Newspoint Summer 2013 - Viewpoint Housing Association
Newspoint Summer 2013 - Viewpoint Housing Association
Newspoint Summer 2013 living life to The full: photography competition NEWS Editorial Hello Readers! Welcome to the summer edition of Newspoint, your in-house magazine! At the time of writing, Spring (in terms of weather) has just started and bridal blossoms are out. In fact, Spring started and stopped a few times and the nesting birds had to begin all over again. The jury is out on the summer weather, but here’s hoping for a fine one we can all enjoy. Once again, Viewpoint tenant activities are reaping awards and the Craft Café was a finalist for a Care Accolades Award that acknowledges outstanding social services projects for adults and older people. Well done to all who worked so hard on this lovely idea. Coming up is a photography competition for the best picture to grace the cover of the Viewpoint’s Customer Charter (the one formulated with the help of the Charter Chatter events). All you photographers out there, read on for more details... Viewpoint has listed in this issue some of the works taking place at different complexes. It gives something of a picture of what is going on to fulfil tenant requests, which we would not otherwise know about. There is an article in this issue from the VTRG Chair Morag Murray. It reassures any doubters regarding the power of the VTRG to bring about change in Viewpoint and to deliver items the tenants and residents request. It is well worth a read. The idea for a Pets’ Corner in Newspoint has been presented before, but we had no feedback on it. However, we would still very much like to have some pictures of pets with a description (character, what he/she likes to do). Also, as usual we welcome articles, jokes, poems on any subject; feel free! It would be good, too, to hear from tenants in complexes outside of Edinburgh, eg. Fife. We know the weather’s different, maybe more, and would like to hear from you! Send everything to [email protected] online, or by mail to Melissa Esquerre (or phone) at Head Office. Enjoy a wonderful summer! Editorial Group 2 NEWSPOINT ARE YOU LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL? This is your chance to enter Viewpoint’s first ever photography competition! Just send us a photo that best captures LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL in your complex/Care Home…. Perhaps you are enjoying gardening like Tom in our front page, or Henry on page 5, or maybe you are busy organising the various social events planned for this summer or loving spending time in the Craft Café…. To enter, simply email your pictures to [email protected] – or get your Coordinator to send them straight to us. Don’t have a camera? Don’t worry, you can borrow a camera from the Coordinator’s office, or use your phone/tablet. Not feeling confident with cameras? To kick off our competition we will be offering a basic photography workshop on Thursday 25 July at Lynedoch House (23 Lynedoch Place) between 2-3pm, led by our Craft Café Tutor Tomasina Hurrell. It’s free for all to attend and if you need help with transport please just let us know. After that, you will have until midnight on 18 August to submit your photos. Judging will take place on Friday 30 August with an exhibition and celebration at 47 Gillespie Crescent where the winner and special mentions will be selected by a professional photographer. The winning photo will be used as the cover of our Customer Charter, due to be launched in the autumn. This competition is open to all Viewpoint customers. If you have any questions you can contact Catherine or Steve on 0131 668 4247. Look out for posters with more details in your notice boards! NEWS Tap into it at Gillespie Our popular one-to-one lessons at Gillespie continue to be appreciated by tenants: “Thank you so much for allowing me access to this facility - it was superb. Mike Ellis is very helpful and patient. I have learned a few things today which are helpful for some of the projects I want to attempt” Paul M Sinclair Fantastic News for our Craft Café We were delighted to hear that we made it to the finals of a national care competition again this year. Our Craft Café project, in partnership with Impact Arts, seemed to impress the judges as did the examples of the work produced by our fantastically talented residents and tenants. The aim of the Care Accolades is to “recognise and reward Scotland’s most outstanding social services projects, services and initiatives” There are 8 different award categories this year. We were finalists in the category “Adults and Older People”, and we are up against two other worthy finalists Quarriers and Crossreach. Unfortunately we didn’t win this year but the feedback given to us by the six judges after our presentation at SSSC headquarters in Dundee was very encouraging. More good news: we have been successful in our bid for £10,000 from the Care Homes Small Investment Fund/Change Fund. Our bid was for money to set up a Craft Café one day a week at Lennox House. The judges said our entry was strong and very innovative and that they looked forward to receiving our evaluation report at the end of the year. We hope to have the new Craft Café open by the end of the summer and we shall keep you updated on our progress. KiTe continues to connect computers and sheltered housing tenants Kite and Viewpoint hosted a very successful ‘Open Session’ at Old Farm Court sheltered housing complex to celebrate Digital Unite’s annual Spring Online event. This is the one designated week of the year (22-26 April 2013) where everyone is encouraged to introduce someone new to the world of computing. So we decided to combine our weekly computer club session at Old Farm Court with the Spring Online event and encouraged our regular attendees to demonstrate to the visitors how they use their computer. An invitation was sent to all tenants residing in Viewpoint’s 15 sheltered housing units in Edinburgh. Along with the computing, a lovely afternoon tea was served and we all left feeling that the session had been a success. Computer clubs continue to run in Lynedoch House and Old Farm Court /Woodthorpe with volunteers and participants having fun with technology in a variety of ways. Apple iPads are becoming more popular as are competitions and games. Photography is gaining ground and the incredible number of videos on You Tube keep us all amused. One of the most amazing ways of keeping in touch with friends and family is through the webcam either using Skype or Google Chat where you can see the people while you talk to them whether they are in Colinton or Canada, Lynedoch or London. It would be excellent to be able to teach more people how to use this very simple tool. Another popular activity is sending electronic greeting cards which in fact cost nothing but are animated and great fun to watch. Sadly iPads do not support the animation! A six-week Taster Course is just finishing its run at Old Farm Court and this time one of the volunteers Jeff Bagnall took charge and delivered an excellent course making use of the giant TV screen in the lounge area. Six tenants signed up to this course and four have completed it. Because the taster course follows a definite structure it is important to complete the six weeks as missing even one week can leave quite a gap in the learner’s knowledge. Viewpoint and Impact Arts staff at the Care Accolades award ceremony in May Finally, KiTe was delighted to learn that it had been shortlisted for the Scottish Charities Awards in the ‘Community Impact’ category. This is a very prestigious event and we were very excited to have made it to the final. NEWSPOINT 3 NEWS Health & Wellbeing — 26 September 2013 Following the success of our dementia road shows last year some tenants asked that we have more of these to include other issues of interest to our older tenants. On 19 June, from 2 until 5 pm at Old Farm Court we welcomed representatives from Kitchen Canny, Energy Savings Trust, Impact Arts, a falls specialist from the NHS, Age UK, the mobile libraries service, Living it Up Edinburgh, and Alzheimer Scotland amongst others. These organisations brought with them information leaflets and were available to chat about a variety of tenants’ concerns. It was a drop-in event with refreshments provided and we hope you took advantage of this opportunity to get up-to-date information about the various issues affecting older people today. A future event is planned in Gillespie Crescent on September 26 for those who could not make the Old Farm Court date. We hope tenants will come along and make our visitors welcome, tenants from other complexes are also very welcome to attend. Anyone who may have travelling difficulties, please get in touch with your Coordinator or Housing Officer who will arrange transport for you. Look out for the posters and leaflets in your complexes. Annual Performance Update Every year we update the Scottish Housing Regulator on our performance. This data is compiled from all housing associations across Scotland and is published on The Scottish Housing Regulator website. This is a snapshot of the information we submitted for the period 1st April 2012 – 31st March 2013. We re-let 140 properties and took on average 65 days to re-let them. Rent loss due to empty properties (as a % of total housing income): Total Rent Arrears due to Viewpoint at 31st March 2013 (as a % of total income): Number of repairs completed: % of Emergency repairs completed within 24 hours: Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs: Number of evictions for non payment of rent or anti social behaviour: Do you miss getting your hands dirty? Some tenants have been working to set up a Gardening Club at Gillespie Crescent. If you would be interested in joining, please get in touch with Maureen or Bishala by visiting the Gillespie office or phoning 0131 228 3284 4 NEWSPOINT 1.92% 2.63% 3,489 100% 6 working days 4 Tenant round-up George’s bench George Fairley picture sitting on his bench at Gillespie Lodge. The bench has always been known as George’s bench but it now has an official plaque! Tenants at Gillespie had a lovely coffee afternoon to celebrate in early June. Henry’s Garden at Glenesk House Henry Tyrell 84, was delighted when Board Memer Rob Rae visited with tomato and pepper plants for him! A resident at Glenesk House, Henry tends part of the gardens as a way of relaxing and he feels it has kept him fit. Initially, he created a container garden for his friend Marion to look out onto and over the years this has expanded to beds and even woodland planting. Marion said, “Henry created the container garden for me when we each moved in to Glenesk. It gave me a lovely outlook from my flat windows instead of a bare fence. It really helped me settle in”. The well-tended beds and borders give a delightful welcome and are enjoyed by residents, visitors, and staff alike. Woodthorpe Bingo Thursday night is Bingo night at Woodthorpe - very popular with residents and friends from other complexes too. On the last Thursday of the month after bingo finishes, the evening continues and residents relax with a glass of their tipple of choice, good company, finger food and light entertainment. Alice’s Birthday Alice Farquhar celebrated her 80th Birthday on 15 May and hosted a great party at Inverard on Saturday 18 May. Happy Birthday Alice! NEWSPOINT 5 Tenant round-up Meeting nn Tony Be Families First David Thomson, Old Farm Court In my work and sport I encountered many interesting and well known people. Most of you know I was a time served tradesman. I also bought and sold fairly substantial properties which I enjoyed enormously, the challenge was quite exciting and rewarding. One such property, my first attempt, was acquiring the Liberal Club premises in Kirk Street at the foot of Leith Walk in the early sixties. It was quite extraordinary in that the day I made the financial settlement my lawyer handed over a huge bunch of keys and on investigating the premises I found that the Management had literally walked out leaving me with a fully furnished premises, many pictures, small statues, tables, chairs and seating forms. At the time I owned a fourteen roomed Georgian house in Stockbridge with a considerable storage below the large pavement areas. I decided that I would select the best artefacts and store them under the pavement at 5 Circus Gardens until time availed itself to sell what I did not require. I found this quite a task when running a building company and working seven days a week, trying to control a substantial labour force and a guest house at Cramond Road South, with also three children at boarding school. However, I happened to tell one of my regular customers that on looking through my treasures, I found an old brass school type bell duly stamped with congratulations to the chairman and politicians on their success at the elections in 1920 engraved with the name of the Hon Tony Benn and the number of votes gained. I informed my customer and friend, Mr John Warrender, who lived at Warriston Crescent, who told me that he would be down at the House of Lords the following week to take up his late father’s seat in the House of Lords and would be pleased to talk to Tony Benn MP. I later spoke to Tony Benn MP several times on the telephone and we eventually agreed to meet on May Day in Edinburgh. This is a photograph of that auspicious occasion, which I have treasured ever since. It was taken in the lounge of the Carlton Hotel, North Bridge where we enjoyed coffee and biscuits. Mr Benn was extremely pleased as he had started to collect historical items from his late father’s life time. I was informed that the bell took pride of place above Mr Benn’s fireplace. City Park tenants were delighted to donate to Families First £25.00, the proceeds of a raffle of two beautiful knitted toys. These were made and donated for this cause by our tenant Charlotte Armstrong. Age Scotland Seminar at Lynedoch Lynedoch tenants were happy to welcome Age Scotland staff in April for a very useful information session. Musical afternoon by Newly Weds at City Park After a sumptuous meal of roast lamb and pavlova, tenants and guests at City Park were treated to a piano recital by highly acclaimed pianist Maya Fleming. Maya played a variety of pieces, including some of her own compositions to a packed audience in the dining room. Maya, from Turkmenistan began playing at the age of five and studied at the Conservetoire of Music in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). Maya has a daughter residing in Scotland and was introduced to tenant Jake Fleming on a visit here. Their friendship grew and City Park saw its’ first wedding in February of this year! 6 NEWSPOINT care homes Lennox House Family members, helping and winning on the wine to water staff! Not at all biblical, such great fun! Tea for two? We had a lovely traditional afternoon tea with homemade cakes, tarts and scones while listening to Cole Porter songs, sang by the lovely Morag. We sipped out of real china, “very posh!”, friends and relatives had a great time. We plan to hold this every month. Norman shared lunch with his wife Catherine on her birthday. Thoroughly enjoyed Catherine’s birthday and thanked staff for going the extra mile. Sandra, Alex’s daughter won the beautifully knitted jumper by Dawn in the raffle. Lara’s visit Carer Lara popped in to show off baby Max, the residents were delighted! Moira’s tulips “Who said they wouldn’t grow?” The tulips were planted by Moira in one of our garden activities. Jimmy teaching Jill some good moves! Mini May Fair A fun time was had by all. Thank you to all who helped and donated. Special thanks to new Carers Chelsea and Julio who ran a stall each on the day. Is our boss a little potty? Sarah successfully ran the plant stall at the fair which was lovely as the plants had been potted from bulb and seeds by some of our residents. Children from Wardie Primary came and shared their personal folders with residents telling the, what they liked at school, what they were best at and their hobbies. Residents took great interest as they showed their work. A resident who used to be a teacher said they were ”much smarter and better behaved than any of her past pupils” the afternoon was finished off with refreshments, along with a quick rendition on the piano. Red Nose Day Staff and residents involved themselves in raising money for charity. Sarah offered to get a makeover by Olivia. Yikes”! Ahhh lovely… Raj- is that really you? This was another Red Nose Day makeover, Raj looking very pleased with his new look, whilst Olivia looks no different with resident George. NEWSPOINT 7 care homes St Raphael’s Bobby’s Girl was a great success and enjoyed by residents from both St Raphael’s and Marian House. Mrs Glass celebrated her 90th Birthday in style with a beautiful handmade cake from the kitchen and entertainment from Sadie. We had a new entertainer Steve Worsley coming to perform, who was a fantastic success. He sang a mixture of Frank Sinatra and other big band classics. We hope to have him back in the near future. Our summer trips are now organized and start at the beginning of July. We have some great places to visit including Ratho Barge, North Berwick for Fish and Chips, Pentland Plants for afternoon tea, Portobello for ice cream, Saughton Gardens for a look around the Rose Garden and many more. We are all looking forward to getting out and about in the sunshine (fingers crossed anyway!). Easter was brilliant! We had an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Anagram chase around the ground floor of St Raphael’s. 1st and 2nd prizes were won along with baskets full of eggs. A fantastic day had by all. Red Nose Day – We celebrated Comic Relief by decorating some yummy fairy cakes in a joint activity with Marian House. We then sang our hearts out and danced to Anita Watman with staff walking about in their pyjamas or wearing something red. A great day was had by all! We had a visit from the Gorgie mobile pets: a chicken, rabbit, snake, turtle, chinchilla and hamsters. The residents enjoyed stroking and even holding the wee pets, some they had never touched before. We always look forward to a visit from them and we’re sure they will be back later in the year. 8 NEWSPOINT care homes Marian House We have been enjoying a variety of concerts during the spring months. Sadie recently returned from her work on the Cunard Line to entertain us with a concert of shows songs and a wonderful wardrobe of pretty dresses. Archie and Pat Little who celebrated their 38th Wedding Anniversary that day were treated to special request performances! As you can see the happy couple were delighted to be celebrating their special day with Sadie’s help. The residents were treated to an impromptu Highland Fling during Alan Weatherhead’s recent concert. Nancy Skeds’ granddaughter, Maisie, performed a wonderful dance for everyone. Well done and thank you again Maisie. Here is a photo of Maisie with her gran and mum proudly watching in the background. SKYPE The residents enjoy the benefit of Skype to speak to their families. This is a very important communication link for families to be able to see each other across the miles. We have had some wonderful sessions of families chatting over the net and, where even the families’ pet dogs make an appearance. Shared activities with the folks from St Raphael’s The Easter Bunny Egg Hunt proved to be a hugely successful day. Our residents especially enjoyed the recent shared activities with their friends from St Raphael’s. Garden Club Hopefully now the weather is improving we will be able to get the planters planted and resume the Gardening Club. Viewpoint Voices Choir is proving very popular with the residents and numbers from Marian House are growing. What better way to enjoy an evening in communal singing and after to enjoy a lovely wee glass of wine. Purely medicinal to loosen of the vocal chords of course!!!!! A Chocolate Tasting Session, Tea Tasting Session and Wine and Cheese Afternoon were activities all chosen by the residents as something they would like to try. Jessica, our volunteer, brought in a variety of delicious cheeses which the residents thoroughly enjoyed. Of course a wee glass of wine helped bring out the flavour of the cheese!!!!!! Here is a photo of Jess selecting the different types of cheese. NEWSPOINT 9 tenant information Dining Room and Lounge - Croft an Righ Nancy from Croft an Righ says: “I thought you might like to see our lovely dining room and lounge at Croft an Righ now that it’s finished, we are delighted with the result!” New laundries at Gillespie Following months of planning and consultation, our shiny new machines are finally here! Last year, Gillespie tenants asked us to review the laundry service provided at their complex. The old domestic machines were not designed to sustain a high level of use and would break down regularly, so it was decided to replace them with faster, more environmentally friendly commercial machines. Tenants there have been closely involved in the development of this project. The Gillespie Tenants Working Group meets with staff monthly to work together on improving services at Gillespie Crescent. Viewpoint met with the group on two occasions to discuss the project, as well as holding additional meetings open to all tenants. The washing machines and dryers were installed in mid April by our chosen provider, Domestic Laundry Services. Lee Groves, DLS representative, was on hand to help tenants get to grips with the new machines. So far, feedback has been very positive and we look forward to an improved laundry service for all. 10 NEWSPOINT New automatic door opener at City Park, St Andrews Tenants at City Park, including Mrs Pauline Lusk (photographed) are delighted with a recently installed automatic door opener. “The big door was very heavy and awkward to open and we are pleased that a solution has been found.” New carpets for Lynedoch House “A BIG THANK YOU to all Viewpoint staff for our new carpets in Lynedoch’s Old Building. And THANKS also to the carpet fitters, who were skilled professionals, courteous and friendly during the two weeks they were with us”. Scott Moffat Dell Court What a difference! Sash and case window repairs and replacement took place in Dell Court during the month of April. Before Had a repair done? Let us know how we performed and you too can win! Congratulations to Dorothy Hewson, Northwood House who received a £50 M&S voucher from Mark Lawrie, Senior Maintenance Coordinator. Keep your repairs feedback forms coming and you could be our next lucky winner! After tenant information Welfare Benefits Update By the time Newspoint goes to print the implementation of some of the Welfare Reforms changes may have commenced, by and large the majority of Viewpoint tenants will notice no difference. Over April and May I have visited 5 complexes, holding informal road shows to give some information and hopefully allay some fears about these changes. From April 2013 “the under occupancy charge” commenced. This impacts only on those who are of “working age”, receiving Housing Benefit and are deemed, in welfare benefit law, to have extra bedroom(s). Viewpoint has only a few tenancies which fall into this category . If you have been affected by this and would like to speak to me my details are below. From June 10th 2013 Personal Independence Payment(PIP) will replace Disability Living Allowance(DLA) for new claims. From 7th October it is proposed to start inviting those aged between 16 and 64 on 8th April 2013 and in receipt of DLA to claim PIP. If this applies to you do not ignore any correspondence received from Department of Work and Pensions, although it is an invitation to claim PIP, DLA will cease at a given date. These reviews will be ongoing through to 2017. Please contact me if you would like advice or assistance with this. Universal Credit(UC) has been introduced in selected areas of Greater Manchester and Cheshire from 29th April 2013 and will be gradually rolled out through the country from October 2013 through to 2017. UC replaces 6 existing benefits paid to people of working age who are unemployed, sick or on a low income, UC will be a single monthly payment paid in arrears & will include any payment due for rent. If you have any concerns, queries or require assistance with any of the above changes or any other Welfare Benefits please contact me, Elaine Rosie, 0131 662 5144, [email protected] or at head office. Why not become a Viewpoint member? Viewpoint seeks to ensure that we have a broad-based membership which reflects our constitution and the communities we serve and which welcomes members who have an interest in our work and support our purpose. As a member you will be entitled to receive a copy of Viewpoint’s Annual Accounts each year and • Attend and vote at Annual or Special General Meetings • Seek election to the Board of Management • Vote in any elections to the Board If you are interested in becoming a member, please visit our website or contact Dorry McLaughlin, Secretary, who will arrange for further information and an application form to be issued to you. Supportive Community or Nuisance neighbours? One of our aims as your landlord is to ensure: • Tenants live in well-maintained neighbourhoods where they feel safe. This can cover a range of areas which includes the resolution of neighbour disputes. Following some good discussions between staff and the Viewpoint Tenants Representative Group, we agreed to set a target of 20 working days to resolve our anti social behaviour cases. This means that if you experience any anti social behaviour from a neighbour we will take the following action if you report an incident to us: • Arrange a time to meet with you to hear what has happened and the impact it has had on you. • We will be clear with you about what we can and cannot do to help. • We will investigate the incident, speak to any witnesses and speak to the person who is alleged to have been anti-social. • We will discuss our Good Neighbour Agreement with them and ask them to sign up to it. • We will work with other agencies that could provide support, mediation or other relevant local authority agencies. • We will liaise with the local community police where appropriate. • We will issue warnings and take legal action where appropriate. • We will keep the person who made the complaint updated on our progress and send you a letter outlining what we have done and when and why we are closing the case. We are not always going to be able to resolve antisocial behaviour cases your satisfaction. It may well be that we do not have the authority to take the action we would like to. One example is if we want to take a case to court, we are then at the mercy of the Sheriff as to whether there is sufficient evidence for them to grant a decree for eviction. We need our tenants to work with us to behave in a manner which is respectful to their neighbours and the neighbourhood they live in. We know that the vast majority of our tenants are great neighbours and we are committed to ensuring that you live in well maintained environments where you can feel safe and enjoy living in a peaceful and inclusive community. NEWSPOINT 11 tenant information Repairs by appointment – it’s here! Viewpoint is now able to offers tenants a Repair by Appointment and also a Maintenance Officer by Appointment too! The team (from the left) Graeme Swanson, Claire Bauld & Mark Scott. Introducing the new Asset & Procurement Team In view of the growing need for more specialist planned works to maintain all properties at the level they should be, Viewpoint have recently formed a new section within their Housing & Property Services Department. The Asset & Procurement Team will be responsible for planning, implementing and completing all forms of work to meet and maintain the ever growing requirements and expectations placed upon Viewpoint. When your complex is to receive any form of planned work, the team will place a newsletter on your notice board as well as on Viewpoint’s website showing the plans to be carried out over the coming year. Where works are to a single property, the resident will be informed by letter directly. If you have a query over any planned works to your development, do feel free to contact the Asset & Procurement Team on 0131 6684247 or by email [email protected]. 12 NEWSPOINT For non-emergency repairs tenants will now be offered an appointment on a morning or afternoon which is convenient for you. If we need to send a Maintenance Officer to inspect the repair to help us diagnose what is needed, we will also be able to offer a morning or afternoon appointment. It is important that you supply the repair centre with your up-to-date telephone contact number, if you have one. • All appointments will be offered within an am (8am - 12noon) or pm (12.30 - 4.30pm, 3.45pm on a Friday) time period. • When booking an appointment, you will not be given a specific time, just an am or pm time slot, but you will be able to choose a specific day of the week (Monday to Friday) that is most convenient for you. If you have a particular requirement within a time period then please inform the repairs centre of this when you call. Appointments for an inspection with a Maintenance Officer • You will be able to arrange an appointment for the Maintenance Officers visit at the time you request the inspection. • All Maintenance Officer appointments will be offered within an am (9am - 12noon) or pm (1 - 4pm) time slot. When booking an appointment, you will not be given a specific time, just an am or pm period. • After the inspection, if repairs are necessary, an order will be raised and we will contract you to make a suitable appointment. What will happen if the contractor or Maintenance Officer misses an appointment? • Hopefully they will know in advance if they cannot make the appointment. Whenever possible, the repair centre will contact you before the scheduled appointment, apologise and rearrange another appointment date, which is convenient to yourself. • If an arranged appointment is missed without you having been contacted, then please inform the repair team immediately on 0800 345 7347 What happens if I need to rearrange the appointment? • If you know in advance that you will be unable to keep an arranged appointment, please contact the repair team to reschedule the appointment. What will happen if the appointment is missed by me? • If an contractor or Maintenance Officer calls at your home for an arranged appointment and finds no one in, the job will be cancelled. A card will be posted through your door informing you that someone has visited, but has been unable to gain access. (The card will have the Viewpoint or contractor’s logo on it). If you still wish the repair or inspection carried out it is your responsibility to contact the repair team who will reissue and rearrange the repair or inspection. This is a new service for us and we will be monitoring closely how well we deliver this. We will monitor our contractor’s performance and we will be looking for your feedback to. Please tell us when it works as well as when it doesn’t!!! tenant participation From the VTRG D uring these first months of 2013, I along with some of the Committee have been busy attending what has sometimes seemed like interminable meetings! Some have been with Viewpoint management as we try to keep our promises of being your voice to Viewpoint, promoting your interests and holding Viewpoint accountable to you. Some of these meetings have been to discuss the proposed Tenants’ Charter which proved to be a good way for us to get to know some of you and to hear what really matters to you. This is important if we are to see that Viewpoint lives up to its stated aim of keeping tenants at the heart of all it does. It is also important if we are to effectively assess Viewpoint’s performance as a landlord, which tenants will be required to do in the very near future. In the course of the Charter Chatter meetings, it became apparent that some tenants still labour under the illusion that the VTRG does not/cannot have much influence on Viewpoint – “They don’t listen anyway”. The slowness with which the Viewpoint mills grind may reinforce that idea but, believe me, the Association is having to take notice because of the legislation that gave rise to the development of the Charter. At the recent Fife Forum, one tenant asked me whether tenants are now beginning to realise that the VTRG can make a difference. The answer is that indeed they are, because we can make a difference if you help us. We are able to tell management frankly - indeed bluntly - what we think, what the problems are, and to suggest ways of dealing with them. This says much about the relationship of mutual respect which has developed between Viewpoint and the VTRG. I have no doubt that this has not been easy for the Association! However, if this is to continue, we need your help. You need to tell us what you need, would like to have or would want to change. Change and improvement have to come from you. Always remember that Viewpoint is answerable to you; it’s not the other way around. Staff are not there to dictate to you or to control how you live your life; they are there to make it easier for you to live your life as you wish. I repeat what I have said many times before - if you do not speak, Viewpoint cannot be expected to hear. Another tenant at the recent Fife Forum said that nobody from the VTRG came to their complex. If invited, we WILL come so please ask us or speak to us via your Rep, or contact me directly and you can be assured that Viewpoint will be told and, together, we can make the Association what we would all like it to be. Morag Murray, VTRG Chairman Chrissie Wilkie Great feedback for new leaflet A small group of VTRG Reps met with Michelle Gilhooley (Operations Manager) and Ross Oliver (Management Accountant) to develop a leaflet explaining how tenants’ service charges are set. Service charges cover the cost of providing additional services in complexes, for example gardening, laundries, and cleaning of common areas. Explaining how these charges are set can sometimes be difficult, so we are all are working together to produce a leaflet that helps clarify this process. We were distressed to hear of the sudden passing of Chrissie Wilkie, the Minute Secretary of the VTRG, on May 20th. Chrissie worked hard for the VTRG over several years so she will be much missed. We share the grief of the tenants of Glenesk whom she represented so well and for whom she worked tirelessly and for whom she cared so deeply. We give thanks for the touch of the sunshine of her life upon ours. The first meeting was very productive with lots of great feedback. A few more meetings are planned for later this summer and we hope to have the new leaflet ready for distribution in the autumn. Viewpoint management are very appreciative of the Reps who are giving up their time for this project. NEWSPOINT 13 tenant participation Telecare and Out of Hours Service Have you pulled the pull cord in your flat during the night or at a weekend and spoken to Hanover or Astraline? What do you think of the service they provide on Viewpoint’s behalf? We are planning to tender for this contract and would appreciate your help to ensure we get the contract just right. We want to make sure the contract conditions meet your needs and also would value your opinion on the contractors who tender. If you would like to get involved, please contact Catherine Louch or Mark Scott on 0131 668 4247 or email [email protected] Scrutiny & Scones! Tenant scrutiny is a way of giving tenants greater influence and ability to hold their landlords to account, by exercising more power over the business decisions, governance and performance of their landlord. Would you be interested in helping us develop a tenant scrutiny approach at Viewpoint which would involve you assessing our performance? This autumn, we are planning to take part in a Landlord & Tenant Scrutiny Programme which is run by the Scottish Government for tenants and staff. Please get in touch if you’d like to take part. We might even manage some “Scrutiny Scones”! Please contact Catherine Louch, 0131 662 5134 or email: [email protected] for more information or to take part. 14 NEWSPOINT It started with a cake… A big thank you to all those tenants (and there were over 60!) who came along to our Charter Chatter events and then the Bacon Buttie Banter session. The cakes and the bacon rolls didn’t stop you from talking and telling us what really matters to you!! All of our chatter, banter and munching was worth it. We have developed our first Viewpoint Customer Charter. Our Charter describes our commitment to our customers focused on 7 key areas: Our commitments to our customers: Service area Commitment 1. Customer care We aim to deliver services right first time and say sorry if things go wrong. 2.Communication We aim to communicate effectively and are open, transparent and honest in our communication with everyone. 3. Customer Participation We aim to provide a range of opportunities for customers to get involved in shaping and monitoring our services. 4.Home We aim to provide and maintain quality accommodation which meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standards and our customers’ expectations 5.Tenancy We aim to let our homes fairly to applicants and existing tenants. 6.Community We aim to work with others to create safe, secure, active communities where our customers thrive. 7. Value for Money We aim to ensure customers receive value for money through their rent, fees and service charges. Within the Charter we explain how we will meet these commitments; it also details service standards that we will monitor. Our plan is to launch the Charter in September at a half-day Customer Conference. Meantime we will be holding a competition with our tenants and care home residents to design the front cover of the Charter – look at the news page for details of how you and your neighbours can get involved. YOU Said, we listened Housing Support Plans Due to feedback from tenants and staff about the duplication of information on the housing support plans part 1 and part 2 we set up a working group to review this. The working group was initially made up of staff to review the forms. Once this was done, we spoke to tenants in various complexes and asked tenants to complete them with us to get their feedback. Initial feedback has been positive as the forms are asking questions at the correct time (for example the name and telephone number of your Doctor is asked after you have moved into your new home in case you need to change them) and there is less duplication. If you have any comments on the housing support plans, please let your coordinator know or Michelle Gilhooley, Operations Manager. When I’m cleaning windows…… We’re planning to tender for our window cleaning contract over the coming months and would value your input. We know this is an area which you look for value for money balanced with a great service. If you would like to help us find a contractor who will provide that please get in touch with Catherine Louch or Mark Scott on 0131 668 4247 or email [email protected] Annual Tenant Meetings – Local Surveys Thank you to all who have taken part in letting us know about the services provided at your complex, by completing our Local Tenant Survey. We use the results from these surveys to form the agenda for our Annual Tenant Meetings at each of our complexes. We then agree what action to take with you at your complex and create an action plan for your complex. Your Coordinator or Housing Officer will be happy to share this with you, if you’ve not already seen it. You can see from the graph that, in general terms, the main areas for us to work on from 2012 were the gardening and repairs services and our communication. We listened and changed our gardening contractor to Greenfingers and introduced a new repairs contact with MITIE. The recently developed Viewpoint Customer Charter has a focus on communication which will assist us to improve in this area. Unfortunately the response rate is not as high as we’d like. Please do take the time to complete the surveys when they arrive on the door mat. If you need help to complete it, just ask, we’re happy to assist. Hopefully you can see that by giving us your feedback, you can make a difference! NEWSPOINT 15 announcements Staff News Welcome to: Diletta Favro Mark Scott Weronika Gruszka Aloysius Ssennyonjo Claire Bauld Nafisa Hussien Carlos Morgado Christina Sneddon Chelsea Stevenson Judith Morrison Valeriano Pinna Megan Ormond Sandra Ashton Emma Ingan-Eng Inga Laing Adam Lipowczyk Giulio Melfi Jenny Lyn Rosales Hannah O’Malley Iona Lyell Janice Green Emma Ralston Maria Dominguez Keziah Flucker Jieun Kim Diana Subtil Sharon Welch Joyce Brown Claire Cameron Barbara Alexander Nicola Bowden Anna Williams Carole Drennan Maribel Alvarado Ethel Samera Marta Parada Celestialuz Relampagos Antonia Vier Louie Tapayan Jennifer Montgomery Natalie Smith Leanne has been with Viewpoint for 5 years. She started off as a Carer in Marian House and then moved on to work at St Raphael’s. Leanne has recently joined our Housing department as Mobile Coordinator. She is enjoying her new position and is looking forward to continued working with the Housing team. Claire started work within the Assets and Procurement team as an Administrator at the beginning of April. You can reach her in the office on Thursdays and Fridays. Claire’s role is to assist in the delivery of asset management and procurement. One of Claire’s key tasks is to ensure effective communication with tenants on forthcoming planned works. Congratulations Not pictured: Michelle Gilhooley, Margaret Budge & Angela McInulty 16 NEWSPOINT 4 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HG tel: 0131 668 4247 fax: 0131 662 0700 email: [email protected] web: Goodbye to: Welcome to Leanne Birnie and Claire Bauld To our successful Coordinators who passed the Best Practice in Dementia Care Course: Iza Knyt (West Richmond Street), Angela Kennedy (Facilitator), Joyce Smith (Woodthorpe), Jackie Anderson–Tighe (Mobile Coordinator), Karen Bradley (Glenesk) and Charlie Swanson (Kilravock) Viewpoint Viewpoint Housing Association Ltd. Scottish Charity No. SC005619 A Scottish Charitable Housing Association Office Opening Hours Monday – Thursday Friday 9am – 5pm 9am – 4.30pm If you have an emergency when the office is closed, pull the cord of your alarm call system or telephone 0800 783 3615 Ways to Report a Repair Repairs Desk direct number: 0131 662 0688 Freephone repair number: 0800 345 7347 Email: [email protected] Online: Let us Help If you would like this Newsletter in large print or CD, please contact your Coordinator or email admin@viewpoint. You can also request a copy by phoning 0131 668 4247. Viewpoint Voices Join us at Viewpoint head office every second Thursday at 6.30pm. Come and have a cup of tea, a wee blether and a sing-a-long with Moira, our wonderful pianist and find out if it’s something you would enjoy doing. You don’t need to be an experienced singer or even have perfect pitch, just be an enthusiastic and supportive participant and come for a giggle! For further information please contact Donna Macleod on 0131 668 4247.