Utila East Wind


Utila East Wind
Issue no.9. Utila, The
Bay Islands, Honduras
Utila’s Monthly newspaper
Utila East Wind
Dedicated to Utila
Free animal
health clinic
Page 4
Diver dies
after deep dive
Page 5
project on Utila
Page 10
22nd January 2006
Blue Pages
By Deborah Yewdell
Local men Andrew Bernard and Lance Bernard have been declared heroes after their
quick-thinking actions saved the life of a
drowning man. Without their help Canadian
tourist, Marc Andre Beaudry, 55, would almost certainly have died.
The duo was returning from work when they
spotted a large object in the water about
200ft from the shore close to Cheppes
Beach. At first they didn’t realize it was a
person, but when Lance, 21, went for a closer look he discovered a body face down in
the water.
After shouting to Andrew, 27, to get help,
Lance began pulling the body out of the
water. Lance, also known as Sidway, said:
“The man was face down and he had snorkel gear on and had a bag with him. I just
pulled him out of the water as quickly as I
could while Andrew was calling the medical
center to get help.”
Back at the shore, Lance and Andrew discovered Mr. Beaudry was completely unconscious and they feared he was dead until they heard a sigh. Then Andrew went to
work performing CPR - an action that Dr
John believes certainly saved the uncon-
scious man’s life.
Dr John said: “I think Mr. Beaudry was unconscious in the water and I doubt he would
have survived if they hadn’t pulled him out
of the water, given him CPR and brought
him down to the medical center.”
Modest Andrew added: “We just did what
anyone would have done, but it was a relief
when he started breathing again. I’m just
glad I knew how to perform CPR - it is definitely something everyone should learn.”
“When I saw him I said he’s dead, he was
as white as Spanish cheese. They said no
he’s breathing, get him inside. His blood
pressure was normal, so was his pulse and
respiration. His lungs were full of seawater
though,” said Dr. John. Mr. Beaudry was put
on oxygen, an IV and flown to the hospital
in La Ceiba. During the flight Mr. Beaudry
regained consciousness and is now expected
to make a full recovery.
Mr. Beaudry was on seizure medication for
epilepsy. The patient took in a mix of water and air as he was snorkeling. The next
morning the patient come to and was talking. He himself thought he had a seizure
too. Dr. Maradiaga treated him without payment which in unheard of in D’Antoni. If
he hadn’t done this, the patient would not
have made it. The man’s family did say they
would pay for the treatment.
Mr. Beaudry decided to go back to Canada
even though he was planning on staying in
Antigua for four months after his visit to
Utila. This way it would be easier for him to
put this ordeal behind him.
Mayor Alton Cooper has praised the actions
of Lance and Andrew saying: “Without their
quick-thinking we would have had a tragic
death on the island. They have proved how
valuable it is to know CPR. We live on an
island and it is vital that everyone should
know some basic first aid skills – Lance and
Andrew have proved just how important
that is.”
Andrew Bernard y Lance Bernard fueron
proclamados héroes después de su acciones
rápidos salvaron la vida de un hombre que
se estaba ahogando. Sin su ayuda la turista
Marc Andre Beaudry, 55, probablemente estará muerto. El dúo estaba regresando de
su trabajo cuando vieron un objeto largo en
el agua a unos 200 pies de la orilla cerca
de la playa de Cheppes. Al principio no realizaron que era una persona pero cuando
Lance, 21, se acerco descubrió un cuerpo
boca abajo en el agua. Después de gritarle
a Andrew, 27, para encontrar ayuda, Lance
empezó a sacar el cuerpo del agua. Lance,
también conocido como Sidway dijo: “El
hombre estaba boca abajo y tenia equipo
de esnorquel puesto y tenia una bolsa. Le
saque del agua tan rápido como pude mientras que Andrew estaba llamado al centro
medico por ayuda.” En la orilla Lance y
Andrew realizaron que Mr. Beaudry estaba
completamente inconciente y temieron que
estaba muerto hasta que oyeron un suspiro.
Andrew empezó con RCP – una acción que
Dr. John piensa que salvo la vida del hombre inconciente. Dr. John dijo: “Yo creo que
Mr. Beaudry estaba inconciente en el agua
y dudo si habré sobrevivido si los chicos no
le habían sacado del agua, dado RCP y llevado al centro medico.”
Andrew añadió “Solo hemos hecho lo que
cualquier persona hubiera hecho, pero si
era un alivio cuando empezó a respirar. Estoy muy contento que se hacer RCP – definitivamente es algo que todo el mundo debe
“Cuando le vio dijo esta muerto porque estaba tan blanco como queso Español. Me dijeron no, esta respirando, llévalo adentro.
Coninued on page 2
Utila East Wind
Christmas fundraiser a success
The Fundraiser for under-privileged children last year was
a success. The total amount collected nearly doubled last
year’s amount. As mentioned before Lps
10,000 went to the Telethon for handicapped children. The remainder of the
donations totaled Lps 8,860. Most of this
was used to buy fruit and toys for the
kids. The money that was leftover was
used on candy bars, lollypops and other
70 new channels on cable
Utila will be able to watch about 70 new tv channels at the
end of the month. Morgan Satellites will install new channels which will be digital. Some of the channels are long
awaited such as BBC, Animal Planet and TV land. The price
of cable per months will go up to Lps 300.
Motor bike crash
Andrew Bernard 23 crashed his motorbike in Sandy Bay at
6.30am on New Year’s Day. He had had a few to drink and
a few things on his mind including his first love, his friend
on a bike behind him and the whereabouts of his cell phone!
Luckily he avoided any serious injury but he did receive
road rash to his face and body.
Utila East Wind subscription
The newspaper is now available as a subscription. At the
moment this is only available for the United States. Subscription is $75 per year (12 editions) including shipping
and handling. For more information contact Utila East Wind
at [email protected] or call 355-4463
La Pirata is open
La Pirate roof top bar & grill in Broussards Plaza is now
open from 12 till 12. Menu is coming soon.
Five year old breaks arm
Five year old Kobe D’andre Bush climbed on his dads
stationary truck. From the back of the truck he grabbed a
nearby washing line to swing around. The washing line
snapped whilst he was swinging and D’andre suffered a
broken arm as a result.
Advertising space available
If you would like to
advertise or find out
more about prices
and advert design
call: 355-4463
[email protected]
Monthly distribution of
2500 copies on Utila,
Roatan and in La Ceiba
January 2006
List of donors for
the Christmas Fundraiser for underprivileged kids
Gunthers Driftwood
Bob & Dee
Kurt H.
Kent Lind
Shannon C.
Mariposa Café
Bundu Café
Mango Tree
Hans Ecomarine
Brenie Champita
Shirley Fox
Deep Blue
Mango Café
Andy Phillips
La Picolla
Bill & Larouse
Scottish Mike
Jeff & Brad
Utila Realty
Renee Perrett
Ian Red Cliff
Continued from page 1
Su presión de sangre estaba normal, y
su pulso y respiración también. Pero
sus pulmones estaban llenos de agua,”
dijo Dr. John.
Le dieron oxigeno, un IV y le llevaron
al hospital in La Ceiba. Durante el
vuelo Mr. Beaudry recubrió la conciencia y creen que recupera completamente. Mr. Beaudry estaba tomando
medicamentos contra ataques para epilepsia. El paciente entrego una mezcla
de agua y aire como estaba haciendo
esnorkqueling. La siguiente mañana
Mr. Beaudry empezó a hablar. El también piensa que tenía un ataque en el
Kenny Utila
Anny Web
Utila M Fellowship
Jack M
Steve D
agua. Dr. Maradiaga le ayudo sin pagamiento algo que es el nunca hace. Sin
su ayuda ya no estaba aquí. La familia
de Mr. Beaudry dijo que iban a pagar
los costos del tratamiento.
Mr. Beaudry decidió regresar a Canadá
aunque sus planes eran quedarse in
Antigua unas cuatro semanas después
de su queda en Utila. Piensa que así
será más fácil olvidar esta experiencia.
El alcalde elogio las acciones de Lance
y Andrew. Sin sus acciones habríamos
tenido una muerte trágica en Utila.
Probaron que es muy valioso saber
RCP. Vivimos en una isla y es vital que
todos tenemos habilidades básicas de
primeros auxilios.
In the December issue
of the Utila East Wind
we published a photo of
Web with an award on the
photo page. We know that
since then people have
been wondering what this
was about. Many of you
came up to us to find out
what the story behind the
picture was. Well he received a Discovery and
an Explorer award for
helping with coral and
reef research concerning
coral bleaching. Because
he actually received these
awards a few years ago
we didn’t run the story.
However, on the same day
the picture was taken his
second daughter was born
and so was his first grandchild, also a girl!
Utila East Wind
Founded 1st April 2005
Issue no. 9
Bay Islands
Central America
(504) 355 4463
[email protected]
Utila East Wind Team
Jules, Matt, Debs, Chris, Johnny,
Adam, Jerry
Mark Smith
La Prensa
San Pedro Sula
(504) 552 - 8000
To make the news
If you think its news call us on 355 4463.
To place your ad
For adverts and advice on free classifieds
call 355 4463.
To air your views
Letters on any subject are welcomed for publication. Priority will be given to letters dealing
with local issues. The editors reserve the right
to amend or shorten letters at their discretion.
To get your paper
Pick up a free copy from bars, restaurants and
public places across the island and the ferry
and tourist destinations on the mainland.
Utila East Wind
is available to view on-line at
The municipality is in the process of buying a
new garbage truck, which will hopefully be on
Utila in the beginning of February. The major
would like to apologize to the people in Caponado
because they had to use a pick up truck instead
and therefore had to stop running materials for
filling. Once the new truck is on the island it will
start running materials again.
La municipalidad esta en el proceso de comprar
una camión de basura nueva. Esperamos que esté
en Utila a principios de Febrero. El alcalde quiere
disculparse a las personas en Camponado. Como la
municipalidad no tiene un camión de basura tiene
que usar un pick up por el momento. Por eso tenia
que parar llevar materiales allí. Cuando llega el
camión nuevo ya continuare con los materiales.
The UDSEC has guaranteed the funding of the municipal police for two more months. After that the
organization might not be able to keep funding the
police. The major will have a meeting with the UDSEC later on this month and he is positive that the
project will be continued.
La organización UDSEC ha garantizado el fondo
de la policía municipal por dos mese mas. Después
de estos dos mese la UDSEC no será capaz de continuar el fondo del la policía. El alcalde va a tener
una reunión con la organización este mes y es muy
positivo que el proyecto será continuado.
The land sales tax that has to be paid whenever a
piece of land is sold is a municipal tax. It was put
into practice on the first of this year with the purpose
of sustaining the municipality and helping the fund
projects. The tax is two percent of the commercial
value of the property and has to be paid before
changes in ownership of the property can be made
official in the municipal computer.
Los impuestos sobre la venta de tierra que uno
tiene que pagar cuando vende una propiedad es
un impuesto municipal. Fue llevado al cabo el
primer de este ano para sostener la municipalidad
y para ayudar con el fondo de proyectos en Utila.
Los impuestos son de un dos por ciento y tiene que
ser pagdos antes de que cambios en la propiedad
puedan ser hechos oficiales en la computadora de
la municipalidad.
Land taxes have dropped substantially in 2005. The
taxes will stay at this level till 2010 as they can only
be reevaluated in years ending in 0’s and 5’.
After the change of government Alton will look into
long-term projects such as the roads to Pumpkin Hill
and the Cayes. The funding for these road projects
comes from the national government. The projects
are long term as it is not sure when the money for
these projects will arrive.
Utila is working together with Tela, Omoa, Guanaja, Trujillo and La Ceiba on the promotion of tourism in the northern part of Honduras, including the
Bay Islands. This promotion will happen over the
next four years both nationally and internationally.
This year the major would like to:
- Complete the desalination plant project ( have it up
and running)
- Finish the sanitation project
- Continue with the maintenance of the streets
- Continue the paving the Camponado area
- Get a small truck equipped with oxygen and an automatic defibrillator to use as an ambulance on the
- Repair the main dock on the Cayes around February/March and repair the bridge on the Cayes
Impuestos sobre la tierra han bajado sustancialmente en 2005. los impuestos quedarán lo mismo
hasta 2010 porque los impuestos solo pueden ser
revisados en anos que termina en 0’s y 5’s.
Despues del cambio de gobierno Alton examinara
proyectos de largo plazo como el camino a Pumkin Hill y el camino a los cayos. El fondo para estos
proyectos viene del gobierno nacional. Los proyectos son de largo plazo y no esta seguro cuando los
fondos par estos proyectos llegaran.
Utila va a trabajar junto con Tela, Omoa, Guanaja,
Trujillo y La Ceiba en la promoción del turismo el
norte de Honduras, incluso las islas bahías. Utila es
el vicepresidente y Tela es el presidente. La promoción sera nacional e internacional del turismo el los
siguientes cuatro anos.
Este ano el alcalde quiere:
- Terminar el proyecto de la planta desalinizadora
- Terminar el proyecto de sanitazion
- Seguir con el mantenimiento de las calles
- Seguir con el pavimento del Camponado
- Obtener una camioneta con oxigeno y AED para
usar como ambulancia en l isla
Utila East Wind
January 2006
January is the last month of the rainy season. This doesn’t mean that we can’t expect
rain in February though. So far the rain
hasn’t been to hard on us and it looks like
we might be ending the season with sunshine.
The water temperature has not been too bad
either. With a temperature of about 80ºF
/27ºC in December and most of this month
we can’t really complain.
In February the sun will start shining even
more and the wind will drop. This means
that we will have perfect whale shark conditions again.
Taller de los amigos
Bicycle rental
Bicycle repair
Golf cart servicing
Golf cart, truck &
4-wheeler wash
with grease and oil
Patching all types of
Located at main street
Call Juan # 388 6091
Av. temp
Ten yr high
80ºF / 26ºC
92ºF / 33ºC
Av. rainfall
Ten yr high
24in / 61cm
43 in /109 cm
≈ 6:17AM
≈ 5:35PM
Water temp
80ºF 27ºC
Utila East Wind
January 2006
Utila’s Animal Health Clinic
By Utila East Wind Team
In the week of January 23rd the Utila Lodge and Dr.
Loretta Pots will sponsor the third annual Utila Animal
Clinic. A team of 16 volunteers, including three veterinarians, will come to Utila to make this happen. The
team will supply all medical equipment (such as surgical
suite, medical supplies and vaccinations).
The clinic has been a great success in the past benefiting
both the animals of Utila and the citizens by reducing
numbers of stray animals on the island. The clinic will
be held at the Bay Island College of Diving above the
fire station.
On Monday the 23rd of January and Tuesday
the 24th the team will perform surgery on dogs and cats
to prevent them from making puppies and kittens (sterilization). This will be available for both male and female
animals and will help your pet live a longer and healthier
life. It will also help limit the number of stray animals on
the island.
If you have an animal and you want the team to
perform this surgery please call (425-3143) or drop by
the Utila Lodge for an appointment. It is very important
NOT to feed your animal the evening before you bring it
My pet will become
fat and lazy after
being sterilized
If you don‛t overfeed
your pet, it will not
become fat. You can
make sure he stays active by spending time
with it and taking it
for walks.
change my pets personality
You pets personality
will not change due to
the surgery. A cat‛s
personality does not
until he is about one
year. In dogs this is
between one and two
My dog won‛t guard
my family and house
your dog might actually be more protective, because they will
no longer be distracted by the temptations
of breeding. Recent
studies have shown
that castration has no
effect on aggression
My pet is male so I
don‛t have to neuter
Even though your dog
won‛t get pregnant he
might still be part of
producing litter. You
might be able to keep
him on you property
but you might not
be able to prevent a
female dog in heat
sneaking onto your
Después de la cirugía
mi mascota se engordara y se pondrá
Si no le das demasiado
de comer no se engordara. Asegura que
se queda activo y que
lo llevas a pasear.
La cirugía cambiara
la personalidad de mi
La personalidad de su
mascota no cambiare
después de la cirugía.
La personalidad de un
gato no se desarrolla
completamente hasta
un tiene un ano. In
perros se completa en
entre un y dos años.
Mi perro ya no defenderá mi familia o
la casa
Después de la esterilización tu pero
podrá ser todavía más
protectiva como ya no
esta distraído por las
tentaciones de reproducción. Estudios
recientes mostraron
que la castración no
tiene ningún efecto en
la agresión hacia personas desconocidas.
Mi mascota es macho
así que no lo tengo
que esterilizar
Aunque su pero macho
no se puede embarazar todavía puede
tener parte en la
producción de. Puede
ser que su mascota se
queda en su propiedad pero quizás una
perra puede entrar en
su propiedad sin que
usted lo sepas.
in for the surgery. You can feed it the morning before the
surgery. The best age to get you cat or dog sterilized is
between six and eight months.
On Wednesday the 25th of January the team will provide general animal care and vaccinations for all cats and
dogs. So if your cat or dog still needs some shots or you
want to give it a check up this is the time to do it.
Sterilization is not just for female animals
The surgery is not just for female animals. It can also be
very beneficial for your male pet as castration can control
pet population, change unwanted behavior and prevent
health problems. Castration will not change your dog or
cats’ hunting needs, playfulness, activity level or affection need. But is usually does reduce indoor urine marking and inter-male aggression. In male dogs it might also
reduce mounting of other dogs.
Furthermore, it can be beneficial to your dogs or cats
health as it might prevent prostate gland enlargement,
perineal hernias and testicular tumors.
After the surgery your cat will be back to its old self in
about one or two days. In dogs it takes a little bit longer,
normally about three or
four days. Make sure
that you restrict your
dog’s activity for a day
or three.
Advantages of sterilization:
- your pet will usually be
healthier and happier
- your dog will run less
risk of developing testicular or other forms of
cancer and will probably have less prostate problems
- your dogs is less likely to be aggressive towards people
- your cat is less likely to spray urine to mark its territory.
If it still marks after castration you will notice that the
strong smell is gone.
- your pet will fight less with other animals
- your pet will probably roam less and not produce unwanted litters.
Durante la semana del 23 de Enero el Utila Lodge y Dr.
Loretta Pots patrocinaran el tercer Utila Animal Clinic.
Un equipo de 16 voluntarios, incluso tres veterinarios,
vendrá a Utila para hacer el Clínica. Todo los materiales serán suministrados por el equipo.
La clínica fue un gran éxito en los anos anteriores beneficiando tanto para las animales en utila como para
los ciudadanos por reducir los números de callejeros en
Utila. La clínica será en el Bay Island College of Diving
encima de la estación de bomberos.
Lunes el 23 de Enero y Martes el 24 el equipo hará
cirugía en perros y gatos para eliminar definitivamente
la capacidad de tener crías (esterilización). La cirugía
es tanto para machos como para hembras y ayudara a
prolongar la vida de sus animales y tener una vida mas
sana. Este también ayudará a reducir la cantidad de
animales callejeros en utila.
Si tienes un mascota y quieres que el equipo hace la
cirugía por favor llama al 425 –3143 o visita el utila
Lodge para hacer una cita es muy importante no dar
comida a su mascota antes de la cirugía. Si le puedes
dar comida la mañana anterior de la operación pero no
más tarde. La mejor edad para hacer la esterilización es
entre seis y ocho meses.
Miércoles el 25 de enero el equipo proveerá atención
general y vacunas para todos los perros y gatos. Así
que si tu mascota todavía necesita algunas vacunas o
si quieres hacer en cheques completo esto es el tiempo
para hacerlo.
La cirugía no solo es para las hembras. Tambien puede
ser muy beneficioso para los machos porque la castración puede regular la populación de mascotas, cambiar comportamiento no deseado y prevenir problemas
de salud. La castración no cambiará su algegría, nivel
de actividad ni su afecto. Pero normalmente si reduce el
marcaje incontrolado con orina y agresión contra otros
machos En perros machos también puede reducir las
montas inapropiadas de otros perros.
También puede ser beneficiaso a la salud de su mascota
porque puede prevenir hiperplasia prostática y prostatitis y tumores en los testículos.
Después de la cirugía su gato se recupera en uno o dos
días. La recuperación de los perros dura un poco más,
normalmente unos tres o cuatro días. Asegurase que
limitas la actividad de su perro por unos tres días.
Ventajas de esterilización:
- su mascota normalmente será más sano y feliz
- disminuye la aparición de ciertos tumores como en los
testículos y probablemente tendrá menos problemas en
la próstata
- tu perro probablemente será menos agresivo hacía
- reduce el marcaje incontrolada con orina. Si todavía
lo hace después de la operación notaras que ya no huele
- Reduce la agresividad frente a otros perros machos
- Tu mascota probablemante vagara menos y no proucirá crías
Utila East Wind
January 2006
By Utila East Wind Staff
Jose Midence died Thursday the 12th of January after doing a deep dive off Guanaja. He was diving with Nautilus Resort with his buddy who had been banned from
at least one dive shop on Utila after conducting extream
deep dives. Another dive shop refused the rent equipment
to her for of the same reason. Normally she would do a
deep solo dive whilst Jose would stay at the surface. After doing this a number of times the two decided to do
a deep dive together. They went to a depth of 315 feet
without proper training and proper equipment. The duo
descended on a single tanks of air and did not use any
back up, safety equipment such
as a drop tank and did not notify
the captain that they would be
deep diving.
At 200 feet everything seemed
to be ok. At 300 feet Jose only
had 1000 psi left and probably
panicked, the effects of nitrogen
narcosis at this point would be
detrimental to normal function.
At this point his buddy carried
him by his tank and dropped
some of his weights in order to
go back to the surface. At the
depth of around 70 feet Jose’s
tank was empty and the two
made a fast ascent to the surface.
At the surface to two got back
onto the boat and according to
the boat captain, Jose was fine.
He was even happy and very excited about the dive he just did.
About one minute later he started
to complain about dizziness and
pain in his chest. Approximately
another minute passed before he
became unconscious.
They got back to shore where
they hired a fast boat in order to get Jose to Roatan for
chamber treatment. After the two-hour trip they arrived
at the chamber where two hyperbaric physicians attended
him. They put him in the chamber and started a table six,
which is 4 hour 45 mins. Whilst he was being brought up
to about 20 feet he stopped breathing as he had suffered
cardiac arrest. He was given CPR in the chamber but unfortunately it did not help. When they took him out of the
chamber they give him adrenaline and started defibrillation but it was too late. Jose was pronounced dead at 9.36
p.m. Thursday the 12th of January.
Born San Miguel, El Salvador
11th January 1960
Died Roatan, Honduras
12th Jan 2006
Buried in Choluteca, Honduras
14th January 2006
He is dearly missed by all his
Buceador fallece después de buceo profundo
José Midence falleció jueves el 12 de enero después de
hacer un buceo profundo en Guanaja. Estaba buceando
con Nautilus Dive Resort con su compañero. Ella fue excluida de por lo menos un centro de buceo en Utila. Otro
centro de buceo la deniega el alquilo de equipo de buceo por la misma razón. Normalmente ella hacia buceos
profundos solo mientras que José estaba en la superficie.
Después de hacer esto varias veces decidan hacer un buceo profundo juntos. Fueron a una profundidad de unos
300 pies sin el propio entrenamiento o equipo. El duo descendió con un solo tanque y no usaba ninguna reserva
como un drop tanque.
A 200 pies todo pareció bien. A 300 pies José solo tenía
1000 psi en su tanque y probablemente le cundió el pánico como los efectos de narcosis de nitrógeno en ese momento seria perjudicial a función normal. Su compañero
lo agarro al tanque y dejo caer algunos de Joses pesos
para ir a la superficie. A la profundidad de unos 70 pies
su tanque estaba vació y los dos hicieron un ascenso rápido a la superficie.
Allí los dos volvieron al barco y según el capitan José
estaba bien. Incluso, estaba muy contento y entusado con
el buceo que acaba de hacer. Dentro de un minuto se
quejaba de vértigo y dolor en su pecho. Mas o menos un
minuto mas tarde estaba inconciente.
Regresaron a la tierra donde alquilaron un barco rápido
para ir a la cámara en Roatan. Después de un viaje de
dos horas llegaron a la cámara donde dos doctores le
atendieron. Le pusieron en la cámara y empezaron con
una tabla 6; cuatro horas y 45 minutos. Mientras que le
trajeron a unos 20 pies dejo de respirar. Sufrió un paro
cardiaco. Le dieron RCP en la cámara pero infortunadamente no sirvió. Cuando le sacaron de la cámara le dieron adrenalina y empezaron defibrilacion pero era demasiado tarde. José fue declarado muerto a las 9.36 p.m.
jueves el 12 de Enero.
Thomas Andrew Bernard Sr.
departed this world peacefully on
Saturday December 17th, 2005.
Thomas leaves behind to cherish
his memory, his beloved wife
Annie A. Bernard, his children
Minnie Webb, Joannie Alcoser,
Thomas Bernard Jr., Barbara Walters,
Augustas Bernard, Herbert Bernard,
Dawn Murria, Eunice Haksunder,
June Evans,
thirty-five grandchildren, thirty-two
great grandchildren
and a host of nieces, nephews and
Utila East Wind
January 2006
Greece six meters closer to Africa
Due to an earthquake of
6,9 on the scale of Richter Greece moved six meters closer to North Africa
earlier this month. The socalled Greek flat moves
about four centimeters to the South every
year but due to the quake it moved even
more. The quake lasted around 30 seconds
and took place in the south of Greece. For
about 20 seconds the vibrations could be
felt in Athens.
Riots in Honduran prison kill 13
Earlier this month 13 inmates in the National Penitentiary outside of Tegucigalpa were killed during
fights that broke out. The
violence started after a fight between inmates who were placed in a special wing
as they were regarded highly dangerous.
According to the Honduran security Minister the fight broke out between two
groups of prisoners over territory. Special
police forces have been brought into the
Over 300 pilgrims killed at Hajj
More than 345 pilgrims were killed this
month at the stone throwing ritual of the annual Hajj
in Saudi Arabia. Every year
pilgrims throw stones at
three pillars at the foot of
the bridge of Jamarat. The
three pillars represent the
spot where the devil is said to have appeared to Abraham. Every year million
of Muslims travel to the mountain Arafat,
close to Mecca, where prophet Mohammed is said to have held his last prayer
there 14 centuries ago. Among the pilgrims
there are about 1.5 million foreigners. The
pilgrimage already took 76 lives this year
when a hotel collapsed.
Mehmet Ali Agca released
Mehmet Ali Agca who tried
to kill Pope Johannes Paulus
II in 1981 has been released.
Agca opened fire on the
late pope who got injured.
He served 19 years in Italy
where the pope visited and forgave him.
In 2000 Agca was transferred to Turkey
where he still had to do time for a bank
robbery in the 70’s and the murder of a
prominent Turkish journalist.
Chile’s first female president
Michelle Bachelet won the
Chilean elections last Sunday taking 53 percent of the
votes. Bachelet is the first female Chilean president.
Sharon’s recovery could take months
The recovery of Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon could take
months. Sharon suffered a severe stroke earlier this month after which he was kept in a coma.
He is still on the sedatives but on
a lower dose and doctors are waiting for
him to come off these so they can further
assess his health. According to some of his
doctors Sharon had slight movement on
both sides of his body but his condition is
still critical.
Nearly 100,000 Chinese killed in
Almost 100,000 Chinese died
last year due to traffic accidents and almost half a million got hurt, according to the
Chinese police.
LA homeless capital of the US
Los Angeles is declared
homeless capital of the US as
the city has more than 48,000
homeless. Only 12 percent
of the total number are lucky
enough to find a bed in none
of the shelters at night. The city is setting
up a strategy to take care of this problem
within the next ten years.
Elephants drinking vodka
The Indian elephants of the Moscow State
circus have been given vodka to
keep warm. For the first time in
25 years the circus is going to
perform in Ulan Bator, Mongolia’s capital, where temperatures
are 25 C below zero, according
to a Mongolian newspaper.
EU will spend 80 million Euro on bird
flu prevention
The European Union will invest 80 million
Euro to help poor countries
with the prevention of bird
flu. It thinks that more than
1 billion Euros are needed in
the next three years to keep
working on the prevention.
According to the Worldbank
most of the money will go to Eastern Asia.
This month an international conference
will be held to raise more funds.
Explosion in Romanian mine kills
Seven miners were killed at
an explosion in a coal mine
in the south of Romania last
Saturday. Another five miners were injured. The cause of the explosion is still unknown.
Many killed in bus accident in Panama
At least 11 people were
killed in a bus accident in
Panama. The bus slipped
of the rod and into a canyon. Three people were
injured in the accident.
Spanish expedition breaks record in
A Spanish expedition team
reached the absolute center of the Southpole in 62
days. The team covered a
distance of 4500 kilometers. During their expedition they took ice samples for scientific
research purposes.
Dutch under pressure to send troops to
The Dutch have to decided whether or not they are going to send
more troops to Afghanistan. They
are under pressure as the decision is important for the European
union’s credibility, according to
the EU ambassador. Later this month the
Dutch parliament will debate the plan to
send about 1400 troops to the south of
Afghanistan, one of the more dangerous
Stardust returns with materials
The capsule of the space mission stardust
landed safely in the dessert of Utah last
Sunday. The capsule brought back comic
and interstellar dust and
particles. The capsule
was sent into space by
NASA seven years go to
collect materials in places further away than the moon. It traveled
about 4.63 billion kilometers.
Emir Kuwait dies
Sheik Jaber al Ahmad al Sabah,
the emir of Kuwait died at an
age of 78 years last Sunday. He
had led the country since 1977.
The country will be in mourning
for 40 days. Crown prince Sheik Saad alAbdullah al-Sabah has been named new
leader of Kuwait.
Curry might help prevent prostate
Kurkuma the most important ingredient of curry
might help in the prevention of prostate cancer, according to a study published in the Cancer
research. The preventative effect of curry
is especially strong if used in combination with vegetables. In countries in which
curry is used very often such as India the
number of people with prostate cancer is
lower than in the US.
Japan wants to drill into earth
Japanese researchers want to investigate the inside of our planet.
They hope to find materials that
can show how live on earth started. The researches will drill seven
kilometers into the earth. This is three
times deeper than any other research.
Iran removes ban CNN journalists
The American news company CNN was
not allowed to work in Iran
anymore but the ban was removed. The ban was decided
after CNN changed the words of President
Ahmadinejad. He said that Iran has the
right to research and have nuclear technology, which CNN changed into nuclear
Liberia elects first female President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is Liberia’s new president. She is the
first elected female leader in
Utila East Wind
Letters to the Editor
January 2006
Dedicated to Dr. John
I want to thank Dr. John for everything that he
has done for me, my dog and especially for my
grandmother. Thank you for the advice you gave
her and the way you helped her. You are an excellent doctor, doctor john. It is too bad that we
Utilians are so ungrateful. I thank god and Dr.
John for him being on our small island of Utila. I
know and we all know that the visits to Dr. John
are a bit expensive but they are worth it and I
think we realize that. It is worth the long waits
on the veranda of the clinic because in the end
we always leave saying this Dr. john, he is a good
doctor. It was worth the wait or not? He saw
my grandmother in a very but very bad state. He
came over to our house and after a few days my
grandmother was her old self again, as if she has
never been ill. The medications he gave me are
like a wonder of gad. I want to thank Miss Iris
Hill, Reverent Janet and Jim Engel and Kirstie.
Thank you for everything
Island girl, Melinda Lyons
Dedicado a Dr. John
Quiero agradecerte Doctor John por todo lo que
has hecho por mi perro. Especialmente por mi
abuela. Gracias por tus atenciones y tus servicios con mi abuela. Eres un excelente doctor,
doctor John. Lastima que nosotros los Utilenos
somos tan mal agradecidos. Le agradezco a
Dios y a Doctor John porque el este en nuestra
pequeña isla Utila. Yo se y todos sabemos que es
un poco caro las visitas a doctor John pero vale
la pena y creo que nos hemos dado cuenta de
eso. Vale las largas esperas en el corredor de la
clínica porque al final siempre salimos diciendo
ese doctor John es un buen doctor. Valío la pena
esperar o no? He visto a mi abuela tan mal pero
mal, muy mal y solo basta con la visita a mi casa
de Doctor John. Y en unos días mi abuela esta
como si nunca estuvo enferma. Los medicamentos son como un milagro de Dios. Quiero darle
las gracias a Miss Iris Hill, a reverenda Janet y a
Jim Engel y Kirstie. Gracias por todo.
Island girl, Melinda Lyons
the schools. Will keep you posted
on the subject.
As of the 1st of this year student
divers and leadership level candidates have to buy and posses
current books and other materials for their courses. One of the
concerns on Utila about this was
the amount of books that might
be left by divers and also the
old books that were being used
till this date. In order to make
sure that the books are not being thrown out and creating more
garbage on the island Emma from
Ecomarine dive shop is starting a
recycling project. Through this
project she will try to make sure
the books are collected and send
of to the recycling company in La
Ceiba. All the dive shops support
this program and have agreed to
pay a small fee for the transport
costs. The UDSEC will have a
meeting on the 23rd of this month
to discuss the program further.
Till then you can n drop your old
books at Ecomarine. The first
collection wills probably be the
biggest as this will most of the
old books of the dive shops. After
this the plan is to send them of to
Ceiba on a monthly basis. Some
travelers might decide to leave
their books on Utila as they don’t
want to travel with them. Some
of the books might be donated to
Desde el primer de este ano estudiantes de buceo y candidatos de
los niveles profesionales tienen
que comprar y tener los libros y
otros materiales para sus cursos.
Uno de los preocupaciones es la
cantidad de libros que buceadores dejan en la isla y los libros
viejos que las tiendas de buceo
usaban antes. Para asegurar que
no se tiran los libros y no generan más basura en Utila Emma
de Ecomarine empezó con un
proyecto de reciclaje. Con este
proyecto quiere intentar que todos los negocios de buceo coleccionen sus libros viejos y que
sean mandados a la compañía
de reciclaje en La ceiba. Los negocios de buceo ya accedieron a
pagar una tarifa para ayudar a
pagar los costos del transporte
de los libros a La Ceiba. El
UDSEC va a tener una reunión
el 23 de enero para discutir el
proyecto en más detalles. Hasta
entonces puedes entregar libros
viejos en Ecomarine. La primera
colección probablemente será la
más grande como esta consistirá
de los libros viejos de las escuelas. Después los quieren mandar
al La Ceiba una vez cada mes
como los viajadores pueden dejar sus libros en la isla en vez de
llevarlos en sus viajes. Puede ser
que también van a donar algunos
libros a las escuelas. Le mantendremos al tanto.
Another beautiful day on Utila
Suck an orange
Recycling books
Chillin on the bench
Got something to say? Then we want to hear it. To submit letters or suggestions
contact Tara or Noa on 355-4463 or email [email protected]
January 2006
Utila East Wind
Whale sharks coming soon
By Utila east Wind Staff
By Utila East Wind Staff
February is usually the start of the whale shark sighting
season on Utila. Whale sharks can be seen all year round
but as the rainy season changes into the dry season, the
winds calm down and the ocean calms down the whale
shark is easier to spot. There is still not much known
about their migration
patterns. In order to
learn more about this
the www.utilawhalesharkresearch.com
website has been
launched as part of
the Utila Whale Shark
Research Project. For
a period of five years
this project will focus
on studying the population dynamics and
ethology of the whale
sharks that visit Utila.
By using the website
important data can be
collected which will
not only tell us more
about the whale sharks
in Utila but also of
those throughout the
Caribbean and other
places in the world.
How can you help? It is very easy to help collecting important data. Every time you go out on a morning boat
with your dive shop make sure you have your underwater
camera with you. If you don’t have one you might be able
to rent one. When you get into the water with a whale
shark try to take some pictures of it. (Try to focus on
the dots behind the gills on the left-hand side). Not just
nice as a souvenir but this is also what the project needs.
The pictures of the spots are put into pattern recognition
software and scanned to see if they match with any of
the other pictures in the database. These photos are very
valuable as it helps build a history of the spotted animal.
The whale shark has a life span of about 60 years so the
picture might have a long-term impact on the research.
So the more people that submit their picture the more
chance of learning more about the different whale sharks
and maybe even about individual ones.
Once you have taken your picture you can upload it on
the website. This information will then be shared with
the ECOCEAN whale shark photo identification library.
This way researchers can collect data and learn more
about the migration patterns of the whale shark.
When you see a whale shark and you take picture make
sure you also register some other important data such as
the time, date and place you saw it and the approximate
The average size of the whale sharks found last year was
between 20 and 30 ft with most of them being young
males. In four weeks they had 53 encounters of which
21 were identified as individual whale sharks. Since then
another 4 whale sharks were identified from the pictures.
Whale sharks do not just pass through but some actually
hang around Utila. One of the whale sharks that were
spotted in February last year was seen again 6 weeks
Last year guidelines were put into place to make sure
people do not touch and annoy the whale shark and to
ensure it is done safely. Your dive shop will be able to
give more information on these guidelines.
Project Aware joines forces with
has recently joined forces with
ECOCEAN a marine conservation
group dedicated to the conservation
of the whale shark.
In 2003 Project AWARE Foundation
launched an initiative in partnership
with the Shark Trust to get divers to
travel overseas to areas visited by
Whale Sharks.
The Project AWARE Whale Shark
ID Project incorporates a Distinctive Specialty involving knowledge
and skills to dive or snorkel responsibly with Whale Sharks and to obtain valuable information or photographs.
All photos submitted to www.whalesharkproject.org will also be given
to ECOCEAN for their own Whale
Shark research. Project AWARE,
the Shark Trust and ECOCEAN will
be working closely together to build
a global database of Whale Shark
migration patterns, movements, and
Whale sharks are a spectacular living resource and an encounter is an
experience of a lifetime. Unfortunately, the whale shark population
is in decline and without having
more information, we cannot prove
just how endangered and at risk this
population is.
The ECOCEAN Library already
houses Whale Shark sightings from
26 countries, and we very much look
forward to expanding this number
with input from PADI members to
further understand numbers and migrations of this threatened species.
The Whale Shark website is now
being updated to improve feedback
and functionality and to make learning about Whale Sharks even more
If you’ve always dreamt of diving
or snorkelling with a whale shark,
then visit the Education and Awareness section of www.projectaware.
org to find out details of dive centres and resorts actively participating in the International Whale Shark
Project. If you want to contribute to
their protection, take a photograph
and record a few details when you
are fortunate enough to come across
one. Alternatively, if you already
have a photo, take a look in your
logbooks for details of when and
where you saw the whale shark, and
log this photo and info rmation on to
www.whalesharkproject.org. Each
photo submitted will make a genuine contribution to the understanding and future conservation of the
whale sharks. All photos will also
be given to ECOCEAN for further
About Project AWARE
Project AWARE is the dive industry’s leading non-profit environmental organisation dedicated to conserving underwater environments
through education, advocacy and
action. Project AWARE Foundation
offices located in Australia, United
States, Japan, the United Kingdom
and Switzerland combine efforts to
conserve aquatic resources in 175
countries of the world.
For further information visit www.
ECOCEAN – Research, Education
and Conservation has consistently
worked for the conservation of the
whale shark since its formation in
2000. It successfully nominated the
whale shark as a threatened species in Australia in 2001; assisted
with the successful nomination at
the United Nations Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES) in 2002; and was
recently added as an ‘official observer NGO’ at the United Nations
Convention on Migratory Species
(Nairobi, Nov 2005), based in Australia, ECOCEAN is international in
focus – encouraging members of the
public throughout the world to participate in whale shark conservation
- via the web-based whale shark
photo-identification library, initiated in 1995. www.ecocean.org
About the Shark Trust
The Shark Trust is the conservation charity dedicated to the study,
management and conservation of
sharks, skates and rays. The Shark
Trust is the UK member of the
European Elasmobranch Association. As such, it collaborates with
other bodies to achieve its aims in
British, European and international
waters. These include commercial
fishermen, recreational sea anglers,
divers, yachtsmen, and all those
who want to ensure the future
survival of these fascinating but
threatened animals. For more info
rmation on the Shark Trust visit
Utila East Wind
January 2006
By Utila East Wind Staff
The UDSEC (Utila Dive
Safety and Environmental
Council) is a means for dive
shop on Utila to implement
and help out with island
projects. These projects are
not just dive related but are
also land based. One of the
lsland-based projects that
the UDSEC put into practice
last year was the municipal
police project. This project
was started after a crime
wave hit the island last summer. The Mayor appointed
seven men to do nightly
rounds on Utila to combat
crime. The project has been
very successful since it was
set up. At the moment the
UDSEC is struggling to pay
for it. It has said that it will
have enough money to keep
the project going for two
more months. The Mayor
will later on this month get
together with the council
about the project.
All the wages and the initial
costs of the program such as
uniforms have been covered
by the UDSEC said Steve
Fox, owner of Deep Blue
Divers. “At the moment we
can’t afford it anymore. It
basically costs us double of
what we get in. We would
like to see other businesses
(bars, hotels, restaurants,
etc) to become involved in
the project as it is beneficial
to the whole island.” If more
businesses fund the project
the UDSEC can start looking at setting up new projects
as this would free up some
money for this.
The council does not make
any profit. All the money
that comes in is invested into projects. Another
project that the UDSEC has
been working on are the buoys. Numbers
have been put
onto the moorings so that it
makes it easier
to keep a log of the buoys, to
keep track of maintenance. A
number of new buoys have
been put in at Turtle Harbour. The number system
also makes it easier to get to
the right dive site in case of
an accident. Not every dive
shop has the same name for
the same dive site.
They are also looking into
buying oil mats to reduce the
spilling of oil on boats and
into the water.
At the moment most of the
dive shops are part of the
UDSEC. According to Steve
Fox it would be good if all
dive shops are part of it. ‘If
all the shops are involved
we will be the first island in
the world to be completely
PADI. This way PADI and
others write an article about
this and this will give Utila more publicity.”
For more information about the UDSEC
and their projects contact your local
January 2006
Utila East Wind
Blue Pages
Dangers of deep diving
For a lot of people diving is a favorite past time, activity. Especially when they are travelling or on holiday. They like it for
various reasons; because it is relaxing, makes you feel weightless, allows you to check out the beautiful reefs and marine
life. Diving is not without risks though. Some of which include
decompression illness and nitrogen narcosis, which some people aren’t aware of but with proper training and education all
divers should be. These risks increase the deeper the diver
goes. Therefore the limits for recreational diving are set to 130
feet/40 meters (deep diver specialty). If you want to go even
deeper then that you need to look at technical diving which
allows will you to go deeper with the proper equipment and
training. Some of the problems that the deep technical diver
has to deal with are outlined below.
Decompression illness (aka the bends) is caused by nitrogen
forming bubbles in the bloodstream and body tissues. This is
the primary problem with deep diving. These bubbles are always present whether predive or postdive but when controlled in non-harmful amounts. In certain situations such as the
diver ascending to the surface too fast or spending too much
time at depth they can result in injury and even death.
Imagine for instance that you have a soda bottle and you shake
it up! If you had to open it you have two choices, either open
it very slowly allowing the gases to escape slowly or just twist
the top and deal with the mess. It’s exactly the same with the
body and diving. By ascending slowly and planning dives with
tables bubble management is possible.
Besides the bends there is Nitrogen narcosis, a condition
caused by the increasing pressure of the nitrogen inhaled from
normal air at depth. The deeper you dive on air the more it
decreases judgement and impairs basic motor functions. Simplified the deeper you go the less you are able to cope with
basic tasks. In a life threatning situation it’s the same as being
sober or drunk.
Another factor involved with breathing air at depth is the oxygen content, again the deeper the dive the higher the pressure
of the oxygen inhaled. Normally at the surface it would take
quite a while breathing pure oxygen before it had any negative
Johnny’s Purified
Bay Islands
Tel: 425 3304
Water is all sizes
Ice also available
Call for delivery
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Sonia Gregores
Jean Michel
Creature of the month
Steve Martin
Queen Angelfish by Adam Laverty
Or Schiefer
This month the Blue Pages return
to fish with probably the most
beautiful fish we find on Utila’s
reefs. Queen Angel fish can be
found all around Utila but are
most common on steep sponge
encrusted walls and reef crests
rather than the coral gardens that
cover reef tables.
The Queen Angelfish was first
described and named in 1758
and was originally thought to be
a member of the Butterfly Fish
family, as were all the Angelfish.
During the 70s scientists decided
they were a different species and
separated them into their own
Queen Angel fish are found on
Western Atlantic coral reefs
from Brazil to Florida, the Bahamas, and the Gulf or Mexico.
The Queen Angelfish is found at
depths up to 70 meters (230 ft.)
and can grow to a size of 20 – 35
cm (8 – 14 inches).
Queen Angelfish mainly eat
sponges (about 98% of their diet)
with small amounts of algae, tunicates, hydroids, and bryozoans.
Juveniles have been known to
clean other fish of external parasites.
A female can release anywhere
from 25 to 75 thousand eggs each
evening. This can total as many
as ten million eggs for the duration of the spawning cycle. The
eggs are transparent and pelagic,
floating in the water column. The
eggs will hatch in 15 to 20 hours.
At this point the “pre-larval”
angelfish is attached to a large
yolk sac, has no functional fins,
no eyes, or gut. After about 48
hours the yolk is absorbed during which time the fish develops
into true larvae and begins to feed
on plankton in the water column.
Growth is rapid and 3 to 4 weeks
after hatching the fish will reach
about 15-20mm and will settle on
the bottom.
affects. Underwater it can cause instantaneous convulsions
with no warnings and requires serious management to prevent
this from happening. Normally this would only occur well outside of recreational depths.
Recreational divers using single tanks and no training in deep
technical diving that dive outside of recreational limits put
themselves at risk of serious injury or worse.
Deep technical diving involves the use of backup cylinders for
the gases being used and often involves carrying four or more
cylinders on a dive. The tanks contain either air, Trimix, Nitrox
or Oxygen or a combination of these gases. By using combinations of these gases the diver can dive deep and reduce Nitrogen narcosis allowing normal functioning at depth and manage
the oxygen levels to allow less risk. This requires the diver
to make a complex series of stops at different depths whilst
ascending for various amounts of time. It involves having two
computers, two masks, two knives, extra long emergency hoses for sharing gases, signaling devices, two lots of complex
dive plans with backup plans to cover various scenarios such
as losing a cylinder. With all this training and equipment the
Technical diver is always aware that there is still some risk
involved with every dive and great care and caution is paid
to every detail prior to a dive and can often take several days
to plan and conduct a dive. As with many things in life, one
must balance the risks against the benefits and make a decision. However, it is essential to have a real understanding and
appreciation of the risks.
With this said the benefits of deep diving are unique in the
sense that it allows for exploration to areas that have sometimes never been explored, this is particularly true around
Utila. There are a great deal of sea mounts and offshore formations that only a few have ever seen and countless others that
are waiting to be explored.
Utila has at least two shops actively teaching Tec diving at
present with a third on the way. More information about Deep
technical diving can be found there or by looking up one of
these agencies online; DSAT, TDI, Nauitec, DIR or IANTD.
Dive Site of the month
Josua’s Swash by Matt Awty
This dive site is located between
Turtle Harbour and Blackish
Point and is one of the lesserdived sites on the Northside.
The mooring lies in 20feet/6m
of water on a shelf that extends all the way back to shore
and is covered with soft coral
growths. Due to it being by the
entrance to Turtle Harbour visibility can be affected by water
washout from the Mangroves.
This, however, also works in
the divers favour, as it is a great
site to see schools of juvenile
Immediately west of the buoy
there are a series of canyons that
extend out from the mangroves
and run east forming a ridge.
Following the canyons along
the ridge is a great way to start
the dive passing through large
schools of colorful Grunts and
Margates. The maximum depth
possible is around 80feet/24m
where the reef opens up onto a
flat coral shelf.
With many places to hide in,
common residents are Spotted
and Green Morays, Spotted
Drums, Lobsters, Barracudas,
Snappers, Nudibranchs along
with our usual reef residents.
The coral is healthy with a
large number of brightly coloured sponges making this an
ideal environment for finding
To the west of the buoy is a
sloping shelf with scattered
sand patches and again this is
home to plenty of healthy and
vibrant coral growth. Either direction is an easy dive with the
ridge providing plenty of reference for the most directionally
challenged diver. Due to its location, currents can be present
making for a fantastic drift
dive, particularly to the east.
Again as ever when diving pay
attention to boat traffic particularly when surfacing and have a
great dive.
Jules Page
On June 6th a few volunteers and companies from
Utila visited Roatan for a
conference on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef
System, its threats and
possible solutions.
A taskforce was assembled and a set of guidelines were drawn up for
the scuba diving industry.
It is hoped these will improve operational and environmental performance
of the marine recreation
industry in Mesoamerica.
These guidelines are still
in the drafting stage and
are currently up for debate. There is an opportunity for everybody’s
voice to be heard by simply reading the six page
draft and letting your
comments be known to
Committee members.
Simon Marsh, Andrina Bindon and I visited this conference and
have access to this document. We are happy for
you to visit Cross Creek
Dive Center and take a
copy of this document for
your review. If you have
any recommendations,
changes or simply some
comments you would like
to voice we will put your
opinions forward. However, the deadline is the
27th of January, which
means: get down to the
dive shop now!
The more people that
review this draft of the
standard the better it will
help to reflect what the
communities of Mexico
Belize and Honduras really want and need for
there precious asset, the
beautiful reef system.
Once all the changes have
been incorporated into
the standards it will go
into the balloting phase,
in which the guidelines
will either be approved
or disapproved.
There will also be standards drawn up for snorkeling, safe boating
practices and hotel and
beachfront activities.
Coming soon
Utila East Wind online. We
will keep you informed!
January 2006
Utila East Wind
Recycling program for bottles and cans on Utila
By Kim
Utila’s recycling program is currently in its rudimentary
stage, with Utila Water Sports shipping bundles of recyclable plastic bottles and aluminum cans to a recycling station in La Ceiba on a periodic basis. Thus far, a
number of individuals and businesses have been delivering approximately 40 pounds of recyclables to the dive
shop each week.
The next phase of the program, wherein all
dive shops, bars, and select hotels will assist in the collection of bottles and cans with their own barrels has yet
to begin. Daniel Spatz of Utila Water Sports has been
working with USAID’s office in La Ceiba, contacting
companies throughout the country about donating large
containers (both bags and barrels) for collecting recyclables. Thus far, no companies have stepped forward
to assist with this part of the program, but the search
Consequently, Utila Water Sports is asking
businesses on the island that want to participate in recycling to donate their own collection containers. They
need to be reusable, such as small or large trash barrels,
gravel sacks, or heavy-duty trash bags. Such containers
should be clearly marked for recycling so that they are
not mistaken for trash barrels. Businesses are encouraged to decorate their collection containers in a way that
will show the positive effects of recycling on Utila. In
addition, each container should be marked with the business’s name so that it can be returned after collection.
The collection process will proceed as follows:
Individuals with small bags of recycling will continue
to deliver them to Utila Water Sports or can drop them
off at any recycling container.
Recyclables accumulated by
participating businesses in their
donated containers will be collected by Utila Water Sports
approximately every week, depending on when the material
barge departs for La Ceiba. The
recyclables will be loaded onto
the material barge, brought to
La Ceiba, and collected by the
recycling company. The empty
containers will then be returned on the barge and delivered to their respective businesses. Businesses will need
to notify Utila Water Sports for pick up when their containers are full.
This is a non-profit project. Any funds
accumulated from the recycled bottles and cans will go
back into the project to purchase additional containers
and pay for collection. The ultimate goal is for Utila to
get its own vertical bailer, a device that compacts recyclables into 100-pound bails. USAID has funds available for such a bailer but the funds are contingent upon
a successful recycling program on the island sustained
over at least six months. Your participation is vital for
successful recycling on Utila. Please do your part to
keep Utila beautiful.
Actualmente el programa de reciclaje en Utila se encuentra en una fase rudimentaria. Utila Water Sports
periódicamente transporta botellas de plásticos recicla-
bles y latas de aluminio a una estación de reciclaje en
La Ceiba. Cada semana personas y compañías entregan
unas 40 libras de reciclables cada semana al centro de
La próxima fase de la programa seria que todas la tiendas de buceo, los barres y algunos hoteles
ayudaran en la colección de botellas y latas con sus propios barrillos.
Daniel Spatz de Utila Water Sports esta trabajando
con la oficina de USAID en La Ceiba para contactar
compañías en todo el país sobre la donación de contenedores grandes (bolsas y barrillos) para la colección
de reciclables. Todavía ninguna compañía ha ofrecido
asistencia en este parte de la programa pero sigue buscando.
Por consiguiente Utila Water Sport pregunta los negocios en la isla que quieren participar el reciclaje por
la donación de sus propios
contenedores. Deben ser
reusable, como barrillos de
basura, bolsas de gravia o
bolsas de basura reforzadas.
Los contenedores deben ser
marcados para reciclaje así
que no pueden ser equivocados con barrillos de basura normales. UWS anima
a los negocios decorar sus
contenedores en una manera
que refleja los efectos positivos del reciclaje en Utila. Además, cada contenedor
debe ser marcado con el nombre del negocio así que
puede ser devuelto después de la colección.
El proceso de colección
Individuales con bolsas pequeñas de reciclaje pueden
continuar a entregarlas a UWS o dejarlas en uno de los
contenedores. Los reciclables coleccionados por negocios participantes serán coleccionados por UWS cada
semana, más o menos, depende de cuando la barcaza
sale de Utila. Los reciclables van al La Ceiba donde son
colectados por la compañía de reciclaje. Los contenedores vacíos regresan a Utila en la barzaca y retornados
a los negocios. Si en contenedor esta lleno los negocios
se pueden poner en contacto con UWS.
Este proyecto es sin fines de lucro. Fondos acumulados por las botellas y latas recicladas serán usados
para el proyecto; para comprar contenedores adicionales y para los costos de la colección. La meta final es
obtener una propia bailer vertical para Utila. Esto es
una maquina que compacto reciclables en bails de 100
libras. USAID tiene fondos disponibles pero son contingente del éxito de la programa de reciclaje en Utila
durante un periodo de por lo menos seis meses. Su participación es fundamental para el éxito de reciclaje en
Utila. Por favor haz su parte para mantener Utila bellísima.
Daniel Spatz
The project is only for plastic bottles and
aluminium cans
water Rellenar botellas de agua
Another way to help
out with the recycling of bottles it to
refill your water bottle. This does not
only save you money but it helps to reduce the amount of
bottles on Utila. You
can refill you bottles
at various places on
the island as Johnny’s water and in
some of the dive
shops for example
at Captain Morgan’s
and Cross Creek. If
you are staying a little bit longer it might
be a good idea to
buy a 5-gallon bottle
so you can refill your
own bottles. Try not
to buy small bottles
(0.5 liter of gallon)
and try to buy drink
in glass rather than
Every little bit helps!
Otra manera en la
que puedes ayudar
es rellenar tus botellas de agua. Esto no
solo te ahorra dinero
pero también ayuda
con la reducción de
botellas en Utila.
tus botellas en varios sitios en la isla
como. Por ejemplo
en Johnny’s water
y también en algunos tiendas de buceo como Captain
Morgan’s y Cross
Creek. Si te quedas
mas tiempo en utila
quizás seria bueno
comprar una botella de 5 galones así
que puedes rellenar
tus propias botellas.
Intenta no comprar
botellas pequeñas
(0,5 litros o 0,5
galones) y compra
bebidas en vidrio en
vez de en lata.
Alton’s Dive Inn
$3 - $4pp
Ocean front rooms, fan, shared bath, dock
7am - 7pm
425 3704
Annie Marelli
$20 - $30
Breakfast, Internet and bike rental included, tv
lounge, roof terrace, 5mins from beach
8am - 8pm
425 3916
$2 - $9
Share kitchen, fan, share bath, near beach
7am -7pm
425 3350
Bay View Hotel
$16 - $22
Private bath, fan, hot water, fridge, ocean view
8am - 8pm not Sun
425 3114
Blueberry Hill
Shared bath, fan
Sun - Fri 6am - 6pm
425 3141
Bolan’s Inn
Shared bath, fan, kitchen
8am - 8pm
425 3007
Captain Morgans
$3 - $5pp
Private bathroom, fan.
7:30am - 6pm
425 3349
$25 - $35
Pool, hot water, a/c or fan
9am - 12pm
3.30pm - 6.30pm
425 3329
Coopers Inn
Kitchen, resturant, fans, shared bath.
8am - 9:30pm
425 3184
Coral View Resort
$35 - $65
Ocean front, AC, Private bath, hot water,
restaurant / bar
6.30am - 10pm
425 3778
Cross Creek Dive shop
Fan, shared shower, kitchen and louge
8am - 6.30pm
425 3334
Cross Creek Cabins
$28 - $35
A/C, hot water, cable tv, fridge
8am - 6.30pm
425 3334
Freddy’s Place
$16 - $35
Ocean front, kitchen, hot water, AC or fan,
dock, TV
6am - 10pm
425 3142
Hollands Inn
$12 - $30
Private bath, fan, a/c.
7am - 9pm
425 3206
Hotel Bavaria
$10 - $13
Fan, private bath
8am - 8pm
425 3809
Hotel Utila
$14 - $51
Hot water, a/c, fan, private bath
7am - 7pm
425 3340
Jade Seahorse
Private bath, hot water, fans, a/c, fridge
8am - 9pm
425 3270
The Lodge
$65 - $95
Private bath, fan, hot water, a/c, tv
7am - 6pm
425 3291
Loma Vista
$4 - $6
Shared bath, fan, kitchen
6am - 9pm
425 3243
6am - 8pm
425 3305
$30 - $50
Ocean view, AC, private bath, restaurant and
hot water, fridge and tv
7am - 9pm
425 3366
Relax Inn
Sea front, AC, private bath, hot water, fridge
6am - 8pm
425 3879
Rose’s Inn
$8 - $12
Shared / Private bath, fan, hot water, kitchen
Mon-Sat 8am12pm, 2-8pm
425 3283
Rubi’s Inn
$20 - $30
Fan, a/c, private bath, hot water, fridge, private
balcony, waterfront.
7am - 7pm
425 3240
Tropical Hotel
Fan, shared bath and shared kitchen
6am - 9pm
425 3568
Tropical Sunset
$25 - $125
Bar,Restaurant, Free use of Bando beach
8am - 614pm
425 3190
$3 - $6pp
Fan, shared bath
7am - 7pm
425 3103
Trudy Suites
$45 - $50
A/C, hot water, tv, fridge, microwave
7am - 7pm
425 3103
Watersports - Mansion
$3 / person
Hostel style, shared kitchen, shared bath
9am - 7pm
425 3239
Bando Beach
9am - 5.30pm
Beach bar, snacks
Bar in the bush
Fri, 9pm - late
Night club
Big Mammas Cafe
Sandwiches and breakfast
425 3883
Sandwiches, salads & cappuchinos
425 3557
Cafe Barracuda
6am - 4pm
Mon - Sat, 8am - 3pm; Mon & Sun night 6.00pm
- 10 pm
Mon -Sat, 6.30am - 11pm
Airport rd
Captain Jacks
7am - 2pm
Local food
8am - 12am, Sat til 3am
Night club and local
Coco Loco
closed temporarily
Dock bar
Cola de Mico
Tue - Sun, 9am - 10pm; Fri/Sat til 12pm
Pool Hall and bar
Coopers Inn
5pm - 10pm, closed Wed, Sun
Pizza and pasta
Dave`s Restaurant
Mon - Sat, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Driftwood Cafe
7am - 10pm
International food and seafood
425 3266
El Castillo
closed temporarily
425 3329
Fidi`s Bar
Tue - Sun, 10am - 7pm
425 3185
Glady`s Big Burgers
11am - 10pm
Grill at Tranquila
Thu - Sun 3.30pm (snacks), 6pm (full meals) - 10pm
Grilled food, Salads and sides
Holand`s Restaurant
11.30am - 2pm
425 3206
Jade Seahorse
7am - 10pm, closed Tue/Wed
425 3270
Jungle Cafe
closed temporarily
International Tue/Fri/Sun. Daily Bar.
9am - 10pm
Ice cream
La Cassetta de Coca
Tue - Sun, 8am - 10pm
La Piccola
Wed - Sun, 5pm - 10pm
Italian food
425 3746
Las Delicias
3pm - 12am, (Sat 3pm - 3am)
Bar and Snacks
425 3361
Mamita`s Place
Mon - Sat, 7.30am - 2pm 4.30pm - 10pm
Mango Inn
6.30am - 9.30pm
Pizza and international
425 3410
Mango Tree Gelateria
Mon - Sat, 9am - 10pm, Sun 10am - 10pm
Gelato and American coffee
425 3335
Sun - Thu 11am - 10pm (Fri 3pm) Sat 6.30pm- 10pm
International fast food, delivey
425 3299
6am - 10pm
425 3168
7am - 10pm
425 2311
Pelican Bar
11am - 10pm
Beach bar & international
Wed/Fri/Sun 5.30pm 9.30pm
On the
5pm - 12am
Dock bar
Seven Seas
Tue - Sun 6am - 10pm
3pm - 12am
The Island Cafe
Mon - Sat 5pm - 10pm
3pm - 12am, Fri/Sat til 2.30am
Dock bar
Treetanic Bar
7pm - 12am
Cocktail bar
425 3270
Ultralight Cafe
Sun - Fri 7am - 10pm
425 3201
Utila Cuisine
9am - 10pm
Local & vegetarian cuisine
425 3214
Will’s Tacos
Mon - Sat 5pm - 10pm
Tacos, Gringas and Tortas
379 8659
On the
Zanzibar Cafe
7am - 4pm
Local food
425 3887
425 3273
425 3184
425 3377
Opening hours
Centro de Salud
Tel. no.
Mon-Fri, 8am-12pm
425 3371
425 3277
Dental Clinic
Hyperbaric Chamber
Mon - Sat 8.30am - 3.30pm
425 3378
Medical Store
425 3154
Utila Comm. Clinic
Mon-Fri 8am-12pm, Sat 9am - 11am
425 3137
Tel. no.
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm Sat til 12.30pm
425 3117
Banco Atlantico
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm Sat til 12.30pm
425 3374
Opening hours
Cay Caulker Cyber
Mon-Sat 8am-9pm, Sun til 5:30pm
Mon - Sat 9am - 7pm, Sun 10am - 6pm
Mango Tree
Mon-Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 10am-8pm
Sun-Thur 9am - 10pm, Fri til 5pm, Sat 6pm-10pm
Triple H
Sun - Thr 8.30am-9pm, Fri 8.30am-4pm Sat 7am-9pm
Bay Islands Original
Mon - Sat 9am - 8pm, Sun til 12pm
Di Gal
10am - 9pm
Island Creations
Mon-Sat 9am - 6pm, Sun 12 - 6pm.
8am - 8pm
Mon - Sat 5pm - 9pm
Tel. no.
Mon - Sat 6:30am- 6pm; Sun til 12pm
Mon - Sat, 7am-12pm, 2pm-6:30pm
425 3148
Meat Mart
Mon - Sat, 7am-12pm, 2pm-6pm, Sun til 12
Mon - Sat, 7am - 12pm, 2pm-8pm
425 3283
Samanthas (7/11)
9am - 12pm, 3.30pm - 6.30pm
425 3110
Seaeye Store
Mon - Sun, 6am-12pm, 2pm -6pm
Tel. no.
Opening hours
Opening hours
Rental type
DC’s Bike Rental
425 3285
Ramons Services
Kayaks and four wheelers
425 3307
Ritas Rentals
Golf Carts
374 3791
Utila Bike Rental
425 3800
Reef Cinema
Mon - Sat 11.30am - 6pm
425 3254
Tel. no.
Tue - Sat 7:30am-2pm,
Sweet Tooth
Mon-Fri 6am-12pm
Opening hours
Price / month
Blueberry Hill
425 3144
Tel. no.
425 3141
$250 - $450
TV, some with hot water
425 3921
Hollands Inn
$350 - $400
TV, porch
425 3206
Rose’s Inn
$300 - $400
Hot water, TV, porch
425 3283
Hot water, a/c
425 3692
Opening hours
Tel. no.
Sandstone Apts.
Fringe Salon
Mon/Tue/Thur 9am-6pm. Fri/Sat 12am-8pm
425 3745
Johnny’s Water
7am - 7pm
425 3304
Utila Telephone co.
8am - 8pm
World Wide Travel
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm Sat ti12pm
425 3161
425 3364
Bundu Cafe
Tel. no.
425 3190
Mango Inn
Pool, private bath, a/c, fan, tv, fridge, restaurant/bar, wireless network
Opening Hours
Tel. no.
Opening hours
Price range
425 3394
To Utila
From Utila
La Ceiba
06:00 (not Sun), 15:30
06:00, 15:30 (not sun)
06:00 (not sun)
La Ceiba
07:00 (not sun), 15:15
07:50 (not sun), 15:50
06:15 (not sun), 12:30
07:30 (not sun), 15:30
Hank’s Taxi – 425 3180 / 397 1678
Paisano Taxi – 425 3311
Stephanie 425 3987 / 384 3650
Zanzibar taxi 425 3887
Tel. 435 3390
Utila – La Ceiba
6:20am (everyday), 2pm (Fri, Sat & Mon)
La Ceiba – Utila
9:30am (Fri, Sat & Mon), 4pm (everyday)
Adults: Lps. 345 Seniors Lps. 210
Children (6 – 12 yrs): Lps. 140
Children (under 6): free
Ramon’s services
425 3307 VHF 69
Captain Jake
Call @ house on the point
Captain Rennie Bodden
425 3114
Captain Ford
425 3104
Captain Hal
Next to Big Mammas
Utila Catholic Church
7pm Thu, Sat & Sun
7pm Jue, Sab y Dom
9am Sunday School
9am Dom clases para ninos.
Mizpath Methodist Church
425 3205
Sun 10:30am Preaching
Sun 2:30pm Sunday School
Sun 6:30pm Preaching
Mon 6.30pm Christian Endeavour
Wed 7pm Bible study
Fri 7pm Prayer meeting
7th Day Adventist Church
Sun Evangelistic service 7pm
Wed prayer meeting 7pm
Fri youth meeting 7pm
Sat Sabbath school 8:45am
Sat devine service 11am
Utila Church of God
425 3151
Sun school 9am
Sun worship 10am
Sun evening service 7pm
Mon lady service 7pm
Tue youth service 7pm
Thu 7pm
Friday Youth Service 7pm
HQTV Channel 31
Tel. 425 3357
Local cable channel
7pm - 8pm Mon - Thu: Utila daily news.
Sundays: Sports and events
Religious programming at all other times
Channel 17
Local messages and information
Magic 107.1FM
Roatan Bruce Show 11pm - 1pm Mon - Fri
Escuela Republica de
Honduras 425 3399
Methodist School 425 3272
Adventist School 425 3129
Fire Station
Immigration Offices
Morgans Satellite & Cable
Municipality Offices
Port Captain
Post Office
Tourist Information
Tropico Internet
Utila Express
425 3260
382 4815
425 3101
425 3365
425 3161
425 3255
425 3145
425 3116
425 3167
425 3255
440 3136
425 3193
425 3283
Utila East Wind
January 2006
The Price of Happiness
By Jerry Campell
“For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, but
whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s Shall
save it” (Mark 8:35).
Albert Schweitzer was 21 year old when he awoke one
morning to the sound of birds
Singing in the orchards around his home in Gunsbach,
Germany. Brilliant sunlight streamed through his open
Ah! What a day to be alive! Albert thought. He looked
out his window past the steeple of the village church to
the lush countryside. Why am I so blessed while others live such lives of misery? What is the price of such
happiness? Surely I can’t just take my good fortune for
For some time, Albert had been struggling with similar
thoughts. It seemed incomprehensible to him that he
should be allowed to lead such a happy life, while he
saw so many people around him wrestling with care and
Albert closed his eyes and recalled the verse that had
been his meditation for several months. He had been trying to figure out what it meant to him personally, that
strange in Mark 8:35: “For whoever wishes to save his
life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life
for My sake and the gospel’s Shall save it.”
Utila Church Of God
Weekly Worship Services
Sunday School 9.00 am
Morning Worship 10.15 am
Ladies Cricle Monday 7.00 pm
Young People Endeavour Tue 7.00 pm
Worship Services Thursday 7.00 pm
Teen Talent Practice Friday 7.00 pm
Suddenly, the meaning flashed into his mind with the
brilliance of the morning sun .
I must give myself in direct service of humanity, not
talking or preaching, but simply doing, showing Christ’s
love by helping to relieve the misery of others.
In that moment he found the meaning and the purpose for
which he was born. Albert’s heart beat a little faster as he
made a solemn vow: I will consider myself Justified in
living till I am thirty for science and arts. I will then give
myself entirely to the service of humanity.
Nine years later on the 13th of October1905, Albert
walked briskly down the Avenue de la Grande Armee IN
Paris and dropped several envelopes in the letter box. In
one of them he resigned his position as principal of St.
Thomas College of theology. The other letters were addressed to his parents and friends, telling them of his decision to enroll as a medical student and prepare himself
to go to Africa as a medical missionary.
At this time Albert, who was only 30 years of age, already had accomplished a great deal. He had become an
internationally famous as a theologian, organist, and authority on organ building, and an interpreter of the music
of Johann Sebastian Bach.
He studied medicine from 1905 until 1913; then as a
missionary doctor Lamberene, French Equatorial Africa
Hole in the
For delicious baked
goods, coffee, tea, Johny
cakes, sandwiches and
much more
Come and visit us at the
January 28 th at Las Palmas Resort,
Dixon Cove, Roatan.
From 9 am to 3 pm
Multi Level yoga classes
and Kids Yoga.
Special menu of snacks, drinks and
lunch by Casa Marta.
yoga instructors wanting to participate (teach) please contact us:
Susan Jensen 978-5463
marciawalker 388-8680
[email protected]
[email protected]
(now Gabon). A chicken coop served as the first consulting room for his first jungle hospital.
In 1928 Albert Schweitzer received the Goethe prize and
later the Nobel Prize. He used the $33,000 prize money
to expand the hospital in his leper colony. In 1955 Queen
Elizabeth II gave to Schweitzer Great Britain’s highest
civilian award, the Order of Merit.
God has his plans for your life, too, just as surely as surely as he did for Albert Schweitzer.
This plan may not include worldly fame or fortune, for
Gods plans are not our plans.
Isaiah 55:8,9: “For my thoughts are not thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Higher than the highest human thought can reach is
God’s ideal for his children”
God’s plan for you is much greater than anything you
might dream for yourself. He has gifted you fill a very
special place in His plan. Like Albert Schweitzer, you
will find true happiness and success as you reach toward
full potential in Christ Jesus, filling the purpose He has
for your life.
In our club UTILA means Unite This Island Lord
By Edwin Jackson
Ladies & gentlemen,
Parents of this beautiful community,
First of all I would like to say it is so wonderful to serve
people. I have been doing dentistry for 19 years, 9 of
which I worked as an unlicensed dentist. Things have
really advanced dramatically since that time. For years
we have conducted research to preserve the natural dentition. Thanks to God and the advancement of science
we have found a material & machinery that is fluoride
releasing that prevents cavities by 99 percent if visits
to the dentist are made periodically. For the first time
in Utila´s history you can receive professional dental
care for you and your children. I love you, I love your
children, that’s why Utila Children’s Club exists today.
What are the benefits of Utila Children´s Club?
Two years ago when we started this club, we were not
prepared to offer very much but now we are. All children of the world that come to Utila Dental Clinic get a
50 percent discount on ALL treatment we offer. In the
near future we will also have a discount on orthodontic
treatment, commonly known as braces. Furthermore,
we are also raising funds for education so that our children can go to the mainland. You will only be responsible for your children´s tuition. I pray daily for God that
this will be a reality.
The Hispanos and tourists have floated my dental practice financially. Finally you can do dental work without
cash. Credit is the choice to work with, you can sign a
contract with us and pay a small deposit to start as you
are privileged to pay 25 percent weekly or every 15
days. Payments must be paid as agreed or you will be
fined (multa) 10 percent of your pending bill. I must do
this in order to support my children´s club. Remember
the important thing here is not me or you, it’s the children. Please help me maintain your children´s smiles.
This is a dream come true from God. Please support our
cause in whatever way you can. Contact us at Western
Path Road or call us 425-3371 or 349-5225. PLEASE
Utila Bay Island
Honduras, Central America
Phone # 425-3371 or 349-5225
The African Nations
Cup finals
of 2006 will
be played
20th January to 10th
F e b r u a r y.
match and
will both
be played in the Cairo International Stadium. The teams that
have qualified are: Egypt, Togo,
Senegal, Zambia, Ghana, Dem.
Rep. Congo, South Africa, Ivory
Coast, Cameroon, Libya, Angola,
Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Morocco, Guinea
of 2005
Petr Cech (Chelsea); Cafu (AC
Terry (Chelsea),
(Barcelona), Paolo Maldini (AC
Milan), Luis Garcia (Liverpool),
Steven Gerrard (liverpool), Ronaldinho (barcelona), Pavel
Nedved (Juventus), Samuel
Eto’o (Barcelona) and Andriy
Shevchenko (AC Milan). The
coach: jose mourinho (Chelsea)
January 2006
Games in Turin
Turin will host the
20th winter olympics
in February. The olympic torch arrived
in turin on the 25th
of December
Between the 10 nd
26th of February 84
medals will be given. 2,500 athletes and 2,500
officials from 85 National Olympic Committees
will be staying in the Olym[pic villages. The
winter olympics consist of the following seven
sports: Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Cruling, Ice Hockey, Luge< skating and Skiing. These sport will
be played in the eight compitition sites: Bardonecchia, Pinerolo, Pragelato, Cesana-Pariol,
Cesana-San Sicario, Sauze d’Oulx, Sestriere,
Paris – Dakar 2006
93 bikers, 64 car
crews and 33 trucks
made it to the finish line of the 28th
Euromilhoes-Lisboa-Dakar. This year
three people died during the rally.
Austrialian biker Andy Caldecott
died in a crash in the nineth stage
of the race. Bouobacar Diallo and
Mohamaed N’Daw, two children
died when the caravan passed in
Guinea and Senegal.
Car Race: Alphand & Picard (fra)
Motor: Marc Coma (Spa)
Truck: Chagin, Yakubov and
Savostin (Rus)
Welcome back to Utila
Lakeside Worldcup
The final of the officieus
Worldcup was all Dutch.
Van Barneveldt and
Klaasen played each other last Sunday in Frimley Green. Jelle Klaasen
beat 4 time winner Raymond van Baarneveld
with 7-5. Klaasen played
in the finaaals for the first time and with being
21 yers he is the youngest to ever win the final.
Ethiopian Haile Gebreselassie
broke the world half marathon
record in Phoenix, Arizona this
month. He set the record at a time
of 58 minutes and 55 seconds,
28 seconds faster than the old
US Dollar
British Pound
Australian Dollar
Canandian Dollar
Guatemalan Quetzale
Mexican Peso
Nicaraguan Cordoba
Costa Rican Colone
Utila East Wind
This puzzle contains 29 three letters
words that all start with the letter B.
Can you find all 29 of them?
Can you find the seven
differences between
these two dinos?
January 2006
Professional building sevices
Contract jobs or daily rates
for smaller jobs
10 years experience building
on Utila
Contact Luis or Patti Bernard
Telephone: 425-3720
Screening in February
The Constant Gardener, Legend of Zorro, and Corpse
Bride are the featured films
for the month.
Wednesday is classic night
where you can see movies
you’ve always heard about
but may not have seen. Movies like The Pianist and Like
Water for Chocolate.
Fridays are “Drive-in Theater” – movies not to be taken
seriously and a perfect way
to start the weekend. Look
for Soylent Green and Water
Movies are shown nightly at
7:30pm with the exception of
Friday (8pm) and Saturday
(6:30pm and 8:30pm).
Check the movie board in
front of the cinema for more
Computer classes, flexible
schedule, 3hrs/wk contact
Sheryl @ Triple H internet.
Ma-merr’s day care, open
mon-fri 7am-8pm 2mths
- 3yrs old, behind deposito
Pepsi. Come in and see us!
Funky Town Library. Great
selection of books availiable
to rent, swap or sell. Situated
behind Cross Creek Diveshop across the bridge over
the lagoon.
Mr. Fix it for all your scuba
gear. Contact Guillermo @
For Rent
Corpse Bride
Tim Burton, with codirector Mike Johnson,
invites us to visit
the dour, ashen, and
mansions of the living, where young
Victor Van Dort
(voiced by Johnny
Depp) is bequeathed
to wed the lovely
Watson). But the
wedding rehearsal
goes sour and, in the
kind of Goth-eerie
forest that only exists in Burton-land,
Victor suddenly finds himself accidentally
married to the Corpse Bride (Helena Bonham
Carter), a blue-tinted, half-skeletal beauty
(how pleasantly full-bosomed she remains!)
with a loquacious maggot installed behind one
prone-to-popping eyeball. This being a Burton
creation, the underworld of the dead is a lively
and colorful place indeed, and Danny Elfman’s
songs and score make it even livelier, presenting Victor with quite a dilemma: Should he return above-ground to Victoria, or remain devoted to his corpse bride? At a brisk 76 minutes,
Burton’s graveyard whimsy (loosely based on
2 Office spaces available in
Broussard’s Plaza at the ferry
See Chris or call 388 8952
for more information.
For Sale
EFR participant manuals
and used masks/snorkels for
sale. Good prices, phone 355
DVD Player Good as new
$50 call 355 4463
Yanmar 88 Hsp, 4 cylinder,
1994 diesel engine $4000.
Contact Mr Donald Cooper,
Utila Cayes. 425-3349 (Capt.
Paint Ball Equipment all
gear needed to play. See
Brooks @ Tranquila.
COLEMAN generator
3.5 KW Gas, rebuilt, runs
$230. Call Jan 372-3343 or
check with Chris @ Reef
Cinema video store
Computer case
Blk Leather case for laptop
size 11x13 ½, outside pocket, shoulder strap. Used-new
$45, now $15. Call Jan 3723343
Tatouage, transger designs
Green leaf design, easy application. Freom HSN 5
sheets for $30 +++. My price
100 lps 1 sheet or 300 lps 4
sheets. Call Jan 372-3343
Looking for house to rent.
a 19th century Russian folktale) never wears
out its welcome, and the voice casting (which
includes Tracey Ullman and Albert Finney) is
superbly matched the film’s gloriously amusing character design.
The legend of Zorro
Zorro goes off on
another adventure
to protect the future of California
and its citizens.
This time, he fights
against evil-doers
with the help of
his beautiful wife,
Elena, and their
precocious young
son, Joaquin. Alejandro De LaVega
is torn between two
worlds: his life as Zorro and his life as a family man. After Alejandro once again breaks his
promise to stop wearing the mask, Elena leaves
him, and soon begins seeing Armand, a haughty French Count. But a mysterious explosion
in the desert leads Zorro to believe that there’s
more to Armand than meets the eye, and our
hero is intent on finding out what that is. Little does he know, there are others working to
Longterm. Call Tara 4253854
Furniture for house. Couches, kitchen tables, chairs, etc.
See Andi @ Bundu or call
Wooden chairs for Bundu
Cafe. See Andi or call 3677376.
Yoga teacher. Interested in spending time on
Roatan? contact Susan at
[email protected]
or at marciaroatan @yahoo.
Happy Birhtday Miss Annie Bodden - 24 th January
Happy Birthday Jake from
Uncle Gareth, Auntie Susie,
Ben, Tahnee and Josh.
Happy B-day Jacob from
Granpa Steve and Nanny.
Matt, Phil and Anders Happy Birthday! Party On! 20
Jake Happy Birthday
wishes from Granma Susi &
Grandad Arnie and the rest of
the family
To submit a free classified in next months
paper email: utila
uncover certain truths as well.
The constant Gardener
Based on the bestselling John le Carré
novel and from the
Awardnominated director of
“City of God.” In a
remote area of Northern Kenya, activist
Tessa Quayle (Rachel
Weisz) is found brutally murdered. Tessa’s companion, a
doctor, appears to
have fled the scene, and the evidence points to a
crime of passion. Members of the British High
Commission in Nairobi assume that Tessa’s
widower, their mild-mannered and unambitious colleague Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes),
will leave the matter to them. They could not
be more wrong. Haunted by remorse and jarred
by rumors of his late wife’s infidelities, Quayle
surprises everyone by embarking on a personal
odyssey that will take him across three continents. Using his privileged access to diplomatic secrets, he will risk his own life, stopping
at nothing to uncover and expose the truth - a
conspiracy more far-reaching and deadly than
Quayle could ever have imagined.
Utila East Wind
January 2006
Name: Olivier
concert pianist
Three months of
travelling down from
Mexico and Guatemala and I have finally discovered a
perfect place that is
really love.
What drew me to this
little know corner of
the Caribbean paradise was the promise
of inexpensive diving in warm tropical
waters, coupled with
impossible hot but
incredibly beautiful
weather. It might be
the cold and rainy
season now but have
you been to Britain?
Another reason was
the chance to pull
up a chair and take a
break from speaking
and learning Spanish
(though sometimes
it is easier to understand than the local
English is).
I am also here to meet
laid back people (a
Utilian all day breakfast actually does take
all day), have lots of
fun, and of course,
make the most of my
experiences. All three
items on this list can
be duly crossed out.
So would you believe me if I told you
I wanted to leave?
Don’t, I’d be lying. I
have met several poor
souls who are still
imprisoned on this island hideaway years
after popping by for
just a “flying visit”.
Well, I have been
here a fair few weeks
but if the hyads, the
Utilian water sprites,
want to restrain me a
little while longer, I
have decided. I won’t
complain. Any excuse
is too good to refuse.
If you want to find out
who’s been practicing
the piano all day and
night in the Methodist church recently,
come and listen to
a piano concert. I’ll
be giving in the next
(well, time doesn’t
really exist here…)
Viva Utila!
Keeping Utila Clean
The nocturnal raids on garbage bins by
dogs has finally been put to bed by a simlpe and effective plan. The municipalities idea to stake and tether the bins has
immediately solved the problem of early
morning, garbage strewn streets. Jack
Cooper, Alex Reyes and Abran Dunes
have worked hard to complete the centre of town and Cola Mico and Maimy
Lane will be finished in the next couple
of weeks.
HOWEVER, this is of little help if people
don’t USE the garbage cans provided!
Please help to keep the streets of Utila
The Utila East Wind has had
many request to write an opinions page about The Utila Princess. So if you would like to
voice our opinion let us know!
[email protected]
Tel: 355-4463
Beautiful girls celebrate Bryannas birthday Domino domination
Apr 20 - May 20
Spend time with friends and relatives. You have taken on
guru-like status at the moment and seem to know just what
to say to make people feel better. Live for the moment
and stop worrying about tomorrow. It might never come.
Name the silver Spanish
coins that became the
comon coin for pirates?
¿Como se llama la
moneda de plata Español que era la moneda
común de las piratas?
May 21 - June 21
This is a good time to deal with something that has been
bothering you for a long time. Recognise the things or
people that have been working against you and face them.
Be calculating for a change. Do things that make you
happy. Apply your spirit to the nice things in life. Stop
working so hard.
¿Que sigue 1 - 2 - 5 - 14
- 41 - X?
Who was the Australian Open 2005 women
¿Quien fue la ganadora
del Australian Open
Aug 23 - Sep 22
This is a time for self-improvement. You need work.
You will make a special connection with someone whilst
Be ready to receive a lot of attention – something that is
second nature to you.
Vegetable. Introduced
by Columbus, 95 % water, little nutricional value and the inside can be
20 degrees cooler than
the outside?
Sep 23 - Oct 22
You’ve been worrying about a change that may happen for a
long time now. Don’t. Leap and the net will appear.
¿Vegetal. Introducido
por C. Colón, es 95 %
de agua, tiene poco valor nutritiva y por dentro
puede ser 20 grados mas
fria que por fuera?
Oct 23 - Nov 21
You will learn something that helps you decide what to do
with your future.
Listen to what people are trying to tell you. I said listen. Stop
Largest country in
the world in terms of
population starting with
the L?
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Emotional matters could kick off today if you face what’s
bothering you. Probably best to keep a low profile.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Don’t aggravate someone who could influence your future.
Make a concerted effort to stay on their good-side. The start
of the year hasn’t been easy for you but you will look back
in a few months and be thankful for what you have been
through. It’s all part of life’s rich tapestry.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
This is an active time for you. Invite friends round, re-decorate or take a trip. Watch people’s body language and listen
to their words. Unspoken messages are the most important
form of communication. Why do you think animals look
so happy?
¿El país más grande (en
populación) que empieza
con la L?
Solution Crossword December
What comes next 1 - 2
- 5 - 14 - 41 - X?
July 23 - Aug 22
Try to keep everything in the open. If you aren’t sure how
someone is feeling then ask them and make sure you talk
about your feelings too. You are like a sponge at the moment so read, listen and learn and who knows you may
become a rocket scientist.
¿Cual cantante famoso
fue nombrado cabellero
este año ?
June 22 - July 22
Stop letting people take you for granted. You may end up
being alone but it’s better than not being appreciated.
Give away what you don’t need and you may receive what
you have always wanted.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Don’t trust other people to do your business for you. Stay
on top of things. You don’t have the luxury to take things
slowly at the moment. Take the dramatic approach. Pretend
you’re pulling off a band-aid.
Enter the numbers 1 - 9 in the blank squares in such a
way that each row, column and smaller square contains
the numbers 1- 9.
Which famous singer
has been knighted this
What is the name of the
school on the municipal
¿Cual es el nombre de
la escuela en el muelle?
Mar 21 - Apr 19
Prepare for the un-expected and don’t let it knock you
back.Like any comedian will tell you - timing is everything. Choose your moment and you can have whatever
you want.
1.Miss Phyla/Utila Private School , 2. Pieces
of eight, 3. Tom Jones 4. 122 5. Serena Williams 6. Cucmber 7.Laos
Utila East Wind
January 2006
Walking through Chinatown, a tourist
is fascinated with all the Chinese restaurants, shops, signs and banners. He
turns a corner and sees a building with
the sign, “Hans Olaffsen’s Laundry.”
“Hans Olaffsen?”, he muses. “How in
hell does that fit in here?” So he walks
into the shop and sees an old Chinese
gentleman behind the counter.
The tourist asks, “How did this place get
a name like ‘Hans Olaffsen’s Laundry?’”
The old man answers, “Is name of owner.”
The tourist asks, “Well, who and where
is the owner?” “Me...is right here,” replies the old man.
“You? How did you ever get a name like
Hans Olaffsen?”
“Is simple,” says the old man. “Many,
many year ago when come to this country, was stand in line at Documentation
Center. Man in front was big blonde
Swede. Lady look at him and go, ‘What
your name?’ He say,’Hans Olaffsen.’
Then she look at me and go, ‘What your
“I say Sem Ting.”
A doctor and a lawyer were talking at
a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor
for free medical advice. After an hour of
this, the exasperated doctor asked the
lawyer, “What do you do to stop people
from asking you for legal advice when
you’re out of the office?”
“I give it to them,” replied the lawyer,
“and then I send them a bill.”
The doctor was shocked, but agreed to
give it a try. The next day, still feeling
slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the
When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.
Waiting for the party...
going to church
new years bonfire
Welcome back
watchnight service
Happy New Year!!
news years day fun
Where is the par=ty?
January 2006
Out & About