red cross preparedness training consejería de crisis
red cross preparedness training consejería de crisis
Alldayki dscamp! Avai labledates: Dec22,23,29,30 9: 00am -3: 30pm 3projects-Lunchprovi ded $99/ dayallmateri alsi ncluded Li mi tedSpace Regi strati onrequi red ContactStudi of ordetai ls HappyHands Creati veArtStudi o 2318W 17t hAv e-Uni tC ( 17t handHovernextt oSt ar bucks) Longmont ,CO -3038273083 happy hands c r eat i v ear t s t udi o. c om Pai ntyourownpottery Potterywheelclasses ClayHandBui ldi ng Stai nedglassclasses Glassf usi ng CanvasPai nti ng Classes-Studi oTi me Comeandcreatesomethi nguni que! T ownofEr i eP ar k s&Re c r e at i oni spl e as e dt opar t ne rwi t h. . . J oi nUsEver yFr i dayNi ghtf r om 710: 30pm att heEr i eCommuni t yCent er ! Ki dss wi m andar es upe r v i s e di nt hepoolby qual i f i e dl i f e guar ds . Ki dspl aybas k e t bal l ,dodge bal l ,f oot bal l , k i c k bal l ,s oc c e r ,v ol l e y bal l&mor e ! Ki dsdanc et ot he i rf av or i t es ongs&mus i ci s s c r e e ne dandage appr opr i at e . Ki dse nj oygood,c l e anf ungame sl i k ehul a hoops ,r e l ay s ,t ugof war ,T wi s t e randmor e . Ki dse ar npr i z e sf orpar t i c i pat i ng,be i ngac t i v e , T hef ac i l i t yi sc l os e dt ot hepubl i candal ls t af f &s howi nggoods por t s mans hi p. ar ebac k gr oundc he c k e d. Age s714.Admi s s i on:$15pe rc hi l d. Snac k sanddr i nk sav ai l abl ef orpur c has e . Vi s i tusonl i net oc r e at eanac c ountf ory ourf ami l ybe f or ey ouat t e nd! www. ki dsni t eout . or g 2014 COMPREHENSIVE DRIVER’S EDUCATION CLASSES Start at 14 1/2!! Includes 32 hours of class time, permit test, and 6 hours of private in-car instruction. Week day classes 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm DRIVER’S LICENSE TESTING NEW LONGMONT OFFICE: 303-884-6504 917 S. Main St. Suite 300 We test 6 days a week! 6 hours of Behind the Wheel Training—$330 December 1, 2, 3, and 4 December 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, and 18 MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CARS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR TRAINING AND TESTS! All day classes 8:00 am to 4:30 pm DRIVER AWARENESS COURSE—$60 MUST BE 15 1/2 Permit Test—$10 Dec 20, 21, 22, 23: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Sunday, November 16, 2014 Sunday, November 23, 2014 (917 S. Main St, Suite 300) Jan 2 (2015), 3, 4, 5: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Longmont (917 S. Main St, Suite 300) Dec 28, 29, 30, 31: 8:00 am-4:30 pm (917 S. Main St, Suite 300) Online Course Including 6 hours of Driving and Permit Test—$399 Online or Classroom Only Course including Permit Test—$99 Please check out our website for additional information at: Now in Longmont: 917 S. Main Ste. 300 PH: 303-884-6504 Two doors down from the Driver License Office. Call Mr. Bob What you can do at school: • Learn English • Improve job or get a better job • Make new friends • Gain confidence • Communicate with others St. Vrain Community Adult Education c/o El Comité 455 Kimbark Street Longmont 303-651-6125 English Classes - $20/semester Mondays – Tuesdays - Wednesdays Morning – Afternoon - Evening Registration and Testing Thursdays – January 22 and 29 Thursdays – February 5, 12, 19 and 26 Thursdays – March 5, 12, 19 and 26 9:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. (be on time!) At First Congregational Church 1500 9th Avenue, Longmont (On the corner of 9th Ave. and Francis Street) Spring Classes January 14, 2015 to May 20, 2015 Printing paid for through AEFLA grant funding through the Colo. Dept. of Ed Longmont High School Parking h Registración y Exámen Jueves, Enero: 22 y 29 Jueves, Febrero: 5, 12, 19 y 26 Jueves, Marzo: 5, 12, 19 y 26 a las 9:30 a.m. y 6:00 p.m. (en punto) En la Primera Iglesia Congregacional 1500 Avenida 9, Longmont (En la esquina de Avenida 9 y Calle Francis) Clases de Primavera Enero 22, 2015 a Mayo 20, 2015 mpresión pagados a través de AEFLA subvenciones a través del Departamento de Educación de Colorado Church Francis St. Warren Ave. 9th Ave. ¿Por qué queremos ir a la escuela? Para: • Apprender inglés • Mejorar y/o conseguir un mejor trabajo • Hacer neuvos amigos • Tener confianza en uno mismo • Communicarse con los demás RED CROSS PREPAREDNESS TRAINING CONSEJERÍA DE CRISIS RED CROSS PREPAREDNESS TRAINING CONSEJERÍA DE CRISIS 380 LASHLEY STREET, STE. 200 380 LASHLEY STREET, STE. 200 Come join the American Red Cross and Colorado Spirit, a crisis counseling program, on Tuesday, December 2, at 6:30 p.m. for an entertaining event filled with emergency preparedness activities, resilient tools and community networking. Activities for both adults and children, so bring your family. Come join the American Red Cross and Colorado Spirit, a crisis counseling program, on Tuesday, December 2, at 6:30 p.m. for an entertaining event filled with emergency preparedness activities, resilient tools and community networking. Activities for both adults and children, so bring your family. Ven y participa con la Cruz Roja Americana y Colorado Espíritu, un programa de consejería de crisis, el Martes, Diciembre 2, a las 6:30 p.m. para un evento entretenido lleno de actividades sobre preparación para emergencia, herramientas de resiliencia y fortalecimiento de tus redes comunitarias. Actividades para niños y adultos, así que traiga su familia. Ven y participa con la Cruz Roja Americana y Colorado Espíritu, un programa de consejería de crisis, el Martes, Diciembre 2, a las 6:30 p.m. para un evento entretenido lleno de actividades sobre preparación para emergencia, herramientas de resiliencia y fortalecimiento de tus redes comunitarias. Actividades para niños y adultos, así que traiga su familia. For more information contact Stephanie For more information contact Stephanie TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 6:30 P.M. PUENTE DE VIDA 303.776.2927, ext. 265. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 6:30 P.M. PUENTE DE VIDA 303.776.2927, ext. 265. Formerlly known as the “Holiday Basket Program–Angel Tree.” Amabilidad para Los Ninos Conocido como el “Holiday Basket Program Angel Tree.” Registration Form/Formulario de Registración :: Parent or Guardian Information :: Información del Padre, la Madre, o el Tutor Legal Last Name/Apellido First name/Primer Nombre Street Address/Dirección: Calle y Número Casa/Apt. City, Zip Code/Ciudad, Código Postal Phone/Teléfono :: Children Information (14-yrs.-old & younger) :: Información Sobre Sus Hijos (14 años & menor) First Name/Primer Nombre Middle Name/Segundo Nombre Gender/Sexo Age/Edad Gift Received √ First Name/Primer Nombre Middle Name/Segundo Nombre Gender/Sexo Age/Edad GiftReceived√ First Name/Primer Nombre Middle Name/Segundo Nombre Gender/Sexo Age/Edad GiftReceived√ First Name/Primer Nombre Middle Name/Segundo Nombre Gender/Sexo Age/Edad GiftReceived√ First Name/Primer Nombre Middle Name/Segundo Nombre Gender/Sexo Age/Edad GiftReceived√ :: I testify that all the information above is correct. Yo verifico que toda la información es correcta . Signature/Firma _________________________________________________ Toy Distribution Schedule/Distribución de Juguetes :: Distribution Day/Dia de Distribución: December 20/Diciembre 20 :: Distribution Location/Lugar de Distribución: Boulder County Fair Grounds (9595 Nelson Rd., Longmont, CO) :: Distribution Times/Horas de Distribución: 8-11:30 a.m. :: Bring the completed form on distribution day at the time corresponding to your last name, along with a photo ID, proof of residence in the St. Vrain School District, and proof of each child’s legal name and birth date. Traiga este formulario completo, licencia de conducir o identificación con retrato, y prueba de residencia en el Districto Scolar de St. Vrain. Para cada hijo o hija, traiga el reporte de calificaciones de la escuela, certificado de nacimiento, o certificado de vacunas. :: Note: Forms must be turned in by the custodial parent or legal guardian of children 14-years-old and younger. Los formularios deben sen entregados por los padres o guardianes legales de niños menores de 14 años. For Office Use Only Registered by: ____________ :: There is no guarantee that toys will be available for everyone. No hay garantía de que todos recibirán juguetes. Total # in Household: _______ # of Gifts Requested: _______ w w w. k i n d n e s s - fo r- k i d s. o rg ONE-ON-ONE TUTORING AVAILABLE Does your child need help with writing or reading? Kelly Bradbury, Ph.D., can work with your child one-on-one to address his or her writing and reading needs. CC image courtesy of Pete O’Shea on Flickr Bradbury has a Ph.D. in English from Ohio State University and has taught writing and reading at the college level for 15 years. The courses she has taught include freshman composition, introduction to literature, basic writing, technical writing, and advanced writing. She has also served as a reader and scorer of AP English Language exams for the past 7 years. Bradbury can help your child…. • Improve his/her individual writing and reading skills • Prepare for the English Language Arts portion of the PARCC state assessment exam • Prepare a college application essay • Prepare for the AP English Language exam • Prepare essays required for scholarship applications • Prepare for the writing portion of the ACT, SAT, and/or GRE exams Availability for tutoring: • Monday-Friday after 6 pm • Weekends For more information, call 614-483-9885 or email [email protected] W E DON’ T WANT TO TAKE YOUR PI CTURE. W E WANT TO GI VE I T TO YOU.FREE. TI ME: 9: 00am -3: 00pm ( Fi r stcome,f i r stser ved) DATE: December6t h,2014 LOCATI ON: St.Bri gi tChur ch 110 Johnson St r eet Fr eder i ck Photoswi th Santa al so avai l abl e! Have yourphot ot aken and l eave wi t h an 8x10 pr i nt .