September 4, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul
September 4, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul
ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON HIS EMINENCE DANIEL CARDINAL DINARDO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6800 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 713-667-9111, FAX 713-667-3453, WWW.SVDP-HOUSTON.ORG September 4, 2016, Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. William Young Parochial Vicar Rev. Phong Nguyen Deacons Gus Camacho, Dan Pagnano Business Administrator, Meredith Wyzik, 713-663-3549 Director of Music, Daryel Nance, 713-663-3539 Director of Liturgy, Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 Director of Faith Formation, Nick LaRocca, 713-663-3565 Director of Communications, Mary Gosline, 713-663-3546 Parish School, 713-666-2345 Fax 713-663-3562 Principal, Carolyn Sears MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 6:45 AM and 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:15 AM, Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Spanish Mass: Sunday, 3:00 PM Life Teen Mass: Sunday, 5:00 PM Young Adults Mass: Tuesday, 7:00 PM except No First Tuesday 7 PM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Church Adoration Chapel, 24 hours, Monday, 7 AM through Saturday, 8 AM CONFESSIONS: Tuesdays, 6-7 PM and Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 PM or call 713-667-9111 for an appointment HEALING AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK second Wednesday of the month after 12:10 PM Mass 1 September 4, 2016, Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Letter From The Pastor Dear Parishioners: I was born a Jersey Boy, but grew up outside Syracuse, New York in an old house that was shared by two families. Eventually we were able to convert our home into a singlefamily dwelling. My dad worked two jobs and my mother worked during the day but was home when we were home. About the time I was 13 or 14 my dad and I took on the task of improving the house. We spent weekend after weekend crawling under the house and running new wire through the crawl space, through the attic, etc. We put up a new ceiling to replace a tin ceiling in the living room. We saved for several months so we could put in a new roof. We had to hire a company for this. There were several other improvements for the house. We just did not seem to get to the point of redecorating the inside. Just as we were reaching a bit of financial security, my family was transferred to Houston as part of NASA moving to Houston. I have always wondered, if we had been able to complete the work on the inside of the house could my parents have sold it for more? It is still standing today [although it looks a lot smaller than I remember]. Our parish over the last few months has experienced much unseen work that is important for the health of the buildings. We are served by a strong Buildings and Grounds Committee and Facilities Manager. To go over some of the changes we have implemented — A. The Church New drainage has been installed and we continue to monitor ground water issues We have begun the work of repairing our Burnham windows to preserve their beauty The women’s restroom repair and restoration New exterior lighting and more to come B. The Apostolic Center New phone system Upgrades to our technology need New Faith Formation Suite Upgrades to security cameras [church and school] C. School All classrooms painted Increased safety for doors, etc. Opened new Fine Arts Center for art and music. New sanitary plumbing repairs and a fix to a construction mistake [66% paid for by the architect and contractor] Your parish staff is working year round to help make our parish operate for the greater honor and glory of God. Our plans include increased lighting on the parking lots on Holcombe and Buffalo Speedway. Some evenings we have 8 to 10 different offices or rooms occupied for classes, counseling, etc. All these projects are possible because you support this parish with your prayers and financial gifts. As we begin this new school year let us give thanks for all we have. It is important for all of us to contribute to the financial strength of the parish in order that we continue to maintain what we have and provide for updates and repairs. I ask all of us to reflect and ask ourselves if my financial support is a true reflection of my gratitude to God for the blessings I have. Perhaps it is time to bump up the tithe we give to our church. So many wonderful things year round and a solid financial base contributes and facilitates a growth in service and outreach. Maintaining our physical plant, while the highest of missions, a very important element to maintain is our mission as a parish and place of worship. Thank you for all you have done to make this parish a wonderful Family of Faith. Pax et bonum, Msgr. Bill P.2 Mass Intentions for the Week Taizé Night Prayer Sunday Night-Prayer of the Roman Church using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé, in France. September 5 to September 11 Monday September 5, Weekday 6:45 AM - Msgr. Bill Young, Friends & Family of Angela Ganuchi 12:10 PM - Mathew & Valsa George, Stacy Barnett † Tuesday September 6, Weekday 6:45 AM - St. Jude League 12:10 PM - Gladys Hurbrough †, Officer Anthony Marcos Zarate † This Sunday, September 4, 7:30 P.M. First Sunday of the Month Here at St. Vincent de Paul Church Wednesday September 7 6:45 AM - Thomas F. Green, Jr. †, The soul of Peter, Hoang Hue † 12:10 PM - John Fazzino †, John "Buddy" Ennis † We will offer Night Prayer (Compline) of the Roman Church, using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé in France. Lasting just over a half-hour, it is a beautifully peaceful prayer experience with which to conclude one’s Sunday night in contemplative song. Thursday September 8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:45 AM - Souri Felix †, Josie O'Donnell † 8:15 AM - Tony Rodriguez † 12:10 PM - Tony & Katherine Sechelski †, Can Huynh † Friday September 9, USA: St. Peter Claver, Priest 6:45 AM - Bill Henricks †, Dr. Robert Fain † 8:15 AM - The soul of Joseph † 12:10 PM - Andrea Christine Regnier †, Gerald Bush † Mission Appeal September 3 & 4 The Society of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart (OSH) Saturday September 10, Weekday 8:15 AM - Richard Faust †, Erlinda Simpao † 5:00 PM - Mary DeGeorge † The Society of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart (OSH) is a religious Order of Priests and Lay Brothers committed to various missionary works of the Catholic Church particularly by promoting the devotion of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are involved in retreats and parish missions, visit the families and encourage the enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the families, parish pastoral ministry, educational ministry in the schools, provide family counseling, social development programs etc. The priests of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart minister in various parts of the world. Four of our priests are serving the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston. We appreciate your valuable prayers and support for the missionary activities and ministries of the Oblates. Your generosity and sacrifice will help us a lot in the formation of our seminarians, the development of our retreat centers, in our catholic school ministries, in our family and social development programs and all our missionary endeavors. An Oblate priest will be with you this weekend to share the missionary activities of the Oblates. May the good Lord bless you and reward you for your generosity and kindness. Fraternally in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fr. Luke Manuel OSH (Local Superior, Oblates of the Sacred Heart) Sunday September 11 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM - Ruth Kolenda † 9:00 AM - Maria Tran Thio Quit † 11:00 AM - Parishioners 1:00 PM - Bill Fisher † 3:00 PM - Guillerrmo Mata † 5:00 PM - Richard Faust † Blood Drive Thank You! A big thank you to the 49 donors who gave at the Parish Blood Drive on August 28. A total of 59 blood products were provided. We also had 7 persons who tried to donate but were deferred; please try again. Thank you for responding to the call of love and mercy. Next blood drive is December 11 - mark your calendars! Enjoy your Blue Bell Ice Cream! Please pray for the repose of the souls of: =================================== Hyrell Agnes De Mello =================================== August 28, 2016, 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time =================================== First round baskets passed are for the Offertory and the second rectangular baskets are for the Second Collection. Lillian Ann Eger Eileen M. (Fiegl) RUSSO Offertory: Other Charitable: Total Contributions: =================================== May they rest in the peace of Christ. 3 $46,221.32 $ 2,413.00 $48,634.32 Elementary Faith Formation Altar Server Training Registration for Lord's Day and CCE is OPEN Please register your children as soon as possible. Registration forms are online or at the parish religious education office. Completed forms may be returned in person or by mail to the parish office. Please contact Monica Aquila with any questions - [email protected] The Lord’s Day Program is a faith formation program for children 2 years old through 5 years old. You may choose the 9:00 AM or the 11:00 AM class, and they meet in the Primary School Building. The CCE Program provides faith formation for children in grades 1 through 8. We also have a class for children with special needs. CCE meets 10:30AM - 12:00Noon in the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School Buildings and the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: In order to be ready to start preparation for First Holy Communion, students must complete one full year of Catholic Education, beginning no sooner than First Grade. This requirement may be satisfied by attendance at CCE, Catholic School, or Home School (provided the curriculum consists of daily Catholic Education). DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO BE BAPTIZED? If your child is over 7 years or older and needs to be baptized, we have an RCIA program adapted for children. In addition to the Sunday CCE classes from 10:30am to 12:00noon, we will meet once a month on a Monday night from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please talk to Monica for more information about classes. For further information please contact Monica Aquila at 713.663.3509 or [email protected] There is an altar server training for new altar servers on Saturday, September 24 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. To be an altar server one must be in 6th Grade or above. To sign up please contact Laura Rivera at [email protected] Life Teen – High School Youth Ministry Lifeteen Mass 5pm and Lifenight 6pm: All high schoolers are welcome to join us for food, fun, fellowship, and prayer every week at the Lifenight after the 5pm Lifeteen Mass, from 6:008:00pm. Come and take a closer step to Jesus during these dynamic and fruitful nights! 9/4-No Lifenight (Labor Day Weekend), 9-11-Kickoff Lifenight! Bible Study: All High Schoolers are welcome to join us for our weekly Bible Study, Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm, Youth Room! Lifeteen Kickoff: Our Lifeteen "kickoff" Lifenight is Sunday September 11th!!!! This year's St. Vincent de Paul Lifeteen Olympic Games in Houston 2016 will commence promptly after the 5:00 Lifeteen Mass on Sunday September 11th. Do you have what it takes to bring home the gold for your class? Four classes will compete. All will get tons of free stuff. One will take home the gold. Don't miss this chance to make your mark (literally) on our Lifeteen program! HOW IS GOD, IN HIS INFINITE LOVE, CALLING YOU? While reading through a Catholic marriage blog recently, the traditional vows somehow took on a different phrasing. Instead of the usual promises to honor and be true to each other, the vows became: God has chosen you to give yourself freely to your spouse, accept children lovingly, to honor each other and be true to each other under all circumstances: what is your response? And the response was the same one the Blessed Virgin Mary gave when asked to conceive and become the Mother of God. “Fiat,” she said: let it be done to me according to Your word. When we say “I do,” we aren’t just making a vow to our spouse in the sight of God. We are also saying “Fiat” to the marriage vocation to which God has entrusted us. Common questions in Catholic marriage preparation concern emotional maturity, putting someone else’s happiness above your own, delaying gratifications, and keeping commitments. Mary, at age 14, was able to put away girlish thinking and youthful insecurity and commit to a relationship which had uncertain benefit to herself and no reward in this world, because God had called her to this work. St. John Paul II said “Every aspect of priestly formation can be referred to Mary, the human being who has responded better than any other to God’s call…to the point of conceiving, in her heart and in her flesh, the Word made man, so as to give him to mankind.” For the very same reason, our Mother Mary is the model of the other, great universal vocation, Marriage. For further information contact the Coordinator of Youth Ministry Pat Gunning, at [email protected] Teen Confirmation Prep Program Confirmation Classes: Classes begin Wednesday September 14! Genesis and Covenant's first classes are September 14 and Revelation's first class is September 21. Not Registered? Go to the parish website ( to access the online registration. A direct link to this registration and program info is at Questions? Contact Pat Gunning Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected], 713-663-3524 Brought to you by the SVDP Vocations Committee. Pray for Vocations! 4 Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group Thursday, September 15, 2016, 7:30-9:00PM St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Msgr Jamail Family Center, Room 202 The meeting will feature Guest Speaker Brooke Jemelka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Jemelka is one of three practitioners with Caritas Women’s Care, part of CHI St. Luke’s Medical Group Sugar land. Caritas is dedicated to providing holistic, comprehensive, and restorative services for women from adolescence through menopause. Honoring womanhood and the sanctity of human life, Caritas Women’s Care offers on-site education about natural family planning and infertility in a loving, faith-based environment. Contacts: Shannon Lassen, 832.978.6716 / [email protected] or Janel Greig, 713.586.9567 / [email protected] As members of St. Vincent de Paul's Young Adults (SVDPYA), we strive to live out our Catholic faith in both word and deed. We achieve this goal through our service, spiritual formation, and social events in support of one another, our community, and the Church as a whole. Together, we take up the call of bringing Christ into the world! SVDPYA is centered around a 6:30 pm praise and worship, 7pm Mass, and dinner every Tuesday evening (except for the 1st Tuesday of the month), along with an array of social and spiritual events. Come join us at one of our upcoming events, or find our group on Facebook by searching "SVDPYA" or email [email protected] to get involved. Sunday, Sept. 4: Bible Study Canceled this week for Labor Day weekend. It will return on Sept.11. Friday Sept. 16 - Sunday Sept. 18: Bayou Awakening We invite anyone between the ages of 18-25 to live an awakening retreat. It starts Fri. Sept. 16, 5pm and ends Sun. Sept. 18, 1pm. Cost $65 per person. Registration deadline Sept. 10, It’s TRUE!! Our biggest choir is everyone, in all the pews. But there’s always room for more great singers in our Music Ministry too. Discover Music Ministry – ask any Musician after Mass. St. Jude Membership Mass is celebrated at every Tuesday, 6:45a.m. Mass for members’ intentions. Membership cards are available in the St. Jude Alcove. ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY Virtus Class Keeping the Promise Alive St. Anne’s Society Kick Off Meeting 7 September, 11:00am- 1:00pm, MJFC. Please join us as we kick off the new year for St. Anne’s Society. Come hear about exciting upcoming events that we have planned for the year, renew your membership, see and visit with friends. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED! The nursery is available. For more information contact Melissa Pruet at [email protected]. The Next Chapter: A Spiritual Group for Parents of Teens and Young Adults Every Tuesday starting 9/7 through 10/4, 6:30-8 pm, MJFC 206. Arlene Schneider will be our lead facilitator for this group which is designed for Moms of middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college aged children but ALL Moms are welcome. The session topics will include: 9/6 High school and College Application Process 9/13 Umbrella Parenting and Bucking the Entitlement Trend 9/20 Communication and Boundaries with Teens and Young Adults 9/27 Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Teens 10/4 Family as refuge, social media and personal safety In addition to learning about these topics and discussing them, we will pray for our families as we navigate these years. Norma L. McLellan St. Anne's Society Book Club Featured Book: Circling the Sun: A Novel by Paula McLain, Wed., Sept. 14, 2016, 7 - 9 PM, MJFC 208B For more information go to Keeping the Promise Alive is a mandatory refresher course for ALL Employees and ALL volunteers who have taken Protecting Gods Children more than five years ago. The course will be held October 11, 2016, 78:30 pm, in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center or you may attend at the parish of your choice. Keeping the Promise Alive Registration Process 1. Go to and enter your User ID and Password. If you do not remember your User ID and password please contact Karen Johnson at 713-667-9111 or [email protected] to avoid creating a duplicate account. 2. Next, click on the TOOLBOX tab and complete the background check by selecting your correct date of birth. Once you have completed both, select SUBMIT. 3. Please review your account information to make sure your contact information is correct. Select UPDATE MY ACCOUNT in the Toolbox tab. After you make changes, select SAVE. 4. Next, click on Instructor-led Training to pre-register for the “Keeping the Promise Alive” workshop. Select “if you would like to register for additional upcoming training sessions, click here” and choose the session/date you want to attend. You have now finished the preregistration process. Click LOGOUT, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to close your account screen. 5 K of C Pancake Breakfast Next Sunday, September 11, 8am – 12:30pm St. Vincent de Paul Cafeteria In observance of the 15th anniversary of the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the profits of the Sunday, September 11th Pancake Breakfast will go to the following two charities: 1. The Archdiocese for the Military Services USA provides the Catholic Church's pastoral ministries and spiritual services to the United States Armed Forces. 2. The 100 Club financially rescues the dependents of firefighters and law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. Adult Life Ministries Opening Doors to Life After Loss Opening Doors is a six-week program for adults who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to death, divorce, or separation. It is a place where you will meet others who can understand your grief and support you during the healing process. Beginning on September 13 the group will meet from 10:00-11:30 for six Tuesdays, in MJFC 205. Preregistration is not required, and walk-ins are welcome. John XXIII Study Group The John XXIII Study Group is a venue in which Vatican II and other papal documents are used as a basis for discussing current world problems and issues related to Catholic life. The group meets 1011am, Mondays, in MJFC 208A. All are welcome. There is no charge and pre-registration is not required. On-going Activities Free and Open to Adults All are held in the MJFC Centering Prayer: Tuesdays at 10:00 in 206. Christian Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in 206. Share the Word Bible Study: Thursdays at 10:30 in 206. Teresians: Mondays at 11:00 in 208B. JPII Study Group begins meeting again Sept. 12, 10:30am, in MJFC 206. JXXIII Study Group meets Mondays at 10am in 208A. SVdP Book Club: Second Wednesdays at 10:30. Opening Doors: Begins September 13 at 10:00 in 205. Cards (Canasta): Thursdays at 1:00 in 206. Mah Jongg: Every Monday & Thursday at 12:30 in 206. Mexican Train Dominoes: Thursdays at 1:00 in 206. English Class (ESL): Tuesdays at 9:30 in 208A. Italian I: Wednesdays at 10:00 in 202. French I: Waiting for a teacher. Interm French: Closed. Class is full. French II: Waiting for a teacher Spanish I: Coming soon. Spanish II: Tuesdays at 1:00 in 208A Continuing Spanish: ridays at 9:30 in 208B.. Stitch ’n Time: Tuesdays at 12:30 in 208B. Sugar Sticks: Wednesdays at 1:00 in AB. Bridge: Tues.1:00, Wed.1;30, Fri. 1:30 in 206. Tai Chi: Fridays at 5:30 pm in MJFC. Bus Trips: As scheduled. JPII Study Group The JPII Study Group will begin their weekly meetings again next week on September 12. They will continue to meet every Monday at 10:30 in MJFC 206. All are welcome whether or not you have attended before. Tai Chi A new class in Tai Chi will begin September 9. The class meets on Fridays, 5:30-7:00 pm in the MJFC Main Room. New students are always welcome. French Class French I has progressed to the level of Intermediate French. A new class for beginning French (French I) will be offered a soon as a teacher is available. French II (Conversational French) also will be offered when a teacher is available. See “Opportunities to Volunteer.” Opportunities to Volunteer The area of Adult Life Ministries would be happy to have volunteers to help with these activities: Teach beginning French or conversational French / Teach beginning Spanish / Teach or coordinate a program in art and/or music appreciation / Any other activity that you may wish to offer for adults to stimulate mental and social growth. Spiritual Direction For an appointment with a spiritual director call: Sandy Marcello at 713-529-8162, Eileen Meinert at 713-363-1961, or Elaine Caldwell at 713-663-3564. 6 Bake Sale SVdP ACTS Apostolate September 10th and 11th, 2016 Please help support and raise funds to help others attend and/or offset the costs of the upcoming Women’s (Spanish) ACTS Retreat November 10-13th. Baked goods from our talented parishioner’s will be offered after every mass on the weekend of September 10th and 11th. Thank you in advance for your support! GRACIAS POR SU AYUDA!... GRACIAS POR SU DONACION! “Brillará el sol de justicia, que les traerá la salvación en sus rayos” Malaquías 3:20 The Thursday Night Bible Study will resume weekly meetings on September 8, 7pm, in the MJFC Main Room. Our first study for the 2016-2017 season will be Thomas Smith's course on "The Prophets". This is a 10 week study which is free and open to all adult members of the parish. Workbooks will be available at the first class for $20 each. Please consider joining us. For more information, contact Joan Molinaro @ 713-408-3556. THAT MAN IS YOU! PARISH MEN’S GROUP STARTS TUESDAY SEPT. 13TH 6AM – 7AM, PARISH FAMILY CENTER WEEK 1 TOPIC: THE ISSUE IS LEADERSHIP BECOMING A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART The first year of the That Man is You! program, entitled Becoming a Man after God’s own Heart, considers man in his relationship to God. Join other men in the Parish seeking to know and serve the Lord as a husband and/or a father. Coffee and Kolaches served and walk-ins are always welcome! Questions? [email protected] 7 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Her story was one of loneliness and the cross. At almost 70 years old she lives in a home inherited from her deceased mother, has concern over a brother with severe emotional needs, and her only help paying bills is from the little money that her son earns mowing lawns. She called because she was about to lose water service. Water leaks in her home had persisted for over a year and resulted in large bills. Two Vincentians visited her home to offer compassion, hope and assistance. One Vincentian brought tools and went on hands and knees to diagnosis the extent of the problems. The needs were so significant that he took pictures to show a plumber. We contacted two other charities to assist us in paying her bill, after spending many hours confirming with the city water department the extent of her expenses owed. We thank Terrell Sword of Sword Plumbing Company, for his complimentary service of three home visits to remedy our client’s water leaks. Terrell said that he was so very grateful to have had the opportunity to help an individual in such need. We also advised our client about Social Security benefits that she was entitled to receive, and helped her obtain free legal advice which she needed. The conclusion of our client’s story is that water resources have been saved, expenses reduced, the living environment of her home has improved and she is getting the legal and financial assistance that she needs. We offer sincere gratitude to the parishioners of our Church and to Sword Plumbing Company for helping us put into prayer and action the plea of St. Vincent de Paul: “Bear the pains of the poor together with them, doing all you can to give them whatever help they need, and remain in peace.” Please call 713-664-5350 if you are interested in membership in our Parish Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conference. Your prayers for Jesus in the suffering and in the poor and donations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are humbly and gratefully appreciated. Choice Wine Marriage Date Night Program Marriage Join us for "The Choice Wine" Marriage Date Night on Friday September 16th, 7pm to 9pm at the Monsignor Jamail Parish Family Center. The evening consists of dinner, an inspiring marriage enrichment video, and discussion on God's plan of authentic marital happiness. Dinner will be served buffet style and you can bring along a bottle of wine to share as a married couple if you wish. There is no cost for this Marriage Date Night, simply email Nick LaRocca at [email protected] to sign up so that we can reserve a spot for you and your spouse. ========================================== In today’s Gospel, Jesus lays out the demands of following Him, the great cost of discipleship. The Mission Statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul states: “Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice…the Society makes no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.” Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call 713-664-5350 for help, or if you are interested in membership in The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please use the organization link in the Church website ( to access more information on the Society. The St. Jude Chapel Poor Box proceeds are used by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time. The Catholic's Divorce Survival Guide DVD viewing every Tuesday starting 9/13/16 – 12/12/16, 6:45-8:45pm, in the MJFC. This will be a 12 DVD set viewing with discussion afterward. 8 The Jubilee Year of Mercy Has Not Ended – Now is the Time of Mercy Join us for an AMAZING 10-session Journey Fr. Michael Gaitley weaves a tapestry of wonder and beauty from the threads of the dramatic history of Poland, the transformative message of St. Faustina Kowalska, the prophetic apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the powerful witness of St. Maximillian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope Saint John Paul II. But this is more than just a masterful telling of the “Second Greatest Story.” Thanks to the brilliant artistry of the Augustine Institute’s worldclass film team, this amazing story comes to life like never before. In fact, you’ll not just learn about the consoling message of Divine Mercy, you’ll experience it. Tuesday evenings at 7 PM starting Sept 13th in the Family Center See a preview at: https:/ Join us in Closing the Jubilee Year of Mercy with The Second Greatest Story Ever Told "Go to the Poor. You will find God." Saint Vincent de Paul Parish Mass to Pray for the Poor Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Sunday, September 25, 2016 11:00 AM "It is in prayer that we find the strength to be sustained in the service of God and our neighbor.” St. Vincent de Paul “If you had but a spark of that sacred fire which consumed the heart of Jesus Christ, could you spend your life with folded arms and abandon those who call for your help?” Saint Vincent de Paul 9 Sean and Kari Tracey’s Shepherd’s Cup Mass of Celebration for the Canonization of Mother Teresa Charity Golf Classic benefiting Catholic Education, Faith Formation and St. Mary’s Seminary at Kingwood Country Club, 1700 Lake Kingwood Trail on Monday, Oct. 3, 2016. To sponsor or play visit or call 713-652-4418. Presented by the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese and Knights of Columbus Charities. Daniel Cardinal DiNardo will preside at a 9:30 a.m. Mass of Celebration in commemoration of the Canonization of Mother Teresa on her Feast Day – Monday, Sept. 5 – at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, Houston. The Mass is open to the public. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, MC, will be canonized by Pope Francis at the Vatican on Sunday, Sept. 4 at 10:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. CST). Theresians Women’s Organization Saints and Special Observances You are invited to attend an informational meeting for Theresians, a woman’s Catholic organization forming in our area. Theresians are small Catholic faith groups whose foundations are built on Spirituality, Education, Community, Vocation, and Ministry. Our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. Contact Kathy Simpson at 713-899-7471 for details. Sunday: Monday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Labor Day The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Peter Claver Blessed Virgin Mary Today’s Readings First Reading — Who can ever know God’s counsel unless God gives wisdom and sends the Holy Spirit from on high? (Wisdom 9:13-18b). Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus, not as a slave but as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — To be a disciple of Jesus one must carry one’s own cross and renounce all possessions (Luke 14:25-33). God Is Calling You to a Deeper Relationship with Him If we consider that God is the Divine Bridegroom and the Church is his Bride, then the prophets can be seen as “spiritual marriage counselors.” They afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, calling us to return to our covenant relationship with God. They urge us to repentance, warn us of the dangers of sin, and announce the blessings of faithfulness. Their prophetic words speak to us even today, as they draw us closer to our heavenly Bridegroom. St. Vincent de Paul Parish will begin The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings For The Week Monday: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessings of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Tuesday: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Friday: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49 Sunday: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10] The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy on September 8th at 7:00pm. The 10 week course in the MJFC Main Room is free and there are workbooks available for $20. For more information or to register for the study visit the registration table after Mass or contact Joan Molinaro at 713-408-3556. Let the Games Begin That might be a good slogan for the Olympics, but not for a marriage! The Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend shows couples how they can be straightforward and honest in their communication, thus building a foundation for the kind of trust and love every marriage deserves The next two scheduled weekends this year will be Oct. 14 - 16 & Nov. 4 - 6. Find out more or sign up at: or call 713-482-1791 St. Jude League Enrollment St. Jude League is opened for enrollment throughout the year. Membership for enrollment is $5.00 for the year. The 6:45 A.M. Mass each Tuesday is celebrated for intentions of those enrolled in the League. St. Jude is a powerful intercessor for anyone in need. Membership Cards are available in the St. Jude Alcove. 10 Next Coffee & Donuts in the Family Center Following: 7, 9, 11a.m. and 3pm Masses Sunday, September 18, 2016 Hosted by SVdP Society and the Compassion Ministry Parish Information Sacrament of Baptism: Children, age 6 or younger requirements: parents registered parishioners, attended baptism class within 3 years and completed forms before baptism can be scheduled. For info and forms contact Paulette, [email protected]/713-663-3515. If your child is over 7 years old and not baptized, contact Monica Aquila, 713-663-3509 or [email protected]. Sacrament of Matrimony: Six to eight months are required for marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office, 713667-9111 for an appointment with the marriage coordinator. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office as soon as you or someone in your family schedule surgery, hospitalization or suffer serious illness or injury. Sunday Nursery Available Children 1-24 Months. Let them play while you pray during the 9am and 11am Masses. Ground floor, Monsignor Jamail Family Center. No Fees Sunday Nursery Volunteers Needed SVdP Nursery is seeking volunteers who are cheery, loving, energetic individuals to work with the nursery staff, other adults and teen volunteers during the Sunday morning masses (8:30 AM– 12:30 PM). The nursery provides care for infants and children up to the age of 2 years, with few exceptions. Visit the MJFC Room 102 on Sunday morning or email Megan Doherty [email protected]. ============================================================== Altar Servers: Contact Tom Green, [email protected] Bulletin:. Deadline is 9am, Thur., 10 days before date of bulletin, holiday bulletins at least 1 week earlier. Email to [email protected], or drop off articles at the Parish Office. Announcements before or after Mass will not be allowed unless submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday before the weekend of the scheduled event for approval to Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 / [email protected]. Facilities Request: Request deadline: two weeks prior to event. Contact Megan at [email protected] or 713-663-3561. Can’t Get to Church? If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, but are home bound, or in a nursing or retirement residence and unable to get to Mass, call 713-667-9111. Nursery: Ages birth to 2 years during Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses at the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. St. Jude League Enrollment Membership Cards are available in the Church by the St. Jude Shrine. Teen RCIA: Teens who desire to become Catholic and have not been baptized or received the sacraments, call the Youth Office, 713-663-3565. Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Fatima 12 Day Pilgrimage Tour of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Fatima, Alba de Tormes, Salamanca, Zaragoza, Lourdes, Rome, Assisi May 11 - 22, 2017 $3590.00 Per person from Houston (Includes round trip air fare from Houston, first class hotels, double occupancy, two meals a day, full breakfast, and dinner, English speaking tour guides, all entrance fees and sightseeing as per itinerary, airport taxes and fuel surcharges, tips to guides and drivers.) Tour Coordinator: Lucie Gardea, 832-413-2746 ============================================================== New Parishioners: To register, complete and return the Parish Registration Form available at the Parish Office, the Greeter’s Station in the Church Gathering Space or online at Bayou Awakening Retreat Retreat for young adults ages 18-25. September 16-18, 2016. The mission of Awakening is to bring young adults to a personal encounter with Christ, provide an opportunity for spiritual renewal and to connect young adults to the Catholic church and a safe community. Register online at or by mail before September 10. All young adults in this age range are welcome. For more information 713-741-8778. 11 Vigésimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 4 de septiembre de 2016 ASUNTOS DE FAMILIA En nuestros días usamos a menudo la palabra “familia” para describir toda una serie de relaciones más o menos íntimas que existen (o debieran existir) entre los miembros de varias agrupaciones humanas. Las parroquias, escuelas, tropas exploradoras de niños o niñas, los grupos de trabajo y muchas otras agrupaciones se refieren frecuentemente a sí mismos como “miembros de una familia”. Por tanto, ¡cuánto nos sorprenderá, como familia natural o parroquial, escuchar hoy de labios del mismo Jesús, que para entender lo que es ser discípulo suyo hay que renunciar a las relaciones familiares y romper esos lazos, y hasta llegar a despreciar la misma vida que Dios nos ha dado! ¿Habrá que tomar esto al pie de la letra? Sí, y no. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice que, para progresar como discípulo, para seguir a Cristo cada vez más de cerca, sólo Cristo y su Evangelio deben ser corazón y centro de nuestra vida. ¿Acaso la mayoría de nosotros seremos llamados a dejar atrás nuestras familias? Probablemente, no. Pero si somos discípulos de Cristo, hemos de estar dispuestos a hacerlo. UNA FAMILIA GUIADA POR LA SABIDURÍA DE DIOS La primera lectura, tomada del libro de la Sabiduría, nos ofrece de cierta manera, la misma lección. Nada de lo que sabemos en esta vida, nada de lo que más amamos o de lo que más apreciamos, puede equipararse con las riquezas insondables de la sabiduría divina. La descripción algo drástica de Jesús sobre lo que tenemos que rechazar, pone el mismo abismo que describe el autor del libro de la Sabiduría entre los caminos de Dios y nuestros caminos. Pero tanto Jesús como el autor del libro de la Sabiduría nos enseñan que, por medio del espíritu de la gracia que viene de lo alto, Dios puede venir a nosotros y de hecho viene a revelarnos el camino del cielo. No podemos encontrar esos caminos por nosotros mismos, ni en las cosas de este mundo ni en nuestras relaciones humanas. Pero con la ayuda de Dios podemos, aun con nuestra naturaleza limitada, acercarnos más y más a los brazos amorosos que Dios nos ofrece. Lecturas de hoy: Sabiduría 9:13–18b; Salmo 90:3–6, 12–17; Filemón 9–10, 12–17; Lucas 14:25–33 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PEREGRINACIÓN CELEBRANDO EL CENTENARIO DE FÁTIMA Peregrinación a Portugal, España, Francia e Italia Fátima-Alba de TormesSalamanca-Zaragoza-Lourdes-Roma-Asís. Fechas: mayo 11-22, 2017. Costo: $3,590, partida de Houston. Se require un depósito de $500 con la aplicación para reservar su espacio. Folleto con aplicación disponible en las oficinas parroquiales. (Incluye viaje de ida y vuelta desde Houston, hoteles de primera clase, en habitación doble, dos comidas al día, desayuno y cena, guías de turismo, todas las entradas y visitas turísticas de acuerdo al itinerario, impuestos de aeropuerto, propinas para los guías y conductores.) Agencia de Viajes: Inspirational Tours, Houston, TX. Coordinadora del tour: Lucie Gardea; Contacto: 832-413-2746. 12 y protestaban la desaparición de sus hijos. Poco a poco esta protesta de madres se fue expandiendo a El Salvador y otros países donde agentes del gobierno hacían desaparecer a los que obraban por la justicia y el bienestar del pueblo. En Latinoamérica la Virgen de los Dolores que viste de negro y llora la muerte de su hijo quien estaba en la flor de la vida se ha transformado en la Madre de los Desaparecidos. Ella acompaña silenciosamente en la protesta de tanta latina que ha perdido hijos, maridos y hermanos a autoridades injustas o cobardes. La vigilia de las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo terminó en enero de 2006 cuando por fin se encontraron con un gobierno que busca los desaparecidos con ellas. Lamentablemente en muchos lugares las madres de los desaparecidos todavía no pueden contar con las autoridades civiles. Con ellas María se une en protesta silenciosa. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Te gustaría ser parte del equipo del próximo retiro de ACTS en español? El retiro se llevará a cabo del 10 -13 de Noviembre. Las reuniones de equipo comenzarán el Miércoles 10 de Agosto del presente año. El único requisito es haber tenido la oportunidad de asistir a un retiro de ACTS. Anímate a ser parte de esta linda experiencia que te ayudará a crecer en Dios y a compartir en comunidad con hermanas en Cristo. Para cualquier información comunicarse con Clara Blankenship 804-878-1479, Marta Irizarry 713254-5951 o Sabina Varela 713-501-6037. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¿Quién puede saber los caminos de Dios a menos que Dios le dé sabiduría y le envíe el Espíritu Santo de lo alto? (Sabiduría 9:13-18b) Salmo — Tú eres, Señor, nuestro refugio (Psalm 90 [89]). Segunda lectura — Pablo pide a Filemón que acepte a su esclavo Onésimo como hermano (Filemón 9-10, 12-17). Evangelio — Para ser discípulo de Jesús uno debe cargar con su cruz (Lucas 14:25-33). Los bautismos en español Las pláticas de preparación bautismal en español se ofrecen el primer sábado de cada mes con la excepción de julio. Nos reunimos a las 9:00 a.m. en la biblioteca del Centro Parroquial (segundo piso). Para más información, hablar con Lucie Gardea después de la Misa de español los domingos o al correo [email protected]. Requisitos: La familia deber estar registrada en la parroquia. Ambos padres deben asistir las pláticas. Se requiere una copia de la partida oficial de nacimiento del niño. Se requiere una copia de un documento oficial de identificación Se requiere un/una padrino y/o madrina. Los padrinos deben ser católicos completamente iniciados en la Fe. Deben ser mayores de 18 años. Si son casados, deben estar casados por la Iglesia. Los padrinos deben llevar una vida congruente con la Fe y la misión que van a asumir. La cuota para las pláticas es $25 para las familias registradas en la parroquia. Si no son parroquianos, el costo es $50. La cuota para personas tomando las clases como padrinos es $10. Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Cor 5:1-8; Sal 5:5-7, 12; Lc 6:6-11, o las lecturas de la Misa “Por la santificación del trabajo” Martes: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 6:12-19 Miércoles: 1 Cor 7:25-31; Sal 45 (44):11-12, 14-17; Lc 6:20-26 Jueves: Mi 5:1-4a o Rom 8:28-30; Sal 13 (12):6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Viernes: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Sal 84 (83):3-6, 12; Lc 6:39-42 Sábado: 1 Cor 10:14-22; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 17-18; Lc 6:43-49 Domingo: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tim 1:12-17; Lc 15:1-32 [1-10] Jóvenes de Luz St. Vincent de Paul Somos un grupo de jóvenes adultos interesados en profundizar en nuestra fe a través de la formación espiritual, el servicio, y actividades sociales que nos permitan crecer en comunidad buscando imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y las virtudes de nuestra Madre María. Como jóvenes adultos, nos esforzamos en ser luz siendo testigos de nuestra fe y así dar a conocer el mensaje del Reino de Dios desde nuestra vida cotidiana. Nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el segundo piso del centro parroquial. Si desean agregarse a nuestra lista de contactos para recibir información acerca de nuestros eventos, pueden enviarnos un correo a [email protected]. ¡Los esperamos! LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Día del Trabajo Jueves: La Natividad de la Santísima Virgen María Viernes: San Pedro Claver Sábado: Santa María Virgen TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En 1976 un grupo de madres argentinas comenzó una vigilia silenciosa en frente de las oficinas gubernamentales en la Plaza de Mayo. Vestían de negro, con un pañuelo blanco en la cabeza 13 ADVERTISING Ave Maria Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp Available on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. A Full Service Salon Men • Women • Children Inside Original HAIRHUT 3907 N. 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Ideal for times of grief, struggle or longing. CD with mini journal $14.95. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications 4635 Southwest Freeway • Suite 730 Houston, Texas 77027 O 713.621.4040 F 713.621.4064 We are licensed, bonded and insured the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Superlative Service, Inc. We Make It Rain, We Make It Drain Landscape * Irrigation Drainage * Design 4402 Windrift, Houston, TX 77066 Off. 281-537-5579 Cell 281-236-4656 LI #4566 Commercial Kitchen Equipment & Supplies “It’s Smart to Shop at Café Mart!” 1629 W. 34th St. Houston, TX 77018 713-688-5922 Fax 713-688-8079 Toll 1-800-231-0782 ALLIED HEALTH SERVICES Needs RN for OR, ER, PACU, For Private Duty Nurses for Hosp. & Home Pre-Op, Med, Surg. Call Joy Salazar, Parishioner 2421 W. Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030 713-524-4422 515135 St Vincent De Paul Church (B) For Ads: J.S. 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CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 TAQUERIA PANADERIA CARNICERIA Beef *Produce *Pork *Goat *Chicken *Bakery *Beer *Grocery *Seafood 9223 Stella Link • 713-660-9495 • Open 6am to 9pm En la compra de 2 tacos de desayuno llévese 1 “GRATIS” 800-566-6150 • In the purchase of 2 breakfast tacos, you get 1 more for FREE BRAESMAIN (TEXACO) CENTER & MOUDRY MOTORS Service and Repairs Specializing in Auto Air Conditioning and Transmission Service 8001 Braesmain at 2600 S. Braeswood Blvd., Houston, TX 77025 (713) 667-1553 • ED MOUDRY, Owner Commercial Real Estate Services National Tenant Representation Specialists Industrial | Retail | Office Randal Moudry - President SVdP Class of ‘86 (Parishioner) (O) 832.378.8687 | (C) 713.296.9747 [email protected] | TIM WOODSON FINE CUSTOM FRAMING SINCE 1946 6565 W. Loop St. Suite #130 MATT MOORE 713-666-7335 JASON LEVINE Strength of Family Since 1889 713-667-6505 Visit To Receive A FREE Planning Guide 515135 St Vincent De Paul Church (A) 713-664-0330 6719 STELLA LINK “The Roofing Specialists” Re-Roofs • Repairs Insulated Windows Hardi Siding • Gutters Gus Campos, Parishioner St. Ambrose 713.680.3530 MARTHA GARCIA Parishioner REALTOR Cell 713-294-7762 [email protected] , BROKER STEVE ANTON PARK AT BELLAIRE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 6333 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77081 23 Passenger Bus • Errand Service Planned Activities • Doctor Appointments 713.830.5400 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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