Corpus Christi Church, Woodside, NY
Corpus Christi Church, Woodside, NY
CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH 31‐30 61st Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Rectory ~ Phone: 718-278-8114 ~ Fax: 718-278-3619 ~ Food Pantry: 718-721-2774 Web site: E‐Mail: corpuschris Pastor E‐Mail: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 8:30PM ~ Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM Sunday - Office Closed THE PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick J. West, Pastor Rev. Michael McHugh, Parochial Vicar Rev. John O’Neill, I.V.D., Weekend Associate Rev. William Smith, In Residence Deacon Juan J. Zhagñay, Permanent Deacon Mr. Augusto Lucero, Religious Educa on Director Mrs. Karen Sherlock, Outreach Director Mr. Gerardo Vera, Plant Manager Mr. Ma hew LaBanca, Music Director Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of Saint Philomena 31‐31 60th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Marriage/Matrimonio: Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with one of the Priests of the Parish. Call the rectory for an appointment. Español: Sacar cita con el Sacer dote seis meses antes de la fecha elegida, para varias entrevistas y compilación de documentos. Devotions: Divine Mercy: Fr iday at 3:00 PM/Chapel. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado: Sunday/Domingo: Filipino Mass 5:00PM 6:30 PM Español, 8:45AM 11:00AM Español, 12:30PM 2:00PM ‐ 4th Sunday WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday ‐ Saturday: 8:00AM Lunes: 7:30PM Español First Friday/Primer Viernes: 7:30PM Blvd Gardens Mass 10:30AM—First Wednesday CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information please call: 718 894-4888 CEMENTERIOS CATÓLICOS Para información favor de llamar al: 718 894-4888 Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 PM until 4:45 PM and any time by appointment / durante la semana previa cita. Baptism/Bautismo: English: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM. Par ents must register with child’s birth certificate at the Rectory prior to instruction which is held on the 1st Sunday of the month after the 8:45 AM Mass. Español: Ter cer Sábado de cada mes 1:00 PM. Pr epar ación domingo anterior después de misa de 11:00 AM. Para mayor información llamar a la rectoría. Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 We are grateful for your generous gift in gratitude for all of God’s blessings. Collection for August 20-21: SATURDAY - August 27th 5:00 PM + Margaret & John Baxter + 6:30 PM + Nicholas Gatto + 2016 $ 3868 Offertory: 2015 $ 4169 Thank you for your generosity th SUNDAY - August 28 8:45 AM 11:00 AM + Maria Torres + + Oscar Prieto - Birthday + Peisio Andres Liranzo + Celestino Marte - 7th Anniversary + 12:30 PM + Henry Abatemarco, Jr. + th MONDAY - August 29 8:00 AM + Robert Rotanz + 7:30 PM + Jair Gutierrez + TUESDAY - August 30th 8:00 AM + Thomas Burkhart+ WEDNESDAY - August 31st 8:00 AM THURSDAY - September 1st 8:00 AM + Father Jim Smyth + FRIDAY - September 2nd - First Friday 8:00 AM Maria Eugenia Hernandez - Thanksgiving 7:30 PM + Octavio Polanco - 2 mos. Anniversary + rd SATURDAY - September 3 - First Saturday 8:00 AM Members of the Purgatorial Society + Nancy, Luke A. Foye, Sr. + 5:00 PM + Major John H. Mark, Jr. 1st Anniversary + 6:30 PM + Martha C. Hernandez - Birthday + SUNDAY - September 4th 8:45 AM Ivan & Ivana Peras 11:00 AM + Lucy Villamizar + + Jair Gutierrez + Legion DeMaria 12:30 PM Doris Rivera - Good Health Daily Mass in the Chapel The 8:00 AM weekday Mass will be celebrated in the chapel for the remainder of the summer. Thank you for your cooperation Alvarado Family Bullon Family Deborah Cruz Rosa Figueroa Valerie Flynn Bob Gaynor Ralph Gil Dorothy Gillen Victor Gonzales Josephine Haber Tom Hannon Jimmy Keegan Jean LaBonte Cira Mota Robert Nieves Delena Maria Ramirez Maria Isabel Ramierez Saire Family Al Strobl Mario Tamburello Olga Elena Uidal Names will remain the “Prayers for the Sick” for one month unless we hear otherwise. English Charismatic Prayer Group will not meet during the month of August PARISH OUTREACH Did you know you could use your EBT Card at NYC Farmers Markets? Get Fresh all year round! Take home an extra $2 work of fruits and veggies for every $5 you spend in SNAP (foodstamps). Find your greenmarket at APARTMENT NEEDED Practicing Catholic male interested in joining the parish and looking forward to being involved in the parish community is looking for a small room to rent. Please call Martin at 973-615-1201 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Jubilee Year of Mercy August 28, 2016 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time “Alms atone for sins” (Sirach 2:29). Alms are mercy translated into hands-on compassion. Jesus confirms Sirach’s wisdom, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7). “Conduct your affairs with humility” (Sirach 3:17). Humility: we’re all alike and special, for we’re children of God. Jesus confirms that wisdom, too: “Do not recline at table in the place of honor. Take the lowest place” (Luke 14:8, 10). In fact, “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite friends, relatives, wealthy neighbors. Invite the poor, crippled, lame, blind,” physically or figuratively, society’s most vulnerable and marginalized, “who cannot repay you” (see 14:12–14). Jesus seems to be telling us to prepare for eternity with God’s chosen by becoming their friend here and now. Mercy is measured not by our delight in welcoming those we like most or who can repay us best, but by sincerely embracing those we like least, who cannot repay us at all. Utter humility inspires pure mercy; pure mercy leads to eternal joy. SENIOR CLUB The Senior Club regularly scheduled meetings will resume on September 8, 2016. Have a happy and a safe summer! Sharon & Karen TACHS PREPARATION St. John’s Prep is offering a TACHS Prep Course which will take place in September. Course information can be found on the application. Register online at For further information, please call the Admissions office at 718-721-7200, ext. 699 August 28, 2016 TACHS PREPARATION Msgr. McClancy is now accepting applications for the TACHS preparation program to be held at the school for the first seven Saturdays of the next school year beginning on September 10th. For more information, please contact Ms. Fran Rocco at 718-898-3800 ext. 3. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS First Reading — Who can ever know God’s counsel unless God gives wisdom and sends the Holy Spirit from on high? (Wisdom 9:13-18b). Psalm — In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge (Psalm 90). Second Reading — Paul asks Philemon to accept back his slave Onesimus, not as a slave but as a brother (Philemon 9-10, 12-17). Gospel — To be a disciple of Jesus one must carry one’s own cross and renounce all possessions (Luke 14:25-33). Corpus Christi Seniors Lake George Including Saratoga Race Track September 5-7, 2016 $399 Per Person Twin $479 Per Person Single Travel Insurance $25 pp Twin $34 pp Single Trip Includes: 2 Nights Accommodations at the Georgian Resort on Lake George 2 Full Breakfasts and 2 Dinners including “All You Can Eat Casino Buffet Saratoga Race Track with Reserved Seating Tour of Saratoga including Yaddo Gardens Paddlewheel Boat Ride on Lake George Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation Professional Tour Manager Baggage Handling All Tips & Taxes (except Tour Manager, Local Guide and Bus Driver) Contact Christinga Bongiovanni at 718-728-0848 Deposit Due: $100 per person + optional insurance Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Adults who are interested in receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation are invited to participate in a faith journey that we refer to as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Our Adult classes in the faith are held on Sunday morning after the 8:45 AM Mass. Anyone interested in these classes should speak to Fr. West, Fr. Mike, Fr. O'Neil, Deacon Juan or Mr. Lucero at the rectory. We are anxious to assist you and help you prepare for the sacraments as you deepen your relationship with the Lord. EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA PARA ADULTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS Los adultos que estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación están invitados a participar en un viaje de fe al cual nos referimos como el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Nuestras clases para adultos en la fe se llevara a cabo en las mañana de domingo después de la Misa de las 8:45 AM. Cualquier persona interesada en estas clases debe hablar con el Padre. West, Padre Mike, el Diácono Juan o el señor Augusto Lucero en la rectoría. Estamos ansiosos por atenderle y ayudarle a prepararse para los sacramentos y profundizar su relación con el Señor. ___$30,000.00 Annual Catholic Appeal Campana Católica Anual ___$20,000.00 Pledged - $27,967.00 # of pledges - 146 __ $10,000.00 Cantidad Prometida - $27,967.00 Promesas - 146 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 28 de agosto de 2016 Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “En tus asuntos procede con humildad” (Eclesiástico 3:17). Humildad: todos somos parecidos y únicos por que somos hijos de Dios. Jesús nos da una explicación de lo que es tener humildad “no te sientes en el lugar principal . . . ocupa el último lugar” (Lucas 14:8, 10). De hecho “cuando des una comida o una cena, no invites a tus amigos, ni a tus hermanos, ni a tus parientes, ni a los vecinos ricos; . . . Invita a los pobres, a los lisiados, a los cojos y a los ciegos” física o simbólicamente, los más vulnerables y marginados de la sociedad “por que ellos no tienen con qué pagarte” (ver 14:12–14). Parece que Jesús está por decirnos que nos preparemos para la eternidad con los elegidos de Dios haciéndonos su amigo aquí y ahora. La misericordia no se mide por el placer de ser anfitriones de quienes mejor nos pueden devolver el favor de una invitación, sino por aceptar sinceramente la compañía de aquellas personas que no nos caen bien, de quien no podrían devolvernos el favor de una invitación. Una completa humildad inspira misericordia pura y una misericordia pura nos guía a una alegría eterna. LEGION DE MARIA Como bautizados estamos llamados a dar testimonio con nuestros actos de Amor: visitando enfermos, llevando consuelo a los encarcelados y dando a conocer nuestra fe a los alejados y no creyentes. Hermanos los invitamos a laborar con la Legión de María, nuestra madre. Nos reunimos los sábados a las 4 pm en el salón Santa Teresa, ubicado junto a la capilla. Son bienvenidos los jóvenes de toda edad hombres y mujeres. Por mas información, por favor, llama Alicia 917256-9619 August 28, 2016 ORACIÓN POR LAS VOCACIONES Señor de la cosecha, nosotros le petición como usted nos pida más obreros servir en la Viña de su iglesia ha instruido. Nos han dicho que la mies es mucha y los obreros son pocos y experimentamos esta gran necesidad ante el desafío de la nueva evangelización. Pedimos al Espíritu Santo para inspirar a jóvenes hombres y mujeres a considerar seriamente las vocaciones para el sacerdocio y la vida religiosa. Ayudar a todos a ser instrumentos eficaces para animar y apoyar a aquellos a quienes usted está llamando para servir y llevar en el futuro de la Iglesia de Brooklyn y Queens. Señor, dijo a los apóstoles para poner en las profundidades. Pedimos la gracia y el coraje responder a su llamada mientras oramos y trabajar para un aumento en las vocaciones para el sacerdocio y la vida religiosa. Te lo pedimos en el nombre de Jesucristo, el gran sacerdote, Amén. LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — ¿Quién puede saber los caminos de Dios a menos que Dios le dé sabiduría y le envíe el Espíritu Santo de lo alto? (Sabiduría 9:13-18b) Salmo — Tú eres, Señor, nuestro refugio (Psalm 90 [89]). Segunda lectura — Pablo pide a Filemón que acepte a su esclavo Onésimo como hermano (Filemón 9-10, 12-17). Evangelio — Para ser discípulo de Jesús uno debe cargar con su cruz (Lucas 14:25-33). Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 2016 –2017 SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration is now underway for Sunday School classes. Registration will take place in the rectory from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday thru Wednesday. Registration Fee 1 child -$75.00 2 or more - $100.00 Help us prepare for classes in September. Please register NOW. 2016 -2017 REGISTRACIÓN PARA CATECISMO Las inscripciones ya están en marcha para las clases de Catecismo. La inscripciones serán en la rectoría 9 am-3pm de lunes a miércoles. Honorarios de matriculación 1 niño -75.00 2 o más -$ 100.00 Nos ayudará a prepararse para las clases en septiembre. Matricúlense ahora Por Favor Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 REGISTRATION for September classes St. Joseph Catholic Academy 28-46 44 Street, Long Island City, New York 11103 (718) 728-0724 Nursery, UPK, Pre‐Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grades 1 to Extended Day: Mornings at 7:15 a.m., A er School l 5:45 p.m. TODDLER TIME for 2 year olds one morning a week for 13 weeks ‐Na onally Recognized BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL and Middle States Accredita on ‐New York State Standards and Curriculum (COMMON CORE) ‐ Resource Room and Title I Remedial Services in Reading and Math ‐Full‐Time Guidance Counselor ‐DANCING CLASSROOMS Program in ballroom dance ‐Small Classes, Co‐curricular Clubs and Ac vi es, CYO Sports ‐ SMARTBoard Interac ve Technology in ALL classrooms ‐Awarded RENZULLI Gi ed Learning Program Grant to Encourage Differen ated Learning‐i‐Pads in Grades 4‐8 and E‐Textbooks in Jr High FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO QUALIFYING FAMILIES FORMED.ORG SIGN UP TODAY ITS FREE We are excited to announce that our parish has subscribed to a dynamic new online platform called FORMED. Every parishioner will have 24/7 access to the best Catholic content on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet with internet access. With FORMED you’ll find video programs that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, receive Bible studies on a variety of topics and includes inspiring audio talks. And you’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Scott Hahn and a lot more. They’re all part of our parish subscription. It truly is the Catholic faith - on demand. Here’s how easy it is to get FORMED: On your computer, tablet or smart phone go to You should see the registration box for parishioners. Now type in the parish code: 9KTEHG. Now set up a username – whatever username you’ll remember - and a password. Now you are all set to use all the great programs on anytime by simply logging in. It is that easy! FORMED.ORG INSCRIBASE HOY GRATIS Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que nuestra parroquia se ha suscrito a una nueva plataforma en línea dinámica llamada FORMED. Cada feligrés tendrá acceso 24/7 a los mejores contenidos católica en cualquier dispositivo, incluyendo su conputador, Smartphone y Tablet con acceso a internet. Con FORMED encontrarás programas de vídeo que explican la fe católica, explorar el significado más profundo del matrimonio, recibir estudios bíblicos sobre una variedad de temas e incluyendo conversaciones de audio . Y usted encontrará presentadores como el Dr. Tim Gray, el Dr. Edward Sri, la doctora Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, el Dr. Scott Hahn y mucho más. Todos son parte de nuestra suscripción parroquia. Es sin duda la fe católica - bajo demanda. He aquí lo fácil que es conseguir FORMADO: En el computador tableta o u teléfono inteligente ir a la pagina de Ahí vera la caja de registro para los feligreses. Le pedirá que escriba el código de la parroquia: 9KTEHG. Ahora configurar un nombre de usuario - y una contraseña. Ahora usted está listo para usar todos los grandes programas en en cualquier momento con sólo con inscribirse Es así de fácil! A.B.C. Roofing & THOMAS J. RYAN Certified Public Accountant Waterproofing Inc. INCOME TAXES–BUSINESS Est. 1922 Free Estimates IRS PROBLEMS Fully Insured N. Hayes/ J. Wynne FINANCIAL PLANNING 326-9179 33-47 60th St. 205-1030 278-6445 “Over 70 Years In Business” Serving Woodside - Jackson Heights - Astoria 60-01 Roosevelt Ave. 429-4457/8 Fax 429-0466 Brian or Sally, coordinators Specializing in Seafood Dishes Live Lobsters - Spanish Cuisine 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 79-05 Northern Blvd., Jackson Heights an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA Tel: 458-2446 OFF - STREET PARKING (718) 424-5430 FUNERALS • CREMATIONS MONUMENTS ADVANCED PLANNING This firm is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International, 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019 (713) 522-5141. AVENUE CHEMISTS (718) 429-0552 A Full Service Funeral Home . . . . . . . At Need Service KENNEDY-ROTH Licensed Funeral Director Funeral Home Pre Need Service James J. Dimiceli Aftercare Service 41-45 - 58th Street Woodale, New York 11377 FREE DELIVERY We can fill your prescriptions while you wait... Bring in your prescription bottle for a refill today! The Kennedy-Roth Funeral Home is owned by a Subsidiary of Service Corporation International. 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019 Phone 713-522-5141. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, ITALIANO, ESPAÑOL ALL MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED 45-01 30TH AVENUE, ASTORIA TEL 718.545.1010 • FAX 718.545.1542 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 Thomas M. Quinn & Sons Funeral Home Serving Astoria & Long Island City for over 100 Years 35-20 Broadway ~ Long Island City, NY 11106 Phone 718-721-9200 ~ Fax 718-721-7115 Kevin R. Mack George L. Stamatiades General Manager Vice President The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Traditional Funeral & Cremation Services Monument and Inscription Services Owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. International 1929 Allen Pkwy, Houston, TX 77019 7135225141 Advertising Sales DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. FULL & PART-TIME AVAILABLE $55K TO $60K EARNING POTENTIAL BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available If interested, call Kirk Durham 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to [email protected] Caring for families for over 100 years 149-20 Northern Boulevard Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 359-6300 002816 Corpus Christi Church Large Parking Facilities at all locations. Martin A. Also located in Bayside & Whitestone Visit our website: Family owned and operated by John Aloysius Golden & Thomas A. Golden III Funeral Home L.L.C. Gleason For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263