The Bear Facts - Spring Branch ISD
The Bear Facts - Spring Branch ISD
The Bear Facts December 2011 Exam Schedule 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/ 16 Issue 3 Spring Branch Middle School ‐ PTA Winter Vacation December 16—January 4 Semester exams (periods 1 & 4) 7th & 8th Semester exams (periods 2 & 5) 7th & 8th Semester exams (periods 3 & 6) 7th & 8th Semester exam (period 7) 7th & 8th Wishing you a very happy and safe holiday season Calendar of Important Dates December 2011 / Deciembre de 2011 1 5 6 6 8 12 13 14 15 16 8th grade field trip to Alley Theatre / Viaje al Alley Theatre del 8o grado * CIS-PTA community luncheon !1:45am to 1:00pm/Almuerzo comunitario, ofrecido por CIS y la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA), 11:45 a.m. hasta la 1:00 p.m 7th grade UH opera house field trip/Viaje al casa de opera a Universidad del Houston del 7o grado Band winter concert (6:30 p.m.) auditorium / Concierto de invierno de la banda (6:30 p.m.) auditorio Choir concert (6:30 p.m.) auditorium / Concierto del coro (6:30 p.m.) auditorio Orchestra winter concert ( 6:00 p.m.) auditorium / Concierto de invierno de la orquesta (6:00 p.m.) auditorio Semester exams (periods 1 & 4) 7th & 8th grade / Exámenes semestrales (periodos 1 y 4) 7o y 8o grados Semester exams (periods 2 & 5) 7th & 8th grade / Exámenes semestrales (periodos 2 y 5) 7o y 8o grados Early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. / Salida temprana a las 12:30 p.m. Semester exams (periods 3 & 6) 7th & 8th grade / Exámenes semestrales (periodos 3 y 6) 7o y 8o grados Early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. / Salida temprana a las 12:30 p.m. Semester exam (period 7) 7th & 8th grade / Examen semestral (periodo 7) 7o y 8o grados Early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. / Salida temprana a las 12:30 p.m. End of second nine weeks grading period / Final del segundo periodo de calificación de nueve semanas End of first semester / Fin del primer semestre December 16-January 4 Winter Vacation / Diciembre 16 – Enero 4 Vacaciones de Invierno January 2012 / Enero de 2012 4 First Day for Students; Begin 3rd Nine Weeks Grading Period / Primer día para todos los estudiantes; Inicio del 3er periodo de calificación de nueve semanas 5 SBMS Spelling Bee 8:30 am Auditorium / SBMS Spelling Bee en el Auditorio, a las 8:30 a.m. 9 Bear Facts articles due / Fecha límite para los artículos de Bear Facts 13,14 Region 27 Choir Auditions (7th & 8th only) / Audiciones del Coro Regional (7 y 8 solamente) 16 Martin Luther King Birthday (No School) / Onomástico de Martin Luther King - No hay clases 17,19 High school transition information for students, parents/ Informatiocion sobre la transicion a la escuela secundaria para estudieantes y padres 20 PTA Fund-Raising Dinner /(Houston Racquet Club) Cena de Recaudación de Fondos de la PTA, 23 PTA Meeting 1pm MPR / Reunión de la PTA, a la 1 p.m., en el MPR *Dates in red are corrections from last month’s issue SBMS Office Phone: 713-251-4400 The Bear Facts Page 1 From the Principal/Del Director Dr. Bryan Williams As our first semester comes to a close, I’d like to thank you for partnering with our school to ensure a successful and productive first semester. Our final exams will take place during the week of December 13th -16th. Early dismissal days will take place on December 14th, 15th, and 16th. All semester grades will be submitted by teachers before school resumes on Wed, January 4th. I’d like to make a correction from our last edition of Bear Facts. We submitted the incorrect names of parents who hosted our Grade Level PTA Coffees in early September. I’d like to thank the following parents for hosting PTA Coffees: Lisa Taylor (8th grade), Kristi Barnhill (7th grade), and Rita Bishara (6th grade). Please accept our apologies for publishing the incorrect names. The SBMS CIT recently approved our new re-testing procedure which will go into effect for the second semester (January 2012). Our current procedure provides academic students and 6th grade Pre-AP students (first semester only) with an opportunity to retake a test if they receive a failing grade. This procedure was not in alignment with our current Board policy. Our Board policy states, “A student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to retake a test for which the student received a failing grade.” Our new practice will provide all students with an opportunity to retake a test if they score below a 70 on an exam. Look forward to specifics of this new practice in the next edition of Bear Facts. Congratulations to our Social Studies Department! Spring Branch Middle has earned a Gold Performance Acknowledgement for 2011 social studies student performance on TAKS. The award goes to schools that had 30% or more of its students scoring at the commended level for each of our accountability sub-groups. Finally, have a peaceful and safe holiday season! The Bear Facts Page 2 En virtud de que el primer semestre está por terminar, me gustaría agradecer su asociación con nuestra escuela para asegurar un primer semestre exitoso y productivo. Nuestros exámenes se llevarán a cabo durante la semana de diciembre 13-16. Los días de salida anticipada serán el 14, 15 y 16 de diciembre. Todas las calificaciones semestrales serán enviadas a los maestros antes de que se reanuden las clases, el miércoles 4 de enero. Me gustaría hacer una corrección a nuestra última edición de Bear Facts. Reportamos nombres incorrectos de padres de familia que fueron anfitriones de nuestros Grade Level PTA Coffees, a principios del mes de septiembre. Me gustaría agradecer a los siguientes padres de familia por ser los anfitriones de los PTA Coffees: Lisa Taylor (8o grado), Kristi Barnhill (7o grado),y Rita Bishara (6o grado). Por avor, acepten nuestras disculpas si publicamos los nombres incorrectamente. El CIT de SBMS aprobó recientemente nuestro procedimiento de repetición de exámenes que entrará en vigor el segundo semestre (enero de 2012). Nuestro procedimiento actual da a los estudiantes de academia y a los estudiantes Pre-Ap del 6o grado (primer semestre solamente), la oportunidad de presentar nuevamente el examen si es que lo reprueban. Este procedimiento no está alineado con nuestra política de la Junta Directiva actual. Nuestra política de la Junta establece: “Se le permitirá a un estudiante una oportunidad razonable para presentar nuevamente un examen en el cual el estudiante haya sido reprobado". Nuestra nueva práctica dará a todos los estudiantes una oportunidad de presentar nuevamente el examen, si obtienen una calificación de menos de 70 en un examen. Busque los datos específicos de esta nueva práctica en la siguiente edición de Bear Facts. ¡Felicitaciones a nuestro Departamento de Estudios Sociales! La Escuela Intermedia de Spring Branch ha ganado un Gold Performance Acknowledgement for 2011 en el desempeño en estudios sociales en TAKS. El premio se lo otorgan a las escuelas que tuvieron 30% o más de sus estudiantes con calificaciones al nivel recomendado para cada uno de nuestros sub-grupos de contabilidad. Finalmente, ¡espero que tengan una temporada de días festivos pacífica y segura! From the PTA President/De la Presidenta de la PTA Autumn Davidson The year is flying by. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now the end of the semester and holidays are right around the corner. There are many activities going on this time of year so please check the calendar and enjoy the talents of our wonderful students. El año ha pasado volando. El Día de Acción de Gracias llegó y se fue, y ahora el fin del semestre y los días festivos están a la vuelta de la esquina. Hay muchas actividades en curso en esta época del año, así que revise su calendario y disfrute de los talentos de nuestros maravillosos estudiantes. The directories and spirit items have been delivered. A big thank you to Becky Hughes, Tracy Sapien, Katie Nance, Candy Marks and Debbie Dixon for all of their hard work. Jackie Harrison, Cathy Finck and Jennifer Hill have hosted our Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts. Thank you so much to those of you who donated food. It is such a special treat for our faculty and staff. Los directorios y los artículos de espíritu ya han sido entregados. Un enorme agradecimiento a Becky Hughes, Tracy Sapien, Katie Nance, Candy Marks y Debbie Dixon por todo su arduo trabajo. Jackie Harrison, Cathy Finck y Jennifer Hill han sido los anfitriones de los Desayunos de Apreciación a los Maestros. Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que donaron alimentos. Es un convite especial para nuestro profesorado y personal administrativo. Thanks to Joanna Johnston for providing refreshments for the school’s Veteran’s Day celebration and for providing the waters for all of our PTA meetings. Thank you to Jacqueline Wright for organizing a Coat Drive with CIS (Communities in Schools). There will be a luncheon on December 5th at school with CIS where you can bring your coat donation and learn about CIS. Gracias a Joanna Johnston por ofrecer refrescos para la celebración del Día del Veterano en la escuela y por ofrecer agua para todas nuestras reuniones de la PTA. Gracias a Jacqueline Wright por organizar una campaña de donación de abrigos para las CIS (Comunidades en las Escuelas). Habrá un almuerzo en la escuela con CIS, el 5 de diciembre, en donde usted podrá traer su abrigo de donación y aprender acerca de CIS. Watch for your invitation to our Surfin’ Safari fundraiser on Friday, January 20th. It will take place at the Houston Racquet Club. Tanna Myers and Kimberly Burleson are working very hard on this event. Please don’t miss this fun night of great food and music as we raise funds for Spring Branch Middle School. Esté pendiente por su invitación a nuestra recaudación de fondos Surfin’ Safari, el viernes 20 de enero. Se llevará a cabo en el Houston Racquet Club. Tanna Myers and Kimberly Burleson están trabajando arduamente en este evento. Por favor no se pierda esta divertida noche con buena comida y música, mientras recaudamos fondos para la Escuela Intermedia Spring Branch. There is no general PTA meeting in December. Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 23, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. We hope to see you there. It is a great time to meet new people and get the update about what is going on at school from Dr. Williams and our PTA chairs. Thank you to all of the committee chairs and volunteers who continue to make SBMS such a great school. We all appreciate your hard work. No habrá reunión general de la PTA en el mes de diciembre. Nuestra siguiente reunión se efectuará el lunes 23 de enero de 2012, a la 1:00 p.m., en el Salón de Usos Múltiples. Esperamos verlos por ahí. Es un gran momento para conocer a nuevas personas y enterarse de lo que está pasando en la escuela, en la voz del Dr. Williams y de nuestros presidentes de la PTA. Gracias a todas las presidencias y voluntarios de los comités quienes continúan haciendo de SBMS una gran escuela. Todos apreciamos su gran trabajo. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday. Autumn Espero que todos tengan unos días festivos estupendos y seguros. Autumn The Bear Facts Page 3 Eight Grade Regular Honor Roll Abreus, Andres Jose Ackerson, Meredith Lee Adams, Joseph Christopher Beeson, John Coleman Bell, Jacob Lavaughn Bhakta, Kareena Dharmesh Bishara, Patrick Mufid Bretches, William Porter Burri , Aus n Bernd Castro, Kimberley Jazmine Covarrubias, Jennifer Dahmer, Mitchell Thomas Deaver, Lane Michelle DeShong, Claire Cunnigham Dixon, Tyler Neal Drago, Jennifer Elizabeth Escamilla, Rene Enrique Esses, Ian Dane Euceda, Olvan Alexis Fernandez, Carolina Fisch, Abraham M Fitch, William Cole Gilbert, Hunter Alan Gualy, Sarah Elizabeth Hadidi, Yusuf F Hausmann, Madeline Mae Hollis, Jessica Nicole Jafari, Ali Jones, Jonathan Andrew Kerby, Michael Charles Koops, Nicole Rose Kreindler, Jordan Leigh Laughlin, Megan Kate Limbaugh, John Tyler McCampbell, Maura Eileen Meredith, Mason James Mohnkern, Madison Elizabeth Montalvo, Irasema Liliana Morris, Mason James Nguyen, Amy Cai Nguyen, Zacquelyn Le Noon, Elizabeth Dare Pacheco, Suhelin Gabriel Peterman, Kirby Alayne Rachel Phucas, Nicholas Christopher Rassner, Joshua Michael Read, Bryan Jeffrey Regular Honor Roll Rouse, William Henry Ryou, Eun Koung Salazar, Angelika Beatriz Schneider, Sara Elizabeth Shekari, Tina Stephenson, Ma hew Tafish, Nour Iman Ahmad Torres, Ernes na Isabel Trippon, Alexis Chris ana Troya, Daniela Us ck, Carolina Ruth Yartz, John David Nicholas Young, Patrick Robert Zia, Eshan Eight Grade Dis nguished Honor Roll Alarcon, David Baek, Chang Yoon Benavides, Arabella Ines Be s, Sebas an Dolan Bolt, Marie Louise Cuervo, Luis Enrique Cumberland, Nicholas Antonio Daswani, Monica Vijay Dautel, Abigail Chris na DonJuan Flores, Maria Selina Duncan, Sarah Lorena Fields, Dominique Reid Furrow, Melissa Anne Hall, Julia Nicole Hill, Aniston Marie Joy, Ma hews Keller, Emma Claire Kelly, Parker William Lai, Rachel Anne Leavell, Lucas Hunter Loggenberg, Aidan Alexander Luna, Karen M Marks, Brandon Stephen Morris, Madeline Haley Nance, John Anthony Nebergall, Alissa Lynn Nieto, Samantha Pappas, Maria Zoe Patel, Khayla Jayesh Pike, Hannah Mae Pisters, Meghan K K Ramirez, Alexandria Brooke Reed, William Patrick Reger, Nicholas Christopher Rice, Ana Cierra Siroky, Claire Kathleen Sla ery, Courtney Renee Sla ery, Kelsey Marie Stephan, Erin Elizabeth Toma, Kris na Noor Uddin, Nabeel Rahman Wesco , Margaret McRae Yang, Jerry Huang Pence, Connor James Perillo, Lauren Margaret SEVENTH GRADE REGULAR HONOR ROLL 1ST 9 WEEK PERIOD (2B"s Max) Allard, Madison Marcella Beggins, Benjamin Michael Belcher, Kathryn Elizabeth Bhakta, Saahil Prahlad Borland, Simen Brett Bremner, Finnegan JosephCarroll Bretches, Bennett Randall Cage, Alexandria De'Janeyl Carbonari, Anthony Kenneth Carrell, Clayton Albert Casteel, Emerson Reese Chezem, Chelsi Kamice Christine, Abigail Febe Coker, Rebecca Coll, Daniel Maston Crawford, Hudson Gail Dahmer, Madison Alexis DonJuan, Aida Margarita Esmaili, Jason Behrouz Espinosa, Diana Ferrera Euceda, Jose Luis Finck, Audrey Grace Froehlich, Benjamin Mark Garcia, Xavier Giammalva, Jack William Gilbert, Sarah Grace Gualy, John Alexander Helm, Keaton Gray Hoepfl, Brooke Nichole Hollister, Katelynn Suzanne Irshad, Samara Jadick, Andrew Scott Jones, Carli Elizabeth Kaldis, Johnny Guy Kim, Jamie Hyungee Klaff, Katherine Estelle Lanclos, Amanda Lange, Richard William Lewis, Luke Joseph Lincecum, Grant Keith Lostak, Bradley Charles Maida, Vita Louise Massoud, Sophia Clare Mastren, Suzanne Marie Mefferd, Nicholas Kramer Moscariello, Miles Savino Nguyen, Rachel Vu Uyen Nguyen, Zabrina Le Nordin, Fischer Alex Noyola, Ramon Damaso Javier Oldham, Mark Dudley Park, Catherine Linn Petry, Taylor Nicole Phillips, Matthew Wynn Phillips, Ryan Andrew Puebla, Elizabeth Ramos-Sorto, Andrea Estefania Rauch, Meredith Jane Rawlinson, Cortland Baird Reul, Rene Marie Rusnak, Summer Marie Saha, Trace Edward Schlenker, Scarborough Adelle Scholl, John Ward Shaw-Coronado, Melanie Ann Siller, Frances Carlisle Singletary, Jensen Sarah Singletary, Peyton Grace Snider, Walter Herd Sullivan, Zachary Thomas Swanson, Kathryn Rose Talbert, William Christopher Titterington, Annie Elise Trotter, Brianna Elizabeth Vo, Brittany Thao Von Gonten, William Douglas Wendler, Abigail Rose Whatley, Leila Madeleine Wirtes, Zoey Brianna SEVENTH GRADE DISTINGUISHED - 1ST 9 WEEK PERIOD STUDENT NAME Aguilar, Jessica Andersen, Jeffrey Todd Azidhak, Neekon Bays, Brett Van Beyer, Audrey Celeste Bing, Lindsay Fitzgerald Black, Bailey Corinne Bremner, Normand Dugald Wynne Burleson, Madeline Lee Catalano, Matthew Lawrence Caven, Amelia Grace Chahadeh, Deena Cho, Paul C Coerver, Lauren Marie Decker, Devin Michael Dunn, Davis Burton Evans, Blaire Wirth Friedman, Emma Nicole Gilbert, Melissa Caroline Glass, Joshua Antonius Julius Hall, Emma Danielle Hardy, Max Robertson Howard, Kendall Sheppard Hruzek, Christina Renee Hughes, Benjamin Gerard Kellner, Carolyn Elizabeth Key, James David Kim, Kristen Koy, McKenna Caroline Kroger, Rebecca Frances Kroger, Samuel Andrew Kruse, Katherine Chase Laderman, Jacob Samuel Luna, Joseph Steven STUDENT NAME Mastren, Catherine Anne Matheny, Marshall Ellis Mattina, Melinda Margaret McLaughlin, Laura Nicole Miller, Claire Lynn Mueller, Emma Grace Myers, Avery Anne Noon, Tanya Hayat Owens, Rebecca Ann Pecci, Merrill Katherine Pferdehirt, Juliette Marie Pickett, Kobi Prakash, Maya Hazel Ray, Rachel Michelle Reese, Katherine Sara Salim, Osamah Schuessler, Ashton Dreyer Schwanauer, August Julia Sims, Grace Cassidy Snasdell, Aiden Leigh Sparenberg, Kate Marie Spreeman, Hailey Rae Stinson, Samantha Leigh Trahan, Emma Nicole Trammell, McKenna Renee Tucker, John William Wallace, Sydney Bass Watkinson, Stephanie Alexis White, Irina Alexandra Wilhelm, Henry Arthur Sixth Grade Regular Honor Roll Students with As and 1 or 2 Bs Aikin, Victoria Banach Bae, Michelle Suh-Young Ball, Lesley Ann Barbles, Adele Elizabeth Barroso, Jason Alexander Beavers, Preston Thomas Betts, Jonathan Paul Bishara, Carol Christelle Bissinger, Joseph Hywel Burr, Dillon Matthew Carson, Calder Grant Carson, Kenna Grace Casar Pardo, Sofia Chamberlin, Tess Yan Chastain, Daniel Ferguson Corley, Emerson Kate Correa, Amber Maria Cox, Jennifer Nicole Crane, Samuel Aaron Darley-Osborne, Shane Allen Daughtry, Brandt McClean Davidson, Wyatt Charles de Marigny, George Edward Denny, Anneliese Nicole Desai, Jay Rahul Deshong, Forrest Jorns Devers, Mary Shawn Duewel, Clayton Medrano Durso, Joseph Alger Elizondo, Estefani Espey, Meg Kelly Fajkus, William Scott Feeney, Alexander Michael Fisch, Desiree Shalom Fitzgerald, Ryan Gray Free, Alexander Michael Gaetano, Addison Claire Garcia, Diego Gustavo Ghadiri, Nima Shayan The Bear Facts Page 8 Golden, Jack Rollins Gonzalez, Jet Cordero Goodling, Zoe Pearce Gottschalk, Cooper Thomas Graff, Elizabeth Lindsay Greenwood, Remi Cameron Gregory, Caitlin Elizabeth Hamilton, Grace Elizabeth Healey, Emily Claire Hodam, Keegan Kenneth Inestroza, Astrid Gabriela Jawed, Yumnaa Humaira Jinks, Suzanna Lee Kirkpatrick, James Lowell Kizer, Jake Robert Klam, Grace Elizabeth Laird, Joshua Oncken Lam, Brian Gia Lanford, Leslie Blake Lutz, Olivia Catherine Elisa Margraves, Melissa Kay Martinez, Emerson Abilio Miller, Daniel John Miranda, Daisy Molina, Samantha Mooring, Connally Helen Mount, Robert Hayden Mouton, Zachary James Muschalik, Katherine Mary Muschalik, Madeline Therese Nadarasa, Nathan Alain Ng Cheng, Catherine Nguyen, Zachary Hieu Nunez, Elysse Yves Ng Cheng, Catherine Nguyen, Zachary Hieu Nunez, Elysse Yves Parsons, Kelley Elise Perez, Jessica Christina Polapragada, Sanjana Sainaga Quinnett, Raegann Nicole Richards, Jonathan Henry Spencer Rives, Kendall Shea Robinson, Porsche Chris Rodriguez, Adriel Isai Rotan, Douglas McCall Rotan, Elizabeth Sterling Ryu, Yeun Joo Salazar, Daniel Nicholas Saqer, Laila Rezik Sarver, Sarah Elizabeth Sims, Adliya Finn Swan, Spencer Kyle Tomlinson, Charlotte Owen Tschaar, Jake Daniel Villalta, Alicia Beatriz Voyles, Cole Quentin Walker, Jerry Weber, Lauren Mackenzie Willet, Kaylin Aubrey Williams, Alexandra Marie Williams, Cory Michael Wilson, Hunter Alexander Wong, Thomas Vincent Yochum, Grace Marie Yoon, Sang Won Zellers, Carson Thomas Sixth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Students with ALL As! Arefeen, Fareena Baldwin, Hunter Joseph Benavides, Aurelio Ismael Berry, Bryan Tyler Bingamon, Claire Nicole Burch, Fraser Alexander Burns, Paolo Amicarella Cespedes, America Collins, Kelly Lauren Cowan, Sarah York Daswani, Sesha Vijay Davis, Emily Morgan Diehl, Bette Josephine Espey, William James Esses, Andrew Stephen Evans, Peter William Ferris Freedman, Cathleen Cassin Gartner, Connor Makay Gates, Jasmine Aurora Gentry, Allison Claire Gowan, John Christian Greer, Robert Marcus Harrison, David Alexander Hilder, Nikolaus Maitland Johnston, Nicholas Patrick Jun, Jin Han Kang, Ikjun Lai, Michael Sean Luis, William Macicek, Camille Claire Madden, John Cameron Martin, Jade Zanndra Martinez, April Martinez, Daniel Alexander Moore, Charles Tillotson Morris, Clayton William Mullins, Colby Jacob Mullins, Cooper Daniel Nickelson, Ranzell Norris, Anne Phi Ochoa, Taylor Renee Olsson, Savannah Lilly Patel, Tanak Jayesh Pham, Phuongnhi Binh Phan‐Dong, Aimee Kimberly Posana, Sherellin Gaa Pressley, Minako Alexandra Read, Ashley Elizabeth Richards, Christopher Michael Spencer Row, Catalina Elizabeth Rowe, William Andrew Salazar Aguiar, Santiago Rafael Saqer, Hatim Rezik Stubbs, Benjamin Anthony Tlamasico, Karina Todd, Tyler Dean Toma, Nicholas Torres, Marisol Vaughn, Bennett Wagner, Holly Wahab, Sumiya Weber, Ronald "Trae" Wright, Nicole Zheng, Lan High School Transi on Informa on Tuesday, January 17th 2012 ‐‐‐‐‐ Memorial High School and Spring Woods High School Counselors will be at our school to talk to the 8th grade students about their fall schedules. Presenta ons will run all day and students will a end the presenta ons during their U.S. History class periods. Parents are welcome to a end. *** Memorial High School Presenta ons will be in the SBMS Auditorium all day. *** Spring Woods Presenta ons will be in the SBMS Mul ‐Purpose Room all day. Thursday, January 19th 2012‐‐‐ Memorial High School and Spring Woods High School Counselors will be at our school to talk the parents about high school transi on. The format will be a short presenta on followed by a ques on and answer session. ** ** Memorial High School will present at 8:30 a.m. in the SBMS Auditorium. Spring Woods High School will present at 8:30 a.m. in the SBMS Mul ‐Purpose room. Wednesday, February 8th 2012‐‐‐‐ Memorial High School Counselors will be on our campus to assist our 8th grade students with inpu ng their high school schedules into the computer. This will take place during the students’ Language Arts Class Periods. Students must complete their course selec on sheet prior to inpu ng their courses. Friday, February 10th 2012‐‐‐ Spring Woods High School Counselors will be on our campus to assist our 8th grade students with inpu ng their high school schedules into the computer. This will take place during the students’ Language Arts Class Periods. Students must complete their course selec on sheet prior to inpu ng their courses. The Bear Facts Page 10 Información sobre la Transición a la Escuela Secundaria Martes 17 de enero de 2012 Los consejeros de las Escuelas Secundarias Memorial y Spring Woods estarán en nuestra escuela para hablar a nuestros estudiantes del 8° grado acerca de sus horarios de otoño. Las presentaciones se darán durante todo el día y los estudiantes asis rán a las presentaciones durante los periodos de su clase de Historia de los EE.UU. Los padres son bienvenidos. *** Las presentaciones de la Escuela Secundaria Memorial serán en el Auditorio de SBMS durante todo el día. *** Las presentaciones de la Escuela Secundaria Spring Woods serán en el Salón de Usos Múl ples de SBMS durante todo el día. Jueves 19 de enero de 2012 Los consejeros de las Escuelas Secundarias Memorial y Spring Woods estarán en nuestra escuela para hablar con los padres acerca de la transición a la escuela secundaria. El formato será una presentación corta, seguida de una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. ** La Escuela Secundaria Memorial hará su presentación a las 8:30 a.m. en el Auditorio de SBMS durante todo el día. ** La Escuela Secundaria Spring Woods hará su presentación a las 8:30 a.m. en el Salón de Usos Múl ples de SBMS durante todo el día. Miércoles 8 de febrero de 2012 Los consejeros de las Escuela Secundaria Memorial estarán en nuestra escuela para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes del 8° grado a ingresar en la computadora sus horarios de la escuela secundaria. Esto se llevará a cabo durante los periodos de clase de Lenguaje de los estudiantes. Los estudiantes deben completar su hoja de selección de cursos antes de ingresar sus cursos en la computadora Viernes 10 de febrero de 2012 Los consejeros de las Escuela Secundaria Spring Woods estarán en nuestra escuela para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes del 8° grado a ingresar en la computadora sus horarios de la escuela secundaria. Esto se llevará a cabo durante los periodos de clase de Lenguaje de los estudiantes. Los estudiantes deben completar su hoja de selección de cursos antes de ingresar sus cursos en la computadora The Bear Facts Page 11 8th Grade FOOTBALL from Coach Compton The eighth grade football teams celebrated their season during an End-of-Season team party hosted by the parents on Wednesday, November 9th. Coaches awarded Most Distinguished Awards to members of both teams. Outstanding Offensive Lineman Outstanding Offensive Back: Outstanding Defensive Lineman: Outstanding Defensive Back: "B" Team: David Cook "B" Team: Yusuf Hadidi "B" Team: Jose Garcia "B" Team: Haley Wilson "A" Team: Merritt Chastain "A" Team: Colton Taylor "A" Team: Jacob Groesbeck "A" Team: Drew Davidson The coaches praised players for their hard work and determination throughout the season and encouraged them to work hard during the off season so that they could contribute to the high school program. The players and coaches would like to thank the parents for their continual support to the athletic program at Spring Branch Middle School. . The Bear Facts Page 12 Spring Branch Middle School 8th grade “B” Team Roster 2011 # Name # Name 1 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 24 25 26 29 30 Hailey Wilson-Gonzalez Mark Vasek Matthews Joy Blake Colburn Hunter Gilbert Chang Baek Daniel Lee Montay Martinez Yusuf Hadidi Tyler Dixon Hampton Stewart Jack Nance Campbell Meckert Andrew Heller Cameron Condara Bond Morris Foster Askew Andres Abreus Mason Morris Jorge Chavez Patrick Young 31 32 38 39 43 46 47 48 49 50 54 58 65 68 73 74 77 78 80 81 84 99 Joseph Adams Ben St. Martin Kaswar Tarek Rayshine Gabriel Sean James Jose Garcia Blake Pesl Nick Carbanari Pedro Hinestroza Robert Munoz James Coe Mitchell Dahmer Rene Escamilla J.L. Bell Anthony Gonzalez Garrett Dawson David Cook Isaac Flores Chris Soria Hayden Tschaar Josh Williams Olivia Mackey ` Spring Branch Middle School 8 grade “A” Football Roster 2011 th # Name 5 7 15 22 28 38 40 42 44 55 56 59 66 Connor Cook Nick Madorsky Mason Meredith Drew Davidson Colton Taylor Stephen Jeckovich James Hickey John Alford Porter Bretches Connor Pence Evan Brown Jacob Groesbeck Harrison Mohn 67 75 76 78 80 85 87 89 99 Jacob Reistroffer Bryan Read Nick Cumberland Jack Curry David Le Reid McMordie Merritt Chastain Will Rouse Chris Oxman The Bear Facts Page 13 Spring Branch Middle School 7th Grade “A” Football 2011 The 7th grade football program had a very successful season. Both the A and B team showed tremendous development throughout the season. The boys worked hard and in both practice and games. The “A” team finished undefeated and were district champions. The “B” team finished the season strong with 3 of their best games. At the end of the season the coaches handed out offensive and defensive awards for both teams. For the “A” team the offensive award winners were Cade Crockett and Andrew Jadick. On the defensive side the winners were Trace Saha and James Key. For the “B” team the offensive awards went to Tad Mizwa and Griffin Greenwood. The defensive winners were Joseph Luna and Jeremiah Olivares. Great Season Bears!! 7th Grade “A” Football 2011 Team Roster 2 Ike Bartley 42 Jose Lira 3 Bennett Bretches 43 Mark Oldham 5 Jack Giammalva 44 Trace Saha 6 Billy Talbert 45 Steven Torres 9 Benji Beggins 49 Alex Rivera 10 Justin Collins 54 Jordan Escobar 17 Layton Gust 55 Andrew Ramsey 29 Rob Adams 58 Cade Crockett 32 James Key 67 Qasim Zaman 34 Andrew Jadick 88 Paul Cho 37 Clayton Carrell 41 Benjamin Hughes The Bear Facts Page 14 Spring Branch Middle School 7th Grade Football 2011 “A” and “B” Award Winners Congratulations on a GREAT BEAR Season! The Bear Facts Page 15 JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AT SBMS Junior Achievement is at Spring Branch Middle School. Are you interested in making a difference at SBMS? Volunteer to teach Junior Achievement to a 7th grade classroom. You will love getting to know the students and faculty better, and the students will enjoy the experience of learning from a caring parent. JA will be at SBMS beginning mid -January. Please contact Michelle Kelly for more information at [email protected] E H T E V SA E!!! DAT SBMS PTA 2011-2012 Fundraising Dinner Friday, January 20, 2012 Save the date! We’ve got an exciting evening planned for you. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details. Contact Kimberly Burleson ([email protected]) or Tanna Myers ([email protected]) with questions! We hope to see you on January 20th! The Bear Facts Page 16 BENEFITTING SPRING BRANCH MIDDLE SCHOOL FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 2012 HOUSTON RACQUET CLUB BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND… THE FAB 5 WE ARE GRATEFUL TO THE MANY FAMILIES WHO HAVE ALREADY MADE UNDERWRITING DONATIONS! BIG KAHUNA Steve & Ashley Birdwell Lynette & Trey Snider HANGING TEN Rachel Brown Maggie & Jeff Dietert Bill & Kelly Von Gonten Melissa & Kenny Baldwin The Pisters Family Morgan & Barbara de Marigny Liz & Matt Rotan Monica & Jim Muschalik The Morring Family MEGA RIPPER Steve & Linnea Kirchhoff Autumn & Mike Davidson The Williams Family Whitney & Chris Gowan Jill & Jeff Collins Cyndee & Andy Rowe Fabian & Candice Corzo Ramon Noyola & Carmen Escalante The Rusnak Family Kitty & Steve Oldham Hague & Eric Bing WE ARE GRATEFUL TO THE MANY FAMILIES WHO HAVE ALREADY MADE UNDERWRITING DONATIONS! COWABUNGA Leah & Allen Crosswell Brenda & John Crockett Mark & Maureen Yanke The Loggenberg Family Jessica & Paul Parsons Jim & Marian Cisarik The Tomlinson Family Jennifer & Phillip Curry Julian Ingrid Gonzalez Tracy & Brett Sarver The Hickey Family Sylvia Cumberland The Greer Family Lisa & Darrell Taylor Rahul & Amita Desai Butch & Kelly Miller Donovan & Ann Ackerson Nancy & Richard Golden Fred & Stephanie Pevow Rob Adams Properties, Inc. Helen & Britt Schmidt Alexia Benavides Joanna, Patrick & Nick Johnston Alan & Jane Chung Harriet & Chris Alexander Meg & Dave Bissinger Grace & Camille Macicek Ms. Cheryl Treat Stewart Stephanie & Harry Burritt Cherie & Joe Hoepfl Mike & Melissa Anderson Marci & Carlos Hamilton Sally & Vincemt Giammalva The Prakash Family Meredith Rauch & Family John E. & Julie Kay Hardie Gary & Carol Wilhelm Beth & Don Black Joan & Neil Bremner The Dean Pappas Family Jayesh & Binny Patel Kimberly & Mark Burleson The Petry Family The Pferdehirt Family Bill & Stephanie Stradley Paula Offenhouse Veronica & Hector Sanchez The St. Martin Family The Tyson Family The Schneider The Jeckovich Family The Deaver Family Goldman/Aitkens The Kreindler Family The Bishara Family The Daughtry Family Ronni & Audrey Beyer Jacqueline & John Wright Margaret & Doug Rotan Marisa & Sean Duewel Sandy & Ken Carbonari The Bingamon Family John & Mary Kent Yochum Cathleen Freedman Hilary & Tim Purcell Tom & Jenny Gottschalk Lauren & Jeff Friedman Stephen & Stacy McNair Candy Marks The Groppe Family Susan & David Diehl The Economos Family Johnny Kaldis The Meredith Family The Voyles Family The Stubbs Donna & Joe Perillo Reul & Reul, P.C. – Attorneys Caroline & Stephen Esses Liz & Tim Jordan John Burns & Ana Amicarella Joe & Michelle Kelly The Vaughan Family Debbie & Frank Robinson COWABUNGA The Read Family The Hausmann Family Jennifer & Lin Espey Sheri & Chris Beggins Sandy & John Gilbert The Weinstein Family Jackie & Bass Wallace The Matthews Family Tysh & Jonathan Mefferd The Chamberlain Family Tanna & Greg Myers The Rawlinson Family Mark & Mary Lostak The Kruse Family The Laderman Family Carol Hall Kathy & Mike Mattina Tammy & Bob Coker The Watkinson Family The Lampson Family The Wendler Family Daniela White Abigail Sembiring Family Clay & Grace Carrell Laura & Jim Hruzek Debi & Will Wilson SURF BUNNY Chris & Heather Talbert Michael Maida Marilyn Fowler Mike & Cristy Jadick The Betts Family Burke & Gail Lane Todd & Stephanie Kissner The Hodam Family Durso – Ollson Family Ann Samuelson Summer & Max Pousman Tammy J. Thomas Evin Chong The Milam Family Adolfo Torres Takao Koga Kevin Fitzpatrick Brenda & Jeb Bartley The Pittman Family Presley DeForest The Laughlins Sophie Bolt The Gartner Family Dawn Spreeman The Margraves Family Mike & Angie McGinnis David & Carol Gilbert Lynn & Misty Saha Brad & Geraldine Bliss The Trammell Family Edna & Richard Wilshusen Rick & Janis Bays Beryl Ramsey Vita Maida Underwriters as of 11/16 The Bear Facts Page 20 Gobble, gobble everyone! It’s that time of the year when we prepare for turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. So, it’s in the spirit of the Thanksgiving season that I would like to thank everyone for my warm reception here at Spring Branch Middle School (SBMS). My name is Emilio Herrera and I am the Communities In Schools (CIS) project manager at SBMS. CIS has served students in the Greater Houston Area since 1979. CIS is a campus-based, nonprofit organization providing direct services and resources to children with unmet needs. By surrounding them with a community of support, CIS strives to empower students to stay in school and achieve in life. A CIS-PTA community luncheon will be hosted Monday, December 5th from 11:45am to 1:00pm on our campus. We hope that you’ll be able to join us and learn a little more about CIS! There is no cost for the luncheon but we do kindly ask that you please RSVP for the event. To do so, please contact Cecilia Garcia at 713-654-1515 x131 or via e-mail at [email protected]. The community luncheon will also serve as an opportunity to promote the CIS-PTA Coat Drive which will take place Nov. 29th through Dec. 9th. Donations will be accepted at designated collection boxes at SBMS or may be collected at the luncheon. For more information on CIS of Houston, feel free to visit our website at For more information on CIS at SBMS, feel free to reach me at (713) 251-4544. Thank you and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Emilio Herrera Project Manager Communities In Schools of Houston Spring Branch Middle School ¡Saludos a todos! Ya se ha llegado esa época del año en la cual nos llenamos de pavo, relleno, y postres a reventar. Pues en vísperas del Día de Acción de Gracias, quisiera dar mis gracias por la cálida recepción que se me ha dado aquí en la Escuela Intermedia Spring Branch (SBMS). Mi nombre es Emilio Herrera y soy el director de Comunidades en las Escuelas (CIS) en la SBMS. CIS ha servido a estudiantes en la Zona Metropolitana de Houston desde 1979. CIS es una organización sin fines de lucro que se dedica a proveer servicios directos y recursos a niños y jóvenes con una variedad de necesidades. Al rodearlos con una comunidad que les proporciona apoyo, CIS anima a los estudiantes a permanecer en la escuela y a ser exitosos en la vida. Un almuerzo comunitario, ofrecido por CIS y la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA), se llevará a cabo en nuestra escuela el lunes, 5 de diciembre, de las 11:45 a.m. hasta la 1:00 p.m. ¡Espero que puedan acompañarnos y que aprendan un poco más acerca de CIS! No hay costo alguno, pero les pedimos que nos hagan el favor de hacer una reservación para el evento. Para hacer justamente eso, por favor comuníquense con la Srta. Cecilia García al 713-635-1515, ext. 131 ó por medio de un e-mail a [email protected]. El almuerzo comunitario también servirá como una oportunidad para promover el esfuerzo de parte de CIS y PTA en recaudar abrigos. Cuyo esfuerzo tomará lugar entre el 29 de noviembre hasta el 9 de diciembre. Los abrigos podrán ser donados en cajas designadas en la SBMS o durante el almuerzo comunitario. Para más información acerca de CIS de Houston, búsquenos con toda confianza en la página red Para más información acerca de CIS en la SBMS, mi número telefónico es el 713-251-4544. ¡Gracias y FELIZ DÍA de ACCIÓN de GRACIAS! Emilio Herrera Director – Comunidades en las Escuelas Escuela Intermedia Spring Branch The Bear Facts Page 21 The SBMS Choirs On October 15, fourteen Choir members in sixth, seventh and eighth grades participated in the SBISD Choir Solo and Ensemble Contest at Spring Forest MS. All SBMS Choir students excelled and brought home one Outstanding Performance gold medal, eleven gold and three silver medals! Those earning gold medals were Zoe Goodling, Megan Duke, Madison Duke, Elena Frederick, Brianna Trotter, Dominique Fields, Karen Luna, Jasmine Norton, Sarah Stephenson, Zachary Ocanas and Dallas Sbar. Silver medalists were Karina Esquivel, Natalia Neri and Zoe Goodling. Receiving the highest honor of Outstanding Performance was sixth grader Grace Klam. Great job, everyone! Earlier this month on November 11, there was a school-wide program for Veterans Day. Students from all organizations in the Music Department were represented and performed beautifully. Choir students singing solos that day were Sarah Stephenson, Grace Klam, Brianna Trotter and Zoe Goodling. I am very proud of all Choir, Orchestra and Band students for the way they performed with such dignity on this occasion. Our Fall Fundraiser begins on Monday, November 21 and will end on December 1 with all orders and payments being due that day. We will sell cookie dough which will be delivered in time for the holidays on December 16. While participation in the fundraiser is optional, please consider having your child participate as we are raising funds to pay for new uniforms for the girls. There will be another fundraiser in the spring to help students pay for their Reward Trip in May. Our last concert for this semester will take place on Thursday, December 8. It will be in the auditorium and start at 6:30 p.m. with all students needing to show at 5:45 for a warm-up and closed rehearsal with our accompanist. I look forward to seeing you there! Important dates coming up are: January 13-14 February 2 February 3-4 February 7 Region 27 Honor Choir Auditions (7th/8th only) UIL Clinic for Treble Choir Region Choir Weekend Music Department Elementary Presentation for 5th graders (in auditorium during 2nd and 3rd periods) If you should have any questions about details of these events, please do not hesitate to contact me at: [email protected] Sincerely, Christine Price The Bear Facts Page 22 Orchestra Rocks! Music Notes from Mrs. Shaw ~ The SBMS Orchestra Kids are Busy Bears and celebrating their many successes and preparing for the future concerts. Violinists Annie Norris, Philip Chong, and Aidan Loggenberg, and clarinet player, Patrick Bishara, auditioned into the Texas Region 27 Orchestra, representing our school’s music programs as Texas’s best musicians. I am so proud of them. Such outstanding musical development and maturity was demonstrated at Langham Creek High School on November 14th, 18th, and 19th in chair auditions, sectionals, rehearsals, and concerts. Be sure to congratulate these fine students when you see them. I encourage orchestra parents to encourage daily practice of specific assignments in order to develop improved playing techniques and to be able to perform music to insure musical development. As with anything, correct and consistent practice is the only insurance for student success with progress being made in a timely manner. In addition, students are required to attend section rehearsals / orchestra rehearsals which are graded. If desired, students may study with a private teacher and can apply for a teacher through their orchestra director. Our first semester orchestra has celebrated with a skating party, rehearsal treats, lunch time in the orchestra hall with a short movie time, and in house movie party to watch “CARS 2”. The orchestra picture make-up date will most likely in January. Specific information will come soon and be posted on the SBMS Orchestra Web site. Our beginner orchestra students are learning to play their instruments at a fast pace and I would like to congratulate them personally. “I believe all of you are doing a wonderful job and I encourage you to continue your good work!” I ask you to spread the word to join orchestra to our elementary school students! Orchestra is a wonderful group to belong to where you can learn to play an awesome string instruments to play beautiful music in a large orchestra ensemble. “It’s the greatest experience and there is nothing like it! Students can select string bass, cello, viola, or violin to play. If they already play they can go into one of two performing orchestras. Music instruments are easily rented or purchased from local violin shops for very reasonable fees. Thank you to our parent volunteers for stepping up to help out so much! You are wonderful and make a world of difference in our success! Remember, Practice Every Day That You Eat! Sincerely Yours, Shauna Shaw SBMS Orchestra Director Email: [email protected] The Bear Facts Page 23 Coat Drive Helps our Community Stay Warm The need has never been greater and it’s never been easier to make a difference in our community. Here is our opportunity to make sure that nobody goes without such a basic necessity as a coat this winter. Spring Branch Middle School (“SBMS”) and Communities in Schools Houston (“CIS”) are collecting gently used coats and jackets. Coats and jackets of all shapes and sizes are welcome. We will be distributing donations to local children and adults. The program is an easy way for you and your family to pass along coats and jackets that you no longer need. What: New or gently used coats and jackets (ANY SIZE) When: November 29th through December 9th Where: SBMS-Collection box will be by the front office Donations will also be collected at the CIS luncheon at SBMS on December 5th. Please come and enjoy a free lunch and learn more about CIS ( We can make a difference! If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Wright at [email protected]. 2012 PTA mee ngs: The Bear Facts 2012 Newsle er Deadlines: January 23 February 28 March 26 April 23 May 22 January 9 March 12 May 14 Please email your ar cles/pictures to: [email protected] The Bear Facts Page 24 Make sure you stay connected with a Community Network/Email Tree for your child’s grade level! To be included, please send your name and email address to the appropriate grade level contact below . SBMS ~ 20011—2012 6th Grade: Melissa Lanford * [email protected] 7th Grade: Laura Dye * [email protected] 8th Grade: Lisa Taylor * [email protected] th th For 7 and 8 Grade, if you were on the email tree last year then you do NOT need to resend your informa on. Asegúrese de permanecer conectado con una Red Comunitaria/Árbol de Correos Electrónicos (Community Network/Email Tree), para el nivel de grado de su hijo. Para ser incluido, por favor envíe un correo electrónico con su nombre y dirección electrónica al contacto apropiado de abajo. SBMS ~ 2011‐2012 6˚ Grado: Melissa Lanford * [email protected] 7˚ Grado: Laura Dye * [email protected] 8˚ Grado: Lisa Taylor * [email protected] Para los Grados 7˚y 8˚: Si estuvieron en el árbol de correos electrónicos el año pasado, NO necesitan reenviar su información. The Bear Facts Page 25