GRAP P - Mago Urban
GRAP P - Mago Urban
Material Acabado Dimensiones Color Peso Bulto Peso bulto decapado e hidrofugado l. 85, a. 45, h. 45 cm. ver carta de colores simplemente apoyado o medinate resina epoxi 125 Kg 120 x 100 x 65 cm [ 4u / bulto ] 600 Kg GRAP P CARACTERISTICAS / FEATURES Material precast concrete petra2 Finish scaled and waterproofed Dimensions l. 85, a. 45, h. 45 cm. Colour see colour catalogue Fixing resting on the ground or with resin epoxy Weight 125 Kg Package 120 x 100 x 65 cm [ 4u / package] Weight package 600 Kg GEOMETRIA / GEOMETRY HANDLING AND INSTALLATION 45 9 0 R2 1 R1 77 enroscar la varilla thread the rod 45 verter resina epoxy dentro agujeros pour resin epoxy inside hole hoisting P= 214 Kg PLANTA 0 10 20 30 40 ESCALA EN CM ESPECIFICACIONES / SPECIFICATIONS Corrugated rod black steel Corrugated rod black steel B 3,5 Tube M12 - Galvanized steel pipe high precision DETALLE B 50 insertar la varilla en el agujero insert metal rod in hole Material Acabado Dimensiones Color Peso Bulto Peso bulto Material Finish Dimensions Colour Fixing Weight Package Weight package decapado e hidrofugado l. 85, a. 59, h. 85 cm. ver carta de colores simplemente apoyado o medinate resina epoxi 231 Kg 120 x 110 x 100 cm [ 2 bancos ] 480 Kg GRAP C CARACTERISTICAS / FEATURES precast concrete petra2 scaled and waterproofed l. 85, a. 59, h. 85 cm. see colour catalogue resting on the ground or with resin epoxy 231 Kg 120 x 100 x 100 cm [ 2 benches ] 480 Kg GEOMETRIA / GEOMETRY HANDLING AND INSTALLATION enroscar la varilla thread the rod 1 2 85 9 5 15 45 1 R1 ep ox y 3 ALZADO PERFIL A' 69 verter resina epoxy dentro agujeros pour resin epoxy inside hole 8 4 insertar varilla en agujero insert metal rod in hole 15 8 63 45 P= 190 Kg ep o xy hoisting verter resina epoxy dentro ranura pour resin epoxy inside grove PLANTA 0 10 20 30 40 50 85 ESCALA EN CM ESPECIFICACIONES / SPECIFICATIONS Corrugated rod black steel 6 encajar dentro de la ranura rabbet inside grove A1 4 Corrugated rod black steel 5 7 31 A1 45 B Tube M12 - Galvanized steel pipe high precision DEATAIL hoisting P= 41 Kg 5 Material Acabado Dimensiones Color Peso Bulto Peso bulto Material Finish Dimensions Colour Fixing Weight Package Weight package decapado e hidrofugado l. 184, a. 45, h. 45 cm. ver carta de colores simplemente apoyado o medinate resina epoxi 214 Kg 205 x 110 x 150 cm [ 8u / bulto ] 1750 Kg GRAP G CARACTERISTICAS / FEATURES precast concrete petra2 scaled and waterproofed l. 184, a. 45, h. 45 cm. see colour catalogue resting on the ground or with resin epoxy 250 Kg 205 x 110 x 150 cm [ 8u / package] 1750 Kg GEOMETRIA / GEOMETRY 2 R1 45 9 HANDLING AND INSTALLATION enroscar la varilla thread the rod 7 45 verter resina epoxy dentro agujeros pour resin epoxy inside hole hoisting P= 214 Kg PLANTA 0 10 20 30 40 50 ESCALA EN CM ESPECIFICACIONES / SPECIFICATIONS insertar la varilla en el agujero insert metal rod in hole Corrugated rod black steel Corrugated rod black steel B 3,5 Tube M12 - Galvanized steel pipe high precision DETALLE B Material Acabado Dimensiones Color decapado e hidrofugado l. 184, a. 115, h. 85 cm. ver carta de colores simplemente apoyado o medinate resina epoxi 810 Kg 200 x 120 x 100 cm 840 Kg Peso Bulto Peso bulto Material Finish Dimensions Colour Fixing Weight Package Weight package GRAP DUO CARACTERISTICAS / FEATURES concrete petra2 scaled and waterproofed l. 184, a. 115, h. 85 cm. see colour catalogue resting on the ground or with resin epoxy 810 Kg 200 x 100 x 100 cm 840 Kg GEOMETRIA / GEOMETRY HANDLING AND INSTALLATION 1 2 enroscar la varilla thread the rod verter resina epoxy dentro agujeros pour resin epoxy inside hole ALZADO 3 ep y ox 4 PERFIL hoisting verter resina epoxy dentro ranura pour resin epoxy inside grove y ox ep insertar varilla en agujero insert metal rod in hole 0 10 20 30 40 50 PLANTA ESCALA EN CM ESPECIFICACIONES / SPECIFICATIONS 6 Corrugated rod black steel A1 Corrugated rod black steel A1 91 A1 B Galvanized steel pipe M12 high precision DETAIL hoisting encajar dentro de la ranura rabbet inside grove 5 GRAP R CARACTERISTICAS / FEATURES Material Acabado Dimensiones Color Peso Bulto Peso bulto Material precast concrete petra2 Finish scaled and waterproofed Dimensions l. 184, a. 63, h. 85 cm. Colour see colour catalogue Fixing resting on the ground or with resin epoxy Weight 415 Kg Package 200 x 100 x 100 cm [ 4u / bulto ] Weight package 1700 Kg decapado e hidrofugado l. 184, a. 63, h. 85 cm. ver carta de colores simplemente apoyado o medinate resina epoxi 415 Kg 200 x 100 x 100 cm [ 4u / bulto ] 1700 Kg GEOMETRIA / GEOMETRY 0 10 20 30 40 HANDLING AND INSTALLATION 50 1 CM elevar e installar base / lift and install base 2 enroscar los dos centradores en el respaldo thread two centering pins into the back rest hoisting P= 214 Kg B 45 9 85 C 7 3 verter resina epoxy dentro ranura ALZADO / FRONT VIEW pour resin epoxy inside the grovelift adjusting its sides with a levelers and install the back rest centering on the base making the centering pin fit with the holes in the base PERFIL / RIGHT SIDE RESPALDO BACK REST 15 shovered of the elevator machine 63 148 A B Corrugated rod black steel C Tubo roscado M12 de acero galvanizado/ Galvanized steel threaded sleeve M12 C resina epoxy epoxy resin resina epoxy epoxy resin C Centering pin D Tornillo M12x60 - DIN935 / Screw thread M12x60 - DIN935 E Arandela [DIN 9021] / Washer [DIN 9021] 184 PLANTA / TOP VIEW BASE palet madera wooden palet 4 ESPECIFICACIONES / SPECIFICATIONS B A extract centering pin under the base N SECTION B-B' screw in the screw by hand, along with the washer, under the base to secure it E E SECTION A-A' 5 roscar tornillo y arandela por debajo la base para fijarlo D DETALLE N / DETAIL N E C D