IWLA 2011 final final final
IWLA 2011 final final final
Friday and Saturday October 7th and 8th, 2011 Des Moines, Iowa Amy van der Meer [email protected] [email protected] 1 Table of Contents (The numbers that have a star next to them are the ones that will be discussed at the October 2011 IWLA Conference) 1. Vocabulary 2. Rápido 3. Dedo game 4. Team work 5. Guerra 6. *Pop up 7. Newspaper Bop 8. Timed Activity 9. *¡Qué lástima! 10. Slap it 11. Papa Caliente 12. Habla y Escucha 13. 6 Bean Game 14. Magic Squares 15. *Body Parts Twister 16. *Body Parts Snapping 17. Pack the Suitcase 18. Pack the Laminated Suitcase 19. Color Coded Sentences 20. Cooperación 21. Jeopardy and white boards 22. Revista 23. *Vendedor de Globos (and Geografía) 24. Piggy Bank 25. Púzles 26. Numbers Practice 27. *Dados 28. Charades to introduce vocabulary 29. Line Up Activity 30. *Ladders 31. *Mrs. Carlson’s activity 32. *Introduction of me to Sp. I or II 33. *Introduction of me to Sp. III or IV 34. Libritos 35. Batalla de Barcos 36. Verb Grid on Floor 37. *Direct Object Pronoun practice Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4/5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6/7 7 7 7 7/8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9/10 10 10 10 shown at conf. Ex. Page 18 Ex. Page 23/28 Ex. Page 39/49 Page 24/25 shown at conf. shown at conf. Ex. Page 26/27 Ex. Page 19-22 Ex. Page 46 Ex. Page 33/34 Ex. Page 47/48 Ex. Page 16 shown at Ex. Page PP shown Ex. Page conf. 17 at conf. 40 Page 51 shown at conf. 2 38. *Subasta 39. Gusano 40. *Quizlets and Quia 41. *Bablingua 42. *DVolver movie maker 43. *Yo nunca he________(I have never_______) 44. *Two Truths and a Lie 45. *Cell Phone activity 46. *Chapter books 47. *Phone a story/movie theater 48. Stations 49. *Future Projects 50. *Conditional Projects 51. *Carta de un desaparecido (Dictatorships) 52. *Acontecimiento (past subjunctive project) 53. Game Board for any topic Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 10/11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 shown at Page 50 Ex. Page shown at Ex. Page shown at shown at PP shown shown at Ex. Page Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. conf.P.41 12 conf. 42/43 conf. conf. at conf. conf. 29 Page 31/32 Page 30 Page 35 Page 36/37 Page 44/45 3 1. Vocabulary: I find the pictures on the AEA website or google/yahoo images. I use the same pictures to make bingo cards, big flash cards with the words on the back, pesca cards, rápido cards, habla y escucha cards, etc. I print them in color on heavy card stock paper and laminate them for a small fee through the AEA. 2. Rápido- consists of playing three rounds. Play in partners. The first round the teacher says the words very slowly. Second round a little faster and the third round very fast. Divide vocabulary pictures in half so that each partner has the same amount (if there is an odd number of cards just set one aside) When the teacher calls a vocab word, whoever has that card gets rid of it. First one to get rid of all their cards wins. 3. Dedo game- You can use the same rápido cards for other games as well. I have them lay the cards up evenly and when the teacher calls a vocab word the first student to touch it with their finger gets to keep the card. Person with the most cards at the end wins. 4. Teamwork-Have the pair of students put all the cards facing up. This time they are a team. As the teacher calls the cards the students flip them over. The teacher calls all cards except for one. Students need to see if they ended up with the same one as the teacher. 5. Guerra- Students put all the rápido cards in a pile. One card gets flipped over and the first student to say the word in Spanish gets to keep the card. 6. Pop up: Divide class into two teams. Give each team the SAME set of vocab pictures. Teacher calls out a word in Spanish and the first team that holds up the card and says “Sí” gets the point. For upper levels I describe in Spanish the vocab word and the first team that holds up the card and says the word in the target language gets the point. 7. Newspaper Bop: Students sit in a circle. Each student gets a big flash card and holds it so that everyone can see it. One person in the middle holding a rolled up newspaper. A word is called out. The student in the middle needs to tap the desk with the newspaper before that person calls out another vocab word in the group. 8. Timed Activity with Vocab or Verbs: Make as many squares as you need so that each student has at least one card. Student with the star on their card starts by reading the word written on the bottom of their card. Whoever has what student A says at the top of their card reads the top of their card out and then the 4 bottom of their card. Top of the card is written in English and the bottom is written in Spanish. Class finishes when you end up to the same card you started with. I time them as a class and they compete with other sections to see which class can get the lowest time. 9. ¡Qué lástima! Write all the topics you would like to practice for on the little cards. On the back write the answers. Three cards will contain the word ¡Qué lástima! One person goes first and draws a card for his partner. The other student must give the answer…if he is correct he gets to keep the card. If not it goes back into the coffee can. The person with the most cards at the end wins. When a person draws ¡Qué lástima! , the partner puts all of his cards back into the can. The ¡Qué lástima! card stays out of the can. I just make one sheet with vocab words on the front and double side it so that the answers are on the back. Then I print 10 copies so that each pair has a set of cards. (Page 18 has template) 10. Slap it (Matamoscas): Before students come in hang up all the vocab cards around the room. Divide class into two teams. Call a vocab word and the first team that hits it gets the point. If they hit the wrong card, point goes to other team. *You could also put them all on the white board in rows, divide into two lines, call a word and the first team to hit it wins. This takes less time and students get more practice. 11. Papa Caliente: Students stand in a circle with a ball. Use the big vocabulary flash cards. Play Spanish music and when the music stops, whoever has the ball must say the word (in target language) of whatever picture that the teacher pulls from the pile 12. Habla y Escucha: This can be used with numbers/vocab/verbs etc. In one column you have a word that they will “hear” and in the other colum a word that they will “speak”. They go through with a partner saying and hearing each word until they get back up to the top. (Page 23 has template and Page 28 has example) 13. 6 bean game- Each student gets 6 beans and a sheet of paper divided into squares. In each square is a picture of the vocab word. To start everyone puts all 6 beans in the same square. The teacher decides the square. Then teacher says a vocab word followed by another vocab word. Student takes a bean from the vocab picture called first and moves it to the second vocab word that the teacher calls. At the end see who could follow along. I usually do one fast one at the end. Then I have all students put their hands in the air (to avoid moving beans after seeing the answers) and give a prize to the person that could follow. (Page 39/49 has example) 5 14. Magic Squares: Pick the vocab words you want to practice. Make a matching game that has the same number vertical and horizontal. It is kind of like Suduko. You can use pictures of your vocabulary as well. (Page 24/25 has examples) 15. Body Parts: This is a version of Twister. You have partners go up to the front on one side of the room and another pair go up front to the other side of the room. They are the two teams competing against each other. Each pair needs to pick an “assistant”. (So in all there are 6 people standing in the front of the room. The teacher gives the assistants a stack of blank notecards (big ones work best). Then the teacher calls “hand to back” in the target language. Both pairs do this and the assistant sticks a blank notecard in between the one person’s hand and the other’s back. You continue reading which body parts to put together until a card falls to the floor from one of the groups. The pair that wins stays in the front to be challenged by another pair. 16. Body Parts: Snapping fingers three times, the teacher call two body parts. The students have until the third snap to find a person and put those two body parts together. Then the teacher calls two more body parts (hand to hand) and they stay with the same partner until they hear “person to person” (persona a persona) they then have until the third snap to find a different partner. I like to end it with “lips to lips” and they all yell “gross” and then we sit down. Great warm up activity. 17. Pack the suitcase- Fill a suitcase full of different clothing items. I have some of the same items but in different colors or some short sleeve, some long sleeve. I also include sunglasses, raincoat, earrings, watch etc. Two people walk up to the suitcase and I have several cards in my hand that have 5 items on each card. The pair is timed as I call off the first item they have to find it and put it in the suitcase. When they find the correct item and get it into the suitcase then I read the second item on the card. I don’t read the second item until they have correctly put the first item in the suitcase. The pair with the lowest time wins. 18. Pack the suitcase with laminated suitcase and laminated small photos of clothing. This could also be used with Pack the backpack with school items but same idea. (Page 26 and 27 has the template) 19. Color coded sentences- This is great for sentence structure and comprehension of vocab and verbs. I make up 15-18 sentences. Then I take construction paper and fold it into 16 squares. One color equals one sentence. I put them into groups of two. I lay all 15-18 sentences in the front of the room and give one sheet of paper per group that has an English side and a Spanish side. They start with one color and form the sentence. Then they write it on their paper in Spanish just as they have formed it. After that, they must translate it into English. After 6 they are done with one sentence they mix the cards up, bring that sentence to the front of the room and grab a different color (sentence). I tell them they must have 10 sentences complete by the end of the period. 20. Cooperación- This activity takes some time to prepare but once it is done you will have it. There are four people to a group...if numbers aren’t even then put the leftover people in a group of 2, 3 or 4. Each page has an A, B, C or D at the top. Students don’t realize that. Print each page in a different color (for example all A sheets in blue, all B sheets in green etc.) Don’t give instructions and just wait 2-3 minutes to see if anyone figures it out. Usually one person will figure out what to do. If nobody figures it out then explain that each person has a clue to get number one but you need everyone in the group to get the answer to number one. Once they figure out what the word is then each person writes the word for number one. At the end there is a hidden word in the vertical box...I used the word cooperation in Spanish: cooperación. Then explain that without the cooperation of their group members they could not have solved the puzzle. This can be used with any topic or unit. I have also used it as an activity to review cultural points that we have talked about. Write any words on the board from the activity that you think they may not know or hand each group a dictionary. I usually don’t do this as a race but you could to make it more competitive. When the first group finishes, I get them started on the homework for the next day while the others finish. (Pages 19-22) 21. Jeopardy and white boards (Template is from the internet) This one I do not do as a race because usually one group dominates so I give a certain amount of time for each group to write their answers and then I say, “Let’s see” (¡A ver!) and each group holds up their boards so I can see. Each group that has the correct answer gets the points. They keep track of their points at the top of the white boards and then for final jeopardy they write down how much they want to wager. 22. Revista Game: Break class into 4 or 5 teams. Each member of every team has an old magazine. (I like to play with the clothing unit but could be adapted to others) I say in the target language “red short sleeved shirt” (una camisa roja con mangas cortas) The first student to run up to me and show me a picture of the item called gets the point for their team. 23. El vendedor de Globos/Geografía: Print template on cardstock paper, label the backs in target language, laminate and punch holes in cards. Put students in pairs and give them one card. Teacher calls vocab in target language and one student puts the tip of their pencil in the hole. The other student checks on the back to see if the first student is correct. After some practice have students switch roles: the other students holds the card and the second students sticks the tip of the pencil in 7 the hole. Be creative, it could be used with any lesson for vocab or verb practice. (Page 46) 24. Piggy Bank- Put students in pairs. Teacher calls out a number and the first student to put their finger on the number gets a point. I have them hold their finger on the number until I see that everyone has it and then I say it in English so they can check to see if they are correct. (Pages 33 and 34 have example and template) 25. Puzzles- Print these on cardstock. One per student. I like to use this as a warm up activity. They must match the word with the picture. You could also do this with matching English word to Spanish word. Each student makes their own and then the next day they can switch with another classmate to put together. 26. Number Practice- Teacher reads the connecting numbers while students connect the dots on their own papers...I usually give a prize to the first person who discovers what picture we are drawing. They have to turn it to the side to see that it is a picture of Mexico. (Page 47 and 48) 27. Dados practice- Break students into groups of 3. One dice and one pen or pencil per group. Each student does get a sheet. Throw die until someone gets a six. That person picks up the pen and starts filling in as much as he can on the sheet of paper until someone else in the group rolls a six. Then next one to roll a six grabs the pen and starts writing on their own sheet. When time is up, I have them check their answers on the LCD projector. Then they can count up the number correct. Top number in the class wins. This can be used with verbs or vocabulary. (EX. Pg 16) 28. Charades intro to vocab- Put on the LCD projector a partial list of vocab. Have an action to represent each one. Students must participate. After they get the action down, have them close their eyes. They can only quickly peek at you if they don’t know meaning. Then, they must shut eyes again and keep participating. Example- guapo extrovertido rico pobre alto fuerte divertido viejo aburrido tímido 8 29. Line-Up activity- Break the class into two teams. Say a sentence using two or three of the vocab words. Each team has a set of vocabulary pictures and tries to get those vocab pictures in the order that you used them. 30. Ladders- Draw three/four ladders on the board. (One ladder per team) Break class into three/four teams. Teacher calls out the word/verb and the first team that writes it correctly on their ladder gets to keep the word on the ladder. Other teams erase their word. First team to the top wins. 31. Mrs. Carlson’s activity- Give students two minutes to look over vocab. Put notes away and form a circle. I have a sheet of the pictures in front of me. ( I print off several copies as once one round is done I use another set of sheets) Students must throw the small ball to each other. Each time the ball is thrown that student must say a vocab word from the list being studied. Then that word is crossed off my list. Words cannot be repeated. If someone repeats or can’t think of a word they are out of the circle. Once they are out they can cross off the words that are called in the circle. After three people get out we refresh and start new again which means previously said words may be used again. (Page 17) 32. Introduction activity for the first day (Sp. I or II)- PowerPoint of pictures that describe my background. On the very first day of Sp. I, I start class by only speaking in the target language describing my background using the pictures from the PowerPoint and my actions to help guide for understanding. After I finish the presentation I give them two minutes to get with a partner and comment on things they could understand from the presentation. After the two minutes I ask them to tell me what they learned as I go through each slide again. Then my point at the end is to show them how much can be understood from other things besides the language and that you must be creative when learning a new language. I point out that you do not need to understand EVERY single word to comprehend something. 33. Introduction activity for the first day (Sp. III or IV) I hand out a paragraph about my self with some blanks in the paragraph for them to try and guess what the answers are. In groups of two they go through and read it trying to fill in the blanks. I put clues at the bottom of the page to guide them. After we go through the paragraph and put all the correct answers on the sheet, I have them point out the three LIES that I wrote in the paragraph that are not true about me. (Page 40 example) 34. Libritos- These can be used for a variety of different topics. Each student will need one sheet of computer paper (colored if they want). Fold it the hot dog way. Crease well. Open and then fold it the hamburger way. Fold again the hotdog way. Open only half way and then cut to the center on the folded side. Open all the 9 way up again and you should have a hole in the center of the paper. Fold the hotdog way and push ends in to the center to form a librito. 35. Batalla de barco- Each person gets a copy of the “Batalla de barcos”. They rip it in half. On the bottom sheet randomly mark 5 X’s. They represent the boats. To guess where their partner has a ship they must conjugate the verb in the correct form. (Can be used for any tense) Once all five ships have been found there is a winner. On the top sheet they can keep track of which squares they have guessed by putting an X in the ones they say. (Page 51) 36. Verb Grids on the floor- With wrestling tape make two verb charts on the floor. Divide class into two teams. One student from each team comes up and stands at the end of the box. Then call out a verb like hablar yo. The first student that runs to the top left box and says “hablo” or “hablé” or “hablaría” etc. wins a point for their team. This can be used with any tense. If they are in the wrong box but say the correct form of the verb they do NOT get it. Or vice versa if they are in the correct box but wrong form of verb they don’t get it. You can also hand out marker boards to everyone so that everyone is participating each round and not just the person at the box. 37. Direct Object Pronouns: Have everyone sit in a circle. Give each student an item (some sing, some plural, some masc. and some fem.) Put a bucket with a ball in it in the center of the circle. Ask, “Who has the _________?”. The first person to raise their hand and say “Jimmy has IT/THEM.” would get a chance to throw the ball into the bucket for an extra credit point. The person that wins sits out the next round. 38. Subasta- For writing assignments I give my students the opportunity to revise the mistakes that they have made in their rough drafts. Everyone turns in a rough draft, I highlight the mistakes without giving them the correct answers but using a key so they know what type of mistake that they have made. Before I hand them back their rough drafts we have an auction of the incorrect (and some correct) sentences. I give each student a sheet of paper with about 20 sentences (using the 10 errors and the good sentences from the rough drafts), each student gets about 8 minutes to circle any mistakes they see. All of the sentences are incorrect except for about 3 sentences but I do not tell them how many are correct and how many are wrong. I just explain that some are correct. Then, they get with their team. They decide WHICH sentences they want to buy. (The object is to ONLY buy the CORRECT sentences) I give each team 30 euros to spend at the auction. Next, starting with sentence #1 I ask which team would like to buy that sentence. They start bidding…highest bidder gets to write the number of the sentence under their team name on the board. Go through all of the sentences. At the end I tell them which sentences were correct. (I put this in PowerPoint form to visually see the errors and common mistakes) The team that bought the most CORRECT sentences wins. This opens up a lot of discussion to re-teach common writing errors such as the personal a, verb subject agreement, “a” with gustar “A Marta le gusta…., para vs. por, etc. Guía de acentos: á alt + 160 é alt + 130 í alt + 161 ó alt + 162 ú alt + 163 ñ alt + 164 ü alt + 0252 ¡ alt + 173 Á alt + 0193 É alt + 0201 Í alt + 0205 Ó alt + 0211 Ú alt + 0218 Ñ alt + 0209 Ü alt + 0220 ¿ alt + 168 Guía de correcciones: D- deletreo (spelling) VE- verbo equivocado (wrong verb) TE- tiempo equivocada (wrong tense) PE- palabra equivocado (wrong word) C- concordancia (subject/ verb don´t match or noun/ adjective don´t match) ?- No entiendo la frase o la idea expresada. (can’t understand) FA- falta algo (missing something) (Subasta page 41 and PP will be shown at conference) 11 39. Gusano- This worm game helps practice the conjugations of verbs in any tense. Write the verbs you want to practice in the blanks. You will need one die for each pair and they will need an item used as their marker to keep track of where they are on the game board. On the white board write: 1- yo 4- nosotros 1-yo 4-nosotros 2- tú 5- vosotros or 2-tú 5- ellos/uds 3-él/ella/ud. 6- ellos/uds. 3-él/ella/ud 6-todos (they have to conj. all forms) If the partner conjugates correctly they get to stay where they are on the game board. If conj. is incorrect they move all the way back to the beginning. First one to reach the end wins. (Page 50) 40. Quizlets and Quia- great websites to practice any material you are working on. I used to pay 50 dollars a year to be a member of Quia but now that I have all my activities created I only join every other year or every two years because my students can still access my games even if I am not a member. Quizlets is free but if you want to upload photos as I did when we studied our art unit then it is around 15 dollars a year. Below are examples of both. Quia: Quizlets: www.quia.com/cb/224988.html http://quizlet.com/3462653/numeros-flashcards/ (capitals, countries, numbers, questions, culture) (numbers) www.quia.com/jg/65520.html cards/ (Geografía) http://quizlet.com/3578476/geografia-flash(geografía) www.quia.com/rr/46268.html (time) www.quia.com/pp/14696.html (days of the week) www.quia.com/rr/248991.html (greetings, time, geografía, numbers) www.quia.com/ba/318612.html (capitals, subject pronouns, numbers) www.quia.com/jg/65552.html (numbers) 12 41. Bablingua- This is a great site out of Spain. They create short videos that deal with culture or a grammar theme. You can download them for about 8 dollars a piece but they come with a video, worksheet and listening activities. Many of the videos also come with flashcards. (Examples shown at conf.) 42. Dvolver video maker- Great site to quickly create a dialogue and movie. I have them do this in one period (60 minutes). The next day we watch them in class on the LCD projector. You can see an example at: http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-323222 (Pages 42 and 43 have rubric) 43. Yo nunca he________ This practices the present perfect tense. I usually assign the sentences the day before so they come to class with them prepared and ready to go. I write on the board “Yo nunca he______”. They have to try and think of three things that they have NEVER done but things they think that the rest of the class HAS done. Class sits in a circle and each student gets 20 beans. First person starts by reading one of their sentences. “Yo nunca he volado en avión” (I have never flown in an airplane) Every person in the group that HAS flown in an airplane needs to give one bean to the person who made the statement. If another student in the group has never flown in a plane either then he/she does not have to give a bean up. At the end the person with the most beans wins. (We go around the circle three times since I have each of them write three sentences but if you have large classes you could just go around the circle once) 44. Two truths and a lie- This practices present perfect subjunctive vs. indicative- Sit in a circle. First student makes a comment…it can either be true or not. Then we go around circle and each student has to comment on whether or not they think the person is telling the truth or not. After going around the circle, then the person who made the statements tell if it is a truth or a lie. For example, student says: Yo viví en Arizona cuando era niño. (I lived in Arizona as a child) First student in the group says, No creo que hayas vivido en Arizona. Second student says, “Pues, sí, yo sé que viviste en Arizona cuando eras niño” or “Yo creo que has vivido en Arizona cuando eras niño”. Distinguishes the difference between: A. Subjunctive trigger verbs such as- no creo, dudo, no es verdad, no estoy seguro, no es cierto, etc. B. Indicative verbs such as- creo, no dudo, es verdad, estoy seguro, es cierto, etc. 13 45. Cell phone activity- My polls everywhere is a neat site that you can create your own polls, put them into a PowerPoint and then show students questions. They can text the answer that they think is correct and everyone can see the bars move as the answers come in. This is a great activity for when you have half the class gone for a school activity and you want to do something that won’t put those that are gone behind. 46. Chapter books- Do you find yourself handing out a million papers every chapter? This little book is a great way to keep the student (and yourself) organized. Put all papers related to that chapter in one little booklet, make the cover a different color and there we have it. The teacher has everything right in front of him/her to plan the whole chapter and students do not lose papers. It is hard the first time around but once you have the book then next year it is just making some small changes and you will have it all done. (Examples shown at conf) 47. Phone a story (movie theater)- These are recordings in Spanish for students to test their listening skills. I give them some questions to listen for and then they call in to listen and find the answers. Movies will change constantly so the example I am giving in this packet will need to be updated for whatever movies are playing when your students call. (Page 29) 48. Stations- I usually have 4-5 stations of 10 minutes but you can calculate your time accordingly. I teach on 60 minute class periods. I put the timer up on the screen (this will be shown at the conference) and when the timer buzzes they rotate one station to the right. A typical station day for me would be: Station 1- worksheet or crossword puzzle Station 2- listening activity Station 3- me at a station quizzing them orally on vocabulary Station 4- some type of game (lotería or marker boards) Station 5- some type of game (Qué lástima or dados) *Students seem to stay on task the whole period since they can see the time running on the clock in the front of the room. 49. Future projects (you can adapt this to any unit)- When we study the future our vocabulary that accompanies it is beach vocabulary so I try to work in culture here by telling them that they are going to take a trip next summer to one of the Spanish speaking countries. They must find authentic hotels, things to do and sights to see, use the money from that country and tell me approximately how much the trip will cost in US dollars and the currency of that country. They must pick dates where they will be in that country during one of their typical holidays or festivals and explain about the festival. Which famous person from that country will they run 14 into while they are there? (I will show a student example) This all must be done in the target language but guided with only pictures to represent what they will say. (Pages 31 and 32 have rubric) 50. Conditional projects- If I were a ________, I would_____. Rubric is attached and examples will be shown at the presentation. (Page 30 has rubric) 51. Carta de un desaparecido- In Honors Spanish we do an extensive unit on dictatorships focusing on Chile, Argentina and Spain. The students do a webquest and part of the webquest is to research an actual ¨desaparecido¨ and write a letter as if they were that person. The letter is to be addressed to their family and tell details of how and why they were kidnapped. (student example will be shown at the conference) (Example on page 35) 52. Event that happened in a Spanish speaking country- this is similar to the future project but using past subjunctive instead of future tense. Students research an event and present all the details to the class. Main goal is to use past subjunctive. Rubric is included in packet and examples will be shown. (Page 36 and 37 has rubric) 55. Game Board- This game can be adapted for practice of any topic. You just need dice and board markers. Three people to a group is ideal because two can play and one can have all the answers and say yes or no if they are correct. 15 Nombre___________________ Apellido_____________________ Tira el dado hasta que salga un seis. Cuando ya tengas un seis, coge el boli de la persona quien lo tiene y empieza a llenar tu papel. Cuando la profe termine la actividad, vamos a ver quien tiene más respuestas. I said____________________ They put__________________ She was able_______________ You fam. spoke______________ I woke up__________________ He lived___________________ You all familiar ran____________ She gave____________________ I wanted____________________ You fam. put__________________ We went_________________________ You all familiar swam________________ I ate___________________________ You form brushed __________________ They swam_______________________ He sang__________________________ I saw____________________________ I had____________________________ We made_________________________ They had_________________________ Cambia al pasado: está_________________ rompe__________________ saltan________________ voy____________________ como_________________ bailamos________________ cantáis________________ escribes________________ tengo_________________ estás__________________ vais__________________ caminan_________________ quiero________________ hacen___________________ lee___________________ me cepillo________________ te acuestas_____________ pienso___________________ se despiertan_____________ voy_____________________ ando___________________ das_____________________ veo____________________ dais___________________ 16 17 ¡Qué lástima! ¡Qué lástima! ¡Qué lástima! 18 A. 1. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5. _____ _____ 6. ______ _____ 7. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 8. ______ _____ 9. _____ ______ _____ 10. _____ _____ 11. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Pistas: (clues) 1. es un verbo 2. haces esta actividad en un cuaderno 3. Costa Rica 4. hay muchos diferentes colores 5. tú eres muy inteligente 6. es grande 7. es una clase 8. cuando una persona hace la tarea 9. haces la tarea en casa 10. _______ la tarea 11. es una decisión vocabulario útil: cosa- thing esta cosa- this thing adentro- inside la - it decidir- to decide entre- between * La palabra escondida es ______________________. 19 B. 1. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5. _____ _____ 6. ______ _____ 7. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 8. ______ _____ 9. _____ ______ _____ 10. _____ _____ 11. Pistas: (clues) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ vocabulario útil: cosa- thing esta cosa- this thing adentro- inside la - it decidir- to decide entre- between 1. la forma de tú 2. ___________apuntes 3. es de muchos colores 4. es bueno tener muchos en el colegio 5. es un verbo 6. hay muchos en Dakota del Norte en los parques nacionales 7. la clase tiene muchos números y letras 8. cuando una persona escucha al profesor 9. pero después de hacerla, la pones en tu mochila 10. una persona responsable siempre va a ____________la tarea 11. no saben qué hacer * La palabra escondida es ______________________. 20 C. 1. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5. _____ _____ 6. ______ _____ 7. _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ 8. ______ _____ 9. _____ ______ _____ 10. _____ _____ 11. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Pistas: (clues) vocabulario útil: 1. es algo que haces en la clase de inglés cosa- thing 2. la forma de ella esta cosa- this thing 3. es la unidad monetaria adentro- inside la - it 4. pones muchos papeles en estas cosas decidir- to decide 5. Yo _____ que hoy es jueves. entre- between 6. es un animal 7. el Sr. Smith y el Sr. Vander Wilt enseñan la clase 8. es un verbo 9. el próximo día tienes que __________la al colegio 10. es la forma de “yo” 11. ellos tienen que decidir entre el español o el francés * La palabra escondida es ______________________. 21 D. 1. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2. _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5. _____ _____ 6. ______ _____ 7. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 8. ______ _____ 9. _____ ______ _____ 10. _____ _____ 11. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Pistas: (clues) 1. necesitas un boli o lápiz para hacer esta actividad 2. No te gusta esta actividad, ¿verdad? vocabulario útil: 3. Quiero muchos de estas cosas cosa- thing 4. tienes la tarea adentro esta cosa- this thing adentro- inside 5. Yo _____ que tenemos un examen mañana. la - it 6. una corrida de ___________ decidir- to decide 7. es una clase de matemáticas entre- between 8. El alumno _________ muy buenas notas. 9. es la forma de “yo” 10. el verbo es hacer 11. Ellos tienen que decidir entre el jugo o la leche * La palabra escondida es ______________________. 22 Escucha Habla Escucha Habla * 23 Nombre: ______________________ Apellido___________________ Magic Square Empareja los capitales con sus países. Cuando termines, debes tener un número mágico. Match the capitals and countries. When you finish, you should have a magic number. 1. México 2. Guatemala 3. El Salvador 4. Honduras 5. Nicaragua 6. Costa Rica 7. Panamá 8. Colombia 9. Ecuador 10. Venezuela 11. Perú 12. Bolivia 13. Chile 14. Argentina 15. Paraguay 16. Uruguay A. Montevideo B. La ciudad de Guatemala C. San Salvador D. Santiago E. Managua F. Lima G. Caracas H. Bogotá I. Quito J. La cuidad de Pamamá K. San José L. La Paz M. Tegucigalpa N. Buenos Aires O. Asunción P. La cuidad de México A. B. C. D. E F G H I J K L M N O P 24 Nombre_____________________ Apellido_______________________ Hoy es ___________el ______de ____________ de ________________. Cuadros mágicos: Match the word with the word and then write the number in the box. After you are all done find out the “magic number”. Each row and column should equal the same number. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. bonita divertido gordo travieso atlético soltera joven 8. feo 9. extrovertido 10. perezoso 11. débil 12. inteligente 13. casado 14. rica 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. bajo rubio trabajadora aburrido pelirroja vieja pobre 22. 23. 24. 25. alto tímido fuerte romántica 25 26 27 Escucha Habla Habla Escucha * 28 1-720-865-8500 Option 5 Sinópsis de Monstruos en la noche En este libro el temor a la oscuridad define el concepto del miedo al diferente, a los monstruos que creamos al rechazar la realidad del otro. Nos alerta para que no nos perdamos el privilegio de disfrutar el valor que subyace en la diversidad y nos alienta a vivir el sencillo lujo de descubrir en lo desconocido un mundo maravilloso de riqueza inabarcable. Aunque rotas y partidas, son más ricas compartidas. De un tema tan simple como el de un niño cuyas galletas para la merienda quedan aplastadas, surge el valor de la solidaridad, el concepto de los bienes compartidos y de los beneficios que estos valores producen en el comportamiento humano y en la vida de todos los días. 1. ¿Quién es el autor? ___________________Muttini 2. ¿De qué trata?_____________________________ 3. ¿Cómo se llama el protagonista principal?_________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teléfono: 1-888-588-2463 Option 1 www.cinemalatino.com 1. How many days a year are they open?_____________________________ 2. What day is “family day”?______________________________________ 3. How much does it cost on Family Day?____________________________ 4. What day will they show the Michael Jackson show?_________________ 5. What time will they show it?____________________________________ 6. Can I see the movie “G Force” at 3:30?_____________________________ 7. What is it rated?___________________ 8. What is the movie “Stepfather” rated?_____________________ 9. What is the latest time on Saturdays and Sundays that I could see it?________________ 10. What are the dates of the schedule that you were listening to?___________________ 29 Nombre___________________________________ Fecha_____________________________________ Fecha de entrega____________________________ Proyecto: If I were a _______ (Si yo fuera un/una_________) Write a short paragraph about what you would do if you were something else. The paragraph must contain at least 8 conditional verbs. See back for an example. Uso del tiempo durante la clase I used my class time wisely and was not off task. I had a warning to get back to work. 5 Apariencia del proyecto My project is neat with no scribbles. My picture is clear and neat. 5 4 My project has some parts that are not neat. A few scribbles. Picture is not as neat. 4 8 verbos en el potencial (condicional) I have 8 or more verbs. 3 I did not use my time wisely. 2 1 0 My project is sloppy. 2 1 0 3 I have 7-8 verbs. 4 I have less than 7 verbs. 3 2 1 0 5 Gramática Sentido lógico My paragraph makes My paragraph logical sense. contains a couple of errors. 5 4 3 My paragraph has several errors. 2 1 0 30 Nombre_____________________________ Apellido______________________________ Vosotros vais a preparar vuestro viaje ideal. Podéis ir a cualquier lugar en el mundo (donde hablan español). Hay que decirme cuánto os costará el viaje, qué veréis, dónde te quedaréis, qué haréis, cómo viajaréis, etc. Prepararéis un powerpoint solamente con dibujos y presentaréis vuestro viaje a la clase. Necesitaréis por lo menos 25 frases completas. Podéis tener todos los dibujos que necesitéis. Todas las fotos tienen que ser auténticas. You may label places on your powerpoint such as museums and places of interest, but otherwise no words. Checklist for your presentation: País:_______________________________________ 1. _______Seven activities you will do on your vacation. (5 new verbs from this chapter) Pictures must be authentic. 2. _______Eight new vocabulary words from this chapter. 3. _______Where you will stay. (quedarse- to stay) 4. _______Total cost of the trip. US $ and the destinations monetary unit cost. (This must be accurate. You can check online for prices of airfare, hotels, estimate of food, museums, metro or bus system etc.) costar- to cost 5. _______How you will travel. (www.despegar.com) (www.viajar.com) 6. _______Who you will go with. 7. _______What kind of money you will need? (la unidad monetaria-monetary unit) 8. _______What will the weather be like? What will you wear/pack? 9. _______Typical words/phrases you will use while in that country. (You may have translations of words in English on your slides.) 10. _______State which typical holiday from that country you will attend or see. 11. _______What famous person will you meet from that country and what will you tell him/her. 12. _______What typical food will you eat from that country. (3 foods minimum with explanations of what they are. 13. _______Saved in van der Meer’s dropbox folder BEFORE presentation day. Top three websites: Please explain what you used them for and if they would be helpful for all countries or just the country that you chose. Website: Explain: Countries: 1. 2. 3. Hoja de criterios de evaluación Required Elements: Excelente (A/B) Aceptable (C/D) Suspendido (F) 31 Calidad (Quality) Required Elements 1. 7 activities (5 new verbs) 2. 8 new vocab words 3. where staying 4. cost of the trip 5. how traveling 6. who you are going with 7. money 8. weather/what to wear 9. typical words 10. holidays from that country 11. famous person you will meet 12. typical foods you will eat 13. Saved in dropbox Grammar (15 pts) (La gramática) Student often goes beyond basic information and gives many details. Very creative. Student uses more advanced work. Above average for a Spanish IV Student. 5 4.5 4 All but two of the required elements are incorporated into the presentation. Student does not often go beyond basic information and gives some details. Some creativity. Average level for a Spanish IV Student. Student gives very information that lacks details. No creativity or risks taken. 3.5 2 Lacking three or more elements/requirements. Lacking lots of required elements. 15 11 6 0 Flow/Fluidity (La fluidez) 13 12 Student correctly uses chapter grammar with minimal to no errors, including future tense. 15 Pronunciation (La pronunciación) 14 14 13 12 All words and phrases are pronounced clearly and easily understood by audience. Excellent accent. Near native. 3 10 9 8 7 Student uses new chapter grammar, vocabulary and verbs with some errors, including future tense conjugations. 11 10 9 8 7 Most words are pronounced clearly and understood by audience. Accent needs a little work. Native speaker would have a little difficulty. 2 3 Student is well prepared for presentation. It flows well with appropriate pauses. 2 1 5 4 0 3 2 1 Student does not use chapter grammar and/or has many errors. Parts of the presentation were incomprehensible. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pronunciation needs work. Hard to understand by a native speaker. 1 Student is not well prepared for the presentation; has many significant pauses. 1 Total: ________/40 *Ojo: Each time English is used there is a 10% reduction (4 pts.) 32 33 34 Dagmar Hagelin Hola mi familia. Espero que vosotros no est áis preocupado por m í. Cuando vosotros le áis esto, yo ya ser é muerto. El 27 de enero de 1977, cuando yo tenía diecisiete a ños, Alfredo Astiz me dispar ó y me secuestr ó. Él me llev ó a la Escuela Mec ánica de La Armada, un campo de exterminio secreto en Buenos Aires. Yo pens é—Soy una chica Sueca. ¿Qué quieren de m í?— Bueno, ellos me van a matar ma ñana, porque ellos se dieron cuenta de que secuestraron la chica equivocada. Ellos me van a matar ma ñana, para que yo no le diga a mi familia de los horrores de la Escuela Mec ánica de La Armada. Pero, vosotros sab éis ahora. Yo os quiero, Dagmar Hagelin http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/argentina.html http://www.yendor.com/vanished/s-dissent.html http://www.afsa.org/inside/dirty_war.html http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/ After doing an extensive webquest (if anyone would like it, I can send it to you....I stole if off the internet) then we watch Los pasos perdidos. This is an excellent movie about a girl who was stolen and then taken to Spain and raised without knowing the truth of her history. 35 Nombre__________________ Apellido______________________ Por favor, escoge de la lista un evento catastrófico, investígalo y repórtalo a la clase. Ve el criterio de evaluación (RUBRIC) para cumplir con todos los requisitos. Preséntalo en forma de un Power Point con muchos dibujos pero sin palabras en español. (Algunos eventos de la lista NO son catastróficos) Eventos: 1. Los mineros de Chile (2010) 2. Los ataques terroristas de Madrid, España (11 de marzo) 3. El terremoto de Chile 4. FARC de Colombia....el rescate de Ingrid Betancourt 5. César Chávez y el boicot de uvas en California 6. El éxodo de Mariel (desertores del régimen de Castro) 7. Operación Bootstrap (Puerto Rico) 8. Zoot suit riots (y el pachuco) 9. Leszli Kalli – secuestrada por el grupo ELN en Colombia 10. Gran riada de Valencia, España 11. Vuelos de la muerte- Dictaduras del cono Sur 12. Las bombas de Guernica (España- Franco y Hitler) 36 Hoja de criterios de evaluación Diapositivas Investigación 1. Cuándo 2. Dónde 3. Quién 4. Por qué 5. Qué pasó 6. Cómo impactó la sociedad 7. Hechos con detalles Requisitos de vocabulario Requisitos de verbos Presentación y fluidez 20 Frases mínimo Gramática Mínimo de 10 diapositivas. Son interesantes con movimientos. 7-9 diapositivas. Son adecuados pero no muy creativos. Menos de 7 diapositivas. Un poco aburridos. 5 Hechos atrayentes. Excelentes explicaciones. Contestó las preguntas. 4 3 2 Más o menos pudimos entender pero faltó información importante. 1 0 Faltó mucha información importante. 5 3 2 1 0 Mínimo de 5 palabras nuevas del vocabulario. Solamente 3-4 palabras nuevas. Menos de 3 palabras nuevas. 5 5 verbos en el imperfecto del subjuntivo. (Past subjunctive) 5 Presentó sin apuntes y con pausas naturales. Excelente pronunciación. 5 4 3 Solamente 3-4 imperfecto del subjuntivo. 2 1 0 Menos de 3 imperfecto del subjuntivo. 4 3 Hubo interrupciones. Miró ocasionalmente los apuntes. 2 1 0 Varias interrupciones con uso excesivo de los apuntes. 20 frases 5 19-15 frases 4 3 Menos de 15 frases 2 1 0 No había errores. Había 1-4 errores Había más de 4 errores. 4 3 2 1 0 10 Borrador 4 Entregué mi borrador a tiempo. 5 4 9 3 8 7 2 6 5 Entregué un borrador pero tarde. 3 1 0 No entregué un borrador. 0 37 1. http://www.los40.com/nuevo_player/new_player40_t_v2.html?oas=1 *This is a great website to put on in your classroom while students are working. It is a radio station from Spain called: Los cuarenta principales. They speak all in Spanish, play Spanish pop music and also play English music which really surprises the students. 2. http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm *This site has a Jepardy template and you can just plug in your own information. Works great if you have a LCD projector in your classroom. I break them up into groups of 3-4 and have them write the answer down. If they get it correct they keep track of their money on the top of their white boards. 3. http://tpduggan.tripod.com/powerp.html *This is one of my favorite sites. It has powerpoints for almost any grammar topic already made up. They are very good. It also has the template for “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. I use this site several times throughout the year. 4. http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/exercises/index.html *This site has too many cool activities to even list. There are songs that teach certain grammatical points. There are excercises that the students can click on to practice a certain topic. All topics are listed so whatever you are working on they can just go to that topic. 5. http://www.uni.edu/becker/Spanish3.html *Again too many neat things to list. At this site you will find a WIDE variety of activities. Something for everyone. One day a year I take my students to the library and let them explore. They each have to write down 2-3 activities that they really enjoyed and then I can keep the list of the most popular. 6. *http://www.quia.com/ *This has many different games and activities. You can get a 30 day trial free and for only $49.99 you can get a years subscription. Here you can personalize activities to match with your curriculum. The kids enjoy this one. They have matching games, rags to riches, battleship, etc. 7. http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/pret.htm http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/pret2.htm http://www.natalislang.com/spanish_courses/SerEstar.htm (preterite vs. imperfect) 8. *www.bablingua.com 9. *www.quizlets.com 10. * FL TEACH- professional website for sharing ideas 11. *Zachary Jones- has EVERYTHING on his site 12. *www.rtve.es THE BEST FOR LAST!! Current news broadcasts, gameshows, programs. Click on TVE a la carta. Short or long daily broadcasts. 38 39 Aquí tienes una pequeña “biografía” mía, y algunas informaciones para que me conozcáis un poco mejor. Tenéis que completar los huecos (holes) del texto. Para ayudaros, tenéis unas pistas (clues) en la parte inferior de la página. Pero ¡OJO!, hay unas mentiras. ¿Cuál es la mentira del texto? Yo nací el 9 de diciembre de 19____1, en Fargo, Dakota del Norte. Tengo una hermana, Julie, quien vive en Beulah, Dakota del Norte. Asistí al colegio, Oak Grove Lutheran High School y después Moorhead State University en ____________2, Minnesota. Estudié Filología Hispánica e Inglés Como Segundo Idioma durante ____3años. Me gusta el castellano muchísimo y por eso estudié, visité y viví en varios países hispanoparlantes durante mis años universitarios. Viví dos años en ___________4, un año en __________5, tres meses en México y muchos veranos en España. Fui a Colombia tres veces y es un país muy ____________.6Estoy casada con Piet. El habla _____7 idiomas. Piet es abogado en Des Moines. También tengo ______8 hijos. Me mola (me gusta) mucho el __________9, ____________10, el español, leer, pasar tiempo con mi familia, ver pelis (películas) y montar en bici. Tengo mucho miedo de ____________11 y los __________12, especialmente de la Sra. Vander Wilt. Me encanta comer y tengo tantas comidas favoritas que no puedo deciros mi comida preferida. Prefiero las personas amables y tiernas con buenas actitudes. Me mosquean las personas antipáticas. Como profesora no tengo ningún tema tabú, aunque procuro ser muy prudente en algunas cuestiones. Por ejemplo, hay tres temas en los que intento no ser el primero en hablar: _______________, _______________ y ______________. 13 1 MCMLXXI El año en que Evil Knievel saltó 19 coches. Richard Nixon fue el presidente de los EEUU. La ciudad tiene el mismo nombre que la universidad. 3 El número de dedos que tienes en una mano. 4 Una isla tropical que significa “rich port” en inglés. 5 Un país en Centroamérica que significa “rich coast” en inglés. 6 Sinónimo de bonito 7 El número de ojos que tienes por dos. 8 El número de orejas que tienes. 9 Larry Bird es mi jugador favorito. 10 Es un deporte con seis jugadores. Muchas veces la gente lo juega en la playa. 11 Es un verbo que es la acción de lo que hacen los aviones. 12 Es un animal que ladra mucho. 13 De “sexo, drogas y rock and roll” solo es una de las palabras. 2 40 Nombre______________ Apellido________________ Subasta- auction Vamos a tener una subasta con las frases. Cada equipo va a recibir 30€ para apostar. Tu equipo quiere apostar en las frases CORRECTAS. La mayoría de las siguientes frases son INCORRECTAS pero OJO, algunas son CORRECTAS. ¡Buena Suerte! 1. Frestón es don Quijote’s enemigo. 2. Don Quijote puse la lanza en el aspa del molino de viento. 3. Sancho Panza le dijo a don Quijote que no pudo verlos. 4. Don Quijote le dijo que Frestón convirtió los en molinos de viento. 5. Don Quijote y Sancho Panza hicieron muchas expediciones pero el episodio muy conocido es el molino de viento episodio. 6. Don Quijote dijo el enemigo convirtió los gigantes en molinos de viento. 7. Sancho Panza piensó que don Quijote estaba loco. 8. Don Quijote le dijo a Sancho Panza la razón para atacó los. 9. Lo es un molino de viento. 10. El episodio fue muy cómico y interesante. 11. Me gusta la novela. La Sra. van der Meer me la dio. 12. Don Quijote puso su lanza en el aspa de el molino de viento. 13. El viento fuerte levantó don Quijote en el aire. 14. Sancho Panza piensa don Quijote está loco. 15. Don Quijote es alto, flaco, y un poco loco. 16. Sancho no le gustan las ideas de don Quijote. 17. Una día, un caballero andante llamado Don Quijote y su escudero llamado Sancho Panza decidieron ir en una aventura nueva. 41 Nombre___________________________ Apellido__________________________ Vosotros vais a hacer vuestro propio vídeo usando Dfilm movie maker. Podéis trabajar en grupos de dos personas. (Podemos ver mi ejemplo. Está en favoritos en mi ordenador.) 1. Primero hay que ir a este sitio de web: http://www.dvolver.com/live/movies-323222 2. Haced “clic” en movie maker. 3. Haced “clic” en movie maker v2 GO 4. Diseñad vuestra película y escribid el manuscrito. Por lo menos, usaron 5 verbos en el subjuntivo usando los requisitos y APACE una vez. También usaron 2 frases con indicativo. Usaron subjuntivo menos que cinco veces y no usaron APACE. No usaron el indicativo. 5 4 Colocaron todos los acentos y puntuación correctamente. 3 2 1 0 Había errores con la ortografía. 5 4 No había errores con la gramática. 3 2 1 0 Había errores con la gramática o problemas de concordancia. 5 4 3 2 1 0 42 Please use the following for your requirements: 1. Indicative (sure of) Creer Pensar No dudar Es verdad/es cierto Estoy seguro Subjunctive (doubtful) no creer no pensar dudar no es verdad/no es cierto no estoy seguro *Use two of these. 2. Sorprender- to surprise (ie. Me sorprende que ella tenga un coche nuevo.) 3. Temer- to fear 4. Exigir- to demand 5. Rogar (o-ue)- to beg 6. APACE + Subjuntivo (antes de que, para que, a menos que, con tal de que, en caso de que) 43 Repaso capítulo 3 B. Yo voy __ museos los domingos. U. They never go to the theater. V. We have a store in Jefferson. W. There are gas stations in Jeff. Ellos van ___ museo hoy. MPIEZA . The pool s close to the park. T. We always go to the park. S. the city R. the auditorium Toma otro turno. KK. How LL. You often do you read a lot of ride bike? books. JJ. They want to go. II. I like to excercise. HH. On Fridays I go to the gym. UU. I have three skirts. Mueve 2 espacios adelante. Pierdes tu turno. MM. almost never VV. I want to swim in the pool. Mueve 2 espacios atrás. NN. It is bad weather. Pierdes tu turno. Mueve 2 espacios adelante. X.When it hails, I watch movies Mueve 2 espacios atrás. WW. classroom D. the church Y. It is on top of the restaurant. PP. She is tall. E. It is raining. Z. ir/vosotros AA. You all (form) go F. It is snowing. (lose a turn) Pierdes tu turno. G. The gas OO. There are five towns. station is far from the gym. Toma otro turno. (Take another turn) H. next to GG. It is thundering. Q. My ho is in front the libra P. behin O. He wa TT. pink FF. It is cloudy. Mueve espacio adelant XX. Ellos van ___ ___ fiestas. SS. far from EE. It is foggy. N. I wa QQ. Ana and Nora are blonde. RR. underneath Mueve 2 espacios adelante. M. a ga BB. They like to run. CC. He never goes to the bank. DD. She is wearing black shoes. L. Whe are yo going? I. There is a school in Jefferson. Mueve 2 espacios atrás.(back) J. They study a lot. K. There fog. FIN 44 Repaso Cap. 3—ANSWERS A. La piscina está cerca del parque. B. a los C. al D. la iglesia E. Llueve. gimnasio. F. Nieva. G. La gasolinera está lejos del gimnasio. H. al lado de montas la bici? I. Hay un colegio en Jefferson. Ud. lee muchos libros. J. Ellos estudian mucho. K. Hay neblina. L. ¿Adónde vas? M. un juego/ un partido N. Yo quiero O. él quiere P. detrás de Q. Mi casa está enfrente de la biblioteca. R. el auditorio S. la ciudad piscina. T. Nosotros siempre vamos al parque. U. Ellos nunca van al cine. V. Tenemos una tienda en Jefferson. W. Hay gasolineras en Jefferson. X. Cuando graniza, yo miro películas. Y. Está encima del restaurante. Z. vais AA. van BB. (A ellos) Les gusta correr (a ellos). CC. El nunca va al banco. DD. Ella lleva zapatos negros. EE. Hay neblina. FF. Está nublado. GG. Truena. HH. Los viernes voy al II. Me gusta hacer ejercicios. JJ. Ellos quieren ir. KK. ¿Con qué frecuencia LL. Tú lees muchos libros./ MM. casi nunca NN. Hace mal tiempo. OO. Hay cinco pueblos. PP. Ella es alta. QQ. Ana y Nora son rubias. RR. debajo de SS. lejos de TT. rosado UU. (Yo) Tengo tres faldas. VV. Yo quiero nadar en la WW. salón de clase/ aula XX. a las 45 46 47 48 49 50 sujeto→ verbo↓ yo Ana vosotros tú nosotros ellos yo Ana vosotros tú nosotros ellos bailar escribir patinar escuchar comer descansar correr hablar montar sujeto→ verbo↓ bailar escribir patinar escuchar comer descansar correr hablar montar 51 52