July 2010 - Placentia


July 2010 - Placentia
Placentia Senior Center Newsletter
143 S. Bradford Ave.
(714) 986-2332
July 2010
The Placentia Senior Center invites adults age 60 years and older to join us in a wide
variety of activities, classes, parties, and programs offered Monday through Friday. This
is a great way to meet new people and participate in daily leisure activities such as BINGO,
physical fitness, canasta, social events, crafts, and much more!
Upcoming Events
4th of July Party!
Join us Friday July 2, 2010 for our
Independence Day Celebration. Festivities
will include a Purse Scavenger Hunt, Cookie
Roulette, Balloon Volleyball, Knot Blankets,
and Hamburgers for lunch!!
Don’t forget to wear your patriotic attire!
There will be a costume contest & prizes!
Search for the Salsa-Chefs!
Got salsa? We do! On July 27th bring in your best
salsa and a hearty appetite because the Placentia Senior Center will be having our annual salsa cook-off.
Do you think your salsa is worthy of a prize? It just
might be! Every one in the center will be able to taste
your amazing recipe and three judges will choose the
2010 champion!
Senior Center Meeting
Do you have any suggestions
for your center? Are there any
questions or issues that you
would like to address? Now is
the time! The Placentia Senior
Center staff would like to hear
what you have to say.
July 20th
9:15 am
Wednesdays & Fridays
Play some BINGO with us!
It’s a great game for
everyone. Its FREE to
play! Test your luck and
BINGO skills, while
winning great prizes!
Featured Events!
Concerts in the Park
Concerts in the Park are back! Roundtrip
transportation to Tri-City park is available to enjoy
the various concerts for the month.
Concerts will be on Thursdays. Shows begin at
July 15 — Placentia Symphonic Band
July 22 — All American Wranglers
Aug 5 — Cuppa Joe
Pick up times:
5:30– Emerald Isle
5:45– Senior Center
6:00– Bradford Terrace
Make sure to bring a blanket or chair to sit on the
The bus will depart from the park at 8p.m. The
excursion cost is $4 for each concert. Sign up at
the Senior Center.
Gathering the Grandkids
Calling all children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren!
Summer is the time for reunions. Its about time for
our Senior Center family to meet your family! On
Tuesday, July 13th, we want to see and meet as
much of your family tree as possible. There will be
music, Nintendo Wii games, knot blankets, and hot
dogs for lunch!
Daily Lunch Program
Join us Monday through Friday for a well-balanced meal and good company
for only a $2.50 donation for participants over the age of 60 or $3.50 for participants
under the age of 60. There are a wide variety of menu items each month.
Save the Date!
Food Box Program
Create the Fun!
This month we are having four fun and
exciting activities that allow participants to be creative, while making something you can see and use for
years to come!
July 1—4th of July Pins
July 8—Coffee Can Craft
July 15—Fun Sun Magnets
July 22—Picture Frames
July 29—Birdhouse ($6)
The following participants
need to re-certify
George Arroyo, Alberto Martinez,
Tomas Castro, Margarita
Martinez, Esther Garcia, Elisa
Navarete, and Pauline Peterson
Please check at the Senior
Center to ensure that you are
certified to receive your box on
Wednesday, July 28.
Leisure Tuesdays
Join us for some leisure activities and enjoy good
company and conversations.
July 6—Nintendo Wii
July 13—Crocheting and Knitting
July 20—Knot Blankets
July 27—Nintendo Wii
Community Action
Partnership (CAP) will be
re-certifying participants on
Tuesday, July 6 at 11:00 a.m.
Friday, July 30
Let’s celebrate many wonderful
years with:
Norman Carl, Carol Draper,
Trinidad Fernandez, Dolores
Frisbee, Antonion Juiuce, Celia
Orgega, Remedias Ortiz, Theodore
Parkas, Eleanor Rodriguez, and
Florence Siwinski
Feature Photos
143 S. Bradford Avenue
(714) 986-2332
Fiesta de
¡Aparte el Día!
Crea la Diversión!
Disfrute 4 actividades este mes. No se pierda estas
actividades tan divertidas!
1 de julio — 4th of July Pins
8 de julio — Coffee Can Craft
15 de julio — Fun Sun Magnets
22 de julio — Picture Frames
29 de julio — Birdhouse ($6)
Reunión para el Senior Center
Únase a nosotros y disfrute de algunas actividades y
6 de julio — Nintendo Wii
13 de julio — Crocheting and Knitting
20 de julio — Knot Blankets
July 27—Nintendo Wii
Los conciertos son los Jueves y
empiezan a las 6:30pm.
15 de Julio — Placentia Symphonic
22 de Julio — All American Wranglers
5 de Agosto — Cuppa Joe
Reunión de Familias y Nietos
Búsqueda de los
Cocineros de Salsa
¿Quién tiene salsa?
¡Nosotros sí! Traiga su
mejor salsa y un apetito
grande porque el
Placentia Senior Center
va a tener nuestro
Concurso Anual de
Horario de Recogidas
5:30 — Emerald Isle
5:45 — Senior Center
6:00 — Bradford Terrace
¿Piensa usted que su salsa
debe ganar un premio?
¡Es posible! Todos los
participantes del centro
Traiga una cobija o silla para sentarse en
probarán su receta
el parque.
magnífica y tres jueces
van a escoger al
El autobús saldrá del parque a las
8pm. Esta excursión vale $4 por cada
Campeón de 2010!
143 S. Bradford Avenue
Usted tiene algunas sugerencias
para su centro? Hay preguntas o
cosas que quiere discutir? Ahora es
el momento! Los empleados del
Centro querrían oir todo lo que
quiere decir.
20 de Julio
¡Disfrute el Verano!
Los Conciertos en el Parque han vuelto!
Transportación de ida y vuelta a Tri-City
Park está disponible para disfrutar los
conciertos este verano.
Vamos a celebrar muchos años
magníficos con:
Norman Carl, Carol Draper, Trinidad
Fernandez, Dolores Frisbee, Antonion
Juiuce, Celia Orgega, Remedias
Ortiz, Theodore Parkas, Eleanor
Rodriguez, y Florence Siwinski
Martes de Pasa Tiempos
Conciertos en el Parque
Viernes, 30 de julio
Verano es la estación de reuniones.
Ahora es el momento para la familia
del Senior Center conocer a sus
hijos, nietos, bisnietos, y todo el
resto de su familia.
El martes, 13 de julio, queremos
ver y conocer toda su familia
posible. Tendremos música,
Nintendo Wii, cobijas de nudos, y
hot dogs para almuerzo!
La Caja de Comida
Community Action Partnership
(CAP) certificará los participantes
el martes, 6 de julio a las
11:00 a.m.
Favor de verificar al
Senior Center para asegurar que
usted está certificado para recibir su
caja el miércoles, 28 de julio
Los participantes siguentes
necesitan certificar de nuevo:
George Arroyo, Alberto Martinez,
Tomas Castro, Margarita Martinez,
Esther Garcia, Elisa Navarete, y
Pauline Peterson
(714) 986-2332
Comedy Corner
June Jubilee!
What do a duck and George Washington
have in common?
One has a bill on his face
and the other has his face on a bill!
Father’s Day Extravaganza!
In honor of the men in our lives who have raised
us, advised us, and helped us grow, the Senior
Center held a Father’s Day Party, which included
music throughout the day, games, and a special
performance by the Dapper Tappers.
Tommy: Gosh, I wish I was born 300 years ago!
Lily: Why?
Tommy: Just think of all the history I
wouldn't have to learn!
What did one flag say to the other flag?
Nothing. It just waved!
The Fourth of July weekend was approaching, and
Miss Pelham, the nursery school teacher took the
opportunity to tell her class about patriotism. “We
live in a great country,” she announced. “one of the
things we should be happy about is that in this
country we are all free.” Trevor, who was a little
boy in her class, came walking up to her from the
back of the room. He stood with his hands on his
hips and said loudly,
“I am not free! I am four!”
June Birthday Party!
Our June Birthday Party was held on Friday, June
25th. We celebrated many amazing years with
Pauline Arroyo, Amparo Marin, Alberto Martinez,
David Ramirez, Mradulaben Sandrani, Lolita Twardos,
& Our Center Staff: Sylvia Luna & Denise Hernandez!
Mr. Turner asked his class on the fourth of
July to list as many of the states as they
could. The students came up with about 40
states. Mr. Turner joked that in his day,
students knew all of the states. One student
raised his hand and said, “Yes sir, but in
those days there were only 13 states.”
A Special Thanks to
our Birthday
Pianist, Elocile Bailey
Important Phone Numbers
Placentia Senior Center
St. Jude Senior Connections
Neighborhood Services Office
Council on Aging
OCTA Access
California Registry
American Red Cross
— Lifeline
Office on Aging
— O.C. Senior Information
and Assistance
Meals On Wheels
143 S. Bradford Avenue
(714) 986-2332