Saint Lawrence Catholic Church


Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
319 Grayson Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone: (770) 963-8992 Fax: (770) 963-1710
Parish Center
Deacon Terry Millinger |
Facilities Mgr.
Deacon Bob Riddett
Deacon Jose Ortiz
Sr. Louise Sommer, CSJ | Outreach
Alma Martínez | Parish Secretary
Janet Volion | Bookkeeper & HR
Richard Clawson | Liturgy &
Music Director
Kathi McKenna | Liturgy &
Music Associate
Gloria Kennerty | Safe Environment
Amy Titshaw | Custodian
Barbara Baez | Nursery
Faith Formation
Diane Maguire | Director
Rita Schieber | Initiation
Beth Hodgson | PSR Coordinator
Vickie LaClair | Secretary
Communications &
Youth Ministry
Kelly Schreckenberger |
Wendy Guillory | Director
Ministerio Hispano
Cristina Corbin | Coordinadora
Counseling Services
Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC, NCC
En español:
Dunia Lobo, MA, LPC
5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (Spanish).
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 3:00
p.m. (Spanish), and 5:00 p.m. (Youth).
A nursery is available during all Masses.
Monday-Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and
Friday at 7:00 p.m.
(Spanish; September-May)
Every Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
Christian Initiation of Adults
follows the restored rites of
the ancient Catechumenate.
Christian Initiation of Children
Age seven and older takes place in a
community of young inquirers who
prepare for Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist during the Octave of Easter.
Is celebrated on the first Saturday of the
month (English) and last Saturday of the
month (Spanish), except during Lent.
Saturdays during 9:00 a.m. Mass
and upon request.
Couples contemplating marriage
should contact a deacon or priest
at least six months before their
desired wedding date.
Those interested in ministry as a priest,
deacon, sister or brother should contact
a parish priest.
At the very heart of parish life:
Christ Renews His Parish
Small Christian Communities
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats are held twice a year for men and
women. For more information, contact
Deacon Terry Millinger at
770-963-8992 x308.
From the Pastor’s Hand
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Archbishop Gregory has
established Holy Doors for pilgrimage at 7 different
parishes throughout the Archdiocese. This Friday, May
6, parishioners are invited to meet at one such site:
The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Atlanta, right next to the Capitol Building. We
will gather there at Noon, walk through the Holy
Doors, celebrate the regularly scheduled 12:10 Mass
and then visit the environs of this historic church, including a visit to the grave of the former pastor whose
Civil Wartime appeal to General Sherman saved the
parish, and its neighboring churches, from the flames
that burned Atlanta and began the infamous March to
the Sea. We will conclude with lunch at the nearby and
historic Sweet Auburn Curb Market. Pay-Parking for
the Shrine is most easily accessed at: Lanier Parking, 75 MLK Jr., Dr. NW,
Atlanta, GA 30303. The Sweet Auburn Market for lunch is located at 209
Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, GA 30303.
To make this more accessible to our parishioners we are asking for volunteers to drive , along with people requesting to be a part of a carpool, to
contact Alma Martinez in the front office: 770.963.8992 or by email at
[email protected]. Carpoolers will meet at St. Lawrence with the
plan to leave by 10:45 in order to ensure time for travel downtown.
Please see our parish website for more information on both this, and future, Holy Door pilgrimages.
Yours in Christ Risen,
MAY 1, 2016
8:00 a.m. Mass: Douglas Black 
10:00 a.m. Mass: Frank Moore 
12:00 p.m. Mass: Ronald & Laverne Langowski 
3:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish): Barry Glenn Aldridge
5:00 p.m. Mass: All People of the Parish
Last Week’s Collections
In-Pew Offertory April 24 ......................... $25,053.34
Electronic Giving April 24 ........................$10,108.00
Total Offertory April 24 ..................... $35,161.34
Catholic Home Missions April 24 ............ $5,747.44
The Second Collection next week is for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the
Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print
media. Half of all proceeds remain in our archdiocese and
support local needs, so please be generous in this collection.
Please remember St. Lawrence in your Last Will and Testament. A charitable bequest to our parish’s endowment
fund will allow you to continue after death the Christian
stewardship you practice in life and will generate perpetual
investment income for the parish’s future. For information,
contact Diane Duquette of the Catholic Foundation of North
Georgia: 404.497.9440 or [email protected].
Please Pray for Our Sick: Jessica Alfieri, Robert Barnard, Art Brand, Patrick Co, Frank Colon, Angela Donovan, Michael Fagan, Billy Gibbs, Tom Gillis, Mary
Lishok, Silvia Marzano, Tim McNamara, Dale Mesick,
Magdaly Moyao, Junio Pavik, Terri Power, Steven Robinson, Gary Root, Leonard Sabbat, Gabriel Silva, Teddy
Tolentino, along with their families and caregivers.
We Welcome to the Household of Faith Leah
Alexis, Harrison Beal, Shae McDonough and
Payton Mueller who were baptized recently.
May the Lord hold them close to his heart always!
Congratulations to newlyweds Jose
Espinal and Josefina Sanchez, and
Charles Burgamy and Amanda Corriveau. May their love for God and for
one another deepen every day.
Great Expectations! Please Pray For Bethany Burgoon
Loria Rico, Sarah Dunlap, Lindsey Gaines, Brittany Hodgson
Atkins, Morgan Luddete, Kathy Maguire McCoy, Stephanie
Millinger Flemish, and Karen Sotola.
9:00 a.m. Mass: Emmanuel & Samuel Ohwos
9:00 a.m. Mass: Benardita Flaugher
9:00 a.m Mass: Avelino Rocha Jr. 
9:00 a.m. Mass: Bruce Carra 
9:00 a.m. Mass: Manuel Asis 
9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Mass (Sp): The Espino-Frasco Family
9:00 a.m. Mass: Jorge Martinez
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass: All People of the Parish
7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish): Mother’s Day Novena
8:00 a.m. Mass: Mother’s Day Novena
10:00 a.m. Mass: Mother’s Day Novena
12:00 p.m. Mass: Mother’s Day Novena
3:00 p.m. Mass Mother’s Day Novena
5:00 p.m. Mass: Mother’s Day Novena
Sun, May 1
Mon, May 2
Tue, May 3
Wed, May 4
Th, May 5
Fr, May 6
Sat, May 7
9:00 am Donuts-Cursillo/Ultreya
9:00 am Mother’s Breakfast
1:30 pm Haiti Committee
10:00 am DeSales Companions-Study
7:30 pm Raised in Christ Prayer Group
9:30 am Woman to Woman
9:45 am Senior Exercise
10:00 am Choir Practice
7:00 pm CRHP Women
7:00 pm Haitian Support Meeting
5:30 pm Children’s Choir
7:00 pm Adult Choir
7:30 pm CHWC Meeting
9:45 am Senior Exercise
7:00 pm YAM
7:00 pm Haitian Adoration
7:00 pm Ladies of St. Lawrence Meeting
7:00 pm YAM Coro (sp)
9:30 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
5:00 pm Juarez/Rodriguez Wedding
6:30 pm Ministro de la Eucaristia (sp)
7:00 pm Escuela de la Cruz (sp)
7:00 pm Mass (sp)
9:30 am Haitian Ave Maria
10:00 pm Catechist Certification
10:00 am Baptism
3:45 pm Divine Mercy
4:45 pm Classes de Ingles
6:00 pm Cursillo Ultreya
Adult Faith Formation
Youth Ministry
Around the Parish
Adult Faith Formation classes and
programs are held in the Divine
Mercy Room unless otherwise noted.
Confirmation 2017 Life Is Choices
What is the best way to live? Tonight’s Decision Point (Dynamic
Catholic) meeting will focus on three
foundational principles to living
your best life: Be the best version of
yourself; Live a virtuous life; learn
self-control. This is our first meeting
in a series that will be held throughout 2016-2017. All second yearConfirmation prep (2017) teens are
required to attend. Our second
meeting will be held on August 14.
The full calendar can be found on
our youth website:
Small Christian Community will
host a picnic at Rhodes-Jordan Park
today, (Sunday) May 1 from 1:003:00 p.m. Rain or shine, come and
bring a dish to share. We will provide
hamburgers and hotdogs. Bring your
own non-alcoholic beverage. We
hope you will join us for a beautiful
afternoon in the park. All are welcome! Please RSVP to [email protected].
Childcare during adult faith formation sessions will be made available when requested at least 3 days
ahead of time.
DeSales Companions will meet this
Monday, May 2 at 10:00 a.m. If you
are looking to better integrate your
faith with everyday life situations,
the wisdom of St. Francis De Sales
can be a practical guide in today’s
stress filled world.
Mini-Pilgrimage right here at St.
Lawrence on Monday, May 9 at
10:00 a.m. Earl Beck will lead a
‘tour’ of our parish Church and explain the significance of the various
items that are to be found therein.
Woman to Woman will meet every
Tuesday in May from 10:00 a.m. –
12:00 p.m.
Moral Living, Carlos Ortega will
offer a class on Saturday, May 7
from 10:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. in
Johnson Hall. All are invited to attend. Catechists will receive certification credit.
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Studies Join us on
Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. for
“Catholicism” the DVD series by Bishop Baron in the Divine Mercy. RSVP
to Kate at 770.714.1778 or [email protected].
Wild Things! We will close out our
Edge year tonight with a night focused on Peer Pressure and Freedom. What is true freedom? How
can we practice self-mastery in our
lives? What struggles do we face in
overcoming peer pressure?
Senior Mass/Dinner: Sunday, May
22 at 5:00 p.m. All graduating seniors and their families are invited to
attend. RSVP to Kelly by Sunday,
May 15 at 770-963-1251.
Preschool is Now Registering children ages 2 to 5 for the 2016-17
school year. We offer a loving, Catholic environment for your preschooler to learn and play. For more information, visit our website or contact Wendy
at 770.962.1676 or by email:
[email protected].
Rite of Christian Initiation
Parents of children baptized in another Christian faith or over 6 years old
and unbaptized complete their Initiation Sacraments through the RCIA for
children. 2016-17 Enrollment for Faith Formation programs continues until
June 30. For questions on the RCIA program contact Rita Schieber, RCIA Coordinator at 678-240-3065. For more information on enrollment check our parish
website at or contact Vickie LaClair, at 770-962-2765.
Family Promise St. Lawrence will
guest families in transition from
homeless to permanent place to live,
from May 29 to June 12. We need
volunteer hosts to be the hands of
Christ: to set-up & pack-up guest’s
rooms; prepare & serve a Dinner
meal; Overnight host; Day host; Van
Driving (FP van); Laundry, donations
of $10 Walmart gift cards, etc.
Please sign-up on-line via St. Lawrence web page (
then look for Family Promise to signup. Visit our FP tables in Narthex this
week and next. For questions/
donations contact Dennis Reich at:
[email protected] or 770-339-6324.
Volunteer training is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 p.m. at St.
Girls Volleyball Registration for
the 2016 fall season is taking place
for girls in grades 5th.–8th. Join us
Friday, May 6 and May 20 from, 6:009:00 p.m. in the gym. Contact Amy
Hamilton or Kim Barth
[email protected] /
[email protected] for more
information and registration.
St. Lawrence Dinner Club–sign up
now for the next rotation of the St.
Lawrence Dinner Club. We invite
everyone—singles, couples, and
newcomers to join this group for fellowship and great food. The deadline
to sign up is Sunday, May 8. For more
information call Paula and Beatty
McCaleb at 770.614.3537 or email
[email protected].
MAY 1, 2016
Around the Parish continued
American Red Cross Bloodmobile
will be at St. Lawrence on Tuesday,
May 10 from 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
To make an appointment please visit and enter sponsor
code: STLCC.
The Ladies of St. Lawrence annual
Ladies Night Out will be Thursday,
May 12 at Poblano's Mexican Grill;
1319 Scenic Hwy, Lawrenceville,
30045 at 6:30 p.m. For additional
information and reservations please
call Laura Delage at 678-344-1030.
Senior Adult Ministry will meet for
lunch at 12:00 noon on Thursday,
May 18 in Cogswell Hall. Call Sister
Louise for reservations at 678-2403063.
Shawl Ministry will meet in Cogswell Hall Saturday, May 21, 10:00
a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Call Miriam Schaefer
for questions at 770-978-4730. See
you there!
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast All
women are invited on Saturday, May
7, from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Holy
Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker
Road, Atlanta. The guest speaker will
be Maria Boylan, South Carolina Magnificat leader. Breakfast reservations
are $15 and must be made in advance. Please mail check, payable to
Magnificat Joyful Visitation, by May 1
to: Jo Ann Rademacher, 1260 Mountain Ivey Court, Sugar Hill, GA 30518.
Check-in is at the door for those with
reservations only. For information
call Jo Ann Rademacher at 770-8310693.
Human Trafficking and Sporting
Events Human trafficking is a business, and traffickers will take advantage of what they perceive to be
good business opportunities – including national and international sporting events. For more information,
please visit the U.S. Catholic Sisters
Against Human Trafficking at
The Victor Egidi Scholarships of
$2,500.00 and $1,500.00 are being
offered by the Knights of Columbus
to two 2016 high school graduating
seniors who are active registered
parishioners of St. Lawrence. The
requirements are: Minimum 3.2 GPA
and a one-page essay explaining educational aspirations and why this
scholarship would be helpful. Dead
line is May 31.Obtain an application
Cursillo Ultreya will meet Saturday,
May 7 at 6:30 p.m. for dinner at
Sweet Baby Jane’s Restaurant, in
Lawrenceville. This will be an opportunity to meet some recent attendees
from Cursillo weekends. Everyone in
our parish who has attended a Cursillo weekend is welcome. For more
information contact Glenn & Fran
Zipfel at [email protected] or 770-8229134.
Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to
Rome in this his 20th Anniversary of
Ordination. You are invited to come
and enjoy the splendor of ancient
and modern Rome, and engage in
spiritual pilgrimage visiting many
Holy Sites, including a special trip to
Assisi and the Martyrdom Site of our
own Patron, St. Lawrence! Please see
the parish website for additional information or contact pilgrimage organizer and parishioner LeAnn
Brand at 410.897.2538.
[email protected]
Around the Archdiocese
The Way for Women, a 3-day retreat for adult female survivors of
abuse, is offered by the Archdiocese
of Atlanta’s Victim Assistance Program on May 13-15, at Carmel Retreat Center in Hoschton, GA. The
registration deadline is May 6, 2016.
Please contact Sue Stubbs at 404-920
-7554 or [email protected] for
more information.
Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic
Congress will take place on Saturday, June 4, at the Georgia International Convention Center. The morning procession opens at 8:30 a.m.
and ends with a closing Mass at 5:00
The Georgia International Convention Center is located at 2000 Convention Center Concourse, College
Park, 30337. Please refer to the website for
more information.
Honoring Babies Gone Too Soon:
Memorial Mass with Archbishop
Gregory All families who have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or
infant loss, whether this year or
years ago, and all those who support
and pray for those families and their
babies gone too soon are invited to
attend the 5th Annual Embrace Memorial Mass. It will be celebrated by
Archbishop Wilton Gregory at 7:00
p.m. on Wednesday, May 4 at the Cathedral Christ the King, 2699
Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, 30305.
The Mass will be followed by a reception in the parish hall. For more information about All Embrace, Inc.,
the support they provide grieving
families, or if you’d like to volunteer
at the Mass, please visit http://
Parroquia San Lorenzo
Registraciones para volleyball de
niñas: La temporada 2016 estaó ahora registrando ninñ as de grado 5th. A
8th. Acompaó nñ enos este viernes, mayo 6 y 20 en el GYM de 6:00 pm a
9:00 pm. Para mayores informes con
la Sra. Amy Hamilton a
[email protected] o a la
Sra. Kim Barth a [email protected] esto para informacioó n de registracioó n.
Promesa de Familia: Este anñ o nuestra parroquia estaraó albergando a
familias sin hogar las semanas del 29
Mayo al 12 de Junio. Y estamos en
necesidad de voluntarios para poder
ayudar a estas familias con cenas,
cuidado en la noche, transporte, acomodacioó n de las instalaciones de los
cuartos, lavado de ropa, donaciones
de $10 en tarjetas de Wal-Mart
etc. Habraó un entrenamiento con
anterioridad el díóa Mieó rcoles 18 de
Mayo de 7:00 pm aquíó en San Lorenzo. Por favor incluya ayudar a los
necesitados en sus planes, esta seríóa
una gran obra de misericordia, Esperamos contar con su colaboracioó n.
Informes y donaciones a Dennis
Reich a [email protected] al
770.339.6324. Tambieó n pueden visitar las mesas de informacioó n despueó s de las misas de fin de semana.
SEXTO domingo de pascua
Del Escritorio del Párroco
En este anñ o jubilar de la misericordia, nuestro arzobispo Gregory ha establecido puertas Santas de peregrinacioó n a 7 parroquias diferentes de la Arquidioó cesis.
Este Viernes 6 de Mayo, todos los feligreses estaó n invitados a reunirse en este lugar: El Santuario de la Inmaculada Concepcioó n en el centro de Atlanta, justo al lado
del edificio del Capitolio. Nos reuniremos allíó al mediodíóa, caminaremos por la puerta Santa, celebraremos la
misa regular a las 12:10p.m. Y luego iremos a los alrededores de esta histoó rica Iglesia, incluyendo la tumba
del ex paó rroco cuya intercesioó n al general Sherman
durante la guerra civil salvo a su iglesia y a las iglesia
vecinas de las llamas que quemaron a Atlanta y comenzaron la infalible marcha hacia el mar.
Concluiremos con almuerzo en mercado histoó rico Sweet Auburn Curb Market. El parqueadero pagado del Santuario es maó s faó cilmente accesible en: El
estacionamiento (Lanier parking) 75 Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. NW, Atlanta,
GA 30303. La direccioó n de Sweet Curb market para el almuerzo estaó situado en
209 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta, GA 30303.
Para hacer esto maó s accesible a los feligreses estamos pidiendo voluntarios para conducir, para ir en grupos para ser parte de un transporte colectivo, por
favor ponerse en contacto con Alma Martinez en la oficina: 770.963.8992 o por
correo electroó nico a [email protected]. Los voluntarios de conducir se
reuniraó n en San Lorenzo con planes para salir por 10:45 a.m. para dar tiempo ya que pasamos por el centro de la ciudad.
Por favor mire nuestro sitio web de la parroquia para maó s informacioó n sobre
esta y las futuras peregrinaciones a las Puertas Santas.
Suyo en Cristo Resucitado,
Graduados 2016: Todos los joó venes de high school que se graduaran este anñ o, estaó n invitados a la celebracioó n de la eucaristíóa y una cena espacialmente para ellos y sus familiares maó s cercanos. Esta se celebrara el díóa 22 de Mayo a las
5:00p.m. Deben inscribirse con anterioridad en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano.
Formación de Parejas: Las parejas que ya han tomado la decisioó n de celebrar el sacramento del matrimonio, la formacioó n seraó el díóa Sabado, 14 de Mayo a partir de las 8:30 a.m. La registracioó n debe hacerse en la oficina del ministerio hispano. Las parejas que no asistan a esta retiro deben comunicarlo en la oficina 4 meses antes de la fecha planeada.
Quinceañeras: El retiro para las quinceanñ eras que celebraran la misa durante los meses de Junio, Julio, Agosto y Septiembre seraó el Sabado, 4 de Junio. Deben registrarse en la oficina del ministerio Hispano antes del 30 de Mayo. Las quinceanñ eras que no llenes los requisitos no podraó n celebrar la misa en el díóa planeado.
Bodas comunitarias: Las parejas que deseen celebrar el sacramento del matrimonio este anñ o, estan invitamos a inscribirse para las bodas comunitarias que se celebraraó n en el díóa Saó bado 19 de Noviembre. Esta seraó una gran oportunidad de celebrar su boda; la misa y recepcioó n estaó n incluidas para esta maravillosa celebracioó n. Para maó s detalles pasar
a la oficina del ministerio hispano. El cupo seraó limitado.
Venta de Garage: Si usted desea ser un voluntario para la venta anual de garaje parroquial, puede comunicarse con
Kathy McCoy al [email protected]. La venta ser
seraó en Julio 28 al 31.
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