UTEP Prospector Master Template
UTEP Prospector Master Template
La Visión The Vision July 20, 2007 Simplicity-An Art Pg. 12 Two ShadesStory of a Vegetarian Fantasy Pg. Pg. 12 6 Harry Potter 5: Undeniably Charming Pg. 10 Women Left Behind By Rebecca Martinez Her fingernails dig into his black shirt in despair. Last call sounds overhead as he steals one final kiss with a tear in his eye. He boards the plane for Iraq. Within seconds he is gone and she knows life may never be the same. For the wives, mothers, sisters, and girlfriends of deployed soldiers, this is an increasingly common experience. With the prolonged war in Iraq, there are an increasing number of women who find themselves without their husbands. About 55 percent of the military’s 1.4 million active duty members are married. Not to mention, 40 percent of them thsat have children. “It’s always stressful and I find myself worrying about him,” Karla Pineda, a wife of a deployed Army reservist with two kids, said. “It’s so difficult to the point that you fall into a depression.” “This is a challenging time for us all. Our desire is to help ‘carry each other’s burden.’” Pineda is referring to Galatians 6:2, a biblical verse familiar to military wives, one of the motivations to keep them going. Among the provisions of stress-related cycles of work, bills, and running a household, many women find their own methods to make life normal for their families. Busily involved in schedules of school, work, and family occasions, they find themselves in a tranquil state of mind. But it never lasts long, and the dread soon settles in. “It’s so hard to deal with and most of the time, I find myself crying,” Pineda said. “And the kids are the same. The small one throws tantrums and the oldest sits around in silence. I can see the sadness within her eyes.” As many know, it’s always the hardest part for a mother to watch her child in pain. Even more so, the mothers of soldiers begin worrying before the war. Their heartbreak starts with boot camp. Marine boot camp, 16hour days for 13 weeks in MRCD San Diego, is all physical and mental training that can either make or break a person. Many young men join straight out of high school. “I felt like he was quick to make his decision to join the Marines,” Marisela Gonzalez, a mother whose son, Angel, left Monday for boot camp, said. “But it’s a step that a mother must take to Moe inhales the dangerous chemical and his thoughts become fantastic. He has entered dream mode. When he regains consciousness, he realizes he has passed out for 3 long minutes. “Whamming” and “dusting” are the newest terms, but not long ago this behavSymptoms: ior was •Nausea called •Frostbite huffing. •Blurred Vision Moe, a •Blindness college student was under the influence of Wham when he passed out a year ago. He is one of the many in the United States who have tried whamming. While in the past it was iden- Casualties not only in war One of the Girls. While gazing at a picture of her boyfriend who was recently sent to bootcamp, Rebecca Martinez grasps on to his shirt. Photo by Diana Diaz de Leon let go of her son. I’m very proud of his decision.” As some mothers adjust to such big changes as these, the siblings are not so compliant. “His little sister goes to his room every morning to find him not there,” Gonzalez said. “She thinks he’ll come back any day now, but I think it’s starting to dawn on her.” Huffing is Back By Cynthia Chaparro Simplicity in Art Pg. 8 tified with paint, now a user can get “high” with over a thousand household products. Statistics say one out of 12 citizens have used inhalants to get high, making the substances more popular than marijuana among young adolescents, according to the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Moe had used a household product called Dust-off to get “high.” “It’s like a drug,” Moe said. “Sometimes you can see spots everywhere or colors, but other times you go into dream mode.” For years experts say many have died from the contents of house hold products such as dust-off and aerosol. However, no specific agency is responsible for keeping track of the numbers, so the evidence of mortality rates is mostly anecdotal. “I know of a little over a handful of cases specifically relating to our product dust-off,” said Ken Newman from Falcon Safety Products. “However, inhalant abuse involves over 1,400 household consumer products.” As the reality settles within their hearts, women across El Paso have felt this identical feeling. Many feel pride, support, and love for their military spouses. But most fall into depression and begin to feel overwhelmed. Although there are no precise statistics, many openly admit anguish. “Everyday is a struggle, it was hard to be without him,” Pineda said. “But I had my girls to keep me going. I knew that I couldn’t just sit and cry all day.” Contrarily, there are women who don’t feel this sense of discouragement. Instead they felt an impression of sheer satisfaction. “ I felt like I had what they called an ‘Invisible Husband’. I won’t lie, I was sad, but at the same time, happy,” Jessica Barrera, a wife of a once deployed Marine, said. “ He left to help serve his country. He wasn’t going for himself, he was going for everyone.” Although these military wives are without their partners, they are in constant contact. With the wave of technology these days, many soldiers can email, IM, text message, send pictures, call, and the not to mention, write letters to their spouses. “It’s a blessing to pick up the phone and hear his voice,” Pineda said. “It’s great to get an email everyday and a letter every so often. It’s a blessing to know he is all right.” As difficult as it is for these women, many don’t do it alone. Usually, numerous of women have family and friends to be their shoulder to cry on. But, locally there are many groups that women can join to help them cope with this situation, such as the WBMC (William Beaumont Medical Center) Wives’ Club, one of the many FRG (Family Readiness Groups) located in El Paso. “Our hope is to reach out to these women and show that there is support for them,” Mary Fran LeMar, one of the leaders of the group since 2003, said. “Many women just close themselves off when their spouse leaves and that’s not healthy.” The group, which was founded in 1997 by the Army, meets once a week and does special events for holidays to make life a little more fun. Such groups aren’t for everyone, some women learn to cope on their own. “After awhile, you become independent and realize you can do anything you set you mind to,” Pineda said. “ You just have to remember to be strong and supportive. He needs you as much as you need him.” With the difficulties that these women have overcome, to some it shows that love doesn’t stop at the boarding of a plane. It’s in your neighborhood stores Dust-off one of the many products contains a harmful chemical called Difluoroethane. Difluoroethane a chemical composed of carbon, hydrogen, and fluorine is a gas that can cause inhalation, skin, eye, and ingestion problems or may cause sudden death. “When you inhale dust-off you get immediate effects,” said Moe. “You start to feel nauseated, you laugh a lot, and sometimes you can hear your heart beat when you’re under the influence of wham.” Some short-term effects of wham include depriving the brain, heart, and even organs of oxygen. Signs To Watch For: • The smell of their breath or clothes • Slurred speech • Chronic sore throats • Irritation on their skin or around their mouth • Poor performance in school •Withdrawal from family and friends In the long term children can damage the brain, kidneys, and liver, but sometimes children can develop an irregular heartbeat and die in an instant. “I had never had any health problems, but I did become addicted to the product,” said Moe. Many are addicted to wham because of its flavors and its effects, unaware of the dangers that lurk in what they are doing. Not to mention that anyone over the age of 18 can obtain the product at a low cost as $5 to $8 . “Once you start you can’t stop,” said Moe. With a growing fear Moe finally decided to give up Whamming and since last year’s incident he is advises others not to try wham. “After my horrible experience that resulted in a near death incident I suggest to all, never try huffing household products,” said Moe. “I was so sure that nothing could happen to me, but when you least expect it Soon after something can go wrong.” INHALANT ABUSE IS ILLEGAL AND CAN CAUSE PERMANENT INJURY OR BE FATAL. PLEASE USE OUR PRODUCT RESPONSIBLY. La Vision July 20, 2007 Ayudando nuestra comunidad: El albergue Lee and Beulah Moor Children’s Home Por Alyssa Chavez La Vision staff writer Isabel Rodriguez residente de El Paso, 55, y su nieto de 5, años Andrew Cisneros. Cuando murió su madre, la niña y sus cinco hermanos se encontraron huérfanos, sin hogar, y el hambre los llevó a buscar comida en los botes de basura de El Paso. Pero Isabel Rodríguez, esa niña desesperada de ocho años sin familia, si encontró salvación en la casa Lee and Beulah Moor Children’s Home. La casa es un albergue para niños en dificultades único en su clase porque les da un segundo hogar y los padres siguen siendo sus conservadores legales. Lee and Beulah Moor Children’s Home, fundada en 1959, ha logrado ayudar a miles de familias en la comunidad. El albergue se priva en ayudar a niños y adolesentes al tomarlos bajo su cuidado. Tanto a sido la ayuda que este albergue brinda a sus participantes que muchos regresan para trabajar y asistir con los niños. Tal fue el caso de Rodríguez, 55, quien despues de haber sido una de las muchas niñas que ocuparon camas en el albergue, regresó y se convirtió en una madre provisional para otros niños. “Lee Moor fue el único hogar que yo conocí, yo no tenía otro lugar para llamar hogar”, dijo Rodriguez entre lágrimas. Rodríguez llegó a Lee and Beuhlah Moor Children’s Home a los ocho años junto a sus cuatro hermanos y pequeña hermana. Esta fue la única familia que Rodríguez tuvo, y todavia sucede lo mis- mo con muchos jovenes de nuestra comunidad hoy en dia. “Definitivamente hay una gran necesidad para otras organizaciones como esta en nuestra comunidad”, dijo Mario Ramírez, Director de Servicios para Niños de Lee and Buelah Moor Children’s Home. Rodríguez sigue firmamente convencida de que el albergue les salvo la vida. “ Si no hubiera sido por Lee Moor, yo no se que hubiera sido de mi y mis hermanos.” Con la ayuda de este albergue Rodríguez logró enfrentarse a obstáculos que parecian inconquistables. La falta de padres no perjudico el futuro de Isabel. Ella logró formar su futuro a base de un gran esfuerzo, pero su experiencia en Lee and Beulah Children’s Home alimentó su deseo de tener un hogar. El centro refugia de 55 a 65 jovenes al mes. Ellos llegan al albergue vol- untarimente y pueden regresar a sus hogares cuando quieren. La casa recive jóvenes con diversos problemas y de todos los niveles económicos. El albergue es un remedio temporario para los problemas de estos niños porque se espera que la famlia resuelva sus problemas. Es crucial que ellos regresen a sus hogares cuando las circumstancias lo permitan. El albergue alienta las familias a visitar cada segundo y cuarto fin de semana y a que llamen a sus hijos por teléfono una vez por semana. “Trabajando con la familia ayudamos al niño” dijo Ramírez. Elderly in danger of losing rights By Cindy Hernandez La Vision staff writer They hide behind their shadows day and night, wishing to reach the end of their last chapter of life. This is how many elderly conclude their life when insensitivity has taken over their rights. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services has confirmed that in 2006 there were more than 1,900 elderly abuse victims in El Paso and only about 1,600 were reported. One Agency spokesperson expects that abuse cases may double as coming generation’s age. Paul Zimmerman with Adult Protective Services has worked many cases that include exploitation, physical or financial abuse and self-neglect towards the elderly. Last year Zimmerman experienced a memorable event in his first week of working for the APS that served as a reminder of why he had taken the job. “One of the coolest things of my job was when I took a fan to a 104 year-old woman from Canutillo,” said Zimmerman. The woman lived by herself in poverty and the APS had sent Zimmerman to take the lady a fan for her house since she couldn’t afford one herself. “Her house was a small, square room with no air. When I walked in to give her the fan her eyes opened with such joy, she was so happy and grateful.” Experiences like these are what make Zimmerman feel his job is worth while. “It feels good to help people,” concluded Zimmerman. In the year 2006 President Bush’s budget cut $60 billion from Medicaid when almost 45 million Americans continue to live without health insurance. Bush also makes a $94 million cut in grants for the Healthy Communities Access Program causing a major problem for many Elderly Protective Services according to Alicia De Jong Davis. Davis, a gerontologist and Ombudsman for the state of Texas Long Term Care has been dealing with elderly care issues since her career began. One of her major concerns is the insufficient money that is invested in the dilemma of elderly abuse. “The International Longevity Center budget is composed of $1 billion but, only $1.7 million are invested to the research of Elderly Abuse,” said Davis. To Davis, this is not enough money to accomplish enough research in the subject as well as help all the elderly that experience it. In order for services to inform society about the statistics and the number of cases that have been reported throughout the U.S they need money, which is a major financial concern she says. “Only 20 states in the United States register Elderly Abuse cases in their data and unfortunately, only 4 percent out of 5 million abuse cases are reported” said Davis. Davis believes that much abuse of the elderly without realizing it. Abusers may believe they are doing the right thing and think they have the authority. “Sometimes we abuse of the human rights of elderly without knowing it…” said Davis. Another divisive issue in which the elderly may become victims is in monetary matters. Highlands Hospital social worker Victor Carrillo helps the elderly find ways to recover from their illnesses as well as guides them through the process of payment agreements for their medical needs. “If a patient is unable to afford medical treatment or medicine, we ask for donations from many companies around the area and are very successful with the results,” Carrillo says. Carrillo wishes to accomplish his goal of notifying the elderly with the actions that will be taken over their medical situation. Carrillo also want to assure the elderly that they understand their human rights at all times. “I help them through their state, inform them and protect them,” said Carrillo. Carrillo believes that there is only so much he can do for his clients. When Carrillo suspects any financial as well as physical abuse of the patients from family members or relatives, his duty is to inform Adult Protective Services. Like Carrillo, Davis has witnessed much elderly abuse. But Davis also contends that many people who care for the elderly are insensitive to their human rights. Many medical staffers believe that elderly illness is caused by age alone, and there is nothing they can do but wait until they pass away. “We assume that when an elderly [person] is being attended to at a hospital and is in high critical condition we can decide to give them no further treatment,” said Davis. Instead she believes there are other options to take down this road. By taking the initiative of no further treatment, they’re invading their human rights. Out of all elderly illness only 10% are cause by natural ageing problems and start to occur to elderly over the age of 65. “Our goal is to prevent elderly abuse and inform the community about safe ways to prevent this from happening, If you suspect any elderly abuse please call (1800-252-5400) or visit www.txabusehotline.org online,” concluded Zimmerman. July 20, 2007 La Vision Can I get Scholarships? Amanda Orozco La Vision staff writer He stumbles into the room, fists clenched, arms at his sides. His face is covered with a light sheen of sweat and his eyes dart back and forth. He swallows visibly before forcing the words out of his mouth. “Can you help me get money for college?” This is a common scenario among many high school students seeking to fund college, according to financial aid experts. Locally, students from El Paso County have received $105 million this past year for college. Melissa Gonzales, a 2007 graduate from Bel-Aire High School, obtained $40,000, “about half” she needed to pay tuition for Our Lady Of The Lake, a Roman Catholic college in San Antonio. Other students like Patrick Pfiefer, a current senior at Irvin High School, says, “I have no idea” how to apply or even find scholarships. About counselors and their potential usefulness, Gonzales says, “I think that they try (to help students) but it’s not enough. They could always push a little bit more.” Mary Parazo, a Socorro High School counselor, makes frequent preparatory visits to government, and economic classes, talks about search engines; posts scholarships on a bulletin board. Yet only 190 of the 630 students at Socorro have applied. Parazo says “100 percent are capable of scholarships because many of them are based on talent.” There are even scholarships that aren’t based on any personal merit but on trivial tasks. One scholarship allows students to recommend FastWeb to their friends with the chance to win up to $5,000 and free mp3s. Another scholarship ‘Stuck at Prom” entails the designing of a prom outfit out of duct tape for the chance to earn $3,000. Many opportunities exist where a student is able to look for and apply for a scholarship. Autumn McKenzie, senior at Irvin High School, says, “I go to the Internet to the thing called FastWeb.com and they send me scholarships based on what I want from college.” Many believe that Internet sites like FastWeb and Scholarship.com are revolutionizing the way that students find scholarships. Instead of a long and tedious search through a book, students are able to enter their information and look through the scholarships they qualify for. They can even look at colleges and apply for financial aid through the web. Students also have the option of asking their school counselor who will be more than happy to help you find a scholarship application and completing the paperwork. Gonzales stated, “My counselors helped a lot. They wrote a lot of recommendations.” One of the major problems with finding scholarships maybe the lack of communication about relevant information. Kevin Ladd, vice president of operations of scholarship.com, recommends that you “Tell your friends, show your parents, tell a teacher, and any counselors. Spread the word. Let people know about how to get scholarships.” Do incoming Christian college students face secular challenges By: Diana Diaz de Leon La Vision staff writer There is a common perception that university life opens new doors to secular and intellectual knowledge. However, some argue that new knowledge comes at the price of one’s spiritual foundation. Although, for Javier De Jesus, who has managed to maintain his core religious values while also succeeding as a student at the University of Texas of El Paso. “A person who has a strong foundation in their faith or belief will not easily be side tracked.” De Jesus graduated in 2006 and decided to attend UTEP because of its strong engineering program. He attended Bethel Christian School in El Paso all 12 years of school, and has been a practicing Christian for 9 years. He believed many students graduating from private schools and transitioning into a public university often deal with extreme anxiousness. “Especially students who have been exposed only to a private school environment.” “Transition may be difficult for many conservative and shy people, but for me it has been very easy to make friends and become a part of my new community,” says De Jesus. He explained as he has come in contact with many people that do not share his same values or beliefs, he still continues to be respected and acknowledged, not only by his peers but by his professors. “Obviously people who do not believe what I believe, are not scared to give me their opinion or share their views on my faith...people have confronted me, but nothing too serious,” De Jesus says. He explained what he saw as advantages of being prepared not only by staff and peers at Bethel Christian School, but emphasized the important role his parents played. “I love my parents...without them I wouldn’t be where I am today,” says De Jesus. Principal Marsha Cardenas says, “We do all we can... the parents and the foundation these kids have when they leave does not only develop from us but hopefully from the home...parents and family play a major role and we depend on parents to also help us prepare their children.” However, sometimes things don’t go as parents, teachers, and friends had hoped for. “Ultimately the student has the choice to make his or her own decision,” said John Delgado, a student at the University of Texas at Austin and also a graduate from a private Christian school. “I was born into a Christian home.... I left and have learned to make my own decisions and do what I want.” “I found a different kind of freedom...I could be who I really was,” says Delgado. Both De Jesus and Cardenas said students coming from a Christian high school into the university must expect to face peer pressure, and anxiety. They both agree that as you enter the university life new ideas, and choices become more available. No matter how much a Christian school or parent prepares their child, in the end the ultimate choice is theirs. “As a mother and a principal I can say that, teachers, parents and friends hope and pray that all their effort throughout the years will have a long lasting impression,” Marsha Cardenas. Cardenas, Principal of Bethel Christian School in El Paso quoted the schools purpose: “Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives.” Cardenas believes in training her students, and preparing them before they emerge into a new chapter in their lives. “As they leave they walk into a new environment where there is a lack of faith in the leader- ship...Our job is to prepare them as best we can,” says Cardenas. La Vision July 20, 2007 Drugs never a solution to life’s problems Pink Rivera La Vision staff writer “Doing cocaine and drinking helped me forget my problems,” admits Susana Najera, 41. “Really, all it did was cause even more problems and make things harder for me. Your problems won’t go away, they’re still there.” Najera is one of millions who experience the pain of addiction when they choose self-medication as a healing therapy. Counselors, including El Paso chemical dependency specialist, Maria Rodriguez, are beginning to approach addiction differently by looking at the reasons why people do drugs. Rodriguez is coming to the conclusion that addicts are often trying to fill a void in their life. “After a person goes through something that may become a post traumatic experience, they feel the need to numb their feelings,” Rodriguez says. “Some ADD and ADHD patients begin smoking pot to relax, instead of taking their medication also. Substance abusers become dependant both physically and psychologically for many reasons, according to medical experts. One local addiction expert, Bobby Ashworth, says substance abuse is a complex biological, psychological and social disorder. Ashworth is a licensed drug and alcohol counselor who practices in El Paso. The most common understanding of why substance users become abusers and then finally dependant, according to addiction specialists, is to deal with stress, irritability or unhappiness. “My first time I was 14 and I tried weed as a social thing,” says Vanessa, 25. “It became an escape and a way for me not to think about life and my problems.” Ashworth agrees that being a teen is an enormous challenge and that many turn to illicit substance use without even realizing the risks. “My teen patients experiment with drugs because it’s there,” says Ashworth. “Sometimes it’s for adult identification, others are more of rageagainst-the-machine type thing. Most users are recreational and they do it for the effect when they use it situationally.” Counselor Ashworth says that the most common characteristics and change in patients as they slip deeper into addiction, is the amotivational syndrome where users develop a very apathetic attitude. Teens tend to change their clothing and speech. They become increasingly disrespectful and defiant with more socially unexceptable behavior. According to other addiction specialists, one of the most telling signs of increasing involvement is when drug use becomes part of daily life. With more absorption into drugs, people crowd out previously important activities. Self-perception changes in unrealistic and inaccurate ways. “Most patients that come in with a serious addiction problem are in denial and continue to minimize the problem,” Rodriguez says. “These are the patients that make it really hard for us to help them because they don’t believe they have problem.” But medical experts also believe that narcotic abuse and alcoholism are serious but treatable diseases. “Sure, substance abusers can be truly healed,” said Ashworth. “The disease can’t be cured but it can be put into total remission and managed. He says there is a very progressive approach because it depends on the patient. You start with self-help programs like the AA as an outpatient. If you find that you can’t completely stop on your own then you can turn yourself in as an inpatient for professional treatment.” Many counselors and specialists believe that to get over addiction depends on the patients attitude and determination to solve their problem. “I didn’t consider myself an addict because it was easy for me to quit when I realized I had responsibilities and that it was stupid,” says Vanessa. Vanessa realizes now that her abuse of drugs made her a stronger person and she is able now to discourage her friends and family against doing drugs, or at leasten- courage them to seek professional help. But, not “everyone can be helped, there are those who won’t be helped. Not everyone who comes to treatment is ready for treatment,” Ashworth says. Besides addicts who are unable to ask for help, there are those who can recognize and admit they have problem and reach out for assistance As for Najera, she sought professional help six years ago and has been clean ever since. “If I hadn’t I’d still probably be a 3-4 times a week abuser like I was before. I don’t think anyone can do it on their own. You need professional help.” Addiction specialists confirm that people turn to drugs as not only an escape from reality but because they feel it is the only way they can feel better about themselves. “There’s a stigma out there in the public that drug addicts are criminals and out to hurt people and mess up lives,” Rodriguez says. “These people need help to make the necessary changes in their life to maintain their level of awareness and stay abstinent.” Ashworth also believes that substance abuse is part of high-risk stunt behavior that people experiment with, subconsciously using it as a “cry for help.” “When somebody tries out a diet and they don’t see a change within the first week they end up quitting,” said Ashworth. “Substance abusers are the same way. They need just as much support because it’s not just about sobriety. They need a healthy lifestyle which includes many things.” Medical experts say many detox and drug rehab facilities rely on therapy and behavioral modification to help substance abusers. Centers are attempting to use less medication unless patients have a chemical imbalance caused by being exposed to drugs for a lengthy time. The upside to this is that “there are less psychiatrically prescribed medications that can be used to commit suicide with,” says Ashworth. “Medication now is engineered, so it is difficult to overdose on. They are safer more now than ever.” So, for former addicts like Najera, contemporty medical therapy and even common sense proves there is light at the end of the tunnel. “If someone came to me with this problem I’d try to convince them to quit. VPH afectando cada vez a mas mujeres Rubí Govea La Vision staff writer Actualmente, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual son muy frecuentes. Cualquier persona sexualmente activa puede ser contagiada. El Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) es una de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual mas comunes. Existen mas de 100 tipos de virus de VPH de los cuales aproximadamente el 30% causan cáncer del cuello uterino. Se puede estar infectado sin saberlo, ya que por lo general no aparecen síntomas y muchos de los virus desaparecen con el tiempo. En algunos casos pueden brotar verrugas genitales que se forman en la parte anal y genital del cuerpo. En junio del 2006 salio a el mercado una vacuna llamada GARDASIL aprobada por la FDA(Administración de Drogas y Alimentos) en mas de 76 países. Esta vacuna protege contra 4 tipos de VPH, 6,11,16 y 18, que causan el 70% de los casos de cáncer cervical. Para que sean mas eficaz, pu- ede ser aplicada en mujeres entre los 9 y 26 años de edad. GARDASIL no protege del 30% restante de los virus causantes de cáncer del cuello de útero. Estudios realizados en 21,000 mujeres alrededor del mundo indicaron que GARDASIL es 100% eficiente. Por el momento la vacuna es opcional, pero puede llegar a ser obligatoria ya que el gobierno comenta que esto evitaría enfermedades en muchas mujeres. Existe otra vacuna llamada CERVARIX la cual protege de 2 tipos de virus causantes de cáncer, 16 y 18, solo que aun no es aprobada. Hubo bastante controversia cuando la vacuna se trató de hacer obligatoria en Texas y en otros estados. Algunos padres de familia se mostraron muy molestos. La Sra. Jacquez piensa que la vacuna no debe ser aplicada a muy temprana edad y que no debe ser obligatorio. “No sabemos si la vacuna cause alguna reacción en las niñas.” Sin embargo, la Sra. Sida piensa que mientras mas temprano se aplique mejor. “Es mejor prevenir enfermedades tan serias como esta, y si podemos hacer algo para prevenirlas porque no hacerlo.” Algunos de los síntomas que ambas vacunas pueden causar son dolor en el sitio en el que se aplico, hinchazón, o fiebre leve. Por lo general desaparecen en unas cuantas horas. Luís Maese, asistente medico en la clínica Texas Tech, recomienda a todos las mujer aplicarse la vacuna.” Es muy importante para todas las mujeres que son o serán sexualmente activas cuidarse y aplicarse la vacuna para mas seguridad.” Se es mas propenso a ser contagiado por este virus si: se tienes relaciones sexuales a muy temprana edad, si no se usa condón, si se tiene parejas sexuales múltiples y si no se realizan revisiones medicas. La directora de El Centro de Salud de UTEP, Amalia Dudzienski, incita a mujeres y hombres a siempre cuidarse para prevenir enfermedades como esta.”Siempre practicar sexo seguro, ya sea usar condón u otro método y mujeres, asegúrense de hacerse el papanicolao cada año al ser activa sexualmente. Con la salud no se juega, y con tantas enfermedades existentes, no hay que segarse ante la realidad. La decisión de aplicarse la vacuna contra el VPH y de usar métodos de protección sexual esta en manos de cada individuo. July 20, 2007 La Vision The Silence Screaming: It’s a Killer By: Ariana Gonzalez La Vision staff writer The number of women murdered by their intimate partner is greater than the number of soldiers who lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Everyday four women die in this country as a result of domestic violence. That’s approximately, 1,400 fatalities a year. Domestic violence is the abuse that happens between members of the same family or persons involved in a close relationship: husband/wife; boyfriend/girlfriend; parent/child; same sex couple; adult child/elderly parent. The majority of the victims are women. This worldwide epidemic plagues the borderland in a unique way, when the issue of illegal immigration is involved. “So many of these women feel they cannot report their case for fear of being deported and being separated from their children”, says Vengie Rexach, the Domestic Relations representative from the El Paso County Attorney’s Office. “They would rather stay in the relationship than risk immigration enforcement.” Aside from their dread of immigration laws, abused women are often silenced nonetheless. They are brainwashed, continually told by their spouse that they are to blame for making him angry and that they have brought it upon themselves. “Many times they already have the mentality where they think it’s how it’s supposed to be and they pretty much deserve it,” Rexach says. While there are many programs and therapies offered to people under these circumstances, very few women in need of them accept them. In other cases some women are simply unaware of the services available to them. “If the women being abused were more educated about the help provided out there, the numbers and the statistics would be much lower,” Rexach says. While it is true the legal system inevitably makes mistakes, the legal system is not the only part of the community that is at fault. The surrounding community also has an obligation to intervene in domestic violence. Communities can no longer leave everything to be resolved for the court, because “Domestic violence is an issue that people just don’t want to talk about or deal with,” says Aaron Hernandez, Community Relations Director of El Paso’s Center Against Family Violence. These women put on a façade in public, concealing what they experience on a regular basis in the absence of watchful eyes. Experts say most have become exceptionally good at faking a smile, when they really live in fear of the person they are in love with. Many fake a steady yet erroneous composure to ensure the world that everything is fine. Vigorous research suggests that the community holds an enormous responsibility for silencing the women who are obviously involved in abusive relationships. So many people realize that there are women being battered in their own community and choose to ignore these casualties and look the other way. The silence they live in cannot save them, but the helping hand of a neighbor’s can often rescue them. Expert’s awareness must be spread, every individual alerted, every community warned, and every battered woman heard shouting for long awaited sanctions. Every piece of information gathered points to the direction that implies: disclosure, about domestic violence whether it is from an onlooker, or a victim is the secondary killer after any perpetrator. The world needs to know that it is everybody’s burden to carry that people need to stop keeping quiet because we are afraid and we think that it’s not our business. The silence is happening at the expense of human lives: daughters of parents, sisters with siblings, friends, aunts and mothers of children. Four more women violently disappear everyday. These women’s lives are ended at the hand of the man they claim to love, but they also die in the hands of an entire multitude. “The truth is, the silence needs to be broken, this way there is more concern and attention covering the issue,” Hernandez argues. “Because momentarily there is certainly not enough.” Sociedad Afecta Salud Mental de jóvenes Mariel Torres La Vision staff writer La depresión es un trastorno mental muy común en los adolescentes debido a varios factores y según los expertos, es una enfermedad que requiere mucho apoyo y atención. De acuerdo a el sitio de Internet, Kidshelp.org, uno de cada ocho adolescentes sufre de algún tipo de depresión. Este trastorno afecta a todo tipo de gente, sin importar su raza, clase social, o edad, aunque suele afectar mas a las mujeres que a los hombres. El sitio de Internet, Teendepression.org, muestra que el 20 por ciento de los jóvenes, experimentan algún tipo de depresión en algún punto de su adolescencia. Los expertos predicen que para el 2020, la depresión será la segunda causa de muerte, después de la enfermedad de corazón. Un claro ejemplo de este problema, es Angela, que ha llegado a experimentar un sin numero de humillaciones llevándola a un estado grave de depresión. Angela empezó con síntomas de depresión a la edad de los 12 años. Ella recuerda ser “el hazme reír” de varios compañeros de escuela solo por vestirse diferente a los demás. Tan fuertes fueron las burlas, que tuvo que ser atendida por consejeras de su escuela. “Aun cuando entre a la preparatoria llevaba ese sentimiento y los consejeros de la escuela me habían advertido que yo tenia depresión y debía atenderme,” dijo Angela, ahora de 18 años. Las causas de depresión aun no son claras, pero el uso de drogas y alcohol, algún trauma, ya sea una violación o muerte de un ser querido, pueden empezar a molestar a un adolescente. Se ha comprobado que tener algún familiar diagnosticado con depresión aumenta las posibilidades de contraer la misma enfermedad. Los síntomas mas comunes incluye perdida de interés en realizar las actividades habituales, sentimiento de inutilidad, falta de energía, aislamiento, pensamientos pesimistas, auto reproches, dormir mas horas, incapacidad para concentrarse, irritabilidad, entre otros. Algunos de los adolescentes no muestran todos los síntomas, o peor aun, tratan de ocultarlos. Es común que sientan un tipo de sentimiento de culpabilidad, creen que todo esta en su mente y con los días esa tristeza desaparecerá. En caso de sospechar, los padres deben guardar la calma. Entender que ellos no son los culpables de nada y lo único que les debe importar es el bienestar de su hijo. Deben apoyarlos y buscar ayuda profesional lo mas pronto posible. La directora del Estudio de Salud de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso, Amalia Dudzienski, les aconseja a los padres de familia que estén muy atentos de cualquier cambio en el comportamiento de sus hijos. “Si usted cree que algo anda mal con su hijo, no se espere, pregúnteles que les molesta.” La depresión que no se atiende a tiempo puede llegar a los extremos, como es el suicidio. Según la Administración de Servicios para el abuso de Substancias y Salud Mental, aproximadamente 900,000 adolescentes pensaron en la posibilidad del suicidio durante un de sus mas fuertes episodios de depresión, y 712,000 realmente lo intentaron. De acuerdo a las estadísticas, el suicidio es la tercer causa de muertes de jóvenes en todo los Estados Unidos. Y es que con platicas y tiempo, el corazón de un joven no olvida rápido, Angela cuenta que en su interior sigue esa tristeza. “El color negro que siempre uso es como una barrera que llevo para que nadie me vuelva a lastimar. Representa mi odio por todos los que me humillaron alguna vez.” Lo cierto es que jóvenes como Angela, a pesar de su corta edad, sufren de depresión y cada día que pasa se les es mas difícil seguir el largo camino de la vida. Sin embargo, debido a la actitud de la sociedad y muchas veces hasta de sus propias familias, estos jóvenes terminan por tomar decisiones fatales. La directora del Centro de Consejeros de UTEP, la Dra. Sherri I. Terrell piensa que historias como estas son muy comunes y deben atenderse rápido. La sociedad y las familias deben darse la oportunidad de aceptar a estos jóvenes que piden a gritos ser escuchados. Un joven no debe ser juzgado por su forma de vestir, ni por la música que escucha, los adultos deben entender que ellos solo buscan expresarse y ser felices, y no por esto, merecen ser rechazados. Foto Por Mariel Torres En tiempos de depresión es cuando los jóvenes necesitan mas el apoyo de sus padres para recordarles que la esperanza sigue ahí. La Vision July 20, 2007 Feral Cats Pose Health Risks Jaime Perez La Vision staff writer A red, tabby cat sniffs and claws at the bark of a tree. A women peers through her window and watches the cat’s bones through the thin layer of skin and fat protruding through the bald patches on its body. The cat curls up into a ball and slowly closes its eyes after cleaning itself with its tongue. The women reaches for her phone and dials the number for animal control. *** The El Paso Animal Regulation and Control Department impounds over 24,000 animals and kills more than 20,000 of these annually, 47 percent being cats, according to both local advocates and health officials. “We euthanize the animals. We have no choice because, unfortunately, we do not have enough room to keep all the animals at the pound. We do the injection because it’s more humane than the gas chamber,” Shift Supervisor of Animal Control Raul Flores says. Health officials and animal advocates say the large stray animal population is both a health issue and a moral issue. A health issue, because many stray animals are either disease carriers or carry parasites, such as ticks, that could be dangerous to humans; a moral issue, because the strays live miserable lives before they are picked up and killed by Animal Control. In order to reduce the number of strays, for both reasons, organiza- tions and individuals like Jessie Miller and her non-profit Animal Cruelty Hotline operate around the city. Miller thinks the city should be spending more on efforts to save the animals. “The city can give us funding to save these animals rather than killing them. Instead of spending $1.7 annually, they can give us $3 million upfront to start more programs to save the animals,” Miller said. She said the cost of impounding a dog or cat is approximately $55 per animal. The cost of euthanizing a dog or cat costs the Animal Regulation and Control Department $1.7 million annually, 60 to 75 percent of its budget, Miller says. Miller’s group works closely with Animal Control to help save abused animals; she also helps find animal homes that they adopt from the pound. *** A field officer responds to the call, checking whether the cat has some sort of identification. Deciding the cat was a stray, he places it in a cage that smells of other strays that met a similar fate. The car drives to the shelter and the cat occasionally lifts its head to better listen to the loud noises outside the van. The cat is placed into another, larger cage, and adds to the orchestration of meows in the room. *** Another animal advocacy group is the Animal Rescue League. Loretta Hyde, the general manager and founder of Animal Rescue League, stresses the importance of owners being responsible for their pets. “They should be held accountable for making sure their pets get their proper shots, making sure they get their pet neutered or spayed, and microchipping their pet in case they run away,” Hyde says. Hyde’s group focus on adopting animals from shelters and finding them homes. While Hyde concentrates on animals in the community, Jean Johnston concentrates on feral, or untamed, cats at UTEP. The Cats UTEP Rescue Effort or C.U.R.E., was founded by Jean Johnston to decrease the animal population humanely, by such means as vaccinating, neutering or spaying, and feeding the local cats. According to Johnston, there are 150 cats on the campus. She attributes the large cat population to UTEP graduates who left the campus. “This problem is not unique to just UTEP, every college deals with feral cats. The issue deserves attention. We need to manage this problem,” Johnston says. *** The cat is taken to a vet, to be checked for diseases like heartworm and rabies. After a thorough examination, the cat is taken back. He is fed and watered for three days. The cat is taken out of its cage and back to the doctor who saw him three days ago. A needle penetrates its skin, and the cat slowly closes its eyes. would developed the same idea over there.” A regular car combusts twentytwo pounds of carbon dioxide for every gallon it uses. An electric car, on the other hand, produces only seven pounds of carbon dioxide. That’s 7 pounds of CO2 vs. 22 pounds to travel the same 25 miles, experts say. But when the electric car was removed from the market, it caused confusion among its drivers. That’s because drivers of the EV1 were willing to pay for the cars just to keep them, but GM did not accept the proposition. In 2006 The New York Times reported the controversy and mystery of the cars. “One reason the story might have grown doubtful was because its chairman at the time, Alan C. Lloyd, had joined the California Fuel Cell Partnership.” Even though the car would have been beneficial for El Paso, it was never marketed outside the state of California. “I think it could’ve been a very good idea for everyone. It benefits the environment and it saves us money for gas!” says Sarinana. Ultimately, the electric cars were on lease from GM to customers when they were removed from their semi-owners they were transported to the GM Desert Proving Grounds and were simply crushed. “ Its disappointing that they did that,” says Jack Tessa from the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso. Meanwhile, various programs and organizations in El Paso have begun to decrease the levels of pollution. Smith, from TCEQ, says that there is a program currently running in the city called the Joint Advisory Committee, organized for Ciudad Juarez and El Paso. This organization was designed to prioritize air quality planning and air management issues and proposes specific actions to improve air quality in both cities. Thus while EVl’s have not been utilized to reduce pollution, hybrids are becoming increasingly trendy. But, despite their popularity, Hybrids are still an expensive way to save gasoline according to critics. Overall the picture remains bleak for the future of the electric car making a comeback anytime soon. Engineer Jack Tessa simply laments “It’s pathetic of how far behind we are.” Electric Cars: Possible Solution to Pollution Vianney Olivas La Vision staff writer Some local air pollution experts are bemoaning the absence of the electric car. The car was taken off the market in 2002. G.M. intentionally sabotaged their own marketing efforts because they feared the car would cannibalize its existing business, according to a PBS report. While G.M. explicitly disputes these claims, Kevin Smith disagrees. If the electric car had the prospect to be distributed in a border city like El Paso it would have taken major actions regarding pollution, Smith, Section Manager of Air from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality argues. The idea was introduced in California by General Motors in 1996 when they released the electric car, EV1. The car ran on environmentally friendly batteries. Smith also contends that because pollution is affected by the inefficiency of cars, gasoline, and the lack of inspected autos, the electric car would have made a significant difference. The fact that some inhabitants of El Paso are not aware of the danger that pollution causes to their lives is crucial. That’s because residents of El Paso are a great factor in reducing pollution, aside from industrial resources and failing government, Smith says. “It is a real shame that these cars were removed from the market and that they were not introduced in a border city,” says Fernando Sarinana. “The automakers from Mexico would’ve been able to see the car and its advantages and maybe they July 20, 2007 La Vision Simplemente Una Artista Por Danielle Gutiérrez La Visión staff writer Marcela Gandara es una chica como muchas en Juárez. Le gusta nadar, ir al cine, y pasear con su amigas. Pero es una chica que acaba de vender mas de 22,000 CDs de canciones cristianas. Al cumplir 25 años en agosto realizo su sueño de grabar un CD y el viernes su primer gira musical la llevara a cinco países latinoamericanos y a tres ciudades estadounidenses. Gandara canta suavemente su música de amor y paz. Artistas como ella cantan de todo, desde baladas a Reggeaton. La música cristiana se está popularizando mas y mas todos los días. A los 18 años Gandara empezó a cantar en el coro de su iglesia,Vino Nuevo de Juárez, y tuvo la oportunidad de grabar una canción en un CD producido por la iglesia y ahí empezó su éxito. Jesús Adrián Romero, el artista y dueño de Vástago Producciones un estudio de grabación cristiana en El Paso, conoció a Gandara en Vino Nuevo y la invitó a grabar voces de fondo. “Conocí a Marcela atrás de la iglesia.” Romero dijo. “Es una persona que tiene carisma puede cantar, y tiene una pasión por cantar no busca la fama ella tiene su propósito y yo mire eso en ella.” Gandara luego fue invitada a grabar una canción con Romero. “ Grabar con Jesús fue un privilegio,”comento Gandara. “ Me emocione mucho porque me llevaron a la grabación, sin estar segura de que mi canción sería elegida para estar grabada en el CD.” Después de su primer canción registrada, salio promocionado dos canciones en el CD Un Brote de adoración dos, una coleccion de todos los artistas de Vástago Una de estar canciones escrita por ella. “Grabando la canción Mas Allá De Todo fue muy especial para mi, porque yo la escribí. Estaba muy contenta que pude tomar parte en el CD,” comento Gandara. El 10 de octubre del ano 2006 su CD “Mas que un Anhelo” fue vendido en toda Latinoamérica y Estados unidos. “Grabando Mas Que un Anheló fue excitante y larga experiencia, aprendí mucho de mi productor. Era difícil pero viendo el CD completo fue muy bonito y me encanto,” indicó Gandara. Vástago, introdujo a Gandara a un mundo diferente donde trabajo con personas que no conocía y con las que continuo a formar una amistad. “Vástago a sido una familia para mi ayudándome a crecer artísticamente y espiritualmente.” Gandara comentó, “Es un privilegio trabajar con cada persona y les agradezco mucho.” Los fans han mencionado que a través de su música sus vidas han cambiado. Esto toma gran parte de su vida sabiendo que Dios tiene un propósito para ayudarla seguir cantando. “Desde niños hasta adultos me encanta que escuchen el CD.” Gandara explico, “Pero mas que eso, que entiendan el mensaje que Dios tiene para sus vidas.” Gandara esta esperando mas adelante grabar el CD de Navidad con otras artistas. Ella dice quiere poder seguir cantando y perseguir la voluntad que Dios tiene para su vida “A mi me encanta cantar.” Gandara dijo, “Dios puede usar las canciones a través de la música para llenar el Corazón de toda la gente.” Tom Lea’s Art Is Honored in Centennial Celebration Monica Soltero La Visión staff writer The spacious Southwest sky, the picturesque mountains, and the vivid desert life are all typical border images that have received huge amounts of admiration- all thanks to the late Tom Lea. As a writer and painter, this internationally recognized artist has managed to record that image of the border area and has left a permanent legacy. This month commemorates the 100th birthday of this El Paso artist, and in his honor the Centennial Museum, and other organizations have set up special displays honoring his talent. One of these displays is the famous “Pass of the North” mural. The original hangs in the old Federal Courthouse, and a panoramic replica adorns the main wall of the exhibit. The mural shows literally larger than life people that brought El Paso history to life. Lea felt that the early explorers played an important role and this feeling was conveyed by the inscription he made within the mural: “O Pass to the North- Now the Old Giants Are Gone- We Little Men Live Where Heroes Once Walked the Inviolate Earth.” “The point of view I have taken as a creative artist may help to demonstrate that the function of a mural painting in a community is to deepen and to enrich a people’s perception of it’s own tradition and the character of it’s own land,” said the late Lea in a commentary about his mural. Another main attraction of the Centennial Museum’s celebration is the lintel that adorns the museum’s entrance and commemorates Cabeza de Baca’s exploration. Commissioned by Percy McGhee, Lea began this project after he won an award for a small mural that he painted in Las Cruces. “Percy McGhee was quite a guy, He said, ‘You can draw, can’t you? We’ll get somebody with a chisel to carve it,’” wrote Lea in a letter to the Centennial Museum’s director Rex Gerald in 1972. Fortunately for Lea, his very particular style has gotten him farsharp lines and a mixture of classical and European techniques. The majority of his subjects include desert and Southwest landscapes. These have managed to attract numerous amounts of people, including the president of the United States. Currently, his painting “Rio Grande” hangs in the Oval Office. “The Southwest has always been a big draw for people in other countries- almost like a fantasy world,” said Scott Cutler, curator in the Centennial Museum. Throughout the month of July various art venues and organizations will memorialize the legacy of Lea. The Plaza Theatre showcased The Brave Bulls and The Wonderful Country- both of which were novels written by Tom Lea and were later turned into films. Fort Bliss, the El Paso Museum of History, the El Paso Museum of Art, the El Paso Museum of History, and the El Paso Public library will all have their own special displays to honor Lea. Photo by Monica Soltero Stone lintel depicting explorer Cabeza deBaca over the entrancce of the Centennial Museum La Vision 10 July 20, 2007 Harry Potter 5: Undeniably Charming Abigail Hernandez La Visión staff writer July is a month of Harry Potter mania. From the 5th movie coming out on the 11th, the “Deathly” finale of the book series out on the 21st, to Harry Potter’s 17th birthday on the 31st; fans all over the world are beginning the celebration by watching the new movie. Although 2007 has been a year for movie sequels, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” still topped the list of moviegoers. “It was good compared to Pirates and Spiderman, which was too long or the plot was mixed up,” said Steven Hernandez. “Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix” was definitely gloomier and more passive, compared to previous Potter movies. The cinematography of this movie was definitely a compelling, sophisticated touch that new director, David Yates, added. “It was the most visually appealing of the series,” said Rebecca Ruiz, an avid reader and moviegoer of the series, while another fan, Staci Schoenfeld from Kentucky, argued that she “felt that the movie was incredibly choppy. The transitions were anything but seamless and they could have done a better job with them.” While Yates incorporated new scenes such as the dark corridors of the Department of Mysteries, he was inconsistent in the portrayal of places such as Privet Drive and Hagrid’s Hut that had already appeared in previous Potter movies. “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” was out of order in its storyline, however the audience was still able to understand the majority of the plot (with many helpful flashbacks) and ultimately enjoy the movie despite its differences to the book. The movie captures Harry’s feelings of isolation, suffrage from nightmares, Ministry of Magic propaganda, and fear of becoming more like “You-Know-Who” each day. To much relief, Harry’s teen angst so clearly obvious by the caps locked words in the book was toned down on screen and used effectively. “They clear certain details with J.K. Rowling before leaving them out, so it’s not really that big of a deal [if they leave some out,]” said a commenter on Livejournal. Ironically, the 870-page book, the most lengthy of the series, once transferred to film, ran at almost two and a half hours: the shortest of the existing Potter films, according to the New York Times. Of course, Yates was not able to fit every detail on the screen, but he did try, which made the movie feel rushed. “It didn’t take very long to get into the actual story but it all went by so fast,” said Luis Galaviz, who saw it on the first day. In this movie, returning characters are shown in a new light. Daniel Radcliffe’s haircut for his role in Equus, (a play performed in London,) shows Harry’s maturity; Neville Longbottom, who’s always been questioned for his placement in Gryffindor House, the “bravest” of the Houses, finally shows his courage; Hermione Granger who’s known for following the rules, realizes that not all teachers and rules are right; and Ginny Weasley, who’s finally stopped being shy, shows that size does not matter with magic. The movie also introduced new characters such as Luna “Loo- ny” Lovegood, an eccentric student, (Evanna Lynch), Bellatrix Lestrange, a devoted, cold-hearted Death Eater (Helena Bonham Carter), and Dolores Umbridge, a “teacher with a personality like poisoned honey” as J.K. Rowling described her on the inside flap of her book, (Imelda Fiennes Staunton), whom were all excellent in their performances and captured their character’s personalities perfectly. However, other characters such as Harry’s aunt, Petunia Dursley, and new character, Mrs. Figg, a “crabby” old woman wrongly portrayed as a sweet, caring woman, (Kathryn Hunter,) whom are shown in a new light in the book, get little screen time in the movie and their significance to the storyline is left out. In the movie, Harry finds himself isolated from the Wizarding community, attacked by dementors and forced to use underage magic where he is then tried in front of the Ministry of Magic, who no longer think of him as “the boy who lived” and instead as “the boy who lies.” The Order of the Phoenix is never properly introduced as an organization that fights against Voldemort because it is assumed that viewers know that. When the students return to Hogwarts, it no longer has the inviting protection Dumbledore offers with the new power hungry Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Umbridge interfering as a spy for the Ministry and eventually taking over as Headmaster of the school. She passes ridiculous decrees, disposes of wand waving for reading about theories of using magic rather than actually using it; all out of fear that the students are building an army against the Ministry. They do in fact start a Defense Association, (otherwise known as Dumbledore’s Army) with Harry as their instructor. Harry and his long time crush, Cho Chang, finally express their feelings for each other and share their first kiss—apparently one of the highlights of the movie, seeing as the audience applauded at this scene. “It seemed like they didn’t show a good connection that made us believe she really liked him,” said Galaviz. “They really didn’t need to drag out the kiss that much,” said Erin McCullough from Florida and Megan, a commenter on Livejournal, added that “Harry and Cho should’ve had some more oomph or something. It was ‘OK, we kiss and that’s it. BYE!’” Fans that have read the series worry that too much emphasis on romance this early in the movie series foreshadows how the sixth movie will be, seeing as the sixth book is full of sickening teenage romance. In the movie, it is finally explained why Professor Snape has loathed Harry from the beginning, but because the scene is so rushed, it is just about overlooked and leaves viewers wondering what the purpose of that particular scene was. “I understood some of the flashbacks from basic knowledge of where Harry came from and what he went through…but the one with his dad and Professor Snape toward the end left me puzzled,” said Jasmond Sims, a first time Harry Potter viewer (who’d also never read the books). Harry fears that he is the “weapon” Voldemort wants, and because of his vulnerability and heroic instinct he and his companions are mislead right into the hands of Death Eaters, but finally put the spells they’ve learned to good use in a Wizarding duel. During the duel, the death of a character goes by almost unnoticed. It is assumed that the viewer knows which curse is the curse that kills, which was barely audible, and the character is gone before the viewer realizes what has happened. After much denial, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, finally saw that Harry was never lying and warns the Wizarding community of Voldemort’s return. Although the Wizarding duel in the Department of Mysteries was cinematically beautiful, it did lack intensity. “People waving wands at one another, even accompanied by bright lights and scary sounds, does not quite sate this moviegoer’s appetite for action,” said A. O. Scott, of the New York Times. Fanatics not too fond of the director’s work will have to cope with Yates because he has signed to direct the upcoming sixth movie and even though some things didn’t make it in the movie, they can still weave in important details for future movies. “They’ll just find a way to work it in to the next movie when it’s needed,” said a commenter on Livejournal. In the end, one can not deny they enjoyed the movie. July 20, 2007 La Vision 11 The Art and Culture Famiily in Downtown El Paso Andrea Tapia La Vision staff writer As the setting sun shines upon the Arts Festival Plaza in downtown El Paso, a guitarist from the local rock band Windy City begins to strum chords attracting curious observers to the area. “I have been coming for about two years,” says Debby Guitierrez, one of the 1,300 local residents who attended the open-air concert — a tribute to Chicago – in the Alfresco Fridays! summer concert series. “We look forward to it every Friday. It has gotten much better over the years,” she said. Alfresco Fridays! is one of the free summer programs offered by the Museums and Cultural Affairs department (MCAD). Music Under the Stars is another show. Approximately two years ago the Cultural Department of the MCAD merged with the Museums Division that includes the Museum of Art, the Museum of History and the Museum of Archaeology. According to Event Coordinator Lilia E. Fierro of the Art Museum, the partnership was formed mainly to avoid a duplication of effort. “We have become a big family now and want to unify the arts together,” Fierro said. “We are here to help better the organizations as well as oversee public programs in education, artists, writers, poet dancers etc.” Arts & Education Programs Specialist Ben Fyffe said. “We aid them in doing their work.” Most of the funding for the MCAD comes from the city of El Paso, fundraising and free marketing. “What is interesting is that we give out a third of our budget to share with other organizations throughout the city,” Fyffe said. One of the Art and Sol public art projects – a series of sculptured solar fantasies – adorns the entrance of the Museum of History on the corner of Cleveland Square Park. The Art and Sol project is just another step taken by the MCAD to inspire the community with art and culture. The project employs artists to produce a sculptural sol in their own style. The Sols are owned by the MCAD and will be displayed in city public places. “I would like to see more people interested in history. We have 400 years of linear history to exhibit,” Museum Operations Assistant Sebastian Ribas said. A recent economic impact study conducted by economist Ray Per- La Vision staff writer There are over 1,000 dining options in El Paso according to Yellowpages.com. People can chose everything from traditional Mexican cuisine to the ever-growing Asian options. However out of those 1,000 restaurants not one provides a vegetarian menu. Vegetarians across El Paso are frustrated. Abigail Hernandez, a senior at Eastwood High School, who has been a vegetarian for 3 years, finds the variety exasperating. “I have to resort to junk food all the time because of the lack of options at restaurants.” According to eatveg.com, an online resource for vegetarians, one million people in the United States become vegetarian each year. Whether for health benefits, ethical reasons, or for environmental concerns, vegetarians are not just the hippies that live down the street. Pink Rivera Monica Soltero Andrea Tapia Mariel Torres Claudia I. Vargas MANAGING EDITOR Dr Thomas E. Ruggiero, Director Journalism in July PRODUCTION MANAGER John Gardner COPY EDITORS Daniel Borunda, EP Times Mike Brooks Alicia Caldwell, AP David Crowder, EP Times in the state and $98.4 billion in gross product. “I feel the work in the cultural scene in the city has always been strong,” Fyffe said. “We need to nuture the community as well as the local artists around us.” El Paso is home to many vegetarians; there is even a vegetarian society. The Vegetarian Society of El Paso has 250 registered vegetarian members ranging from 11 years old to 80 years old. Since there is a community of vegetarians in El Paso, why is there not one vegetarian restaurant here? While about 50 restaurants here in El Paso offer one or two dishes of vegetarian friendly food some are still not satisfied, Richard Gutierrez, a senior at Americas High School who has been a vegetarian for 4 years, says that lack of options creates conflicts. ”When me and my friends want to go eat, I find it hard to find something we all agree on.” Gutierrez said. This is another qualm people have with a lack of vegetarian options in El Paso. However, Sukie Sargent the founder and treasurer of the Vegetarian Society of El Paso is opti- mistic about the eventual possibility of a vegetarian restaurant. “If the restaurant has good tasting food that even meat eaters will love, the restaurant will survive.” Sargent said. Despite her optimism however, some still doubt the introduction of strictly vegatarian restauants in El Paso. Jaganath Raspopovich a student at UTEP believes, “A completely vegetarian restaurant would have a hard time here as a restaurant that has a decent selection of vegetarian dishes as well as other foods would thrive.” Whether there should be a vegetarian restaurant or one that simply serves more vegetarian dishes, the fact is there are at least 250 vegetarians who need more selection. Abby Hernandez says, “For now, vegetarians are stuck with picking the wilted salad and side of chemically produced carrots from whatever restaurant their friend chose this week.” Lack of options frustrates local vegetarians Felicia Alba VISION STAFF REPORTERS Felicia Alba Sandra Balderrama Alyssa Chavez Cynthia Chaparro Diana Diaz de Leon Ariana Gonzalez Linda Rubi Govea Danielle Gutierrez Abigail Hernandez Cindy Hernandez Rebecca Martinez Vianney Olivas Amanda Orozco Jaime Perez ryman and published on the Texas Cultural & Arts Network reported that the arts have a major positive effect on the Texas economy. The study said that the arts produced almost two million permanent jobs Tammy Fonce-Olivas, EP Times David Garcia, KROD Linda Landress, EP Times Javier Martinez Andrade, UACJ and Tec de Monterey, Jz. MX Sito Negron, Newspaper Tree Gustavo Reveles Acosta, EP Times Victor Santana-Melgozo, UTEP David Smith-Soto, UTEP Deidre Conklin, UTEP WORKSHOP VOLUNTEERS Michael Becker, Alamogordo Daily News Mary Benati, NMSU Daniel Borunda, EP Times Dr. Irasema Coronado, Associate Dean of Liberal Arts Lisa Degliantoni, El Paso Magazine Armand Durazno, EP Times Louie Gilot, EP Times Steve Lama, Crime Stoppers Jay Koester, EP Times Pat Piotrowski, KTEP Angela Kocherga, BELO Bureau Chief Elizabeth O’Hara, KFOX Ramon Renteria, EP Times Kathy Rogers, Prospector Javier Sambrano, EPPD Louie Saenz, UTEP Andrea Tapia Claudia Isela Vargas Dr. Patricia Witherspoon, UTEP CONTRIBUTORS Down Jones Newspaper Fund ***El Paso Inc. ***Special Thanks For Printing the Vision Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Fund El Paso Times El Paso Press Club Bob Moore Kate Gannon Prospector 12 La Entertainment July 20. 2007 Simplicity - an art By Sandra Balderrama Photo by Danyel Tarin Second Day Wish Photo by Danyel Tarin Fury of Milk Photo by Danyel Tarin, Scaled Photo by Danyel Tarin Tiny Steps A clock, ink, and a glass all sound like items you might find in everyday life, but for artist Danyel Tarin this is where he gets his inspiration. “It is too common that people look for inspiration in things they’ll never truly feel,” Tarin said. “What I’m trying to do is show people that you don’t need to experience those things to find inspiration. Inspiration can come from the most simple things, people just overlook them.” Tarin has been taking photographs for four years and has 24 photos on display in a local gallery. The 19–year-old biology student at the University of Texas at El Paso, has based his photographs on simple things viewed with a different perspective. For instance, a strawberry, which to most is a simple piece of fruit, is to him is art in motion. “Some of the pictures are accidents but there’s a purpose behind each one,” Tarin says. Tarin is displaying his photographs at the Space Available Art Gallery, or SpAG, in downtown El Paso. The owner of the gallery, Adriana Elena Spencer, an artist herself, has her own view of how art should be shown. “What made me want to open up this gallery was that we have encountered several galleries where they ask the artist for a lot of things,” Spencer said. “We don’t ask for portfolios or samples, anyone can display their art here.” Claudia Vargas, who visited the gallery Friday during an opening reception for Tarin and other artists on display this month, said she enjoyed the various types of art being shown. This gallery is really small but it has some amazing art that just instantly catches your attention,” Vargas said. “I especially liked Danyel’s pictures. He just took something so simplistic and turned it into something that was simply art.” This is Tarin’s third show, but his first in Spencer’s gallery. “It really helps to display your art in a gallery so people can actually see what your work actually looks like,” Tarin says. Other artists including Adrian Aragonés, who was voted El Paso’s second best artist, is also showing his photographs at SpAG. “El Paso art is like a sleeping giant, there’s great artists here, there’s only need for more opportunity,” Aragonés said. Photo by Claudia Vargas Sen ses Fail Two shades of a fantasy The dark side of the Warped Tour New Found Gl ory Je an ke Ja h in e ss Le n tha ma the st. n i Ag a c taken to the hospital to be treated for heat-related problems and injuries. People just needed to drink enough water,” said Welch. “It was very hot.” Although the sun was a problem, it was not the fans only concern. Lari Sotelo, 17, discovered that first hand when a toe injury sidelined her. I went to the medical tent when my big toe started to swell and turn purple,” she said. “ Then in the mosh pits people killed my feet. They kept stomping on me.” Griego got his money worth getting not only a burn, but also an encounter with a flying shoe. This shoe just came out of nowhere and just slapped me in the face. I actually started to bleed. Then when bands came on, there were so many crowd surfers and my head kept getting knocked down.” Welch also said that one of the four was hospitalized due to a flying object. She got hit in the head with something and began to experience headaches and head pains,” she said. So why would the thousands subject themselves to this doubleedged sword? What is it about this tour that brings fans together from all walks of life? “I go for the bands. I know all about all the risks and dangers. And I also know how to care for myself, but its just something that comes with buying the ticket,” said Ray Valles. But in the end it all comes down to the music.” Jo Teens, who usually sleep late during the summer left their beds early July 12 to join more than 11,000 other punk-rock music lovers who lined up for the Vans Warped Tour music festival on New Mexico State University’s practice field. More than 80 bands performed on eight different stages. The tour’s punk rock bands included Yellow Card, Red Jump Suit Apparatus, and New Found Glory. “I thought the New Found Glory show was the best,” said Brian Treftz, 17, a devoted fan who says he has followed the band for as long as he can remember. “The lead singer came down to the same level as us and sang right in front of us. He even shook my hand.” Along with the music, there were 16 side attractions, including Mexico’s Lucha Libre, a Mexican type of wrestling, which featured some of the most popular wrestlers. Also featured was Van’s Amateur MiniRamp Skate Jam, where pre-qualified skaters competed for prizes. But some experienced a more dangerous side to their outdoor concert fantasy. As much as Franklin High School student James Griego enjoyed the tour, he found the 100-degree heat and the sun hard to deal with. “I think within the first hour and a half I was already developing a change in color, it was so hot,” said concert-goer James Griego. “I came home with a really bad farmer’s tan.” Bobbie Welch, booking and marketing coordinator for NMSU special events, said 54 people were treated at the medical tent, mostly for heat exhaustion. Four were tt By Claudia Vargas Rise Yello w card