st. paul`s roman catholic church -holy rosary`s
st. paul`s roman catholic church -holy rosary`s
ST. PAUL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH -H OLY R OSARY ' S 113 EAST P: 117 TH S TREET , N EW Y ORK , NY 10035 212-534-4422 | F: 212-996-5588 | e-mail: [email protected] T HE I NS TITUTE OF THE I NCARNATE W ORD Pastor: Fr. Pablo Waldmann, IVE Vicar: Fr. Esteban Soler, IVE Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00am - 8:00pm E S TA B L I S H E D 1824 Saturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time | July 24,2016 MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIO DE MISAS Sábádo: 9:00am / 5:30pm (Esp.) Sundáy / Domingo: 9:00am (Eng.)/ 10:30am (Esp.) 12:30pm (Eng.) WEEKDAY MASSES - MISAS DE LA SEMANA 9:00am (Esp.) / 7:00pm (Eng.) (except Mon.) ST. PAUL SCHOOL School Principál: Dr. Joseph Muscente Office: 114 East 118th. St. New York, NY 10035 Phone: 212-534-0619 | Fáx : 212-534-3990 Webpáge: E-máil: [email protected] ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORACIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO Fridáy: Whole Day of adoration Viernes: Todo el Día de Adoracion RELIGIOUS EDUCATION-EDUCACION RELIGIOSA CCD Coordinátor: Sr. Filotea, SSVM Office Hours: Tue - Fri (except Thurs. mornings) from: 10:00am - 12:00pm & 4:00pm - 6:45pm Saturday: 10:00am - 12:00pm & 1:15pm - 7:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 2:00pm (Closed on Mondays) We need Catechists. Contact Sr. Filotea Se Necesitan Catequistas. Contacte Hna. Filotea CONFESSIONS - CONFESIONES Everydáy during Mass and Office Hours. Todos los diás durante la Misa y horas de oficina. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - BAUTISMO: In English celebrated the 2nd Saturday of the month. en Espánol se celebra el 4o. Sábado del mes. SACRAMENTO OF MARRIAGE - MATRIMONIO: Arrange an appointment with a priest at least 1 year in advanced. Concertar una cita con el Sacerdote por lo menos 1 año antes de la boda. JURAMENTO DE NO BEBER Con la ayuda de Dios nunca es tarde para cambiar de vida. Hable con el Padre durante las horas de oficina. Wheelcháir áccessible CASA MÉXICO - Su casa… Presidente: Sra. Isabel Navarro Director Generál: Dr. Carlos Navarro Tel: 646-203-2617 | 917-668-9085 Horário Oficiná: Lun - Vie: 10:30am - 2:00pm 6:00pm - 8:00pm PARISH REGISTRATION INSCRIPCIÓN PARROQUIAL Welcome to our Parish, we invite you to visit us at the office to register and become an active member of our Parish Family. Bienvenido a nuestra Parroquia, lo invitamos a que nos visite en la oficina para registrarse y formar parte activa de nuestra Familia Parroquial. Evangelio según San Lucas 11,1-13. U n día, Jesús estaba orando en cierto lugar, y cuando terminó, uno de sus discípulos le dijo: "Señor, enséñanos a orar, así como Juan enseñó a sus discípulos". El les dijo entonces: "Cuando oren, digan: Padre, santificado sea tu Nombre, que venga tu Reino; danos cada día nuestro pan cotidiano; perdona nuestros pecados, porque también nosotros perdonamos a aquellos que nos ofenden; y no nos dejes caer en la tentación". Jesús agregó: "Supongamos que alguno de ustedes tiene un amigo y recurre a él a medianoche, para decirle: 'Amigo, préstame tres panes, porque uno de mis amigos llegó de viaje y no tengo nada que ofrecerle', y desde adentro él le responde: 'No me fastidies; ahora la puerta está cerrada, y mis hijos y yo estamos acostados. No puedo levantarme para dártelos'. Yo les aseguro que aunque él no se levante para dárselos por ser su amigo, se levantará al menos a causa de su insistencia y le dará todo lo necesario. También les aseguro: pidan y se les dará, busquen y encontrarán, llamen y se les abrirá. Porque el que pide, recibe; el que busca, encuentra; y al que llama, se le abre. ¿Hay entre ustedes algún padre que da a su hijo una piedra cuando le pide pan? ¿Y si le pide un pescado, le dará en su lugar una serpiente? ¿Y si le pide un huevo, le dará un escorpión? Si ustedes, que son malos, saben dar cosas buenas a sus hijos, ¡cuánto más el Padre del cielo dará el Espíritu Santo a aquellos que se lo pidan!". Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 11:1-13. J esus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples." He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test." And he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend to whom he goes at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, for a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey and I have nothing to offer him,' and he says in reply from within, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been locked and my children and I are already in bed. I cannot get up to give you anything.' I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence. And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" News / Noticias Page 3 GENERAL AUDIENCE: On Being Made Clean Again JUNE 22, 2016 ZENIT STAFF Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean,” (Luke 5:12) is the request that we heard addressed to Jesus by a leper. This man does not only ask to be cured, but to be “purified,” that is, to be healed integrally, in body and in heart. In fact, leprosy was considered a sort of curse from God, of profound impurity. The leper had to keep himself far from everyone; he could not access the Temple or any divine service. He was far from God and far from men. Sad lives these people had! Despite this, that leper was not resigned either to his sickness or to the dispositions that made of him someone excluded. To reach Jesus, he did not fear to infringe the law and to enter the city – something he should not do, he was prohibited to do –, and, when he found Him “he fell prostrate, pleaded with him, and said, “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” (v. 12). All that this man does and says, who was considered impure, is an expression of his faith! He recognizes the power of Jesus: he is sure He has the power to cure him and that all depends on His will. This faith is the strength that enabled him to break every convention and seek the encounter with Jesus and, kneeling before Him, he calls Him “Lord.” The leper’s supplication shows that when we present ourselves to Jesus long speeches are not necessary. A few words suffice, though accompanied by full confidence in His omnipotence and in His goodness. In fact, to entrust ourselves to the will of God means to submit to His infinite mercy. I will also share something personal with you. In the even- ing, before going to bed, I pray this brief prayer: “Lord, if you will, you can cleanse me!” And I pray five “Our Fathers,” one for each wound of Jesus, because Jesus has purified us with His wounds. But if I do this, you can also do it at home, and say: “Lord, if you will, you can cleanse me!” –and think of Jesus’ wounds and say an “Our Father for each one of them. And Jesus always listens to us. Jesus is profoundly affected by this man; Mark’s Gospel underscores that “moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” (1:41). Jesus’ gesture accompanies His words and renders His teaching more explicit. Against the dispositions of the Law of Moses, which prohibited coming close to a leper (cf. Leviticus13:45-46), Jesus stretches His hand and even touches him. How many times we meet a poor man who comes to us! We can even be generous, we can have compassion, but usually we do not touch him. We offer him money, we throw it there, but we avoid touching his hand. And we forget that that is the body of Christ! Jesus teaches us not to be afraid to touch the poor and the excluded, because He is in them. To touch a poor man can purify us of hypocrisy and render us anxious for his condition. Touch the excluded. Today, I am accompanied here by these youngsters. Many think that it would have been better for them if they had stayed in their land, but they suffered so much there. They are refugees, but so many consider them excluded: Please, they are our brothers! A Christian does not exclude anyone, but gives a place to every- one, allows everyone to come. After curing the leper, Jesus sternly charges him not to speak about it with anyone, but says to him: “Go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.” (v. 14). This disposition of Jesus shows at least three things. The first: the grace that acts in us does not seek sensationalism. It usually moves with discretion and without clamor. To medicate our wounds and to guide us on the way of holiness it works molding patiently our heart on the Lord’s Heart, so as to assume increasingly His thoughts and sentiments. The second: by having the healing that happened verified officially by the priests and celebrating an expiatory sacrifice, the leper is readmitted in the community of believers and in social life. His reintegration completes the healing. As he himself had supplicated, now he is completely purified! Finally, by presenting himself to the priests the leper renders them testimony regarding Jesus and His messianic authority. The strength of compassion with which Jesus cured the leper led the faith of this man to open himself to the mission. He was excluded, now he is one of us. We think of ourselves, of our miseries … Each one has his own. We think with sincerity. How many times we cover them with the hypocrisy of “good manners.” And precisely then, it is necessary to be alone, to kneel before God and pray: “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean!” And do it, do it every evening before going to bed. And now we say together this beautiful prayer: “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean!” ¿Qué es la virtud del ocultamiento? 22 JULIO 2016 CATHOLIC.NET Cuando leemos la vida y obra de varios santos; sobre todo, tratándose de los que fueron místicos, aparece frecuentemente una virtud, llamada “del ocultamiento”. Hoy día, es un término poco usado, pero que vale la pena recuperar, no tanto en cuanto a la palabra, sino sobre su significado. Antes de empezar, hay que aclarar varias cosas para evitar malas interpretaciones. Por “ocultamiento”, no se refiere al periodo del “Oscurantismo” o a la falta de transparencia. Todo lo contrario. Significa evitar aparecer más de la cuenta, algo así como “robar cámara”. Trasladándolo al día a día, hay que reconocer el riesgo de caer en la tentación de los aplausos, de figurar, de ser vistos y admirados. Justo a eso se refiere. Obviamente, hay que dar la cara, siendo asertivos. Por ejemplo, un rector no puede excusarse de subir al pódium a pronunciar un discurso, pero debe saber reconocer que hay otras personas que lo ayudan en la gestión universitaria. Aquí está la verdadera diferencia entre ser un jefe y actuar como líder. El segundo sabe incluir, medir hasta dónde conviene aparecer para que los otros no queden marginados. Claro que, tristemente, en nombre del “ocultamiento”, aparecen muchas formas y/o actitudes relacionadas con la evasión de responsabilidades, pero entendiéndolo como lo hacían los santos, no tendremos ningún problema. Es decir, no se trata de delegar exageradamente, para quedarnos encerrados en una oficina, sino de lograr un punto medio entre figurar y absolutizar la propia imagen que sería el error a evitar en todo momento. Muchas veces, el que no hizo nada por el grupo juvenil, aparece en la entrega de reconocimientos o delante de la autoridad como alguien muy trabajador. Aquí estamos ante una variante de la hipocresía. De ahí la importancia de ser sinceros con Dios y con nosotros mismos. ¿Quién es el modelo por excelencia de dicha virtud? La Virgen María. Cuando tuvo que dar la cara, lo hizo. Así fue de las pocas que se mantuvo al pie de la cruz; sin embargo, no andaba por los caminos exagerando, con palabras y gestos para llamar la atención. La fe pasa por la senci- llez. No hay que olvidarlo. Es triste cuando alguien confunde liderazgo con búsqueda de aplausos, de reconocimiento, en vez de preocuparse por la evangelización que no es otra cosa más que compartir lo que uno cree de forma coherente. María estaba presente, sin querer opacar o tomar un protagonismo fuera de lugar. Fue sencilla y eso la hizo un punto de referencia para todos. Pero, entonces, ¿hay que ocultar las habilidades y talentos? No, pero ponerlas a disposición con humildad; es decir, reconociendo los puntos fuertes, pero sabiendo que eso no nos hace autosuficientes. El ocultamiento, dentro de la tradición católica, puede entenderse también como evitar resultar pesado para los demás. Nuestras complicaciones, pueden ser un tipo de protagonismo negativo. En este sentido, hay que dejar que Dios lleve a cabo su obra, siendo disponibles y, al mismo tiempo, viviendo con naturalidad lo que él nos proponga. Page 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS / ANUNCIOS St. Paul Church REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STARTS ON AUGUST 27TH at 2:00pm. PARENTS CAN GO TO THE RECTORY TO GET THE REGISTRATION FORMS. Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa Sunday, July 24th, 2016: 9:00am: +Albert Baellard 10:30am: +Ma. Virgen de Lujan Ledesma(Religiosa), +Hipólita Leal Herrera, +Christopher Costa, *Por una intención particular de Silvia Paola Tejada Rivera, *Por la Salud de Heliodoro y Victorino Ortiz. *Por la salud de Hipatía, Tomas Ortiz Sánchez y Tomas Ortiz Vázquez, +Pedro Rivas, +Agustín López Cediño, +Manuelita Palma de López, *Acción de gracias a San Judas Tadeo y a San Martin de Porres,*Por la salud de Mercedes Torres, *Por la salud de Carlos Irizarry, Miriam Castillo y Lourdes Lavoy, +Francisco Cancel, +Amelia Martínez, +Suterna Cancel, *Por todas la Ánimas del Purgatorio, *Por la salud de Luis y Margarita Casanova, *Por todos los fieles Difuntos, +Mercedes Aguilar Martínez, *Acción de gracias al Divino Niño, *Acción de gracias a la Virgen de la Altagracia 12:30pm: +Maria Cotto Monday, July 25th, 2016: 9:00am: *Pro popolo Tuesday, July 26th, 2016: 9:00am: *Por los miembros difuntos de la familia Religiosa del Verbo Encarnado, *Acción de gracias a Dios por los 102 años de Ana Moreno LAS INSCRIPCIONES PARA LA EDUCACION RELIGIOSA EMPIEZAN EL 27 DE AGOSTO a las 2:00pm. LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA PUEDEN RECOGER LAS APLICACIONES EN LA RECTORIA. Encourage is Catholic Apostolate for those who have family members with same sex attraction. A new website has been creayed to help the faithful who are searching for information about Encourage, the Church's teaching on same sex attraction and spiritual support: Mass Schedule in the Summer Horario de las Misas en Verano Wednesday, July 27th, 2016: 9:00am: Thursday, July 28th, 2016: 9:00am: Friday, July 29th, 2016: 9:00am: Saturday, July 30th, 2016: 9:00am: +Aurelio L. Hernández, +Carmelo Aporte Román 11:00am: Bautismo Español 5:30pm: July and August / Julio y Agosto Monday to Saturday/de Lunes a Sábado 9:00 am bilingual/bilingüe Saturday/Sábados 5:30 pm Spanish/Español Sunday/ Domingos 9:00 am English/ Inglés 10:30 am Spanish/Español 12:30 pm English/ Inglés Offices hours are the same / Las horas de oficina son los mismos Monday - Friday / Lunes a Viernes: 10am - 8pm Saturday /Sábados: 10am - 6pm (215 East 99 St., Manhattan) COLLECTIONS / COLECT AS Thanks to your generosity, we collected last week | Gracias a su generosidad la semana pasada recaudamos: 125 East & 116 St. $2,969.00 PRAY FOR - OREMOS POR: Maria Ediah, Linda Castock, Sara Muriel, Jesiah Josue, Valerie Tolliver– Swindell, David Santos—Grossi, Vilma Chase, Paul Chikobi, Yesenia Rodrí guez, Casilda Cabral,