2011 Youth Art Contest Winners Holiday Reminder: Follow us on


2011 Youth Art Contest Winners Holiday Reminder: Follow us on
VIA President Recognized For
Diversity Efforts
The Texas Diversity
Council has selected VIA
President / CEO Keith T.
Parker as one of its 2011
Champions of Diversity.
The Diversity Council
promotes understanding
of the value of diversity
as a key component of
the workplace, and the
Champions of Diversity
Award recognizes top
executives in the state
for their efforts and
commitment to diversity and inclusion. The award will
be presented to Parker at the council’s conference in
Dallas on April 7.
“I am honored to be chosen for this award,” said
Parker. “I think that CEOs set the tone for such
important concepts as diversity in the workplace, and
true champions of diversity serve as examples for
the entire company. It’s up to the CEO to embody the
principles of diversity in hiring, promoting, recruiting,
and retaining employees of all backgrounds. In this
way we can guarantee that every opportunity for
advancement and success at VIA is available to anyone
regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender.”
Holiday Reminder:
Independence Day
Monday, July 4, 2011
Buses on “Sunday” schedule
Follow us on Twitter
2011 Youth
Art Contest
Kassandra Sanchez of Jubilee Academy High
School took top honors this year in VIA’s Youth
Art Contest. Sanchez’s artwork (pictured left)
was chosen by the contest
judges to receive the “Best
of Show” award, but 28
other children were also
recognized for their talent.
The winners from all grade
levels are listed below.
Together We Can
Wipe Out GRAFfiti
1st Place: Allan Salazar, Neal Elementary
2nd Place: Sebastian Puente, Wilson Elementary
Sixth Grade
1st Place: Luis Herrera, Wrenn Middle School
2nd Place: Walden Booker, Krueger Middle School
1st Place: Isabella Davila, St. Philip of Jesus Catholic School
2nd Place:Mia Gutierrez, Wilderness Oak Elementary
Seventh Grade
1st Place: Andrew Klenke, Hobby Middle School
2nd Place: Sara Hunter, Hobby Middle School
First Grade
1st Place: Daniel Wang, Stone Oak Elementary
2nd Place: Alyssa Horn, Elrod Elementary
Eighth Grade
1st Place: Bailey Ratner, Hobby Middle School
2nd Place: Fabian Wells, Dwight Middle School
Second Grade
1st Place: Nadia Perez, Elrod Elementary
2nd Place: Loretta Cantu Ayala, Wanke Elementary
Ninth Grade
1st Place: Cindy Sanchez, Jubilee Academy High School
2nd Place: Kathleena Gonzales, McCollum High School
Third Grade
1st Place: Mackenzie Barton, Wanke Elementary
2nd Place:Lilia Martinez, Woodlawn Hills Elementary
Tenth Grade
1st Place: Madeline Cortez, Clark High School
2nd Place: Nathan Gallegos, Roosevelt High School
Fourth Grade
1st Place: Marissa Manzanarez, Behlau Elementary
2nd Place: Jordan Ibarra Martinez, H.B. Gonzalez Elementary
Eleventh Grade
1st Place: Mark Anthony Sutton, Roosevelt High School
2nd Place: Martin Banda, Roosevelt High School
Fifth Grade
1st Place: Adrian Toler, Lewis Elementary
2nd Place: Debbie Balderas, Castle Hills Elementary
Twelfth Grade
1st Place: Fabian Duran, Roosevelt High School
2nd Place: Lilly Viera, Harlandale High School
The 2011 Youth Art Contest was sponsored by Clear Channel Outdoor, Guadalupe Cultural Arts Theatre, Radio Disney AM 1160,
the San Antonio Express-News and the City of San Antonio. The winning entries and photos from the Youth Art Contest awards
luncheon are available online at www.flickr.com/photos/busterthebus/collections/
P.O. Box 12489
800 W. Myrtle
San Antonio TX 78212
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VIAtrans Scheduling and Information 362-5050
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VIA Metropolitan Transit was created according to Ch. 451 of
the Texas Transportation Code to provide public transportation
services for the citizens of Bexar County. VIA has prepared
this Rider Reader to keep you informed of VIA services.
We welcome any comments or questions regarding this publication
or VIA - - your transit company.
Summer 2011
2011 Youth Art
Contest Winners
Cycling and Transit
Work Together
To enhance the community’s environment
and quality of life by providing regional and
customer-oriented public transportation that
is dependable, cost effective, and enticing to
more riders.
Bicycles, like transit buses, provide travel options that are environmentally
responsible, and both of these modes of transportation contribute to cleaner
air and the reduction of traffic congestion. For these reasons, VIA
Metropolitan has been promoting the use of bicycles in conjunction with
bus ridership.
In 2001 VIA installed bicycle racks on all of the agency’s buses. This
added amenity has proven to be popular among bicycle riders, giving them
and regular public transit users more options for getting around and
extending their trips. Now VIA has begun a program to conduct bicycle
counts and rack usage throughout the system. These counts will be done four
times a year when bus operators tally up how many bicycles are placed on the
bus-mounted racks throughout a given day.
The first bicycle count was conducted February 17, 2011, and a total of
1,066 bicycles were transported on VIA buses. Rack usage was distributed
fairly evenly throughout the system, but, not surprisingly, the highest counts
were registered on the routes with the heaviest ridership and the most
frequent service. Three more bicycle counts will be scheduled later in the
VIA seeks to accommodate as many bicyclists as possible, including
those whose usage is not quite traditional. Local bicyclists asked about the
possibility of bringing folding bicycles on board the buses since they do not
fit in the racks on front. VIA’s policy at the time prohibited all bicycles inside
the bus, but, after an investigation conducted by VIA staff members, the
policy was changed. Now folding bicycles are allowed on board VIA buses,
and that helps to promote ridership among more choice riders.
VIA also participates in the San Antonio B-cycle program. This program
is one of the first large-scale municipal bicycle sharing systems
in the United States, and San Antonio is the first Texas city to
get such a program.
B-cycle stations are set up throughout the downtown area,
and they house special bicycles that are locked in docks waiting
for members to use them. B-cycle members simply use their
membership card to unlock a bicycle, and then they ride to
where they need to go and park the bicycle at the nearest
station. There are fourteen B-cycle stations in the central
business district, and one of them has been set up at VIA’s Ellis
Alley Park and Ride, a transit facility just on the edge of
downtown. The B-cycle program was initiated by San Antonio Bike Share,
a 501(c)3 organization that promotes health, quality of life, and preservation
of the environment in the Alamo City.
VIA continues to support bicycle usage in its service area, and amenities
like racks on buses can help riders to extend their trips, giving them more
options for getting around.
Las bicicletas, al igual que los autobuses urbanos, ofrecen opciones de transporte
que cuidan el medio ambiente de manera responsable y, además, ambos contribuyen a
que el aire sea más puro y reducen las congestiones de tránsito. Por estas razones, VIA
Metropolitan ha estado fomentando el uso de bicicletas conjuntamente con el uso de los
autobuses urbanos.
En el 2001, VIA instaló soportes para bicicletas en todos los autobuses de la agencia.
Este servicio adicional ha demostrado tener popularidad entre los ciclistas, ya que
les brinda a ellos, y a los usuarios regulares del transporte público, más opciones para
desplazarse y extender sus viajes. Actualmente, VIA comenzó un programa para contar
las bicicletas y el uso de soportes en todo el sistema. Estos conteos se harán cuatro veces
al año cuando los operadores de autobuses calculen qué cantidad de bicicletas se colocan
en los soportes montados en los autobuses durante todo un día específico.
En el primer conteo de bicicletas que se realizó el 17 de febrero de 2011, se descubrió
que se transportaron un total de 1,066 bicicletas en los autobuses de VIA. El uso de los
soportes se distribuyó de manera uniforme en todo el sistema; sin embargo, era de esperarse
que los mayores conteos se hayan registrado en las rutas que tienen más usuarios y servicio
más frecuente. Próximamente en este año, se programarán otros tres conteos de bicicletas.
VIA procura dar el mejor servicio a tantos ciclistas como sea posible, incluyendo a
los que no usan el servicio en forma tradicional. Los ciclistas locales preguntaron sobre
la posibilidad de poner bicicletas plegables a bordo de los autobuses, ya que no caben en
los soportes del frente del autobús. La política de VIA hasta el momento prohibía las
bicicletas adentro del autobús; sin embargo, después de una investigación realizada por el
personal de VIA, esta política cambió. Actualmente, se permiten las bicicletas plegables a
bordo de los autobuses de VIA y eso ayuda a fomentar el uso del transporte público entre
más usuarios.
VIA también participa en el programa San Antonio B-cycle. Este programa es uno
de los sistemas municipales pioneros para compartir bicicletas a gran
escala de Estados Unidos, y San Antonio es la primera ciudad de Texas
en tenerlo.
.Las estaciones B-cycle están instaladas en toda el área del centro de la
ciudad y en ellas se alojan bicicletas especiales, aseguradas y con candado,
a la espera de que los miembros las usen. Los miembros del programa
B-cycle simplemente usan su tarjeta de socio para quitar el candado de
una bicicleta, pueden usar la bicicleta para ir a donde quieran, y después
la dejan en la estación más cercana. Hay catorce estaciones B-cycle en el
distrito comercial central y una de ellas se encuentra en el Ellis Alley Park
and Ride, una instalación de tránsito de VIA justamente en el perímetro
de la zona centro. El programa B-cycle fue iniciado por San Antonio Bike Share, una
organización tipo 501(c)3 que fomenta la salud, la calidad de vida y la conservación del
medio ambiente en la ciudad de El Álamo.
VIA sigue respaldando el uso de bicicletas en su área de servicio. Además, los
accesorios como los soportes colocados en los autobuses, pueden ayudar a los usuarios a
extender sus viajes brindándoles más opciones para desplazarse.
Statewide Award Bestowed
Upon VIA
The Texas Transit Association has selected VIA
Metropolitan Transit to receive this year’s Outstanding
Metropolitan Transit System award.
The honor was bestowed on VIA at the Joint
Annual Conference for the Texas Transit Association
and the Southwest Transit Association held in Austin
February 28 through March 2. This award recognizes
VIA for its efforts in the previous year to design and
implement programs that demonstrate innovative
concepts or effective problem-solving techniques for
public transit challenges. In 2010, VIA introduced
such improvements as compressed natural gas
buses, diesel-electric hybrid buses, and highspeed wireless Internet connections at the agency’s
information centers.
“This award is more than just credit for the
company, it is an acknowledgement of the tremendous
efforts put forth by VIA employees to serve this
community,” said VIA President/CEO Keith T. Parker.
“Their accomplishments demonstrate this agency’s
commitment to innovation and sustainability, and I’m
proud to be a part of such an organization.”