Saint Eugene Parish Parroquia de San Eugenio
Saint Eugene Parish Parroquia de San Eugenio
Saint Eugene Parish ~ Parroquia de San Eugenio Saint Eugene Catholic Church 72 Culvern Street Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828-254-5193 Office Hours: 9:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday Fax: 828-254-5797 If you have a Sacramental Emergency after office hours, please dial: Emergency Cell: 828-231-8645 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: St. Eugene Catholic Church Asheville Catholic School 828-252-7896 Catholic Campus Ministry UNC-A 828-226-3809 Catholic Charities 828-255-0146 Parish Pastoral Council Chris Lenderman, Chair 828-768-8141 [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00am English 1:30pm Spanish Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00am Thursday: 8:00am Communion Service Friday: 9:00am Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction: Every Friday when school is in session from 10:00am - 12:00 Noon Rosary: First & Third Monday of every month at 7:00pm, every Wednesday following the 8am Mass and every Friday at 8am Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-5:00pm WELCOME!! We are glad you are worshiping with us and would like to help you any way we can. Please call or stop by the Parish Office so we may meet and greet you in a personal way. We encourage you to register with us soon. Registration forms can be obtained from the Parish Office or in the Narthex. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2015 Who Needs Love? Part of the first reading from Acts that we don't hear is a vision Peter has, in which God tells him that all foods are OK to eat; no longer are some unclean. He later realizes that the vision was a symbol that all people are "clean," Gentiles as well as Jews. All are called to have faith in Jesus. Not all of the early Christians understood. The Jewish Christians were shocked that the Holy Spirit would give gifts, such as speaking in tongues, to Gentiles. Especially Gentiles who had not been baptized. Now the distinction between Gentile and Jewish Christians doesn't seem very important today. But we still need to follow St. Peter's example of sharing our faith in Jesus. We seem to be more interested in converting other Christians than in bringing non-Christians to the faith. Does that mean we should drag any non-believers we meet to church on Sunday? Should we brag about how much we love God? Today's gospel gives us a hint at what we can do to bring others to Christ. Jesus makes it sound simple: Love one another as I love you. (Jn 15:12) Remember that God's love for us comes first. That's why the Gentiles in the first reading received the gifts of the Spirit before they were Baptized. The second reading from John tells us that love is not people loving God; it's that God loved us first, enough to send His Son to die for us. We may think that we have chosen to love and follow Jesus, but as the gospel tells us, Jesus chose us before we ever chose Him. So maybe that part about loving others as Jesus loves us is not so much about being willing to die for those you love. It may just be our willingness to love others without requiring that they love us first. How can we do that? I can introduce myself to someone new to the parish that I see in church. I can offer to help the poor without waiting for the pastor to beg. I can be courteous to other drivers, letting them go in front of me in heavy traffic. I can make a priority of seeing what I can do for others, instead of what they can do for me. Perhaps part of our daily prayer can be asking God to show us who needs our love today. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church Rev. Patrick Cahill, Pastor [email protected] Ext. 15 Staff Rev. Dr. Michael Zboyovski, Deacon Ext. 20 Pastoral Associate to Sick & Homebound [email protected] Saul Onate-Perez, Parish Administrator Ext. 11 [email protected] Mechelle Kobar, Administrative Asst. [email protected] Ext. 14 Tracy Jedd, Coordinator of Elementary Ext. 21 Faith Formation & EDGE [email protected] Carole Marrs, Music Director [email protected] Ext. 18 Andrea Robles-Leon, Youth Minister [email protected] Ext. 30 SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM AND MARRIAGE Because of the important community nature of the celebrations of BAPTISM and MARRIAGE in the church, interested parties are expected to make advanced arrangements to allow for appropriate preparation programs to be completed. For Baptism, at least two months and for Marriage, at least six months notice is required. Thank you! Please call Parish Office. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19; or, for Ascension, Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 MASS INTENTIONS If you would like to dedicate a Mass for someone, it may be scheduled either by stopping by the parish office or calling. Since a Mass Stipend is truly an offering, the amount is entirely up to the individual scheduling the intention. The only insight we can offer is that the average stipend is approximately $10.00 per scheduled Mass. The offering is truly up to you. Consideration: A Mass stipend is not required, rather it is a customary offering to the Priest. The spiritual value is in the Mass itself. The inability to offer a stipend should never deter someone from scheduling a Mass. 2 THE WEEK AHEAD Saturday, May 9 2:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Wedding - C Reconciliation - RR Mass/All Mothers Living and Deceased - C Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group - SEYH Spanish Praying Group - C Sunday, May 10 8:30am 9:45am 9:45am 10:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 2:45pm 5:00pm Mass/All Mothers Living and Deceased - C Peace & Justice - Rm.2 RCIA - P Choir Rehearsal - Rm.1 Mass/All Mother’s Living and Deceased - C Mass in Spanish/People of St. Eugene - C ESL - Rm.2,P Adult Education Classes - Rm.2,3,CC,N Monday, May 11 8:00am 9:00am 3:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Mass/Peggy Schneider † - ASC Parents’ Morning Out - N SSL - Rm.2 Baptism Class in Spanish - SEYH Hispanic Women’s Cursillo - Rm.3 SSL - Rm.2 Society of St. Vincent de Paul - P ESL/SSL - ACS Tuesday, May 12 8:00am Mass/St. Eugene Women’s Guild - ASC 9:00am Parents’ Morning Out - N Wednesday, May 13 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 10:30am 3:30pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Communion Service - ASC Recitation of the Rosary - C Parents’ Morning Out - N Women’s Guild Meeting - SH,K SSL - Rm.2 SSL - Rm.2 ESL - P,SEYH Choir - Rm.1 Spanish Choir - C ESL/SSL - ACS Thursday, May 14 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm Communion Service - ASC Faith Sharing - P Parents’ Morning Out - N Bible Study Group - SEYH Adult Education Classes - C,All Spaces Hispanic Men’s Cursillos - SEYH Friday, May 15 9:00am Mass/Larry Green †- C 6:00pm Hispanic GED Class - SEYH 6:00pm Hispanic Women’s Cursillo - P Saturday, May 16 8:00am 8:30am 2:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Quinceanera Workshop - SEYH Hispanic Bible Study - SH,N Wedding - C Reconciliation - RR Mass/George Fridl †- C Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group - SEYH Spanish Praying Group - C ACS-Asheville Catholic School ASC-All Saints Chapel C-Church CC-Children’s Chapel CR-Conference Room GP-Gathering Plaza GS-Gathering Space K-Kitchen SEY-St. Eugene Youth SEYH-St. Eugene Youth House N-Nursery P-Parlor RR-Reconciliation Room SH-Social Hall May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church 3 We are a Tithing Parish Community! 10% of our offertory from the past fiscal quarter (1/1/15-3/30/15) has gone to support these following non-profits: Meals on Wheels Irene Wortham Center Homeward Bound’s Room in the Inn The Lord’s Acre Manna Food Bank WNC Chapter of Project LINUS Paws on a Mission Vicariate Hispanic Ministry Programs Loving Food Resources The Rathbun Center Mountain Housing Opportunities Mediation Center Western Carolina Rescue Mission Remember that your generosity to St. Eugene Parish extends far beyond our parish borders…. We are all a part of each of these wonderful projects with each one of our donations! God Bless you for your generosity to those in need!! God Bless, Father Pat VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE Get ready for an exciting week of VBS - St. Eugene style! Mark your calendars for June 29 - July 3, for children ages 3 yrs. through 5th grade. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors for this awesome camp. APARTEN EL DIA Prepárense para una semana emociónate de Estudio Bíblico Para Niños – Estilo San Eugenio! La semana de Junio 29 – Julio 3, para niños de 3 años a 5nto grado. Inviten a todos sus familiares, amigos y vecinos a este campamento! PARISH COUNCIL SUGGESTION BOX Please look for the Suggestion Box. It is to the right of the main entrance upon entering on a small table shared by the POLISH DINNER info but not related to it. What do you think the parish can do differently to improve our experience celebrating Mass and life together at Saint Eugene’s? If your suggestion is for a particular ministry please feel free to indicate this. If you would like a personal response, include your contact info, otherwise, feel free to remain anonymous. We will respect your contributions and will do our best to address them. CRAFTY LADIES We meet in Room 2 at 10am. Our next meeting will occur on Monday, May 18th. Bring your knitting, crocheting or other project and join us for fellowship and fun. If you have any questions, please call Anna at 645-3727. THEOLOGY ON TAP 20s & 30s Catholics, the next Asheville Theology on Tap event will be Tue. May 19, 6:30 pm. Join us for food, faith & fellowship at Mojo Kitchen on College St. in Asheville. Featuring speaker Nick Haskell, Peace and Justice Education Coordinator for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Charlotte. ST. VINCENT de PAUL Please remember the poor in your giving. 100% of your donations go to the needy. Please clearly mark your donations to St. Vincent de Paul and place in the offertory basket. SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Su Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul sirve a nuestras comunidades en dos areas indispensables. 1. Damos ayuda espiritual y material a los necesitados. 2. Damos a los catolicos la oportunidad de crecer espiritualmente sirviendo a los que necesitan ayuda. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda o si desea ser un vincentino, llame a Consuelo Bird, al 828-776-6947. May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church PLEASE PRAY FOR: Tonya Argueillo, Rosemarie Ball, Joan Birmingham, Josh Brown, Ray Browne, Nathan and Sandy Buchanan, Jim & Jeanne Bucher, Elizabeth Buckley, Patricia Clarke, Gary Collins, Kathie Coltellino, Karen Corbett, Nick Derchak, Maria Farmer, Jennifer Faulstich, Austen Faulstich, Anne Fitzgerald-Smith, Michael Fleming, Bob Gelder, Jeannie Gleason, Bill & Mary Hayes, Harold Helmentoller, Margaret Irwin, John Kampmans, Tommy Knapp, Grace Knutelsky, Allison Kobar, Martha Kobar, Tonya Kriezel, Maureen Lewis, Judith Marko, Lisa Mason, Edward McCann, Brigid McCarthy, Leonard & Kathy Moon, Allen Moore, Tom Pena, Jan Perrigeaux, Brandon Pruitt, Rick Raube, Joette Reid, Knobby Riedy Jr., Ashliegh Riddle, John Riddle, Jonathon Riddle, Sara Riddle, Kevin Roberts, John Schantz, Lillie Simons, Fred Spuhler, Doug & Lyn Stoodley, Emily Student, Jim Torpey, Anne Tremblay, Maudeb Vandermeer, Joanie Warner, Julianne Watson, Jeanne Werth, Rob Weed, Ben & Sam Wilde, and Ronnie Williams. 4 MILITARY PRAYER LIST Let us pray for all those who serve our country in the military at home and abroad; and their families; especially: Maj. Michael E. Korte, Army JAGC, KS Col. Rebecca Tomsyck, Afghanistan SFC Joe Quigley, USA Navy HA Casey Mulloy, San Diego Shawn Sinclair, Fort Bragg, NC Dr. LTC Parnell Mattison, USA Dr. CMDR Timothy Mattison, USA 1LT Kent England, Army, USA HN Connor Sullivan, USN, Jacksonville, FL LT Col. Jon Christian McDaniel, Camp LeJeune Senior Chief Bruce Bartlett, USN Kings Bay, GA Tech Sgt Tara Kirkpatrick, Air Force, USA Maj. Chris Wagar, Africa LCpl Ryan Stoodley, USMC, Yuma, AZ Private Jarrod Stoodley, USMC, Camp LeJeune, NC Ministerio Hispano Padre Patrick Cahill, Pastor 828 2545193 ext.15, [email protected] Saúl Oñate Pérez: Administrador de la Iglesia Católica San Eugenio y Director de Educación de Adultos 828 2545193 Ext 11, [email protected] Misa en Español Todos los Domingos de 1:30pm Confesiones todos los Sábados de 4:00pm- 5:00pm Estamos muy contentos de llegar hacia usted por medio del presente boletín. Su participación es muy importante e imprescindible. Le pedimos por favor registrarse en nuestra parroquia. Usted puede acercarse en cualquier momento a la oficina y llenar la registración. Servicios Parroquiales Formación de la fe.-Para niños de 4 años a 5- grado llamar a Otros ministerios importantes: Ministerio Matrimonial: Arely Romero, 828 7026529 Andrea Robles León, 828 2545193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828 Comunidad de Oración Hijos de Maria: Luisa León 828 7135802 2545193 ext: 21 Platicas para el bautismo: Para mas información llamar a Saúl Movimientos de Cursillistas para varones: Raúl Cervantes, 828 2803215 Oñate, 2545193 ext: 11 Primera comunión: Para niños de 1 y 2 grado llamar a Andrea Movimiento de Cursillistas para Mujeres: Patricia Baca, 828 2733606 Robles León, 828 2545193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828 2545193 Clases de Protegiendo a los niños de Dios: Olga Camacho, 828 ext: 21 4583278 Confirmación: Para jóvenes de 8 y 9 grado Llamar a Andrea Las clases de R.C.I.A. en español: Martha Gonzáles, 828 Robles León, 828 2545193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828 2545193 4507835 ext: 21 Estudio Bíblico: Walkidia Almonte, 828 7078907 - 787 5290160 Para quinceañeras y Matrimonios: Llamar Saúl Oñate Pérez, Coordinadora de Eventos Especiales: Alma Maldonado, 828 828 2545193 email: [email protected]. 3294403 Para matrimonios se tiene que llamar con 6 meses de anticipación. Clases de ESL: Para alguna otra información que no se dio por favor llame a Saúl Ingles como segunda Lengua Llamar a Bruce Cahoon, 828 2695326 email: [email protected] Oñate Pérez 828 2545193 email: [email protected] Domingos: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Hay Cuidado de niños Los Ministerios Hispanos en esta Parroquia: Miércoles: 6:30pm-8:30pm- Hay cuidado de niños Nuestra vida parroquial se nutre a través de la participación de nuestros miembros. Aquí están los ministerios en los que se les Español como segunda lengua: invitan a la participación (por favor, póngase en contacto con los Nivel de Principiantes: Con Walkidoa Almonte - Deliz Romero: Lunes, 3:00pm-4:30pm y de 6:00pm-7:00pm Llamar a 828 líderes que se indican a continuación para obtener más 7078907 -787 5290160 información): Nivel Intermedio: Danithza Baker - Antonio Bird: Miércoles de Ministerios de adoración: 6:30pm-7:30pm Llamar a 828 3183847 Ministerio Eucarístico: Araceli León, 828 2511228 Danithza Baker: Redactora del boletín de la comunidad Latina Ministerio de Lectores: Raúl Cervantes, 828 2803215 Ministerio de Hospitalidad: .Abel Melo, 828 9894191 Ministerio de Música Hispana: Samuel Robles, 828 2097369 Sonido y luces: Enedino Tepetate, 828 3372471 May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church CATHOLIC CHARITIES Catholic Charities Asheville office is looking for a reliable volunteer to travel each week on Monday or Tuesday afternoon to Manna Food Bank, located on Swannanoa River Rd. While there, the volunteer would sort through donated bread, pastries, vegetables and fruits then load onto the volunteers car or truck, and make a delivery to the Catholic Charities Food Pantry. This work is necessary to provide nutritious staples to our clients and families, who take part in our Direct Assistance Program. If interested, please email Wendy Murray at [email protected] or call her at 255-0146 x 24. Must have a clean NC license and car insurance, plus be able to lift 30 lbs. HEALING PRAYER AVAILABLE Healing Prayer will be available in the Chapel after each Mass this weekend. Healing prayer is for anyone seeking Our Lord's healing for any kind of problem, sickness or encouragement. All are welcome. If you would like to join our healing team group please call Joan Aldrich, 231-1285. ROOM IN THE INN May 17–23, 2015 is the week St. Eugene’s and Asbury Methodist are scheduled to provide a safe overnight and meals for up to 12 homeless women. Volunteers to spend one night or to help provide a meal are always welcome. Call Marilyn Krug, 684-7475. 2015 DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL Sharing God’s Gifts Compartir los dones de Dios Just a reminder! If you have not yet made your pledge to the Diocesan Support Appeal please consider doing it this week. As good stewards, we are all called to Share God’s Gifts. Please be generous in your sharing. As of today 23% of our parishioners have contributed. We need each of you to help us reach our goal of $76,097.06. Como buenos administradores, cada uno de nosotros está llamado a compartir nuestros dones. Por favor sea generoso a la Campaña Diocesana de Apoyo. WELCOME to the following people who recently registered: Michael & Patricia Lamia Michael Zande Charlie Dobson STEWARDSHIP “In generous spirit pay homage to the Lord, be not sparing of freewill gifts.” Sirach 35:7 CELEBRATE! LIFE’S BIG MOMENTS JS Paluch proudly provides the opportunity for parishioners, groups, and organizations to purchase space on the back of this bulletin. Ad space can be purchased to appear one week or multiple weeks for the low-cost of $25 for a single space ad per week. The possibilities are endless for short term announcements, including: * In Memory of * In Honor of * Graduation Announcements * Best Wishes * Anniversary, Birthdays, Communions, * Confirmations plus much more! Short term announcements are also ideal for: * Garage Sales * Space For Rent * Help Wanted E-mail us at [email protected] for more information or to place an ad! Flowers in the Church this week are In Memory of Theresa Marie Saunders, By Maria Juarez; AND In Memory of All Women of the Erner & Steigerwald Families, By John & Mary Ann Steigerwald; AND In Memory of Hildegard Swartz, By Robert Swartz; AND In Memory of Our Mothers, By Paul & Nancy Martin. 5 May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church PARISH ROSARY Come pray the Rosary as a community the first and third Mondays of each month, at 7pm in the St. Eugene All Saints Chapel. The next Rosary will be Monday, May 18th. The rosaries are prayed to respect all stages of life and for our parish families. All are most welcome. Please join us each Friday at 8 am to pray for a stable Peace and particularly for our persecuted Christian Brothers and Sisters throughout the world. We have joined in solidarity with many other communities praying for Mary’s intercession. Please join us if you are able. ATTENTION! Please DO NOT park on Culvern Street. The Asheville Police Department has advised us that any vehicles parked on Culvern Street will be towed. Let us be considerate and good neighbors. ASHEVILLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL INGLES/FRESH MARKET GIFT CARD SALES Asheville Catholic School will be available every weekend following all Masses to sell Ingles and Fresh Market gift cards. Both of these neighborhood stores generously donate 5% of the card's value to our school. We appreciate the support of St. Eugene's and thank you for assisting in the fundraising efforts of ACS. LANDINGS If you know someone who would like to return to the Church, then please let them know that LANDINGS offers “a safe place to land”, a place for listening and for being heard, a place for asking questions and for reconnecting with the faith. A small group of active Catholics, some of them “returnees” themselves, meet with a small group of inactive or returning Catholics to share and explore their faith together. If someone is interested or just wants more information please have them call Joe Wansong at 828 628-9163. 6 ST. EUGENE PARENTS MORNING OUT We are a bilingual program that provides a nurturing environment that promotes growth and learning through learning centers, manipulatives, creative arts, music, circle time, and outdoor play. We have an integrated classroom with a special program for children 3 and up, to prepare them for preschool. We are currently accepting children ages 6 months to 4 years. We are open Monday through Thursday, from 9am - 1pm. For more information please call Jennifer Leiter at 254-5193 x25 or 450-1922. Parish WebStore is a parish online resource and retail store that carries the widest array of faith-filled goods and resources. ●Your one-stop shopping store, with faithful Catholic products from over 30 vendors and publishers ●Our parish earns 12% from every purchase made from Parish WebStore ●Offers a wide range of products including digital media, books, Catholic art and apparel, rosaries, jewelry, and medals ●Free shipping on most items! ●No expense for the parish ●Automatically updated with the newest and latest products Visit our parish website ( and click on the WEB SHOP icon on the left side of the screen to take a look at all we have to offer! MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER In the readings we are commanded to love one another. Jesus tells us in the Gospel that through living in love we will have complete joy! Attend a Marriage Encounter to gain the tools to truly love your spouse more and receive the joy that it can bring. The next weekends are Jul 31-Aug 2, 2015 in Chapel Hill, NC and Nov 6-8, 2015 in Atlantic Beach, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. May 10, 2015 Saint Eugene Catholic Church THINKING OF JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Our weekly sessions for R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) have begun. Sessions will take place on Sundays, in the parish parlor, from 9:40 to 10:40am. The journey of faith begins with questions - your questions. What do Catholics believe? How does Catholicism fit in with other faith traditions? The process begins with an “inquiry” period when questions lead to exploration. Please join us for a fun-filled, faith-filled, Spirit-filled gathering. If you would like to begin this journey of faith, please call our parish office and provide your contact information. (Name, phone number, email address, etc.). A member of the RCIA team will contact you with further information. We will look forward to meeting you and answering your questions. Deacon Mike Zboyovski/828-2545193, ext. 20. LOST AND FOUND All items found on our church grounds can be found in our Lost & Found section located at the Coat Rack in the Social Hall not in the church office. You may search this area Monday-Friday 9am-4pm or when the church is open. All items not collected by the end of each month will be donated to Catholic Charities. NOTE: Please be aware that our bulletin is posted on our website; therefore, any information in the bulletin is out there in cyberspace, accessible to anyone. Please let the office know if this is an issue for you. 7 ST. EUGENE'S IN THE LOOP! Yes, our church is now looped! If you have hearing aids with t-coils, please turn them on. If you have a hearing loss, please ask for a Receiver from one of the Greeters/Ushers before you go into the Sanctuary. We want everyone to hear the Word! HOSPITAL ADMISSION OR EXTENDED STAY AT HOME: We would encourage you to celebrate the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick prior to your admission or extended convalescence. Please give us a call to arrange a time and date. Also, you may be unaware that hospitals, by law, will not automatically inform us of your presence there - even if you state your religious affiliation as Catholic on an entrance form. Whether you are hospitalized, recuperating, or simply unable to attend parish services, you or your family member is required to inform us as to your desire for visitation and/or reception of Communion. We will be happy to arrange visitations and reception of Communion once the parish office is notified regarding your wishes. It is our most sincere desire to keep our parish family connected and included, especially in times of dealing with health and recovery issues. A simple call or email is all it takes… Celebration of Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: 828-254-5193 or to arrange a hospital or home visitation and communion: Deacon Mike - 828-254-5193 ext. 20 or [email protected]
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