St. Edward Mission Statement


St. Edward Mission Statement
St. Edward Catholic Church
La Iglesia Católica de San Eduardo
801 Sherman St.
Little Rock, AR 72202
Telephone 374 - 5767 Fax 374 - 5839
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
St. Edward Mission Statement
St. Edward Church is a Catholic community of believers, rich in tradiƟon and growing in diversity. Recognizing the equality of all
persons in the eyes of God, we provide an atmosphere in which parishioners of all ages and cultures share faith through sacramental and Liturgical celebraƟons, ongoing faith-formaƟon, support of our school and other social and spiritual events which enable us to connect our faith with the world in which we live and lead our members to eternal salvaƟon.
Parish Directory
Parish Council
Fr. Gregory T. Luyet [email protected]
Chair - Phillip Gallaher
Dc. Dan Hennessey [email protected]
Dc. Danny Hartnedy [email protected]
Dc. Marcelino Luna [email protected]
Dc. Efrain Vargas [email protected]
Parish Manager
Scott Sparks
Parish Secretary
Teresa Mendez 374-5767
Rel. Ed Coord
Lilia Hernandez 374-5839
Director of Music
Phillip Quick
[email protected]
Vice Chair - Cissy Johnson
Members Nelson Rolong
Marcella Callahan
Russ Matson
Bill Wrape
LeAnn Wellinghoff
Katherine Friend 231-0332
Other Contacts
School Principal
LaTonya White 374-9166
Director Coro Hispano
Cissy Johnson
Director Coro Hispano
Manuela Negrete 771-9104
RCIA Director
Dc. Dan & Beth Hennessey
Liturgy Assistant Training
Dave Kern
Wedding Coordinator
Elaine Lienhart
Eucharist Adoration
Rose Anne Smith 830-3235
Christian Mothers Sodality
LeAnn Wellinghoff 425-5630
Bingo Coordinator
Tina Pilkington
Coordinadora de Bodas
Maria Ruvalcaba 590-3895
Marriage Encounter
Elaine & Steve Lienhart
Men’s Club
Phillip Isgrig
[email protected]
Martha’s Meal Ministry
Carole Canino
Mike Gerfen
[email protected]
Cub Scout Leader
Brandi Collins
Boy Scout Leader
Eugenia Carvalho 410-8909
Coordinador de EPJ
Hugo Ventura
Sr. Hermana Annual Fund
Scott Sparks
Confession Schedule
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
5:30 PM to 5:50 PM
3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
St. Edward Catholic Church Registration Form
__New Registration - Nuevo miembro
__Moving Out of Parish - Moviendose de la parroquia
__Change of Address - Nueva dirección
__Want Envelopes - Quiero recibir sobres de la Iglesia
Name - Nombre_________________________________________
Address-Dirección________________________________________ City - Ciudad___________________
Zip - Codigo Postal_________ Phone# - Número de Telefono__________________
Please drop this form into the offertory basket or email to the parish office
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas, Readings for the Week/Lecturas de la Semana
Sep 3, 2016
Por toda la Parroquia
Sep 4, 2016
Spec. Int. Danny Rico
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Jesus Díaz & Gerardo Flores+
By Maria Galicia
1:00 PM
4:00 PM
Sep 6, 2016
Sep 7, 2016
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
9:00 AM
Sep 8, 2016
Spec. Int. Maria de la Luz Acosta
9:00 AM
Sep 9, 2016
For every Soul
By Janie Krone
Sep 10, 2016
Sep 11, 2016
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Antonio Martinez +
By Familia Brito
Saturday, September 10, 2016
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Rosario Dulanto
Omar Martínez
Cipriano Tixta
Martin Sánchez
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Vicente Mendoza
Eva Martínez
Gregorio Martínez
Carina Sánchez
Sunday, September 11, 2016
11:00 AM.
Cliff & Liz Yeary
Dc. Dan Hennessey, Patty James
Reggie Rogers, Janie Krone (choir)
Altar Servers:
Sid Davenport, Edward G Dodge
Adaleigh Gallaher
Todd Harness, Mary Palmer
Joe Wellinghoff, LeAnn Wellinghoff
1:00 PM
Readings for the Week September 4,
2016 through September 11, 2016
Wis –Sabiduria9:13-18b;
Ps –Salmo 90:3-6, 12-17;
Phlm –Filemon 9-10, 12-17;
Lk-Lucas 14:25-33
Monday– Lunes:
1 Cor-1 Corintios 5:1-8;
Ps-Salmo 5:5-7, 12; Lk-Lucas 6:6-11,
1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19
1Cor– 1Corintios 7:25-31; Ps-Salmo45:1112, 14-17; Lk –Lucas 6:20-26
Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps-Salmo 13:6;
Mt-Mateo 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
1 Cor-1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22b-27;
Ps –Salmo84:3-6, 12; Lk-Lucas 6:39-42
1 Cor-1Corintios 10:14-22;
Ps –Salmo116:12-13, 17-18;
Lk-Lucas 6:43-49
Ex-Exodo 32:7-11, 13-14;
Ps-Salmo 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19;
1 Tm-1Timoteo 1:12-17;
Lk –Lucas15:1-32 [1-10]
Domingo 11, de Septiembre 2016
Fred Hart
Dc. Danny Hartnedy, José Blanco,
Susi Blanco, Nita Danaher (choir)
Altar Servers:
Jeff Straessle II, Porter Straessle
Joe Melio, John Murphree,
Maurus Jones, Doug Virden
The Good News is that we have
all been invited--invited to the
Kingdom, invited to be disciples.
It's a life-changing invitation, and
like so many other such invitations, it requires a great deal of
deliberation and discernment.
Whether we choose marriage,
ordination, single life, or community life, we know the serious
planning and consideration that
accompany these profound decisions. Like the tower-builder in
the Gospel, we have weighed
both the monetary and emotional
cost. We have pondered and
planned our lives in the direction
to which we believe God has
called us. And while we pray for
guidance and acceptance of
God's will, we often fail to understand so much. Like Solomon, we
turn to God for wisdom and counsel in our life-changing decisions.
1:00 PM
Emely Gonzalez
Kimberly De Santos
Jacob Esquivel
Alex Méndez
Usiel Cortez
Julian Arias
Welcome, new members, and
Visitors to
St. Edward Church. We are
glad to have you.
Blessings to you all
Feast day: September 9
Isaac the Great whose feast day is September 9 became a monk. He was the son
of Catholics St. Nerses I of Armenia. He
studied at Constantinople, married, and on
the early death of his wife became a
appointed Catholics of Armenia in 390 and secured from Constantinople recognition of
the metropolitan rights of the Armenian
Church, thus terminating its long dependence on the Church of Caesarea in Cappodocia. He at once began to reform the
Armenian Church. He ended the practice
of married bishops, enforced Byzantine canon law, encouraged monasticism,
built churches and schools, and fought
Persian paganism. He supported St.
Mesrop in his creation of an Armenian alphabet, helped to promote the translation
of the Bible and the works of the Greek
and Syrian doctors into Armenian, and was
responsible for establishing a national liturgy and the beginnings of Armenian
literature. He was driven into retirement in
428 when the Persians conquered part of
his territory but returned at an advanced
age to rule again from his See at Ashtishat, where he died in the year 439. He
was the founder of the Armenian Church and is sometimes
called Sahak in Armenia.
cJ. S. Paluch Co.
Lupita Álvarez
Lemen Arana
Ruby ÁLvarez
Mari Vargas
Parish News & Events/ Noticias Y Eventos Parroquiales
St. Edward Online Giving
Visit the St. Edward Church website at
and look for the image below. This will link you to our secure
site where you can find more information and sign up for
online giving.
Many options for Regular Collection, Capital Campaign and
Memorials. Set up a one time, weekly or monthly gift
Parroquia de San Eduardo donando en línea
August 28, 2016 $3,863
Weekly Budget/Presupuesto Semanal $6,461
Budget Surplus June, 14 2016 ($8,064.65)
Arriba del presupuesto June, 14 2016 (-$8,064.65)
August 28, 2016 $ 281
Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $1,850
Need Shortfall June, 14 2016 (-$19,901)
presupuesto June, 14 2016
Visite el sitio de internet de la
parroquia de San Eduardo y busque la imagen que aparece a
Esto le llevará a un sitio seguro donde usted puede encontrar
más información y registrarse en línea para su donación semanal o mensual a la parroquia
Existen varias opciones para donar a la Campaña Capital y
para la colecta regular. Pregunte como registrar su donativo
de descuento directo semanal o mensual en la parroquia.
Diocesan Loan Balance
Balance del Préstamo de la Diócesis
Coffee & Donuts YTD
Have you considered a gift to St. Edward School
Endowment? This fund provides for the School’s
long term stability and needs. You can also include the endowment in your will and/or in request for memorials after a loved one’s death.
For more information contact Scott Sparks
at 501 374-5767or
[email protected]
In the back of the Church we have a box
with envelopes that have been return to
the office. Please check to see if your envelopes are there. If in the past six month
your information has changed please send
the updates so we may have the correct
information in our files, thank you for your
En la entrada de la Iglesia está una caja con los sobres que
se han regresado a la parroquia, por favor revise si encuentra algún sobre devuelto con su nombre. Si en los últimos
seis meses a tenido algún cambio en su información per–
sonal, llene la forma que aparece en el boletín con su información actualizada para ser corregida en nuestro sistema.
Gracias por su ayuda.
Fr. Greg is inviting all the kids during Mass
To take their collection to the front. He will be holding
a basket for the kids to place their gift.
El padre Gregorio invita atodos los niños a llevar su
colecta durante la Misa, él estará recibiendo personalmente las donaciones de los niños en la canasta.
Sunday Sales YTD
Mass Count
Mass Count for August 28, 2016
4 PM
9 AM
11 AM
1 PM
Follow us on Facebook!
Simply log into Facebook and search for "St. Edward
Catholic Church and School" (without the quotes).
Pido a todos los que han sido fieles contribuidores a la colecta
dominical en el pasado que consideren en oración aumentar su
donación este año. Y a todos aquellos que no han contribuido a
la colecta anteriormente, que por favor consideren hacerlo este
año. Es una donación que no solamente ayudará a nuestra parroquia a alcanzar su meta pero que beneficiará a todos nuestros
hermanos de nuestra parroquia. Si solo diéramos el 5% de lo
que Dios nos da cada semana , y cuanto es el 5%.?
What I
earn each
$150 $200 $300 $400 500
My (5%)
would be
Lo que
gano por
Mi ofrenda
$7.50 $10
$150 $200 $300 $400 500
$7.50 $10
Parish News and Events/Noticias y Eventos Parroquiales/School News/Noticias de la Escuela
We invite the community of St Edward and all
the communities around to send their intentions
to “Mary Undoer Of Knots” project for the Jubilee Year of Mercy,
[email protected] for
more information please contact Nita Danaher
at 501 993-5166 or [email protected]
Invitamos ala comunidad de San Eduardo y sus alrededores para enviar sus intenciones a
desatadora de nudos “ durante este año jubilar de la
Misericordia, a [email protected]
para mas información comuníquese con Teresa Mendez
al 501 374-5767.
If you would like to announce a special event in our bulletin please send an email with the information no later
than Tuesday to - [email protected]
Si necesita poner un anuncio especial en nuestro boletin
favor de mandar la información por correo electronico
[email protected] a no mas tarde del mediodia
del Martes
Atencion: El Padre Gregorio, invita
cordialmente a la comunidad de San
Eduardo, a la reunion para organizar la
celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra
señora de Guadalupe, la reunion se
llevara acabo este 6 de Septiembre
alas 7 p.m. en el sotano de la escuela, no falten los esperamos.
Come Join Us!
The English choir will resume weekly practices beginning Wednesday, September 7th. Practice begins at 6 PM and
is held in the music classroom in the school basement.
If you, or someone you know might be interested in joining us
in this ministry, please contact Phillip Quick at 831-2625.
Those Who Sing Pray Twice
You have to do your own growing no matter how
tall your grandfather was.
--Abraham Lincoln--
School News
Welcome aboard new faculty, staff:
Mrs. Susan Cummins – 1st grade
Mrs. Amanda Morris – 5th grade
Ms. Lisa Mattes – 7th grade; Middle School Math/Science
Ms. Alisa Dixon – Part-time Music teacher
Welcome aboard new students!
Gerado Segura (1), Wyatt Wagner (1), Maddie Layton
(2), Maria Arroyo (3), Haley Cupit (3), JoStarria Dickerson (3), Adrian Rodriguez (3), Mariana Trevino (4),
Thandiwe Mulamba (6), Davis Ford (7), Thea Standridge
(7), Hector Trevino (7), Lila Birge (K), Aden Brewer (K),
Luis Flores (K), Alysson Rodriguez (K), Santiago Segura
(K), Ian Wallace (K), Abiel Zarate (K), Quetzalli Cortez
(PK), Francisco (Junior) Espinoza (PK), Sophie Fallon
(PK), Nora Giani (PK), Dante Gonzalez (PK), Ethan Hill
(PK), Cinthya Ibarguen (PK), Zachary Rinehart (PK), Jace Roberts (PK), Mia Wallace (PK), Anne-Marie Wankum
(PK), Benjamin Wankum (PK).
We like to thank the St. Edward’s Men’s club & Mother
Sodality, for the delicious breakfast, this past Sunday.
Blessings to all!!!
If you are a Catholic homeschooler or are interested in
homeschooling, the Little Blessings homeschool group would
like to invite you to the beginning of the school year Mass with
Bishop Taylor on Wednesday, August 31st at noon in the diocese chapel (2500 N. Tyler Street). We will have a picnic on
the grounds immediately following Mass. If you have questions about homeschooling in general or the Little Blessings
group, please contact Lindsay
Glenn at 501.831.9754 [email protected].
Kroger Plus Card: St. Edward School receives cash back
every time you use your Kroger card. Log in to the account
at and go to my account then account settings then community Rewards and continue with step 4
Kroger Plus Card: La escuela de San Eduar do r ecíbe
dinero cada vez que usted usa su tarjeta de Kroger, para registrar su tarjeta registrese en oprima donde
dice mi cuenta y continue con el paso 4. Gracias por apoyar
nuestra Escuela
que serán colocados en lugares apropiados alrededor de la Iglesia.
Queremos honrar a personas, amigos y familiares; vivos o difuntos,
negocios y asociaciones que son parte de la gran familia de la Iglesia
de San Eduardo para ordenar su ladrillo de recuerdo y mas información, llame a la oficina de la parroquia
(501) 374-5767
Please pray for all who are discerning God's
call, especially our parish's seminarians,
Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres and
Isidro Negrete, and John Paul Hartnedy
Por favor, rueguen por todos los que estan
aceptando el llamado de Dios. En especial los seminaristas de
nuestra Parroquia, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres y
Isidro Negrete y John Paul Hartnedy
BAPTISM CLASSES 2016 will be offered in
English on the second Saturday of alternate
months in the parish office building. Each class
begins at 9am : Sep 10, Nov. 12 Please call
ahead to register for the class at
501 374-5839 With Lilia Hernandez
If you would like to send a card or something to them, here
are their mailing addresses
Isidro & Emmanuel
John Paul Hartnedy
House of Formation
Conception Seminary College
1201 S, Van Buren
P.O. Box 502
Little Rock, AR 72204
Conception, MO 64433-0502
Martin Amaro
Pontifical North America
College 00120
Vatican City State, Europe
In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will
remain on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four
weeks, please call the church office. 501 374-5767
Para que podamos tener nuestra lista al día, los nombres de
los enfermos estarán en la lista por solo cuatro semanas. Si
quiere que la persona continue en la lista favor de llamar a la
oficina al 501 374-5767
Joey Lutz, Alma Martinez,
Walter Gould, , Dolores Gunderman, Tony Hughes, Claire
Miller, Familia Vargas,
Garry Callahan, Maritza
Rodriguez, Adrian Burke,
Stacy Walker, Santiago,
Tomas Faro, Ana Arias,
Henry Cordova, Tony
Swartz, Victoria Mendoza,
Gladys Rose, Libba Rose,
Evangelina Anaya, Don
Fitz, Maria Mapili, Tercero Treviño, Joe Wellinghoff, Nancy H.
Smith, Carolyn Kelly, M. Hastings, Dick Ball C.G. Caroline
Miller, Janelle Widel, Ashley
Henry, Richard Rose, Kenney
Cardenas, Lil Burke, Mille
Burt, Alex Neville, Ramona
Gutierrez, Kenneth Kirby, Marilyn Johnson, Elizabeth Hennessey, Agatha Louis, D. Giorgi, G.
Giorgi, Gilbert Gomez,
Sharon Vaughn, Christopher Drake, Bryan Elmore,
Margaret Uitvulgt, Lynn
Sebastian, Rachel Massengill, Frank Bryant, Bobbie
Trayick, Henrietta Farr,
Geraldine, Cruz Carter,
Jessica Stroup, Grady
Johnson, Dereck Beasley, Rafaella Calixto, Jeff Straessle,
Buddy Vogler, Curt, Michelle,
Anapei, Ann-Marie Walker,
Brian Danaher, Heather Danaher, Rafaella Calixto
Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your
own pace with the Home Study Course from NFP International, Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can space babies), a double-check system of fertility awareness, and
Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with a live instructor
by email. Completion certificate. Only $70. We are listed at the U.S
Bishops' website under NFP long distance learning: http://
30 de Septiembre
7 p.m.
3 & 17 de Septiembre
9 a.m. English
10 a.m. Español
28 de Octubre
7 p.m.
15 de Octubre
9 a.m. English
10 a.m. Español
el Catecismo –daran inicio el 11 de Septiembre. Para la Confirmación inicial el
14 de Septiembre para mas
información comuniquese con
Lilia Hernández al 501 374-5839
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized?
Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the
Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to
learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and
experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the
Easter season. There are separate sessions for children or youth.
You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. Inquiry sessions begin August 31st at 6:30 p.m. For information please contact the Church Office at 374-5767 or e-mail
Dc. Dan Hennessey at [email protected]
Grupo de oración Todos los Lunes en la Cafeteria a las 7 p.m. todos son bienvenidos
Aquí compartimos la palabra de Dios y oramos
unos por otros, por nuestras familias y sus necesidades. Jesús espera por cada uno de nosotros y
cada día nos pregunta ¿ni una Hora pueden orar conmigo? Te
invitamos a orar juntos.
We are seeking St. Edward homebound parishioners to receive
Holy Communion, if you have a friend, family member or
neighbor who lives alone and cannot come to the church,
please let us know.
Fr. Greg will visit them the first Friday of every month.
Thank you
Parish Monthly activities/ Actividades mensuales de la Parroquia *** Around our Community***
Family Fun Night!
Sunday September 25th 2016
Food - Bingo - Karaoke
Food Starts at 3– 3:45pm
Bingo games 4pm
Karaoke 6pm
Bingo in Cafeteria and Karaoke in Gym
$5.00 plate
$2.00 Corn
(Food will be served beginning @3 pm)
$1.00 for Drinks
Bingo will begin @4.00pm. 8 games of Bingo prizes each game
for kids and adults
$16.00 to play Bingo for all games.
Kids play free
Juego de BINGO en la Iglesia de San Eduardo
Domingo 25 de Septiembre, 2016
$5.00 platillo
$1.00 sodas
$2.00 elote
Este es un evento familiar los esperamos en la cafeteria de la
Iglesia Despues del bingo tendremos musica con Karaoke para
toda la familia en el gimnasio de la Escuela
Te invitamos a ti padre, madre de familia, joven a
pasar una hora especial con el Señor de Señores, el
dueño de toda tu vida, no faltes Lunes 17 de Septiembre alas 7 p.m. en la Iglesia de San Eduardo
image by goggle
We invite you father, mother, youth; to spend an special hour
with Jesus Christ at St. Edward Church on
Monday September 17 @ 7p.m.
Christian Mothers Sodality Upcoming Dates:
Saturday, Sept. 10 -- Mass at 8:30 a.m.
meeting in cafeteria following,
Single, married, mothers, not mothers---we invite all ladies to join us!
Sat., Nov. 5 -- Meeting only in cafeteria at 9:00 AM
Annual Bake Sale -- Sat., Dec 3 and Sun., Dec. 4 in the cafeteria
Apartir del 4 de Septiembre tendremos una segunda colecta para recaudar fondos para la celebración de la fiesta
de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Gracias por su generosidad
Apartir del 1 de Enero tendremos una colecta mensual
para cubrir el pago del prestamo, que tenemos en la Dioceses, mas información, mas adelante.
POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP: Do you feel alone, hurting or
unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office, through
Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning the third week
in September. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small
groups of 6-8. Groups will be formed in Little Rock, Rogers/
Springdale and Hot Springs areas. All names and meeting places
are strictly confidential. For details call 501- 664-0340, ext. 357. All
inquiries must be made by September 12, 2016.
Islam in the Year of Mercy - Come celebrate the Jubilees of our
Religious – Saturday, Sept. 17, 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. at Our Lady of
the Holy Souls Church, 1003 N. Tyler St., Little Rock. Presentations by
Imam Mahmoud al-denawy, Alaa Eldamaty, & Sophia Said. Optional
visit to mosque and Islamic Center in Little Rock. $10 per person (no
charge for Religious) includes workshop & lunch. Register by Sept.
3. Form at, or contact Sr. Elise Forst,
OSB, [email protected] or 479-783-4147.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Angels, with visit to
the Tomb of Mother Angelica and EWTN’s Family Celebration September 15 -19, 2016 For complete information please call Holy
Family Mission at 501-354-6100 or 800-633-2484.
The Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Excellent__ Good __Average __So So
How do you rate your marriage? If you’ve checked any of the above,
you’re a great candidate for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! It’s a beautiful weekend experience designed for couples of all
ages and backgrounds. It will take you from where you are to another
level! Make this autumn special by devoting one weekend to the most
important relationship in your life. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are at Subiaco, Arkansas, September 23-25,
2016 and at Memphis – Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center, October 21-23, 2016. Space is limited. For more information or to
apply call Stephen and Elaine Lienhart at 501-312-1119 or email:
[email protected] or apply at
This one-day event will be held on Sunday, November 6, 2016 in the
McCauley Center at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Little Rock for students
in junior high (grades 6-8) . This year's theme: "He is the Way to
Love" will be presented by Oddwalk Ministries. The day is filled with
fun games, praise and worship, and presentations by the Oddwalk
Ministries guys, lunch and Mass. The cost is $40 a person. Register
though your parish youth group. To register your parish, download
and return the registration packet with fee to the Youth Ministry office
at the Diocese of Little Rock. For more information, contact Tricia
Gentry at (501) 664-0340, ext. 418. This annual event is sponsored by the diocesan Catholic Youth Ministry Office.
Registration materials may be found on our diocesan website with the
link below.
If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry [email protected]
at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340, ext
This one-day event will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2016 in the
McCauley Center at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Little Rock for students
in grades 9-12. This year's theme: "He is the Way to Truth" will be
presented by Doug Tooke. The day is filled with praise and worship,
presentation by Doug Tooke, lunch and Mass. The cost is $25 a person. Register though your parish youth group. To register your parish, download and return the registration packet with fee to the Youth
Ministry office at the Diocese of Little Rock. For more information,
contact Tricia Gentry at (501) 664-0340, ext. 418. This annual event
is sponsored by the diocesan Catholic Youth Ministry Office.
Registration materials may be found on our diocesan website with the
link below.
Church name & address
St. Edward #202350
801 Sherman Street
Little Rock AR 72202
Contact information: Teresa Mendez @ 501-374-5767
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