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University of Arizona Libraries Evaluating Websites Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. Come up with search terms from examining your meme Search for and locate a scholarly source explaining your group’s meme Use the CRAAP Test to determine if the source is credible Each group will then report out to the class, both explaining their meme and why or why not their source is credible Meme: Unimpressed Astronaut Keywords ___________________________________________________ Source ______________________________________________________ CRAAP Test Currency: _______________________________________________________________ Relevance: ______________________________________________________________ Authority: _______________________________________________________________ Accuracy: _______________________________________________________________ Purpose: ________________________________________________________________ University of Arizona Libraries Evaluating Websites Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. Come up with search terms from examining your meme Search for and locate a scholarly source explaining your group’s meme Use the CRAAP Test to determine if the source is credible Each group will then report out to the class, both explaining their meme and why or why not their source is credible Meme: Casually Pepper Spray Everything Cop Keywords ___________________________________________________ Source ______________________________________________________ CRAAP Test Currency: _______________________________________________________________ Relevance: ______________________________________________________________ Authority: _______________________________________________________________ Accuracy: _______________________________________________________________ Purpose: ________________________________________________________________ University of Arizona Libraries Evaluating Websites Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. Come up with search terms from examining your meme Search for and locate a scholarly source explaining your group’s meme Use the CRAAP Test to determine if the source is credible Each group will then report out to the class, both explaining their meme and why or why not their source is credible Meme: Neil deGrasse Tyson Reaction Keywords ___________________________________________________ Source ______________________________________________________ CRAAP Test Currency: _______________________________________________________________ Relevance: ______________________________________________________________ Authority: _______________________________________________________________ Accuracy: _______________________________________________________________ Purpose: ________________________________________________________________