Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15 Liturgy Schedule Parish Information


Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15 Liturgy Schedule Parish Information
Trinity Sunday—May 22,2016
• Domingo de la Trinidad—05.22.2016
Liturgy Schedule
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5PM Vigil
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM,
1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen
Weekday Liturgies (English)
Mass 9AM: Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday
Anointing Mass (English)
9AM First Saturday of the Month
(English and Spanish)
Saturdays 3-4:30PM or by
Parish Information
141 156th Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98007
See page 10 for a full listing of Parish
Consulte la página 10 para obtener
una lista completa de Personal de la
Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15
Jesus said to his disciples: "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it
now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.
He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you
the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine
and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told
you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you."
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 9AM-6PM
(closed between 12:30-1:30PM)
Tuesday thru Friday: 9AM-7PM
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Sunday: Closed
From the Pastor • Del Pastor
Dear Friends,
Queridos Amigos:
This is part II of a series of three articles.
Last week I began with the first three of the
eight pillars of our Parish Strategic Plan.
Here are the next three:
Esta es la parte II de una serie de tres artículos.
La semana pasada empecé con los primeros tres de los ocho
pilares del Plan Estratégico de nuestra Parroquia. Aquí están
los siguientes tres:
As a unified church, we must represent a
community alive with the Holy Spirit, full of
love, joy, hope, and mercy. We need to respond to the deepest
yearnings of the human heart, developing communion with God,
reflecting that the center of our being is Jesus Christ by placing
God in first in all things. We will grow together in faith through
prayer, sacraments, and service. We will promote a greater
depth of spirituality in our parish community, where parishioners
will find the means to develop a closer relationship with God and
each other, and to foster a greater desire to be disciples of
Christ in the world.
Como una iglesia unificada, debemos representar una
comunidad viva con el Espíritu Santo, llena de amor, alegría,
esperanza y misericordia. Necesitamos responder a los más
profundos anhelos del corazón humano, desarrollando
comunión con Dios, reflejando que Jesucristo es el centro de
nuestro ser, poniendo a Dios ante todas las cosas. Creceremos
juntos en la fe a través de la oración, los sacramentos y el
servicio. Promoveremos una mayor profundidad espiritual en
nuestra comunidad parroquial, donde se encuentren los medios
para desarrollar una relación más cercana con Dios y con los
demás, y para promover un mayor deseo de ser discípulos de
Cristo en el mundo.
Social Justice and Outreach
Develop an all-encompassing structure for parishioners to
become involved in social justice issues and outreach
opportunities within our community. This should include onetime opportunities, ongoing activities, annual missions, mission
trips, and one comprehensive program the entire church family
can support. It should include opportunities for
multigenerational, multiethnic and school participation.
Design a series of events whereby the parish transitions to a
community built upon stewardship. Special emphasis should be
placed upon education around stewardship of talent and time.
Although financial resources are needed to meet our obligations
and live out our parish mission, we need to change the
perception that stewardship is only focused on asking for
I look forward to the next five years and working with the Parish
Pastoral Council, other leadership groups and all of you to bring
this plan to fruition.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Gary Zender
Justicia Social y Alcance
Desarrollar una estructura de amplio alcance para que los
miembros de la parroquia se involucren en temas de justicia
social y oportunidades para participar con la comunidad. Esto
debe incluir eventos de una sola ocasión, pero también
actividades permanentes, misiones anuales, viajes de misión y
un programa comprensivo que toda la familia de la iglesia
pueda apoyar. Debe incluir oportunidades de participación para
todas las generaciones, para todos los grupos étnicos y para la
Diseñar una serie de eventos por medio de los cuales la
parroquia se convierta en una comunidad construida sobre la
corresponsabilidad. Se debe dar especial énfasis a la
educación sobre la corresponsabilidad del talento y del tiempo.
Aunque los recursos financieros son necesarios para cumplir
con nuestras obligaciones y dar vida a la misión de nuestra
parroquia, necesitamos cambiar la percepción de que la
corresponsabilidad solo se enfoca en pedir dinero.
Espero los próximos cinco años trabajar con el Concilio
Pastoral, los otros grupos de liderazgo de la Parroquia y con
todos ustedes para realizar este plan.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Padre Gary Zender
WELCOME to St. Louise Parish
If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and
don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to
find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in
registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in
the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket,
or register online at www.stlouise.org.
BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa
Si eres nuevo aquí, un regresando católica, o ha sido miembro y no
se sienten conectados, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina
Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de
la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llenar una tarjeta
de información, que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el
vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquelo en la canasta de la
colecta, o registrarse en línea en www.stlouise.org.
Line Dancing Party
MAY 28, 2016
In 2016 the Filipino-American Ministry is marking its 25th year in the
parish as the center for the Filipino parishioners! This milestone year
will be celebrated by adding special details to all the regular events held
annually by Fil-Am. One activity coming up is a Line Dancing Party
fundraiser on May 28, from 6:30-10PM that will cap the Filipinos’
celebration of the feast day of Our Lady of Antipolo. Everyone is
invited! DJ Dave Serfling, owner of the Rockin Horse Dance Barn, will
provide line dancing music, instruction and entertainment throughout
the party. Refreshments will be served as well. Get your tickets now!
Tickets are priced at $20 for adults, $12 for children 7-12 years of age,
kids below 7 are free, and take advantage of the group discount of 5 + 1
free for adults. Call Fides Alviar, 425-753-2388, for tickets. Proceeds
from all our Fil-Am events help fund the various parish and school
projects and the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome to help in the
continuing education of Filipino priests. For more information on this
and coming events, email the Fil-Am Ministry at
[email protected], or visit them on Facebook.
Parish Corpus Christi Celebration
During the month of May we are gifted with many beautiful feasts in the Church, one of which is the Solemnity of
the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, known as Corpus Christi. Join the parish family to celebrate this Solemnity in a faith-filling way. All are welcome!
Celebration events include Bilingual Procession of the
Blessed Sacrament around the church vicinity and bilingual Mass. Come one, come all! Sunday May 29, starting at 1 PM in
the church.
This Week In Our Parish
Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia
SUNDAY, MAY 22 - Holy Trinity Sunday
Time and Talent Fair after Masses this weekend
School Bake Sale after Masses this weekend
Charger Cards for sale after the 7:30AM and 9AM
10:15-11:15AM Drop-in Scripture Study - Central
Wing A
LIFETEEN End of the Year BBQ!
After 6PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Church
6:15PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
6:15PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
6:30PM Parenting Love and Logic in Parish Hall
7PM Young Adults - Parish Center
9:45AM Forever Young - Parish Hall
6:15PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
6PM Eucharistic Ministers for the Sick, Hospitalized and
Homebound Potluck Meeting—Parish Center
6:15PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
9:45AM Legion of Mary - Elbert Library
10AM Gospel of Life - Parish Center
6:15PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
6:30PM Renewed in Christ Prayer Group - St. Louise
7PM Emaus Prayer Group (Sp.) - Church
10AM Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Chapel
3PM Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo - Chapel
3:45PM, Procession of the Statue, Santacruzan
5PM Mass, Our Lady of Antipolo Celebration
6PM Blessing of the Cars - Soccer Field
6:30PM Line Dancing Party - Parish Hall
SUNDAY, MAY 29 - Corpus Christi
Baptisms at 9AM and 11AM Masses
10:15-11:15AM Drop-in Scripture Study - Central
Wing A
1PM Mass Corpus Christi Celebration (bilingual)
MONDAY, MAY 30 - Memorial Day
Parish Office Closed
9AM Mass
Activities and Events
Time and Talent Fair
This Sunday, May 21-22, after all the Masses
This weekend, May 21-22, the Stewardship Commission will host the Time and Talent Fair
after each of the Masses. For more information on these important ministries and how
you can help please see the website and stop by the tables after all the Masses.
This Spring the following ministries are being highlighted:
Faith Formation - two groups are seeking new members.
 Children's Faith Formation Programs - Geri Hanley, [email protected].
 Youth Ministry Programs - Annarose O'Brien-Wilson, [email protected].
Library - Dawn McIntosh, [email protected].
St. Vincent de Paul - Gina Haines, [email protected].
Ushers - Pat Cline, [email protected].
Training is provided by each ministry, and most have few criteria to join.
It's time to get involved, to provide service to others in need, and to meet fellow parishioners. If you are unable to attend the weekend
fair, but are interested in volunteering for one of these ministries, you can either email the contact listed or visit the website for an easy
way to sign up. Thank you for sharing your time and talent and answering God's call to serve.
Parish Re-Census—A Letter from Fr. Gary
Greetings in the Lord! I do hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits.
We are in the process of updating our parish records and we need your help. Our
goal is to have the most current information on our parish households so we can better
serve you by communicating more efficiently and effectively. This will also help provide
more accurate information when we generate reports pertaining to our parish membership.
We are asking everyone who participates in the liturgical/pastoral life of St. Louise parish,
everyone who is spiritually fed and renewed by the sacraments at St. Louise, everyone
who turns to St. Louise to receive pastoral care, and everyone who calls St. Louise their
home parish to please complete a new parish registration. Household information in the
database will be updated for parishioners who have existing records; we’re not starting
from scratch.
To complete a parish registration online, kindly go to www.stlouise.org/registration or scan the QR code with your
mobile device. On the online form, please select the “Update Existing Family Information.” Your unique Parish ID/Env#
is 2413. Kindly fill out all applicable fields and remember to submit the form by clicking on the Submit Form button located at the bottom of the form.
If you don’t have access to the internet, please call Michael Johnson at 425-747-4450 ext. 5469 or drop by the Parish Office and we’d
be more than happy to give you a printed copy of the registration form. Please complete your parish registration by June 30.
Thank you for making time to help us with this very important endeavor. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to
let me know.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Activities and Events
Eastside Baby Corner Drive
Job Openings for the Fall at St. Louise
The following positions are available for the upcoming 2016-17
school year at St. Louise Parish School:
You and your family can help thousands of underprivileged
youth this summer. Donate gently-used books, clothing, and
sporting gear at the upcoming Eastside Baby Corner (EBC)
EBC provides assistance to children, newborn through teenage
years. When school is out, donations tend to dwindle, so it’s our
goal to help them have an active and enriching summer!
Just drop off your goods or cash donations on Sunday, June 5,
after the 9:30AM or 11AM Masses, in the church parking lot
near the St. Louise Youth Hub. (Please focus on diapers, gently
-used clothing and books, and sporting goods such as shoes/
cleats, ballet slippers, dance gear, helmets, etc. We cannot
accept large items such as strollers, car seats, bikes, or large
sporting equipment.)
The St. Louise 5th grade Junior Girl Scouts
are sponsoring this Eastside Baby Corner
Drive. For questions please contact
Cheryl Sutton, [email protected] or
Forever Young
A Group for 55+ and/or Retired
Next meeting Wednesday, May 25, at 9:45AM in the Parish
Hall. Topic is “Antiques to Treasures.” This is one of Forever
Young’s most popular programs. You may bring one item for a
verbal evaluation by an excellent antique appraiser. Please
bring your item to the Parish Hall BEFORE Mass. We will have
people there to receive it and to assure its safety. You will
probably be most pleasantly surprised as to its value.
Activities and Outings
Saturday, May 28, Tillicum Village Argosy Boat Ride with
lunch. Cost including transportation will be approximately $85.
Wednesday, June 29 Crystal Mountain Gondola Ride and
lunch at the top.
Thursday, September 15, wine tasting at Chateau Ste.
Michelle Winery followed by lunch.
To make your reservation for any of these outings please
contact Bob Leingang, 425-643-0779 or [email protected].
Spanish Language Teacher: part-time position; teaching grade
7-8 beginning Spanish classes two days a week; it is possible
that a qualified candidate could increase the part-time Spanish
position to more days per week if additional responsibilities/
classes are added to the job.
To apply, please send a letter of interest and resume to Dan
Fitzpatrick, [email protected]. Interested candidates
must also complete the application process through the Office
for Catholic Schools’ website at http://www.ocsww.org/
Hearts and Hammers—Thank You
Tremendous thanks to all the nearly 200 volunteers – a record - from St. Louise and our Covenant partner congregations and also from LDS
Bellevue Stake and Islamic Center of the
Eastside, who worked together on eight major
house projects – also a record - in our Crossroads community area this past Saturday, helping grateful families live a better life in their own homes! Thanks to the house
captains who managed the projects and to all the youth volunteers who, shepherded by
Annarose Wilson-O’Brien
and other adult leaders,
worked so hard and cheerfully. We are also grateful to
the behind-the-scenes workers who prepared the breakfast and lunches for the
crews, and to Grocery Outlet
for their contributions.
If you missed this year’s
event, we hope that you will
consider volunteering next
If you have any suggestions or comments, please call us (Gary
Makowski at 425-641-8303 or Jackie Rial at 425-649-8643) or
send an email to [email protected].
Help Support St. Louise’s Food Bank
Donations for St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry here at St.
Louise are always needed. You are invited to bring
nonperishable food items when you come to church and place
them in the food bin located in the main vestibule.
Faith Formation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Ages 20s and 30s
Tuesday, May 24, 7PM, St. Louise Young Adult Potluck
Meeting. We’ll be finalizing the duties for our dinner with the
Congregations for the Homeless at Cross of Christ the following
Wednesday, May 25, 7PM, serving dinner for Congregations
for the Homeless. Please join us. Contact Kathy for the menu,
[email protected].
Small Groups: Young Adults Small Groups of Eastside. One
group meets each Tuesday at 7PM in the St. Madeleine Sophie
Youth Room to reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and
how this Gospel speaks to us as young adults. If interested,
contact [email protected].
CROWD for Middle School Youth
Join us on Friday nights from 7-9PM in the Parish Hall for
CROWD, St. Louise’s friendly and energizing Catholic middle
school youth program. Stay tuned for upcoming Summer
for High School Youth
If you are a high school student at St. Louise, Life Teen
wants YOU!! We gather Sunday evenings after the 6PM Mass
in the Parish Hall to engage in community, faith-sharing and
service opportunities with other Catholic youth – feel free to
bring your friends!
Upcoming Life Teen events:
May 22 - Life Teen End of Year BBQ
Softball teams: Eastside Disciples has a 21+ softball team.
We play in the CYO league against other Catholic church teams
in the greater Seattle area. Practices on Thursdays at 6:30PM at
St. Monica’s on Mercer Island. Contact Danny Bailey,
[email protected].
Visit groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/slya/info to sign up for email
St. Louise School News
Bake Sale Treat yourself to some goodies at the 8th grade
bake sale after Masses today. Funds raised from the sales will
go toward graduation activities.
School Enrollment There is space in selected grade levels
such as Kindergarten and 1st grade for the 2016-17 school
year. Please contact the School Office for more information and
admissions packets: 425-746-4220 or [email protected].
Learn more at www.stlouiseschool.org.
Vacation Bible School
St. Louise Parish holds a Vacation Bible School every year for
kindergarten-and elementary-aged children the last week of
June. Registration is now available online at
www.stlouise.org/VBS or by paper at the Parish Office.
For further information contact Geri Hanley in the Parish Office,
425-747-4450 or [email protected].
For more information on St. Louise’s Youth Ministry visit
our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Website: http://www.stlouise.org/124
Facebook page: St. Louise Youth Ministry.
Instagram: stlouiseyouthministry.
Twitter: @stlyouthmin.
Hire-A-Trekker Season Has Begun!
Spring has sprung … let us help you with your yard work or
home projects! All we ask in return is a donation toward our
Service Immersion Trip fund. If you have any questions or
would like to schedule a project, please email Ina Canimo,
[email protected].
Liturgy, Prayer and Worship
May is Fil-Am’s Celebration of Our Lady of Antipolo!
The Filipino-American (Fil-Am) Ministry invites everyone once again to come and join
them as they celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage (Our
Lady of Antipolo), known as “Pista ng Birhen ng Antipolo.” Please mark these special
dates on your calendars for the following activities:
2016 Nine-Day Novena to Our Lady of Antipolo
May 20, 6:15PM, Chapel
May 21, after the 5PM Mass, Church
May 22, after the 6PM Mass, Church
May 23-27, 6:15PM, Chapel
May 28 Schedule of Activities
3PM, Last Day of Novena in the Chapel
3:45PM, Procession of the Statue, Santacruzan
5PM, Mass
6PM, Blessing of the Cars at the Soccer Field
6:30PM, Line Dancing Party—(Please see the bulletin announcement on page 3.)
Divine Mercy, Every Saturday
United with Pope Francis' declaration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, you
are invited to join in the weekly parish hour of prayer. Every Saturday, 23PM in the Chapel (in the Parish Center) our prayers include the Divine
Mercy Chaplet, prayers and excerpt(s) from the Diary of St. Faustina,
and reflection on Divine Mercy spiritual readings.
This hour of prayer provides us an opportunity to praise/worship our Lord
and together in prayer, encounter God's mercy in our lives. Continue
with 3PM Reconciliation in the church. For more information, please
contact Esther, [email protected].
Let Us Pray
For the sick. We remember especially: Adam Batty, Alonso Barrientos,
Shelly Boldizsar, Christiane Bynum, Dagmar Cook, Ken Cook, Marilyn Craver,
Gail Cunneely, Tom Dove, Pat Dowling, Mary Farrel, Mari Navarre Fink, Chuck Frid,
Fabio Gobbo, Frank Hale, Emily Hauquist, Fred Healy, Karen Howard,
Elena Javelona, Mae Javelona, Olivia Ruth Jones, Dan Kraft, Lilly Krekel,
Kay Landau, Judy Bond Loudenback, Fr. Fabian MacDonald, Ginny Manning,
Peyton Marquez, Alma Marquez, John Miner, Alice Moran, Leona Muller,
Evelyn Narumi, Virginia Navarre, Loretta Osbourne, Margaret Owens, Boris Papak,
Dick Partington, Tony Partington, Jennifer Reed, Ted Simon, Willy Smith,
Annika and Steve Sutton, Jofer Taasan, Jamie Tachiyama, Frank Troske,
Dennis Turnbull, Laurie Ann Wilbert, Manuel Vasquez, Hao Vu, Jeremy Wysong,
Brian Zamora, Paul Zborovsky.
For the dead. We remember especially:
Fr. Peter Chirico, Memorial Mass at St. James Cathedral, Wednesday May 25,
This Week’s
Mass Intentions
Margie Budig, Deceased
John Campbell, Deceased
Hiem, Deceased
Jack Fleury, Deceased
Marjorie Francis Walker, Deceased
Leon Long, Deceased
Margaret Mikita, Deceased
Jay Charles, Deceased
Kevin Hanley, Deceased
Cam Trinh, Deceased
Michael Dondanville, Deceased
Jim Spadoni, Deceased
Frank Cline, Deceased
Majorie Francis Walker, Deceased
Felisa Te, Deceased
Mari Navarre-Fink, Spec. Int.
Julia C. Nolte, Spec. Int.
Gabriela Richards, Spec. Int.
Bernie Kepler, Deceased
Tuyet-Hong, Deceased
Maura McMahon, Deceased
Marge Walker, Deceased
Jasmine Querubin, Deceased
Alonso Barrientos, Spec. Int.
Next Sunday Presiders Próximo Domingo
5PM Fr. Fabian
7:30AM Fr. Fabian
9AM Fr. Fabian
11AM Fr. Gary
1PM Fr. Gary
6PM Fr. Gary
Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad
Our Financial Gifts
SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016
Offertory $33,322.74
Other collections and donations:
Building Fund ..................................$423.00
Children’s Collection .......................$284.78
Flowers .............................................$15.00
Holy Day ...........................................$75.00
Improvement ...................................$113.00
Social Concerns Commission .........$585.00
St. Vincent De Paul Society ............$430.63
Peters Pence ....................................$20.00
Rice Bowl ..........................................$58.20
Thank you for your generosity!
Stewardship Reflection
The Most Holy Trinity Sunday
“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all
truth...” John 16:13
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live the truth. To
prepare ourselves, we need to open our hearts to receive this
gift before we can give it. Develop a daily prayer routine to ask
the Holy Spirit to help guide your thoughts and actions.
Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad
" Cuando venga él, el Espíritu de la verdad, os guiará hasta la
verdad completa..." Juan 16:13
Jesús envió al Espíritu Santo para que nos ayude a conocer y
vivir la verdad. Para prepararnos, necesitamos abrir nuestros
corazones para recibir este don antes de poder darlo. Desarrollemos una rutina de oración diaria para pedirle al Espíritu Santo
que guie nuestros pensamientos y acciones.
2016 Annual Catholic Appeal Donations
Number of households that have
pledged so far:
304 (this time last year we had 284)
Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal:
$266,583 (last year it was $282,967)
Amount Raised to Date, including
pledges and one-time gifts: $119,332–
45% of goal reached (this time last year we had $111,736 –
39% of goal)
Amount Received to Date: : $71,795 – 60% fulfillment (this time
last year we had $64,923 – 58% fulfillment)
Archdiocesan 2016
Annual Catholic Appeal
Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal is still needed!
Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of our
Church in Western Washington through the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. One person or parish could not possibly accomplish
all that needs to be done for the more than 60 ministries and
services of the Annual Catholic Appeal.
Gifts of any amount are welcome; your gift will make everything possible. It is not too late to return your pledge envelope if
you haven’t already done so! Return your pledge envelope today or donate online: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate. Be
sure to note St. Louise as your parish.
¡Todavía puede hacer su donación a la Petición Católica Anual!
¡Agradecemos a todas las familias que ya han respondido a las
necesidades de nuestra Iglesia en el oeste de Washington a
través de la Petición Católica Anual 2016. Una persona o parroquia solas no podrían lograr todo lo que se necesita hacer por
más de 60 ministerios y servicios de la Petición Católica Anual.
Sus donativos de cualquier cantidad que le sea posible son
bienvenidos.¡Su contribución lo hará todo posible! Por favor
llene un sobre de compromiso hoy o vaya a internet para donar
en el siguiente enlace:
www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate. Asegúrese de anotar Santa Luisa como su parroquia.
Our Mission
As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament, to
build up the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to the
needs of others.
Nuestra Misión
Nuestra misión como miembros de la Iglesia Católica de Sta. Luisa, es de proclamar las buenas noticias de Cristo en la Palabra y
el Sacramento, para construir la comunidad devota de creyentes en toda nuestra diversidad y para presenciar el amor de Dios
Sección español
Próximos Bautizos
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
Domingo 5 DE JUNIO, Misa: 1PM - Padre Gary
Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
En la Bula papal Misericordiae Vultus, 2, el Papa Francisco
dice que la misericordia “es la palabra que revela el misterio de
la Santísima Trinidad”. Pues la misericordia es cómo Dios viene
a nuestro encuentro; misericordia es la ley fundamental que
nos ayuda a reconocernos como hermanos y hermanas; misericordia es el puente que conecta a Dios con la humanidad,
abriendo nuestros corazones a la esperanza de ser amados
por siempre pese a nuestras ofensas. La revelación de Dios
hacia nosotros es un don de vida, un amor compartido de la
Trinidad de personas que nos acercan más a Dios en amistad y
comunión. Tanto el judaísmo como el islamismo consideran a
la misericordia uno de los atributos más importantes de Dios.
Israel incasablemente proclama la misericordia inmensa. El
islamismo se refiere hacia Dios como “Misericordioso y
Clemente” (Corán 59:22) creyendo en su divina e inmensa misericordia cuyas puertas siempre están abiertas. Que este Año
Jubilar de la Misericordia, ruega el Papa Francisco, se nos abra
a un dialogo más ferviente, profundizando nuestro entendimiento mutuo, eliminando toda falta de respeto de tener una mente
cerrada y, eliminando toda falta de violencia y discriminación.
Sábado 11 de JUNIO, 8:30AM - Diácono Abel Magaña.
Domingo 3 de JULO, 1PM - Padre Gary
Sábado 9 de JULIO, 8:30AM - DiáconoAbel
Domingo 7 de AGOSTO, Misa: 1PM - Padre Gary
Sábado 13 de AGOSTO, Sacramento solamente 8:30AM –
Diácono Abel
Próximos Clases Bautismales 2016
Padres y padrinos deben completar las 2
clases, en las fechas que más le convengan,
los domingos para recibir su constancia. Los
que no completen sus clases no podrán
bautizar y pasaran hasta la próxima sesión de
DOMINGOS: Para bautizos en Agosto, Septiembre y
Primer Grupo 7/10 – 7/ 17
2:30 pm – 4:30
Segundo Grupo 7/24 - 7/30
2:30 pm – 4:30
***Toda documentación debe estar completa dos semanas
antes del bautizo Sino no podrán bautizar y pasaran a la
siguiente fecha.
*** Este año las clases bautismales se darán solo 4 veces al
Para preguntas de registro por favor comuníquese con
Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450.
Celebración de Corpus Christi en la
Celebración de Corpus Christi en la Parroquia
Durante el mes de Mayo somos afortunados de
tener muchas fiestas bellas en la Iglesia, una de
las cuales es la Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la
Sangre de Cristo, conocida como Corpus Christi. Únase a la familia de la parroquia para celebrar esta Solemnidad llenos de fe. Todos son
Los eventos de esta Celebración incluyen la Procesión
Bilingüe del Santísimo Sacramento en las cercanías de la Iglesia y una Misa bilingüe. Vengan, vengan todos!
Domingo 29 de Mayo, empezando a la 1PM en la Iglesia.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con
Posición de Empleo Abierta—Asistente
Pastoral para el Ministerio Hispano
La Parroquia de Sta. Luisa, una comunidad amplia, dinámica
y culturalmente diversa en Bellevue, WA tiene una posición de
empleo de 30 horas+beneficios para un Asistente Pastoral para
el Ministerio Hispano. Un candidato exitoso debe ser bilingüe
(inglés/español), ser miembro de una parroquia Católica, tener
un título en Ministerio Pastoral o algún campo relacionado, y
estar comprometido con la visión litúrgica del Vaticano II. Las
responsabilidades principales incluyen proporcionar entrenamiento y apoyo ministerial para las necesidades pastorales de
los Hispanos. Reclutar activamente, animar y servir a
catequistas y líderes. Coordinar la preparación y liturgia para Quinceañeras. Ayudar con las celebraciones litúrgicas patrocinadas por la comunidad Hispana. Construir relaciones con los miembros de la comunidad. Manejar las finanzas y los registros administrativos del Ministerio Hispano. Se
requiere habilidad para trabajar exitosamente y relacionarse
bien con una diversa comunidad de fe. Enviar curriculum por
email o por correo a Esther Lucero-Miner, Asociada Pastoral,
St. Louise Parish 141-156th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98007. Teléfono: (425) 747-4450 o email: [email protected].
Pastoral and Administrative Staff
Fr. Gary Zender (habla español) …………………. 425-747-4450 x5463
[email protected]
Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial
Jonathan Taasan ……………………………………425-747-4450 x5473
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Fabian MacDonald ………………………………425-747-4450 x5462
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa
Rita McHale ………………………………………….425-747-4450 x5470
[email protected]
Deacons / Diáconos
Bill and Gina Haines ………………………………………...425-214-5383
[email protected]
Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital
Barbara Abbott ………………………………………425-747-4450 x5471
[email protected]
Sam Basta ……………………………………………………425-214-5382
[email protected]
Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales
Nila Agostini (habla español) ………………………425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Michael Johnson ………………………………….425-747-4450 x5460
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate / Asociada Pastoral
Esther Lucero-Miner (habla español) ……………..425-747-4450 x5461
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary and Esther Lucero-Miner
Asistente Administrativa para el Padre Gary y Esther Lucero-Miner
Marissa Escobedo (habla español) ………………425-747-4450 x5476
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales
Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English) /
Formación en la Fe, Iniciación y Sacramentos (Inglés)
Geri Hanley …………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5464
[email protected]
Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor /
Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento
Paul Trussell ………………………………………...425-746-4220 x5442
[email protected]
Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) /
Preparación Sacramental (español)
Sr. Amalia Camacho ………………………………..425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
Parish School / Escuela Parroquial
Hispanic Ministry Assistant/Asisiente Para el ministerio Hispano
Dan Fitzpatrick ………………………………………425-746-4220 x5405
Magda Delgado ……………………………………...425-747-4450 x5474
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Para Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y
Vice Principal / Subdirectora
adultos, contactar Hrma. Amalia Camacho o Magda Delgado. Para
Kathy Loftus …………………………………………425-746-4220 x5406
bautizo contactar Nila Agostini, 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected].
[email protected]
Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process /
Secretary / Secretaria
Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación
Lola Bazan …………………………………………..425-746-4220 x5400
Kathy Riley …………………………………………...425-747-4450 x5466
[email protected]
[email protected]
Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo
Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música
Jill Leland …………………………………………….425-746-4220 x5403
Lynette Basta ………………………………………..425-747-4450 x5467
[email protected]
[email protected]
Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes
Annarose O’Brien-Wilson (habla español) ………..425-747-4450 x5465
[email protected]
Pastoral Counseling
Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA …………………………………425-614-6225
[email protected]
Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/
Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ………..……..206-748-1500
Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the
Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero
o líderes laicos en la Arquidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.
If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines.
Questions: email [email protected].
Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas
editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].
Around the Archdiocese
A Summer Day of Reflection Gathering the Fragments: A Mid-Year
9AM—3PM, St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Mary Hartrich, facilitator
Register by May 27 to get an Early Bird rate!
Join us in the middle of the year for a quiet guided personal
retreat, a Summer Day of Reflection to look back on the first
half of the year and look forward to the rest of the year in the
light of God's perspective. Facilitator Mary Hartrich (Executive
Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Center) will help you "gather
up the fragments" of your life by leading you through four movements of an Examen, each movement followed by abundant
time for prayer, reflection and journaling.
COST: Early registration fee - $45 (through Friday, May
27) Final week registration fee- $55 (May 28-June 4). Light
breakfast, lunch and materials included. Partial work scholarships available. FOR MORE INFO/TO REGISTER:
visit www.ignatiancenter.org, or contact Theresa at
206-329-4824 or [email protected]. Sponsored by
the Ignatian Spirituality Center, Seattle.