle Avenue Preschool 3320 North Sharon Amity Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Look for signage 8:30am– 10:00am 3/24/2011 Smith Academy of International Languages 1600 Tyvola Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: All parents and caregivers Description: Strong advocacy skills are critical as you work to ensure your child benefits from his/her education. Learn the steps to help you effectively advocate for your child’s needs. Remember, you are an equal partner in your child’s education. 14 Target Audience: Elementary and secondary parents of students conducting research Description: Students conducting research need to be able to define their tasks, understand information seeking strategies, locate and access information, determine best uses of information, synthesize, and evaluate their final product. The Big6™ research model empowers students to master information literacy skills which will help them find resources (print, non-print, electronic resources, and online websites) for their assignments and graduation projects. Parents and caregivers will gain insight into how the Big6™ model should be incorporated into their students’ information and research need. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • CMS Study Island – Technology You Can Use at Home to Make Learning Fun! Age: Presented by: 7 to 14 Parent University Network of Presenters Date Location Room Time 1/20/2011 Polo Ridge Elementary 11830 Tom Short Road Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/10/2011 McAlpine Elementary 9100 Carswell Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/15/2011 Torrence Creek Elementary 14550 Ranson Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/16/2011 Carmel Middle 5001 Camilla Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 Computer Lab 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of students in 3rd-8th Grade Description: Study Island is an online product used in CMS to help students master the standards specific to their grade. Parents receive a login name and password from their school. From there, students can take pre-tests, study various topics, and take post-tests. The system also has a game mode that makes learning fun. Participants will learn more about this new way to reinforce learning at home. Graduation Project Age: Presented by: 11 to Young Adult Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum & Instruction Department Date Location Room Time 1/25/2011 Hopewell High 11530 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of high school students (targeted to sophomores and juniors) Description: In CMS, the Graduation Project has four parts: a research paper, product, portfolio, and oral presentation before a review board. These four components are designed to be a culmination of the entire high school experience. To complete the Graduation Project, students will apply skills needed to be successful in post-secondary education and careers. The project requires students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do with the skills acquired in high school. This workshop will provide parents and students with information on the requirements and the available resources. Information will also be available on how to secure a mentor for the project. High School 411 – A Parent’s Guide to Understanding How To Navigate Through High School This workshop will help parents and students smoothly navigate the transition from middle to high school. At the high school level, sometimes things can go “south” quickly. You thought your child was doing fine; however, you’re beginning to notice your child having a lack of interest in school. All of a sudden, they’re “sinking.” This workshop will allow you to find out what resources are available to keep your child in school and ultimately achieve graduation. Learn more about: • High school graduation requirements, class offerings and the class registration process • Successful study skills • Resources available such as tutoring programs, mentors, and support in CMS • How to help your child find his or her “niche” in high school • How to notice the signs before it’s too late and how to be an effective advocate for your child • How to be more involved at the high school level Jan. 27, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm Feb. 10, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm March 22, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm April 14, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm Garinger High 1100 Eastway Drive Charlotte, NC 28205 West Mecklenburg High 7400 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Rocky River High Auditorium 10505 Clear Creek Commerce Drive Mint Hill, NC 28227 East Mecklenburg High Media Center 6800 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 15 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Helping Your High School Student Prepare for College Age: Presented by: 2010-2011 Spring Homework Without the Headache 14 to Young Adult Central Piedmont Community College Outreach and Recruitment and Financial Aid Age: Presented by: 0 to Young Adult CMS Family & Community Services Department Date Location Room Time 1/18/2011 Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/24/2011 Elizabeth Lane Elementary 121 Elizabeth Lane Matthews, NC 28105 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of middle and high school students (targeted to juniors and seniors interested in attending community college) 2/10/2011 Bailey Middle 1430 Allenbrook Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Description: Is your child interested in attending a Community College? This session will inform parents how to be involved in their students’ enrollment process including the application, financial aid, placement testing, and registration at CPCC. The workshop will also cover general information about the academic programs offered at CPCC and transfer options. 2/10/2011 East Mecklenburg High 6800 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/22/2011 Sharon Elementary 4330 Foxcroft Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/15/2011 Sugar Creek Charter 4101 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28206 Science Lab 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Long Creek Elementary 9213-A Beatties Ford Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm Date Location Room Time 3/24/2011 Hopewell High 11530 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm presenter was great! Thank you “forThebringing this information to our church. I would highly recommend this workshop to other parents! ” — CMS Parent Target Audience: Parents and caretakers of students in elementary, middle, and high school Description: Discover the top homework challenges and ways to trouble shoot and ultimately eliminate them. Determine how to maximize success at home and at school through communication between students, parents and teachers. Interactive Workshop Why School Attendance Matters Target audience: Parents and community members This workshop focuses on helping parents and community members understand the importance of school attendance and its impact on academic success. Participants will review and discuss the NC Attendance Laws, CMS attendance protocol and procedures, excused and unexcused absences, definition of truancy and CMS truancy intervention programs, ways in which parents and families can support students and the positive academic, social and emotional benefits of regular school attendance. 16 The workshop will be interactive and include multiple speakers including school social workers and CharlotteMecklenburg Police Department truancy officers. Learning objectives: • Become familiar with NC Attendance Laws • Understand CMS expectations and process related to school attendance • Understand the difference between excused and unexcused absences • Become familiar with CMS truancy initiatives • Learn about the work of CMPD truancy officers in CharlotteMecklenburg Schools • Learn and share ideas about parent involvement and support of academic success Monday, February 28, 2011 6:30 – 8:00 pm Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:30 – 8:00 pm EE Waddell High Media Center 7030 Nations Ford Road | Charlotte, NC 28217 East Mecklenburg High Media Center 6800 Monroe Road | Charlotte, NC 28212 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy Age: Presented by: 5 to Young Adult CMS Family & Community Services Department Date Location Room Time 2/7/2011 Ranson Middle 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/10/2011 University Meadows Elementary Media Center 1600 Pavilion Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28262 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 University Park Creative Arts Elementary 2400 Hildebrand Street Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Piney Grove Elementary 8801 Eaglewind Drive Charlotte, NC 28212 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm Date Location Room Time 3/24/2011 Morgan School 700 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28202 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/14/2011 Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Computer Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of school-age students Description: It seems everything is casual in today’s society - including the way we speak. Unfortunately, our students are experiencing the effects of casual conversation in their schoolwork and their ability to communicate. In this interactive workshop participants will learn how language development is related to student achievement and they will receive strategies to improve the language development of their students. Transition Fair for Students with Special Needs Plan Your Future Path Starting Today! Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Fourteenth Annual Transition Fair Learn about resources and training after high school for students with special needs And... Separate parent sessions to learn about navigating the transition services in Charlotte NEW! Job Fair supported by Business Leadership Network Parents – Educators – Students Come to the Transition Fair Thursday, March 17, 2011 4:30 – 7:00 pm East Mecklenburg High – Cafeteria 6800 Monroe Road | Charlotte, NC 28212 Charlotte area Transition Agencies, Community Support, Residential Services, School Based Enterprise Craft Sale, NC Colleges responsive to students with disabilities and local businesses with employment opportunities. East Mecklenburg Culinary Arts Program will provide refreshments. For more information, contact: Laura Norris at 980-343-6960 Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 17 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Make Your Home a Learning Environment Age: Presented by: 0 to 5 Melissa McDermott, CMS Literacy Facilitator 2010-2011 Spring Making it Happen – Math at Home Age: Presented by: 0 to 5 Melissa McDermott, CMS Literacy Facilitator Date Location Room Time Date Location Room Time 2/22/2011 Crown Point Elementary 3335 Sam Newell Road Matthews 28105 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Endhaven Elementary 6815 Endhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Druid Hills Elementary 2801 Lucena Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Pre-Kindergarten parents and/or guardians 5/3/2011 Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Description: This interactive workshop will assist parents in identifying math activities they can do at home with their child. Activities will include using items already located in their home environment such as sorting with clothes; making a pattern with eating utensils; identifying / recognizing shapes such as a clock is shaped like a circle. Target Audience: Parents of Pre-Kindergarten and kindergarten students Description: This session will address using resources found at home to enhance children’s learning in areas of literacy, math and science. We will discuss strategies to use when reading to a child and how to use environmental print to build literacy skills. Demonstrations using common household items will be given to show how to incorporate learning into everyday activities. Activities will be set up around the room so participants can try activities on their own. I attend Parent University classes “ because I want to be a better parent. Raising my child is the most important job I have! ” — CMS Parent NEW! Lunch-n-Learn Session Creating an Appreciation for Art in Your Family – presented by the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art and CMS Parent University Monday, April 4, 2011 • Noon – 1:00 pm • Free! Bechtler Museum of Modern Art • 420 South Tryon Street • Charlotte, NC 28202 Targeted audience for the workshop: Parents of children in Pre-K through high school. When students develop an appreciation for art and learn to talk about what they see, an entire world of new ideas can open up for them. Using the unique pieces in the Bechtler collection, parents will learn tips and techniques for teaching their children how to read a piece of artwork. As a result of this workshop, participants will: • Learn strategies for how to look at and talk about art with your child • Understand the importance of how to “read” a piece of art • Learn museum etiquette and how to be caretakers of a collection • Get information and resources about how to use the Bechtler collection to enhance your child’s exploration of art 18 The Bechtler Museum of Modern Art is dedicated to the exhibition of mid-20th-century modern art. The terra-cotta tiled museum in the heart of Charlotte’s center city brims with works by Miró, Giacometti, Calder, Warhol, Tinguely, Klee, Ernst, Hepworth, Le Corbusier, LeWitt and a wealth of other notables. The previously private collection accumulated over 70 years by the Bechtler family of Switzerland also features books and letters illustrating personal relationships between the Bechtlers and some of the artists in the collection. The four-story museum juxtaposes whimsy with work of significant intellectual depth and historical significance. Cosmopolitan in nature yet intimate in scale, the Bechtler provides an experience that is inspiring and approachable. To register for this lunch-n-learn session, visit the Parent University website at: www.cmsparentuniversity.org. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • 2010-2011 Spring “Moving Up Series” Workshops offered in each Learning Zone to assist parents with children starting kindergarten, going to middle school, and entering high school prepare for the next step in their educational career Presented by: Parent University Network of Presenters These interactive workshops will help parents and students smoothly navigate starting public school as well as the transition from elementary to middle and middle to high school. Strategies to minimize parents’ and students’ anxieties about changes in school will be offered. Preparing for Kindergarten Age: Date 4 to 6 Location/Zone Time Southwest Zone 4/6/2011 Smithfield Elementary 3200 Smithfield Church Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Age: 9 to 10 Date Location/Zone 6:30pm– 8:00pm 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/15/2011 Cornelius Elementary 21126 Catawba Avenue Cornelius, NC 28031 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/28/2011 McAlpine Elementary 9100 Carswell Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Central Zone East Zone 3/17/2011 Elizabeth Traditional Elementary 1601 Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28204 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/5/2011 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/1/2011 Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Tryon Hills Pre-K 2600 Grimes Street Charlotte, NC 28206 12:15pm– 1:00pm 4/7/2011 Tryon Hills Pre-K 2600 Grimes Street Charlotte, NC 28206 5:45pm– 6:30pm 4/28/2011 Pawtuckett Elementary 8701 Moores Chapel Road Charlotte, NC 28214 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/5/2011 Statesville Road Elementary 5833 Milhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28269 5/16/2011 James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 9 to 15 Date Location/Zone Time Southwest Zone 6:30pm– Southwest Middle 13624 Steele Creek Road 8:00pm Charlotte, NC 28273 5/16/2011 East Mecklenburg High 6800 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28212 6:30pm– 8:00pm Preparing for High School Age: Date Central Zone 6:30pm– 8:00pm Age: East Zone 3/24/2011 Huntersville Elementary 6:30pm– 8:00pm 200 Gilead Road Huntersville, NC 28078 East Zone (focused on both middle and high school) 4/7/2011 1/18/2011 Mountain Island Elementary 7905 Pleasant Grove Road Charlotte, NC 28216 McAlpine Elementary 9100 Carswell Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Transition to Middle and High School Time Northeast Zone 6:30pm– 8:00pm Northeast Zone 2/24/2011 Blythe Elementary 12202 Hambright Road Huntersville, NC 28078 From Beginning to Middle – Helping Your Child Make a Smooth Transition to Middle School 14 to 15 Location/Zone Time Southwest Zone Community House Middle 9500 Community House Road Charlotte, NC 28277 Northeast Zone 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/12/2011 J.M. Alexander Middle 12201 Hambright Road Huntersville, NC 28078 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Central Zone 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/16/2011 Cochrane Middle 6200 Starhaven Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 6:30pm– 8:00pm 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/17/2011 John Taylor Williams Middle 2400 Carmine Street Charlotte, NC 28206 6:30pm– 8:00pm Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 19 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students Age: Presented by: 2010-2011 Spring Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum 5 to Young Adult iMAGE Wealth Management, LLC Age: Presented by: 5 to 10 Parent University Network of Presenters Date Location Room Time Date Location Room Time 2/22/2011 Quail Hollow Middle 2901 Smithfield Church Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/27/2011 University Park Creative Arts 2400 Hildebrand Street Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:00pm– 7:30pm 2/23/2011 LiveWell Carolinas NorthLake Mall 6801 NorthLake Mall Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Lower Level Entry 3 Adult Library 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/10/2011 Lake Wylie Elementary 13620 Erwin Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/17/2011 Statesville Road Elementary 5833 Milhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/3/2011 Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/25/2011 Hornets Nest Elementary 6700 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of school age children, especially suitable for middle and high school students Description: No one can control every aspect of life, predict the future, or plan for every possibility. Accepting change and transition are key ingredients in creating a life filled with happiness and prosperity. Managing Your Moods for Powerful Parents and Students is an informative, interactive and fun course designed to help individuals excel in their roles in life. Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary age students Description: Parents want to be supportive of math education but they sometimes feel frustrated when the way their children are learning math at school is different from they way they learned it years ago. This workshop will allow parents to experience the same hands-on approach to learning math that CMS students receive in the classroom. Parents will find out what they can do to apply at home what students are learning at school. HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER OF CHARLOTTE EDUCATIONAL ACCESS FOR EDUCATIONAL EQUITY 6th Annual Hispanic College Fair Opening up the path to higher education for Latino students Watch for more details on date and location at: www.cmsparentunivsersity.com Family College Day • College information • Financial Aid / Scholarship information • Careers and College workshop • College application workshop • Children’s reading corner • Bilingual 20 Presented in collaboration with: A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Math Science Family Fun Night Age: Presented by: Meeting Your Child’s Needs with a PEP (Literacy & Language Arts) 4 to 6 Melissa McDermott, Literacy Facilitator Date Location Room Time 1/27/2011 Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:00pm– 7:30pm Target Audience: Parents of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students Description: Science and math are in everyday activities such as cooking, washing dishes and watering plants. Children need to start learning early so they have a firm base of knowledge to build on. As parents, it is important to share the knowledge you have with your child. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop for parents and children to participate in together. Learning stations will be set up throughout the room with a variety of simple science and math activities that utilize everyday objects found around the home. Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students Age: Presented by: 2010-2011 Spring 5 to Young Adult CMS Talent Development/Advanced Studies/ AVID Office Age: Presented by: 5 to Young Adult CMS Curriculum & Instruction Department Date Location Room Time 1/24/2011 John Motley Morehead STEM Academy 7810 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Room G-8 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary, middle, and high school students who may be at risk of not being on grade level Description: “I can learn this but it may take me a little longer”…”I just need a review of the basics before moving forward”…” I need a different approach that better suits my learning style…” Every student experiences academic difficulties on occasion and there are about as many reasons as there are students. Sometimes the problems are serious enough that if something isn’t done, that student may fall too far behind to catch up. Wouldn’t it be great if we could come up with a way to provide students who are having difficulties with a specialized plan for learning? Now we can! Personalized Education Plans (PEPs) are a tool used by schools to keep an eye on problem areas and provide strategies to address them. This class will talk about Personalized Education Plans for students who are experiencing difficulties in Literacy & Language Arts. Date Location Room Time 2/10/2011 Villa Heights Academic Center 800 Everett Place Charlotte, NC 28205 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/17/2011 Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/22/2011 Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Want to Find out About College Options, but Don’t Know Where to Turn? 3/22/2011 Sharon Elementary 4330 Foxcroft Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/7/2011 Huntersville Elementary 200 Gilead Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Make Plans to Attend the National College Fair Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of gifted and high ability students Description: This course will cover some of the major social and emotional issues facing gifted students including but not limited to overachieving, perfectionism, underachieving, and asynchronous development. A particular focus will be on how parents can help their students with these issues both at home and in school. NACAC National College Fair Parents and teens can visit hundreds of college information booths and talk with representatives about programs, degrees, college financing, scholarships, and much more! Sunday, March 20, 2011 Noon – 4:00 pm The Park Expo and Conference Center (formerly the Charlotte Merchandise Mart) 2500 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28205 Register online at: www.gotomyncf.com Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 21 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests Age: Presented by: 14 to 18 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department Date Location Room Time 5/19/2011 Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of students in grades 9-12 (and those taking Algebra I in middle school) Description: The North Carolina End-of-Course tests will be administered to students in grades 9-12 in May. This workshop will provide parents with information on what the End-of-Course tests involve, why they are administered by the state, what they mean, and how parents can help their children prepare. This class will include tips for alleviating test anxiety. Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests Age: Presented by: 8 to 12 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department Date Location Room Time 2/10/2011 Winding Springs Elementary 6601 Horace Mann Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Pawtuckett Elementary 8701 Moores Chapel Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Sugar Creek Charter School 4101 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28206 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/3/2011 Hornets Nest Elementary 6700 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/3/2011 Myers Park Traditional Elementary 2132 Radcliffe Avenue Charlotte, NC 28207 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/10/2011 Berewick Elementary 5910 Dixie River Road Charlotte, NC 28278 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Date Location Room Time 3/31/2011 Long Creek Elementary 9213-A Beatties Ford Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Albemarle Road Elementary 7800 Riding Trail Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/7/2011 McAlpine Elementary 9100 Carswell Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/7/2011 Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 5:30pm– 7:00pm 4/13/2011 Oakdale Elementary 1825 Oakdale Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/26/2011 Ranson Middle 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/5/2011 John Taylor Williams Middle 2400 Carmine Street Charlotte, NC 28206 None Specified 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/5/2011 Piedmont Middle 1241 East 10th Street Charlotte, NC 28204 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/11/2011 Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of students in grades 3-8 Description: The North Carolina End-of-Grade tests will be administered to students in grades 3-8 in May. This workshop will provide parents with information on what the End-of-Grade tests involve, why they are administered by the state, what they mean, and how parents can help their children prepare. This class will include tips for alleviating test anxiety. Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child Age: Presented by: 5 to Young Adult Diane H. Hamilton, CMS Counselor Date Location Nathaniel Alexander Elementary Computer Room 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 3/10/2011 Hidden Valley Elementary 5100 Snow White Lane Charlotte, NC 28213 Multi Purpose Room 4:30pm– 6:00pm 3/8/2011 3/21/2011 James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Cafetorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/26/2011 3/22/2011 Crown Point Elementary 3335 Sam Newell Road Matthews 28105 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Piney Grove Elementary 8801 Eaglewind Drive Charlotte, NC 28212 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Wilson Middle 7020 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/31/2011 Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 22 2010-2011 Spring Room Look for signage Time 6:30pm– 8:00pm 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents, teachers, instructional assistants Description: A brief parent-friendly overview of research in resiliency will be provided followed by discussion of tried and true strategies for promoting resiliency in children (audience participation). The session will also include a review of how resiliency makes a difference with students, regardless of their backgrounds/environments. After providing a list of resources, groups will be assigned to brainstorm ways they can use the resources, and use “out of the box” thinking to develop and encourage others. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Ready, Set, Read Age: Presented by: 2010-2011 Spring Special Education Law into Practice 5 to 10 Parent University Network of Presenters Room Age: Presented by: 5 to 10 CMS Exceptional Children Department Date Location Time Date Location Room Time 2/10/2011 University Meadows Elementary Media Center 1600 Pavilion Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28262 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/16/2011 Oakdale Elementary 1825 Oakdale Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Cotswold Elementary 300 Greenwich Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Lake Wylie Elementary 13620 Erwin Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/6/2011 Hidden Valley Elementary 5100 Snow White Lane Charlotte, NC 28213 Multi Purpose Room 10:00am– 11:30am Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary students Description: Have you ever wondered how to spark a reading interest or develop activities to foster reading for your child? This workshop is geared towards supporting parents with resources and activities to extend a love of reading into the home. Participants will leave with activities, resources and ideas for making reading a family event. Science Beyond the Classroom Age: Presented by: Target Audience: Parents of students with special needs and parents who may be concerned that their child may be a student with special needs Description: This course will review the main components of IDEA and NC State Policies regarding services for children with disabilities and how these federal and state mandates are implemented in CharlotteMecklenburg Schools to assist children to be successful in school. The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement Age: Presented by: Date Location Room Time 1/12/2011 Montclaire Elementary 5801 Farmbrook Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/25/2011 Reedy Creek Elementary 10801 Plaza Road Extension Charlotte, NC 28215 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Crown Point Elementary 3335 Sam Newell Road Matthews, NC 28105 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/15/2011 Smithfield Elementary 3200 Smithfield Church Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 7 to 12 Karen James, CMS Teacher Date Location Room Time 2/17/2011 John Motley Morehead STEM Academy 7810 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Multi Purpose Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Highland Creek Elementary 7242 Highland Creek Parkway Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/29/2011 Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/12/2011 Statesville Road Elementary 5833 Milhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28269 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5 to Young Adult Eva L. Graves, CMS Teacher Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of students of all ages Description: Nurture your students’ literacy development and love for books through a family book club. This class will provide participants with planned communications about a featured book. Participants will receive practical tips for implementing, monitoring and tailoring a family book club to match their family dynamics. Target Audience: 3rd-5th Grade Parents Description: During this workshop participants will learn how they can help students develop scientific understanding at home by conducting hands-on-minds-on explorations. These explorations will address NCSCOS Science Standards by having parents and caregivers use simple, inexpensive, and readily available materials to conduct science investigations. Participants will also be introduced to ways to use the Internet and community resources to promote science learning at home. Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 23 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • Transition from School to Adulthood Age: Presented by: 2010-2011 Spring Understanding College Savings Programs Age: Presented by: 11 to 18 CMS Exceptional children Department in collaboration with Mecklenburg County Developmental Disabilities Best Practices Sub-Committee on Transition 5 to 14 College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) Date Location Room Time 3/2/2011 Carmel Middle 5001 Camilla Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Date Location Room Time 2/24/2011 Hopewell High 11530 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/28/2011 Hopewell High 11530 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28078 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of students with special needs ages 11 – 18 Description: Information and resources to increase knowledge of the transition process in Mecklenburg County for families with youth in high school programs for students with developmental disabilities. 5/25/2011 Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Understanding and Using CMS School Tool Parent Assistant Age: Presented by: 8 to 14 Gwen Forney Date Location Room Time 4/27/2011 Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caretakers of students grades 3-12 Description: Parent Assistant is a useful tool for CMS families who want to keep up with the attendance and academic progress of their students. Participants in this class will receive hands on interaction for logging on to Parent Assistant and navigating the site. The workshop gives an overview of the wealth of information that can be found through Parent Assistant. Tips for Making Your Home a Learning Environment — taken from the Ready, Set, Read workshop (focused on families with children ages 5 to 10) Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of elementary and middle school students Description: Ever driven down the highway and noticed a huge billboard saying, “Saving for College through the North Carolina 529 plan” and wanted to know more? Maybe you’ve heard people talk about having a college savings account and you wanted to know where to go or how to get started? This is your opportunity to learn more and ask questions! You will learn about college savings options in general, with a focus on what North Carolina offers to its residents when saving for college. Using Technology for Research Age: Presented by: 14 to 18 Anne C. Bucci, CMS Media Specialist Date Location Room Time 4/12/2011 South Mecklenburg High 8900 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for Signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of high school students and high school students (in preparation for, but not limited to, the Graduation Project) Description: This interactive presentation will provide an overview of the research process used by CMS high school media specialists/media centers. Technology will be used to demonstrate and model the effective use of the types of sources available to students for research purposes. The course will focus on using appropriate print and electronic/online sources along with search strategies for using these and the Internet for research purposes. This program will also address and include an information problem solving model, the Big6. Plagiarism and the ethical information will also be discussed. use of in ■ Have a reading area in your home that is quiet and has a number of book choices for your child. d. ■ Practice day to day reading and writing, such as following a recipe or writing a note. ■ You and your child can make Play Dough at home me simple recipe and tons of fun. ■ Play communication games with your child, such as Scrabble and Pictionary. ■ Have paper, crayons, glue and scissors handy for your child to make crafts. ■ If your child is learning how to read, label items throughout your home, such as doors, furniture and household items. 24 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Health and Wellness • Strand III • Health and Wellness Strand III These offerings support information and activities to help families build healthy lifestyles physically as well as emotionally. Eating Disorder Awareness Age: Presented by: De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself 10 to 18 Levine Children’s Hospital Center for Disordered Eating Date Location Room 2/10/2011 Levine Children’s Hospital 1000 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203 6:30pm– Gorelick Conference 8:00pm Room LCH Atrium Time 5/11/2011 LiveWell Carolinas NorthLake Mall 6801 NorthLake Mall Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Lower Level Entry 3 Adult Library 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of Teenagers/pre-teens (ages 10-18) Description: Overview of eating disorders including the effects of the media and society on teens. Risk factors, signs and symptoms will be discussed as well as strategies for prevention. TWO THOUSAND ELEVEN YBM Age: Presented by: Adult Josephine Washington Date Location Room Time 1/19/2011 LiveWell Carolinas NorthLake Mall 6801 NorthLake Mall Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Lower Level Entry 3 Adult Library 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/17/2011 Endhaven Elementary 6815 Endhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/26/2011 Muslim American Society 4301 Shamrock Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Cafeteria 4:00pm– 5:30pm 5/12/2011 Nathaniel Alexander Elementary Computer Room 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Adults Description: A practical down to earth program that teaches how to bring balance and ease to daily challenges, communication and relationships. Among other things, participants will learn proven stress reduction techniques and resilience building techniques that can be used before, during, and after stressful challenges. Young Black Men Leadership Conference Inspiring Young Leaders Saturday, March 19, 2011 1:00 – 4:00 pm Rocky River High 10505 Clear Creek Commerce Drive Mint Hill, NC 28227 Can’t make it to a Parent University workshop but want to get the information? Check out our Online Courses and Course Presentations and Handouts Select Parent University courses are now online. You’ll find some of the most popular courses offered on the Parent University website at www.cmsparentuniversity.org 1. online modules and informational videos 2. course presentations and handouts. Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 25 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Health and Wellness • Strand III • My Life Check – Life’s Simple 7 Healthy Schools/ Healthy Students – Join the Team! Age: Presented by: 0 to Young Adult Nancy Langenfeld, Coordinated School Health Specialist Date Location Room Time 2/1/2011 Randolph Middle 4400 Water Oak Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Cafeteria 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/9/2011 Levine Children’s Hospital 1000 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203 6:30pm– Gorelick Conference 8:00pm Room LCH Atrium 3/15/2011 Endhaven Elementary 6815 Endhaven Lane Charlotte, NC 28277 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents of CMS Students Pre-K through 12th Grade Description: Healthy schools make better learners. Parents are making a difference by being active members of the School Health Team. Learn how this team approach is working to create safe, healthy schools. See what kids are telling us they are doing and how improving health, nutrition, physical activity and overall school environment can improve lifestyle and learning. Age: Presented by: Date Location Room Time 3/9/2011 LiveWell Carolinas NorthLake Mall 6801 NorthLake Mall Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Lower Level Entry 3 Adult Library 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/14/2011 Montclaire Elementary 5801 Farmbrook Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Adults Description: This course and the “My Life Check” assessment will help participants assess their own health and empower them to take steps to change their behavior and reach their personal health goals. This tool will help participants: • Answer questions about their health factors and lifestyle behaviors • Discover their personal heart score • Create action plans • Generate a results report that allows participants to preview, print and save their personal ‘simple 7’ action plan and heart score. • Understand their risk assignment for cardiovascular disease COMMUNITY RESOURCES at Your Fingertips! Check out the Family Resources Toolkit developed by the Community Collaborative on Parenting, Youth Employment, Mentoring, and Gangs and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee. This comprehensive directory provides families with information on all of the resources and services in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Adult American Heart Association Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education Age: Presented by: 0 to Young Adult Mecklenburg County Asthma Coalition Date Location Room Time 1/10/2011 First Ward Elementary 715 North Caldwell Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Look for signage 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/24/2011 Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Computer Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Parents and caregivers of children with asthma Description: This class offers parents/caregivers strategies to assist children suffering with asthma and how to manage the disease. Visit the website at http://www.charmeck.org/Departments/ CRC/Home.htm for your copy of the directory. 26 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Personal Growth and Development • Strand IV • Personal Growth and Development Strand IV These offerings will help parents to grow personally and professionally, so they can become the most effective advocates for their children. Financial Fitness for Families Effective Presentation Skills Age: Presented by: Age: Presented by: Adults and high school students Moira Quinn, former broadcaster and Senior Vice President of Communication with Charlotte Center City Partners Date Location Room Time 4/23/2011 Muslim American Society 4301 Shamrock Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Cafeteria 4:00pm– 5:30pm Mallard Creek High 3825 Johnston Oehler Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Auditorium 4/26/2011 6:30pm– 8:00pm Target Audience: Adults interested in learning more about how to make an effective presentation – High school students preparing for the Graduation Project and other presentations for college admission, scholarships, etc. Description: This session will provide participants with an understanding of what makes a presentation effective. Participants will receive tips and strategies on making a presentation clear, concise, and engaging. Adults Wachovia-Wells Fargo Date Location Room Time 3/9/2011 Ranson Middle 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, NC 28269 Cafeteria 8:00am– 9:30am 5/14/2011 Muslim American Society 4301 Shamrock Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Cafeteria 4:00pm– 5:30pm Target Audience: Adults Description: Information and resources to help families become financially fit. The courses will cover topics such as keeping a budget, tips on saving and growing your money, overview of credit reports, how to apply for and manage credit cards, and information on basic loans. Job Center on the Go! FREE Service Need to get on-line to look for a job? Need help creating a resume? Want to sharpen your computer skills for the job market? Simply need access to the internet? Visit the Career Cruiser at the following locations: First Monday Second Monday Belmont Center 9:30-12:30 West Blvd Library 2:30-4:30 Mountain Island 9:00-12:30 Plaza Midwood 2:30-4:30 Third Monday Fourth Monday Steele Creek Library 9:00-12:30 Burger King on Nations Ford Rd. Scaleybark Library 2:30-4:30 9:30-12:30 For more information, contact: Meryle A. Leonard 704-416-0558 or [email protected] (preferred) Classes are limited to 30 participants, unless otherwise noted. 27 Parent University Course Guide – Personal Growth and Development • Strand IV • Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED, and Adult High School Program at CPCC Age: Presented by: Adult Central Piedmont Community College Date Location Room Time 3/7/2011 E.E. Waddell High 7030 Nations Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28217 Media Center 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/10/2011 Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2010-2011 Spring NEW! Lunch-n-Learn Session Hands on Interactive Tour of The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film – presented by Target Audience: Adults interested in obtaining their Adult High School or GED as well as learning the English language. Description: This session will provide an orientation to the Adult High School (AHS), GED and English as a Second Language (ESL) program at CPCC. FREE! TAX FILING AND APPLICATIONS FOR JOB SUPPORTS The Benefit Bank™ in your neighborhood will help you complete applications AND file your taxes—all at no charge! The Benefit Bank online service connects lowand moderate-income individuals and families to tax credits and public benefits. Find a Benefit Bank in your community at www.thebenefitbank.com or call 1-888-756-2463 FREE! FEDERAL AND STATE TAX FILING (at participating locations) Food and Nutrition Services Medicaid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Rx Medication Assistance Voter Registration Free e-filing and electronic deposits www.thebenefitbank.com 28 Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Noon – 1:15 pm • Free! The Light Factory 345 North College Street • Charlotte, NC 28202 Targeted audience for the workshop: Children ages K-12 and parents. Families are invited to participate in an in-depth hands on and interactive tour of The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film (TLF). Participants will rotate through 2-3 stations during the tour. In the galleries, participants will learn about photographic composition and how to “read” or interpret photographic art. In the darkrooms, participants will see how a photograph is developed traditionally and create their own photographs to take home. Time allowing participants will learn how to digitally manipulate photographs using Adobe Photoshop. As a result of this workshop, participants will: • Learn strategies and methods for looking at and talking about visual art • Learn how to interpret or read photographic art with children • Learn how The Light Factory uses photography to engage youth in learning about science, literacy and social studies • Learn the process of developing a photograph in the darkroom To register for this lunch-n-learn session, visit the Parent University website at: www.cmsparentuniversity.org. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Parent University Course Guide – Personal Growth and Development • Strand IV • Spring Family Fun and Education Day Going From STEM to STEAM! 2010-2011 Spring Fun, Fun, Fun! Saturday, April 9, 2011 10:00 am – 5:00 pm (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) “Picking up STEAM” – Accelerating learning through experiencing the arts and culture Become an educated consumer of Charlotte’s thriving arts and cultural community! Families will enjoy: • Access to museums, arts and cultural venues along Uptown’s “Cultural Mile” (from the Harvey B. Gantt Center to McColl Center for Visual Art) • Mini-workshops for parents and students • Hands-on arts and cultural experiences • Student performances • Information for parents on strategies for using arts and cultural resources as tools to extend learning Sponsored By: The Light Factory offers experiences in photography and filmmaking. Join us for classes, camps, tours, exhibitions and film screenings throughout the year. Learn more: www.lightfactory.org The Light Factory 704-333-9755 www.lightfactory.org Mark your calendar and check the website at www.cmsparentuniversity.org for more details! 29 Parent University Course Guide – Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century • Strand II • 30 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español Clases en español de la Universidad de Padres – Primavera 2011 Los estudiantes más exitosos son aquellos cuyos padres participan en su educación. Estos estudiantes tienden a adquirir mejores calificaciones, buenas notas en las pruebas estandarizadas, tienen mejor registro de asistencia y demuestran una actitud positiva hacia la escuela. La participación efectiva ocurre cuando los padres tienen acceso a información y a recursos que animan a los estudiantes a tener éxito. Las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg ofrecen la Universidad de Padres para ayudar a los padres a aprender lo que pueden hacer para apoyar el éxito académico y el bienestar de sus hijos. La Universidad de Padres ofrece cursos, actividades y recursos en diferentes lugares a través del condado. Los siguientes cursos de la Universidad para Padres se ofrecerán en español. — Las clases se presentan en español — — Las clases se presentan en español — Entendimiento de las pruebas EOG y EOC “Understanding EOG & EOC Tests” Requisitos de graduación “Graduation Requirements” Edad: Adultos Presentado por: Zulma L. Velasco y Stephanie Vargas. Departamento de Educación de estudiantes ESL Edad: Adultos Presentado por: Zulma L. Velasco y Stephanie Vargas. Departamento de Educación de estudiantes ESL Fecha Lugar Salón Hora Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/9/2011 Escuela Billingsville Elementary 124 Skyland Avenue Charlotte, NC 28205 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 1/26/2011 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:00pm– 7:30pm 2/24/2011 Escuela Newell Elementary 8601 Old Concord Road Charlotte, NC 28213 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Garinger High Business & Finance 1100 Eastway Drive; Suite D Charlotte, NC 28205 Escuela Smithfield Elementary 3200 Smithfield Church Road Charlotte, NC 28210 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/7/2011 Escuela River Gate Elementary 15340 Smith Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Escuela Sterling Elementary 9601 China Grove Church Road Pineville, NC 28134 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/17/2011 Escuela Windsor Park Elementary 3910 Sudbury Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Ideal para: Familias que hablan español con niños de 9º a 12º grado Descripción: Para asegurarse que los padres entiendan claramente los requisitos que son necesarios para graduarse de la secundaria “High School”, los mismos que son cruciales para la graduación y pase de año. En este taller, las familias recibirán la información y los cambios acerca de los requisitos de pase de año, requisitos de gradación y la importancia de las pruebas estatales. Ideal para: Familias que hablan español con niños de 3º a 8º grado Descripción: Esta clase brindará a los padres información y estrategias para entender acerca de las pruebas estatales y como los mismos influyen en los requisitos necesarios para que los estudiantes puedan pasar al siguiente grado. Los padres entenderán la importancia de estas pruebas para tener éxito en la escuela; y ellos recibirán información y recursos para ofrecer apoyo en la casa a los estudiantes. aprendí mucho de ustedes esta “Gracias, tarde. Que Dios los bendiga.” — Cita directa de participante de Parent University Las clases son limitadas a 30 participantes, al menos que no se indique lo contrario. Por favor vea el sito web para la actualización de fechas, horarios y lugares en www.cmsparentuniversity.org. Concientización para los Padres Ayudando a su Hijo a Aprender en el Siglo 21 Cursos de Salud y Bienestar Crecimiento y Desarrollo Personal 31 ayuda a que los padres de familia tengan éxito Clases de inglés para padres Diploma “GED“ para padres Esta clase ayuda a los padres de familia que tienen necesidad de aprender inglés a que puedan comunicarse en las escuelas y la comunidad. El programa GED Desarrollo Educacional General es para los padres de familia que no han terminado la secundaria (highschool) Fecha de comienzo: 10 de enero Fecha de inicio: 11 de enero Nations Ford Elementary Montclaire Elementary Merry Oaks Elementary Tuckaseegee Elementary Newell Elementary Berewick Elementary Nations Ford Elementary Newell Elementary Albemarle Elementary Idlewild Elementary Newell Elementary Pinewood Elementary Martes-Jueves 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Martes-Jueves 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Martes-Jueves 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m Martes-Jueves 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Martes-Jueves 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunes y miércoles 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Lunes y miércoles 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Lunes y miércoles 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Fecha de comienzo: 11 de enero Albemarle Elementary Oakdale Elementary Pinewood Elementary Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 – 8:30 p.m. 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Diploma “GED“ en español para padres El programa GED Desarrollo Educacional General es para los padres de familia que no han terminado la secundaria (highschool) Fecha de comienzo: 11 de enero Fecha de comienzo: 18 de enero Amay James Pre-K Mallard Creek Elementary Idlewild Elementary Martes Martes y jueves Martes y jueves Martes y jueves 9:00 – mediodía 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Albemarle Elementary Pinewood Elementary Newell Elementary Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves Martes-Jueves 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. 8:00 – 8:30 p.m. Fecha de comienzo: 25 de enero Greenway Park Elementary Martes-Jueves 9:00 – mediodía Para inscribirse a cualquiera de estas clases, venga el día que comienza la clase al lugar y a la hora indicada. Para obtener las direcciones de estas clases, visite la página de internet: www.cmsparentuniversity.org o para recibir mayor información llame al teléfono 704-330-4855. A dónde quiera que usted vaya, CPCC le ayuda a llegar a su destino. 32 Una alianza y compromiso entre las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, las familias y la comunidad que servimos. 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — 5 componentes de lectoescritura !El creer es lograr! “5 Components of Literacy” “Believing is Achieving!” Edad: de 0 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Omar Tyree, The Urban Literacy Project Edad: de 0 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Calandrah Davis Fecha Lugar Salón Hora Fecha Lugar 1/26/2011 Escuela Briarwood Elementary 1001 Wilann Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/21/2011 Escuela James Martin Middle Cafetorium 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 5/3/2011 Escuela Wilson Middle 7020 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres de familia y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de todas las edades Descripción: El taller está enfocado en como perfeccionar y utilizar los 5 componentes claves de la lectura, escritura, pensamiento, visualización y aplicación. ¡El perfeccionamiento de estas 5 habilidades de lectoescritura es algo que DEBEN ADQUIRIR PERSONAS DE TODAS LAS EDADES! Este taller brinda entendimiento y enseñanza sobre la importancia de la lectoescritura de una manera mas fácil, influyente y significativa para los estudiantes así como también a padres de familia, maestros y personas al cuidado de niños en las escuelas. Hora 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de escuelas primaria, medias y secundaria Descripción: La forma en que los educadores piensan sobre el aprendizaje puede afectar su capacidad para desarrollar habilidades en todos los niños. Dicho de una manera más sencilla, las creencias importan. Esta clase revisará investigaciones recientes que hablan sobre cómo las percepciones sobre los estudiantes pueden afectar el éxito de los mismos y la forma en que ven su propio potencial. — Clases con interpretación en español — Cuídelo lo suficiente como para imponer disciplina: Criar hijos para el siglo XXI “Care Enough to Discipline – Raising Children for the 21st Century” — Clases con interpretación en español — Edad: 5 a 12 Presentado por: Dr. Lane Anderson Adolescencia 101 “Adolescence 101” Edad: 11 hasta adultos jóvenes Presentado por: Randolph B. Muhammad, Decano Estudiantil James Martin Middle School Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 4/26/2011 Escuela McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Room A 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 5/24/2011 Salón 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Este curso está destinado a padres de adolescentes de 11 a18 años Fecha Lugar 2/22/2011 Escuela Thomasboro Elementary Atrium 538 Bradford Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Salón 6:30pm– 8:00pm Hora 4/7/2011 Escuela Piney Grove Elementary Multi Purpose 8801 Eaglewind Drive Room Charlotte, NC 28212 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas a cargo de niños en la escuela elemental o adolescentes Descripción: Estrategias demostradas, gratuitas y reales para incrementar los logros de los estudiantes y disminuir sus problemas disciplinarios. Descripción: La presentación ofrece a los padres una mirada de los protagonistas y las razones de la adolescencia, y recomendaciones acerca de dónde buscar ayuda ante desafíos en el desarrollo social y académico de este grupo etario. Algunos temas de discusión serán leyes federales, tipos de intervenciones, bibliografía, programas de apoyo académico y de tutorías, junto con el concepto de “ser, conocer, hacer” para criar adolescentes. Las clases son limitadas a 30 participantes, al menos que no se indique lo contrario. Por favor vea el sito web para la actualización de fechas, horarios y lugares en www.cmsparentuniversity.org. Concientización para los Padres Ayudando a su Hijo a Aprender en el Siglo 21 Cursos de Salud y Bienestar Crecimiento y Desarrollo Personal 33 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — Comunidades, padres y escuelas trabajando juntos para prevenir hostigamientos Aliviar el estrés: Maneras simples de renovarse “De-Stress – Simple Tools for Renewing Yourself” Edad: Adultos Presentado por: Josephine Washington “Communities, Parents and Schools Working Together to Prevent Bullying” Edad: de 0 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Departamento de servicios para familias y la comunidad de CMS – Programa de prevención de hostigamientos de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/31/2011 Escuela James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Cafetorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/8/2011 Escuela Cotswold Elementary 300 Greenwich Road Charlotte, NC 28211 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/17/2011 Escuela Stoney Creek Elementary 14015 Mallard Roost Road Charlotte, NC 28262 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/17/2011 Escuela Wilson Middle 7020 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Martin Luther King Middle 500 Bilmark Avenue Charlotte, NC 28213 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Room A 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/9/2011 4/12/2011 Fecha Lugar 5/12/2011 Escuela Nathaniel Alexander Laboratorio de 6:30pm– computación 8:00pm Elementary 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Salón Hora Ideal para: Adultos Descripción: Un programa práctico, con los pies en la tierra, que enseña cómo equilibrar y facilitar los desafíos diarios, la comunicación y las relaciones. Entre otras cosas, los participantes aprenderán técnicas efectivas para reducir el estrés y técnicas de resistencia que se pueden utilizar antes, durante y después de desafíos estresantes. — Clases con interpretación en español — Conciencia de la existencia de pandillas “Gang Awareness” Edad: de 0 a adulto joven Presentado por: Kevin B. Thomas, CSAPC,CGS President, Motivation Through Struggle Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/10/2011 Escuela Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Laboratorio de computación 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Escuela Thomasboro Elementary 538 Bradford Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Atrium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/3/2011 Escuela Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de niños de todas las edades Descripción: Esta sesión presentará una perspectiva general de la política de prevención de hostigamientos y proporcionará información útil sobre cómo reconocer, definir y prevenir los hostigamientos. Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes Descripción: Las pandillas criminales callejeras son uno de los problemas más serios de nuestra nación. El problema de las pandillas en Charlotte es pequeño comparado con otras ciudades, pero está creciendo rápidamente. Todos los días se reclutan nuevos miembros y muchos de ellos se convierten en criminales de profesión. 34 Una alianza y compromiso entre las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, las familias y la comunidad que servimos. 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — Visión general del programa “ESL” Inglés como segundo idioma para adultos del CPCC El modo cómo hablas si importa: desarrollo del lenguaje, rendimiento de los estudiantes y lectoescritura “Getting Started – An Overview of the ESL, GED and Adult High School Program at CPCC” “How You Say it Matters – Language Development, Student Achievement and Literacy” Edad: Adultos Presentado por: Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 3/7/2011 Escuela E.E. Waddell High 7030 Nations Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28217 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/10/2011 Ideal para: Adultos interesados en obtener un diploma de estudios secundarios (High School) para adultos o un diploma de equivalencia (GED) y en aprender el idioma inglés Descripción: Esta sesión les brindará orientación respecto a los programas de estudios secundarios para adultos (AHS) y de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) de Central Piedmont Community College. Edad: de 5 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Departamento de familias y servicios a la comunidad de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/10/2011 Escuela University Meadows Elementary 1600 Pavilion Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28262 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Escuela Piney Grove Elementary 8801 Eaglewind Drive Charlotte, NC 28212 Salón multiusos 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/14/2011 Escuela Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Laboratorio de computación 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Los padres de estudiantes en edad escolar Descripción: Parece ser que todo es casual en la sociedad actual, incluyendo la forma en la que hablamos. Desafortunadamente nuestros estudiantes están sufriendo los efectos de la conversación casual en su trabajo de escuela y su capacidad para comunicarse. En este taller interactivo, los participantes aprenderán cómo se relaciona el desarrollo del lenguaje con el rendimiento de los estudiantes y recibirán estrategias para mejorar el desarrollo del lenguaje de sus estudiantes. — Clases con interpretación en español — Tarea sin el dolor de cabeza “Homework Without the Headache” Edad: de 0 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Servicio familiares y de comunidad de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/18/2011 Escuela Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Escuela Long Creek Elementary 9213-A Beatties Ford Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Salón multiusos 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de escuelas primaria, medias y secundaria Descripción: Descubra los principales dificultades e la tarea y las formas de resolver los problemas y eliminarlos en última instancia. Determine cómo maximizar el éxito en la casa y en la escuela a través de la comunicación entre estudiantes, padres y maestros. Recursos Adicionales Disponibles La Casa Internacional, localizada en el 322 Hawthorne Lane en Charlotte, ofrece un número de servicios y programas para ayudar a los que no hablan inglés a aprender el idioma inglés. Los recursos incluyen clases de conversación en inglés, tutoría en inglés, clases para la ciudadanía y mucho más. Visite su sitio en la red para más detalles en www.ihclt.org. Recursos en el sitio Web para aprendices del idioma inglés – www.usalearns.org. Las clases son limitadas a 30 participantes, al menos que no se indique lo contrario. Por favor vea el sito web para la actualización de fechas, horarios y lugares en www.cmsparentuniversity.org. Concientización para los Padres Ayudando a su Hijo a Aprender en el Siglo 21 Cursos de Salud y Bienestar Crecimiento y Desarrollo Personal 35 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — Haga de su casa un ambiente de aprendizaje “Make Your Home a Learning Environment” Fecha Lugar 4/5/2011 Escuela Nathaniel Alexander Laboratorio de Elementary computación 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Fecha Lugar 2/22/2011 Escuela Crown Point Elementary “Media Center” 3335 Sam Newell Road Centros de Matthews 28105 Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Escuela Druid Hills Elementary 2801 Lucena Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/3/2011 Escuela Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Salón Hora 6:30pm– 8:00pm Padres y personas al cuidado de niños de primaria y de edad adolescente Descripción: Taller interactivo y de participación para ayudar a los padres a manejar el comportamiento, identificar los factores que influyen en el comportamiento de sus hijos y ayudar a los padres a intervenir cuando los hijos tengan comportamientos no deseados. Los padres también recibirán herramientas para ayudar a sus hijos a que mediten sobre su propio comportamiento en formas que promuevan la autodisciplina. — Clases con interpretación en español — Investigaciones de matemáticas – Entender el nuevo plan de estudios de matemáticas de la primaria Ideal para: Padres de estudiantes de pre-kínder y kínder Description: Esta sesión tratará sobre el uso de los recursos que se encuentran en casa para mejorar el aprendizaje de los niños en las áreas de lectoescritura, matemáticas y ciencias. Hablaremos sobre las estrategias que se pueden utilizar al leerle a los niños y cómo utilizar la huella del medioambiente para crear habilidades de lectoescritura. Se darán demostraciones utilizando artículos comunes del hogar para demostrar cómo incorporar el aprendizaje en las actividades diarias. Se colocarán actividades alrededor del salón para que los participantes puedan probarlas por sí mismos. “Math Investigations – Understanding the New Elementary Math Curriculum” Edad: De 5 a 10 años Presentado por: Red de presentadores de la Universidad de Padres Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/27/2011 Escuela University Park Creative Arts 2400 Hildebrand Street Charlotte, NC 28216 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:00pm– 7:30pm 2/10/2011 Escuela Lake Wylie Elementary 13620 Erwin Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/3/2011 Escuela Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/25/2011 Escuela Hornets Nest Elementary 6700 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm — Clases con interpretación en español — Manejo del comportamiento y promoción de la autodisciplina “Managing Behavior & Promoting Self-Discipline” Edad: de 5 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Departamento de servicios para familias y la comunidad de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/25/2011 Escuela Crown Point Elementary 3335 Sam Newell Road Matthews, NC 28105 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 2820 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 36 Hora Ideal para: Padres y per Edad: De recién nacidos a 5 años Presentado por: Melissa McDermott, Instructora de lectoescritura de CMS 2/3/2011 Salón Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de edad primaria Descripción: Los padres quieren apoyar la educación de las matemáticas, pero a veces se sienten frustrados cuando la forma en que sus hijos la están aprendiendo en la escuela es diferente de la forma en que ellos aprendieron hace años. Este taller permitirá a los padres vivir el mismo enfoque práctico para aprender matemáticas que los estudiantes de CMS reciben en el salón de clases. Los padres descubrirán lo que pueden hacer para aplicar en casa lo que los estudiantes están aprendiendo en la escuela. Una alianza y compromiso entre las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, las familias y la comunidad que servimos. 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — Noche de diversión familiar con las matemáticas y la ciencia Conciencia de la Existencia de Asma “Parent/Caregiver Asthma Education” “Math Science Family Fun Night” Edad: De 4 a 6 años Presentado por: Melissa McDermott, Instructor de lectoescritura Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/27/2011 Escuela Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:00pm– 7:30pm Edad: 0 to Young Adult Presentado por: Programa de Educación del Asma del Condado de Mecklenburg Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/10/2011 Escuela First Ward Elementary 715 North Caldwell Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/24/2011 Escuela Joseph W. Grier Academy 8330 Grier Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Computer Room 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres de estudiantes de pre-kínder o de kínder Descripción: La ciencia y las matemáticas se encuentran en actividades diarias como cocinar, lavar platos y regar las plantas. Los niños necesitan empezar a aprender a temprana edad para que tengan una base firme de conocimiento sobre la que se pueda seguir construyendo. Como padres, es importante compartir el conocimiento que ustedes tienen con su hijo/a. Este es un taller práctico e interactivo para padres e hijos para que participen juntos. Se colocarán estaciones de aprendizaje a lo largo del salón con una variedad de actividades de ciencias y matemáticas con objetos que usan a diario, que están en toda la casa. — Clases con interpretación en español — Ideal para: Padres y personas a cargo de niños con asma Descripción: Esta clase ofrece a los padres/personas a cargo de niños, estrategias para ayudar a los niños que sufren de asma y cómo manejar la enfermedad. — Clases con interpretación en español — Prepararse para los exámenes de fin de curso “Preparing for the End-of-Course Tests” Cumplir con las necesidades sociales y emocionales de los estudiantes superdotados “Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students” Edad: de 5 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Desarrollo de talentos de CMS/Estudios Avanzados/ Oficina AVID Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/17/2011 Escuela Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/22/2011 Escuela Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Edad: 14 a 18 años Presentado por: Departamento de Currículos e Instrucción de las escuelas del condado de Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 5/19/2011 Escuela Vance High 7600 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Auditorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres de estudiantes que cursan los grados 9 a 12 Descripción: Los exámenes de fin de curso de Carolina del Norte se tomarán en mayo a los alumnos de los grados 9 a 12. Este taller ofrecerá a los padres información acerca del contenido de los exámenes de fin de curso, las razones por las que el estado los toma y las formas en las que los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos a prepararse. Esta clase incluirá consejos para aliviar la ansiedad que producen los exámenes. Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes superdotados y de alta capacidad Descripción: Este curso cubrirá algunos de los problemas sociales y económicos principales que enfrentan los estudiantes superdotados, incluyendo, sólo por enunciar algunos, pero sin limitarse a éstos, rendir más de lo esperado, perfeccionismo, rendir menos de lo esperado y desarrollo asíncrono. Estará enfocado principalmente en cómo pueden los padres ayudar a sus estudiantes con estos problemas tanto en la casa como en la escuela. Las clases son limitadas a 30 participantes, al menos que no se indique lo contrario. Por favor vea el sito web para la actualización de fechas, horarios y lugares en www.cmsparentuniversity.org. Concientización para los Padres Ayudando a su Hijo a Aprender en el Siglo 21 Cursos de Salud y Bienestar Crecimiento y Desarrollo Personal 37 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español Serie Crecer “Moving Up Series” Se ofrecen talleres en cada Área de Aprendizaje para asistir a los padres con niños que comienzan el kínder, van a la escuela media o ingresan a la escuela secundaria y se preparan para dar el siguiente paso en su carrera educativa Estos talleres interactivos ayudarán a los padres y a los estudiantes a transitar tranquilamente el inicio de la educación pública y las transiciones de la escuela elemental a la escuela media, y de la escuela media a la escuela secundaria. Se ofrecerán estrategias para minimizar las ansiedades de los padres y de los hijos acerca de los cambios en la escuela. Presentado por: Parent University Network of Presenters Prepararse para el kínder Time Desde el inicio hasta la escuela media: Ayudar a su hijo para que la transición a la escuela media sea tranquila 6:30pm– 8:00pm “From Beginning to Middle – Helping Your Child Make a Smooth Transition to Middle School” “Preparing for Kindergarten” Age: 4 to 6 Date Location/Zone Zona noreste 2/24/2011 Escuela Blythe Elementary 12202 Hambright Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Age: Date Location/Zone Time Zona noreste Zona central 3/1/2011 Escuela Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Escuela Tryon Hills Pre-K 2600 Grimes Street Charlotte, NC 28206 5:30pm– 6:30pm Escuela Tryon Hills Pre-K 2600 Grimes Street Charlotte, NC 28206 12:00pm– 1:00pm 4/7/2011 9 to 10 3/24/2011 Escuela Huntersville Elementary 200 Gilead Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Prepararse para los años de educación secundaria “Preparing for the High School Years” Age: Date 14 to 15 Location/Zone Time Central Zone 3/16/2011 Escuela Cochrane Middle 6200 Starhaven Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 6:30pm– 8:00pm 6:30pm– 8:00pm Zona Central 5/16/2011 Escuela James Martin Middle 7800 IBM Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 6:30pm– 8:00pm Los años increíbles: Una serie de capacitación para padres de14 semanas Una experiencia grupal colmada de diversión para padres de niños de 3 a 5 años Patrocinado por Thompson Child and Family Focus Este taller está diseñado para los padres que quieran enfrentar efectivamente el reto de educar hijos en el desafiante mundo de hoy. Aprenda cómo desarrollar sus habilidades de crianza con una variedad de estrategias que incluyen discusiones grupales, proyecciones de fotos, actividades para el hogar y sesiones de práctica interactivas. 38 ¡Reduzca el estrés! ¡Críe a sus hijos con más confianza! ¡Comuníquese con otros padres! ¡Aprenda técnicas de crianza positivas! Increíbles premios y regalos familiares en todas las sesiones. Lunes a la tarde, de 5:30 a 7:30 p. m. Del 14 de febrero al 6 de junio Escuela Windsor Park Elementary 3910 Sudbury Road Charlotte, NC 28205 Para obtener más información: www.cmsparentuniversity.org Una alianza y compromiso entre las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, las familias y la comunidad que servimos. 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — Prepararse para los exámenes de fin de grado “Preparing for the End-of-Grade Tests” Edad: 8 a 12 años Presentado por: Departamento de Currículos e Instrucción de las escuelas del condado de Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/10/2011 Escuela Winding Springs Elementary 6601 Horace Mann Road Charlotte, NC 28269 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 2/24/2011 Escuela Pawtuckett Elementary “Media Center” 8701 Moores Chapel Road Centros de Charlotte, NC 28214 Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Hornets Nest Elementary 6700 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28216 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/10/2011 Escuela Berewick Elementary 5910 Dixie River Road Charlotte, NC 28278 Busque letreros en la escuela 4:30pm– 6:00pm 3/10/2011 Escuela Hidden Valley Elementary 5100 Snow White Lane Charlotte, NC 28213 Salón multiusos 4:30pm– 6:00pm Escuela James Martin Middle 7800 Ibm Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Cafetorium 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 3/22/2011 Escuela Crown Point Elementary “Media Center” 3335 Sam Newell Road Centros de Matthews 28105 Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Piney Grove Elementary Salón multiusos 8801 Eaglewind Drive Charlotte, NC 28212 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Wilson Middle 7020 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/31/2011 Escuela Bruns Avenue Elementary 501 South Bruns Avenue Charlotte, NC 28208 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/31/2011 Escuela Long Creek Elementary 9213-A Beatties Ford Road Huntersville, NC 28078 Salón multiusos 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/5/2011 Escuela Albemarle Road Elementary 7800 Riding Trail Road Charlotte, NC 28212 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Lugar Salón Hora 4/7/2011 Escuela Tuckaseegee Elementary 2028 Little Rock Road Charlotte, NC 28214 “Media Center” Centros de Medios 5:30pm– 7:00pm Ideal para: Padres de estudiantes que cursan los grados 3 a 8 Descripción: Los exámenes de fin de grado de Carolina del Norte se tomarán en mayo a los alumnos de los grados 3 a 8. Este taller ofrecerá a los padres información acerca del contenido de los exámenes de fin de grado, las razones por las que el estado los toma y las formas en las que los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos a prepararse. Esta clase incluirá consejos para aliviar la ansiedad que producen los exámenes. — Clases con interpretación en español — 3/3/2011 3/21/2011 Fecha El fomentar la resiliencia (Capacidad humana de asumir y sobreponerse con flexibilidad a situaciones límite): Un escudo de acero para su hijo “Promoting Resiliency: Teflon Coating Your Child” Edad: de 5 años a jóvenes adultos Presentado por: Diane H. Hamilton, Consejera de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 3/8/2011 Nathaniel Alexander Elementary 7910 Neal Road Charlotte, NC 28262 Laboratorio de computación 6:30pm– 8:00pm 4/26/2011 McClintock Middle 2101 Rama Road Charlotte, NC 28212 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Presentado por: Padres, maestros, asistentes educativos Descripción: Padres-amigos ofrecerán una breve visión general de investigación acerca de la resiliencia, luego se hablará acerca de las estrategias que se han intentando y las que han funcionado al fomentar en los niños la resiliencia. (Participación de la audiencia). La clase también incluirá una revisión de cómo la resiliencia hace la gran diferencia en los estudiantes, independientemente de sus orígenes/entornos. Después de ofrecer una lista de recursos, se asignarán grupos para hacer un intercambio de ideas/maneras en las que pueden usar los recursos y los puedan implementar en el momento oportuno y puedan motivar a los demás. Las clases son limitadas a 30 participantes, al menos que no se indique lo contrario. Por favor vea el sito web para la actualización de fechas, horarios y lugares en www.cmsparentuniversity.org. Concientización para los Padres Ayudando a su Hijo a Aprender en el Siglo 21 Cursos de Salud y Bienestar Crecimiento y Desarrollo Personal 39 2010-2011 Primavera Guía de cursos de la Universidad de Padres – Clases en español — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — El club familiar de libros: una herramienta para aumentar el logro de los estudiantes Edad: De 7 a 12 años Presentado por: Karen James, maestra de CMS “The Family Book Club – A Tool for Raising Student Achievement” Edad: de 5 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Eva L. Graves, maestra de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 1/12/2011 Escuela Montclaire Elementary 5801 Farmbrook Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Escuela Crown Point Elementary Busque letreros en 3335 Sam Newell Road la escuela Matthews, NC 28105 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Presentado por: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de todas las edades Descripción: Alimente el desarrollo y el amor por la lectoescritura de los estudiantes a través del club familiar de libros. Esta clase proporcionará a los participantes comunicaciones planeadas sobre un libro presentado. Los participantes recibirán consejos prácticos para poner en marcha, monitorear y adaptar un club familiar de libros que concuerde con su dinámica familiar. Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 3/29/2011 Escuela Idlewild Elementary School 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres de niños de 3º a 5º grado Descripción: Durante este taller los participantes aprenderán cómo pueden ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar el entendimiento científico en casa al realizar análisis prácticos y de concentración. Estos análisis tratarán sobre los Estándares de Ciencia de los Estándares del currículo de estudios del estado de Carolina del Norte al hacer que los padres y personas al cuidado de niños utilicen material disponible fácilmente, económico y fácil de usar para realizar investigaciones de ciencias. También se presentará a los participantes formas de utilizar la internet y los recursos de la comunidad para promocionar el aprendizaje científico en casa. — Clases con interpretación en español — — Clases con interpretación en español — Vayamos a la Universidad En sus marcas, listos, a leer “You can go to College” “Ready, Set, Read” Edad: de 0 años a adulto joven Presentado por: Servicios en Español CFNC (North Carolina College Foundation) Edad: De 5 a 10 años Presentado por: Departamento del Plan de estudios e Instrucción de CMS Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 2/10/2011 Escuela University Meadows Elementary 1600 Pavilion Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28262 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/8/2011 Escuela Cotswold Elementary 300 Greenwich Road Charlotte, NC 28211 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Escuela Idlewild Elementary 7101 Idlewild Road Charlotte, NC 28212 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 3/22/2011 Escuela Lake Wylie Elementary 13620 Erwin Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de estudiantes de primaria Descripción: ¿Alguna vez ha pensando cómo prender la chispa del interés por la lectura o desarrollar actividades para acoger la lectura con su hijo? Este taller está hecho para ayudar a los padres con actividades y recursos para realzar el amor por la lectura en la casa. Los participantes se irán con actividades, recursos e ideas para hacer de la lectura un evento familiar. 40 Ciencia más allá del salón de clases “Science Beyond the Classroom” Fecha Lugar Salón Hora 4/4/2011 Escuela E.E. Waddell High 7030 Nations Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28217 “Media Center” Centros de medios 6:30pm– 8:00pm 5/2/2011 Escuela South Mecklenburg High 8900 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Busque letreros en la escuela 6:30pm– 8:00pm Ideal para: Padres y personas al cuidado de niños de todas las edades Padres y personas al cuidado de niños de todas las edades Descripción: Los talleres de Servicios en Español CFNC están diseñadosespecialmente para audiencias específicas o para temas de discusión. Los temas pueden incluir: Herramientas esenciales y recursos de CFNC.org y de otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro, planeación de carrera profesional, preparación académica, preparación para las pruebas SAT/ACT, ayuda financiera y una completa información acerca de los colegios universitarios y universidades de Carolina del Norte. Una alianza y compromiso entre las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg, las familias y la comunidad que servimos. La inscripción en internet y los detalles completos de los cursos están disponibles en: www.cmsparentuniversity.org Formulario de inscripción para la Universidad de Padres INFORMACIÓN DEL PADRE/PERSONA ENCARGADA (Por favor use letra de imprenta) ❑ Sra. ❑ Srta. ❑ Sra. Apellido: __________________________________ Nombre: _____________________________ Inicial del segundo nombre: ________ Dirección: ______________________________________________________________ Apto: ___________________________________ PO Box:___________ Cuidad:_____________________________________________ Estado: _____ Código postal: ______ Teléfono de la casa: ______________________________ Coreo electrónico: _____________________________________________________________________________ Celular: ______________________________ ¿ A qué escuela asiste su hijo (o hijos)?: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ PREGUNTAS Por favor díganos un poco más acerca de usted. Sus respuestas a las siguientes preguntas ayudarán a las escuelas de Charlotte-Mecklenburg a conocer más acerca de las personas en la Universidad de Padres y cómo podemos servirles mejor. Toda la información se mantendrá estrictamente confidencial. 1. ¿Cuál es su fecha de nacimiento? _______ / _______ / _______ Por favor, llene el formulario y el rasgón en perf enviar por fax o correo. mes dia 2. ❑ Masculino ¿Cuál es su género? año ❑ Femenino 3. ¿Cuál es su raza/grupo étnico? ❑ Hispano/Latino ❑ Indio Americano/Nativo de Alaska ❑ Blanco ❑ Asiático/Isleño Pacífico ❑ Árabe Americano ❑ Afro Americano ❑ Otro: _______________________ 4. ¿Cuál es su estado civil? ❑ Soltero, nunca se ha casado ❑ Divorciado ❑ Casado ❑ Viudo ❑ Separado ❑ Otro: _______________________ 5. ¿Cuál es el grado más alto de educación que usted ha completado? ❑ Menos del 8vo grado ❑ 8vo grado ❑ Algo de universidad ❑ Certificado técnico/vocacional ❑ Título de maestría ❑ Doctorado (PhD) ❑ Algo de escuela secundaria ❑ Título universitario técnico de 2 años ❑ Título profesional (J.D.,M.D.) ❑ Escuela secundaria/GED ❑ Título universitario de 4 años ❑ Otro: _______________________ 6. ¿Cuántos niños menores de 18 años (total) viven en su hogar? __________ 8. ¿Cuál es nivel del ingreso anual de su hogar? 9. ¿Por qué esta usted tomando un curso de la Universidad de Padres? (Por favor marque todo lo que aplique) ❑ Un amigo me lo recomendó ❑ Yo estaba interesado en el titulo del taller ❑ El maestro de mi hijo me lo recomendó ❑ Yo estaba interesado en participar en la Universidad de Padres 10. ❑ Menos de $25,000 7. ¿Cuántos adultos mayores de 18 (total) viven en su hogar? __________ ❑ $25,000 - $49,999 ❑ $50,000 - $74,999 ¿Cómo escucho usted acerca de la Universidad de Padres? (Por favor marque todo lo que aplique) ❑ Un amigo ❑ Sitio Web de CMS ❑ El maestro de mi hijo ❑ $75,000 - $99,999 ❑ $100,000 o más ❑ Se requirió de mi asistencia ❑ Otro (por favor especifique): _________ ❑ Otro: _______________________ INFORMACIÓN DEL ESTUDIANTE Nombre del niño Fecha de nacimiento Título de curso Fecha Escuela Grado INFORMACIÓN DEL CURSO Hora de inicio Hora de finalización ________________________________________________________________ Lugar _____________________________________ Firma del padre/tutor legal Fecha Envíe por fax el formulario completado a 980-343-1338 O para más obtener mayor información llame al 980-343-0318. Usted también puede entregar este formulario al “Family Advocate” (persona representante que intercede por las familias) o el representante de Universidad de Padres de su escuela. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Parent University 1100 Bond Street | Charlotte, NC 28208 | Attn: Mary Wilmore 41 Online registration and complete course details are available at: www.cmsparentuniversity.org Parent University Registration Form PARENT/CAREGIVER INFORMATION (please print) ❑ Mr. ❑ Ms. ❑ Mrs. Last name: _____________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________ MI:___________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________ Apt: ___________________________________ PO Box:___________ City: ________________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ___________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ What school does your child (or children) attend?: _________________________________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONNAIRE Please tell us a little bit more about yourself. Your answers to the questions below will help Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools learn more about the people in Parent University and how we can better serve you. All information will be kept strictly confidential. What is YOUR date of birth? _______ / _______ / _______ month day 2. What is your gender? year ❑ Male ❑ Female 3. What is your race/ethnic group? ❑ Hispanic/Latino ❑ American Indian/Alaska Native ❑ White ❑ Asian/Pacific Islander ❑ Arab American ❑ Black/African-American ❑ Other: _______________________ 4. What is your marital status? ❑ Single, Never Married ❑ Divorced ❑ Married ❑ Widowed ❑ Separated ❑ Other: _______________________ 5. What is the highest level of education you have completed? ❑ Less than 8th grade ❑ 8th grade ❑ Some College ❑ Technical/Vocational Certificate ❑ Master’s Degree ❑ Doctorate (PhD) ❑ Some high school ❑ Two year College/Associate’s Degree ❑ Professional Degree (J.D.,M.D.) 6. How many children under age 18 (total) live in your home? __________ 8. What is your total annual household income level? 9. Why are you taking a Parent University course? (Please check all that apply) ❑ A friend recommended it to me ❑ I was interested in the workshop topic ❑ My child’s teacher recommended it to me ❑ I was interested in participating in Parent University 10. ❑ Below $25,000 How did you hear about Parent University? (Please check all that apply) 7. ❑ High School/GED ❑ Four –year College Degree ❑ Other: _______________________ How many adults over age 18 (total) live in your home? __________ ❑ $25,000 - $49,999 ❑ A friend ❑ $50,000 - $74,999 ❑ CMS Website ❑ $75,000 - $99,999 ❑ $100,000 or more ❑ I was required to attend ❑ Other (please specify): _________ ❑ My child’s teacher ❑ Other: _______________________ STUDENT INFORMATION Child’s Name Date of Birth School Grade COURSE INFORMATION Course Title Date Start Time End Time ________________________________________________________________ Location _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Please fax completed form to 980-343-1338 Or call 980-343-0318 for more information. You may also return this form to the Family Advocate or Parent University liaison at your school. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Parent University 1100 Bond Street | Charlotte, NC 28208 | Attn: Mary Wilmore 42 A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve. Please complete form and tear at perf to fax or mail. 1. 2010-2011 Spring Parent University Course Guide – Accomplishments 2009-2010 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Parent University Accomplishments 2009-2010 ■ CMS launched Parent University in the fall of 2008. Since that time, more than 34,000 individuals have participated in free Parent University workshops and Family Fun and Information Days. ■ In the fall of 2009, Parent University offered 60 workshop topics presented nearly 200 times in schools, houses of worship, neighborhood centers, malls, and in partnership with various community agencies. More than 4,000 individuals participated, with 3,033 of those parents having children in Title I, Achievement Zone, or FOCUS schools. ■ In the spring of 2010, Parent University offered 50 workshop topics 215 times throughout Mecklenburg County, with nearly 5,000 participating. Of the 5,000, nearly 3,500 were parents with children in some of the district’s neediest schools. Sixteen class topics were offered in Spanish a total of 47 times. ■ In total, 9,296 individuals participated in free Parent University workshops during the 2009-2010 school year. Nearly 6,500 of the participants had children in Achievement Zone, Title I or FOCUS schools. ■ In the fall of 2009, 21 workshops were offered to help families prepare for the parent-teacher conferences. All but one school had 96% or higher participation in parent-teacher conferences. The remaining school increased from 69% participation the previous year to 80% participation in 2009-2010. ■ In 2009-2010, Parent University introduced a new workshop on the new elementary math program, Math Investigations. The workshop has been offered more than 30 times in schools, public libraries, houses of worship, and neighborhood sites. The workshop was designed to help parents understand the new math curriculum and how they could help at home. A DVD was also created, and the course was offered online on the Parent University website. and math. Businesses and institutions of higher education provided information and resources to families regarding degrees needed and careers available in this exciting area. ■ Parent University increased its partnerships by working with agencies such as Goodwill, Charlotte Emergency Housing, Salvation Army Center of Hope, Battered Women’s Shelter, A Child’s Place, Charlotte Housing Authority, Department of Social Services, various foster parent programs, Truancy Court, Jail North and Jail Central, Park and Recreation Teen and Family Summits, Johnson C. Smith University Upward Bound program, Freedom Schools, YMCA Starfish literacy program, Young Black Males Leadership Conference, NorthLake Mall, numerous houses of worship, and other organizations to offer courses. ■ Parent University partnered with Leadership Charlotte (LC). For the second year, LC class adopted Parent University as their community service project. A team was assigned to each Learning Community and a designated school to support Parent University classes and build parent leadership at the school. They provided support for the presentation, meal, incentives, childcare, promotion/marketing, and much more. Ten sessions were offered with more than 1,000 participants in total. ■ Volunteers have been involved and supported Parent University through the Parent University Advisory Council, Curriculum Review Committee, Friends of Parent University committee, workshop presenters and facilitators, host site volunteers, Family Fun and Information Day volunteers, and more. ■ More than 400 CMS teachers, administrators, counselors, as well as community and business leaders offered in-kind support for Parent University by serving as presenters, advisory council members, curriculum review committee members, and volunteers. ■ A new High School 911 workshop was offered for the first time in 2009-2010. More than 100 parents received information on graduation requirements, course registration, academic support, resources, and more. ■ The CMS Family and Community Services Department participated in nearly 90 community events, festivals, fairs, and information gatherings to share information and resources with parents to increase student achievement and school success during the year. ■ A STEM Career Fair for middle school students was offered in the fall of 2009 and provided middle school students and their parents with information on career opportunities in science, technology, engineering ■ Parent University has secured more than $900,000 in support from the Meck Ed Foundation, other foundations, grants and businesses since the program began in September, 2008. Parent University Curriculum Partners Arts and Science Council Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Carolinas Medical Center Central Carolinas Mental Health Association Central Piedmont Community College Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Charlotte-Mecklenburg PTA Council Child Care Resources, Inc. Children’s Theatre of Charlotte Citizen Schools College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) Dr. Lane Anderson Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC) Family Financial Literacy Coalition Hispanic Cultural Center of Charlotte iMage Wealth Management, LLC International House Junior League of Charlotte Latin American Coalition Levine Children’s Hospital McColl Center for Visual Art Meck Cares Mecklenburg County Asthma Coalition Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services Mecklenburg County Health Department Mi Casa Su Casa Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) Parent Voice Presbyterian Hospital Teen Health Connection The Benefit Bank The Light Factory The Mint Museum The Relatives The Urban Literacy Project – Omar Tyree Thompson Child and Family Focus United Family Services University of Phoenix Urban League of Central Carolinas Wachovia / Wells Fargo WTVI YMCA and many others... Disclaimer: Parent University is a community collaboration that is provided to the public as a service for parents of children in Mecklenburg County. Although courses provided through Parent University are advertised by CMS, course instructors may or may not be employees of CMS. Therefore, please be mindful that the views, opinions, and teaching methods used by course presenters and partners do not necessarily reflect those of CMS. In no event shall CMS assume or have any responsibility or liability for any information shared in regards to a particular Parent University course or for any claims, damages or losses resulting from the use of such information. While it is the goal of CMS that Parent University presenters and partners will provide parents with accurate, responsible, and appropriate instruction and information, CMS does not have the capability to ensure these circumstances. Therefore, parents are encouraged to review a variety of resources on a particular topic, in addition to the information gathered from Parent University course offerings. 43 Parent University Sponsors School Leadership Fund Sponsors Uncompromising Excellence. Commitment to Care. A partnership and promise between Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the families and community we serve.