Estaciones Sample Pages
Estaciones Sample Pages
Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Use this Curriculum for Home Use Lesson Guide Note to Parents Reference Section: • The Alphabet • Common Words and Phrases • Commands • Making and Practicing Flashcards • Games and Activities Lessons: • Lección 1 - El calendario y el tiempo Page ii iii v vii viii (The Calendar and Weather) •Vocabulario y mandatos •Verbos - mirar, dibujar, escribir •Gramática - Asking About the Weather • Lección 2 – El otoño y la escuela (The Fall and School) •Vocabulario y mandatos •Verbos - leer, rastrillar, ir, coger •Gramática - Personal Pronouns (yo, tú, él, etc.) •More Gramática - Acabar de • Lección 3 – El invierno (The Winter) •Vocabulario y mandatos •Verbos - ponerse, patinar, jugar, hacer •Gramática - Saying how often (siempre, nunca, etc.) •More Gramática - Saying what you like • Lección 4 – La primavera (The Spring) •Vocabulario y mandatos •Verbos - buscar, tocar, plantar, crecer •Gramática - Describing with colors •More Gramática - Saying what you are able to do 1 1 4 7 10 10 12 15 16 18 18 20 23 24 27 27 29 32 33 • Lección 5 – El verano (The Summer) 35 •Vocabulario y mandatos 35 •Verbos - nadar, traer, tomar, tener 37 •Gramática - tener phrases 40 •More Gramática - Possessive Adjectives (mi, mis, etc.) 41 Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 How to Use this Curriculum for Home Use What comes with your Spanish for You! Curriculum: • Spanish for You! book in hard copy or e-book. • Audio download so that you can hear the entire book • Lesson Guides for grades 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 in PDF format for download. • Self-checking worksheets for grades 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 in PDF format for download. What to do: • Parents should read the Lesson Guide Note to Parents. • Then just follow the lesson guide. It has step-by-step instructions of what your student(s) needs to do. Also includes what worksheets to print and instructs when to use the audio and which audio file to use. • The audio files are clearly labeled so you will be able to easily identify and open them. • The worksheets are also clearly labeled so you can print just the ones you need. • Feel free to have your younger students try worksheets for older grades if you are looking for extra challenge at times. • Remember that you can use the same Spanish for You! book with all your children of different ages at the same time. Just use the lesson guide and worksheets for their grade level. • Some Games and Activities are woven into the lessons and can be played with all your children together. Additional activities can be found at, Curriculum Activities page. And most of all - HAVE FUN!! Feel free to make up your own games and activities to practice things! Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 Lesson Guide Note to Parents Spanish for You! Estaciones The Spanish for You! Estaciones Lesson Guides are designed to take you through an entire school year without having to plan any lessons. **Remember: You can use the same Spanish for You! book with all your children during the same school year. Below is a list of things you should know prior to beginning: • The guides for grades 5 to 8 are 24 weeks, for grades 3-4 is 27 weeks. • The guide is set up for 4 days of work each week. Each day can take about 10 to 30 minutes. However, you can modify this. Feel free to go at your own pace. For example, you could spread one week’s work into 2 weeks by dividing each day’s work into 2 days. Just be sure to keep some continuity. • Be sure to do the work in order. Things are placed in a specific order to prepare your student(s) for what is next. • You may need to assist your child at times. Each day read what he/she needs to do and help as needed. For older students, you will probably only need to help them in the beginning until they get the hang of how things work. • Always feel free to adapt any of the activities to your child’s ability level. What is important is that he/she progresses in learning Spanish and likes it. Keep it light, fun, and non-stressful. • For grades 3 & 4 - younger students can take longer learning verb conjugations. Know that they may go through an entire school year and only consistently learn the “I” and “we” forms of the verbs. THIS IS OK! What is important is that they learn about the patterns. Over time they will learn the others. • A “*” indicates an optional game or activity usually for multiple players. See Games and Activities section of your book for how to play/do. • Some activities mentioned need to be found on-line at • To build listening and pronunciation skills use the audio as instructed. • To build speaking, repeat vocabulary words when listening to the audio. • To build reading, look at vocabulary words and say them aloud. • To build writing make flashcards as instructed for new vocabulary and phrases. Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 Lección 5 El verano (The Summer) El verano las sandalias las gafas de sol la toalla la piscina (the sandals) (the sunglasses) (the towel) (the pool) los pantalones cortos la loción protectora el agua la playa (the shorts) (the sunscreen) (the water) (the beach) la camiseta el bañador la limonada la arena (the t-shirt) (the bathng suit) (the lemonade) (the sand) Mandatos (These are things we tell a person to do.) nada = swim toma = take trae = bring ten cuidado = be careful Learning Your New Vocabulary • Make flashcards for your new el verano and mandatos vocabulary. See Making Flashcards page for ideas on how to do this. • Choose a few activities from the Practicing Flashcards page to begin learning your new words. Using Your New Vocabulary • Gather actual items or pictures of the el verano vocabulary and place them on a table. • Now listen to these sentences as you read along. Pretend to do what you hear. Or pause the audio after each and say what it means in English or draw a picture to show it. Note: y = and Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 o Toma las sandalias. o Trae la toalla. o Trae las sandalias y la toalla. o Nada en la piscina. o Toma la loción protectora. o Trae las gafas de sol. o Ten cuidado en la piscina. o Ten cuidado en el agua. o Nada en el agua. o Toma la arena. o Trae el bañador y la camiseta. o Toma la limonada. (Take the sandals.) (Bring the towel.) (Bring the sandals and the towel.) (Swim in the pool.) (Take the sunscreen.) (Bring the sunglasses.) (Be careful in the pool.) (Be careful in the water.) (Swim in the water.) (Take the sand.) (Bring the bathing suit and t-shirt.) (Take the lemonade.) Now listen to these sentences. Do what you hear, draw to show it, or write what it means in English. For extra challenge: Pause the audio after each sentence and write in Spanish what you hear. Then, check what you wrote to see if you spelled everything correctly. o o o o o o o o Trae la toalla. Toma el bañador. Toma la arena. Trae la loción protectora. Ten cuidado en el agua. Nada en la piscina. Trae la camiseta y las gafas de sol. Toma la limonada. Interactive Use of Vocabulary • Play Hangman with someone. Use any of the sentences above for your game or make up your own sentences. Or, just use single words for an easier game. See Games and Activities section. • For extra challenge, use the Spanish alphabet to guess your letters. Turn to the Spanish alphabet page for help pronouncing letters. Master What You Have Learned. As you follow the lesson guide you will be doing the self-checking worksheets for your grade level for this new vocabulary. 36 Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 Gramática (Grammar) Describing With Colors The endings for these colors change when describing things: rojo,a amarillo,a anaranjado,a rosado,a negro,a blanco, a morado,a Examples: La flor es roja. El pájaro es rojo. (The flower is red.) (The bird es red) La semilla es amarilla. El sol es amarillo. (The seed is yellow.) (The sun is yellow.) These color words do not change: azul verde café Examples: La semilla es café. El pájaro es café. (The seed is brown.) (The bird is brown.) La flor es azul y verde. El arco iris es azul y verde. (The flower is blue and green.) (The rainbow is blue and green.) Using Your New Grammar When we want to ask the color of something we say “¿De qué color es...?” For example: ¿De qué color es el pájaro? (What color is the bird?) El pájaro es café. (The bird is brown.) Let’s see if you can answer questions about the colors of some things. Use the rules you learned above. Point to the answer you believe is correct. • • • • • • ¿De qué color es la flor? ¿De qué color es el pájaro? ¿De qué color es la semilla? ¿De qué color es el arco iris? ¿De qué color es el oso? ¿De qué color es el sol? (La flor es rojo. La flor es roja.) (El pájaro es amarillo. El pájaro es amarilla.) (La semilla es rosada. La semilla es rosado.) (El arco iris es azul. El arco iris es roja.) (El oso es negro. El oso es negra.) (El sol es amarilla. El sol es amarillo.) 32 Spanish for You! Estaciones © 2010 Let’s Put it all Together! Read the boxes below and circle the sentence that best describes each picture. Then listen to your audio to hear the correct sentences. Read aloud too! Tocan las semillas en la maceta (pot). Tocan las flores en la maceta. Buscamos el pájaro. El pájaro es blanco. Buscamos el pájaro. El pájaro es negro. Puedo plantar las flores. Podemos plantar las flores. La flor es blanca, y la semilla es negra. La flor es amarilla, y la semilla es blanca. Busca el arco iris. Buscan el arco iris. Planto las semillas. Plantamos las semillas. La flor crece. Las flores crecen. El pájaro busca las semillas. Los pájaros buscan las semillas. 34