615 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678 Phone: (916)783
615 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678 Phone: (916)783
615 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678 Phone: (916)783-5211 Fax: 916-783-5212 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.strosechurch.org Parish Mission Statement We, the family of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish, are called by virtue of our baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, we are dedicated to foster the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth by praising God and living the Gospel values of love, justice, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 31, 2016 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 8 am; Wednesday eve. 6:30 pm (Spanish) Saturday: 8:00 am Saturday Vigil Masses: 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am; 12:30 pm (Spanish); 5:00 pm Sacrament of Baptism: Pre-registration and Baptism classes are required. Please contact the office, (916) 783-5211 ext. 7013 Sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Please contact the office to schedule a meeting with the Clergy at least 6 months in advance and before setting your date, (916) 783-5211 CONFESSION Wednesday 5:00-6:00 pm Saturday 3:00-4:30 pm Quinceañeras: Please contact the office to schedule a meeting with the Clergy at least 6 months in advance and before setting your date, (916) 783-5211 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 pm ADORATION and LITURGY OF THE HOURS Saturday 7:00 am PARISH CLERGY AND STAFF (916)783-5211 Pastor Fr. Joel Genabia ext. 7012 Parochial Vicar Fr. Antonio “Ace” Racela III ext. 7016 Pastor Emeritus Fr. Michael Cormack ext. 7008 Pastor Emeritus Fr. Michael McKeon ext. 7008 Deacons Deacon Peter Silott ext. 7008 Deacon Mark Van Hook ext. 7014 Deacon Mike Turner est. 7008 Liturgy Coordinator Lynne Brys ext. 7006 Religious Education—English Dona Gentile, Director ext. 7010 Cathie Newman, Assistant ext. 7010 Religious Education– Spanish Frida Callejas, Coordinator ext. 7011 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Beckee Szumski ext. 7004 Office Manager Edie Sickman ext. 7008 Bi-Lingual Secretary & Baptisms Stella Guzman ext. 7013 Bookkeeper Carmen Dizon ext. 7017 Plant Manager Martin Vargas ext. 7005 Custodial Services All Solutions Cleaning, Inc. Ligia Popa, Rocio Vargas ST. ROSE SCHOOL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.strose.org 633 Vine Avenue, Roseville, CA 95678 Phone: (916)782-1161 Principal Suzanne Smoley Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade School Motto: St. Rose School exists to bring our Catholic faith to life. First Reading Reflection: Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23 Gospel Reflection: Luke 12:13-21 Today's readings fit together like three panels of a colorful mural called "Set Your Heart on the Kingdom." This first reading insists that "All things are vanity!" For the author, vanity meant "emptiness" or "straw." He is telling us that it is useless to set out hearts on things that must be left behind when we die. As so often happens, Jesus tells a parable because someone has asked him a question. A man wants him to settle a squabble about an inheritance, but Jesus will have no part of it. Second Reading Reflection: Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11 In this reading we are reminded that the life of a Christian should reflect the values of Jesus. "Seek what is above," we are told. Put aside lies and idols and evil desires. Be formed in the image of God. Live as though you truly believe in the kingdom, or reign, of God that Jesus proclaimed. Concern about money prevents people from focusing on the reign of God. The parable of the rich farmer shows how foolish it is to keep piling up possessions. Right when the greedy man is gorging himself on food and drink, he dies. Death prevents any chance of reform. OFFERTORY & SECOND COLLECTIONS: Make checks payable to St. Rose of Lima Saturday/Sunday-July 30/31-Offertory/Missionary Cooperative Appeal SATURDAY, July 30, 2016 Italian Catholic Federation 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Saturday/Sunday—August 6/7 —Offertory/Maintenance Delores Hahn † Diane Jesus Quenga † Nick & Cecilia Oremos por aquellos que necesitan de nuestras oraciones 7:00 PM Angelo Maraccini † Smoley Family Carolyn Smoley † Smoley Family Gino & Nancy Giovannoni † Steve Rosy Nicoletti † Steve 10:30 AM David Raimer, healing Carmen 12:30 PM Por la gente de nuestra parroquia 5:00 PM People of Parish 9:00 AM Saturday/Sunday—August 20/21—Offertory/Church in Latin America Saturday/Sunday—August 27/28—Offertory SUNDAY, July 31, 2016 7:30 AM Saturday/Sunday—August 13/14—Offertory Thank you for your donations - our Parish community exists because of your support CONTRIBUTIONS for June 2016 June, 2016—Offertory Sunday Collection— $ 56,526 June, 2016—Maintenance Sunday Collection—$ 5,506 June, 2016 (Offertory)—Faith Direct—$ 10,339 June, 2016 (Maintenance) - Faith Direct—$ 1,427 Total Contributions for June - $ 74,098 MONDAY, August 1, 2016 6:30 AM Pray for those in the Hospital and Nursing Homes 8:00 AM Pray that the Homeless may find food and shelter Thank you for your generous support. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36 Sunday: Wis 18:6-9; Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22; Hb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lk 12:32-48 [35-40] TUESDAY, August 2, 2016 6:30 AM Ruth Eusebio † 8:00 AM Pray for our Holy Father Rosalie WEDNESDAY, August 3, 2016 6:30 AM Pray for our Parish community Pray for our Country Oremos por nuestra comunidad 6:30 PM parroquial THURSDAY, August 4, 2016 Pray for our Clergy 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Pray for all Teachers preparing to return to the classroom Eucharistic Adoration and Liturgy of the Hours FRIDAY, August 5, 2016 Pray for those in need of our 6:30 AM prayers 8:00 AM Maxine Silott † Saturdays at 7:00 AM Deacon Pete SATURDAY, August 6, 2016 Knights of Columbus 8:00 AM Frances Jensen † RoseMarie 5:00 PM Oremos por aquellos que nece7:00 PM sitan de nuestras oraciones Celebrated in the Church every Saturday morning starting at 7AM. This is a beautiful way to participate in the Year of Mercy. Together we’ll pray the Breviary Morning Prayer and close with Benediction “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” ~ Colossians 3:1 Are you interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister at St. Rose of Lima Parish? MISSIONARY COOPERATIVE APPEAL Presentation and Second Collection The Missionary Cooperative Appeal is an annual program in which missionaries from around the world speak at each parish. The goal of this appeal is to increase awareness of missionary work and to raise funds to help missionary organizations continue their evangelization efforts. St. Rose welcomes Fr. Anthony this weekend July 30th & 31st HOSPITALITY SUNDAY August 7th ~ Parish Hall Join us for “Donut Sunday” after the morning Masses on Sunday August 7th Visit the Religious Ed Registration table to inquire about the 2016-2017 programs Hosted by Lambert Funeral Home LUNCHES FOR THE HOMELESS Thank you Dona, the Religious Education Office and all the Volunteers who provide lunches for the less fortunate in our community Help us pack lunches after the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday Dates: 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28 DONATIONS always gratefully accepted for this ministry that supports our brothers and sisters. "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" is the formal title of laypeople who distribute the Eucharist during Mass. Our Liturgy Coordinator, Lynne Brys, is delighted to provide anyone interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister the preparation needed at a time that is favorable for both. Please prayerfully consider this beautiful ministry. Then if you hear God’s call to serve as an Extraordinary Minister please contact Lynne at [email protected] or 916-783-5211 x7006 for more details. PARISH LIBRARY Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am to 12:30pm Or stop by the Parish Office any day during office hours, 8:30— 4:30 Location: Par ish House next to the Par ish Office 506 Marietti Way, Roseville Parking: Park in the Church parking lot closest to the Office and enter through the back yard gate off Vinewood Ave. St. Rose School Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade The School has openings in several classes between preKindergarten through 8th grade. If you are interested in enrolling your child at St. Rose School for next school year, please visit the school website, http://www.strose.org, or contact Mrs. Weinreich at 916 -782-1161 ext. 101 or email: [email protected]. Drop off donations in the box outside the Religious Ed office Please consider joining this rewarding ministry that welcomes our fellow brothers and sisters as they arrive for Mass on Sunday Commitment is once a month at the Mass time of your choosing. Our smiling faces are the first ones that people see entering into God's home. Just a simple smile and a friendly welcome is all you need to be able to do. We do make a difference! If you have any questions, please call Lynne 666-7348 or Bobbie 784-1115. SCHOOL NEWS Scrip Program: Purchase after the 9:00 am Mass during July and purchase in the school office beginning August 1st August 9th: Parent Guild Used Uniform Sale and Ice Cream Social, 3:00-7:00 pm in the Hall/Gym August 15th: First day of school with School wide Mass at 9:30 am Beckee Szumski Coordinator of Youth Ministry 916-783-5211 ext.7004 Dona Gentile Director of Religious Education 916-783-5211 ext.7010 Summer Sacrament Preparation Class July 25 – Aug 4, 2016 Monday thr ough Thursday 9am – 11:30 am Summer Session Completes: YEAR 1 requirements for First Communion Summer Series: Altaration High School Teens Registration: $40 per child Join us this summer for an awesome series that will forever change the way you look at the Mass! 6-7:30 PM | PARISH YOUTH HOUSE AUGUST 3 YOUTH MUSIC MINISTRY FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION Event on August 7th In the Parish Hall th Faith Formation - 4 yrs old through 5 Grade Sunday classes 10:30am – 11:30am (beginning Oct. 2) or Wednesday classes 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (beginning Oct. 5) Faith Formation - 6th Grade through 12th Grade Edge (Jr. High) – Wednesday 6:30pm – 8:00pm Life Teen (High School) – Sunday after 5pm Mass – 8 pm *Including a Year 1 and Year 2 for those preparing to receive their Confirmation Summer Is Here …What A Great Time To Hang Out With Other Teens at Church! All are welcome to come to the Life Teen Music Ministry Rehearsal Jam, here at St. Rose every Thursday, 6:30-8:00 pm. Stop by and check us out… You may find you are being called to sing or share your musical talents with the group. Come one, come all, teens, young adults, young at heart and with a desire to praise God with your musical talents. For more information please contact Mark Lawler, Youth Music Minister at [email protected] or 916-215-2894. Year 1 – youth attend either Edge or Life Teen Year 2 - youth attend either Edge or Life Teen, plus attend 12 Sunday classes star ting in the winter Come to the hall on August 7th and find out more information or you can call the Religious Ed Office 783-5211 Ext 7010 or email at [email protected] Forms are also available online and in the Parish Office SENIOR PROGRAM August 18th - Kick Off Night August 25th - Bingo Schedule 4:30 PM Faith Sharing (not on bingo night) 6:00 PM Dinner, donation $7 7:00 PM Program RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Women’s Retreat: August 18 – 21, 2016 It is time to register for the St. Rose of Lima Women’s A.C.T.S. Retreat If you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ, renew yourself spiritually, give new meaning to your prayer life and Sunday liturgies, as well as build lasting friendships with members of your community, this retreat is for YOU. Roundtrip transportation is provided. The retreat begins Thursday evening. Send off is from St. Rose Church where you will be driven to the retreat center for a three night stay. On Sunday, you will return to celebrate with the parish at the 10:30 am Mass. Retreat applications are now available. Space is limited so don’t miss out! If you are feeling the nudge from the Holy Spirit please take home an A.C.T.S. information brochure. If you have questions Retreat Director, Veronica Ortiz and formation team are happy to help. Veronica can be reached at [email protected] or 792-9319. Respect Life Monthly Meeting: Aug 10th, @ 6:30 pm, at 1109 Terra Way, Roseville, CA 95661.(Joan Donohue at 916417-1071) Sacramento Life Center Baby Shower August 13-14th: We’ll be accepting new/used baby items and donations for expectant/new mothers. Diapers are always appreciated! Respect Life Mass: 2nd Satur day ever y month @8am, "remember to wear your blue Respect Life tee shirts!" Spiritual Adoption: Week 21 (about 5 months) - I'm not as little as I used to be, just a few weeks ago. Now I weigh about half a pound, or more, and I am about 10 to 12 inches long! My umbilical cord carries about 300 quarts of fluid between me and my Mom each day. That's where I get my food from! Praying in front of Planned Parenthood on Sunrise Blvd (next to Creek bridge) in Roseville: ever y Thur sday @9am "JOIN US, RAIN OR SHINE, it is a CHRISTIAN happening!" UPCOMING EVENTS August 20th: Diocese of Sacr amento Respect Life Leader ship Annual Gathering September 11th: Bishop Gallegos Mater nity Home Dinner A.C.T.S. is an acronym for Adoration - Community - Theology - Service September 28 to November 6th: 40 DAYS FOR LIFE November 12th: Sacr amento Life Center Salute to Life Dinner & Auction Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: This ministr y holds r etr eats for healing after Abortion. Their web site is rachelsvineyard.org. Our Respect Life Ministry is willing to sponsor a parishioner who needs financial assistance. Contact Joan Donohue at or 916-417-1071. Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus 10 Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land November 8—17, 2016 Hosted by: Fr. Jovito Rata, Jr. and Fr. Joel Genabia Pilgrimage to include visits to the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Mount of Olives, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Church of the Nativity Cost is $3,599 per person from San Francisco (air/land tour price is $2,899 plus $700 government taxes/airline surcharges) Tour Includes: Roundtrip air from San Francisco, First Class Hotels, Breakfast and Dinner daily, Comprehensive sightseeing, porterage, Entrance Fees and much more!! For a detailed brochure and more information contact: Carmen Dizon or Fr. Joel Genabia: Telephone: 916-783-5211 Ext. 7017 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Lighthouse Catholic Media Materials Lighthouse Catholic Media has implemented a price increase for the CDs, books, booklets, and pamphlets available at the kiosk in the vestibule. In order to continue to provide you these valuable materials regarding our Catholic faith, we also need to increase the suggested donation amounts. Please be reminded that the materials displayed are made available to you at cost – no profit is intended. The new suggested donations for materials are: CDs $4.00 Books $5.00 Booklets $3.00 Pamphlets $.50 These prices are low compared to purchasing them on-line, where you would also pay shipping and tax. Look for new CDs, books, booklets, and pamphlets in AUGUST Bishop Soto offers reflection from World Youth Day 2016 SAINTS of MERCY RELICS TOUR The Saints of Mercy Relics are currently on tour at various parishes and schools in the Diocese of Sacramento. The Tour includes 30 relics of saints, blessed from Rome. The Relics will be at St. Peter in Dixon on August 21st Visit: http://scddec.org/yom-relics-tour for more information. Pope Francis advances the sainthood cause for Bishop Alphonse Gallegos, declared Venerable Pope Francis recognized the heroic virtues of the late Auxiliary Bishop Alphonse Gallegos of Sacramento, California, known as the "bishop of the barrio" because of his work with the marginalized and the "lowrider bishop'' because of his support for members of local modified-car clubs. He was particularly concerned about the poor, un-catechized young people, migrants and other people who lacked support from the community, and he often spent his summer vacations living with farmworkers in California's Central Valley. One of 11 children, he was born Feb. 20, 1931, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and grew up in the Watts area of Los Angeles. He did his seminary studies at the Tagaste Monastery in Suffern, New York, and was ordained a priest for the Augustinian Recollects religious order in 1958. Bishop Gallegos served as pastor for the San Miguel and Cristo Rey parishes in the Los Angeles area and then moved to Sacramento in 1979 where he became the first director of the Division of Hispanic Affairs of the California Catholic Conference. As founding director, he set in motion mobile pastoral teams for the state's farmworkers and a Spanishlanguage radio program to reach farmworkers in California and Mexico. In 1981, St. John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop of Sacramento, where he lived until his death in an automobile accident near Yuba City Oct. 6, 1991. While auxiliary bishop, he served as vicar general, vicar for the Hispanic apostolate and vicar for ethnic communities in the diocese. He served at both St. Rose Parish and Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Sacramento. At the time, he had been the first Hispanic bishop in the California state capital since 1861. Born with a severe myopic condition and nearly blind, Bishop Gallegos had a warm and friendly personality. It was not unusual to find him on Friday and Saturday nights on Franklin Boulevard in Sacramento talking to the drivers and owners of the area's famed lowriders -- cars with modified suspension systems -- blessing their cars and helping them with their problems and concerns. About 300 lowrider cars participated in a procession in his honor before his funeral Mass. Copyright ©2016 Catholic News Service / U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. I am beginning my reflections while still on the plane to Frankfurt, Germany. The plane is only an hour from Frankfurt, Germany, a transit point while on the way to Kraków for the global gathering of Catholic youth, World Youth Day. This will be the 15th convening of Catholic youth. It will be my sixth. My first time was for the gathering in Rome for the Jubilee Year, 2000. I had only been a bishop for a few months. Initially, I had planned to spend my summer differently. Bishop Todd Brown, of Orange County, California, made clear what his plan for my summer was. I later appreciated his clear instructions to me. My pilgrimage to Rome that year was to be the only time I would be in the presence of Pope John Paul II. I saw the personal charism that would bring the Church to recognize his sanctity and declare him a saint in 2014. The youth who were so inspired by St. John Paul are now gathering in the place where he was Archbishop before his election to the See of Peter. Kraków is an ancient archdiocese that has witnessed the faith of the Polish people tested by the capricious and callous course of history. The shifting powers of Europe wrestled over her. Freedom for her people was always precarious and therefore more precious. The 20th century was particularly perilous time for Poland as well as all of Europe. Epochal conflicts driven by a deadly concoction of nationalism and ideologies dominated the continent. It was hard to imagine that history while rolling into Kraków after the long transatlantic sojourn. Shadows of the past linger, giving each street and old building a curious mystery while exuding the kind charm and natural hospitality of the Polish people. Those dark, often painful memories are part of the fabric of memories. The light and the shadows of the streets and buildings reflect the same dimensions of the history of those who raised this ancient city along the shores of the Wisla River. Upon arriving at the hotel, I experienced the collision of personal fatigue with the whirl of activities: check-in, registration, picking-up security credentials, greeting other bishops, and a reminder that the bus for the reception at the US Consulate would leave at 6:30 p.m. The reception at the US embassy or local consulate has become a traditional part of the American program. The embassy is in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Kraków, being the second largest city in the country, has a consulate. This was also an indication of the long and established relationships between the US and Poland. That bond is largely the result of a long history of immigration to the United States. For starters, Chicago is the second largest Polish city, worldwide, after Warsaw. I have heard Polish on the streets of Chicago as often as I heard Spanish. At the receptions, besides a good number of bishops from the United States, there were many Polish guests. In my conversations with some of them, I was given recommendations about what to see and how to get there. I commented on the number of bicycles on the streets. I was told this was a recent civic initiative. I explained the often rude relationship between bikes and cars on the streets of Sacramento. In Kraków, it was the same. One Polish gentleman encouraged me to check out the Pope's window. Seeing a perplexed look on my face, he explained. After Karol Wojtyla was elected pope, when he returned to visit Kraków as John Paul II, he would stay at the Episcopal residence. The Communist authorities at the time would not allow any public events related to his visit. Crowds of people defiantly gather in the plaza outside the residence. John Paul would open a window and speak to the crowds from there. The gentleman relating this story to me said he was only 14 years of age at the time. He said the crowd was so large that the trams could not run. People lingered in the plaza all night, singing and praying. John Paul would come out in the early morning hours urging them to go home and rest. No one heeded. They continued their protest. Their affection for the Polish Pontiff was their motive, a very human instinct rebelling against a cold inhuman totalitarian climate. The gentleman prodded me, "Be sure to see that window." It is now Tuesday morning. I'll be sure to check out the Pope's window. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 31, 2016 “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” ~ Psalm 90:12 YEAR OF MERCY - HOLY DOOR PILGRIMAGE SITES There are 13 pilgrimage sites designated in the Diocese of Sacramento. Please consider visiting one or all of these sites. Please visit scddec.org/yom-pilgrimage-sites for a full lists of the sites. St. John Vianney Parish Work of Mercy : Visit the imprisoned Address: 10497 Coloma Rd, Rancho Cordova Contact Number: (916) 362-1385 Pilgrimage Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Saturday & Sunday Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center Work of Mercy: Counsel the Doubtful Address: 6520 Van Maren Lane, Citrus Heights Contact Number: (916) 725-4720 Pilgrimage Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Saturday and Sunday SAINTS’ DAYS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: Tuesday: St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Eusebius of Vercelli; St. Peter Julian Eymard Thursday: St. John Vianney Friday: Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Saturday: The Transfiguration of the Lord Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Exhibit Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica August 5th First raised at the order of Pope Liberius in the mid-fourth century, the Liberian basilica was rebuilt by Pope Sixtus III shortly after the Council of Ephesus affirmed Mary’s title as Mother of God in 431. Rededicated at that time to the Mother of God, St. Mary Major is the largest church in the world honoring God through Mary. Standing atop one of Rome’s seven hills, the Esquiline, it has survived many restorations without losing its character as an early Roman basilica. Its interior retains three naves divided by colonnades in the style of Constantine’s era. Fifth-century mosaics on its walls testify to its antiquity. St. Mary Major is one of the four Roman basilicas known as patriarchal cathedrals in memory of the first centers of the Church. St. John Lateran (November 9) represents Rome, the See of Peter; St. Paul Outside the Walls, the See of Alexandria, allegedly the see presided over by Mark (April 25); St. Peter’s, the See of Constantinople; and St. Mary’s, the See of Antioch, where Mary is supposed to have spent most of her life. One legend, unreported before the year 1000, gives another name to this feast: Our Lady of the Snows. According to that story, a wealthy Roman couple pledged their fortune to the Mother of God. In affirmation, she produced a miraculous summer snowfall and told them to build a church on the site. The legend was long celebrated by releasing a shower of white rose petals from the basilica’s dome every August 5. The basilica was fully restored in the 18th century. Its present facade and most of its interior decorations date from this period. Even so, it still contains elements from its ancient beginnings, including a number of marble columns and several fifth-century mosaics. It also features a 240-foot medieval bell tower, the highest in Rome. The church finally was named St. Mary Major because it is the largest and most eminent of all the 26 churches now in Rome named in honor of the Blessed Mother. In 1969, following the Second Vatican Council, the name of the Aug. 5 celebration was revised to "The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major." You are invited to a special exhibition on the life of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta August 1-13th at St. Rose Church, 5961 Franklin Blvd., Sacramento. This exhibition is a tribute to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and celebration of her canonization. There are 72 photographic panels, noted in Spanish and English, that take your through her life and heroic way of living and loving that is a source of inspiration and hope for all. For more information, call St. Rose Church at 421-1414. Saint of the Day; www.americancatholic.org and osv.org Teléfono: 916-783-5211 Fax: 916-783-5212 615 Vine Avenue Roseville, CA 95678 www.strosechurch.org offi[email protected] Declaración de Misión Nosotros la familia de la Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima somos llamados por virtud de nuestro bautismo y guiados por el Espíritu Santo para ser discípulos de Jesús. Como discípulos de Jesús nos dedicamos a fomentar el crecimiento del Reino de Dios en la tierra, alabando a Dios y viviendo los valores Evangelicas de amor, justicia, perdón y servicio a los demás. CONCIERNOS Ó PREGUNTAS Si tiene preguntas ó conciernos sobre la comunidad Hispana; favor de comunicarse con: Jose Plata (760-449-8860) Martin Vargas (916-969-3299) Venacio De Los Santos (916-201-7083) Padre Joel ó Padre Antonio (916-783-5211) HORARIO DE MISA EN ESPAÑOL Miércoles 6:30 PM Sábado 7:00 PM Domingo 12:30 PM CONFESIONES Miércoles 5:00-6:00 pm Sábado 3:00-4:30 pm HORAS de la OFICINA PARROQUIAL Lunes-Viernes 8:30-5:00 pm ADORACIÓN Primer Viernes del mes Adoración a las 7:00 PM LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — No pases la vida luchando por las ventajas materiales (Eclesiastés 1:2; 2:21-23). Salmo — Señor, ten compasión de nosotros (Salmo 90 [89]). Segunda lectura — Cr isto te ha r esucitado a una nueva vida (Colosenses 3:1-5, 9-11). Evangelio — Esté aler ta en contr a de toda ambición, porque tu vida no consiste en las posesiones materiales, sino en las riquezas del Reino de Dios (Lucas 12:13-21). Soldados de Cristo cumplen los jueves en la C- habitación a partir de las 7:00 PM LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Jer 28:1-17; Sal 119 (118):29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Mt 14:13-21 Martes: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Sal 102 (101):16-21, 29, 22-23; Mt 14:22-36 o Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Miércoles: J er 31:1-7; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Mt 15:21-28 Jueves: Jer 31:31-34; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Viernes: Nah 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39 abcd, 41; Mt 16:24-28 Sábado: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pe 1:16-19; Lc 9:28b-36 Domingo:Sab 18:6-9; Sal 33 (32):1, 12, 18-22; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 [1-2, 8-12]; Lc 12:32-48 [35-40] Lunes: Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE EL PREMIO MAYOR Parece cosa comúnmente aceptada hoy día que todo el mundo quiere ganarse la lotería, ganar en el casino o ser millonario. Esta actitud es similar a la de los primeros oyentes de la parábola del agricultor próspero que pensarían: Por supuesto. Él tenía que buscar la manera de preservar su buena fortuna para el futuro, para asegurarse una vida muelle, comiendo, bebiendo y gozando. Es exactamente la clase de vida que nos brindaría hoy el billete premiado, una buena mano de cartas o la respuesta correcta en el programa de TV. Estar rodeados por este “sentido común” hace mucho más difícil escuchar hoy las palabras de Cohélet, del salmista, de Pedro y de Jesús. Quizás nos sonría la buena fortuna, quizás no. Pero si hacemos que esa fortuna o su búsqueda sea el corazón, el centro mismo de nuestra vida, viviremos para lamentarlo. No adquiriremos la seguridad futura que perseguimos y perderemos el momento presente por estar persiguiéndola. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Del 1o al 5 de agosto los capitalinos en El Salvador celebran la fiesta del Salvador del Mundo, cuando recuerdan la Transfiguración de Jesús en el Monte Tabor. Como muchas fiestas patronales en Latinoamérica esta semana está llena de carnavales y desfiles. La celebración principal es una procesión religiosa con la imagen de Jesús, el Divino Salvador del mundo. La estatua de Jesús con sus brazos extendidos en bendición es llevada desde la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón hasta la Catedral Metropolitana. Vestida de un rojo que recuerda su pasión, la imagen es cargada sobre los hombros de una veintena de fieles. Al llegar a la catedral la imagen patronal es puesta en una torre de más de 20 metros de alto. Eventualmente la estatua revestida de blanco aparece de una esfera encima de la torre en medio de gritos, aplausos y cantos. Esta esfera azul representa el mundo entero, mundo salvado por Cristo. La transfiguración de esta imagen en San Salvador recuerda la pasión y resurrección de Jesús, eventos claves que han hecho de él, el Salvador del Mundo entero. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ 31 de julio de 2016 Enséñamos a calcular nuestros años para que adquiramos un corazón sensato. ~ Salmo 90 (89):12 Primera lectura: Lectura del Eclesiastés (1,2;2,21-23) ¡Vanidad de vanidades, dice Qohelet; vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad! Hay quien trabaja con sabiduría, ciencia y acierto, y tiene que dejarle su porción a uno que no ha trabajado. También esto es vanidad y grave desgracia. Entonces, ¿qué saca el hombre de todos los trabajos y preocupaciones que lo fatigan bajo el sol? De día su tarea es sufrir y penar, de noche no descansa su mente. También esto es vanidad. Segunda lectura: Lectura de la carta del apóstol san Pablo a los Colosenses (3,1-5.9-11) Ya que habéis resucitado con Cristo, buscad los bienes de allá arriba, donde está Cristo, sentado a la derecha de Dios; aspirad a los bienes de arriba, no a los de la tierra. Porque habéis muerto, y vuestra vida está con Cristo escondida en Dios. Cuando aparezca Cristo, vida nuestra, entonces también vosotros apareceréis, juntamente con él, en gloria. En consecuencia, dad muerte a todo lo terreno que hay en vosotros: la fornicación, la impureza, la pasión, la codicia y la avaricia, que es una idolatría. No sigáis engañándoos unos a otros. Despojaos del hombre viejo, con sus obras, y revestíos del nuevo, que se va renovando como imagen de su Creador, hasta llegar a conocerlo. En este orden nuevo no hay distinción entre judíos y gentiles, circuncisos e incircuncisos, bárbaros y escitas, esclavos y libres, porque Cristo es la síntesis de todo y está en todos. Evangelio Lectura: Lectura del santo evangelio según san Lucas (12,13-21) En aquel tiempo, dijo uno del público a Jesús: «Maestro, dile a mi hermano que reparta conmigo la herencia.» Él le contestó: «Hombre, ¿quién me ha nombrado juez o árbitro entre vosotros?» Y dijo a la gente: «Mirad: guardaos de toda clase de codicia. Pues, aunque uno ande sobrado, su vida no depende de sus bienes.» Y les propuso una parábola: «Un hombre rico tuvo una gran cosecha. Y empezó a echar cálculos: "¿Qué haré? No tengo donde almacenar la cosecha." Y se dijo: "Haré lo siguiente: derribaré los graneros y construiré otros más grandes, y almacenaré allí todo el grano y el resto de mi cosecha. Y entonces me diré a mí mismo: hombre, tienes bienes acumulados para muchos años; túmbate, come, bebe y date buena vida." Pero Dios le dijo: "Necio, esta noche te van a exigir la vida. Lo que has acumulado, ¿de quién será?" Así será el que amasa riquezas para sí y no es rico ante Dios.» Apelación de Cooperación para las Misiones 30 de y 31 de julio La Apelación de Cooperación para las Misiones es un programa anual en el cual misioneros de todo el mundo hablan en cada parroquia. El objetivo de esta apelación es para aumentar el conocimiento del trabajo de misioneros y para recaudar fondos para ayudar a las organizaciones misioneras en su esfuerzo de evangelización. En la Diócesis de Sacramento, 48 diferentes misiones fueron seleccionadas este año para que cada una hable en dos parroquias. Santa Rosa le da la bienvenida a el Padre Anthony el fin de semana del 30 y 31 de Julio. Las inscripciones para la Catequesis Hispana Periodo de inscripciones será del 1ero. al 15 de Agosto en los siguientes horarios: Lunes y Miércoles Martes y Viernes Sábados Domingos 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 6 y 13 de Agosto después de misa de 7:00 p.m. 7 y 14 de Agosto después de misa de 12:30 p.m. La cuota anual por estudiante es de $75. A partir del segundo estudiante la cuota es de $45 siempre y cuando sean hermanos (plan de pagos disponible) IMPORTANTE: Al momento de la inscripción es necesario traer el paquete completo, los documentos y la cuota anual. Puede recoger el paquete de inscripción en la oficina parroquial Deseas tener una RELACIÓN PERSONAL con el Señor? ¿ Experimentar su AMOR incondicional? ! Aprender a ORAR con la palabra de Dios, la Biblia? ! Aprender y practicar el PERDÓN? ! Recuperar el sentido de la vida y la alegría de vivir? EL TALLER DE ORACIÓN Y VIDA TE OFRECE LAS HERRAMIENTAS TE INVITAMOS A VIVIR UN TALLER DE ORACIÓN Y VIDA Iniciación: Viernes, 12 de Agosto Horario: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Lugar: Iglesia Santa Rosa de Lima Información: Guadalupe Espinosa 916 276 4372 celular PLATICAS PRE - MATRIMONIALES Las plá cas pre-matrimoniales comiénzan el Lunes 29 de Agosto y termínan el 17 de Octubre. Las clases serán los lunes de 7:00 pm a 8:30 pm Tendremos información general el Miercoles 24 de Agosto déspues de la Misa de 6:30 pm Para mas información llamar a: Oficina de la Iglesia (916) 783-5211 (hacer cita con el Padre Antonio) Tony Or z (916) 749-9897 Verónica Or z (916) 792-9319 Ministires & Organizations of St. Rose Parish Advisory Council & Committee Asesoría y Liderazgo en Español Parish Finance Council John Pittman 783-8643 Parish Pastoral Council John Haluck 786-6423 Building Committee Gary Magonigal 783-5971 Coordinador General José Plata 709-449-8860 Secretaria Dulce Vargas 969-3897 Gente Puente Venancio De Los Santos 201-7083 Liturgia y Adoración Liturgy & Worship Liturgia Comité Coordinador Rocio y Martin Vargas 969-3299 Secretaria y Lectores Olimpia Prado 365-3179 Altar Servers Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Altar Society Cecilia Aguon 773-6495 Arts & Environment Marlene Mesich 784-8533 Ministros Extraordinarios Rocio y Martin Vargas 969-3299 Children's Sunday Mass Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Sacristanes Martha Y Juan Carlos Valdes 751-6112 Monaguillos Gerardo y Martha y Arturo Ramirez 723-4829 Bienvenida y Bienestar Guillermo Contreras 899-3011 Colecta Ramón Tellez 770-5395 Orden y decoro del tempo Martin Vargas 969-3299 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Filipino Choir Jose Namoc 707-561-6775 Lectors Roger Anderson 773-5042 Youth Music Ministry Leader Mark Lawler 215-2894 Liturgy Committee Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Journey in the Spirit Ministry Barbara Turner 624-5956 Music Ministry Lynne Brys 783-5211 x7006 Coro de Niños Edgardo Maldonado 673-8710 Ushers Ed Silva 408-2424 Coro de Adultos Jorge Rivera 223-2448 Grupo de Oración Verónica Castro 667-4644 Faith Formation & Education Bible Jam Chris Keller 792-4656 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Beckee Szumski 783-5211 x7004 Formación en la Fe y Educación Coordinador de Catequesis Frida Callejas 783-5211 x7011 Religious Ed/Faith Formation Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 RCIA Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Matrimonios para Cristo Tony y Verónica Ortiz 749-9897 St. Rose School Suzanne Smoley 782-1161 Karen Grehm 624-7274 Pre-cana curso prematrimonial Tony y Verónica Ortiz 749-9897 St. Rose Adult Bible Study Vacation Bible Camp Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Pre-Bautismal Sólo en la clase Juan Carlos Amezquita 783-5211 x7013 Baptismal Preparation Stella Guzman 783-5211 x7013 Solidaridad Social 968-1473 Grupo de Oración Veronica Castro 667-4644 Soldados de Cristo Martin Vargas 969-3299 Rosario de Amor Guadalupano Rocio Vargas 969-3299 Coro – Grupo de Oración Edgardo Maldonado 673-8710 Talleres de Oración y Vida Guadalupe Espinosa 276-4372 Carmen Cuellar Spirituality & Prayer ACTS George Hatten Marianne Platt 916-772-5280 916-769-0454 Beginning Experience Marie Alfuso 835-2282 Associates of Carmelites of Mary Carmen Sandow Immaculate 782-8064 Charismatic Prayer & Praise Chris Keller 792-4656 Couples for Christ FFL Felipe & Anne Lopez 908-591-9278 Handmaids for Family & Life Connie Munoa 784-0734 Prayer Line Virginia DeBenardi 208-4971 Rosary Makers Carolina Fregoso Elva Valasek 645-7353 215-3080 Devotions Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wally Mart Agatha Collins 781-2821 782-2073 St. Jude Shirley Kelly 408-7683 St. Mary Prayer Group Maria Kader 412-5154 Parish Ministries & Organizations Oración y Devoción Social Outreach Front Door Ministry Diane Russell 783-5211 x7009 Health Ministry Bobbie Mazas 784-1115 Homeless Lunches Dona Gentile 783-5211 x7010 Respect Life Joan Donohue Robin Van Hook 417-1071 837-8059 Affiliated Organizations Engaged Encounter Bob & Trish Vlasak 786-3244 The Gathering Inn Tom Battaglia 729-7252 772-6833 Lazarus Project David Loya Bereavement Mickie Thompson 782-3324 St. Vincent de Paul Tom Stanko 781-3303 Senior Fellowship Ministry Dona Gentiile 783-5211 x7010 What Would Jesus Do Rich Fogarty 772-1180 New Evangelization Ministry Mary Christine Amurao 390-9682 Italian Catholic Federation Tony Barsotti 952-8195 Welcoming Ministry Bobbie Mazas/Lynne Mellberg 784-1115/6667348 Knights of Columbus Manny Diaz 367-2628 Retrouvaille 800-470-2230