Welcome to the Parish Community of
Welcome to the Parish Community of Sacred Heart Church illustration by Sheri George 1 6 2 7 G R A N D AV E N U E • W E S T D E S M O I N E S , I O WA 5 0 2 6 5 JULY 24, 2016 ● 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WELCOME Welcome to all our visitors, newcomers and parishioners!! If you are new to our faith community and are interested in becoming a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, please stop by the Parish Office or call 225-6414, for a New Member Packet. We have programs and activities available for everyone. We offer RCIA for adults who wish to become Catholic. The names of the pastoral staff members, committee members and ministry chairperson, and their phone numbers are listed on this page. SACRED HEART PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral staff members are available to help parishioners when they are celebrating the good times or hurting during times of crisis. Consider contacting the following pastoral staff members to help you through a difficult time. FR. CHRIS HARTSHORN, PASTOR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 310 FR. LUIS MEJIA, PAROCHIAL VICAR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313 SACRED HEART PARISH STAFF Rev. Mr. Ron Myers, Deacon 226-8466 Rev. Mr. Randy Horn, Deacon 224-1113 Deacon Ed Garza, Pastoral Care [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 315 \ Sheila Hancock, Director of Music/Worship & Wedding Coordinator [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 318 Casey Conner, RCIA Director [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 309 Deanna Lane, Youth Ministry Director [email protected] 225-0546 Rosario Manzano, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 304 Loralee Chase, Family Ministry [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 309 Kayla Richer, Children’s Faith Formation Director [email protected] 225-6414, Ext. 319 SACRED HEART SCHOOL STAFF Jane Kinney, Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 142 Mary Jo Kever, Vice Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 140 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday ....................................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday ................... 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1pm Spanish Mass Daily Mass ........................ Monday through Friday 8:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday .................................................. 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office ..................Phone: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 School......................................................................... 223-1284 Children’s Faith Formation..................................... 225-6414 Youth Ministry .........................................................225-0546 Sunday Faith Formation Preschool....................... 225-6414 Parish Center Scheduling ....................................... 225-6414 Weekday Preschool ................................................. 226-2146 Sacred Heart Plus. ..................................................226-9662 www.sacredheartwdm.org SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office to register for required Baptism Classes. Parents are asked to call before the birth of their child. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office six months, or more, in advance. Preparation classes are required. NEWCOMERS Please register by phone, or in person, at the Parish Office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. For address changes, or if leaving the parish, please call the Parish Office at 225-6414. COMMITTEE & MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Art & Environment ................................ Pam Douglas, 224-0032 Board of Religious/Academic Education ............................................Chris Wilson, 480-5472 Tara Nelson, 991-4432 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Coordinator …………………………….… Mary Zug, 225-6414 Knights of Columbus....................................Bill Wieland, 321-7980 Prayer Line ............................. Wynanda Ferguson, 225-7200 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul .............................. Rita Dette, 223-6095 Teresa Kordick, 224-9274 Women’s Guild ...................................... Barb Baker, 339-1561 Pastoral Council ...................................Carol Smith, 771-3082 [email protected] Young Adult Director …………….…....Jennifer Leon 225-6414 [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINES: log onto our web site for information about deadlines and submission guidelines. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: www.sacredheartwdm.org WEBMASTER: [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Sacred Heart Parish is to be the spiritual focal point for the Catholic Christian community in our portion of the Diocese of Des Moines. This community: Believes and proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord; Calls its people to experience and put into practice the love of Jesus Christ; Draws its people into the social and spiritual life of the parish so that each has a sense of belonging; Seeks to help its members take on the "mind of Christ" through prayer, study and worship; Uses and returns the gifts and talents God has given; Is itself a sign calling its members to hear and respond in ministry to the spiritual and temporal needs of people within the parish and beyond. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 2 PASTORAL CARE If I can be of assistance to you or a loved one, please contact me. I have many resources to share with you. Deacon Ed Garza [email protected] Pastoral Care Last week I wrote about three types of “health”; physical, mental and spiritual. I said that all three come together under “Holistic Health”. I also said that I would address aspects of all three in the weeks ahead. Today I am excited about a workshop that Sacred Heart Parish is putting together that will address all “three aspects of Holistic Health” I wrote about last week. Sal Salgado, long time Sacred Heart parishioner came to see me, along with Bill Wieland, Knights of Columbus President, to discuss a two hour workshop based on Sal’s A.R.T. program. A.R.T. stands for Awareness, Release, and Transformation. Sal is a popular image consultant, television personality, counselor and speaker. Through the national Look Good, Feel Better program, Sal helps recovering cancer patients navigate the journey through the healing process. His presentations for all audiences combine practical tips on building image, selfconfidence and self-worth. And thanks to his own A.R.T. program, his presentations help everyone look and feel their best for greater success at home and at work. He would like to share his insights to Sacred Heart as a way of giving to the parish. His workshop will include Sal’s presentation, plus a nutritionist and a physical fitness expert. Please mark Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 6:30 -0 8:30 on your calendar. The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring the event. If you have any questions please contact me at the parish office or email me at [email protected]. A ministry close to my heart is spiritual healing. A good book I just read is Remembering God’s Mercy: Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful Memories by Dawn Eden. I have 3 copies in my office if anyone would like to borrow and/or discuss. Just contact me and I would be glad to loan out. ADORATION Sacred Heart Parish continues to have Adoration every First Tuesday of the month. The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will occur after 8:00 am Mass & reposition will be at 7:00 pm. Our next opportunity for Adoration will be Tuesday, August 2nd. You are welcome to stop in anytime from 8:00 REFLECTIONS FOR THE WEEK am to 7:00 pm. Please use the North Church Doors - the other doors will be locked. In the event of a funeral, Adoration will be suspended for the duration of the funeral and will resume after the funeral for the remainder of the day. For more information, visit the Sacred Heart website under “worship”. 53RD SUNDAY APPEAL DRAWING WINNERS Jose & Betty Olivencia, Ken & Beth Morton and Madeline Rocha are our lucky winners in the 53rd Sunday Appeal drawing. They each won a $100 gift card to Hy-Vee. Thank you to everyone for your support. We had a very successful response! Your generosity is greatly appreciated. THROUGH THE WATERS OF BAPTISM WE WELCOME INTO OUR SACRED HEART FAITH COMMUNITY Mia Paola Piña Bañuelos Daughter of Antonio Piña Bonilla & Martha Nayeli Bañuelos Sánchez Prayer is talking with God and listening to God in our hearts. Where do you talk to God and how do you listen to what God says to you? Jesus teaches us how important it is to pray. How do you ask God for what you need? How do you listen for his response? Jesus teaches us how to pray. When this past week did you take the time to pray, to talk to and listen to God? Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the family of the following … Matthew R. Ney Father of Sacred Heart Music Ministry accompanist, Karen Kalianov ...God grant him eternal rest Esmeralda Hernandez Lozano Daughter of Fernando Hernandez Cabrera & Angelica Lozano Esparza SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 3 YOUTH MINISTRY “SMASH” CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION “CFF” Student Ministry at Sacred Heart offers spiritual, service and social opportunities to teens in grades 9-12. Contact Deanna Lane, Director of Youth Ministry, for more information at 225-0546 or [email protected]. Kayla Richer, Director [email protected] Debbie Chalik, Coordinator [email protected] Marcia Schaul, Office Associate [email protected] SERVICE IN THE SUMMER: Summer is a great time to share your gifts and talents by serving others in our community. Here are some of my favorite places to volunteer. This is a perfect opportunity to fulfill Confirmation and school service hours. Courage League Sports - Courage League Sports is a non-profit adaptive sports and recreational facility in Urbandale that offers programming for children and adults who aren't able to go full speed due to a physical, cognitive or emotional disability. By adapting the pace, equipment, or nature of an activity, Courage League can provide a safe and accessible environment where participants can go at their own speed. Volunteers are needed daily to partner up with one or two kids/adults and assist them during a game or practice. Get more information at www.courageleaguesports.com or call 421-4021 to volunteer Meals from the Heartland - Meals from the Heartland is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers from businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across the United States and around the world. Volunteer at the convenient packaging center right in Valley Junction. Visit www.mealsfromtheheartland.org for more information or to sign up for a meal packaging shift. Habitat for Humanity - Sacred Heart is partnering with other Catholic churches in the area to build a home for a deserving family in Des Moines. If you are at least 16 years old you can join them on the construction site. Visit www.sacredheartwdm.org and click on the scrolling Habitat banner to learn more or contact Pat Baumhover at 202-2165 or email at [email protected] EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Sacred Heart Catholic School, located in West Des Moines, Iowa, is seeking a motivated, licensed music teacher who wants to share their love of music with students in K-8th grade for the 2016-17 school year. To assure the continuation and enhancement of the quality, well established, successful vocal music program the teacher should possess quality piano skills. The position is full-time with benefits. Interested candidates should apply through Teach Iowa. Questions may be directed to principal Jane Kinney at [email protected] Bachelor’s degree in Education required. Experience in Elementary classroom teaching in vocal music and Catholic preferred but not required. Candidates are asked to provide the following information to PreK-8 Principal Jane Kinney via email or postal mail: - Letter of Application - Application (attached) - Resume - Transcripts - Teaching License - References Registration for Children’s Faith Formation: If you have not yet registered for Children’s Faith Formation, please register on-line immediately! Go to the web page: www.sacredheart wdm.org. On the Home page, watch the scrolling banner and look for the image listed below. To register for Sunday Preschool, click on the image of the daisies; To register for Wednesday CFF, click on the image of the praying girl; To register for 2017 Confirmation, click on the image of the bishop. Please call the CFF office if you have questions at 515-225-6414, ext. 316. We are on summer hours, so leave a message and we will return your call. If you wish to email us, send your email to: debbie.chalik @sacredheartwdm.org. RENOVATIONS Sometime in July we will be tearing out the concrete enclosure near the North entrance to the Parish Center. Please plan accordingly, to use other entries for your meetings and as an entrance to our sanctuary. This area will be off limits for 2 weeks, minimum. RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS HAVE YOU GONE THROUGH THE RCIA PROCESS? If you have gone through the RCIA process at Sacred Heart, I would like to invite you to sign up for e-mail updates regarding parish events and RCIA news. In order to streamline our communications in the parish, we have subscribed to a service known as “Flocknote.” It’s easy to use, and only takes a few moments to sign up. On the home page of our parish website, www.sacredheartwdm.org, click on “Contact Us.” On the right side of the screen is a place to put your first and last names, e-mail address and cell phone number. Then click “Sign Me Up.” You will receive a verification e-mail/text. At this point you can choose the groups you would like to sign up for. Please sign up for “RCIA Alumni.” That will allow you to receive these group messages. You can unsubscribe at any time! Plus, if you move out of the parish or change email addresses or cell phone numbers, you can update this information so we always have the correct information for you. Questions: contact Casey Conner, RCIA director, at [email protected]. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 4 FINANCIAL MESSAGE – JUNE 2016 Actual: $163,873 Budget: $155,000 (based on historical giving by month) Overage: $8,873 Shortfall for the fiscal year: $42,518* *the church fiscal year begins July 1 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL Assessment: $251,660 Pledged: $ 271,109 Paid to Date: $252,638 Balance: $(19,449) Number of Participating Parishioner Families: 735 LIGHT FOR TOMORROW Pledged: $3,038,180 Paid to Date: $2,833,692 Written Off: $191,195 Pledges with outstanding balances: 29 Number of Participating Parishioner Families: 714 SATURDAY/SUNDAY, July 30/31 TITHES - Monthly 4:00 PM Servers: Reese Ervin, Giselle & Jose Sanchez Lectors: Jerry Hancock, Jodene Areges, Tom Robson 8:00 AM Servers: Maddie & Riley McElroy, Cole Nelson Lectors: Bill Cook, Mike McColley, Ann Michelson 9:30 AM Servers: Gabriel Cook, Pilar Fisher, Caitlin Webb Lectors: Casey & Paul Conner, Jody Judge 11:15 AM Servers: Grace Kelly, Elizabeth & Patrick Warren Lectors: JoAnn Fischer, Tom Hunter, Leon Hofer SHARING GOD’S GIFTS Goal: $2,505,000 Pledged: $2,129,027 Paid to Date: $1,370,935 Number of Participating Parishioner Families: 532 "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." (Hebrews 13:16) REGISTER NOW FOR SUNDAY MORNING PRESCHOOL From September through April, we offer a Sunday morning preschool for our littlest members who are 3, 4 or 5 years old by September 15. Preschool is held during the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday morning. During that hour, the children have music and games, stories and prayers to help them begin to learn the basics of their Catholic faith. The cost for the entire year is $100. If you are interested in enrolling, please call the CFF office at 225-6414, ext 316 or register on line. To register online, go to the home page of our web site (www.sacredheartwdm.org) and click on the image of the daisies. RELOCATION OF VOTIVE CANDLES Due to safety concerns, placement of votive candles located in the gathering space and sanctuary will be changed. Candles currently in the gathering space will be relocated into the sanctuary. Some of the candles currently located in the sanctuary will be removed (after they have completely burned out). SACRED HEART SCHOOL KITCHEN JOB OPENING This position is a shared - part time job (Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday) in the Sacred Heart School Kitchen, 12 - 18 hours per week. Qualifications include: being organized, upbeat, team player, the ability to work quickly & efficiently, ability to work with staff and kids, being flexible and basic math skills. Please contact Beckie Grenier, Food Service Director, for details and application, phone - 223-1284 ext 144 or beckie.grenier@sacred heartwdm.org. Sat. July 23 4:00 pm Paul Thomas Sun. July 24 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm William Shinkle John Schneider Mary Jane Beaumier Sacred Heart Parishioners Mon. July 25 8:00 am Leo Morman Tues. July 26 8:00 am 10:00 am Wed. July 27 8:00 am Jean Lowder Thurs. July 28 8:00 am Dorothy Kamentz Fri. July 29 8:00 am John Scheidel Sat. July 30 4:00 pm Ramon Rocha Sun. July 31 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm Versackas Family Mark Mulvihill Charles Dickinson Sacred Heart Parishioners Karen Heddinger Grace Isaacs (Fountain West) Readings for the Week of July 24 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Gn 18:20-32/Ps 138:1-3, 6-8/Col 2:12-14/ Lk 11:1-13 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28 Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8-11, 13/Mt 13:36-43 Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18/ Mt 13:44-46 Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1-6/Mt 13:47-53 Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34/ Mt 14:1-12 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/ Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21 SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 5 GIFT—GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER ADULT FAITH FORMATION TEAM MAGNA 24 UPCOMING EVENTS July 11 – regular meeting in the library 7pm July 20 – MAGNA night out at the ICubs. First pitch 7:08pm. Please RSVP to Bryan (515-720-4853 or [email protected]). *Can you guess which MAGNA man is an ICubs announcer? Answer at the game! July 25 – No MAGNA meeting. instead on July 20! Please join us at the ICubs game VIDEO SERIES coming this Fall: don’t like homework? no time? ….this course is for YOU! Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church's most influential people. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players is a multi-part film series that illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. Learn about St. Francis, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Henry Newman, St. Catherine of Siena, Michelangelo and many more pivotal players! *weekly video and discussion *no at home preparation or study. $20 for the 13 week course. *Wednesday daytime, 1-2pm *Tuesday evening 7-8pm. Sign up today online (www.sacredheartwdm. org/learn) or email ([email protected]) “KNIGHT’S CORNER” KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #9632 NEWS Last week we installed new officers to lead our council this new fiscal year starting July 1. Congratulations to our new grand knight, Enrique Cruz-Garcia. Fathers Chris and Luis will again be co-Chaplains. The remaining officers are Dave Brommel, Bob Douglas, Neil Donohoe, Matt Hager, Norton Hatlie, Steve Miller, Marty Nealon, Paul Nielsen, Dick Robson, Tom Robson and immediate past grand knight Bill Wieland. Thank you gentlemen for stepping up to lead our council this year. Enjoy the quiet of July because KC activities start to pick up again in August. Please refer to our Sacred Heart Council #9632 website (see address below) for lots more information and details on upcoming activities. CALENDAR AUGUST August 15, Monday: Monthly business meeting beginning with Rosary at 6:00 August 26 & 27, Friday and Saturday: Tootsie Roll drive at local grocery stores August 27, Saturday: Sacred Heart annual parish picnic following Mass www.sacredheartwdmkofc.org WOMEN’S GUILD Find the Women’s Guild page on the website under “organizations” The Women's Guild is busy planning a service-filled year. Please mark your calendar for our Fall Friendship Night, September 13th. Did you know? The Women's Guild made over 130 casseroles for the Domestic Violence Center. FIFTH SUNDAY COLLECTION Did you know the special fifth Sunday collection for St. Vincent de Paul is for your Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society? The money collected is used to help our parishioners and members of our community who may need temporary monetary assistance with utilities, rent, and other basic needs, as well as for various activities such as feeding the poor through Connection Cafe, or playing Bingo with senior citizens at a local retirement home. We will have this special collection next Sunday. Thank you in advance for your generosity. For more information or to become a member of Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul, please contact Rita Dette at [email protected]. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 6 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Our progress on the house has been great so far as you can see from the pictures. We have great news about the home we are building. We now have a buyer! The new home owners will be Lila and Chhali who have elected to purchase the Habitat house that CCOF is helping sponsor and build at 2753 Euclid Ave. Lila and Chhali are excited to have room for their children Emily (5) and Ryan (2) to play and are thrilled that they will soon have three other Habitat home buyers as neighbors. We were honored to have the Channel 5 crew out on Friday 6/17 who worked all day and also filmed the activities for the day. There is even more good news! Thanks to the great generosity of the parish I am pleased to announce that we have met our goal of $5000 for the build. We cannot thank you all enough. Here is the board everyone got to sign, in support. It is right inside the front door. Here are the work days we have left in August. Please feel free to sign up online. There is always a large variety of different tasks that can be done. And regardless of experience there is work for everyone. We can still use a meal coordinator for either of the 2 days noted below 8/17 and 8/20. Wednesday, 8/10/16: Interior & exterior finishes Saturday, 8/13/16: Interior & exterior finishes Wednesday, 8/17/16: Interior finishes & possibly landscaping + provide 20 meals Saturday, 8/20/16: Interior finishes & possibly landscaping as well as cleaning the house & yard + provide 20 meals. Here is the link you can use to sign up: http:// greaterdesmoines habitatforhumanity.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/? id=13547. If you have any questions please feel free to call me or email Pat Baumhover at 515-202-2165 or [email protected] "But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn, and cared for him." - Lk 10:33-34 Did You Know ? Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. With the recent housing crisis and availability of vacant homes, many Habitat affiliates are doing more home rehabilitations, including owneroccupied critical repairs, weatherization and exterior home preservation services for homeowners in need. Habitat follows a nondiscriminatory policy of family selection. Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing partner families. Partner families are always selected based on their level of need, ability to pay and willingness to partner. Decisions regarding who will be approved for a home mortgage with Habitat are based on three criteria: The family’s ability to repay a no-profit mortgage. The family’s need for safe, decent affordable housing. The family’s willingness to partner with their local affiliate. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 7 AROUND THE DIOCESE ST. JOSEPH BLUE & GOLD GALA Please join us for the Inaugural St. Joseph’s Blue and Gold Gala. It will be held on Saturday, October 8th at 6:00 pm at the Embassy Suites Downtown. This black tie event will feature a meal, silent auction and dancing with a live band. With much work and dedication, Saint Joseph opened its doors to 95 students in the fall of 1949. Today we serve a diverse population of nearly 270 students from preschool through 8th grade. We continue to be the only Catholic Parish school on the east side. Students come from Des Moines, Altoona, Pleasant Hill, Ankeny, Elkhart and Colfax for the quality education and family based environment St. Joseph offers. The proposed St. Joseph Catholic School Addition and Renovation is designed to support the success of students, recruit additional families and make the facilities accessible. “We plan for generations of children we will never know…and plant trees under whose shade we will never sit.” Thank you for considering an investment in this special project that will positively impact our community. FAITH JOURNEY CATECHETICAL INSTITUTE Are you a Catholic who wants to grow deeper into relationship with Christ and His Church? Do you want to learn more about the greatest love story in the world, the story of Christ’s love for you and how you can return that love? Do you want to be strengthened in your understanding of our Church’s teachings? If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Catechetical Institute is for you! Please contact John Huynh at [email protected] or 515-2375006 to begin your faith journey into the heart of our faith. More information can also be found at www.facebook.com/ FaithJourneyIA or http://www.dmdiocese.org/about-catecheticalinstitute.cfm All parishioners invited to complete readership survey We want to hear what you think about The Catholic Mirror The diocesan monthly newspaper, The Catholic Mirror, is in the midst of a readership survey that will help with the development of a communication strategy to better serve the Catholic community in central and southwestern Iowa. The survey takes about five minutes to complete. Please take a few minutes to tell us what information regarding your Catholic faith and the Church is most important to you. Your answers will only be seen by outside consultants and are confidential. The survey can be found on page five of this month's edition of The Catholic Mirror, which is expected to reach mailboxes this weekend. Or, the short survey can be completed online: https:// www.surveymonkey.com/r/DioDesMoines The Diocese of Des Moines includes 80 parishes in 23 counties in central and southwest Iowa. JUBILEE OF MERCY Pope Francis called on God to pour out his mercy upon us “like the morning dew, so that everyone may work together to build a brighter future.” What images come to mind when you think of morning dew? Of a fresh day? Of newness? Could there be a parallel with baptism? SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 8 FOR YOUR INFORMATION ANUNCIOS IMPORTANTES Hailey Liston is a Sacred Heart parishioner who recently graduated from Northwest Missouri State University and accepted a full-time position as a Missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) and will be serving at the University of Tulsa in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the fall. "FOCUS is a campus outreach that pursues college students with intentionality and love. We invite them into a growing relationship with Jesus and the Catholic faith, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendship in which they can lead others to do the same. I'm incredibly excited to share with the students of Tulsa how Christ has impacted my life and how He can impact theirs if they allow Him in! Preparing for campus, I am making it a goal to share with the Sacred Heart family how God has called me higher, my resistance at first, and then my loud and joyous 'YES'! So, please, do not be afraid to call me and I would love to meet up and share my story so you could hopefully be touched by it or share it with others as well! I have just a couple of short weeks left here in Des Moines before having to report on mission in Tulsa. Feel free to contact me from my information below and show your support by meeting up or sharing any prayer intentions that I can prayerfully send to the Lord in my daily prayer! St. Joseph The Worker, pray for me! Hailey Liston [email protected] (515) 865-0899 WALK THAT MORE MAY EAT The Des Moines Area Hunger Hike is the opening event of the World Food Prize week. Taking place on the second Sunday each October, the Hunger Hike serves as a visible witness to the concern about hunger, both locally and globally. Hundreds of people of all ages, a coalition of institutions, organizations, denominations, and faiths gather to “walk that more may eat.” Since 1969, Hikers have raised over 1 million dollars to help alleviate the problem of hunger in our community and abroad. Donations are distributed among nonprofit agencies and programs that provide food to those in need. Over 96% of funds are allocated for food purposes, with less than 4% covering the required insurance, publicity and postage expenses. To participate in the Hunger Hike on October 9, request a packet by emailing [email protected] and begin collecting donations. Online donations may be made at desmoineshungerhike.org. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/desmoineshungerhike. Looking for ways to volunteer? We have many ways to participate in the Hunger Hike, such as serving as a guide along the route or helping hand out food and drink at the end of the Hike. Please let us know if you are available to help some way on Hike Day! MARQUE SU CALENDARIO! La Conferencia Católica Regional Cristo Nuestra Vida (“Christ Our Life”) se realizará desde el 24 al 25 de Setiembre del 2016 en el Wells Fargo Arena. La página de internet está ya lista y contiene información de los presentadores y el costo de las entradas. Puede comprar entradas por medio del internet hasta Agosto del 2016. En las siguientes semanas estaremos distribuyendo marcadores de libros para este evento que dicen “MARQUE SU CALENDARIO” (“SAVE THE DATE”). Más información estará disponible en cuanto nos acerquemos más a la fecha de este evento espectacular. Oración de Católicos Regresando a Casa O Dios de misericordia y compasión, Te damos gracias por el regalo de la fe. Conforme comenzamos ésta iniciativa de Católicos Regresando a Casa, Manda el Espíritu Santo sobre tus parroquias para renovarnos en fe y amor de ti, el autor de vida. Permítenos compartir la buena nueva del Evangelio, Amor y perdón del Padre, Con palabras amorosas y obras de cariño, Para que Católicos que regresan puedan ser atraídos a tu Iglesia, Sentirse parte de la familia Católica, Profundizar su fe por su participación en los sacramentos y vida parroquial, y seguir el camino de Tu Hijo, Jesús, Quien es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Que María Madre de Dios interceda por todos nosotros. Hacemos nuestra oración por Jesús nuestro Señor. Amen. Los programas de radio en español Nosotros invitamos a escuchar programas de radio en español. Fortaleciendo Nuestra Fe Saturdays at12:00pm La Reina 1260AM La Linea de la Esperanza Wednesday at11:00am La Reina 1260AM La Hora de Cristo Rey Thursdays at11:00am La Ley 105.5 FM CUIDADO DE NUESTRO SANTUARIO Por favor, abstenerse de poner goma de mascar debajo de las bancas y en el suelo de nuestro santuario. También, si usted trae cereales secos para que su hijo coma durante la Misa, por favor tenga cuidado de no dejarlos.Crea basura en el piso y en los asientos de las bancas. Gracias por su consideración. SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 9 BIENVENIDOS Bienvenidos a todos nuestros visitantes, los recién llegados y feligreses !! Si usted es nuevo en nuestra Parroquia y desea ser miembro de la Iglesia Católica Sagrado Corazón, por favor pase por la oficina parroquial o llame al 515-2256414 para facilitarle el Registro de Nuevo Miembro. Tenemos programas y actividades disponibles para todas las edades. Ofrecemos el programa RICA para quienes deseen convertirse en Católicos. La lista con los nombres de los miembros del personal pastoral, miembros del Comité y presidentes de los ministerios y sus números de telefóno se encuentran bajo esta sección. HORARIOS DE MISA EN FIN DE SEMANA Sábado…………………………………………………………...……………….4:00 pm Domingo 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1:00 pm Misa en Español Misa Diaria……...………………………......Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN Sábado…………………………………..…………………..2:30 pm to 3:30 pm NÚMEROS TELEFÓNICOS Teléfono de la Parroquial: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 Formación en la Fé para niños…………………….…….…….225-6414 Ministerio de Jóvenes…………………………………….…..…. 225-0546 www.sacredheartwdm.org SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia dében contactar a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse en las clases obligatorias para Padres y padrinos. A los padres se les pide comunicar su solicitud antes del nacimiento de sus hijos. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia, se les pide contactar a la oficina parroquial con seis meses, o mas de anticipación de la fecha prevista para el matrimonio. Clases de preparación matrimonial son requeridas. RECIEN LLEGADOS Nuevos parroquianos por favor registrarse por teléfono o en la oficina parroquial entre las 8:00 am y 3:30 pm . Para cambios de domicilio, o si dejan la parroquia por favor comunicar a la oficina paqrroquial al teléfono 515-225-6414 COMITES Y PRESIDENTES DE MINISTERIOS Si Ud. Esta interesado en pertenecer a algunos de los Ministerios de la parroquia, favor comunicarse: 515-2256414, extension 313. SACERDOTES SAGRADO CORAZON PADRE CHRISTOPHER HARTSHORN, PARROCO [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 310 PADRE LUIS MEJIA, VICARIO PARROQUIAL [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313 Porque tenemos tantos conflictos en nuestra vida? Los conflictos estan presentes en cada momento de nuestra vida : en nuestra casa, escuela, trabajo, en la comunidad, en la iglesia, y en la sociedad. Vivir sin conflictos suena de alguana manera imposible; porque ellos forman parte de nuestra vida. Algunas veces los conflictos son parte de nuestro proceso de conversion. En los evangelios vemos como Jesus tiene algunos conflictos con las auotoridades religiosas. Por ejemplo en el evangelio de san Mateo encontramos que Jesus tiene un conflicto con los fariseos porque estan muy apegados a la ley. Una ley que para Jesus es algo de la boca para fuera. Jesus no encuentra sinceridad de corazon en esas palabras. Jesus condena esta actitud porque par las autoridades civiles de su tiempo, Dios es aquel que juzga y condena a aquellos que no siguen la ley al pie de la letra. Jesus , sin embargo; les da a conocer a un Dios de misericordia, que perdona, y que ama. Mis queridos hermanos vivimos en un mundo dividido por los problemas y conflictos. Vivimos y formamos parte de una sociedad que no escuha la palabra de Dios. Yo los exhorto a que no sigamos la ensenanzas del mundo; mas bien les invito a que practiquen la misericordia. “RINCÓN DE LOS CABALLEROS” CABALLEROS DE COLON CONSEJO #9632 NOTICIAS La semana pasada tuvimos la toma de poseción de nuestros funcionarios (oficiales) que van a dirigir este año fiscal empezando el día 1 de julio. Felicidades a nuestro nuevo Gran Caballero Enrique Cruz Garcia, a los sacerdotes Padre Chris y Padre Luis nuestros co-capellanes. El resto de los funcionarios son Dave Brommel, Bob Douglas, Neil Donohoe, Matt Hager, Norton Hatlie, Steve Miller, Marty Nealon, Paul Nielsen, Dick Robson, Tom Robson y nuestro pasado Gran Caballero Bill Wieland. Agradecemos a estos caballeros en aceptar dirigir al consejo este año fiscal. Agradecemos por su participación en nuestra venta de tacos del día 17 de julio. A continuación les presentamos nuestro calendario de actividades. CALENDARIO Agosto Lunes 15 de agosto: Monthly business meeting beginning with Rosary at 6:00 Jueves y viernes 25 y 26 de agosto: Campaña Tootsie Roll en las tiendas de supermercado Sábado 27 de agosto:: Picnic del Sagrado Corazón después de misa www.sacredheartwdmkofc.org SACRED HEART CHURCH · WEST DES MOINES, IA · PAGE 10
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