May 8
May 8
Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica De San Jose Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish? Registration forms are available in Parking Lot Vestibule or call the office 336-692-0221 512 West Wainman Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203 Ph: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Sacrament of Reconciliation Para Confesarse Saturday at 5:00pm / Wednesday at 5:30 pm or by appointment Pueden confesarse los sábados a los 5:00pm y Miercoles a los 5.30 pm de la tarde o puede llamar al Párrocco, el Padre Philip por cita especial Eucharistic Adoration Adoracion Eucaristica First Fridat/Primer Viernes 9:00 am—Saturday 6:00 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm English , 6:00pm Español Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 4:00 pm in English 12:00 pm en Español Daily Masses: Monday and Friday: 8:15am, Wednesday: 6:00pm, Thursday: 12:15 Holy Days: 7 pm Vigil 8:15, 12:15,& 7 pm Espanol Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected] Jean Hyatt: Parish Secretary; Teresita Ramirez: Office Assistant Colette Estes Music Coordinator Jason Kroeger Faith Formation Coordinator (English) Manuela Torres: Hispanic Faith Formation Coordinator Rosemary Chriscoe: Parish Council; Scott Harris: Finance Council The Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. -- Psalm 47:6 2 PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH May 8, 2016 From the desk of Father Philip In our Catholic Tradition we know that there is a judgement and punishment of sin. It helps us to think of the end of life when we stand before God from whom nothing can be hidden. Before the Just God no bribes or excuses will work. God knows all our sins. Other than His Mercy, we cannot gain any merit or help after this life. In this life our work is profitable, tears acceptable, sighs audible, sorrows satisfying and purifying. We shorten our purgatory while we pray for our enemies, forgive offenses from the heart, asks pardon of others, moved to pity than to anger, with sacrifices bring our body into subjection to the Spirit. Many a time we deceive ourselves by our ill-advised love of the flesh. Every vice will have its own proper punishment. There is no break or rest from eternal suffering. If we take care and repent of our sins now, on the day of judgement we may rest secure with the blessed. The just, the poor, and the humble will have great confidence while the proud will be struck with fear. Those who suffered for the sake of Christ in this world will be rewarded in His Glory. There is a reversal of values on that day: the devout will be glad, the irreligious will mourn, the mortified body will rejoice than the one that was pampered with all pleasures, persevering patience will count more than all the power in this world, simple obedience will be exalted above worldly cleverness, a clean conscience will gladden the heart more than the philosophy of the learned, contempt for riches will be of more weight than every treasure on earth. We will find real consolation in having prayed devoutly. We will rejoice over our spiritually disciplined life. Holy works will be of greater value. Spiritual disciplines and penances will be more pleasing than all earthly delights. We must learn to suffer little things now to avoid greater suffering in eternity. If we cannot bear with little sufferings now, how about eternal torment? Certainly we cannot have two joys: taste all the pleasures of this world and afterward reign with Christ. If we have all that we want in this life but have no time for God, then think of our death now and whom we are going to face ! what this world gives is vanity. What God gives is eternity. If we love God with all our heart, we will not fear death or punishment or judgement or hell. Perfect love assures access to God. One who delights in sin fears death and judgement. Even if love of God does not restrain us from evil, at least the fear of hell will. One who casts aside the fear of God cannot continue long in goodness but will quickly fall into the snares of the devil. We need to teach our children the fear of God and the love of heaven. We need to remind them and instruct them that every choice has its consequences here in this life and in the life after. They should be aware of the fact that we are responsible for assuring our heaven by leading a good and religious life here and now in this world. God bless you all. HAVE A VERY BLESSED MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL OUR MOTHER’S GRANDMOTHER’S AND GREAT GRANDMOTHER’S AND SPECIAL WOMEN OF THE PARISH. Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221 to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish community. Sacrament of Marriage ‐ Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior to the wedding date for necessary preparation. Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336-629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a patient’s room number before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness. Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status May 8, 2016 WEEKLY OFFERINGS Report for week of April 5/1/16 Offertory _______________$ 4,707.00 Needed: _________________$ 286,000.00 Year to Date ___________$ 218,713.00 Over/Under ___________ $ (67,287.00 ) Total Goal: $1,500,000.00 Raised: $1,500,000.00 Yard Sale - Columbiettes We would like to thank everyone who helped at the Garage Sale!! It was a lot of hard work but it was all worth it. Georgia did a fantastic job organizing it all. Official profit of $1,217.00 A big Thank you to all of those who gave their time !!! God Bless all of you. Father is going to put it towards DSA—In order for us to reach the goal we HAVE to pay. St. Joseph Catholic Church 3 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF 5/8 Sun. 5/8 9:00 am English † 12:00 pm Spanish Jackie Vurwink’s mother 4:00 pm English Favors rec’d from the Joseph Albert Hodges Mon.5/9 8:15 am Mass Tues 5/10 No Mass — Door of Mercy at 10:00 am & Rosary Group at 1:00 pm Wed. 5/11 6:00 pm Mass 5:30 pm confession Thurs. 5/12 12:15 pm Fri. 5/13 8:15 am Albert Hodges for Favors rec’d f rom St. Joseph Sat. 5/14 10:30 am Quinceanera Vanessa Escutia Rodriguez 1:00 pm Quinceanera NaysyGaona 4:00 English 6:00 pm Spanish Liturgical Ministers for Spanish 5/21 Saturday Eucaristia: Carmen Corona, Juanita Flores, Javier Solis, BIRTHDAY LIST 5/10 Gustavo & Ana Ruis 5/10 Richard Bills, Mario Gonzzalez,, Blanca Hernandez, Lectores Orlando Perez, Carmen Jaramillo, Maria Plata Hospitalidad: Samantha Garcia, Jorge Alborto Jose Luis Nieves, Alfredo Sanchez-Vasquez, Ridriguez,Uriel Flores, Beatrice Sanchez 5/11 Gleydith Basulto, Grace Gizze, Estella Magana, 5/12 Ricky Calderon, Francisco Cortes, Anallely Flores, 5/22 Sunday Sofia Mendez, Catalina Miramontes, Albert Stellwag, Eucaristia: Maria Uribe, Bonifacio Nievez, Alicia 5/14 Omar Garcia, Marion Sloyan, Nievez,Blanca Castro, Eloisa Esteban 5/15 Michael Arias Nargas, Sloyan, Froylan Alejo Valdez, Lectores:n Felicitas Ayllon, Faustino Uribe Michael Benefield , Esperanza Garcia Rojas, Dustin Announcios: Francisca Muro, Victor Manuel, Saunders,Calixtro Isidra Solis, Elizabeth Soto, AcolitosJanka Castro, Edwin Garcia, Jaritzy Mondragon William Travers 5/21 Sat. Have a very Blessed Birthday!! English Schedule for Liturgical Ministers FATHER’S DAY It is time to think of FATHER’S DAY. We are going to compile a booklet for Father’s Day in memory of or in honor of our fathers or men in our lives who are dear to us. There will be signup sheets at each door. You can have the person or persons name listed in the booklet for a fee of $2.00 each name or an appropriate donation.. Profits will go to the Building Fund. Lectors: Michael Leach, Cheryl Benford Eucharistic: Jean Hyatt, Marty Hornyak, Libby Nault Hospitality: Lynn Hyatt , Mike Leach Sun. 22 Acolytes: Lector: Eucharistic: Hospitality: Georgia Smith , Henry Sloyan,Richard Pincus Dan Higgins, Tom Murphy Lynn Herbert, , Teresa Thornburg, Pat Knudsen, Rosemary Chriscoe Rosemary Chriscoe, David Poupore Wayne Dawson, 4 PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS May 8, 2016 PLEASE TAKE MOMENT TO PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL & our The Knights are looking for some men to join the young men serving our country Knights of Columbus . They meet once a month and and have requested prayers: do projects to help out with Church needs and other programs. If you would like to get more information Christopher Gardner, Grace Gizzi, Lillian Hazelwood & please call Steve Gage at 301-318-7736 or Chuck Lyon Roamona Shepard, Ardist Holyfield, Colleen Greene, Flora at 336-267-6419 ******************* Squires meet every 2nd Sunday of the month after the 4 pm Mass. Any young male Youths interested, Please call Chuck Lyon at 336-267-6419 or come to the meetings. DOORS OF MERCY EXPLORING GOD’S COVENENT WITH YOU Smith, Gary & Marilyn Hutchins Ralph Evans, , Jose Espiallet Amy Hills, Angie Monroe Patterson, Monica Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel , Josephina Arellano, Kathleen Woelbl, Jude Barton, Laurie Wills, Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez, Matthew Bryant Gustavo Pasillas, If there is anyone you would like to add to the prayer list please calll the office &let us know. 336-629-0221.Please pray for all deceased members of the parish. Youth Group: The youth are going to be spending some of their summer vacation working on a home for Habitat for Humanity. If you I want to understand God and His mercy more than you do today, or if you’d like to understand how Their dates will be: Saturday May 14th God’s justice relates to God’s mercy, or sometimes you Saturday June 4th know that don’t offer mercy to others when you could, and Saturday June 18th you’d like to better understand God’s covenant with If any of the adults would like to join the youth that would be you…..then this is the program for YOU!!If you have queswonderful the more people the better. Please contact Fredda Otero. tions or comments, please call Patti Knudsen (336 209-8327 BOX TOPS: Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you for your help. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNION CLASS OF 2016 BE SURE TO KEEP JESUS CLOSE TO YOUR HEART AND HE WILL GUIDE YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled because he has given us His peace; the peace that passes all understanding. We also have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us and our marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH May 8, 2016 5 TODAY’S READING First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the faceof the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17. Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 14:15-16, 23b-26. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Order” and “presbyter” are not everyday words in our vocabulary, since we think of order as a quality of life rather than a collective noun, and “priest” usually does just fine in everyday conversation. Yet each word has deep roots in our tradition. At an ordination we select men for service to the community. Ordo is a Latin word drawn not from pagan religious life but from Imperial Rome. It meant a distinct body standing apart from the people, such as a body of people responsible for civil governance, senators for example. Think of the selectmen or board of governors in your civic home, and you will get the idea. The church borrowed the term to describe the place of certain people within the people of God, thus the “order of deacons,” “the order of presbyters,” and even “the order of virgins, catechumens, widows, neophytes, penitents,” and so on, as distinct groups within the church. Just as ancient Rome had various uniforms for the ranks and stations in civil life, so too did certain garments give clues to membership in an “order” in the church. So, our tradition favors the idea of an ordination liturgy not as receiving something so much as being received. This is clearly expressed in the liturgy. The “kiss of peace” is given only by the ordaining bishop and priests to the newly “ordained,” not by the faithful, the deacons, or the concelebrating bishops who are present. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A PRAYER TO THE SPIRIT Spirit of Jesus, SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Pentecost Sunday Saturday: St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions; Blessed Virgin Mary; poured out in flames of fire upon your disciples on Monday: Seventh Week in the day of Pentecost, we pray to you: Set afire the Ordinary Time hearts of your faithful so that they will announce in Wednesday: St. John I all the languages of the world he wonders of the salva- Friday: St. Bernardine of Siena 6 Iglesia De San Jose May 8, 2016 De la oficina del padre Felipe En nuestra tradición católica sabemos que hay un juicio y el castigo del pecado. Nos ayuda a pensar en el final de la vida, cuando estamos delante de Dios, de quien nada se puede esconder. Antes de que el Dios Justo no hay sobornos o excusas funcionarán. Dios conoce todos nuestros pecados. Aparte de su misericordia, no podemos obtener ningún mérito o ayuda después de esta vida. En esta vida nuestro trabajo es rentable, lágrimas aceptable, suspiros, dolores satisfactoria y purificante. Acortamos nuestro purgatorio mientras oramos por nuestros enemigos, perdonar las ofensas del corazón, le pide perdón a los demás, se trasladó a la piedad que a la ira, con sacrificios poner nuestro cuerpo en sujeción al Espíritu. Muchas veces nos engañamos a nosotros mismos por nuestro amor desacertada de la carne. Todos los vicios tendrá su propio castigo adecuado. No hay descanso o reposo del sufrimiento eterno.Si nos ocupamos y nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados ahora, en el día del juicio, podemos estar seguros con la bendita. El justo, los pobres y los humildes tienen una gran confianza, mientras que el orgullo sea herido por el miedo. Los que sufrieron por causa de Cristo en este mundo serán recompensados en su gloria. Hay una inversión de los valores en ese día: los devotos estarán contentos, los irreligiosos se llorar, el cuerpo mortificado se gozará de la que fue mimado con todos los placeres, perseverante paciencia contará más que todo el poder en este mundo, sencillo la obediencia será exaltado por encima de la inteligencia mundana, una conciencia limpia alegrará el corazón más que la filosofía de los eruditos, el desprecio de las riquezas serán de más peso que todos los tesoros en la tierra. Nos encontraremos consuelo real de haber rezado con devoción. Vamos a gozarse sobre nuestra vida disciplinada espiritualmente. obras santas serán de mayor valor. Las disciplinas espirituales y penitencias serán más agradable que todos los placeres terrenales. Hay que aprender a sufrir pequeñas cosas ahora para evitar un mayor sufrimiento en la eternidad. Si no se puede soportar con pequeños sufrimientos ahora, ¿qué hay de tormento eterno? Ciertamente no podemos tener dos alegrías: probar todos los placeres de este mundo y después reinar con Cristo. Si tenemos todo lo que queremos en esta vida, pero no tienen tiempo para Dios, y luego pensar ahora de nuestra muerte y al que vamos a enfrentar! lo que este mundo da es vanidad. Lo que Dios da es la eternidad. Si amamos a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, no vamos a temer a la muerte o el castigo o juicio o en el infierno. El amor perfecto asegura el acceso a Dios. Uno que se deleita en el pecado teme a la muerte y el juicio. Incluso si el amor de Dios no nos refrene del mal, al menos, el miedo al infierno lo hará. Aquel que deja a un lado el temor de Dios no puede continuar por mucho tiempo en la bondad, pero caerá rápidamente en las trampas del diablo. Tenemos que enseñar a nuestros hijos el temor de Dios y el amor del cielo. Debemos recordar a ellos y darles instrucciones de que cada elección tiene sus consecuencias en esta vida y en la vida después. Ellos deben ser conscientes del hecho de que somos responsables de asegurar nuestro cielo llevando una vida buena y religiosa aquí y ahora en este mundo. Dios los bendiga a todos. Grupo de jovenes: Los jóvenes van a pasar algo de su trabajo vacaciones de verano en una casa de Hábitat para la Humanidad. Sus fechas serán: Sábado Mayo 14ª sábado 4 de junio de Junio Sábado 18 de Si alguno de los adultos le gustaría unirse a la juventud que sería maravilloso cuanta más gente mejor. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Fredda Otero. BOX TOPS: Por favor traiga en su Box Tops para las hermanas que dirige la Academia para preescolares. Usted puede poner en la ranura del buzón de la puerta de la oficina. Gracias por tu ayuda. ********************************** DÍA DEL PADRE Es hora de pensar en el Día del Padre en memoria y honor de nuestros padres u hombres en nuestra vida a quien queremos mucho. Tendremos una hoja en cada puerta de la iglesia para que escriban sus nombres y contribuyan con $2 por cada nombre o pueden hacer la donación que ustedes deseen. La colección de este dinero será destinada a los fondos para la construcción de na nueva iglesia. May 8, 2016 Iglesia De San Jose 7 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Jesús les dice a los discípulos que recibirán el poder del Espíritu Santo (Hch 1:1-11). Salmo — Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono (Salmo 47 [46]). Segunda lectura — Que el Padre de la gloria del Espíritu de sabiduría y revelación (Efesios 1:17-23) o Hebreos 9:24-28; 10:19-23. Evangelio — Los discípulos fueron testigos de todos los sucesos de la vida de Cristo. (Lucas 24:46-53). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 19:1-8; Sal 68 (67):2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Martes: Hch 20:17-27; Sal 68 (67):10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Miércoles:Hch 20:28-38; Sal 68 (67):29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Jueves: Hch 22:30; 23:6-11; Sal 16 (15):1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Viernes: Hch 25:13b-21; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Sábado: Hch 1:15-17, 20-26; Sal 113 (112):1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Domingo: Vigilia: Gn 11:1-9 o Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b oEz 37:1-14 o Jl 3:1-5; Sal 104 (103):1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39Día: Hch 2:1-11; Sal 104 (103):1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 o Rom 8:8-17; LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Séptimo Domingo de Pascua; Día de las Madres; Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones Sociales Martes: San Damiano José de Veuster Jueves: Santos Nereo y Aquileo; san Pancracio Viernes: Nuestra Señora de Fátima Sábado: San Matías, apóstol TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA DE NUESTRA FE Hoy celebramos a una mujer potente e importante en nuestras vidas; la madre. La historia del Día de las Madres se originó en las fiestas griegas en honor de Rhea, la madre de los dioses. A lo largo de la historia los cristianos también hemos recordado a la Madre de Dios, María, en varias solemnidades, pero hace sólo 100 años que en el 10 de mayo de 1907 en Estados Unidos se empezó a promover la idea de un día de reconocimiento del amor que tenemos como humanos por nuestras propias madres. Eventualmente se paso a muchas naciones latinoamericanas. Muchas culturas latinoamericanas son matriarcales, es decir, el papel de la madre en la familia es algo esencial. Para los latinos, no hay amor más grande que el de una madre. Sin olvidar la función del padre, ella es la que nos da la vida, nos enseña como vivirla y nos da alimento. Su amor nos recuerda al de Cristo, quien con sacrificio y amor da vida a la Iglesia. Su amor sostiene y cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles emocionalmente, nuestro deseo secreto es de estar en los brazos de mamá.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #000033 512 W. Wainman Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203 TELEPHONE 336 629-0221 CONTACT PERSON Jean Hyatt EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8 Windows Vista PRINTER Epson 720 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 10:00 AM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 16, 2012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS