Christian Stewardship—Treasure “For


Christian Stewardship—Treasure “For
Christian Stewardship—Treasure
“For Christians, stewardship should be a way of life. For
Christians who follow the way of the Lord Jesus, stewardship is
an expression of discipleship. When we recognize that God is the
origin of all life, the giver of everything that we have and are, the
source of our freedom and giftedness, the healthy person
responds by thanking God through prayer, by serving God and
God’s people through ministry, by sharing our financial resources
with those in need. Stewardship is a way of life based upon
conversion of heart.
How we earn and spend our money is both a highly personal
issue as well as a social concern. Having access to someone's
checkbook is also having access to that person’s value system.
‘For where your treasure is, there also will your heart
be’ (Matthew 6:21)” (Bishop Robert Morneau, Auxiliary Emeritus
of the Diocese of Green Bay, WI).
...Where Your Treasure Is...
I wish to offer my sincere gratitude to you for your generosity of
time, talent and treasure to Christ the Good Shepherd and
beyond. Because of your understanding of being good stewards
of all that God has shared with us, our parish has almost reached
our goal for the Diocesan Services Fund for this year. We are
currently only $12,661. short of our goal; thank you. Also,
because you have understood the importance of and need to
support the families and children of our parish, we have been able
to pay off all expenses for the new playground; again, thank you.
Bishop Morneau, quoted above, asks an interesting question; “…
Can a person claim to be a disciple of the Lord if they are not
sharing generously of their financial resources?” He goes on to
say, “A strange phenomenon happens in the stewardship world.
The greater the generosity and the greater the sacrifice, the
greater the joy. Joy, according to some authors, is impossible
without generosity. And as one author states, ‘joy is the infallible
sign of God’s presence’” (ibid).
Capital campaign
The Finance Council has recommended that we hire the Steier
Group ( to assist us as we move
forward with the physical needs of our community. We have
already begun our relationship with them. Beginning this fall they
will be assisting us in a feasibility study to determine how much
money we can reasonably consider raising over the course of a
three-year financial campaign. This is important and vital in
helping to determine how to plan. Representatives may be
contacting some of you for one-on-one interviews, however,
most of us will be invited to participate in a survey. You will
be hearing more about this in the near future. I look forward
to learning how we will respond to God’s call to maintain
and plan for the future of CGS.
Christ the Good Shepherd come to our aid.
Fr. James Burkart, Pastor
[email protected]
September 27, 2015
27 de Septiembre de 2015
Administración Cristiana – tesoro
"Para los cristianos, administración debe ser una forma de
vida. Para los cristianos que siguen el camino del Señor Jesús, la
administración es una expresión del discipulado. Cuando
reconocemos que Dios es el origen de toda la vida, el dador de
todo lo que tenemos y somos, la fuente de nuestra libertad y de
dones, la persona sana responde agradeciendo a Dios mediante
la oración, por servir a la gente de Dios y Dios a través del
Ministerio, compartiendo nuestros recursos financieros con
aquellos en necesidad. Administración es un estilo de vida
basado en la conversión del corazón.
Cómo ganar y gastar nuestro dinero es una cuestión muy
personal, así como una preocupación social. Tener acceso a la
chequera de una persona también está teniendo acceso al
sistema de valores de esa persona. ‘Donde está tu tesoro, allí
también estará tu corazón' (Matthew 6:21) "(Obispo Robert
Morneau, auxiliar emérito de la diócesis de Green Bay, WI).
... Dónde está tu tesoro...
Deseo ofrecer mi sincera gratitud por su generosidad de
tiempo, talento y tesoro a Christ the Good Shepherd y más allá.
Debido a su comprensión de ser buenos administradores de todo
lo que Dios ha compartido con nosotros, nuestra parroquia ha
alcanzado casi nuestro objetivo para el fondo de servicios
diocesanos para este año. Nos faltan actualmente sólo $12,661
para llegar a nuestro objetivo; Gracias. Asimismo también han
comprendido la importancia y lo necesario de apoyar a las
familias y niños de nuestra parroquia, hemos sido capaces de
pagar todos los gastos para el nuevo jardín de juegos para los
niños; una vez más, muchas gracias. El Obispo Morneau cito
anteriormente y hace una pregunta interesante; “… ¿Puede una
persona decir que es un discípulo del Señor si no están
compartiendo generosamente sus recursos financieros? " Él dice,
"un extraño fenómeno ocurre en el mundo de la administración.
Cuanto mayor sea la generosidad y el mayor sacrificio, mayor
será la alegría. Alegría, según algunos autores, es imposible sin
generosidad. Y como dice un autor, alegría es el signo infalible de
la presencia de Dios "(ibid).
Campaña capital
El Consejo de finanzas ha recomendado que contratemos a
Steier Group ( para ayudarnos a
medida que avanzamos con las necesidades físicas de nuestra
comunidad. Ya hemos comenzado nuestra relación con ellos.
Empezando este otoño que será asistiéndonos en un estudio de
factibilidad para determinar cuánto dinero razonablemente hay
la posibilidad de recaudar en el transcurso de una campaña
financiera de tres años. Esto es importante y vital para ayudar a
determinar cómo planificar. Representantes contactaran
algunos de ustedes para entrevistas uno-a-uno, sin
embargo, la mayoría de nosotros se les invitará a
participar en una encuesta. Escucharan más acerca de
esto en un futuro próximo. Estoy deseoso en aprender
cómo respondemos al llamado de Dios para mantener y
planificar para el futuro de CGS.
Cristo el buen pastor, ven en nuestra ayuda,
Padre James Burkart, Pastor
[email protected]
Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings
Intenciones de la misa y Lecturas de las Escrituras
Mon/Lun, Sept. 28
12 Noon
Tom † & Terri Mancini
Zec 8:1-8 | Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 22-23, 29, | Lk 9:46-50
Tues/Mar, Sept. 29
Wed/Mie, Sept. 30
7:00 am
9:00 am
Tom Mancini †
Marita Duggan †
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 | Ps 138:1-5 | Jn 1:47-51
Neh 2:1-8 | Ps 137:1-6 | Lk 9:57-62
Thur/Jue, Oct. 1
7:00 pm
Helen Kammer †
Neh 8:1-6, 7-12 | Ps 19:8-11 | Lk 10:1-12
Fri/Vie, Oct. 2
9:00 am
Dylan Thornhill-Blanco
Bar 1:15-22 | Ps 79:1-2, 3-5, 8, 9 | Mt 18:1-5, 10
Sat/Sab, Oct. 3
8:30 am
5:30 pm
Marita Duggan †
Elda Crawford †
Bar 4:5-12, 27-29 | Ps 69:33-35, 36-37 | Lk 10:17-24
Terri Mancini
Regis Ferrere †
Janice Gallenbach Emery †
People of the Parish
Thomas Kennedy †
Gn 2:18-24 | Ps 128:1-6 | Heb 2:9-11 | Mk 10:2-16
Sun/Dom, Oct. 4
En Español
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Mission Appeal—October 3 / 4, 2015
The Society of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart (OSH.)
For the weekend of / Para el fin de semana Sept 19 & 20
Weekly Contribution / Contribución seminal
$ 38,455.
Weekly Budgeted / Presupuesto semanal
$ 37,087.
Over (Under) / Sobre (Bajo)
$ 1,368.
Catholic Universities
$ 2,802.
FaithDirect—Parish eGiving / eGiving de la parroquia
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Sign up today for Regular Enrollment!
¡Inscribase en línea hoy! CGS code is TX665
Diocesan Services Fund / Fondos de Servicios Diocesanos
2015 Parish Goal / 2015 Meta Parroquia
Pledged to date / Comprometidos hasta fecha
Total Amount Paid / Cantidad Total Pagada
Amount still owed / Cantidad total que se debe
$ 12,661.
Number of Participants / Número de participantes
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
¡Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad!
Together, let us pray for the needs of our
brothers and sisters, for those in the military,
and those we hold in our hearts.
Juntos, oremos por las necesidades de nuestros
hermanos y hermanas, para los militares y los
que guardamos en nuestro corazón.
Will Hartman, Daniel Harrison, Dorothy Mullinax, Cindy Shore,
Dolores Siefert, Will Molina, Colby Vossler, Harriet Rathe, Brian
Waldrop, Susie Sladecek, Mary Corleen Kehoe, Jr., James
Morton, Elaine Hintzel, Jay Ballard, Lucille Isam, Elvis Ray
Isam, Dorothy Martinez, Patty White, Bob & Kathie Binkle,
Fr. John Upton
Dear friends,
I can’t believe it’s already nine years passed since I left Christ the Good
Shepherd. I hope you haven’t forgotten me. I am so thrilled when I got
the news that our Archdiocese assigned Christ the Good Shepherd for the
mission appeal of the Oblates this year. I am so happy to be with you
next weekend. This is a great opportunity for me to see you all and enjoy
your love and friendship.
Let me say a few words about my order. The Society of the Oblates of the
Sacred Heart is a religious Order of Priests and Lay Brothers committed
to the various missionary works of the Catholic Church particularly by
promoting the devotion of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are
involved in retreats and parish missions, family visits and encouraging
the enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the families, parish
pastoral ministry, educational ministry in the schools, providing family
counseling, social development programs etc. The priests of the Oblates
of the Sacred Heart are ministering in the various parts of the world. Four
of our priests are serving our Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
We appreciate your valuable prayers and support for the missionary
activities and ministries of the Oblates. Your generosity and sacrifice will
help us a lot in the formation of our seminarians, the development of our
retreat centers, in our catholic school ministries, in our family and social
development programs and all our missionary endeavors. May the good
Lord bless you and reward you for your
generosity and kindness!
Looking forward to seeing you next weekend!
In Sacred Heart’s love,
Fr. Sunny J. Plammoottil, OSH.
Our Lady of the Rosary Devotion & Art
Wednesday October 7
St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church,
The Woodlands, TX 77381
How can we honor Our Lady in her special month of the rosary?
Historically Our Lady of the Rosary was called upon to stop the attack
against Christians in the 16th century. Let us once again implore Our
Lady’s help to protect Christianity throughout the world on the Feast
Day of Our Lady of the Rosary. All are invited!
 Peter Mulholland, husband of Christian Tokarski
 Dennis Brusnahan, brother of Lynn Lewis
7-7:30pm Procession and Crowning of the statue of Our Lady
of the Rosary, Praying the Rosary.
7:30-8pm Scripture Meditation
8pm-9pm Exhibit in the Church
September 27, 2015
27 de Septiembre de 2015
Faith Formation Parent meeting this evening:
Pre-K 7-7:30 pm
Elementary 7:30-8 pm
Jr. High 8-8:30 pm
High School 8:30-9 pm
A Mass will be held for registered Faith Formation
Jr. High & High School youth and their families.
For information contact Alex Gotay [email protected]
or Leslie Cervantez [email protected]
The Knights of Columbus are serving pancakes
and all the fixings after Mass with the proceeds
going towards funding of Father Desy's Annuity
for the first time. Come to the large hall and enjoy
a delicious pancake breakfast with the Knights and
fellow Parishioners and at the same time showing
an appreciation to Father Desy.
Los Caballeros de Colón estarán sirviendo su desayuno
de panqueques después de Misa. Todo lo recaudado
serán para beneficio al fondo financiero del Padre Desy.
Pasen al comedor para desgosar un delicioso desayuno
con los Caballeros y compañeros feligreses y al mismo
tiempo mostrar nuestro agradecimiento al Padre Desy.
Even though the Fall Festival Bake Sale is
sponsored by the CGS 55 Plus, we need the
help of all parishioners to make our Fall
Festival Bake Sale a success!
We also ask that you label what your goodies are and
especially label if they contain NUTS, or sugar-free, etc. All
baked items should be dropped off on Friday after 12 noon
in the Large Hall. If you can’t bring them on Friday, drop
them off on Saturday morning between 8am & 9am.
Thanks for all your help!
For questions: Lorretta Kasowski (281-651-1040)
[email protected] or Winnie Nizon (281-376-9294)
[email protected]
Small Community Leaders will be contacting
participants. Begins week of October 4th!
Contact: Lorelei Guerin- [email protected]
Lideres de grupo pequeno se pondra en los
participantes. Comienza semana del 4 de
Contact: Mariela [email protected]
IHN – Interfaith Hospitality
Network - Information meeting.
Wednesday, September 30th in the
large hall at 7 PM. As many of you
know IHN as it is now, will be
changing. The families will no longer
be hosted at the congregations but, this is not the end of the IHN
program. We will need volunteers to continue to help families
transition out of homelessness and into housing. Please plan to
attend to hear more about this program and learn ways that you
can help. Please plan to attend.
22151 Frassati Way
Spring, TX 77389
GAME at 5:30 PM at
Fall Festival October 17, 2015
Calling Volunteers, Vendors, Sponsors and Generous Parishioners!
Requesting volunteers of all ages. Now is the time to sign up. Please contact Marieanne
Suarez 281-851-9806, Español – Juanita Hill 713-208-5327 or email
[email protected]
Please consider donating new or gently used items for Silent auction. Cash donations &
gift cards are welcomed and appreciated to help with both Children's & Adult Silent
Auctions. Please contact Leslie Cervantez at 713-452-0009 or [email protected]
Live Auction is requesting for premium items i.e. Weekend getaway, Trips, Sporting events, etc
Please contact- Cristina Patetta 281-376-6831 or [email protected]
Vendor space is available. Contact- Sharon McClung 281-799-7547 or [email protected]
Please be a Sponsor to help defray the cost of Fall Festival - contact Royce Molitor at 281-932-0880 or
[email protected]
Contact Mark Stoebner for all other information at 281-374-8752 or email [email protected]
Raffle Tickets are on sale. Grand Prize 2016 Ford Fusion SC
2nd. 3rd.and 4th. Prizes $500 Visa gift card. Get your winning ticket today.
Festival de Otoño, Octubre 17 del 2015
Comparta su Tiempo, Descubra su Talento, y sea generoso con su Tesoro!
Llamando a todos los voluntarios de todas las edades. Ahora es el tiempo para inscribirse. Comuníquese
con Marieanne Suarez 281-851-9806, para Español – Juanita Hill 713-208-5327 o email
[email protected]
Por favor considere donar artículos nuevos o ligeramente usados para la Subasta Silenciosa. Donaciones en
efectivo y tarjetas pre-pagadas para regalo son bienvenidas apreciaríamos mucho su ayuda en los puestos
De Niños y Adultos de la Subasta. Subasta Silenciosa - Leslie Cervantez 713-452-0009 o
[email protected]
Subasta en Vivo– Estamos pidiendo donaciones de artículos premios, por ejemplo Viajes de Fines de
Semana, Eventos Deportivos, etc. Por favor contacte Cristina Patetta 281-376-6831 o
[email protected]
Tenemos espacios disponibles para Vendedores y empresarios que quieran mostrar sus productos o
manualidades en nuestros puestos, favor de comunicarse con - Sharon McClung 281-799-7547 o
[email protected]
Para ayudar a sufragar el costo del Festival de otoño , considere ser un patrocinador-comunicarse con
Royce Molitor at 281-932-0880 o [email protected]
Para cualquier otra información, comunicarse con Mark Stoebner at 281-374-8752 o email [email protected]
Boletos para la rifa ya están a la venta. Premio mayor de un Ford Fusion SE 2016 2do.
3ro y 4to premios es una tarjeta de regalo VISA con valor de $500. Compre su boleto
ganador ¡hoy!
Car enthusiasts…back by popular demand...we will be having some antique cars
at the festival. If you have an old car you would like to show at the festival, please contact Jan in the
social ministry office.
Entusiastas de Automóviles…a petición popular…
vamos a tener algunos autos antiguos en el festival. Si usted tiene un coche antiguo que le gustaría mostrar
en el festival, póngase en contacto con Jan en la oficina de Servicio Social parroquial.
Sun / Dom, Sept. 27 KofC PANCAKE BREAKFAST
Catechist Meeting
High School /College Musicians
Junior High Faith Formation
Faith Formation Orientation Mgt. for All Grades
High School Faith Formation
Mon / Lun, Sept. 28
Bible Study
Pan de Vida
Girl Scout Troop 11550
Baptism Class Session III-Español
Ensayo del Grupo de Oracion
Grupo de Sanacion
Tues / Mar, Sept. 29
Early Childhood Program
Quilt Group
Handbell Choir Practice
Boy Scout Patrol Leaders Meeting
MFCC Tema 1
Reunion de Servidores del Grupo de Oracion
Wed / Mie, Sept. 30
Bible Adventures
Adventures in Literature
Sunday Scripture Discussion
Elementary At Home Parent Meeting-Eng. & Span.
High School Youth Night “Da Vine”
Greeter Training
IHN Meeting
Choir Practice
Thur/Jue, Oct. 1
Early Childhood Program
Book Study
The Gathering Place
K of C Business Meeting
Jr. High Youth Night “Be Light”
Nuestra Fe Catolica
Grupo de Oración “El Rebaño”
Spanish Choir
Fri / Vie, Oct. 2
First Friday Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
Discipulos en Accion
TOV “Adultos”
MFCC Federacion
Sat / Sab, Oct. 3
Formacion para el Ministerio Cristiano
Baptism Class Session I1-Español
RCIA Mini Retreat
Troop 1550 Jr. Leader Orientation
Lay Missionaries Of Charity
RCIA Mini Retreat
RCIA Rehearsal
TOV Segundo Semestre
Sun / Dom, Oct. 4
Elementary First Reconciliation Session 2-Eng.
High School/College Musicians
Youth Mass/Jr. High & High School (families)
9:00 a.m.
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September 27, 2015
27 de Septiembre de 2015
A note from Fr. Desy:
Dear Family,
I am pleased to let you know, Most. Rev. Dr.
A. Neethinathan, (goes by Bishop Neethi), my
Bishop from the Diocese of Chingleput, South
India, is visiting with us October 8 to 11, 2015.
Bishop Neethi will preside & preach at the
9am Mass, Sunday, October 11. After Mass,
there will be a Reception in the Parish Hall.
Bishop Neethi is young, dynamic and a good
leader. He is so committed to the cause of
educating the poor and orphaned children in
the rural areas. I encourage you to please
“Come and See”.
Una nota de fr. Desy
Querida familia,
Me complace hacerle saber, El Reverendo Dr. A. Neethinathan,
(El Obispo Neethi), mi obispo de la Diócesis de Chingleput, del
Sur de la India, se encuentra de visita con nosotros del 8 al 11 de
octubre del 2015. El Obispo Neethi celebrara y predicara en la misa
del domingo del 11 de octubre a las 9:00am. Después de la Misa,
habrá una recepción en el salón parroquial. El Obispo Neethi es
joven, dinámico y en un buen líder. Está muy comprometido con la
causa de educar a los niños pobres y huérfanos en las zonas rurales.
Les animo a "Venir y ver".
We welcome all young Catholic men from
10-18 years old to join our CGS
Columbian Squires. The Squires program
helps young men develop leadership
qualities, build character, strengthen their
Catholic faith, volunteer in our
community, serve our Church and have
fun as well!
The Squires Want You!
Our own CGS Squires will be leading an Archdiocese wide Squires
initiation ceremony and would love to include many of our own
CGS youth. This free event is Saturday 10/3 from 9:15AM 2:30PM including transportation from CGS, ceremony, lunch and
fun activities.
For more info or to register, contact Brian Marino at
(832) 356-0866 or [email protected]
 CGS Woman’s Retreat
Mercy: A Glimpse into the Heart of God
October 9-11 Peace, Quiet, Prayer, and Mass
with women from CGS and nearby Parishes.
*Individual and Private Rooms or 713-464-0211
Contact Peggy @ 281-376-3748 or
Elissa @ 281-655-8174 for carpool info.
St. Edward Catholic Community will have a Healing Mass on Friday, October 16 at 6:00pm followed
by a healing service with Emma de Guzman. Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered.
St. Edward is located at 2601 Spring Stuebner Road, Spring, Tx 77389