December 20, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
December 20, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 20, 2015 Year C Hope is incredibly powerful. Sometimes it comes in political turmoil or to people held hostage. But more often it’s very simple and bubbles up in the reality of daily life. Today it is written small in the visit of a young pregnant Mary to her older cousin, Elizabeth. Mary brings Christ to another person in that simple gesture, and it’s more than enough. How can we bring hope to others? It doesn’t take much. SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: 2316 180th Street SE Bothell, Washington 98012 425-481-0303 425-485-8510 fax Micah 5:1-4a A future king is promised to those in exile. Psalm 80 Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face. Hebrews 10:5-10 Christ offered the perfect sacrifice of himself. Luke 1:39-45 Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Luke 1:45 Our Star of Faith Giving Light to All The SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community HAPPENING THIS WEEK AT CHURCH: Reconciliation Service 12/21 7pm Christmas Eve Children Mass 12/24 5pm Christmas Midnight Mass 12/24 10pm Christmas Mass English 12/25 11am Christmas Mass Spanish Misa de Navidad Español 12/25 1:30pm Faith Formation Office Family Mass “To Walk in His Ways” 12/27 11am “Elizabeth felt honored to receive Mary because something different occurred; she felt the presence of God. How? The gospel says that she was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Pastor’s Message, page 3 Help decorate the Church for Christmas! Bring White poinsettias before 5pm on Tuesday 22nd. If you want to remember a loved one, stick a card with the name written on it in the planter. 2 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourth Sunday of Advent CHURCH Report Fighting injustice 'is going to hurt' – the legacy of Rosa Parks The legacy of Rosa Parks, 60 years after her arrest for civil disobedience, is that Catholics must fight injustice even when it hurts, said a member of the National Black Catholic Congress. “I think that it is a powerful image for us as individuals, to know that justice hurts,” said Michael Howard of the National Black Catholic Congress in an interview with EWTN News about Parks’ arrest. “To stand up for justice, it’s going to hurt. But yet in the end, the reward is that the Lord will bless us, and so we stand up for people who are ridiculed and mistreated.” Dec. 1 marked the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ arrest in Montgomery, Ala. for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus. Parks, a 42 year old black woman traveling home from work, was ordered by the bus driver to move to the back of the bus and stand in the section reserved for AfricanAmericans so that a white passenger could take her seat in the middle seating area. The whites-only section in the front of the bus was full. God is mercy: Holy Year affirms belief Christians, Muslims, Jews share VATICAN— Opening the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica and the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis also hopes to open a year of "fervent dialogue" among Christians, Muslims and Jews, so that all who profess faith in a merciful God may be stronger in showing mercy toward one another. The opening of the special jubilee year just a month after the terrorist attacks in Paris and at a time of continuing strife in the Holy Land and around the Middle East shows the size of the challenge facing those committed to interreligious dialogue, but it equally shows the need. In his official proclamation of the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis noted that the Christian profession of faith in God's mercy "relates us to Judaism and Islam, both of which consider mercy to be one of God's most important attributes." He prayed that the jubilee would "open us to even more fervent dialogue so that we might know and understand one another better; may it eliminate every form of closed-mindedness and disrespect, and drive out every form of violence and discrimination." (Continued on page 10) (Continued on page 10) Administration Our Mission and Vision Statements FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S., Pastor Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Jorge Gomez del Valle, M.Sp.S., Vicar Santos Mendoza, M.Sp.S., Brother Craig Lundberg, Deacon Shannon Everist, Pastoral Asst. for Administration Lori Lowery, Secretary Mission: We are St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, a diverse Roman Catholic community guided by the Holy Spirit. We are transformed by grace through sacraments, prayer, compassion, and evangelization. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Phone: 425-481-9358 Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm) Mass Times: Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: Facebook web link: Email: [email protected] myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton Vision: We will be a parish unified by our baptismal call, appreciative of our diversity and enriched by our ethnicities and cultures. We will be renewed by sacred liturgy, enlightened by faith formation, and compelled to serve with the compassion of Jesus. We will be the body of Christ. Monday & Friday: 10am - 5pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10am – 6pm Wednesday: 11:30am-8:30pm TEAM Stephanie Matheny, Administrative Assistant Rosamaría García, Bilingual Assistant Stephanie Moran, Early Childhood/ Elementary Stephen Kramp, Life Teen Susie King, The Edge Index Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Jenifer Arulnathan, Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino, Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy, Alice Paine, Karyn Sullivan The Leadership Team Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez, Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg, Steve Robinson The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president Calendar of Events Church Report Directory Faith Formation From Fr. Mario Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Pastor’s Corner Spanish / Sección en Español St Elizabeth Ann Seton Vocational Awareness Year of Mercy Youth, Typology SCAN ME FOR MORE INFORMATION 5 2 11 4 4 6 3 8 6 5 7 7 Fourth Sunday of Advent | The SETON Sunday News | 3 P A S T O R ’ S Corner O n my homily for the feast of the Immaculate Conception I quoted Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: “Mary Immaculate helps us rediscover and defend what is inside people, because in her there is perfect transparency of soul and body. She is purity in person in the sense that the spirit, soul and body are fully coherent in her and with God’s will. Our Lady teaches us to open up to God’s action and to look at others as he does, starting with the heart, to look upon them with mercy, love, infinite tenderness, especially those who are lonely, scorned or exploited.” (Address 12/08/09) In today’s Gospel we hear the passage when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth and upon entering her house Elizabeth exclaimed: “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” I personally find the Bible of LIFE AT... Tomorrow we will be having our Advent Reconciliation Service. A great opportunity to confess our sins, but I must first share that besides confessing our sins it is an opportunity to hear Jesus reconciling us to him. You see, the most important thing about going to confession is that it is Jesus who takes the initiative… it is his gift, he is the only one who can remove the barriers that separate us. In my years of priesthood there have been many times I have perceived fear and nervousness in many people when coming to confession. This is especially true if they are coming back after being away from the church for many years. My invitation is usually this: “God is very glad that you are here, let’s take advantage of the Jerusalem translation better: “Why should I be honored with a visit from the mother of my Lord?” If we truly listen to Elizabeth’s words there is an inner message that many may not notice. Elizabeth felt honored to receive Mary because something different occurred; she felt the presence of God. How? The gospel says that she was filled with the Holy Spirit. It is here that she cried out in a loud voice: The mother of my Lord! How is it possible that she visit me? Elizabeth felt small, simple, humble and unimportant besides Mary (remember that Mary is her younger cousin). Through Mary’s visit Elizabeth felt that God himself visited her. Elizabeth does not feel entitled to anything. She feels surprised, grateful, and graceful. She acknowledges Mary: “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled…” Grace that he will bestow on you because he is so happy to see you and he has a great gift for you.” Let me share something briefly, I really don’t like hearing confessions but at the same time I love hearing confessions. I know you are thinking that this is a contradiction, either I do or I don’t. To clarify my feeling I would put it this way. In the sacrament of reconciliation I am the keeper of this wonderful gift and I love to see the faces of those who know the value of the gift and are overjoyed to know that the Lord is giving it freely to them through me. This I love. But other times. I give this same gift and it is not valued for its worth, those receiving it simply leave. This I don’t like. Tomorrow several priests and I will be giving this free gift to each of you. Please come to On this last Sunday of Advent, Elizabeth is our model. We too must feel honored to have Mary, the Mother of our Lord, with us. It is sad to learn that people don’t care about Mary when in fact it was Elizabeth the first person who prayed the “Hail Mary”… “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Mary is very close to us… as the Incarnation of the Son of God approaches - (Christmas)God once again will visit his people. Let our feelings be those of Elizabeth, let our hearts rejoice in welcoming God and cry out in a loud voice like Elizabeth: But who am I that God will remember me? The answer to this question is simple: because God loves us. There is no other explanation! Do not ask for explanations to love. Love loves! Rather, be like Elizabeth (see cover picture): rejoice in your faith and look up to heaven and admire and feel receive it. Now that I am writing about gifts, I would like to THANK YOU for a blessed turnout of our “Giving Tree”. More then 900 gifts were donated to bring joy to the many children and adults in need this Christmas time. As I mentioned in my homily last week, God wants us to grow in joy and might at the coming of His Son. Sharing what we have is the best way of preparing our souls for his coming as proclaimed by John the Baptist. Christmas is five days from now, this week stop to consider with amazement the mystery of God becoming man in Jesus. Take time to slow down tomorrow and the next days of this week and contemplate His great love and mercy towards us in the Incarnation. Turn off the car radio during your commute to work and ponder the superabundance of God's love for you in sending His Son. And God next to you. If you find this difficult then pray the psalm for this Sunday: “Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.” With regards to the quote from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI… with Mary, rest assured you'll be in good company in preparing for the coming of the Lord. Mary will help us rediscover and defend what is inside of us and she will teach us to open up our hearts to God’s action. “God is free to do new things and the biggest surprise of all is that God consults us and invites us to create the future together. This is the biggest miracle.” (Homily from the feast of the Immaculate Conception). Would you open your doors so that he can visit you this Christmas? If Mary comes, wow, you will be honored. now that we are in the year of mercy, draw close to this God of mercy who has such compassion on our misery. Come and spend time before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. He will be there waiting for you. If I don’t see you on Christmas day or during the Octave. HAVE A BLESSED AND JOYOUS CHRISTMAS. Sincerely, Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S. 4 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourth Sunday of Advent ITISTIMETOGOOUT! Scripture tells us in the letter of James: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror. He sees himself, then goes off and promptly forgets what he looked like. But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does.” (Jas, 1:22 -25) Offer some personal time to serve somebody where you can… So many things you could do for others. It is high time to put our faith into action and move out of our comfort zone. It is time to dare make a difference in this world. And the change may begin from the smallest detail, in small actions that can nonetheless fill others with love. Be like Jesus, who went out to the poorest, and he exercised an astounding freedom. This will fill your heart with joy, and will give more meaning to your life. Be like Mary, who promptly went to serve her cousin Elizabeth after the Angel appeared to her. We need to put into practice our faith, and faith will take us to reach out to the poor and the needy. I think we need to keep our eyes open so we can see the most needy around us, the ones in our own back yard. I would like that you give yourself the opportunity during this time to dare to look around and see who is in most need. Arm yourself with courage and give them help, put a “pantry” together and take it to a needy family. Give away some sweatshirts Sincerely, or coats to somebody you notice is cold. Fr. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS Go and help a neighbor with a home repair. F A I T H Formation December 21st Edge; Join other Middle School youth for our Youth Reconciliation Service/ Adoration. No open youth room. Let us prepare our hearts to receive our Lord at Christmas. • There will be no LifeTeen meetings on 12/20 or 12/27. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas! • Parish high school teens who have already received Confirmation are cordially invited to join us on 1/3 for our On-the-10th-Day-ofChristmas party. We’ll begin with dinner at 6:15 p.m. in the fellowship hall, kick off the party at 6:30 or 6:45 p.m., and later in the evening we’ll discuss a few ideas we have for some alreadyconfirmed-teens social events. Please drop by— we miss seeing you people every Sunday! • When we resume on Sun., 1/3 with our On-the10th-Day-of-Christmas party, we’re going to have a gift exchange. This is entirely optional. We invite teens to bring either the worst gift they received for Christmas, or a gift that’s utterly celebrate the glorious christmas season Christmas Mass with Children Dec 24 / 5pm Christmas Midnight Mass Dec 24 / 10pm Christmas Day Masses Dec 25 English 11am mass / Spanish 1:30pm mass Mass in Thanksgiving for the Year Dec 31 / 5pm Does not fulfill obligation for Holy Day / Spanish Vigil Mass for Solemnity of Mary Dec 31 / 7pm Mass for Solemnity of Mary Jan 1 English 11am mass / Spanish 1pm mass St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day Mass Jan 4 / 7pm ridiculous, for a gift exchange. Please, teens, do not bring gifts worth more than $20. • Thanks to all who have supported our recent Gift and Craft Fair, our La Palmera dine-ins, and our pizza sales. Our World Youth Day pilgrims have been successful in meeting their fundraising goals precisely because of your kindness and your generosity! God bless you! • Our two-night Confirmation retreat is coming up on Feb.2-5 for teens who will be confirmed on May 4, 2016. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people . . . in the city of David a Savior has been born for you, who is Messiah and Lord.” - Luke 2:10-11 May the unending love of Our Savior fill your heart with hope, grace and peace this Christmas. Do not be afraid . We can help you on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ retreat. March 4-6, 2016 Seabeck WA April 15-17, 2016 Stanwood WA Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. Fourth Sunday of Advent | The SETON Sunday News | 5 A WAITING HARVEST A VOCATION ... Vocation Awareness Do you lead a Christian life? must be nurtured for a lifetime, not just until ordination or the taking of vows. You can help nurture the vocations of priests, sisters and brothers by praying, listening, and expressing appreciation. A life of service needs support from those served. faith, hope, love, obedience, fortitude, trust, and generosity before discerning a vocation that requires these virtues. Without this groundwork, one cannot understand what a vocation is, much less freely choose it and live it out. I was once regularly talking to a man about entering seminary. He was quite certain that God was calling him to the priesthood, but could not make the decision to even fill out the application. After a couple of months driving an hour each way to a new job, he came to tell me he was ready to make the move. What changed? He had started praying the Rosary each way of his commute, asking for the wisdom to know his vocation. Trying to discern your secondary vocation (how you are to live your Christian life fully) before practicing your first, can be useless and frustrating. You must learn to practice the basic Christian virtues of The concept is simple but that does not mean it is easy to implement. Knowledge of yhour secondary vocation always comes with living your first. As a young man said to me once, “Father, I don’t practice Christianity seriously enough to discern priesthood.” I replied, “Well said!” And now you know exactly where God is calling you to start!” WHEN PEOPLE wish to destroy religion, they begin by attacking the priest, because when there is no longer any priest there is no sacrifice, and where there is no longer any sacrifice, there is no religion. St. John Vianney For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett Brannen Serra Club: Arthur Adams Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp Priest: Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S. SNAPSHOTS FOR THE WEEK Daily Spiritual Nourishment Monday December 21 Edge, Reconciliation Svce 7pm Hall Reconciliation Service 7pm Church Praise and Worship 7pm Chapel Liturgical Bible Study 8pm St. 3 Tuesday December 22 Thursday December 24—Christmas Eve Daily Mass 9am Children Mass 5pm Midnight Mass 10 pm Friday December 25 Mass in English 11am Mass in Spanish 1:30pm Sunday December 27 Faith Formation Family Mass “To Walk in His Ways” 11am Monday December 28 Office closed—No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon., Dec. 21: Song 2:8-14 or Zeph 3:14-18a; Luke 1:39-45 Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! We’re privileged to bear witness to hope. A mighty savior comes to us. Promises are fulfilled. A message of joy abounds in stunning beauty. Tues., Dec. 22: 1 Sam 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56 My spirit rejoices in God my savior. As we prepare for the Lord’s coming, it makes sense to assess what that beauty looks like in our daily living. Does the joy of the Lord shine forth from us? Are we always gloomy, grumbling or downcast? Wed., Dec. 23: Mal 3:1-4; 23-24; Luke 1:57-66 Elizabeth and Zechariah are devout, but suffer because they long for a child. Even if we have great faith, we may at times struggle with a deeper longing that distracts or consumes us. Thurs., Dec. 24: 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-16; Luke 1:67-79 You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High. John truly is great in the sight of the Lord, as indicated by his name, which means “Yahweh has shown favor.” Fri., Dec. 25: Isa 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; John 1:1-18 NATIVITY OF THE LORD And the Word became flesh. Jesus not only dwells within us; he truly becomes one of us. Have a Blessed Christmas. Welcome, Lord. Octave of Christmas Sat., Dec. 26: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Matt 10:17-22 Feast of Stephen, first martyr You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved. We’re challenged just one day after Christmas to witness to the entirety of Jesus’ life and message. 6 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourth Sunday of Advent E L I Z A B E T H Ann Seton From her own writings... A week of Christmas meditations Monday: Day of Confidence We hasten to the crib the moment we awake to make our act of confidence to our Infant Savior, often in the day we will say, Lord in thee I have trusted let me never be confounded. You are my Savior I will trust you in life and in Death. Tuesday: Day of Vigilance We must this day resolve to watch faithfully over every thought word and action, and carefully guard our precious Soul which we know the Enemy is always trying to surprise, and often say to our Lord Keep me O Lord or I shall indeed betray thee. Wednesday: Day of Fidelity We will go to Mount Calvary and see our Faithful God stretched for us on the cross, Faithful even unto Death-and begging his pardon for our Infidelities we will resolve to be more Faithful to all our duties in future, to his divine presence and prayer and good inspirations. Lord, make me faithful in life and in death Friday: Day of Light When you leave the darkness of night to enjoy the light of day, beg of God as you offer him your heart when you awake, that he will dissipate your darkness, and enlighten you with his divine light. Often say to him in the course of the day with the Psalmist "Lord enlighten my darkness, open my heart to love you, and walk in Thursday: Day of Fervor We begin the day by an offering of our your Commandments." whole heart to our dear Infant Savior, “My soul do so prepare-even so” which we will renew often during the day, and implore his grace that every thought, From the book word, and action may partake of this “Collective Writings, Vol. 3a” fervor. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lord my Soul thirsts for Thee, my heart longs for Thee M I S S I O N A R I E S of The Holy Spirit St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is staffed by the Religious Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit In this Section you will find interesting articles about the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, the Spirituality of the Cross and the life of their founding parents: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita) and Fr. Felix de Jesus Rougier. Third Meditation for Christmas a complete Bethlehem, with a manger, a St. and self-denial will form the womb of a Joseph and a Blessed Virgin Mary. If Jesus mother and transform our soul into a does not find the tenderness of the Blessed mother ready to receive Jesus. From the book Virgin Mary in our hearts, He will not be “Meditations for Christmas” Our Divine Father chose a manger for His happy. M.R. Luis Ma. Martinez, MSpS Son and chose a faithful and prudent We’d best prepare for Jesus’ coming by servant to watch over Him, but that was not making sure that the love within our hearts the only or most important preparation. is also a maternal love. This kind of love is Jesus needed the womb of a mother, the the strongest, the most faithful, a love that very tender heart of a mother, and the overflows. Maternal love is a selfless love, Father prepared this for Him. Jesus needed a love of total self-denial. a womb in this world so He did not miss We can love Jesus like this, and when we the bosom of the Father. do, our heart may become the image of the Jesus, who bore in His Heart such great heart of Mary most holy, and Jesus will be mysteries, such deep secrets, needed a happy to come into our hearts. heart that was made to beat with His Humility must make the manger of our Divine Heart exactly in unison. soul ready; fidelity will put St. Joseph into To receive Jesus in our heart we need to be our hearts; and love, tenderness, sweetness Fourth Sunday of Advent | The SETON Sunday News | 7 JUBILEE OF MERCY MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER “Only when I discover that God loves me in spite of all my infidelities, when I really discover the mercy of God to me, only then shall I discover the true, compassionate face of Jesus: only then shall I discover that I was a captive, I was the oppressed. He comes to break the yoke. I am the one who had the yoke on my shoulders and yet did not know it: I was blind. Now you have liberated me…; you have made me free… Jesus comes to make us free, to give us the freedom of the Spirit. He takes away the yoke which crushed our shoulders. This doesn’t mean that he liberates us from worries or administration, these are our problems. But he renders these problems very light if we let the Spirit come into us. “Come to me, all you who labor, and rest”. All you who labor in administration, put your worries in the hands of Jesus. Y o u t h Section Typology We are firmly convinced how weak and incapable we are, how our decisions are frequently tainted by egocentric motivations how unfaithful we are to the Spirit, how sinful and unloving we really are, he will transform our hearts and give us new strength. Conscious, of our weakness, we must at the same time maintain a living and burning hope, and a confidence that he is with us; that he helps us, that he loves us and guides us. Then we can begin to live without too much worry.” Jean Vanier The year of Mercy Companion (Fr. Mike Schmitz, in case you don’t come to LifeTeen or forgot what he looks like) prayer seriously and not just kind of “going through the motions.” If prayer is going to At our LifeTeen meetings this fall, we have “mean something,” then it should “do been talking about the power of prayer, something.” and the importance of making prayer a part of every day. This reflection on prayer In the Christian perspective, God is allfrom Fr. Michael Schmitz—who many of powerful, but God is also Reason. Reason our parish teens will remember from his is part of the very nature of who God is. appearances in our Confirmation Therefore, when God willed to create the preparation videos—addresses some of the universe, He was free to create it to operate questions and doubts we naturally have as somewhat “independently” of Himself. we begin to pray. God is certainly still the Primary Cause, but He has created a universe that has both Why Pray?: The Truth about Prayer “laws of nature” and is also filled with free by Fr. Mike Schmitz beings. an end to a bad thing (like war or cancer) … sometimes we do not “get what we ask for.” Remember that this is a world where things go wrong and where people are free to choose violence rather than peace. • Does prayer really do anything? • Why do we need to ask for anything before God gives it to us? • The only thing prayer does is make you feel good about yourself. This reveals a great deal about the nature and identity of God. It reveals that God is the opposite of a tyrant. In Christianity, God is not a dictator, but a father who wants to work with us. Do you ever find yourself thinking this way about prayer? Or have your heard others question prayer in this way? That’s totally normal—you are not a freak or a “terrible Christian.” It shows that you are taking This is why we have thieves, liars, and kidnappers. But it is also why we can have doctors, nurses, judges, and teachers. Human beings are free to choose to act or not to act. And in choosing, we become causes ourselves. When it comes to prayer (and how prayer works), it might be helpful to consider this reality. Christians believe that God exists and that God cares and acts in this world. But we also know that there are an abundance of secondary causes at work. When you pray for another person, are you changing God’s mind? No. But your prayers make a difference because they are fulfilling what is needed for God’s will to be done. When you pray, you have become a “cause.” God shares his strength with us. God shares his power with us. When he calls us to pray (and that prayer actually makes a difference), God makes us into something even more than children, he allows us to be co-workers with him. And when we pray, when we work with Now, this doesn’t mean that everything you God, we are drawn into even more intimate pray for is a part of God’s will. Sometimes relationship with Him. what we want (even if it is a good thing) is And that kind of prayer and relationship not simply “given” because we asked for it. definitely changes something else… it Sometimes God’s answer is “no”… changes us. sometimes God’s answer is “wait.” And even if we are asking for a good thing… or 8 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourth Sunday of Advent Sección en Español Mensaje del Párroco En mi homilía de la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción cité al Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI: “María Inmaculada nos ayuda a redescubrir y defender la profundidad de las personas, porque en ella la transparencia del alma en el cuerpo es perfecta. Es la pureza en persona, en el sentido de que en ella espíritu, alma y cuerpo son plenamente coherentes entre sí y con la voluntad de Dios. La Virgen nos enseña a abrirnos a la acción de Dios, para mirar a los demás como él los mira: partiendo del corazón. A mirarlos con misericordia, con amor, con ternura infinita, especialmente a los más solos, despreciados y explotados”. (Discurso 12/8/2009) ¿Cómo? El evangelio dice que se llenó del Espíritu Santo. Y allí exclama a viva voz: La madre de mi Señor! ¿Cómo es posible que me visite a mí? Isabel se siente pequeña, sencilla, humilde, de poca importancia al lado de María (recuerda que María es su prima menor). Por medio de la visita de María, Isabel siente que Dios mismo la visita. quién soy yo para que Dios se acuerde de mí? La respuesta a esta pregunta es sencilla: porque Dios nos ama. ¡No hay otra explicación! No busques explicar el amor. ¡El amor ama! En cambio, sé como Isabel (mira la foto en la primera página): alégrate en tu fe y mira hacia el cielo con admiración, y siente a Dios junto a ti. Si esto te resulta difícil de hacer, reza con el salmo de este domingo: “Señor, muéstranos tu favor y sálvanos”. Isabel siente que no se merece nada. Se siente sorprendida, agradecida y agraciada. Reconoce en María: “Dichosa tú, que has creído, porque se cumplirá cuanto te fue anunciado de parte del Señor”. En cuanto a la cita del Papa Emérito Isabel es nuestro modelo en este último Benedicto XVI… con María, está tranquilo domingo de Adviento. Nosotros también porque estarás en buena compañía debemos sentirnos honrados de tener a preparándote para la llegada del Señor. María María, la madre de nuestro Señor, con nos ayudará a encontrar nuevamente y nosotros. Es triste escuchar que hay personas defender lo que llevamos dentro, y nos a quienes no les importa María, cuando fue enseñará a abrir nuestro corazón a la acción Isabel la primera persona que rezó el “Ave de Dios. María”… “¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres y “Dios tiene la libertad de hacer cosas nuevas, bendito el fruto de tu vientre!” y la mayor sorpresa es que Dios nos consulta, En el evangelio de hoy escuchamos el pasaje que narra la visita de María a su prima Isabel, y al entrar en su casa, Isabel exclamó: “¿Quién soy yo, para que la madre de mi Señor venga a verme?”. Personalmente, me gusta más la traducción de la Biblia de Jerusalén: “¿Cómo así viene a visitarme la María está muy cerca de nosotros… mientras madre de mi Señor?” se acerca la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios – Si verdaderamente escuchamos las palabras (Navidad)- Dios nuevamente visitará a su de Isabel, escucharemos el mensaje interno gente. Que nuestros sentimientos sean los que a lo mejor varios no notan. Isabel se mismos de Isabel, que nuestro corazón se sentía honrada de recibir a María porque algo regocije al dar la bienvenida a Dios y que diferente ocurría; sintió la presencia de Dios. clamemos en alta voz como Isabel: Pero y nos invita a crear el futuro juntos. Este es el milagro más grande”. (Homilía de la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción). ¿Serías capaz de abrir las puertas de tu corazón para que Él te pueda visitar esta Navidad? Si viene María, verdaderamente debes sentirte honrado. LO QUE OCURRE EN... viniste, aprovechemos la Gracia Hablando de regalos, quiero darte ya que estamos en el año de la Mañana tendremos nuestro Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento. Una oportunidad maravillosa de confesar nuestros pecados, pero déjenme decirles que además de confesar nuestros pecados, es una oportunidad de escuchar a Jesús que nos reconcilia con Él. Lo más importante de acercarse al sacramento de la reconciliación es que es Jesús quien toma la iniciativa… es Su don, Él es el único que puede remover las barreras que nos separan. En mis años de sacerdocio muchas veces he percibido temor y nerviosismo en mucha gente cuando vienen a confesarse. Especialmente si apenas están regresando después de haber estado alejados de la Iglesia por muchos años. Mi invitación por lo general es: “Dios está muy contento que que derramará sobre ti porque las GRACIAS por un bendecido está muy feliz de verte, y tiene un éxito de nuestro “Arbol de la Generosidad”. Más de 900 hermoso regalo para darte”. regalos fueron donados para Permíteme compartirte que no me llevar alegría los muchos niños y gusta oír confesiones, pero al adultos necesitados este tiempo mismo tiempo me encanta oír de Navidad. Como dije en la confesiones. Me imagino que te homilía de la semana pasada, parece contradictorio, o me gusta Dios quiere que crezcamos en o no. Para aclarar mis alegría y poder con la llegada de sentimientos diría lo siguiente. En Su Hijo. Compartir lo que el sacramento de la reconciliación tenemos es la mejor manera de soy guardián de un regalo prepararnos para su llegada, maravilloso, y me encanta ver el como lo predicó Juan el Bautista. rostro de las personas que valoran este regalo y se sienten Faltan cinco días para la Navidad, extremadamente felices de saber detente esta semana a considerar que el Señor les da este regalo maravillado el misterio de que gratuitamente a través mío. Esto Dios se hizo hombre en Jesús. me encanta. Pero otras veces, Tómate el tiempo para entrego este mismo regalo de desacelerar mañana y los Dios y no es valorado, quienes lo próximos días y contemplar el reciben simplemente se van. Esto gran amor y misericordia de Dios no me gusta. Mañana varios con nosotros en la Encarnación. sacerdotes y yo estaremos Apaga el radio del coche mientras entregando este regalo gratuito. manejas al trabajo y medita en la sobreabundancia del amor de Por favor ven a recibirlo. Dios por ti al enviarte Su Hijo. Y Misericordia, acércate más a este Dios de la misericordia que se compadece de nuestra miseria. Ven a pasar tiempo delante del Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento. Allí estará Él esperándote. Si no te veo el día de Navidad o durante la Octava, TE DESEO UNA NAVIDAD BENDECIDA Y LLENA DE GOZO. Tu hermano en Cristo, P. Roberto Saldívar, M.Sp.S. Fourth Sunday of Advent | The SETON Sunday News | 9 de la libertad, y permanece firme poco de tu tiempo para servir a alguien que cumpliendo lo que ella manda, será feliz en puedas… Tantas cosas que puedes hacer lo que hace” (St 1, 22-25). por los otros. ¡YAESTIEMPODESALIR! La Biblia nos dice en la Carta de Santiago: “Pero no basta con oír el mensaje; hay que ponerlo en práctica, pues de lo contrario se estarían engañando ustedes mismos. El que solamente oye el mensaje, y no lo practica, es como el hombre que se mira la cara en un espejo: se ve a sí mismo, pero en cuanto da la vuelta se olvida de cómo es. Pero el que no olvida lo que oye, sino que se fija atentamente en la ley perfecta Hay que poner en práctica nuestra fe, y la fe nos llevará a salir a los más pobres y los más necesitados. Creo que tenemos que seguir abriendo los ojos para ver a los necesitados que viven cerca de nosotros, aquellos que están en el vecindario. Me gustaría que en este tiempo te dieras la oportunidad de atreverte a mirar a tu alrededor y ver quien está necesitado. Que te llenes de valor y le des una ayuda; haz una pequeña despensa y llévala a una familia necesitada. Regala algunas sudaderas o chamarras a alguien que veas con frio. Ve y ayuda a reparar algo de la casa de uno de tus vecinos. Ofrece un Ya es tiempo de poner por obra nuestra fe y de salir de nuestras áreas de confort. Es tiempo de atreverse a hacer una diferencia en este mundo. Y el cambio se va a empezar desde lo pequeño, en acciones sencillas, pero que llenan de amor a otras personas. Sé cómo Jesús que se acercó a los más necesitados y con una libertad increíble. Eso te llenará de alegría y dará más sentido a tu vida. Sé cómo María que salió a servir a su prima Isabel, después del anuncio del ángel. En Cristo, P. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS 38th Annual Washington State March for Life, January 19, 2016, at the state capital in Olympia The holiday season is here, a time to celebrate Life, Joy, and Hope. You can continue that celebration into the new year by honoring Life at the 38th annual Washington State March for Life. We march at Noon on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at the state capitol in Olympia. Every elected state official is invited to attend, and we encourage legislators who stand with us for Life to speak to the crowd. Will you, your friends (or busload of friends) be there for the noon hour to hear their hopeful messages for Life? As you know, the fight for a voice for the vulnerable and the unborn is hard but important work. This year the national March for Life theme is “Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand in Hand.” We are a people of hope. We want to bring about a world where all people are seen for their infinite value and endless possibilities. NEW PROCEDURES FOR DISTRIBUTION/RECEPTION OF COMMUNION—EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 8TH Host Position Chalice Position Starting December 8th we approach the Altar for Communion differently than we used to do. Center Pew sections didn’t change. Side Pew sections now approach on the outside of the Church, going forward through the wall aisle, and returning to the pew via the inside aisle. (Look at arrows in the diagram) Small pie shaped section go across pews to the outermost line. 10 | The SETON Sunday News | Fourth Sunday of Advent God is mercy, shared beliefs... particularly in the pursuit of justice and the al rahman al rahim," usually translated as, "In the name of God, the most gracious, demonstration of mercy. most merciful." Muslims begin their formal Making the world a better place, he said, "is prayers with the phrase, they say it before all about individuals, it is about bottom up, it meals, begin formal speeches with it and is about little acts of mercy. ... It's not going recite it at the beginning of wedding and to happen through conferences of interfaith funeral rites. leaders making more proclamations about the meaning of mercy or theologians delving Muslims, she said, believe that at different deeply into what mercy means, but it's about times of the year -- such as the last days of people of different faiths living together and the fasting month of Ramadan -- the gates of trying to see the other for who the other heaven open wider and God's mercy flows more abundantly. "I see the jubilee as having really is and responding accordingly." this purpose, too, of healing deep wounds. "It happens on the ground," the rabbi said. We must welcome this call to mercy and "It happens in a million different little acts remember than no one is perfect, no one is without need of mercy. Like Jesus said, 'Let For Rabbi Naftali Brawer, CEO of the every day." Spiritual Capital Foundation in London, Houshmand said 113 of the 114 chapters of whoever is without sin throw the first being religious means imitating God, the Quran open with the phrase, "Bismillah stone.'" (Continued from page 2) "This jubilee of mercy is an inspiration," said Shahrzad Houshmand, a Muslim scholar who teaches at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University. "At this difficult moment in history, it is time to return to the original name of God who, for all three of us, is mercy. We have lost so much on the way because of pride, because we have not recognized each other as brothers and sisters and some have even gone so far astray that they see each other as enemies. This jubilee can help us return to the roots of our religious existence which is based on the name of God, the merciful." Fighting injustice... The Best Gift for Your Spouse this Christmas Season: A Loving Marriage (Continued from page 2) By the city’s law in 1955, she had to obey the bus driver. Parks calmly refused and the bus driver had her arrested. Following her arrest, Martin Luther King, Jr., then a 26 year-old pastor, earned fame as he led a peaceful 381-day boycott of the city’s segregated bus system. Parks appealed her case against the system in court and the Supreme Court, ruling on another challenge, struck down laws segregating public transit systems in 1956 in Browder v. Gayle. Today’s Catholics should learn from Parks’ “tenacity” in fighting injustice, Howard explained. Problems of poverty, homelessness, and neglect of the elderly all plague society today under a general disrespect for life, he added. People should uphold the dignity of life “from the womb to the tomb.” Most importantly, Catholics should seek to receive mercy first in the sacrament of Confession before giving it to others, he insisted. “Go to Reconciliation,” he said, in light of the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy which began Dec. 8, “so that we can give mercy to others who are in such dire need of mercy right now.” Catholics must stop heeding calls to be silent in the face of injustice, he said. Parks’ legacy is that she “was willing to take that risk and speak about justice.” “As Martin Luther King Jr. always said, we will stand up for justice or we’ll fall for anything.” Connect to St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church through myParish App (for I-Phone and Android) Volunteer Babysitter Needed Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd ministry needs an on-site babysitter from 10am-12pm on Fridays for the catechist's child (5 mos). The volunteer must have completed the Safe Environments training. CGS starts up again January 8th and runs until the end of April. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Elisabeth Kramp at [email protected] (425) 482-5993. or Have you and your spouse drifted apart over the years? Are you simply going through the motions, but wish your marriage was much more than that? Do you think it’s impossible to have a warm and loving marriage? Think again. Retrouvaille can help. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning Jan 22-24, 2016 call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at Year of Mercy App Our Sunday Visitor's FREE 365 Days to Mercy app, is designed to accompany you on a spiritual journey during the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. The official Year of Mercy is December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016, but daily inspiration, stories, and news started November 20, 2015, giving you a full 365 Days to Mercy. Women’s Fellowship: From Dec. 15th thru Dec 29 Women’s Fellowship will be on Christmas break and the “Rosary for Life” will NOT be prayed at this time. We will resume on January 5th 2016! Merry Christmas! th Fourth Sunday of Advent | The SETON Sunday News | 11 PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Adult Faith Formation We are on Christmas break. Sessions will resume January 5th. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver Environment Team, Claudia Galindo Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer Guadalupe Committee, Eduardo Cardona Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Linda Brownfield Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Pat Sweeney Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504 VIP Painting Parishioner Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. A Call to Share... (Vigil) 5 pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5 pm $2,724.00 $6,719.00 $2,412.00 $2,060.00 $5,663.00 Children’s Envelopes $193.00 EFT Contributions $6,904.75 Midweek Deposit $3,895.25 Total Offering $30,571.00 Thank you... Everist, Shannon Garcia, Rosamaria Gomez, Fr. Jorge King, Susie Kramp, Stephen Lowery, Lori Lundberg, Dn. Craig Matheny, Stephanie Mendoza, Br. Santos Moran, Stephanie Rodriguez, Fr. Mario Saldivar, Fr. Roberto [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 425-481-0303 ext.24 425-481-9358 ext.29 425-481-0303 ext.22 425-481-9358 ext.34 425-481-9358 ext.26 425-481-0303 ext.21 425-481-9358 ext.25 425-481-9358 ext.31 425-481-0303 ext.36 425-481-9358 ext.28 425-481-0303 ext.23 425-481-0303 ext.39 Adams, Arthur Apin, Ana May Apin, Gerry Arulnathan, Jenifer Auroux, Jacqueline Baer, Jane Brownfield, Linda Cardona, Eduardo Cardona, Veronica Carver, Amelia Chagoya, Graciela Christie, Mary Cooley, Kelly Dellino, Jean Egashira, Kathy Galindo, Claudia Gagner, Nicolette Gallagher, Paul Gimenez, Marcia Harvill, Chris Hernandez, Elvira Iwamoto, Marianne Kennedy, Robert Kluck, Joan Leone, Vicki Martinez, Roberto Maurer, Pat Occhiuto, Scott Paine, Alice Portello, Doug Robinson, Erin Salvati, Karen Sweeney, Pat Sullivan, Karyn Taylor, Kathy [email protected] 425-948-7635 [email protected] 425-741-2007 [email protected] 425-741-2007 [email protected] 425-488-3264 [email protected] 425-585-0303 [email protected] 425-357-1037 [email protected] 360-863-3750 [email protected] 425-212-8053 [email protected] 425-212-7864 [email protected] 425-745-1436 [email protected] 425-770-0680 [email protected] 425-776-3967 [email protected] 425-239-5665 [email protected] 425-337-3182 [email protected] 206-214-5884 [email protected] 425-315-5151 [email protected] 425-481-7022 [email protected] 425-338-1268 [email protected] 206-819-6952 [email protected] 360-348-0793 [email protected] 425-876-9986 [email protected] 425-385-8694 [email protected] 425-418-1636 [email protected] 425-337-9928 [email protected] 425-870-0940 [email protected] 425-971-3104 [email protected] 425-931-9330 [email protected] 425-308-0888 [email protected] 425-418-4925 [email protected] 425-530-1846 [email protected] 425-422-9881 [email protected] 425-327-8700 [email protected] 425-485-8317 [email protected] 425-478-8621 [email protected] 425-485-8056 Ministries and groups Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Mina Amlag Roberta Autron Shawna Boger Eulalia Castillo Ruth Carpizo Edward Cifra Billie Dougherty Anna Epps Marjorie Frye Vanessa Griffith Fred Hundertmark Helen Johnston Karen Jolokai Patricia Kramer Patti Means Yolanda Noblezada Carmen Ordoñez Teresa Paris Ritzy Rafer Floyd Roderick Lily Ann Roderick Florentine Ruhland Benita Schumacher Jim Schumacher Fran Sphung Francis Sullivan Remy Tolentino Richard Totorica Tami Wyatt May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and God the Holy Spirit enlighten you. Amen.