Woodlands Woodlands Academy Summer Camp Clothing List 2013
Woodlands Woodlands Academy Summer Camp Clothing List 2013
Woodlands Academy Summer Camp Clothing List 2013 Woodlands Academy Laundry Service In order to have a more efficient laundry service, each student’s clothes should be marked with a laundry number. Your daughter will receive her personal laundry number in her welcome package, received on acceptance to the camp. Please bring extra labels for clothes in case your daughter buys any extra items while in Ireland. Clothing Requirements: 1 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 6 1 Formal skirt or dress (not miniskirt)/falda o vestido formal (no minifalda) Tracksuits for cold climate /pantalón y sudadera de deporte para clima frío Pants/pantalones Long sleeved shirts/camisetas de manga larga T-shirts/camisetas Jacket/chamarra Raincoat/rompevientos (chubasquero) Swimsuit/traje de baño Warm pyjamas/pijamas calientes Dressing gown/bata de baño /albornoz Pair of slippers/par de pantuflas Pair of shower sandals/sandalias (ducha /piscina) Pair of shoes/par de zapatos Pairs of tennis shoes/pares zapatillas de deporte Underwear sets/juegos de ropa interior Pairs of socks Complete personal toiletry set/juego completo de artículos de aseo personal: Hair brush and comb/cepillo y peine para el cabello Soap/shower gel/jabón para el cuerpo Deodarant Shampoo/champú Toothbrush/cepillo dental Toothpaste/pasta dental Sun cream/crema solar Body cream/crema para el cuerpo Nail clippers etc./cortauñas, etc. Please note : • • • • Please do not bring clothes that require dry cleaning since all clothes are machine washed and machine dried. Please do not bring valuable objects. Bring a camera. Do not bring towels, magazines, mobile phones, laptops, etc. Your daughter may bring an Ipod/MP3 player with no internet for travelling purposes, however all ipods will be logged and kept in the Admissions office on arrival.