June 3, 2012 - Saint Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church
June 3, 2012 - Saint Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church
4300 King Springs Road SE, Smyrna, GA 30082-4214 [email protected] http://www.stthomastheapostle.org June 3, 2012 Parish Office 770 - 432-8579 Fax. 770 - 432-8570 Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00AM—5:00PM Closed Wednesday 1PM-3PM Religious Ed. Office 770 - 432-5296 Summer Office Hours Monday—Thursday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Preschool Office 770 - 432-8579 Ext. 125 Office Hours Tuesday—Thursday 10:00AM - 1:00PM English Mass Schedule Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Confession: Saturdays: 12 Noon 12 Noon 6:30 AM & 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 12 Noon 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM 3:30 PM Horario de Misas en Español Lunes: Jueves: Sábado: Domingo: Confesión: Sábados: Domingos: 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 7:30 PM 6:00 AM 2:00 PM & 7:30 PM 6:30 PM 1:00 & 6:30 PM www.facebook.com/stthomastheapostlechurch Pastor: Rev. James H. Kuczynski, M.S. (x108) Parochial Vicars: Rev. Pedro Chingandu, M.S. (x106) Rev. Andrews Kollannoor, M.S.. (x128) Rev. Jaime Molina J., M.N.M. (x121) Rev. Paul Rainville, M.S. (in residence x.193) Deacons: Rev. Mr. Michael Garrett Rev. Mr. Earl Jackson Rev. Mr. Mark Mitchell Parish Administrator: Mr. Gus Scannapieco (x109) Offertory/Ofertorio May 26-27, 2012 Budgeted (Presupuesto) ............................$32,692.00 Actual (Actual) ............................................$19,319.00 Shortfall (Pérdida) .....................................$13,373.00 Thanks for your generosity! ¡Gracias por su generosidad! FY 2012 Offertory Projection vs. Actual to Date Ofertorio: Proyección vs. Real To Date Budget (Proyección) .............. $1,569,231.00 To Date Actual (Real) ......................... $1,343,808.00 To Date Shortfall (Pérdida)..................... $225,423.00 Update on our Capital Campaign Moving Forward In Hope Campaña Caminando en Esperanza Goal (Meta) ........................................ $5,000,000.00 Pledged (Compromisos) ..................... $3,154,394.00 Paid to date (Pagos) ........................... $1,064,979.00 Number of Donors (No. de Donantes) .............. 1,456 Archbishop Annual Appeal 2012 Llamado Anual del Arzobispo 2012 Goal (Meta)………………………………$131,883.00 Pledged (Compromisos) ........................ $164,119.00 Paid to date (Pagos) .................................$59,280.00 Number of Donors (No. de Donantes) ................. 828 What our children at St. Thomas gave to God… El regalo de nuestros niños a Dios… ♥ May 19-20, 2012 ♥ ♥ Treasure (Tesoro): $347.74 ♥ Time & Talent (Tiempo y Talento) ♥ I helped with decorations. (Ayudé con las decoraciones.) ♥ I’m good. (Estoy bien.) ♥ I am caring to people. (Soy bondados con la gente.) ♥ Sharing. (Comparti) ♥ I helped my brother pedal. (Le ayudé a mi hermano a pedalear.) ♥ I am good to my neighbor. (Soy bueno con mi vecino.) ♥ I passed my CRCT. (Pase mi CRCT.) ♥ I helped my family in the house. (Ayudé a mi famila en la casa.) ♥ I got good grades. (Agaré buenas calificaciones.) ♥ I behaved and helped my mom out. (Me porté bien y le ayudé a mi mamá.) ♥ I cleaned the basement. (Limpé el sotano. ) ♥ I took out the trash. (Tiré la basura.) ♥ I folded my parents’ bed. (Doblé la cama de mis papas.) ♥ I have been good in church. (Me porté bien en la iglesia.) ♥ I went to help my dad. (Le ayudé a mi papa.) ♥ I take care of my family. (Cuido a mi familia.) ♥ The envelopes for Children are available in the Commons Area. Sobres para Niños disponibles en el Area Común. IN OUR PRAYERS EN NUESTRAS ORACIONES June 3, 2012 Please pray for the people who are listed on this Bulletin Sick List. Call the Parish Office to place a name on the list. Then we ask that you contact us one time per month and tell us how they are doing. They are always in our prayers. Crista Acosta Brandi Dabney Ricky Carreño Bob Contino Doris Cushing Paula de Jesus Celestine Ekokobe Paula García Patiño Lauren Garger Sandy Haynes Teri Reese Hull Cordelia Kelly Gloria Kincer Alan Knieter Linda Laurens Shirley Loggins Frank Madden Kristina McGovern Dorothy Madson Leona Morales Sean O’Brien Rodolfo Proaño Arelys Ramírez Mary Ellen Rizzuto Steve Scheneman Lenna Spencer Kimberly Urióstegui Patricia VanBuren Becky Villon Here at St. Thomas the Apostle we have a Prayer Line Ministry. The members of this ministry are dedicated prayer warriors. If you have a prayer request that you would like to place in the care of the Prayer Line, contact Valerie Panditaratne at 770-438-9078 or Email: [email protected] Pray For Our Troops We remember in our prayers all of those who are serving in the military, especially: / Recordamos en nuestras oraciones a todos aquellos que se encuentran sirviendo en el ejército, especialmente: Sgt. Manuel Chico, USA Sgt. Christopher Conkel, USMC SFC Steve Creason, GaARNG SFC Arcelio R. Davis, Jr. USA ET3 Carolyn Deacon, USN Sgt. Sonjanique Ferrell, USA Sgt. Mark Gallant, USA LCpl. Quinn Gordon, USMC SFC Charles Granke, USA PFC Ronald Griffin, Jr., USA Sgt. William Scott Haney, ARNG E3 Spencer Hanemann, USN PFC Brian Harris, USA Maj. Marise James, USAF HMC Damian J. Lovello LT CDR Dominic R. Lovello CW3 Peter Paul Leone, USA CPT Michael McDonald, USMC HM3 Kenneth McIntosh, II, USN 2LT Kyle Pernelli, USA Specialist Robert H. Roberts, USA Major Robert A. Robinson, II USA Pvt. Jeffrey Sanborn, USA Specialist Brian Sanders, USA CPT Anna Smith, ARNG MSG Donald Smith, USA S.Sgt. Michael Throne, USA CW4 Anthony Veney, USA Sgt. Richard Whelan, USMC Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to add a family member who is serving in the military. Increase your retirement income, receive a tax deduction and leave a gift to the parish. All of this will happen when you establish a Charitable Gift Annuity. To establish a Charitable Gift Annuity, you need to be 65 or older and have $10,000 or more. This is a contract between the individual and The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia. You will receive quarterly payments for the rest of your life. The rate of return is based on your age when you establish the annuity. Here are some sample rates: 65 – 4.7%; 70 – 5.1%; 75 – 5.8%; 80 – 6.8%; 85 – 7.8%; 90 or older 9%. To receive a personalized illustration please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation (404) 497-9440 or [email protected] Please visit our website to learn more about creating your Catholic legacy through planned gifts: www.cfnga.org Most Holy Trinity / Santísima Trinidad FAITH FORMATION (Formación de Fe y Catecismo) Family Movie Night PSR will be hosting Family Movie Night on Friday, June 8th. The feature presentation is Madagascar 2. The doors open at 6:30 p.m.; the movie starts at 7:00 p.m. Families are welcome to bring blankets or sleeping bags and wear pajamas. There will be a concession stand selling popcorn, pizza, hot dogs, drinks and more. All children must be accompanied by an adult. No drop offs. Invitamos a todas las familias a una Noche de Película Familiar el 8 de Junio. Las puertas abren a las 6:30 p.m. y la película comienza a las 7:00 p.m. Pueden traer cobijas o “sleeping bags” para sentarse y los niños pueden usar sus piyamas. Habrá venta de palomitas, pizza, hot dogs, y refrescos. Todos los niños deben ser acompañados con un adulto. No se permite niños sin adulto. SUMMER VACATION TIPS FOR STA PARENTS: With your children out of school for the summer, take the opportunity to help them grow in their faith. Make a point to attend at least one weekday mass. Prepare by reading the mass readings of the day. Find them at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/052812.cfm Visit Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays anytime from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Read a bible story and then plan a reenactment of the story. HAVE A HOLY AND SAFE SUMMER! ADULT FAITH FORMATION BOOK OF THE MONTH: Tuesday, June 12th, at 11:00 a.m. in the Adult Faith Formation Building. Join us for discussion of the book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lax by Rebecca Sckloot. A multilayered story about faith, science, journalism, and grace. It is also a tale of medical wonders and medical arrogance, racism, poverty and the bond that grows, sometimes painfully, between two very different women— Skloot and Deborah Lacks—sharing an obsession to learn about Deborah's mother, Henrietta, and her magical, immortal cells. IGNITE! Join us on Tuesday, June 19th at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Sanctuary for an exceptional evening of worship, prayer, music, scriptures and faith stories. Dinner is served at 6:15 p.m. in the Social Hall. Come share in the uplifting sharing and fulfilling worship. CATHOLICISM SERIES RETURNS THIS SUMMER! Join us for the true story of Catholic faith. Answering the call for new evangelization, this multi-media educational program reveals the truth, beauty and goodness of the faith in an unprecedented way. The 9-week Series begins on Tuesday, June 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Faith Formation Building. Each class has its own separate content. Attend a particular class, or attend all classes! Coming in July: (PSR) REGISRATION The Parish School of Religion is designed for students in Kindergarten through the 9th grade who attend public schools. Classes are held on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Our program offers the finest in up-to-the -minute catechetical reflections, exercises, and activities based on the words of Jesus Christ and on his Gospels as celebrated weekly at Sunday Mass. At the same time, the program is filled with the basic teachings of the Catholic faith. Registration forms will be made available to all new students in the Religious Education Office beginning on Monday, July 2nd. Check out our parish website for more information. http://www.stthomastheapostle.org/ education/psr/ Comenzando en el julio: REGISTRACION DE (PSR) Catecismo de niños Las classes de catecismo son para estudiantes de kindergarten hasta el noveno grado que asisten a escuelas públicas. Las clases se imparten los domingos, lunes, miércoles y jueves. El programa ofrece las mejores reflexiones de catequesis, ejercicios, y actividades basadas en las palabras de Jesucristo y en sus Evangelios según se celebra semanalmente en la misa del domingo y contiene las enseñanzas básicas de la fe católica. Las formas de registro estarán disponibles comenzando el 2 de julio en la Oficina de Educación. June 3, 2012 PRESCHOOL SUMMER CAMP (Campamento de Pre-escolar) June 18th – June 21st and June 25th – June 28th Looking for children ages 3 – 5 (ages as of 9/12/2012) to join the fun! Call 770-432-8579 Ext. 125 for more information. Announcing the launching of NO-DOUBT! our brand-new parish newsletter designed to improve communication throughout our faith community. In each edition you will find: Updates on our efforts to build a new church What’s happening in our multitude of ministries Photos of events and parishioners Meet a Family Feature Learn more about our priests Inspirational Articles … and more Subscribe TODAY at: www.stthomastheapostle.org/ communications/newsletter 18-21 de junio y 25-28 de junio Matrícula Abierta para niños de 3 a 5 años de edad (cumplidos el 12 de septiembre, 2012) Llama al 770-432-8579 Ext. 125 para más información. HELP BUILD HOPE (Ayuda a Construir Esperanza) Our St. Thomas Habitat Ministry needs your help as we join in the Cobb Interfaith Habitat effort to build our 19th Habitat for Humanity home. Fundraising and volunteer sign-up has begun. Join in this endeavor to provide a working poor family one of life’s basic needs, affordable housing. Between now and the end of July, STA needs your help to meet its financial and volunteer commitments for this project. Please consider a $30 donation, but give what you can. Donation envelopes are located in the Media Center in Commons. Make checks payable to “Saint Thomas”; write “Habitat” in the “memo” line and place the envelope in the weekly offertory collection. 100 volunteers are needed to help with construction. (On-the-job training will be provided). Volunteers are also needed to help with scheduling workers or to help provide meals for one week. To volunteer, please fill out a volunteer form located in Commons. If you have any questions, you may contact Tony Pearson-Clarke at 770-420-9495 or email Tony at [email protected]. Our Hispanic Evangelization Community is planning a concert of Spanish, Christian music for Saturday, June 30th, from 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. at the Mable House Amphitheater. The cost is $10.00. All are welcome! Concierto de Evangelización el 30 de Junio Anfiteatro MableHouse,5239 Floyd Road, Mableton de 7:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. Donación: $10.00 Thank you for your generosity and for your prayers. Una vez más, nuestra parroquia se unirá a otras iglesias del área para ayudar a construir una vivienda para una familia de escasos recursos a través de Hábitat para la Humanidad. Este año necesitamos la ayuda de 100 voluntarios. Si deseas ayudar a construir debes ser mayor de 16 años. También necesitamos recaudar nuestra meta de $10,000. Para ello, pedimos que cada familia contribuya con $30. Hojas de voluntariado y sobres de donación disponibles en el Área Común. Si están donando con cheque, por favor hacerlos a la orden de “Cobb Habitat for Humanity” y coloquen sus sobres de donación en la canasta, durante las Misas. Most Blessed Trinity / Santísima trinidad AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE (En los alrededores de la Arquidiócesis) Eucharistic Congress June 8 & 9, 2012 Georgia International Convention Center College Park, GA Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory & Auxiliary Bishop Luis R. Zarama invite you to experience our rich and diverse Catholic community at the 2012 Eucharistic Congress. Friday, June 8th Opening Mass at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 9th (procession at 8:30 a.m. Closing Mass at 5:00 p.m.) Free Admission For more information, please contact the Adult Faith Formation Office at 770-432-8579, extensions 122 or 131. Detailed schedule of activities available at www.archatl.com CONGRESO EUCARISTICO Junio 8 y 9, 2012 Georgia International Convention Center College Park, Georgia. El Arzobispo Wilton D. Gregory y el Obispo Auxiliar Luis R. Zarama le invitan a vivir nuestra diversa comunidad católica en el Congreso Eucarístico 2012. BACKPACK 2 BRIEFCASE: Career Quest Ministry at St. Ann is hosting a FREE event to assist college students, recent graduates and/or young underemployed with career strategies on Saturday, June 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information check out www.facebook.com/StAnn.CareerQuest To register call 678/662-3221 or email [email protected] SINGLES CONVENTION: The Catholic Alumni Club International invites you to their annual convention in Charleston, SC July 22nd to the 28th. For more info, go to www.caci.org/conv_natl.php or contact Don at [email protected] Viernes, 8 de junio: Misa de apertura a las 6:30 p.m. Sábado, 9 de junio: Procesión a las 8:30 a.m. y Misa de clausura a las 5:00 p.m. ENTRADA GRATIS Horario de actividades disponible en la página web: www.archatl.com/congress Para más información llama al 770-432-8579 ext. 122 GRACE Scholars, Inc. provides children from families with financial need in Georgia with greater opportunities to secure a quality PK-12 Catholic education. Donors have the opportunity to use their tax dollars toward Catholic school scholarships. But time is running out! As of May 11, the GA Dept. of Revenue had already approved $20.9 million in tax credits. This year, the cap is likely to be met in June—if not sooner. In 2011, 2,700 Georgia taxpayers were denied participation in the education expense tax credit program. Included in this number were more than 500 GRACE-affiliated taxpayers. Don’t let this happen to you in 2012! Apply today for your tax credit approval. (For the latest figures on tax credit approvals, visit the GRACE home page at www.gracescholars.org.) For information and forms, contact: 404-920-7900 or [email protected] www.gr CELEBRATING 50 t h AND 60 t h ANNIVERSARY IN 2012: Archbishop Gregory would like to honor couples married in 1962 and 1952 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 13, 2012, 12:00 p.m. at Saint Brigid Catholic Church. A catered reception will follow for the anniversary couples and their families. Limited tickets available. Contact Nicole Hartman at 404-920-7626 or by e-mail at [email protected] by August 1, 2012, to place your name among the couples to receive an invitation to the Mass and reception. This week in our parish Today’s Gospel Reflection Read Sunday’s gospel, Matthew 28:16-20. MONDAY, JUNE 4 12:00 PM Reflection for Families We don’t need to go to the four corners of the earth to be missionaries. We are called as parents to the same mission as the apostles. We are the first and most significant teachers of our children. We bring them to baptism and show them the Good News. Not only our actions speak to our children about what we believe and how we hope they live Christian lives, but our efforts to prepare them for the sacraments and come to the Lord’s table every week helps them know the full depth of our faith. Bringing the Gospel into Your Family During the past weeks we have been reminded often by Jesus that he will not leave us alone. Sometimes it’s hard to explain to children where someone is whom we can’t see. Like the people in the early Church we have faith but we also have doubt. Share ideas with one another about where we can look for Jesus. In what way can you as a family help other know Jesus’ presence? Discussion Starters 7:30 PM 7:30 PM MASS † Mario Cavaliere † Lucy Cavaliere † Jackie O’Connor MISA PRAISE & PRAYER TUESDAY, JUNE 5 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM MASS † Ernesto Quidgley CENTERING PRAYER BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY CHILDREN’S CHOIR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PRE-EVANGELIZATION SVdP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 6:30 AM 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM MASS Souls in Purgatory ADORATION OVER 50’S BENEDICTION MASS † Carmen Camino LIFETEEN BAND SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES THURSDAY, JUNE 7 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM BIBLE STUDY ROSARY MASS † Keller Zibilich BIBLE STUDY MISA FRIDAY, JUNE 8 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM MASS † Elliot Savary † Ronald Butler DIAZ QUINCEAÑERA FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT CHILDREN’S CHOIR INSTRUMENTAL ASAMBLIE DE ORACIÓN SATURDAY, JUNE 9 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM ULTREYA BAUTISMOS CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHILDERN’S GUITAR CLASS CONFESSIONS MASS † Bill Goodwin CATEQUESIS DE ADULTOS MISA † Juan Carlos Medrano ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA I need Jesus with me especially when… I know how the disciples felt when Jesus left them. I remember someone leaving… I think I would have been a great missionary because… SUNDAY, JUNE 10 CORPUS CHRISTI, YEAR B Exodus 24:3-8 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 Gospel Reflections courtesy of RCL Benziger 6:00 AM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM MISA People of St. Thomas & for Immigration Reform MASS † Keller Zibilich MASS † Caroline Mgbolue NURSERY AVAILABLE JUSTFAITH COMMISSIONING ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS PRE-EVANGELIZATION LEGION OF MARY MASS For all Priests NURSERY AVAILABLE PRE-EVANGELIZACIÓN CONFIRMACIÓN PARA ADULTOS 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM MISA † Miguel Angle Pineda Nursery Available DIVINA VOLUNTAD MASS † Joseph Schneider GUITAR CLASS MISA † Evelio Hernandez Dates and times as of 05-28-12 Heart Screenings at WellStar $99 per individual or $149 per couple. 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Please pray for the people who are listed on this Bulletin Sick List. Call the Parish Office to place a name on the list. Then we ask that you contact us one time per month and tell us how they are...
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