Shells of Love /Conchas de Amor


Shells of Love /Conchas de Amor
July 12
4:00 pm
July 13
8:30 am
July 13
10:00 am
July 13
12:15 pm
Mary S
Guadalupe F
Maria F
Sara F
Roxanne S
Bob C
Nancy Benitez
Elizabeth Barajas
Sarita Fernandez
Jayden Cuaya
Yareni Itzel Martinez
Alex Palacios
Reisha Raymond
Jane Gerth
Esmeralda Tellez
Rosario Lira
Lupita Andrade
de la
*Chet Brandon
*Julie Busken
Deacon Ron
Burma Mathews
Amy Anderson
*Laura Shellie
*Tatia Godin
Deacon Ron
Teresa Doehring
Pat Canfield
*Mary Geigner
*Don Somerville
Deacon Ron
Deacon David
Cynthia Somerville
*Kimberly Valtierra
*Jorge Juarez
Leslie Quezada
Maria Trinidad Garcia
Mariana Parra
Perla Sacramento
Ricardo Valtierra
Rosa Chavez
Cory Kohan
Tricia Kohan
Jim Masse
Barb Masse
Mickey Kreissler
Sharon Jackson
Angela Mercado
Alberto Vasquez
Arturo Barajas
Edgardo Mendez
Tuesday/Martes —July 8
 Clinic opens at 9:00am, come no later than 11:30 as we
take no appointments and we fill up fast.
Wednesday/Miércoles—July 9
 Certified Nurse Practitioner. Clinic opens at 8:30am
Friday/Viernes—July 11
9:00am-12:00 noon
 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Please pray for the sick of our parish
Jackson Smith
Alvaro Calderon
Judi Buchholz
Ann Keethers
Roberto Garcia
Barry Tully
Silvia Campoz
Jerome Morgan
Bev Stukenborg
Jorge Tellez
Bev Johnson
Denise Salazar
Therese Gleeson
Phyllis Masse
Jose Martinez
Kathy, John, and the entire Wade Family extend their
thanks and appreciation to the
St. Teresa CCW
for the organization and planning of the funeral
dinner for Sherry Brown.
God Bless You
4:00 p.m.
July 5, 2014
For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
July 6, 2014
† Danah Hasik (Frank & Donnarae Hasik)
† Francis Lamarre (Bob& Virginia Rachford)
† Javier Ruiz (Family)
July 7, 2014—No Mass
July 8, 2014—No Mass
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
July 9, 2014
† Alita Burgonio (Lourdes Burgonio)
July 10, 2014
† LaVern O’Connell (Ron & Kathy O’Connell)
8:00 a.m.
July 11, 2014
† William Heflin (Paula Gerth)
4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
July 12, 2014
† Doyle Grube (Theresa Doehring)
July 13, 2014
† LaVern O’Connell (Tom Clocksin)
For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa
† Socorro Herrera (Ricardo & Celene Valtierra)
A few weeks ago, some representatives of the
four Catholic Churches of Kankakee, together
with the pastors, met and talked about the realities of our parishes. I was given the charge to
be the facilitator of the meeting, and prepared a
presentation which I called “Pillars of a Catholic
Parish.” Here are the areas of every parish that, I
reported, need to be kept healthy:
Algunas semanas atrás, algunos de los representantes de las cuatro Iglesias Católicas de
Kankakee, junto con los sacerdotes, se reunieron para hablar acerca de las realidades de
nuestras parroquias.
Me dieron el cargo de ser el facilitador de la reunión y
prepare una presentación a la cual la llame, “Los Pilares
de la Iglesia.” Aquí están las áreas de cada parroquia que
reporte que necesitaban mantenerse saludables.
1. Jesus Christ and the deposit of the faith. This is
an important responsibility of the parishioners, to
ensure that we teach the faith and we remain united
in the integrity of the teaching of the Church.
2. The Parishioners, the people who worship. We
need to be concerned about the number of people
who are still actively involved in the parish. If
there are no more people worshipping, if the people no longer help in the ministries, if the young
people are gone, and if the pews are becoming
emptier on Sundays, then these are signs of a dying
3. The Priest called to serve and minister. We sometimes think that the diocese is in charge of this pillar, but if the parish does not foster vocations, and
if we do not really actively invite our children to
consider the priesthood, who will serve the parishes in the next generation? This is now an ongoing crisis in the church, and it is getting worse.
4. Stewardship, the ways and means. The contributions of parishioners make the church alive and
able to maintain its facilities and ministries. A
church that is not able to financially support the
operation of the church is on the road to its demise.
5. The Trends of the Time. The bigger culture and
the local trends in Kankakee affect the existence of
a parish church. If people are leaving the city, if
crimes are increasing, if the water of the river
washes the village, a parish would be in a critical
condition, and will not be able to sustain itself.
1. Jesucristo y el deposito de la fe. Esta es una responsabilidad importante para los feligreses, de asegurarnos
que enseñamos la fe y permanecemos unidos en la
integridad de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia.
2. Los feligreses, la gente que adora. Tenemos que estar
preocupados por el número de personas que todavía
están involucrados activamente en la parroquia. Si no
hay más gente que adore, si la gente ya no ayuda en
los ministerios, si los jóvenes se han ido y las bancas
están cada vez más vacías los domingos, entonces estas son señales de una iglesia moribunda.
3. El sacerdote llamado a servir y ministrar. A veces
pensamos que la diócesis está a cargo de este pilar,
pero si la parroquia no fomenta las vocaciones, y si en
realidad no invitamos activamente a nuestros niños a
considerar el sacerdocio, ¿quien servirá a las parroquias en la próxima generación? Esta es ahora una
crisis en la iglesia que esta en marcha, y cada vez es
4. Administración, las formas y medios. Las contribuciones de los feligreses hacen que la iglesia este viva y
sea capaz de mantener sus instalaciones y ministerios.
Una iglesia que no es capaz de apoyar financieramente la operación de la iglesia está en el camino a su desaparición.
5. Las tendencias del tiempo. La cultura más grande y
las tendencias locales en Kankakee afectan a la existencia de una iglesia parroquial. Si la gente está saliendo de la ciudad, si los delitos están aumentando, si
el agua del río remueve al pueblo, una parroquia estaría en estado crítico, y no será capaz de sostenerse a sí
Each of these pillars is important, and so every parishioner of the parish has to be preoccupied in keeping
these pillars healthy and alive. It is your responsibility
to bring life to our church, if we desire for it to remain
for our children and our children’s children. We can
do it!
with fatherly affection,
Fr. Sunny Castillo
Cada uno de estos pilares es importante, por lo que todos
los feligreses de la parroquia tienen que estar preocupados
en mantener estos pilares sanos y vivos. Es su responsabilidad de dar vida a nuestra iglesia, si deseamos que continúe para nuestros hijos y los hijos de nuestros hijos.
¡Podemos hacerlo!
Con afecto paternal
Padre Sunny Castillo
Welcome - Bienvenido
361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901
Phone (815)-933-7683 Fax (815) 933-7692
[email protected]
Parish Directory
Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo
Deacons:Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe
Office Manager: Barb Staniszeski ext 225
Ministry Coordinator: Donna Worth ext 227
Ministerio Hispano: Silvia Barajas ext 229
Sr. Elsie Gamez ext 225
Secretaries: Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane
Financial Director: Lilia Belka ext 226
Youth Ministry: Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130
Grupo Juvenil L.A.S.T. ext 222
Music Ministry: Jane Veers 933-6058
Música Español: Joel Cordero 386-6678
RCIA (Convert Preparation) ext 227
St Vincent de Paul Society ext 212
Mass Schedule
Weekend Saturday (Vigil) 4:00 pm;
Sunday 8:30 & 10:00 am
Misa en Español Domingo 12:15 pm
Weekday Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am
Aquinas Catholic Academy/
Academia Católica de Aquino
366 E. Hickory
School Principal: Mrs. Dana Berg
St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina
366 E. Hickory 815-932-0314
Coordinator of Religious Ed: Marcia Brown-Medina
Lisieux Pastoral Outreach Center
Director: Kathy Wade 815-939-2913
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic
Parish Nurse & Director Helen Chigaros RN
815-928-6093 • [email protected]
Prayer Line: Barb Jepson 815-937-9260; Rita Kanosky 815-939-0319
Please email articles by Monday @ 11am to
[email protected] m
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we
gratefully acknowledge and salute
Joel Cordero and the Hispanic Choir
who have donated countless hours of hard work
and devotion to St. Teresa Parish
Weekly Collections
Sunday Offering for June 29, 2014
$ 6,2969.09
Second Collection Peter’s Pence
Sunday Envelope Breakdown
$300 & higher (2) • $200-$299 (1)
$100-$199 (14) • $75-$99 (9) •$50-$74 (17)
$25-$49 (341) • $11-$24 (20) • $10 & under (56)
Our Goal each Week
to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00
Nuestra Meta por Semana
para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00
Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa Church
Shells of Love /Conchas de Amor
Sunday / Domingo
July/Julio 13, 2014
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Food * Music * Craft Show
Comida * Musica * Venta de Manualidades
Money raised at this event will be sent to Project Pearls for the
ongoing Hurricane relief efforts in the Philippines
El dinero recaudado en este evento será enviado al
Proyecto Perlas para asistir al continuo alivio del huracán en las
Call the church office for a craft show application 815-933-7683 or
pick one up at either door of the church.
Requisitos de los Sacramentos
Sacrament Procedures
Confessions • Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm
Baptisms • Pre-baptism Class is required before your date
will be set. Please register two to three months in advance!
Baptisms - English 2nd Sunday of Month
Weddings • Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS
in advance. Please do not make your reservations until you
have met with the pastor.
Communion Visits • Call the Parish Office.
Adoration at Night • 9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish First
Saturdays/ Eucharist Adoration in English 1st Friday of month
Parish Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 3 pm & Fridays: 9 am - 12 noon
Confesiones • Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm
Bautizos • Platicas Pre-bautismales segundo domingo de cada mes
son requeridas antes de fijar la Fecha de Bautismo. Favor de inscribirse
con dos a tres meses de anticipo. Bautizos 1er Domingo del Mes
Bodas • Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo menos con
SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su
Celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco.
Visitas de Comunión: Llame a la oficina.
Quince Años y Presentaciones • Llame a la oficina.
Adoración Nocturna • 1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm-5:00 am
Horario de la Oficina Hispana: Martes a Jueves 11:30-3:00 pm
For those suffering from the effects of abortion:
That they may find peace in the love of Jesus Christ;
What is it?
We pray to the Lord
Simply, a cross is passed from one
household to another at Sunday mass. The
household receiving the cross will keep it for
one week and pray for vocations, each day as
the family gathers, (for meals, etc.).
Learn Scripture with the
Biblical Institute of the Diocese of Joliet
Two Sites Open to New Students
St. Mathew Parish (Glendale Heights) Year 1
Old Testament Foundations
Preview date Aug. 28
The purpose of the program is to remind the parish of the need for an increase in
vocations, particularly the priesthood, and to
encourage the entire parish to pray constantly
for vocations.
Sts. Peter & Paul Parish (Naperville) Year 2
New Testament Foundations
Preview dates July 1 and Aug. 22
It is our hope that this experience will
encourage all of us to pray for the gift of
vocations and that our prayer inspires young
men and women to be attentive to the movement of the Spirit within them and step forward in faith, with generous hearts, to wherever the Spirit leads them.
If you want to learn Scripture in a truly engaging manner with
a teacher from a solidly Catholic perspective, the
Biblical Institute promises you an enriching experience.
For more information go to:
under Biblical Institute or 815-221-6147
Are you looking to deepen your prayer life?
“Lord Teach Me to Pray” is an Ignatian prayer
series that allows the Lord to do just that.
There are still a few openings available. If you
are interested in participating in this program,
please sign up after mass or call the office,
Learn how to begin this powerful prayer series
in your parish, or register for our Fall session
for women.
This series was recently adapted for men; be the first in this
area to begin a men’s group!
“Lord Teach Me to Pray” Information Night
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Kankakee Public Library—3rd Floor
Call Mary Causer 815-922-0228 or
Teri Doehring 815-939-0134 to register
Prayer Breakfast
Join us as we begin our day in prayerful reflection
Charism as Ways of Being in Relationship to SSCM
RCIA—”Come and See”
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Who is it for?
One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center
2041 W. Route 113, Kankakee, Il. 60901
Sponsored By: Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary
Free Will Donation—Continental Breakfast will be available
To Register or information call: 815-935-0800
Any non-baptized persons.
A member of another Christian church who is
interested in the Catholic faith.
A baptized Catholic who has never received First Eucharist
or Confirmation.
A catholic who has been away from the church and desires to
become an active member again.
For more information call Donna Worth at 815-933-7683
St. Teresa Parish Festival
September 26-28, 2014
Friday Night Dinner/Auction...Saturday Kids Games/Music & Entertainment/Craft Show...Sunday Outdoor Mass and Potluck
After four nights of competition, singing a different
genre of music each night, Caitlyn Segura was named
Junior Idol winner at the
Bourbonnais Friendship Festival.
Congratulations Caitlyn,
your St. Teresa Family is proud of you.
Hearts of Hope Youth Group
Upcoming Events
Along with their regular gatherings for faith-sharing, service, and social activities, their summer activities include:
July 7-11
August 4-7
One Bread, One Cup Liturgical Conf
Viatorian Youth Congress
July 21-25
Pembroke Mission– Hearts of Hope 11
(Adults are needed to help)
For more information call/text/e-mail Ken or Michelle Barrie (815) 382-8130 or [email protected]
The Essential Wisdom of the Saints
Jean O’Connell
Thursday, July 10
After 8:00 am mass
Parish Office
Come say goodbye to Jean and wish her well
in her new life in Florida.
The Church teaches us that mercy belongs to
God. Let us implore Him to bestow on us the
spirit of mercy and compassion, so that we are
filled with it and may never lose it.
Only consider how much we ourselves are in
need of mercy.
St. Vincent de Paul
A note from your Nurse: Optimal Health
Health is more than the absence of disease. In other words, just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you are healthy. Try thinking
about your health on a continuum with disease and despair at one end and optimal health at the other end. Optimal health just means
being as healthy as you can be, knowing that it will be different for each of us. Where are you on the continuum? This week evaluate
what small steps you can take toward optimal health.

Documentos relacionados

July 24, 2016: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 24, 2016: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Roy Jacob & Fr. Fredy Santos Deacons David Marlowe & Greg Clodi Financial Director Lilia Belka ext 226 Ministry Coordinator Donna Worth ext 227 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ext 227 Ministerio His...

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