November 1 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish
November 1 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish
1229 Vermont Street Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 843-0109 November 1, 2015 Solemnity of All Saints Capital Campaign Update St. John Benefit Auction The parish‐wide solicita on phase of the St. John Capital Campaign has drawn to a close, and you can read an update of where the parish stands, answers to some frequently asked ques ons, and what lies ahead on pages 2‐3 of the bulle n. Thank you to all our donors! The St. John Benefit Auc on is Saturday, November 14. There is s ll me to purchase event and raffle ckets to help support St. John School. More informa on can be found on page 5 of the bulle n, and ckets are available on pages 8 and 9. Reservoir Adoration Pancake Breakfast Open to everybody! Reservoir Adora on is a way to give an hour to God in prayer accompanied by periods of silence and music in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Come experience this me of adora on on Wednesday, November 4, from 7‐8 p.m. at St. John. The Knights of Columbus will host a Breakfast Sunday, November 8th a er both the 7:00 and 8:30 a.m. Masses. Please come join the Knights and learn about the many charitable works they do! For more informa on on the breakfast and the Knights, see page 7 of the bulle n. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." { Mt 5:3, 9 } Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 7:00am, 8:30am, 11:00am, 2:00pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00pm. Website: www.saint‐ Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday‐Friday 7:30am; Saturday 8:00am. Reconcilia on: Wednesday 11:00am‐12:00pm, 7:00‐8:00pm; Saturday 3:00‐4:00pm. Page 2 • St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas BREAD Offer to Celebrations By Fr. Jeff Ernst, OFM, Cap. This weekend we celebrate All Saints Day. This is a good me for us to reflect upon our call to holiness. We are called to reflect Jesus in our lives so that the lives of others might be inspired to come to him in faith. That sounds overwhelming if not impossible doesn’t it?! The saints didn’t stop being sinners. Saints were and are sinners un l the day they die. They simply recognized that fact and accepted it. But they also accepted the love and mercy of Jesus. They made efforts at the slow change that is a result of prayer, repentance (confession of sin), and works of mercy. The saints struggled with themselves and they were relentless in subduing their selfish tendencies. Humility was o en their biggest struggle and yet they ul mately became humble. The example of the saints helps the rest of us in our spiritual growth. We may not be called to be “canonized saints,” but we are called to be saints in the way that God is leading us. May we have the courage to “think big” and at the same me become humble as we con nue to grow in our rela onship with the humblest of all, Jesus Christ. Oktoberfest was a great success! The commi ee tells me it was the most well a ended and, while we do not have all of the figures yet, it was the most successful as far as what we were able to take to the bank. I would like to thank all of those people who meet nearly throughout the en re year to make our Oktoberfest happen. In par cular, I would like to thank Angie Evers, Ellen Shobe, and Susan Lechtenberg. Without these ladies, Oktoberfest would not happen. By the way, the Oktoberfest commi ee is looking for individuals who would have an interest in becoming a regular member of the team of people who work Oktoberfest. We are in need of people who would volunteer for the Oktoberfest program. They can use some help ahead of me with prepara on and planning. If you see yourself as one of those people, please contact the parish office! Thank you to all who made a pledge during last weekend’s in‐pew appeal which ne ed $78,000 in pledges – an incredible success! Thank you for believing in the future of St. John Parish and School! ‐ Fr. Jeff Thank you to all who have pledged to the Preserving our Past... Building our Future! Capital Campaign. ...and thank you to these donors for their recent gi s! (Through October 27) Bill and Linda Alexander Janice Andes Kent and Diana Beisner Ted and Trisha Bergmann Craig Bogley and Judy Carpenter‐Bogley Mary Brand Bob Brill and Ruth Entwistle Sarah Busse Mark and Janet Cairns Patricia Chikezie Julie Coleman Paul Decelles Loren and Monica Dekat Michael and Kathleen Delaney George and Lindsey Diepenbrock Robin and Nancy Donahey John and Kathleen Dvorske III Mark and Therese Edgecomb Tom and Kay Emmerich Kevin and Nicole Etzel Pat Finnegan Mike and Jocile Fisher Carl and Marcie Fleming Jeff and Amanda Frenya Andrew and Connie Garcia Tom and Chris Girard Patricia Guadian Larry and Martha Hamm Robert and Virginia Hammersmith Michael and Betsy Harmon Gary and Lynn Heiserman Annamarie Hill Lee and Mary Kay Howe Mark and Gina Hummel Charles Johnson Ma and Denise Johnson Page 3 • Patrick Kerich Barbara Kessler Aaron and Marcia Ketchell Pascual and Kris Lacle Kevin and Tawnia Lashley Mike and Pat Lechtenberg Tom and Kim Liebl Shane and Allison Lopez Teresa Malarky Coriene McGraw Robyn Mendiola Jan Miller Tim and Julie Morstorf Suzy Novotny Kathryn Olden Orscheln Industries Founda on William and Jean Pedley Michael Piontowski and Marcia Harmelink Elizabeth Po er Judy Romero John and Leslie Ann Santa Cruz Michael Schurer Francisca Sierra Marvin Simon Roseanne Smith Sean Smith and Kris Kohnke Art and Verma Sommer Shirley Steffen Lisa Todd Galen Uhrich and Beth Rundquist Chieu VI Ted and Colleen Walker Lonnie and Michelle Walthall Tim and Audrie Wenger Penny Whitley Larry and Pam Williams Margaret Woods St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas St. John Café RCIA Classes are In Session! Join us this Sunday from 9:30 un l 10:45 a.m. in the St. Bosco Room of St. John School. The Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA) is the cateche cal and sacramental process for those who wish to join the Catholic Church. RCIA class meets from 7:00—8:45 p.m. in the social hall beneath the church. Everyone is invited to a end—even if you already belong to the Catholic Church! St. John Café is an opportunity to have me in fellowship with your fellow parishioners in a relaxed environment with good coffee, pastries, and engaging conversa on on the Catholic faith moderated by one of the parish priests. See a full schedule of topics at: www.saint‐ Contact Michael Podrebarac, RCIA Coordinator, for more informa on at [email protected] or (913) 647‐0330. You can ask all those burning ques ons! Confirmation for Adults Social Concerns Committee Help Parishioners and Others in Need At Holiday Time By Susan Tabor Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas will be here before we know it! To that end, our commi ee would like to first thank you, our brother and sister Saint John parishioners, for your generosity in the past years. Your generosity has made a difference in the families of our parish and extended community who struggle to have food or gi s any me, let alone at the holidays! If you are a family or an individual who is struggling financially this year and don’t know how Christmas or Thanksgiving can be celebrated in your home, please call the Catholic Chari es office at 785‐856‐2694 and register for holiday assistance. We need to have all requests for help with Thanksgiving and Christmas into Catholic Chari es no later than November 10 . As we did last year, the parish will provide one gi per adult (anyone aged 18 and older) and 2 gi s per child (anyone under the age of 18). Be sure to specify if you need help for one holiday or for both when calling Catholic Chari es. Thank you! More info will be coming about the giving trees very soon! Stay tuned! Are you an adult Catholic who was never confirmed? Beginning this year, we will offer a special program for adult Catholics who were bap zed as children but s ll need to receive the Sacrament of Confirma on. We will meet regularly throughout the year and then on a weekly basis a er Easter. Confirma on for Adults will be celebrated by Archbishop Naumann on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016. Contact Michael Podrebarac for more informa on at: [email protected] or (913) 647‐0330 The Book of Revelation A Class with Fr. Barnabas Fr. Barnabas will con nue teaching his course on the Book of Revela on on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month during the fall (with encore sessions on the following Thursdays). Tuesday classes meet from 7:00‐8:15 p.m. in the church basement. Thursdays encores meet from 1:30‐2:45 p.m. in the church basement. This class is open to anybody interested in learning more about the Book of Revela on and its role in our Catholic Faith! Fun, Fellowship, and Waste Reduction! Volunteer to wash dishes with the SJECC! Last year, members of the St. John Earth Care Commi ee volunteered to wash dishes at the St. John Benefit Auc on. This simple act reduced the waste from the auc on by nearly 100%, saving almost 500 plas c plates, silverware, and paper napkins from the landfill. Plus, it was great fun! If you can't make it to the auc on this year, please consider volunteering for fun, fellowship, and dishwashing with the Earth Care Commi ee! Email Rachel at [email protected] if you're interested! Meals for the Friars The Capuchins are looking for volunteers who can cook meals for the six friars in Lawrence. If interested, please contact Veronica Hamer at (785) 843‐0109. Meals needed for Wednesdays in November. Bring meals to the Simon Parish Center at St. John by 4:00pm. Fr. Jeff will take the dinner home to the friary. Altar Server Training Anyone interested in being an altar server should a end one of the upcoming training sessions in the church. This includes all present servers and any would‐be/new servers. (Must be 4th grade or older.) Saturday November 14, 10:00—11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 21, 2:00—3:00 p.m. Page 4 • Justice Matters An interfaith network working for jus ce in Lawrence. Some dbits of Jus ce Ma ers news: • November 1 is the last of our parish house conversa ons. It is never too late to get involved. If you were not able to par cipate in one of the discussions please visit with one of our team members: Claudine Boldridge, Charlie Bryan, Brent & Elizabeth Crandon, Jean Drumm, Ruth Entwistle, Sarah Hartsig, Mary Hertach, Jim & Vicki McMurray, Dan Saba ni, Erin Schmidt, Joe Snyder & Marilyn Page or contact Pat Lechtenberg [email protected] • The Kansas Chapter of the Na onal Alliance on Mental Illness awarded Jus ce Ma ers an award recently to recognize our advocacy on behalf of the mentally ill. • Last week, the key leaders of the Mental Health Consor um (Police Chief Kha b, County Commissioner Mike Gaughan, Vice‐ Mayor Leslie Soden, etc.) ‐ has sent, iden fied and invited over 100 mental health prac oners to build a collabora ve response to three cri cal mental health priorites in the city: (1) Crisis Stabiliza on; (2) Early Interven on/Preven on among Children/ Adolescents, and; (3) Enhanced Access to Care. • Team members and network members of all Jus ce Ma ers faith groups will meet at St. John's on November 16 for the annual organiza on's business mee ng and the Community Problems Assembly. St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas ALOHA! Win a trip to Hawaii! Purchase your raffle cket today! Only 150 ckets will be sold for this amazing trip to beau ful Oahu, Hawaii. Thanks to a generous dona on you could win the trip of a life me while suppor ng our school. The trip includes a $2000 airfare voucher and a one week stay in a charming 4 bedroom house. The winner will be drawn when all the ckets have been sold, so get yours today! See pages 8—9 of the bulle n for cket and raffle informa on! St. John School Benefit Auction Auc on planning is in full swing so mark your calendars now for Saturday, November 14, from 5:30—10:00 p.m. Please plan to join us that evening for a wonderful celebra on of our school and parish community. Please contact the auc on office or visit our website for more informa on. Thank you for your support! (785) 842‐3445 You can find descrip ons of many of the items currently up for grabs at this year’s Benefit Auc on by visi ng the website: saint‐ Family Fun Night Women’s Saint Prayer Group Women’s Saint reflec on and prayer group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at St John School in the St. Bosco Room at 7pm. All are welcomed to come when your schedule permits. Be inspired by the Saints! Upcoming session: Saint Macrina. If you have any ques ons, contact Debi Bradley (517) 474‐5076 or Beth Fox, (785) 840‐5561. Family Fun Night Returns, Friday, November 13, 2015. Make plans to join us for an FREE evening of under the sea adventure! There will be sea‐worthy cra s, games, and ac vi es for children, While parents will want to “sea” the silent auc on tables filled with gi items for children and adults! Dinner ($5) begins at 5:30 p.m. in the social hall. Cra and auc on tables open at 5:30 in the lower level of the school. Everything’s be er under the sea! See you there! Queen of Peace Prayer Group Meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in St. John’s Church. The Queen of Peace Prayer Group is commi ed to responding to the Blessed Mother’s call at Medjugorje to pray from the heart to bring about her plan for peace in the world. The hour includes the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Everyone welcome. Support Catholic Charities Our own local Catholic Chari es is located across from the Rummage House at 1247 Kentucky. In addi on to other client services, a modest food pantry is on site. Dona ons to the food pantry are welcome, and can be dropped on the shelf marked “Catholic Chari es” on the back porch of the Simon Parish Center. Foods with lots of protein are especially valued. Fresh food items, like meat and fruit, can be dropped off during business hours at Catholic Chari es. Non‐food items are very much needed, too: e.g., dish soap, diapers, razors, and feminine hygiene products. For more informa on, call Catholic Chari es at (785) 856‐2694. That Man Is You That Man is You! is an interac ve, mul media men’s program focused upon the development of authen c male leadership. Over the course of three years, That Man is You! successively considers men in their rela onship to God, to their spouse and to their children. This program meets in the church basement on Wednesday mornings from 6:00‐7:30 a.m. All men are welcome to a end! For more informa on on TMIY, visit the website: Natural Family Planning Want to learn the secret to living your marriage sacrament freely, totally, faithfully and frui ully? Come learn Natural Family Planning— it’s highly effec ve and can do wonders for your rela onship. To learn more visit‐the‐ or call John and Shannon Rasmussen at (785)749‐1015. Reserving Space Parishioners, if you would like to reserve a loca on in St. John Church for an event or mee ng, you must contact Ellen Sickinger: (785) 843‐0109 St. Lawrence Center Hiring The Saint Lawrence Catholic Campus Center in Lawrence, Kansas is seeking a full‐ me Recep onist‐Administra ve Assistant. The person who takes this role will be a friendly and welcoming person who will also handle a wide range of administra ve and support tasks. Du es include welcoming and communica ng with members of the community, data entry and ac ng as Administra ve Assistant to the Director of the Center. Applicants must have excellent communica on and interpersonal skills, be very well organized and able to mul ‐task and work independently. Applicants should have demonstrated computer proficiency, especially in Microso Office applica ons and be willing to learn to work with other data entry programs. Send le ers of interest and resumes to: [email protected] Page 5 • esickinger@saint‐ To inquire about space in St. John School, contact Linda Alexander: (785) 843‐9511 alexander@saint‐ Pregnancy Counseling/Adoption Pregnancy Counseling and Adop on is the founding program of Catholic Chari es that con nues today. Confiden al pregnancy support services are available free of charge to all those facing an unintended pregnancy regardless of marital status, age, race or faith. For those who have longed to adopt a child, Catholic Chari es is a leader in na onally accredited adop on services providing the exper se, experience and honest answers throughout the adop ve experience. For more informa on, contact Donda at (913) 433‐2063 or dmclaughlin@catholicchari St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas Upcoming High School Events November 1: Night of Heroes, 6‐9pm, Morning Star Church (998 N 1771 Rd, Lawrence KS 66049) Night of Heroes is an event to encourage young men to be heroes in their culture by living for Jesus Christ. Called To Greatness will challenge middle and high school males to encounter the “villains” of their culture and live a lifestyle that displays heroic character ‐ the same heroic character that Jesus displayed when He walked the earth. The event will consist of biblical messages, food, prizes and lots of fun! Our students will a end this ecumenical event with our male core team leaders (Jeff Cramer, Ian Hartsig, Drew Fox) Parents, RSVP to Jen at conrad@saint‐ if your student is interested in a ending. Bible Study and Reservoir: November 4, from 6:15‐8pm, St. John St. Bosco Room and Church "Lord Jesus, teach me how to pray." Come together for food, fellowship, and prac ce praying the scriptures together before heading over to Reservoir Adora on to have some good QT with Jesus. He will rock your socks off. Will you let Him? Week of November 8: Discipleship Groups Meet Please pray for the students as we enter into the busy holiday season. May their commitment to growing in their faith stay strong during these mes of busy, and may each student find Jesus amidst the chaos. Stewardship Relay! November 15, from 6:30‐8:30pm Pizza Shu le, prizes, and too much fun will abound on this fun big group night at St. John. Bring friends and yourself‐‐see you then! Week of November 22: Discipleship Groups Meet Pray in thanksgiving for all of the core team ministers who serve the youth of our parish. Prepare Your Hearts: A night of art and prayer at St. John, December 2, from 7‐8:30pm To help kick off the Advent season, join your St. John and Lawrence community for a fantas c night of praise and worship. Mike Debus, live art performance painter, will be taking us through an amazing evening of prayer and reflec on on canvas. Mike’s performance, joined with Pete Haack’s praise and worship, will be sure to help you start off your Advent season with an open heart ready to greet Jesus when He comes to us on Christmas day. All are welcome to join! Children's Holiday Shop: December 5 Save a few hours of your Saturday to come and help out this awesome ministry. Check out what it's all about on facebook: Look for more informa on to come on how to sign your family up to volunteer! Spread Christmas Cheer: December 9, 3:45‐5pm, the Neuvant House Come and decorate Christmas cookies with the elderly who live at the Neuvant House, a home for those struggling with Alzheimer's disease. ST. JOHN YOUTH Upcoming Middle School Events November 4: “Rules, rules, RULES!” 5‐6pm, St. Bosco Room If we don’t follow the rules in the Bible, then the big bully God is going to smite you! Okay, not really. But s ll…why all the rules in our religion? Can’t we just be spiritual and not religious? What is it about our faith that makes it really worth living? November 11: Serve our Church! Meet at 3:45pm in St. Bosco before we pick up and head out to the Church and the surrounding grounds. We will be serving our Church by picking up a rake, grabbing a dust cloth, or running a vacuum! Come help your parish be beau fied! Pick up at 5pm. November 18: "Ready or not, here HE comes!"5‐6pm St. Bosco As the holidays are fast approaching, so is the BIRTH of Christ! He is coming whether or not we are ready for Him, but, in the spirit of Advent, how can we best prepare ourselves for His arrival? Prepare Your Hearts: A night of art and prayer at St. John, December 2, from 7‐8:30pm ***See descripƟon in Upcoming High School Events Children's Holiday Shop: December 5 ***See descripƟon in Upcoming High School Events Spread Christmas Cheer: December 9, 3:45‐5pm, the Neuvant House ***See descripƟon in Upcoming High School Events Page 6 • St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas In Memoriam Tyke Callico Karl Trybom Prayer List The “Prayer List” includes the most recent informaƟon that the Simon Parish Center has about a parishioner and/or their family member. Contact the Simon Parish Center to request someone for the “Prayer List” and be sure to update the Parish Center monthly regarding their condiƟon or the name will be removed. Abel Ayala Mariele Berthold Deacon Leo Bistak Donald Erker Lorraine Hamer Gene Hieman Bob Holek Tim Maniez Marianne Fabac Means Mary Helt Logan Hemles, nephew of Mick Schurer John Hite Edna Holmes, mother of Lois Mersmann Pete James Susan Jones Dan Menke, son of Steve & Barb Menke Ernie Po s Dorothy Purdy Mark Salmans Ethan Schuh, son of Jason & Cassie Schuh Brad Simon Connie Simon Clyde Simon Gerald Simon Roman J. Simon Tom Simon Ruth Theising Ministers: Nov. 7—8 Masses: Nov. 2—8 Lectors Monday 7:30am ....................................Jane Heiserman† Saturday 4:30pm ..................L1: R Entwistle; L2: A Sellet Sunday 7am ................... L1: C Winkelbauer; L2: B Kish 8:30am ...............L1: J Robinson; L2: E Dvorske 11:00am ..................... L1: J Gripka; L2: S Tabor 5pm ........................ L1: B Walter; L2: R Bunner Tuesday 7:30am ........................................ Fred Mueller† Wednesday 7:30am ....................................... Karol Thomas† Thursday 7:30am ............. Osborne & O’Connor Families† Cantors Saturday 4:30pm .............................................. A Mauler Sunday 7am .................................................... K Colson 8:30am .................................................. K Gibb Friday 7:30am ................................................Paul Lee† Saturday 8am ............................................... Mary James† 4:30pm........................................... Paul Zillner† Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 4:30pm ............ B Brill, D Depenbusch, D Guth .................. K Guth, J Halderman, L Heiserman Sunday 7am ........... M Heath, B Osborne, L Wustefeld 8:30am ............ M Steichen, B Volz, J Dvorske ........ D Foster, E Grob‐Creasey, D Hoss, J Huss 11:00am ....... D Bradley, A Brill, C Buchheister .........................B DeWitt, C&D Ehrlich, J Evers 5pm ............ N Jones, M LeGresley, C Malone ..................... A McCabe, S Murray, T Reznicek Altar Servers Saturday 4:30pm ................................ B Thomas, P Price Sunday 7am ................................................ Volunteers 8:30am ................................ T Kempf, T Kempf 11:00am .............. S Liu, M Green, B Wilkerson 5pm ................................ O Schmidt, L Schmidt Sunday 7:00am ........................................ St. John Parish 8:30am .................................. Bernice Sickinger† 11:00 ...............................................Joseph Lee† 2:00pm .................................... Fidencio Carlos† 5:00pm................................. Tom Lieb & Family Weekly Giving Our fiscal year is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Informa on below reflects dona ons received July 1, 2015 through October 25, 2015. Budgeted weekly amount ........ $30,692.31 Average weekly amount ........... $26,889.96 Budgeted YTD ......................... $491,076.96 Actual YTD .............................. $430,239.49 Net Shortage ............................ $60,837.47 Knights of Columbus News The next Knights of Columbus Mee ng will be Thursday, November 12. Social and dinner, provided by the Knights, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Mee ng begins at 7:00 p.m. Loca on is the basement of St. John Church. Our council mee ngs are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Anybody interested in becoming a Knight should contact Grand Knight Kevin Oneslager at (785) 840‐9406. On the first Friday of each month, the Knights host a rosary in St. John Church at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to a end! The Knights of Columbus will host a Breakfast Sunday, November 8th a er both the 7:00 and 8:30am Masses. Join us for a yummy breakfast of Pancakes, Sausage, Breakfast Potatoes, Eggs, Biscuits and Gravy, Juice, & Coffee. There will be a free will offering collected. Proceeds from the breakfast go towards the many charitable works that our parish's Knights of Columbus Council supports over the course of the year. Bring your family and friends to this upcoming Sunday's won't want to miss it! Page 7 • St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas 2015 St. John School Benefit Auction PurchaseBene itAuctionTicketsToday Saturday,November14,2015 St.JohnCatholicSchoolGymnasium Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ PhoneNumber:_____________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________ ________________Tickets@$100 PurchaseRaf leTicketsforHawaiiVacation Only150ticketswillbesold! Youdonotneedtobepresentatdrawingtowin. Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ PhoneNumber:_____________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________ ________________Tickets@$100 *Tripincludesa$2000airlinevoucherandoneweekstayinJuneorJulyof2016,datestobeselectedby owner.Thistripmaynotbesold,butistransferable.Areturnablesecuritydepositwillberequiredof winner.Thefourbedroomhousesleepssix,moreguestsmaybepermittedatdiscretionofowner. *ReturnthisformalongwithpaymenttoSt.JohnChurchorSchoolOf ice It’s not too late to support the Auction AND have a chance to win the great prizes included in this SURPRISE BOX, valued at a minimum of $500. SURPRISE BOX RAFFLE Item in box is valued at minimum of $500 Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP ________ Email: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________ St. John Catholic School Benefit Auction Saturday, November 14, 2015 Winner announced at the end the auction. You do not need to be present to win. Must be 21 to purchase. Suggested Donation $5 per ticket SURPRISE BOX RAFFLE SURPRISE BOX RAFFLE Item in box is valued at minimum of $500 Item in box is valued at minimum of $500 Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP ________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP ________ Email: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________ St. John Catholic School Benefit Auction Saturday, November 14, 2015 Winner announced at the end the auction. You do not need to be present to win. Must be 21 to purchase. Suggested Donation $5 per ticket St. John Catholic School Benefit Auction Saturday, November 14, 2015 Winner announced at the end the auction. You do not need to be present to win. Must be 21 to purchase. Suggested Donation $5 per ticket SURPRISE BOX RAFFLE SURPRISE BOX RAFFLE Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP ________ City: ______________ State: ____ ZIP ________ Email: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________ St. John Catholic School Benefit Auction Saturday, November 14, 2015 Winner announced at the end the auction. You do not need to be present to win. Must be 21 to purchase. Suggested Donation $5 per ticket St. John Catholic School Benefit Auction Saturday, November 14, 2015 Winner announced at the end the auction. You do not need to be present to win. Must be 21 to purchase. Suggested Donation $5 per ticket Item in box is valued at minimum of $500 Item in box is valued at minimum of $500 Make check payable to “St. John Benefit Auction” and write in the memo line “raffle.” Return tickets with donation to the school office, auction office, Simon Parish Center, or in the church collection basket. If you return in the collection basket, please place in an envelope marked “Auction.” Avisos en Español Rosario Cada Lunes: 8:00 p.m. Por nuestras necesidades y por las de quien amamos. Ven, te espero, cada lunes en la iglesia. Platicas Pre-Bautismales Pla cas para bau zar son cada 1er Sábado del mes. Hora: 6:00pm a 9:00pm, En la escuela parroquial. No traer niños. Reciclage Trae tus latas de aluminio y ayuda a tu parróquia, por un mundo más limpio, déjalas por favor por atrás de la oficina. Para María Mota. Musica—Musica—Musica ¿Te gusta cantar? ¿Tocas algún instrumento musical, o te gustaría aprender? Ven a prac car con nosotros, comunícate al (785) 218‐1511. Comunion Para Enfermos Enfermos en el hospital o en casa que necesiten recibir la comunión y no puedan asis r a la iglesia comunicarse con Lilly Romero al (785) 393 ‐3224 o con Carlos Otero al (785) 331‐5947. “Small World” Programa Atencion: Todas las mujeres que hablan español e intenacionales quienes necesitan aprender ingles. Small World es un programa solo para mujeres. Desafortunadamente Small Word ya no ene el programa para los niños. Las clases son los martes y jueves de 9 a 11 a.m. en la iglesia "First Presbyterian Church" 2415 Clinton Parkway. Si ene preguntas puede llamar al telf. 785‐841‐3645 o visitar nuestra pagina web. h p:// Retiro de Convalidacion El próximo re ro de convalidación será el 7 y 8 de Noviembre en una parroquia de Johnson County (confirmaremos la próxima semana). Por favor llenar la forma de registración con sus sacerdotes y pagar la cuota de $60 para el Ministerio Hispano. Llamen al 913 281 6644 para más informaciones. Congreso de Familias PRIMER CONGRESO DE FAMILIAS, (EVANGELIZANDO Y RESTAURANDO LAS FAMILIAS), CON LA PARTICIPACIÓN DEL PADRE DARÍO BETANCURT. El sábado 31 de OCTUBRE DE 8:00am a 3:00pm y el domingo 1 de Noviembre de 11:00 am a 6:00pm. Con la Santa Misa. INVITA LA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA UNIDAD (San Juan Evangelista y Sagrado Corazón). El lugar 2646 s 34th St. Kansas City, ks 66106. El valor por par cipante adulto $20 y niños $15. Inscripciones antes del 12 de octubre. Cupo limitado. Por mayor información llamen a: (913) 9156494 y (913) 3758180. Responsable Renovación Católica Carismá ca. Page 10 • Maria J. Mota | Animadora | (785) 218‐1511 1 de noviembre de 2015 Todos los Santos La fiesta de hoy está hecha a la medida de cada persona. Al reflexionar en ella, nos damos cuenta de que no se celebra a ningún santo o santa en par cular, sino que la Iglesia celebra la memoria de una muchedumbre que nadie podría humanamente contar. Tal como lo menciona la primera lectura de este domingo, "Vi luego una muchedumbre tan grande, que nadie podía contarla. Eran individuos de todas las naciones y razas, de todos los pueblos y lenguas" (Ap 7, 9). Ésta es la fiesta de los cris anos de ayer y de hoy, de cercanos y lejanos, y de nuestros familiares y amigos que han servido fielmente al Señor con el espíritu de las bienaventuranzas cada día de su existencia. Ellos vivieron cada día de su vida con sencillez, humildad y perseverancia. Ellos ahora gozan de la visión de Dios. Los recordamos en la oración, y sin endo que desde el más allá, junto con Dios, nos bendicen y cuidan. ¿Crees tú que las personas que ya pasaron a mejor vida son santas? ¿Por qué lo crees? ¿Piensas que solamente muriendo podemos llegar a la san dad? ¿Crees que tú san dad comienza desde aquí en la erra? Dios actúa en nosotros si lo dejamos entrar en nuestros corazones. Es importante darle espacio para que trabaje en aquello que nos estorba para vivir sus bienaventuranzas. El día de hoy Jesús nos revela, mediante su palabra, la vida verdadera por medio de las bienaventuranzas. Éstas revelan todo lo limpio, puro y bueno que hay en nosotros. Éstas son también el despertar de lo que hacemos contrario a las enseñanzas de Jesús. Pidamos con fe a los santos y santas de la familia y amigos para que sigan inspirando nuestras vidas. Todos los Santos Muchas veces al impar r nuestras catequesis sobre la san dad a niños y adultos, he notado que la palabra "santo" nos parece muy lejana e imposible de hacerla nuestra. Tal parece que el llamado a la san dad fuera para muy pocas personas. Sin embargo, la fiesta que celebramos hoy en la Iglesia nos habla precisamente del llamado que tenemos todas las personas a la san dad. Esta fiesta exalta y sos ene nuestra esperanza de que algún día nuestras vidas terminaran unidas defini vamente a Cristo Jesús. La lectura del libro del Apocalipsis nos dice que los marcados eran ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil. Quizá muchos de nosotros nos preguntamos, ¿estaremos incluidos en este número? ¿Seré yo uno de los elegidos? Ciertamente, si persevero en los caminos del Señor ahí estaré, pues he sido marcado como seguidor de Jesús en mi bau smo. El Evangelio de las bienaventuranzas nos señala el camino que hay que seguir: "Dichosos los limpios de corazón, porque verán a Dios". Es di cil el llevar a cabo esta invitación pues es más fácil vivir cómodamente: es más fácil ser men rosos que sinceros, y aprovechar de los más vulnerables en lugar de echarles una manita en sus problemas. Por fortuna, Dios se hace presente y nos da oportunidades para ser limpios de corazón a cada instante. Ahora cabe que nos preguntemos lo siguiente: ¿alguna vez en nuestra vida hemos reflexionado que pertenecemos a la comunión de los santos? ¿Qué significado ene esto en el comportamiento de nuestra vida? Deseo que esta fes vidad de Todos los Santos y Santas de Dios nos anime a ser fieles en nuestra vocación cris ana y trabajar unidos por una sociedad más justa. St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas