The Tennessee Department of Health Encourages You to Fight the
The Tennessee Department of Health Encourages You to Fight the
The Tennessee Department of Health Encourages You to Fight the Bite! Mosquitoes spread Zika & other viruses. Protect yourself from mosquito bites. Wear protective clothes Mosquito-proof your home Daytime is most dangerous Use It insect repellent works! Wear long-sleeved long-sleeved shirts and and long It works! Itworks! works! Wear long-sleeved shirts and longUse screens on windows and doors. Wear shirts long Wear long-sleeved shirts and Mosquitoes that spread It works! It Wear long-sleeved shirts and long Look for forLook the following following Use screens screens on windows windows and and pants or orpants use insect insect repellent. For Mosquitoes that spread spread forfollowing the following Useconditioning screens on windows Look the Use on and or userepellent. insect repellent. For Mosquitoes that pants use For Mosquitoes that long pants use insect Use air when available. chikungunya, dengue andspread Zika Look the Look for for the following Usedoors. screens on and pants orprotection, use insectand repellent. For Mosquitoes that spread active ingredients: Use airwindows conditioning extra treat clothing clothing Mosquitoes that spread Zika are aggressive daytime active ingredients: doors. Use air conditioning active ingredients: doors. Use air conditioning extra protection, treat clothing Zika are aggressive daytime extra protection, treat Zika are aggressive daytime repellent. For extra protection, Keep mosquitoes from laying eggs are aggressive daytime biters. active ingredients: active ingredients: doors. Use air conditioning extra protection, treat clothing Zika are aggressive daytime DEET •••PICARIDIN PICARIDIN IR3535• IR3535 when available. available. Keep with permethrin. permethrin. ZikaKeep are water. aggressive daytime biters. They can also bite atnight. night. DEET • PICARIDIN when available. ••DEET DEET •• IR3535 when Keep with permethrin. biters. They can also bite at night. with biters. can also bite at night. treat clothing with permethrin. in and near standing TheyThey can also bite at • PICARIDIN • IR3535 • •DEET • IR3535 when available. Keep with permethrin. biters. They can also bite at night. OIL of of• PICARIDIN LEMON EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from laying laying eggs biters. Theyeggs can also bite at nigh •LEMON OIL of LEMON EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from laying •OIL OIL EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from eggs LEMON EUCALYPTUS • OIL ofof LEMON EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from layingwater. eggs • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing For more information: • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing water. water. • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing water. • • For more more information: Forinformation: more information: For For more Tennessee Department of Health, Authorization No. information: 343191, April 2016, 10,000 copies. This public document was promulgated at a cost of $.11 per copy. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for DiseaseCS263829-B CS263829-B Control and Prevention CS263829-B CS263829-B El Departamento de Salúd de Tennessee Le Pide que ¡Luche Contra la Picadura! Mosquitos transmiten Zika y otros virus. ¡Protéjase de las picaduras de mosquitos! Mantenga su hogar Utilice ropa que la proteja Durante el día es más peligroso Use repelente de insectos It¡Funciona! works! Wear long-sleeved shirts and long It works! It works! Wear long-sleeved shirts and long libre de mosquitos Póngase camisas deand manga Los mosquitos que propagan el Wear long-sleeved shirts long It for works! long-sleeved shirts and long Look the following UseUse screens on windows and pants or use insect repellent. Fory For Mosquitoes that spread spread for the following Wear Use screens ono windows and en una malla tela metálica larga yuse pantalones largos Busque los siguientes chikunguña, el dengue y elspread zika Look forLook the following Use screens on windows and pants or userepellent. insect repellent. Mosquitoes that pants or insect For Mosquitoes that Lookactive for theingredients: following Usedoors. screens onair windows and pants or use insect repellent. For Mosquitoes that spread Use conditioning extra protection, treat clothing Zika areZika aggressive daytime las puertas y ventanas. Use elthat airespread use repelente de insectos. ingredientes activos: pican agresivamente durante el active ingredients: doors. air conditioning active ingredients: Use air Use conditioning extra protection, treat clothingdoors. are aggressive daytime extra protection, treat clothing Zika are aggressive daytime Mosquitoes active ingredients:• IR3535 Use air conditioning protection, treat clothing Zikayare aggressive daytime • DEET DEET PICARIDIN when available. Keep with permethrin. biters. They can also bite atpicar night. acondicionado si Zika está disponible. protección adicional, doors. ••• PICARIDIN PICARIDINA • IR3535 día también pueden DEET • PICARIDIN • IR3535 extraPara when available. Keep •DEET • IR3535 when available. Keep with permethrin. biters. They can also bite at night. with permethrin. biters. They can also bite at night. are aggressive daytime • DEET • PICARIDIN •EUCALYPTUS IR3535 when available. Keep permethrin. biters. Theypor canla also bite at night. OIL of of LEMON EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from laying eggs Elimine elfrom agua acumulada para que la ropa con permetrina. mosquitoes of LEMON noche. •LEMON OIL of LEMON EUCALYPTUS tratewith mosquitoes from laying eggs ••OIL OIL EUCALYPTUS laying eggs biters. They can also bite at nigh • OIL of LEMON EUCALYPTUS mosquitoes from laying eggs Para obtener más información: PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and and los near standing water. mosquitos no pongan PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing water. •• PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in near standing water. • PARA-MENTHANE-DIOL in and near standing water. huevos en ella. For more more information: Forinformation: more information: U.S. Department of For For more information: Health and Human Services Departamento de Salud, Número de Autorización 343191, 10,000 copias, abril de 2016. Este document público fue promulgado a un costo de $.11 por copia. CS263829-B CS263829-B Centers for Disease CS263829-B CS263829-B Control and Prevention
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