Manual de Usuario de la Banca Virtual
Manual de Usuario de la Banca Virtual
Guía para el llenado del cuadernillo de Apertura de Cuentas Banco de Crédito del Perú Miami Agency No tiene validez alguna para trámite de apertura. Documentation for New Accounts - Business or Corporate Documentación para Apertura de Cuentas - De Negocios o Corporativas Estimado Cliente, favor utilizar la misma letra y color de tinta en todo el documento. Recuerde que no puede tener borrones ni tachaduras. Asimismo, las firmas no deben exceder los recuadros amarillos. Este documento es solamente una guía para el completado del formato original. No tiene validez alguna para trámite de apertura. Application Aplicación The undersigned hereby makes application to Banco de Crédito del Perú, Miami Agency (the “Bank”) and authorizes the Bank to open the accounts indicated below, and hereafter any other account as the undersigned may authorize the Bank to open. The undersigned accepts and agrees that all such accounts shall be subject to, and the undersigned shall be bound by the authorization hereinafter given, and by all the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement Terms and Conditions/Funds Transfer Agreement Booklet. The undersigned certifies that the information contained in this application is complete, true and correct and contains no omission or misrepresentation. Por la presente, el infrascrito solicita al Banco de Crédito del Perú, Agencia de Miami (el Banco) y autoriza a dicho Banco que abra la/las cuenta(s) abajo indicadas, a nombre de las siguientes personas o entidades, así como cualquier cuenta futura que pueda autorizar el infrascrito al Banco. El infrascrito acepta y acuerda que todas dichas cuentas estarán sujetas, y el infrascrito se obliga a estar sujeto, a la autorización que se pueda dar de aquí en adelante y a todos los términos y condiciones expuestos en el acuerdo adjunto a la presente solicitud. El infrascrito certifica que la información en esta solicitud es completa, real y verdadera y no contiene alguna omisión o falsedad. Account information Información de cuenta Business or Corporate Account Cliente Persona Jurídica Account information Razón social Acronym Siglas TEC SAFETY S.A. TEC S.A. Business or Corporate Account/Elect the type of account to be opened in BCP Miami Elegir el tipo de cuenta a abrir en BCP Miami Elegir sólo un tipo de cuenta X Checking Account Cuenta Corriente Now Account Cuenta Now Other Otros Money Market Account Cuenta Money Market Time Deposit Depósito a Plazo Solo para asociaciones sin fines de Lucro Currency Moneda Elegir la(s) moneda(s) requerida(s) X $ USD Dollars Dólares Americanos Euros Other Otros By signing below the undersigned agrees to all terms and conditions described in the Agreement Terms and Conditions/Funds Transfer Agreement Booklet. Al firmar aquí el infrascrito está de acuerdo con todos los términos y condiciones expuestos en el Acuerdo de Términos y Condiciones/Acuerdo de Transferencia. No exceder del recuadro Customer Signature Firma del Cliente 1* Customer Signature Firma del Cliente 2* (*) Aquí firmarán quienes tengan autoridad para “girar sobre saldos acreedores o cheques” y para “abrir y cerrar cuentas bancarias” 1 The opening account booklet must be signed by the customer’s legal representatives with authority to order the transfer of funds, draw checks, open and close bank accounts in accordance with the company’s organizational and governing documents (singly or jointly). Please note that your accounts with the Bank are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). El presente cuadernillo debe ser firmado por los representantes legales del cliente con facultades para “Girar sobre saldos acreedores o cheques” y “Abrir y cerrar cuentas bancarias” de acuerdo a la modalidad (a sola firma o conjuntamente) de firmas de dichos apoderados. Favor tomar nota que las cuentas en el Banco no están aseguradas por el Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Completar los siguientes campos Tax ID RUC Web address Dirección Internet 20120833451 Type of Company Tipo de Empresa Indicar sólo una opción X Private Sector Sector Privado Public Sector Sector Público Non-Profit Sin fines de lucro Off Shore Incorporated in Incorporada en Como figura en Registros Públicos State, Province, Country Estado, Provincia, País Date of incorporation Fecha de constitución Registration Nº Nº de escritura o partida registral Lima, Lima, Perú 25/05/1985 00843322 Business address or legal address Dirección o domicilio legal Calle Francia Nº 564 County Distrito Province Provincia State Departamento Miraflores Lima Lima ZIP Code Código Postal Country País Lima 30 Perú X Choose this option if your mailing and legal address are the same. Otherwise, fill in your mailing address in the space below. Marque esta casilla si desea que la dirección de correspondencia sea igual a su dirección o domicilio legal. Si no elige esta opción, por favor sírvase completar la dirección para envío de correspondencia a continuación. Mailing Address Dirección para envío de correspondencia County Distrito Province Provincia ZIP Code Código Postal Country País 2 State Departamento Type of business Giro o actividad económica principal (favor detallar) 1. Please describe in detail the company’s principal activity. Brief description about the business perspectives; will the operation increase/decrease? Favor describir, en detalle, la actividad principal de la empresa. Breve descripción sobre las perspectivas del negocio, aumentarán/disminuirán las operaciones? - Importación y comercialización de equipos de seguridad industrial, rescate y contra incendios. - Venta de ambulancias y camiones de rescate. - En el futuro se espera un incremento en las operaciones debido a los nuevos contratos cerrados. 2. Company’s history, number of employees. Breve historia de la compañía, número de Empleados. La empresa inició operaciones en el año 1985, contando con 8 trabajadores. El año pasado se cerraron ventas por US$ 14,375 mm y contamos actualmente con 84 empleados. 3. What type of products or services are produced or commercialized and what is the estimated percentage of the sales that each one represents. Please describe in detail. ¿Qué tipo de productos o servicios específicos produce o comercializa? Mencione un estimado del porcentaje que representa cada uno del total de sus ventas. • Equipos de rescate • Equipos contra incendios • Vehiculos especiales • Seguridad Industrial / Instrumentos 25% 35% 20% 20% 4. Do you represent a particular brand or have a franchise? ¿Representa alguna marca registrada o cuenta con una franquicia? • Fire S.A.C. - Mangueras contra incendios. • Pierce S.A. - Vehículos contra incendios. • Breath S.A. - Equipos de respiración. 5. Indicate the geographic areas (city, state, country) where your company operates. Indique en qué zonas geográficas (provincia, departamento, país) opera la compañía. Las ventas se realizarán en todo el territorio peruano. La oficina principal se encuentra en la provincia de Lima, departamento de Lima, Perú. Sucursal en provincia de Nazca, departamento de Ica, Perú 6. Is this company publicly traded? If so, provide the name of the exchange market where traded. Si esta compañía negocia en Bolsa, por favor indicar el nombre del mercado bursátil. No cotiza en bolsa 3 Corporate Account - Additional information Persona Jurídica - Información adicional Sworn declaration of the names of the shareholders who own more than 25% of the company’s shares or have a family relationship among them. Declaración jurada de relación de accionistas con porcentaje de participación de 25% a más y aclaración de parentesco entre accionistas. The undersigned, on behalf of the company, declares under oath that the information provided includes the names of the actual shareholders who have a share participation of 25% or greater of the company’s total shares and will indicate any account relationship among them. The undersigned and the company agree to indemnify and hold BCP Miami harmless against any claims, damages, losses, expenses (including legal and attorneys expense) that may arise because of their failure to truthfully and accurately disclose the information required on this declaration. Los representantes legales que firman la presente solicitud, declaramos bajo juramento, en representación de la empresa que solicita abrir cuenta(s) en BCP Miami, que la siguiente relación incluye a todos los accionistas actuales y vigentes con una participación porcentual igual o mayor al 25% del total de acciones e indicamos a su vez los vínculos o lazos familiares existentes entre sí. Asimismo, los representantes legales y la empresa exoneramos al BCP Miami de toda responsabilidad por cualquier error u omisión en la presente declaración. Name of the shareholders Nombre de accionistas % of participation % de participación Indicate family relationship between shareholders Indicar vínculos familiares entre accionistas Bearer or registered shares Acciones al portador o nominativas Elegir una opción 1. Emilia Sotelo García 25% 1 Madre Portador X Nominativas 2. Martín Vásquez Sotelo 25% 1 Hijo Portador X Nominativas 3. Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo 25% 1 Hijo Portador X Nominativas 4. Tumi Foods S.A. * 25% - Portador X Nominativas 5. Portador Nominativas 6. Portador Nominativas 7. Portador Nominativas 8. Portador Nominativas (*) Si uno de los accionistas es persona jurídica por favor colocarlo en el listado. (1) Todas las personas naturales con participación de 25% ó más, deberá adjuntar su hoja de vida. 4 If any of the shareholders is a corporation, please indicate the names of all the individual shareholders of the corporate shareholder with a share participation of 25% or greater or the ultimate beneficiary and indicate if there is a family relationship between them. If you require additional space, an additional page may be attached. If shareholder owns 25% or more, provide underlying information on the shareholder(s) or curriculum. IMPORTANTE En caso alguno de los accionistas sea Persona Jurídica, mucho agradeceremos se sirva indicar los datos de todos los accionistas actuales y vigentes con una participación porcentual igual o mayor al 25% del total de acciones o beneficiario final, e indicar a su vez los vínculos o lazos familiares existentes entre sí. Si necesitara más espacio podrá adjuntar una hoja adicional. Si el accionista es dueño de más del 25%, favor proporcionar su hoja de vida. Corporate shareholder Persona Jurídica Nombre de accionistas Name of the ultimate beneficiary (name of the individual) Nombre de beneficiario final (persona natural) % of participation Indicate any family % de participación relationship between the ultimate Adjuntar hoja de beneficiaries vida siempre que Indicar vínculos la participación sea igual o familiares entre mayor al 25% beneficiarios finales 1. Tumi Foods S.A. Fredy Mac Kee 75% Bearer or registered shares Acciones al portador o nominativas Portador X Nominativas 2. Portador Nominativas 3. Portador Nominativas 4. Portador Nominativas 5. Portador Nominativas List of Board of Directors and main Executive Officers. Lista de Directores y principales Ejecutivos de la Empresa. Name Nombre Position Cargo 1. Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Presidente del Directorio Gerente General Gerente de Ventas Gerente de Finanzas 2. Martín Vásquez Sotelo 3. Mauricio Vásquez Gallo 4. Emilia Sotelo García 5. List of affiliated companies Relación de empresas vinculadas * Activity Actividad * Website Página Web 1. Perú Fire S.A. Venta y Mantenimiento de Extintores 2. 3. 4. 5. (*) Para el caso de las empresas vinculadas, proporcionar una breve descripción de la compañía (adjuntar en hoja aparte). La descripción deberá incluir: historia de la empresa, relación de dueños, actividad económica, etc. 5 Are any of the account holder(s), signors, directors and/or beneficial owner(s) currently or formerly a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) holding a senior position or related to a PEP official in a foreign (non-U.S.) country? (i.e., PEP definition includes, but is not limited to, a senior politician, government official, military officer, other public figure, political party official, close family member (i.e.: parents, spouse, children, siblings and in-laws), close associates (i.e. close business colleage, personal advisor/consultant, persons who obviously benefit significantly from being close to a PEP.) If yes, provide the name, country, describe position held, period of time, and relationship to the company/owner/manager/director. ¿El titular, firmante o beneficiario de la cuenta es actualmente o ha sido un PEP (Persona Expuesta Políticamente) con un alto cargo en un país que no sea los Estados Unidos? - La definición de PEP incluye pero no está limitada a políticos, oficiales del gobierno, oficiales militares, figuras públicas, miembros de partidos políticos, o familiares de alguno de los mencionados (i.e., padres, esposo, hijos, cuñados, etc..) o personas que pudieran beneficiarse significativamente por estar relacionadas a un PEP). Si la respuesta es afirmativa, indicar el nombre, país, describir qué tipo de cargo ocupa, duración del mismo y relación a la compañía/dueño/gerente/miembro de la junta. Full Name Nombre Completo 1. Diego Hidalgo Lagos Country País Official position Cargo oficial Period of time Periodo de tiempo Relationship Relación Perú Regidor 07-01/07-05 Gerente General 2. 3. 4. 5. Please list three bank references. Referencias bancarias, indicar otros bancos con los que trabaja la empresa. 1. Scotiabank 2. HSBC 3. Citibank Nº Cuenta 002-0123400-83 Nº Cuenta 202-57654384 Nº Cuenta 5031000008-7 Please list your principal clients and their country of residence/business activity. Please insert a checkmark in the boxes below if you will be receiving/sending payments from your BCP Miami account from each client. Favor de indicar sus principales clientes y el país de residencia/actividad de negocio. Asimismo, favor marcar con un check si anticipa hacer o recibir pagos desde/en su cuenta BCP Miami de tales clientes. Name of the customer Nombre del cliente Nombre completo, NO siglas 1. Minera Gold 2. Minera Silver 3. Minera Platinum 4. Petrolera S.A. Products or services offered Producto o servicio ofrecido Country País Eq. rescate Eq. Seguridad Vehículos Eq. c/incendio Perú Canadá Perú Brasil Will operate with your Website BCP Miami account? Página Web ¿Operará con su cuenta Llenado obligatorio BCP Miami? Yes Sí X Yes Sí Yes Sí X Yes Sí 5. Yes Sí 6. Yes Sí 7. Yes Sí 6 Please list your principal suppliers and their country of residence/business activity. Please insert a checkmark in the boxes below if you will be receiving/sending payments from your BCP Miami account to these suppliers. Favor indicar sus principales proveedores, el país de residencia/actividad de negocio. Asimismo, favor marcar con un check si anticipa hacer o recibir pagos desde/en su cuenta BCP Miami. Name of the suppliers Nombre del proveedor Products or services received Producto o servicio recibido Country País 1. Fire S.A. Mangueras Vehículos Eq. respiración Traje c/incendio U.K. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 2. Pierce S.A.C. 3. Breath S.A. 4. Safety Source Will operate with your BCP Miami account? ¿Operará con su cuenta BCP Miami? X X X X Yes Sí Yes Sí Yes Sí Yes Sí 5. Yes Sí 6. Yes Sí 7. Yes Sí Website Página Web Contact person authorized Persona de contacto autorizada The company should designate the person, among the users, who will be the primary contact having the following responsibilities: Receive the passwords for all internet banking users ( and deliver the token personally to each user in a sealed envelope. Receive the checkbooks, letters, email messages and any other documentation sent by the Bank. Su empresa deberá designar entre sus usuarios a la persona que será el contacto principal del Banco y tendrá como responsabilidades y/o funciones las siguientes: Recibir la(s) clave(s) de(de los) usuario(s) del sistema de banca electrónica remota (, dispositivos de seguridad enviados por el Banco tales como el TOKEN y distribuirlos de manera personal a cada usuario en el(los) mismo(s) sobre(s) cerrado(s), en que lo(s) insertó el Banco. Recibir las chequeras, cartas, correos electrónicos y material diverso enviado por el Banco. Contact person’s name Nombre de persona de contacto Title, position Cargo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Gerente General E-mail Correo electrónico Telephone Teléfono Fax [email protected] 2751091 2751090 Electronic confirmation Confirmación electrónica de operaciones recibidas de otro banco o enviadas a otro banco The email address authorized to receive notification of the operations is: El correo electrónico autorizado a recibir notificaciones de operaciones es: [email protected] 7 Authorization to provide account information of the BCP Miami accounts Autorización a brindar información sobre saldos y movimientos de las cuentas de BCP Miami I (We) authorize BCP Miami to provide account balance or account activity information to the account officer handling our account. Autorizo(amos) a BCP Miami a brindar información de saldos y movimientos de nuestra(s) cuenta(s) abierta(s) en BCP Miami a nuestro Funcionario de Negocios del Banco de Crédito del Perú y del Banco de Crédito de Bolivia. X Yes Sí No Checkbook printed, choose one option Chequera, elegir una de las siguientes opciones: Elegir una de las siguientes opciones: X Checks mailed to our business address, legal address Enviar chequera(s) a nuestra dirección o domicilio legal arriba indicada. Checks mailed to our Mailing Address Enviar chequera(s) a nuestra dirección para envío de correspondencia arriba indicada. We do not require Checks No Requerimos chequera(s). Purpose of account Propósito de la cuenta Marcar todos los que apliquen X X Payment to Suppliers/Service Providers Pagos a Proveedores/Servicios Deposit from clients Abonos de Clientes Other (Please explain) Otros (favor detallar) Describe what type of transactions or operations the account will have. You may select more than one option. Describa cómo va a realizar sus transacciones u operaciones. Puede marcar más de una opción. Cash deposits Depósitos en efectivo Check deposits Depósitos en cheque X Incoming wire transfers from third parties Depósitos vía transferencias de terceros Cash withdrawals Retiros en efectivo X X X Outgoing wire transfers to third parties Pagos a terceros vía transferencias Check payments Pagos a terceros vía giro de cheques Internal transfers BCP Miami and/or BCP Peru/BCP Bolivia Transferencias entre cuentas propias BCP Miami y/o BCP Perú/BCP Bolivia Other (Detail) Otros (Detallar): 8 Expected Amounts Movimiento esperado en la cuenta The expected activity should be in accordance with the company’s scope of activities and/or sales. If the company’s activity has increased during the last months or year, please also provide copies of the interim statements. If this is a newly organized company, please provide an estimated projection of the annual sales. The Bank has the option of requesting additional information, if required. Los montos a consignar debieran tener cierta correlación con el nivel de ventas, ingresos o movimientos propios de la naturaleza de su actividad. Si usted considera que el movimiento de su empresa, entidad u organización se ha incrementado en el último año o meses, presentar además copias de sus estados financieros interinos. Si la empresa es nueva, favor presente una proyección estimada de sus ventas anuales. El banco tiene la opción de solicitar información adicional, si es requerida. Number of transactions expected per month Número de transacciones esperadas al mes Amounts (transactions amount) Mensual Importe (monto transado) Deposits, credits Abonos en US$: Between Entre 05 50,000 and y 200,000 per month al mes Payments, debits Cargos en US$: 40,000 and y 100,000 per month al mes Monthly average balance expected 50,000 08 Between Entre Saldo promedio mensual anticipado Source of funds used for opening the account Origen de fondos utilizados para apertura de la cuenta No puede ser menor a US$ 25,000 Amount of initial deposit Monto de depósito inicial US$ Check Cheque Bank Banco Wire Transfer Transferencia Bank Banco X 25,000 Account Nº Nº de cuenta Account Nº Nº de cuenta Debit in account Cargo en cuenta BCP, Account Nº Nº de cuenta 191-00532-451 9 Carta de Autorización de Cargo en Cuenta La misma cuenta consignada en la página anterior Nosotros (nombre de la empresa) TEC SAFETY S.A. Autorizamos el débito en nuestra cuenta BCP, número 191-00532-451 por el monto de apertura 25,000 (depósito inicial) por US$ y débitos futuros para pago de mantenimiento en nuestra cuenta en caso esté sobregirada al momento del cargo y eventuales sobregiros hasta por el monto de US$ (opcional) a fin de evitar cobros, intereses o penalidades complementarias en mi Dejar en blanco cuenta BCP Miami, número Sello de la Empresa TEC SAFETY Los mismos que han firmado en la página 1 deben firmar todo el contrato Customer Signature Firma del Cliente Customer Signature Firma del Cliente 10 Esta página será llenada por el Banco Information to be completed by the Bank Información a ser llenada por el Banco Do any of the account holders, signors or beneficial owners on this account have any other accounts with BCP Miami or its Head Office? (Relationships include same ownership, shareholders, affiliations, signors, etc.) If yes, include the name, number, relationship and purpose of their main accounts. If funds flow through related accounts, explain the purpose of these transactions. ¿El titular, firmante o beneficiario de la cuenta tiene otras cuentas con BCP Miami? (Están incluidas cuentas del mismo dueño, mismos accionistas, mismos firmantes, empresas relacionadas, etc.) Si la respuesta es afirmativa, incluir el nombre, número, vínculo y propósito de sus cuentas principales. Si los fondos se moverán entre las cuentas vinculadas, explicar el propósito de estas transacciones. Name Nombre Account Number/relationship Número de cuenta/vínculo Purpose of the account and the related transactions Propósito de la cuenta y sus transacciones relacionadas 1. 2. 3. Date of last call report Fecha de última visita Next call report schedule date Fecha de próxima visita Date (dd/mm/yy) Fecha de trámite Account Number Número de cuenta Account Officer Funcionario de Negocios Manager Jefe de Grupo Department Área BCP Client since Cliente BCP desde Risk report? ¿Reporte de riesgos? Yes Sí No Line of credit Línea de crédito US$ The Bank Officer opening the account certifies that s/he has delivered to the customer the following documents: AGREEMENT AND CONDITIONS/FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT BOOKLET, FEE SCHEDULE, FUNDS AVAILABILITY POLICY FOR CHECK DEPOSITS and PRIVACY OF CUSTOMER INFORMATION POLICY. All NOW Account and Money Market Account customers must also receive the INTEREST DISCLOSURE LETTER. El Funcionario declara haber entregado al cliente la siguiente documentación: ACUERDO DE TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES/ACUERDO DE TRANSFERENCIAS (AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS/FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT BOOKLET), TARIFARIO, POLÍTICA DE DISPONIBILIDAD DE FONDOS SOBRE CHEQUES DEPOSITADOS Y LA POLÍTICA SOBRE LA PRIVACIDAD DE INFORMACIÓN DEL CLIENTE. A todos los clientes que abran cuenta NOW y MONEY MARKET se les debe entregar una carta detallando los términos y condiciones (INTEREST DISCLOSURE LETTER). V°B° Funcionario BCP encargado de la Apertura de Cuentas V°B° Apoderado BCP encargado de la Apertura de Cuentas 11 Corporate Banking Resolutions NOTE: This document designates those individuals responsible for the operation of the account(s) by virtue of the access methods made available by BCP Miami. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly elected and qualified Secretary of TEC SAFETY S.A. (the “Corporation”), a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Perú and having its principal place of business in Lima - Perú (city, country); that in such capacity, I am responsible for maintaining the records and corporate seal of said corporation; that the following is a true and correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the board of directors duly convened and held in accordance with its bylaws and the laws of said jurisdiction on (date) 25/05/1985 misma fecha que (dd/mm/yyyy), at which a quorum was present and acting throughout; that such resolutions La have been figura en la página 2 entered in the minute book of said corporation; and that such resolutions and the adoption thereof conform to the provisions of the bylaws of said corporation relating thereto, are not inconsistent with its articles of incorporation or other governing documents, have not been modified, amended, repealed, or rescinded, and are now in full force and effect. Fill in the Complete Title of the Account TEC SAFETY S.A. PART A. Bank Account Authority Designation of Depository RESOLVED, that Banco de Crédito del Perú, Miami Agency (the “Bank”) be and is hereby designated as a depository of the Corporation, and Deposits and stop payments RESOLVED, that the officers, agents and employees of the Corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to deposit any of the funds of the Corporation with the Bank, stop payment of any checks drawn on any account of the Corporation, and to waive presentment, demand, protest and notice of protest or dishonor of any check, note, bill, draft, or other instrument deposited with the Bank by the Corporation, and the Bank is authorized to receive and accept deposits, stop payment orders, and waivers without any duty to inquire as to the authority of any person or persons; and Authorized Signers Nombre de cada firmante RESOLVED, that the following: autorizado (todos) Cargo de cada firmante autorizado Indicar modalidad de firma. A sola firma o conjuntamente Name Title Signing Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Mauricio Vásquez Gallo Emilia Sotelo García Presidente del Directorio X Gerente General X Gerente de Ventas Gerente de Finanzas Singly Jointly Singly Jointly Singly Singly X X Jointly Jointly Singly Jointly Singly Jointly Other specification: 12 Are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to: General Account Authority 1. Establish, modify and close demand, savings and time deposit arrangements or accounts with the Bank, in the name indicated above or in any other name, purchase bankers acceptances and otherwise invest funds of the Corporation from and with the Bank, obtain certification of any item, and withdraw from or charge against any funds of the Corporation deposited in the Bank at any time and from time to time as permitted by the rules and regulations of the Bank, or any agreement in effect between the Corporation and the Bank, and the Bank is hereby authorized to honor any such withdrawal upon checks, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, undertakings, or other instruments or orders of the payment of money (all of the foregoing being collectively referred to as "items") when made, issued, signed, drawn, accepted, or endorsed (including endorsement by rubber stamp, which are expressly approved) as provided in this Resolution on behalf of the Corporation; Funds Transfers 2. Order the transfer of funds from the Corporation’s account(s) by electronic or by other means by providing instructions to the Bank, and the Bank is authorized to act in reliance on such instructions, and charge the account of the Corporation in accordance therewith and with any Funds Transfer Agreement between the Bank and the Corporation; Depository Transfer Checks 3. Designate the Bank as depository for safekeeping and agent for the preparation, issuance, deposit and collection of the Corporation’s depository transfer checks; Securities Transactions 4. Deliver stocks, bonds and other securities and property to the Bank for custody upon such terms as the Bank may prescribe; authorize and request the Bank to collect the income and dividends therefrom for the account of the Corporation, and authorize and request the Bank to purchase or sell stocks, bonds and other securities and property for the account of the Corporation; Safekeeping 5. Deposit, withdraw from the Bank and give receipt for, or authorize the Bank to deliver to bearer or to one or more designated persons, all or any documents and securities or other property held by it, whether held as collateral security or for safekeeping or for any other purpose; Other Corporate Services 6. Establish arrangements for handling of payroll, check cashing plan, any electronic debit and credit payment services, cash management services, and any other service offered by the Bank to corporate customers; Oral or Fax Instructions 7. Instruct the Bank on behalf of the Corporation with respect to the foregoing matters orally (in person or by telephone) or by facsimile transmission, and the Bank shall be entitled to honor any such instructions without subsequent confirmation by the Bank regardless of how the instructions were transmitted, so long as the Bank reasonably believes at the time of receipt that the instructions were given by an authorized person. Execution of Documents and Indemnification 8. Execute and deliver all agreements and other instruments required by the Bank in connection with any of the foregoing matters, including agreements of indemnity or similar writings in favor of the Bank in such form and content as may be deemed necessary or desirable. Notice of Certain Defenses or Claims RESOLVED, that the Bank is hereby authorized (1) to pay any item or make any charge (and also to receive the same from the payee or any other holder) without limitation of amount and without inquiry as to the circumstances of issue, negotiation, or endorsement or the disposition of the proceeds even if drawn to the individual order of any signing person, or payable to the Bank or others for this account, or tendered in payment of his individual obligation, and whether drawn against an account in the name of the Corporation or in the name of any officer or agent of the Corporation as such, and, at the option of the Bank, even if the account shall not have a credit balance of the full amount of such instrument or charge, and the Corporation 13 shall be and remain liable for the full amount of such instrument or charge which shall be immediately due, and (2) to waive presentment, demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor of any check, note, bill, draft, or other instrument made, drawn, or endorsed by the Corporation. PART B. Borrowing Authority RESOLVED, that the following: Se deberá llenar igual que la Parte A de manera obligatoria Name Title Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Mauricio Vásquez Gallo Emilia Sotelo García Presidente del Directorio X Gerente General X Gerente de Ventas Gerente de Finanzas Signing Singly Jointly Singly Jointly Singly Singly X X Jointly Jointly Singly Jointly Singly Jointly Other specification: Are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to: General Borrowing Authority 1. Borrow money and obtain credit for the Corporation from the Bank on any terms and make and deliver applications, statements, notes, drafts, acceptances, instruments & guaranty, agreements and any other obligations or undertakings of the Corporation in form satisfactory to the Bank; Collateral 2. Grant a security interest in or lien upon and pledge or assign and deliver, as security for money borrowed or credit obtained by the Corporation or by another party at the request, or for the benefit, of the Corporation, any assets (whether real, personal, or otherwise) now owned or hereafter acquired by the Corporation and make and deliver security agreements, hypothecations, subordinations, mortgages, pledge agreements, or other documents in the name of the Corporation; Discount Commercial Paper 3. Discount any bills receivable or any other commercial paper held by the Corporation with full authority to endorse; assign, or guarantee the same in name of the Corporation with full authority to endorse, assign, or guarantee the same in name of the Corporation with or without restriction or qualification; Letters of Credit 4. Apply for, receive and amend letters of credit, and instruct and advise the Bank with regard to all transactions in connection therewith, giving indemnification or other agreements to the Bank in connection therewith; and Waivers and Extensions 5. Consent to extensions, renewals, changes in terms regarding credit given by the Bank to the Corporation, or as to which the Corporation is surety or guarantor, and to waive any right to notices of every kind. 14 PART C. Miscellaneous Resolutions Indemnification RESOLVED, that in consideration of the acceptance by the Bank of any accounts under the above designated corporate name, the undersigned agree to protect and indemnify the Bank against all loss or liability, including court costs and attorney’s fees, arising from or growing out of the Bank’s reliance upon any provision of these Resolutions. Rules of Bank RESOLVED, that all of the relationships of the Corporation with the Bank as authorized by these Resolutions shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Bank and/or such agreements as may be in effect between the Corporation and the Bank as they pertain to the types of accounts or relationships established hereunder; and Florida Law RESOLVED, that these Resolutions and the authorities granted thereunder and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any litigation against the Bank will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of Florida, situated in MiamiDade County, Florida. PART D. Authority of Secretary RESOLVED, that the Secretary or any other officer of the Corporation be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to certify to the Bank the names of the present officers of the Corporation and other persons authorized to sign for it and the offices respectively held by them, together with specimens of their signatures, and in case of any change of any holder of any such office or holders of any such offices, the fact of such change and the names of any new officers and the offices respectively held by them, together with specimens of their signatures; that the Bank be, and hereby is, authorized to honor any instrument signed by any new holder of any such office in respect of whom it has received any such certificate or certificates with the same force and effect as if said officer or officers were named in the foregoing Resolutions in the place of any person or persons with the same title or titles; and that the Bank be, and hereby is, authorized to assume conclusively that persons at any time certified to it to be officers or other representatives of the Corporation shall continue as such until receipt by the Bank of written notice to the contrary, except that such notice shall not be effective with respect to any exercise of authority of any of said officers or other persons authorized to sign prior to the receipt thereof nor with respect to any checks or other instruments for the payment of money or the withdrawal of funds dated on or prior to the date of such notice but presented to the Bank after receipt of such notice, and the Bank is hereby authorized at all times to rely upon the last notice, certificate or communication received by it, as to any Resolution of this Corporation or as to the persons who, from time to time, may be officers or signatories of the Corporation, or as to their respective specimen signature or as to any other corporate matters; and that the Bank shall be held harmless in such reliance, even though such Resolution may have been changed; and Notification of Changes RESOLVED, that the Bank be promptly notified in writing by the Secretary or any officer of the Corporation of any change in these Resolutions, such notice to be given to each office of the Bank in which any account or other relationship of the Corporation may be maintained, and that until it has actually received such notice in writing, the Bank is authorized to act in pursuance of these Resolutions, and that until it has actually received such notice it shall be indemnified and held harmless from any loss suffered or liability incurred by it in continuing to act in pursuance of these Resolutions, even though these Resolutions may have been changed; furthermore, to the extent that in the Bank’s belief, any notice or Resolution creates an ambiguity or conflict regarding the Authorities at any time in effect, the Bank may, in its sole discretion, take such action as it deems to be appropriate, including continuing to give effect to an existing Resolution or withholding any payment on any item(s) until such time as it is served with an order of a court of competent jurisdiction regarding disposition thereof. 15 I further certify that the following persons have been duly elected to and now hold the offices in the Corporation in the capacities set forth opposite their respective names. Name (Please Print) Se llena igual que la Parte A y B Title Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Mauricio Vásquez Gallo Emilia Sotelo García Presidente del Directorio Gerente General Gerente de Ventas Gerente de Finanzas IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as Secretary of the Corporation and affixed the Corporate Seal this day of July 20 08 . 22th Secretary of the Board or Other Officer Name and Title Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Presidente del Directorio Firma representante 1 Signature Second Officer (only needed if officer above is also a signer in the account): Name and Title Martín Vásquez Sotelo Gerente General Firma representante 2 Signature NOTE: If there is no second officer, the following statement must be signed: I certify that I am the sole owner of all the stock of the Corporation, and the sole director, and hold the offices of both President and Secretary of the Corporation. President and Secretary Signature Si no hubiera un segundo firmante, este recuadro deberá ser firmado SOLAMENTE si el firmante 1 es el único dueño de la Empresa 16 Sacar copias y llenar uno por cada firmante (Todos los que figuran en el Corporate Banking Resolutions). Individual signer information Datos de cada firmante First name Primer nombre Middle name Segundo nombre Martín - Last name Apellido paterno Maiden name Apellido materno Vásquez Sotelo Type of ID Tipo de Doc. de Identidad Identidad X DNI/Voters registration DNI/Libreta Electoral Passport Pasaporte C.E. Carné de Extranjería ID Nº Place of issuance Lugar de emisión 4336077 Lima - Perú C.I. Carné de Identidad Date of issue of ID (mm/dd/yyyy) Fecha de emisión del Doc. de Identidad 01/21/2006 Mes/día/año Date of expiration of ID (mm/dd/yyyy) Fecha de expiración del Doc. de Identidad 01/21/2016 Mes/día/año Profession Economic Activity Actividad económica e-mail address Administrador Empresario [email protected] Telephone 1 Telephone 2 Cellular Fax 2751091 2751092 990049815 2751090 Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) Fecha de nacimiento Place of birth País y ciudad de nacimiento 05/25/1984 Lima - Perú Nationality Nacionalidad Sex Sexo Peruana X Male Masculino Female Femenino Civil Status Estado civil Single Soltero X Married Casado Divorced Divorciado Education Nivel de estudios High School Secundaria Collage Superior Técnica X University Superior Universitaria Address Dirección District Distrito El Barón 121 - Las Gardenias Surco City Ciudad Province/dept/state Provincia/dpto/estado Country País Lima Lima Perú 17 Security Procedures Procedimientos de Seguridad Please review the security procedures listed below and select the one which best suits your needs given the type of funds transfer activity in which you plan to engage. You may select a particular security procedure by placing a check mark next to tine particular designation, and signing this form: Por favor revise los procedimientos listados a continuación y seleccione el que mejor se adapte al tipo de actividad de transferencia de fondos a la que Usted tiene la intención de dedicarse. Usted puede seleccionar el procedimiento de seguridad marcando la casilla al lado de la opción que desee y firmar este formato: Marcar sólo una opción 1. Physical Presentation at Bank or Affiliate Offices Presencia física en el Banco o sus oficinas afiliadas. The Customer shall physically present itself, through any one of its Authorized Persons, at any office of BANCO DE CRÉDITO DEL PERÚ, MIAMI AGENCY or at the offices of any affiliated or correspondent bank of BANCO DE CRÉDITO DEL PERÚ, MIAMI AGENCY (the “Receiving Office”). El Cliente hará presencia física por medio de una de las Personas Autorizadas, en cualquier oficina del Banco, en las oficinas de cualquier banco afiliado o corresponsal de BANCO DE CRÉDITO DEL PERÚ, AGENCIA DE MIAMI. X Se recomienda la segunda opción 2. Facsimile instructions, followed by a Call-Back Verification Instrucciones vía fax seguida por una confirmación telefónica. The Customer may initiate a payment order (or any amendment or cancellation thereof), by facsimile (i.e. telecopy or fax machine) communication purportedly executed by an Authorized Person. The Bank shall confirm by telephone any payment orders by communicating with a person purporting to be an Authorized Person. The Bank will call (one of) the individual(s) listed below, being the Authorized Person(s), at the designated telephone number(s): El Cliente podrá iniciar una orden de pago (o una enmienda o cancelación de la misma), vía comunicación por facsimile (telecopia o máquina de fax) supuestamente realizada o ejecutada por una Persona Autorizada. El Banco confirmará telefónicamente con la Persona Autorizada cualquier orden de pago. El Banco se comunicará con uno de los individuos (Persona Autorizada) abajo mencionados, a los teléfonos designados: Printed Name Nombre Telephone Teléfono Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo 4631544 Printed Name Nombre Telephone Teléfono Martín Vásquez Sotelo 3682535 The Customer understands and agrees that (i) the Bank’s ability to confirm the payment order is subject to the availability of telephone lines in the Customer’s country. El Cliente entiende y está de acuerdo en que la habilidad del Banco para confirmar la orden de pago está sujeta a la disponibilidad de las líneas telefónicas en el país del Cliente. Customer Signature Firma del Cliente Customer Signature Firma del Cliente 18 Authorization Autorización The person(s) opening the account(s) is/are referred to in this document as the “depositor”, “I”, or “we”. The depositor(s) hereby authorize the Bank to act in connection with my (our) account (s) in accordance with the boxes I (we) have initialed below. Se hará referencia a la(s) persona(s) que está(n) en el proceso de abrir la cuenta(s) como el “depositante”, “yo”, o “nosotros”. El/los depositante(s) autoriza(n) por la presente al Banco a actuar en relación con mi/nuestras instrucciones conforme a las casillas que a continuación rubrico/rubricamos: Sólo marcar una opción (se recomienda la primera) Statements - Correspondence Estados de Cuenta - Correspondencia X 1. All statements and correspondence should be mailed to the depositor’s address as indicated in the Opening Account Booklet. Todos los estados de cuenta y/o correspondencia deben ser remitidos a la dirección del depositante indicada al inicio del presente Acuerdo. 2. All correspondence and statements shall be held by the Bank and will be considered delivered and made available to the depositor at the time issued by the Bank, and the Bank is hereby released and discharged from all liabilities and obligations in respect thereof and any time periods for notifying the bank for errors shall begin to run as of the date of the correspondence. The depositor waives all rights they might otherwise have in respect of such correspondence or statements, arising or resulting, directly or indirectly, from any failure to send all such correspondence or statements to us at any other location. Additionally, the customer hereby acknowledges that any correspondence not requested for a period of one year or greater is subject to destruction in accordance with the Bank’s policies and procedures. Todos los estados de cuenta y/o correspondencia deberán ser retenidos por el Banco y se considerarán como entregados y puestos a la disposición del depositante al momento de ser emitidos por el Banco, y mediante la presente se libera y exime al Banco de toda responsibilidad y obligación al respecto. El depositante renuncia a todo derecho que de alguna otra manera pudiese tener respecto a dicha correspodencia o estados de cuentas, que surja o resulte, directa o indirectamente, de cualquier omisión de enviarnos toda dicha correspondencia y estados de cuenta a algún otro lugar. Adicionalmente, el cliente acuerda que cualquier correspondencia no requerida o solicitada por un período de un año o más estará sujeta a ser destruida de acuerdo a los procedimientos del Banco. 3. The undersigned, authorized Banco de Crédito del Perú, Miami Agency, to deliver by mail to: El infrascrito autoriza al Banco de Crédito del Perú, Agencia de Miami a entregar mi correspondencia a: and engage in exercising proper care regarding reviewing all my account statements as stipulated in article 8 of the section titled “Agreement Terms and Conditions”. However, I (we) agree to hold the Bank harmless from and against any liability, obligation or losses arising from my (our) not having exercised proper care in periodically verifying my (our) account statements and promptly reporting any discrepancies to the Bank. y a que revise con el debido cuidado todos mis/nuestros estados de cuenta, conforme a lo estipulado en el artículo 8 de la sección titulada “Convenio Otros Términos y Condiciones”. Sin embargo, yo/nosotros acuerdo/acordamos liberar al Banco de Crédito del Perú, Agencia de Miami de toda responsibilidad, obligación o pérdida que pueda surgir por no haber ejercido yo/nosotros suficiente cuidado de verificar periódicamente mis/nuestros estados de cuenta e informar al Banco prontamente respecto a cualquier discrepancia. Customer Signature Firma del Cliente Customer Signature Firma del Cliente 19 Form W-8BEN (Rev. February 2006) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding OMB No. 1545-1621 Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code. See separate instructions. Give this form to the withholding agent or payer. Do not send to the IRS. Do not use this form for: Instead, use Form: c A U.S. citizen or other U.S. person, including a resident alien individual c A person claiming that income is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States c A foreign partnership, a foreign simple trust, or a foreign grantor trust (see instructions for exceptions) c A foreign government, international organization, foreign central bank of issue, foreign tax-exempt organization, foreign private foundation, or government of a U.S. possession that received effectively connected income or that is claiming the applicability of section(s) 115(2), 501(c), 892, 895, or 1443(b) (see instructions) Note: These entities should use Form W-8BEN if they are claiming treaty benefits or are providing the form only to claim they are a foreign person exempt from backup withholding. c A person acting as an intermediary Note: See instructions for additional exceptions. 1 Name of individual or organization that is the beneficial owner 3 Type of beneficial owner: TEC SAFETY S.A. Grantor trust Central bank of issue X Individual Corporation 2 W-8ECI or W-8EXP W-8IMY Country of incorporation or organization Perú SiempreDisregarded marcar esta entityopción Complex trust Es ta te Government Tax-exempt organization Private foundation Partnership Simple trust International organization Permanent residence address (street, apt. or suite no., or rural route). Do not use a P.O. box or in-care-of address. Calle Francia 564, Miraflores City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. Country (do not abbreviate) Lima, Lima, Lima 30 5 Mailing address (if different from above) Perú Llenar solo si es diferente al indicado en el punto 4 City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. 6 Country (do not abbreviate) 7 U.S. taxpayer identification number, if required (see instructions) SSN or ITIN 8 Foreign tax identifying number, if any (optional) EIN Reference number(s) (see instructions) Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (if applicable) Part II 9 I certify that (check all that apply): a b c d e 10 W-8ECI W-8ECI or W-8IMY Identification of Beneficial Owner (See instructions.) Part I 4 W-9 The beneficial owner is a resident of within the meaning of the income tax treaty between the United States and that country. 1} 1 The beneficial owner is not an individual, derives the item (or items) of income AL for which the treaty benefits are claimed, and, if applicable, meets the requirements of the treaty provision dealing with 6 limitation on benefits (see instructions). EforL dividends received from a foreign corporation or interest from a The beneficial owner is not an individual, is claiming treaty benefits D U.S. trade or business of a foreign corporation, and meets qualified resident status (see instructions). ApayRthe income N The beneficial owner is related to the person obligated to within the meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b), and will file Form 8833 if the amount subject to withholding received LLE during a calendar year exceeds, in the aggregate, $500,000. O of the Special rates and conditions (if applicable—see {N instructions): The beneficial owner is claiming the provisions of Article If required, the U.S. taxpayer identification number is stated on line 6 (see instructions). treaty identified on line 9a above to claim a % rate of withholding on (specify type of income): Explain the reasons the beneficial owner meets the terms of the treaty article: Notional Principal Contracts Part III 11 . I have provided or will provide a statement that identifies those notional principal contracts from which the income is not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States. I agree to update this statement as required. Part IV Certification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the information on this form and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. I further certify under penalties of perjury that: 1 I am the beneficial owner (or am authorized to sign for the beneficial owner) of all the income to which this form relates, 2 The beneficial owner is not a U.S. person, 3 The income to which this form relates is (a) not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States, (b) effectively connected but is not subject to tax under an income tax treaty, or (c) the partner’s share of a partnership’s effectively connected income, and 4 For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions. Furthermore, I authorize this form to be provided to any withholding agent that has control, receipt, or custody of the income of which I am the beneficial owner or any withholding agent that can disburse or make payments of the income of which I am the beneficial owner. Llenado obligatorio Sign Here 05/22/2008 Presidente/G. General Signature of beneficial owner (or individual authorized to sign for beneficial owner) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Firma 1 Firma 2 Date (MM-DD-YYYY) Cat. No. 25047Z Capacity in which acting Form W-8BEN Cargos (Rev. 2-2006) Llenar sólo si la Empresa está domiciliada en EE.UU. Form W-9 (Rev. January 2002) Print or type See Specific Instructions on page 2. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. Name Business name, if different from above Check appropriate box: Individual/ Sole proprietor Corporation Partnership Exempt from backup withholding Other Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) Requester’s name and address (optional) City, state, and ZIP code List account number(s) here (optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 2. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 2. Social security number Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 2 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Employer identification number Part II – – or Certification – Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. (See the instructions on page 2.) Sign Here Signature of U.S. person Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS must get your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an IRA. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to give your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If you are a foreign person, use the appropriate Form W-8. See Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities. Note: If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester’s form if it is substantially similar to this Form W-9. Date What is backup withholding? Persons making certain payments to you must under certain conditions withhold and pay to the IRS 30% of such payments after December 31, 2001 (29% after December 31, 2003). This is called “backup withholding.” Payments that may be subject to backup withholding include interest, dividends, broker and barter exchange transactions, rents, royalties, nonemployee pay, and certain payments from fishing boat operators. Real estate transactions are not subject to backup withholding. You will not be subject to backup withholding on payments you receive if you give the requester your correct TIN, make the proper certifications, and report all your taxable interest and dividends on your tax return. Payments you receive will be subject to backup withholding if: 1. You do not furnish your TIN to the requester, or 2. You do not certify your TIN when required (see the Part II instructions on page 2 for details), or 3. The IRS tells the requester that you furnished an incorrect TIN, or 4. The IRS tells you that you are subject to backup withholding because you did not report all your interest and dividends on your tax return (for reportable interest and dividends only), or Cat. No. 10231X 5. You do not certify to the requester that you are not subject to backup withholding under 4 above (for reportable interest and dividend accounts opened after 1983 only). Certain payees and payments are exempt from backup withholding. See the instructions on page 2 and the separate Instructions for the Requester of Form W-9. Penalties Failure to furnish TIN. If you fail to furnish your correct TIN to a requester, you are subject to a penalty of $50 for each such failure unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect. Civil penalty for false information with respect to withholding. If you make a false statement with no reasonable basis that results in no backup withholding, you are subject to a $500 penalty. Criminal penalty for falsifying information. Willfully falsifying certifications or affirmations may subject you to criminal penalties including fines and/or imprisonment. Misuse of TINs. If the requester discloses or uses TINs in violation of Federal law, the requester may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Form W-9 (Rev. 1-2002) Firman por duplicado todos los representantes autorizados en la siguiente página Signature register Registro de firmas Branch/Agency Sucursal/Agencia 25/05/2008 Date Fecha Account Nº Nº de cuenta: Nº of signers Nº de firmantes 4 Company name/Account name Razón social/Nombre de la cuenta TEC SAFETY S.A. Name Nombre Name Nombre Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad X DNI Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. X C.I. Nº 4180732 Singly A sola firma Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro X DNI Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. X C.I. Singly A sola firma Name Nombre Mauricio Vásquez Gallo Emilia Vásquez García X DNI Pas. C.E. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad 07780335 X Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro X DNI Pas. C.E. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Name Nombre Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma DNI Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar 4085721 X Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Name Nombre DNI Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Name Nombre Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Nº C.E. C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro 22 Signature register Registro de firmas Branch/Agency Sucursal/Agencia 25/05/2008 Date Fecha Account Nº Nº de cuenta: 4 Nº of signers Nº de firmantes Company name/Account name Razón social/Nombre de la cuenta TEC SAFETY S.A. Name Nombre Name Nombre Álvaro Vásquez Sotelo Martín Vásquez Sotelo Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad X DNI Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. X C.I. Nº 4180732 Singly A sola firma Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro X DNI Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. X C.I. Singly A sola firma Name Nombre Mauricio Vásquez Gallo Emilia Vásquez García X DNI Pas. C.E. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad 07780335 X Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro X DNI Pas. C.E. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Name Nombre Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar C.E. C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma DNI Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Pas. Signing Modalidad de firma Huella dactilar 4085721 X Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Name Nombre DNI Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro Name Nombre Type of ID Tipo de Documento de Identidad Nº C.E. C.I. Nº Singly A sola firma Jointly Conjuntamente dos firmas La firma o rúbrica no debe exceder el recuadro 23