Presentación de Resultados - Junio 2012
Presentación de Resultados - Junio 2012
26 | 07 | 2012 endesa chile 1H 2012 results Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Highlights in 1H 2012 Growth of 6% in electricity demand in the region Growth of 3.1% in consolidated generation due to 13% more hydro generation in Colombia and Chile Growth of 1.9% in physical sales on a consolidated basis Increase of 2.2% in operating costs, primarily as a consequence of higher fuel costs in Chile, Colombia and Peru, and higher transportation costs in Chile Good results in Colombia, mainly related to higher hydro generation in the period. Non-recurring accounting effects in Colombia and Peru in the first half 2011 2 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Results affected by the drought in Chile and high fuel costs Million Ch$ 1H 2012 Revenues 1H 2011 Change MM US$ * 1H 2012 1,155,422 1,176,178 (2%) 2,345 Gross margin 469,037 504,733 (7%) 952 EBITDA 363,981 387,597 (6%) 739 EBIT 270,825 302,621 (11%) 550 Net financial expense (65,700) (62,080) (6%) (133) Net income 174,419 211,772 (18%) 354 Net attibutable income 101,443 161,726 (37%) 206 • Higher physical sales in Colombia, Chile and Peru. • Costs increased as a consequence of higher fuel costs in Chile, Colombia and Peru, and higher transportation costs in Chile. • Non-recurrence of a one-time effect of the equity tax reform in Colombia which implied booking a total amount of US$87 million* during the first half of 2011. • Non-recurrence of a one-time effect on payroll expenses recorded in June 2011, which implied booking a one-time benefit on payroll expenses of US$27 million*. • Related company results decreased by 6.8% due to lower results in Endesa Brasil mainly related to higher net financial expenses. *Amounts are expressed in US$, using the average exchange rate for each period 3 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 EBITDA Generation Total Generation (TTM): 53,564 GWh Total Installed Capacity: 13,845 MW Argentina 26% Argentina 20% Chile 41% Chile 39% Peru 17% Peru 12% Colombia 21% EBITDA 1H2012 TTM: US$ 1.929 million Colombia 24% Argentina 3% Peru 15% Endesa Brasil • Endesa Chile’s ownership: 40% (38.9% direct) • Net Attributable Income (TTM): US$ 224 million Chile 45% Colombia 37% 4 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Conservative Commercial Policy Physical Sales as of June 2012 Chile Argentina Peru Colombia 3% 6% 17% 30% 27% 54% 67% 29% 65% 83% 19% Regulated Unregulated Spot Physical Sales as of June 2011 Chile Argentina Peru Colombia 1% 17% 9% 33% 30% 50% 66% 26% 65% 83% 20% Regulated Unregulated Spot 5 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Effective Commercial Policy in the long term Correlation between Hydrology and Contribution Margin 800 700 3Q10 Contribution Margin (MMUS$) 600 10% -3MMUS$ 1Q10 500 2Q11 2Q12 4Q11 400 300 10% -13MMUS$ 1Q10 200 2Q11 2Q12 100 0 30% WET 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% DRY Exceedance Probability Contribution Margin (MMUSD) Endesa Chile; Consolidated Contribution Margin (MMUSD) Endesa Chile; Chile Lineal (Contribution Margin (MMUSD) Endesa Chile; Consolidated) Lineal (Contribution Margin (MMUSD) Endesa Chile; Chile) 6 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Strong Financial Position Million Ch$ 1H 2012 1H 2011 Chg. Gross Debt 1,974,825 2,142,355 (167,530) (8%) 3,935 165,200 229,581 (64,381) (28%) 329 1,809,625 1,912,774 (103,149) (5%) 3,606 0.93 0.92 (0.01) (1%) 0.93 4.5 5.5 (1.63) (30%) 4.5 Cash & Equivalents Net Debt Leverage Financial Expenses Coverage Debt by Country Debt by Type Peru, 9% Chg %MM US$ 1H2012 Debt by Currency Others, 17% UF, 13% Local Currency, 35% Colombia, 30% Bank Debt, 16% Chile, 53% Bonds, 68% Argentina, 7% US$, 52% Amounts expressed in US$, using the exchange rate as of June 30, 2012. 7 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Free Cash Flow 2,248 2,098 2,014 1,929 1,070 1,012 779 775 (305) (235) (251) (260) (477) (564) (499) (549) EBITDA Net Financial Result CAPEX (308) (353) (394) (435) (416) Income Tax FCF (523) (462) Dividends 1 2009 2010 Amounts are expressed in US$, using the average exchange rate for each period. 1 Over Twelve Trail Months 2011 1H2012 TTM 8 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Colombia Installed Capacity: 2,914 MW Market Share: 20% Total Generation: 6,396 Gwh EMGESA Guavio: 1,213 MW Cartagena 85% Hydro 2,471 MW Betania: 541 MW Río Bogotá: 716 MW Cartagena: 208 MW Termozipa: 236 MW Million US$ Bogotá 15% Thermal 444 MW 1H 2012 1H 2011 Change Revenues 552 471 17% EBITDA 360 235 53% 65.3% 50.0% 31% 7,719 7,224 7% EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) 9 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Chile Installed Capacity: 5,611 MW Market Share: 32% Total Generation: 9,554 Gwh Tarapaca ENDESA CHILE Los Molles: 18 MW Rapel-Sauzal: 466 MW Maule: 884 MW Laja: 940 MW Ralco-Pangue: D. Almagro–Taltal Huasco 62% Hydro 3,465 MW Los Molles 1,157 MW Tarapaca-G.Atacama: 572 MW D. Almagro–Taltal: 269 MW Huasco: 778 MW Bocamina: 128 MW TG Quintero: 257 MW Canela: 18 MW Canela II: 60 MW Million US$ Revenues Santiago 37% Thermal 2,068 MW 64 MW San Isidro 1 and 2: San Isidro Bocamina 1% Wind 78 MW 1H 2012 1H 2011 Change 1,136 1,269 (10% ) 206 346 (40% ) EBITDA Margin 18.1% 27.3% (33% ) Physical Sales (Gwh) 10,409 10,169 2% EBITDA Cachapoal Maule Laja Bio Bio 10 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Peru Installed Capacity: 1,668 MW Market Share: 26% Total Generation: 4,463 Gwh EDEGEL Cuenca Río Rímac: 552 MW 45% Hydro 747 MW Yanango: 43 MW Chimay: 151 MW 55% Thermal 922 MW Ventanilla: 493 MW Santa Rosa: 429 MW Million US$ 1H 2012 1H 2011 Change Revenues 288 234 23% EBITDA 146 152 (4% ) 50.7% 65.0% (22% ) 4,835 4,746 2% EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) Lima: • Edegel (Gx) 11 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Argentina Installed Capacity: 3,652 MW Market Share: 12% Total Generation: 5,758 Gwh EL CHOCON Hydro 1,328 MW El Chocon: 1,328 MW 1H 2012 Million US$ 1H 2011 Change Revenues 50 47 6% EBITDA 28 25 15% 56.0% 53.2% 5% 1,498 1,395 7% EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) EBITDA EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) El Chocon Thermal 2,324 MW Costanera: 2,324 MW Revenues CIEN Line (2x1.050 MW) Interconnection with Brazil Costanera COSTANERA Million US$ 1H 2012 1H 2011 Change 321 367 (13% ) (2) 29 (105% ) (0%) 7.9% (106% ) 4,537 4,919 (8% ) 12 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Brazil Installed Capacity: 987 MW Market Share: 1% Total Generation: 2,371 Gwh CACHOEIRA 1H 2012 Million US$ Fortaleza Hydro 665 MW Cachoeira: 665 MW 1H 2011 Change Revenues 147 120 22% EBITDA 102 89 15% 69.4% 73.7% (6% ) 2,145 1,792 20% EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) Cachoeira CIEN1: Transmission Brazil-Argentina Interconnection FORTALEZA Thermal 322 MW Fortaleza: 322 MW Million US$ Revenues EBITDA EBITDA Margin Physical Sales (Gwh) 1H 2012 Rio de Janeiro 1H 2011 Two 500 Km lines Total interconnection capacity: 2,100 MW Change 133 124 7% 56 57 41.9% 1,399 1H 2012 Million $ 1H 2011 Change Revenues 76 35 121% (1% ) EBITDA 53 22 138% 46% (8% ) EBITDA Margin 69.2% 64.1% 8% 1,334 5% 1Includes CIEN, CTM and TESA 13 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Projects Under Construction BOCAMINA II • • • • Location: Next to the existing coal-fired plant Bocamina, in Bío-Bío region. Installed capacity: 350 MW, coal fired. Estimated investment: US$ 841 million 1H 2012, Test on boiler burners and blowing steam pipe finished. Commercial start-up in 2H 2012. Río Magdalena • EL QUIMBO • • • • • • Location: Huila Department, upstream of Emgesa’s Betania plant. Installed capacity: 400 MW, hydro. Estimated investment: US$ 837 million In 2009 the environmental license and building permissions were granted River detour completed in March 2012 Estimated start-up: December 2014 Vertedero Casa de máquinas 400 MW Conducción Dique Presa h = 151 m Bocatoma Túnel de desviación Embalse 720 msnm 14 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Projects Under Study Neltume, hydro Los Cóndores, hydro power plant Installed capacity: 150 MW run-of-the-river plant Installed capacity: 490 MW Punta Alcalde,1 coal-steam power plant Installed capacity: 740 MW Curibamba, hydro power plant Installed capacity: 188 MW Hydroaysen, hydro 1EIA rejected. On appeal to the Ministers Committee. power plant Installed capacity: 2,750 MW 15 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 HidroAysén • Installed capacity: 2,750 MW. • One of the most efficient hydroelectric • Endesa Chile owns 51% and Colbún 49%. projects in the world. • CO2 emissions: Reduction of 16.2 million • Renewable resources tons/year • Average load factor: 77% • May 9, 2011: EIA was approved for the Energy / Flooded Surface Generation Plants. an injunction, leaving the resolution in state of abeyance. • April 2012: The Supreme Court of Justice rescinded seven protection requirements presented to stop the construction of the project. 312 300 GWh / year-km 2 • June 2011: Pto Montt Court of Appeals issued 350 250 200 150 100 50 144 134 81 81 75 69 65 54 54 53 45 41 29 23 12 12 7 0 • The Chilean Government should present the “Electric Highway project” on 2H 2012. 16 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Market Value and Dividends Dividends (Ch$ per Share) 1 EBITDA (US$ Millions) 3 Dividend Yield: 3.2% 2.033 1.503 2.248 2.098 32.5 2.014 26.8 1.929 1.671 27.2 21.3 13.8 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1H 2012 TTM 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Market Value (US$ Millions) 2 13.963 10.072 10.393 2006 2007 15.364 13.878 12.102 9.428 2008 2009 2010 2011 1H 2012 Source: Intern using Bloomberg 1Amounts expressed in US$, using the average exchange rate for each period. Amounts expressed in US$, using the last exchange rate for each period. 3As of June 30 , 2012 2 17 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Relevant Stock Presence USA Stock Market Spain Stock Market NYSE (US$) Price 1H 2012 TTM (Avg) Max 1H 2012 TTM Min 1H 2012 TTM Daily Avg Trans Vol (million ADR) Avg Daily Trans (US$ millions traded) LATIBEX (€) Price 1H 2012 TTM (Avg) Max 1H 2012 TTM 49.3 57.6 Min 1H 2012 TTM 40.6 0.14 Daily Avg Trans Vol (million shares) Avg Daily Trans (€ millions traded) 6.65 1.2 1.4 1.0 0.01 0.02 Chilean Stock Market BOLSA DE SANTIAGO (CLP) Price 1H2012 TTM (Avg) Max 1H2012 Min 1H2012 Daily Avg Trans Vol (million shares) Avg Daily Trans (CLP millions traded) Source: Intern, using Bloomberg 806.6 894.0 700.5 5.15 4,142.3 18 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Conclusions Non-recurrent accounting effect Difficult electric situation in Chile Revenues and Margin stability Diversified portfolio 19 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Endesa Chile’s Investor Relations Team Susana Rey Investor Relations Director (56-2) 630 96 06 [email protected] Catalina Gonzalez Head of Investor Relations (56-2) 630 96 03 [email protected] Juan Pablo Vicuña Investor Relations Executive (56-2) 630 9585 [email protected] Guillermo Berguecio Investor Relations Executive (56-2) 630 9506 [email protected] Contact us at: [email protected] 20 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 EXHIBITS 21 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Ownership Structure 4% 17% 92% 4% 61% 15% 60% 60% ENERSIS Chilean Pension Funds ADR Holders Other Inst Shareholders Minority Shareholders PEHUENCHE, 93% CELTA, 100% SAN ISIDRO, 96% ENDESA ECO, 100% CANELA, 75% •EMGESA, 27% •EDEGEL, 62% •COSTANERA, 70% •EL CHOCON, 65% •ENDESA BRASIL, 39% AMPLA COELCE FORTALEZA CDSA CIEN 22 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 A unique portfolio in LATAM’s Generation business Colombia No. 2 Brazil 2,914 MW inst. capacity 987 MW inst. capacity 20% market share 1% market share in generation Peru No. 1 1,668 MW inst. capacity 26% market share Argentina No. 1 Chile No. 1 5,612 MW inst. capacity 3,652 MW inst. capacity 12% market share 32% market share Market shares based on installed capacity Figures as of June 2012 Consolidated installed capacity: Capacity including Brazil: Consolidated energy sales 2011: Consolidated energy sales 1H2012: 13,845 MW 14,832 MW 58,012 GWh 28,541 GWh 23 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Customers Installed Capacity, Output MW as of 1H 2012 Installed Capacity Chile Brazil Peru Colombia Argentina Total Total 5,611 987 1,668 2,914 3,652 14,832 Hydro 3,456 665 746 2,471 1,328 8,666 - - - - - - 286 - - 236 - 522 1,783 322 922 208 2,324 5,559 87 - - - - 87 Chile Brazil Peru Colombia Argentina Total Nuclear Coal Oil-Gas CHP / Renewables GWh as of 1H 2012 chg. Vs. 1H 2011 Output Total 9,554 4.0% 2,371 75.3% 4,463 -4.2% 6,396 16.1% 5,758 -4.3% 28,541 6.8% Hydro 5,181 16.0% 1,880 65.3% 2,513 -1.3% 6,189 16.9% 1,295 14.4% 17,058 17.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - 880 -5.5% - - - - 111 -7.1% - - 991 -5.6% 3,392 -8.5% 491 128.1% 1,949 -7.6% 97 2.5% 4,462 -8.7% 10,391 -5.6% 101 18.9% - - - - - - - - 101 18.9% Nuclear Coal Oil-Gas CHP / Renewables 24 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Healthy Debt Profile Financial Debt US$ Million 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Balance TOTAL Chile 366 419 165 219 15 909 2,094 Argentina 89 69 59 35 34 - 287 Perú 40 52 50 34 57 129 363 - - 79 163 23 927 1,192 496 541 354 451 129 1,965 3,935 Colombia TOTAL Credit Risk Ratings Since: Affirmed: Jan. 2010 Apr. 2011 Feb. 2010 BBB+ Baa2 BBB+ Jan 2012 Jun 2012 May 2012 25 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Principal Financial Ratios Net debt/EBITDA1 EBITDA/Net financial expenses1 Net Debt/ EBITDA 8,9 8,0 7,4 2,0 2008 1,9 1,5 1,5 1,5 2009 2010 2011 2 2008 2009 2010 1H 2012 1H 2011 4.5 5.5 ROE (%) 15.7% 21% ROA (%) 8.6% 10% Financial Expense Coverage2 1 5,6 1H 2012 Endesa Chile 7,4 EBITDA“ and “Net Financial Expenses” are over Twelve Trail Months” EBITDA / (Financial expenses + Income (Loss) for indexed assets and liabilities + Foreign currency exchange differences, net) 2011 1H 2012 26 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Integrated risk management capability Output and sales targets for future years Risk variables affecting margins • • • • • Rainfall Growth in demand Fuel prices Exchange rates Inflation 100% Extreme hydro volatility Spot Hydro 75% Risk limit Our goal is to ensure a 95% reliability with a margin of at least 90% of budget even in the following scenarios: • Lower rainfall than historical levels • Increases in fuel prices • Higher growth in demand Thermal Target output Relative Frequency Real margin ≥ 0.9x expected margin Regulated and unregulated contracts Target sales Results MaR 95% 5% MMUS$ 27 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Electricity demand Evolution in LATAM Historic electricity demand growth 170% 162% 161% 160% Total Sales in GWh (%) 150% 146% 140% 133% 130% 118% 120% 110% 100% 90% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year CHILE COLOMBIA PERU BRAZIL ARGENTINA *: Estimated growth using 3Q2011 data 28 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Seasonal Streaming from Hidroaysen and SIC rivers 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 Water Flow [ m³ /s] 1,400 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 - Apr-10 may jun jul ago sep oct nov dec Jan-11 feb mar Tim eline MAIPO RIVER IN CABIMBAO BIOBIO RIVER IN RUCALHUE CENTRAL BAKER 2 CENTRAL PASCUA 2.2 Seasonal Variability SIC : SIC + Hidroaysen : MAULE IN ARMERILLO (R.N.) Annual Variability 23% 9% SIC SIC + Hidroaysen : : 21% 12% 29 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Corporate Governance Excellence LATIN AMERICA´S INVESTOR RELATIONS AWARDS – LIRA 2011 •Best Communication of Corporate Governance: 1st Place •Best Communication of Financial Results: 1st Place •Best Investor Relations Officer: 3rd Place •Best Investor Relations Department: 3rd Place 30 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 Disclaimer This presentation contains statements that could constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements appear in a number of places in this announcement and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Endesa Chile and its management with respect to, among other things: (1) Endesa Chile’ business plans; (2) Endesa Chile’ costreduction plans; (3) trends affecting Endesa Chile’ financial condition or results of operations, including market trends in the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; (4) supervision and regulation of the electricity sector in Chile or elsewhere; and (5) the future effect of any changes in the laws and regulations applicable to Endesa Chile’ or its subsidiaries. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. These factors include a decline in the equity capital markets of the United States or Chile, an increase in the market rates of interest in the United States or elsewhere, adverse decisions by government regulators in Chile or elsewhere and other factors described in Endesa Chile’ Annual Report on Form 20-F. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward-looking statements, which state only as of their dates. Endesa while undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forwardlooking statements. 31 Endesa Chile consolidated results 1H 2012 32