To Our Members - American Chamber Mexico
To Our Members - American Chamber Mexico
2013 National Board of Directors PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR Ernesto M. Hernández President/General Director General Motors de México VICE PRESIDENTS AND DIRECTORS Mónica Flores Regional Managing Director of Latin America Manpower Miguel Jáuregui Founding Partner Jáuregui, Navarrete y Del Valle Andrés Ochoa-Bünsow National Managing Partner Baker & McKenzie President AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Monterrey Chapter Jim Shoultz Vice President and General Manager Colgate-Palmolive México Guillermo Wolf Executive Vice President and General Director AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO José María Zas President and General Director for Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean American Express Company (Mexico) José Zozaya President and Executive Representative Kansas City Southern de México José Miguel Zozayacorrea Partner Baker & McKenzie President AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Guadalajara Chapter VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER AND DIRECTOR Javier Soní Executive Vice President and General Director of Compliance, Real Estate and Corporate Affairs Walmart de México y Centroamérica DIRECTORS Carmina Abad Chief Executive Officer MetLife Armando Beltrán General Director Pacific Star AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Guadalajara Chapter Ambassador Antonio O. Garza Counselor White & Case Luiz Stortini Latin America North Region Leader Dow Química Mexicana Raúl Gallegos President and General Director GE International Mexico BOARD OBSERVERS John M. Bruton Senior Advisor Manatt Jones Global Strategies José Raúl Guerrero Managing Director, Mexico Korn/Ferry International Gabriel M. López President and General Director Ford Motor Company Alejandro J. Maiz Garza President Maiz Proyectos AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Monterrey Chapter Carlos Méndez Chief Executive Officer PwC David O’Donnell Chief Executive Officer Grupo O’Donell de México Luis Rebollar President México, Central America and Caribbean DuPont México Sandra Sánchez y Oldenhage General Director Amgen Fernando Silva President Best Buy Mexico Félix Tejada General Director Alles Group Monterrey AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Monterrey Chapter 2013 VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Tony Gutiérrez General Manager American Airlines Enrique Hidalgo President ExxonMobil México Jorge Torres President FedEx México DIRECTORS AT LARGE Bernard Cicut Managing Director 3M Luis Manuel Guaida Partner Guaida y Asociados Labor Counsel AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO HONORARY OFFICERS Honorary President Earl Anthony Wayne Ambassador of the United States of America to Mexico Honorary Vice Presidents Laura F. Dogu Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of the United States of America Dorothy L. Lutter Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs Embassy of the United States of America John Sammis Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs Embassy of the United States of America PAST PRESIDENTS Purdy C. Jordan Honorary President Corporación del Fuerte Carlos Paz Soldan Jorge Sánchez Devanny Partner Sánchez Devanny Eseverri Wesley H. Wolfe Patronato Centro Médico ABC José Zozaya President and Executive Representative Kansas City Southern de México To Our Members “Delineating strategies, building on competitive advantages, and planning for the future.” I am proud to present the 2013 Annual Report of AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF MEXICO. As it has been a constant feature in our history, we have remained committed to our mission of promoting sustainable trade and investment between Mexico and the United States. Over the last 12 months, our strategy has focused on creating value for our members and stakeholders. We have continued broadening the platform of services, strengthening the committees’ network and providing new business opportunities to our members. Undoubtedly, differentiation has been the key to our success. Being a binational organization allows us to identify opportunities for cross-border collaboration. This has leveraged our position not only in Mexico but in the United States. When I became President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO in July 2013, I visualized real opportunities for growth and change. With the help of the Board of Directors, we made strategic decisions in key areas that will drive growth and create better outcomes for our members. We have decided to move AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO to higher levels of success. We are convinced that this is the best way to generate new value for our members and opportunities for our people. A new Vision has been developed, our mission validated and strategic goals to achieve such vision have also been set out. At AMCHAM, we look the future with confidence and enthusiasm. We are thankful for the great group of companies that support AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO and the dozens of volunteers and employees who work tirelessly to make things happen. Ernesto M. Hernández President March 2014 MISSION Promote sustainable trade and investment between Mexico and the United States by participating in the shaping of public policies and fostering a socially responsible business environment. VISION Act and be seen as the opinion leader within the American business community, helping to shape policies impacting the United States – Mexico business environment positively. CORE VALUES Ethics - The heart of our actions Respect - We honor each individual Sense of Urgency - Making things happen Positive Attitude - We live enthusiastically Commitment - Towards our members and stakeholders Free enterprise - Fewer restrictions, more competition Rule of Law - A sine qua non principle for a sound economy & relationships Social Responsibility - We care for, and support our community VALUE PROPOSITION AMCHAM: Offers access to relevant and timely information. Facilitates discussions about relevant topics. Promotes meetings with key authorities from both countries. Elaborates institutional positions and white papers. Participates responsibly in the elaboration of public policies to improve the business environment. Facilitates networking to promote business and trade opportunities. AMCHAM Delivers For AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO, 2013 was an exciting year, full of new experiences aiming at maintaining our prestigious position before the business community and stakeholders. This report sums up the work that the Chamber has done and delineates the plans for the future. Our committees’ network has focused on issues which are not only pertinent to all sizes and sectors but have also created value for our members. In a year of structural reforms, AMCHAM has worked with policymakers and an array of different stakeholders, providing information, exchanging ideas, and establishing positions on ways to build upon the broad range of economic reforms in areas such as energy, telecommunications, financial services, fiscal affairs, education and labor. AMCHAM specialists have provided useful technical information, raising awareness on the importance and possible implications of such reforms. Furthermore, AMCHAM recognizes that working on topics such as intellectual property rights, environment, social responsibility, and diversity is not just a matter of doing business, but of creating sound and healthy companies that contribute to the development and well-being of both, Mexico and the United States. Besides, as every year, the Chamber brought together its membership in two great events: the Annual Meeting and the National Convention, which addressed trending topics such as Innovation and Mexico’s Branding. In AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO, we are convinced that perseverance and creativity will lead us to our goals. Our commitment is to generate change in a socially responsible environment and create welfare with each of our actions as well as a better business environment. Thank you for your commitment and your continued support. Guillermo Wolf Executive Vice President and General Director Binational Advocacy As part of its activities to strengthen trade and investment between Mexico and the United States, AMCHAM membership held dialogues with leaders in business and U.S. Government. Meeting President Obama´s Economic Cabinet In January 2013, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO membership met with high level officials of Barack Obama´s economic cabinet to discuss bilateral trade and investment cooperation. The U.S. delegation expressed its willingness to work closely with AMCHAM as it is considered the American Chamber with strongest leadership in the world. Jose W. Fernández, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico; Miguel Jáuregui, Vice President, AMCHAM; Michael Camuñez, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Market Access and Compliance; Susan Kurland, Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs. Strengthening Economic Prosperity between Mexico and the U.S. Following President Barack Obama official visit to Mexico in May 2013, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Mexican Business Coordinating Council (CCE) and the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade (COMCE), Investment and Technology to carry out the event entitled “Strengthening Economic Prosperity between Mexico and the United States through the Private Sector Leadership.” In front of a selective group of U.S. and Mexican business and government leaders, these organizations addressed the key factors of the bilateral trade relationship as well as the opportunities and perspectives of growth. Subsequently, Mexico and U.S. Governments announced the creation of the High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED), and the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Technology (FOBESII). Michael Camuñez, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Market Access and Compliance; Eduardo Medina Mora, Ambassador of Mexico to the U.S.; Miriam Sapiro, Deputy United States Trade Representative; Ildefonso Guajardo, Mexico’s Secretary of Economy. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker dialogues with AMCHAM Members In September 2013, the recently appointed U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker, gathered with more than 20 CEOs of AMCHAM Companies on the margins of the U.S. - Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss how to create and seize new opportunities to enhance commerce across the region, having as a reference three pillars: Promoting Competitiveness and Connectivity; Fostering Economic Growth, Productivity, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Partnering for Regional and Global Leadership. This dialogue also brought officials from the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service, representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Council of the Americas. José Zozaya, Vice President of AMCHAM; Penny Pritzker, U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Ernesto M. Hernández, President of AMCHAM Likewise, as part of her first trade mission to Mexico in early February 2014, Secretary Penny Pritzker spoke before AMCHAM members, the Mexico-United States Entrepreneurship and Innovation Council (MUSEIC), and other leaders from the private and public sectors on entrepreneurship, innovation, and overall growth in the U.S.-Mexico commercial and economic relationship. She was joined by Enrique Jacob Rocha, President of the Mexican National Entrepreneurship Institute (INADEM) and Ernesto M. Hernández, President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO. Advocating on Transportation, IT, Financial Services, Sustainable Development and Education In September 2013, AMCHAM Members held a discussion with high level officials of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Motor Carrier Safety Administration on the challenges of transportation and infrastructure between Mexico and the United States. Among the topics discussed were the Open Skies Policy for the aviation sector and secure U.S.- Mexico rail corridor. José Zozaya, Vice President, AMCHAM; Susan Kurland, Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs; Anne S. Ferro, U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator and Frederick Eberhart, International Cooperation and Trade Senior Advisor. In early 2014, AMCHAM Information Technology experts held a meeting with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission on the opportunities and challenges of the recently approved Mexico’s Telecommunications Reform. Carlos Bello, Vice Chairman, AMCHAM IT Committee; Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner, U.S. Federal Communications Commission; Miguel Jáuregui, Vice President, AMCHAM; Ambassador Daniel Sepúlveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy; Guillermo Wolf, Executive Vice President and General Director, AMCHAM; Salma Jalife, International Affairs Coordinator, Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet. Also, AMCHAM Financial Services experts met with the U.S. Treasury Department to discuss the U.S. priorities in the 2014 G-20 financial regulatory agenda. Brett Janis, U.S. Department of Treasury; Susan Baker, Director of Treasury Department´s Banking Office; Guillermo Wolf, Executive Vice President and General Director, AMCHAM; John Ferry, Vice Chairman, Financial Affairs Committee, AMCHAM. AMCHAM experts on sustainable development and energy met with the U.S. Trade and Development Agency and members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the U.S. Senate to discuss the opportunities and challenges of renewable energy in Mexico. AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO was invited to be part of the Mexican Advisory Board of the Mexico- U.S. Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research. This mechanism guides the forum’s work. Federal government agencies, national academies, research institutes, universities, the private sector and philanthropic organizations, as well as leaders and experts from civil society organizations participate in the Mexican Advisory Board. The installation of this forum and its operation were part of the follow-up actions on the agreements reached between Mexico and the United States during President Barack Obama’s visit to Mexico in 2013. On this respect, during the visit of Joseph Biden, Vice President of the United States, the proposal of the Mexican Board entitled “Proyecta 100,000: Towards a Region of Knowledge” was submitted to the U.S. Government for consideration. Committees at Work Mexico City Policy Issues Prior to the Tax Reform Initiative submitted by the Executive Branch in September 2013, the Fiscal Affairs Committee held meetings with high level officials of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and of the Tax Administration Service to share the views and concerns of AMCHAM members in the event of a reform, as well as present a set of proposals which would make Mexico a more competitive country. As a follow-up to the President´s initiative, AMCHAM thoroughly analyzed the impact of the reform on the industry, and presented AMCHAM opinion at a public hearing carried out by the Commission of Finance and Public Credit of the Chamber of Representatives. Throughout 2013 and early 2014, the Energy Task Force met with key decision and policy makers of the Energy Reform. Fruitful deliberations were conducted with members of the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Representatives and Senate, members of the Ministry of Energy, and PEMEX professional advisors. The Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committee worked (AMECH) closely with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), the Mexican Association of Human Capital and the Council of International Business to develop interpretation criteria for Article 15-A of the recently reformed Federal Labor Law regarding personnel subcontracting/outsourcing. Such a proposal was presented to the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration (JFCA) during the forum held in August 2013 entitled “Some aspects of the Labor Reform in the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration.” Through its Intellectual Property Rights Committee, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO is the only business organization supporting the efforts of the Mexican Government to fight against piracy by training customs officers in partnership with the Central Administration of Investigation of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI). These trainings allow officials to identify original goods from counterfeit products in a close interaction with brands owners. During 2013, 57 customs officials from Subteniente López and Manzanillo were trained. Besides, along with the World Customs Organization (WCO), the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Embassy to Mexico, 32 officials of SAGARPA, COFEPRIS, SAT and IMPI were also trained in Mexico City. Furthermore, the Committee developed a guide for detecting counterfeit goods through photographs coming from Mexico´s customs offices. This guide is currently implemented in every customs office of the country. The Trade Policy and Logistics Committees had the scoop to know the implementation of “Mexico’s Customs Office in Laredo, Texas” pilot project. The Coordinator of Border Customs of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and the General Manager of Laredo, Texas International Airport presented this project to member companies, which will increase and streamline air cargo operations destined to Mexico from Laredo, Texas by allowing SAT and CBP to operate jointly. Studies and Reports In May 2013, the Security Committee presented for the fifth year in a row, the results of the Business Security Survey in Mexico. This study also involved as strategic partners, the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), the British Chamber of Commerce, and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the release of the study, the recently appointed National Security Cabinet Spokesperson shared the new security strategy which would be implemented by President Enrique Peña Nieto´s government. Results led to further meetings with Mexican government officials, as well as to Chamber´s participation in the Special Forum carried out by the National Security Commission on the 2013-2018 National Program of Public Security. As part of the launch of the Innovation Task Force, AMCHAM conducted an Innovation Survey, offering a new perspective on existing innovation studies by obtaining a business, academic and governmental viewpoint. Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility In partnership with the Organization of American States, the Canadian International Development Agency and the Ministry of Economy, AMCHAM hosted the workshop entitled “From Awareness to Action: How to implement Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Size Enterprises.” The objective of this two-day workshop was to train SMEs on how to implement CSR programs in their business models. Likewise, through the Corporate Social Responsibility and Education Committee, AMCHAM donated a switchboard and telephone equipment to Fundación Origen, whose objective is to help the development of women. By this donation, the 01800 Origen Help Line will broaden psychological, emotional, legal and medical counselling. Guadalajara Chapter 2013 was a year of many strategic alliances for Guadalajara Chapter. Under the leadership of the International Trade Committee, several agreements were signed with different authorities, favoring not only the importing /exporting community, but also the membership. In early 2013, an agreement was signed with the Jalisco State Information System (SEIJAL) with the objective to generate valuable business information on different sectors for the membership. Moreover, an agreement was signed with COMCE Occidente, to support Jalisco foreign trade companies. Similarly, a partnership agreement was signed with the Institute for the Promotion of Foreign Trade of the State of Jalisco (Jaltrade). Among many other benefits, it granted 25 scholarships to our members to be included in the “Yo Exporto” program. Finally, another agreement was signed with the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey in order to promote and provide discounts to our members to get a Master´s degree and share international speakers of its “Líderes Académicos” program. In September, under the leadership of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee, the third “Cumbre de Empresarios AMCHAM Endeavor” was successfully held. In early 2013, the Tourism Committee worked on a White Paper which was later submitted to the new Secretary of Tourism of Jalisco. In this paper, several proposals and recommendations for the new administration of tourism were developed. One of those is the speeding up of the Consultative Council of the Secretariat of Tourism of the State of Jalisco which had ceased operations and that due to this initiative resumed operations with the participation of AMCHAM. This Council aims at developing ideas, proposals, initiatives and projects that benefit the tourism sector. Besides, this committee had different synergies with the tourism departments of the different municipalities of the metropolitan area, as well as with the Secretariat of Culture of the State of Jalisco. This year, the Innovation Committee was created with the objective of working on an innovative project that would benefit the state of Jalisco. After a voting process, the winner project was “100 jardines urbanos” which will be implemented by putting together different working groups, i.e. technical, financial, legal, advocacy and outreach. It is expected that the initiative be completed and submitted to the government by early 2014, and then implemented in Jalisco. The Fiscal Committee participated in the Trustee Program, providing representatives in the Local Administration Offices of SAT based in Zapopan and Guadalajara Sur, as well as in PRODECON Office. The Education Committee has been working on a project aimed at adjusting the graduate profile to English language in technological universities. It is intended to raise competitiveness of graduates and respond to the needs of the business sector, specifically manufacturing. This project was guided by the Secretariat of Education and presented to each Technological University for its further implementation and enforcement. The U.S. General Consulate made available some libraries, teachers and programs to AMCHAM. Monterrey Chapter For the third time, the International Trade Committee partnered with the Mexican Bar Association – Monterrey Chapter to discuss how the Mexican Fiscal Amnesty could affect foreign trade operations companies in Mexico. Furthermore, the Committee invited the Better Business Bureau’s Mexico Chapter to participate in a meeting and inform the Committee members about its operations and lines of action in this new branch. Continuing with the position papers created in 2009 and 2011 (Mexico Today and FDI in Mexico: Is your investment safe?) the Committee published the document “Investment Climate in Mexico: A Survey of Foreign and Domestic Companies Operating in Northeastern Mexico,” in order to have a better understanding of the security situation’s effect on foreign investment, and to highlight that far from being a failed state, Mexico is today considered by many analysts to be among the three or four most promising developing countries in the world. Foreign direct investment, especially in the automotive sector, along with portfolio investment has been pouring into Mexico at near record levels. The Committee is developing the “Verified Supplier Database Project” (definite name to be determined), where member and non-member companies, from Mexico and the United States, will be able to share their contact information and find business partners in a safe way. This project could further position AMCHAM in the Mexican and American business environment as a reliable source of information. Aligned with the Chamber’s mission, this project will foster bilateral trade and help developing local companies. As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Committee work, the annual forum “Acciones puntuales de RSE: inclusión, vinculación con la comunidad, cadena de valor e impacto ambiental”, held in August, had the objectives of keeping members up-to-date about changes in CSRrelated regulations, of promoting raffles and the upcoming fundraising campaign of the Patronato de Bomberos de Nuevo León, and of facilitating companies´ sharing of information and experiences about the matter, since four simultaneous roundtables were held, one for each topic. This event was organized along with Movimiento Congruencia and EGADE Business School. It featured the Annual AMCHAM CSR Recognition in its first edition. A total of 11 organizations received at least one of the awards for its outstanding CSR work on five different categories: community, diversity & inclusion, environmental impact, labor and work climate, and supply chain. The awarded companies were Aes Teg, Amway de México, Caterpillar, IOS Offices, KPMG, Matre México, Mary Kay, Parker Hannifin, Praxair, Real Net, and Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Aiming to contribute to the Culture of Lawfulness in Monterrey, the Committee held a workshop with more than 40 members on how to apply lawfulness within companies. The attendees learned from the experience of six instructors regarding the matter, and shared information about daily life legality challenges. For the first time, the Legal and Tax Affairs Committee worked with the Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos and the Instituto Nacional de Migración to inform members about their regulations and schemes of action. They have both discussed interesting subjects such as new provisions and criteria on immigration, and the self-regulatory schemes and guidelines on the elaboration of privacy notices. The Human Resources Committee held its annual forum in November, entitled “Happiness at work, a competitive advantage,” with 143 attendees. The forum aimed to share information with directors and CEOs about the relevance of happiness at the workplace in order to boost productivity. The topic of global labor trends was discussed in another important Committee meeting when both, experts and attendees highlighted the impact on this matter. As a year-end closing activity, in December, all four Committees held a session on the fiscal reforms´ impact on business operations. Mexico City AGRIBUSINESS AND FOOD INDUSTRY Chairman Sergio Carvallo Government Relations Director Almidones Mexicanos DIVERSITY Chairwoman Sandra Sánchez y Oldenhage General Director Amgen Vice Chairman Óscar E. Sosa Garza Talent Management Director, Mexico and Central America ManpowerGroup ENERGY TASK FORCE Chairman Olaf Carrera Director of External Affairs BP México Vice Chairwoman Carla García External and Government Affairs ExxonMobil México FINANCIAL SERVICES Chairman Mariano Gutiérrez Assistant Vice President for Government and Industry Relations for Latin America MetLife Vice Chairman John L. Ferry Asset Manager Grupo Financiero Monex FISCAL AFFAIRS Chairman Fred Barrett Transfer Pricing Partner PwC Committees Network Vice Chairwoman María Elena Pérez Fiscal Assistant Director Alsea HUMAN CAPITAL AND LABOR AFFAIRS Chairman Alfredo Kupfer Partner Sánchez Devanny Eseverri Vice Chairman Alejandro Fernández del Castillo Advisor Envases y Laminados INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Vice Chairman Carlos A. Bello Partner Bello, Gallardo, Bonequi y García INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Chairman Kiyoshi Tsuru General Director Tsuru Morales Isla, Abogados INNOVATION TASK FORCE Chairman Jorge J. Vega Iracelay Senior Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs and Citizenship Microsoft México Vice Chairwoman Jana Nieto Karam Government Affairs Director 3M México LEGAL AFFAIRS Chairwoman Iliana Martínez General Legal Counsel General Motors de México Vice Chairman Bernardo Galavis Director of Legal Affairs Mexico and Central America P&G México LOGISTICS Chairwoman Yamile Sánchez Area Sales Manager Central America & Caribbean APL Vice Chairman Armando Berrellez Hubs & Line Haul Managing Director FedEx Express SECURITY Chairman Thomas Gillen Regional Security Director Latin America AIG Vice Chairman Daniel Contreras Corporate Security Manager Cargill Services SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND EDUCATION Chairwoman Mercedes de la Maza Director of the Manpower Foundation for Mexico and Central America ManpowerGroup Vice Chairman Jesús Cortés General Director Kabyax Vice Chairman Roberto Sánchez de la Vara Coordinator of the Masters Programs of Administration and Technological Innovation Management Universidad Iberoamericana SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Chairman Edward M. Ranger Consultant Jáuregui, Navarrete y Del Valle Vice Chairman Rubén Colomo Technology Evangelist Microsoft México CORPORATE REAL ESTATE Chairman David O’Donnell CEO Grupo O’Donnell de México Vice Chairman Sergio Pérez Senior Vice President CB Richard Ellis, México TRADE POLICY Chairman David Hurtado Partner Jáuregui, Navarrete y Del Valle Vice Chairman Francisco Rosas Legal and Public Affairs Director United Parcel Service de México Guadalajara Chapter INNOVATION COMMITTEE Chairman Ricardo Gómez Quiñones President Kaxan Media Group ECOLOGY Chairman Francisco Javier Ochoa Godoy Partner Construcciones Industrializadas C8A EDUCATION Chairman Carlos Brockmann President Becas Magdalena O. Vda. de Brockmann FISCAL Chairman Bernardo A. del Río Mckee Managing Partner J. A. del Río y Asociados HUMAN CAPITAL Chairman Ricardo Barbosa Ascencio Partner Barbosa & Huerga Abogados INTERNATIONAL TRADE Chairman Alejandro Allera Mercadillo Director Master in International Business Escuela de Graduados Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Campus Guadalajara LEGISLATION Chairman Jorge Fernando Ruiz Director Môller & Ruiz SECURITY Chairman David Toscano Flores General Director Sadespe TOURISM Chairwoman Araceli Ramos Rosaldo Public Relations Director Mundo Cuervo YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS Chairman René Salgado Commercial Director Concavus & Convexus Monterrey Chapter CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY Chairman Eduardo H. Guerra Director of Northern Region TÜV-Rheinland de México Vice Chairman Agustín Peña Quality Manager Integrated Environmental Management Services HUMAN RESOURCES Chairman Francisco A. Gámez Partner Promotion and Development Director DEC Vice Chairman David Eugenio Puente Partner Sánchez DeVanny INTERNATIONAL TRADE Chairman David W. Eaton Vice President of Sales and Marketing Kansas City Southern de México Vice Chairman Luis F. Martínez Director Abogados Martínez LEGAL & TAX AFFAIRS Chairman Alberto J. Morales Partner D&A Morales y Asociados Vice Chairman Jorge Barrero Stahl Partner Santamarina y Steta Gabriel Andrade Partner KPMG AMCHAM Advocates During 2013, as part of the work done and with the goal of continue to be reference point, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO interacted with prominent U.S. and Mexican goverment officials, as well as with representatives of domestic and international organizations in events, committee meetings and closed-door sessions. Government of Mexico PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPÚBLICA • Jaime Díaz, Director General Marca País SECRETARÍA DE GOBERNACIÓN (SEGOB) • Eduardo Sánchez Hernández, Subsecretario de Normatividad de Medios y Vocero del Gabinete de Seguridad Nacional Comisión Nacional de Seguridad (CNS) • Nora Frías Melgoza, Titular de la Unidad de Desarrollo e Integración Institucional • Carlos Humberto Toledo Moreno, Inspector General Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) • Francisco Javier Villalobos Medina, Subsecretario de Regulación Migratoria SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES (SRE) • Sergio M. Alcocer Martínez de Castro, Subsecretario para América del Norte • Ana Luisa Fajer, Directora General para América del Norte SECRETARÍA DE LA DEFENSA NACIONAL (SEDENA) • General de Brigada, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Juan Manuel Castillo Segura, Coordinador General de la Oficialía Mayor SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA Y CRÉDITO PÚBLICO (SHCP) • Luis Arturo Castañeda Rebolledo, Jefe de Unidad de Legislación Tributaria • Narciso Antonio Campos, Jefe de Unidad de Banca, Valores y Ahorro • Javier Delgado Mendoza, Director General del Fondo de Capitalización e Inversión del Sector Rural • Armando Lara, Unidad de Política de Ingresos Tributarios Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) • Aristóteles Núñez, Jefe del Servicio de Administración Tributaria • Alejandro Chacón Domínguez, Administrador General de Aduanas • Lisandro Núñez, Administrador General de Recaudación • Oscar Molina Chié, Administrador General de Grandes Contribuyentes • Guillermo Valls Esponda, Administrador General de Servicios al Contribuyente • Miguel Silva Espinoza, Administrador Regional de Auditoría de Comercio Exterior • Katya Elizabeth Arroyo Arriola, Administradora Central de Arquitectura Institucional • Frida Valdecasas González, Administradora Central de Investigación Aduanera • Marco Flavio Rigada Soto, Administrador Central de Normatividad Aduanera • Víctor Hugo Núñez Martínez, Administrador Central de Estudios Tributarios y Aduaneros • Jaime Martínez Velázquez, Combate a la Piratería, Administración Central de Investigación Aduanera • Carlos Alfaro Miranda, Coordinador de Aduanas Fronterizas • Raymundo Legato Loyola, Administrador Aduana de Subteniente López • Manuel Montoya Moreno, Administrador Aduana Monterrey • Mario Zaizar Chavolla, Administrador General Aduana Internacional (Jalisco) • Cecilia Cárdenas, Subadministradora de Asuntos Legales de Comercio Exterior • Fernando Martínez Coss, Líder en Facturación Electrónica • Sergio Becerril Enzastiga, Encargado de la Administración de Normatividad Aduanera 4 • Sergio Martínez Valencia, Administrador Local de Auditoría (Zapopan, Jal) • Jesús José Padilla Corral, Administrador Local de Recaudación (Zapopan, Jal) • José Peña Reyes, Jefe de Departamento de Operación Aduanera 7 • Wenceslao Delfino Muñoz Contreras, Analista de Procesos Aduaneros Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) • Jaime González Aguadé, Presidente • Jorge Palacios, Vicepresidente Técnico Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (CONSAR) • Carlos Ramírez Fuentes, Presidente Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (BANCOMEXT) • Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, Director General Procuraduría de la Defensa del Contribuyente (PRODECON) • Mariano Corona Vera, Delegado Regional, Jalisco SECRETARÍA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES (SEMARNAT) • Mónica Echegoyen López, Directora de Políticas Ambientales Globales, Comisión Intersecretarial de Cambio Climático • Lucía Cortina Correa, Directora de Políticas de Mitigación Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) • Mario López Pérez, Gerente de Ingeniería y Asuntos Binacionales Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA) • Francisco Javier Silva Castañeda, Subdelegado Jurídico SECRETARÍA DE ENERGÍA (SENER) • Leonardo Beltrán Rodríguez, Subsecretario de Planeación y Transición Energética Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) • Edgar Rangel Germán, Comisionado Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) • Rogelio Gasca Neri, Consejero Profesional • Fluvio César Ruiz Alarcón, Consejero Profesional SECRETARÍA DE ECONOMÍA (SE) • Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretario • Francisco de Rosenzweig Mendialdua, Subsecretario de Comercio Exterior • Jorge Cantú, Coordinador General de Delegaciones Federales • Alejandro Faya Rodríguez, Jefe de Unidad de Diseño e Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Productividad • Roberto Zapata, Director General para Asia, Oceanía y Organismos Multilaterales • Juan Carlos Baker, Director General para América del Norte • Enrique Martínez, Delegado Federal en Nuevo León • Gloria Silberman Medina, Directora de Asuntos Internacionales y Políticas Públicas, Dirección General de Inversión Extranjera • Blanca Pineda Morín, Subdirectora de Tratados para América, Dirección General de Inversión Extranjera Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (INADEM) • Enrique Jacob, Presidente Comisión Federal de Competencia (CFC) • Miguel Flores Bernés, Comisionado Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) • Miguel Ángel Margain, Director General • Irely Aquique, Directora Divisional de Protección a la Propiedad Intelectual • Ana María Valladolid Díaz, Subdirectora Divisional de Infracciones Administrativas en Materia de Comercio Exterior • Cristián Aviña Palma, Subdirector Divisional de Marcas Notorias, Investigación, Control y Procesamiento • María de Jesús García, Subdirector Divisional de Prevención a la Competencia Desleal • Eduardo Vázquez Labra, Subdirector Divisional de Cumplimientos de Ejecutorias • Román Iglesias, Subdirector Divisional de Infracciones Administrativas en Materia de Comercio • Marina Tavares, Subdirectora de Promoción ProMéxico • Francisco N. González Díaz, Director General • Elena Achar, Jefa de Promoción a Exportaciones • Edmundo González, Coordinador Regional Noreste • Felipe de Jesús García, Director del Estado de Nuevo León SECRETARÍA DE AGRICULTURA, GANADERÍA, DESARROLLO RURAL, PESCA Y ALIMENTACIÓN (SAGARPA) • Raúl Urteaga Trani, Coordinador General de Asuntos Internacionales • Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez Barba, Director General de Política de Comercialización, Agencia de Servicios a la Comercialización y Desarrollo de Mercados Agropecuarios SECRETARÍA DE COMUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES (SCT) • Jesús Orozco, Director General de la Administración Portuaria Integral de Manzanillo SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA (SEP) • Emilio Chuayffet, Secretario • Fernando Serrano Migallón, Subsecretario de Educación Superior Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales (CONOCER) • Salvador Malo, Director General Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) • Luis Ponce Ramírez, Director de Posgrado • Pablo Rojo Calzada, Director de Becas • María Dolores Sánchez Soler, Directora Adjunta de Becas y Posgrados • Hernando López Quesada, Subdirector de Desarrollo Tecnológico Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) • Yoloxóchitl Bustamante, Directora General SECRETARÍA DE SALUD (SS) Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS) • Patricio Caso, Coordinador de Asesores del Comisionado Federal Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) • Tuffic Miguel Ortega, Director de Incorporación y Recaudación SECRETARÍA DEL TRABAJO Y PREVISIÓN SOCIAL (STPS) • Alfonso Navarrete Prida, Secretario • Rafael Avante Juárez, Subsecretario del Trabajo • Jaime Zúñiga Hernández, Delegado Federal en Jalisco Junta Federal de Conciliación y Arbitraje • Diódoro Siller Argüello, Presidente INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN Y PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS (IFAI) • María Adriana Báez Ricárdez, Directora de Autorregulación • Samantha Alcalde Urbina, Directora de Atención Regional PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA REPÚBLICA (PGR) • Arturo Ancona, Titular de la Unidad Especializada en Investigación de Delitos contra Derechos de Autor y Propiedad Industrial CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS • Marco Antonio Bernal Gutiérrez, Presidente de la Comisión de Energía • Rubén Camarillo Ortega, Secretario de la Comisión de Energía CÁMARA DE SENADORES • David Penchyna Grub, Presidente de la Comisión de Energía • Salvador Vega Casillas, Secretario de la Comisión de Energía • Francisco Domínguez Servién, Integrante de la Comisión de Energía • Jorge Luis Lavalle Maury, Integrante de la Comisión de Energía • Marcela Guerra, Presidenta de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores, América del Norte • Publio Rivera Rivas, Secretario Técnico de la Comisión de Gobernación GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO Procuraduría General de Justicia • Tomas Coronado Olmos, Procurador • Luis Carlos Nájera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Fiscal General Secretaría de Economía del Estado de Jalisco • Josefina Robles Uribe, Coordinadora de Promoción Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico • José Palacios Jiménez, Secretario Secretaría de Planeación, Administración y Finanzas • Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí, Secretario Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial • María Magdalena Ruíz Mejía, Secretaria Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social • Jesús Eduardo Almaguer Rodríguez, Secretario Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología • Jaime Reyes Robles, Secretario Secretaría de Turismo • Enrique Ramos, Secretario Secretaría de Cultura • Myriam Vachez, Secretaria Secretaría de Movilidad • Mauricio Gudiño Coronado, Coordinador Especial de Infraestructura Secretaría de Promoción Económica • Ramón Godínez, Director de Turismo Junta Local de Conciliación y Arbitraje • Elke Tepper, Presidente Sistema Estatal de Información del Estado de Jalisco (SEIJAL) • Néstor García, Director General Instituto de Fomento al Comercio Exterior (JALTRADE) • Jaime Rábago, Presidente Centro Cultural Universitario • Mauricio de Font Reáulx, Director General Guadalajara Ciudad Creativa Digital • Octavio Parga Jiménez, Presidente del Consejo Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones • Luis Felipe Nuño, Director de Promoción GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE NUEVO LEÓN • Rodrigo Medina de la Cruz, Gobernador Secretaría de Finanzas • Rodolfo Gómez Acosta, Secretario y Tesorero Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico • Rolando Zubirán, Secretario • Federico Vargas, Secretario • Jorge Villarreal, Subsecretario de Industria, Comercio y Servicios • Luis Mogas, Director de Fomento Industrial • Marcelo Segovia, Secretario Técnico GOBIERNO DEL DISTRITO FEDERAL • Miguel Ángel Mancera, Jefe de Gobierno Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (SEDUVI) • Simón Neumann Ladenzon, Secretario Government of the United States of America DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Penny Pritzker, Secretary • Ryan Mullholland, Senior Renewable Energy Trade Specialist • Mike Calvert, International Trade Specialist, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere • Colleen Fisher, NAFTA DEPARTMENT OF STATE • Ambassador Daniel Sepúlveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs • Robert Ichord, Deputy Assistant Secretary • Matt Rooney, Deputy Assistant Secretary • Susan Ritchie, Senior Advisor, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs • Julie Zoller, Deputy U.S. Coordinator, Office of Multilateral Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY • Kathleen Deutsch, Senior Advisor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • Susan Kurland, Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs • Ann. S. Ferro, Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration • Frederick Eberhart, International Cooperation and Trade Senior Advisor U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) • Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner • Robert Nelson, Chief Engineer, International Bureau • Julie Saulnier, Deputy Chief, Strategic Analysis and Negotiations Division, International Bureau DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Customs & Border Protection • Thomas S. Winkowski, Commissioner • Cristóbal Hernández, CBP Representative • Zakaria El Goumiri, Section Head, CSR and InterAmerican Cooperation Network, Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) • Reinaldo Fioravanti, Trade Specialist • Erick Feijoo, International Trade and Development Specialist CATO INSTITUTE’S CENTER FOR GLOBAL LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY • Ian Vásquez, Director DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration (FDA) • Ana Lilia Sandoval, International Analyst DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE • Marie-Flore Johnson, Fiscal, Trial Attorney, Criminal Division SENATE • Caleb McCarry, Senior Staffer of the Foreign Relations Committee • John Zadrozny, Senior Staffer of the Foreign Relations Committee TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY • Keith Eischeid, Country Manager for Mexico EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES IN MEXICO • Earl Anthony Wayne, Ambassador of the United States of America to Mexico • Dorothy L. Lutter, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs and Commercial Services • John Sammis, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs • Brian Harris, Counselor for Economic Affairs • Daniel K. Berman, Minister Counselor for Agricultural Affairs • James Catto, Second Secretary, Economic Affairs Section • Michael Lewis, USPTO Representative • Aja Bonsu, Economics Officer • Mario Vidaña, Senior Commercial Specialist • Yazmin Rojas, Commercial Specialist • Manuel Velázquez, Commercial Specialist U.S. General Consulate in Guadalajara • Susan Abeyta, Consul General • Linda Caruso, Commercial Consul U.S. General Consulate in Monterrey • Joseph M. Pomper, Consul General • Russell Comeau, Political and Economic Affairs Consul • John Howell, Commercial Consul • James Nussbaumer, Political and Economic Officer International Organizations ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS) • Isabel Niewola, Consultant, Inter - American CSR Program, Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism • Maryse Robert, Director, Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Business Organizations U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • Myron Brilliant, Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs • Jodi Bond, Vice President, Americas • Patrick Kilbride, Senior Director, Americas, Executive Vice President, AACCLA • Diana C. Rodríguez, Senior Manager, U.S. - Mexico Leadership Initiative UNITED STATES-MEXICO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • Eric Gustafson, President AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL SECURITY (ASIS) • Fernando Zuñiga, President BRITISH CHAMBER • Teresa de Lay, General Director CÁMARA JAPONESA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE MÉXICO (JCCI) • Tamotsu Yamada, Presidente del Comité de Seguridad ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (ECLAC) • Georgina Núñez, Expert, Washington Office WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATIONS (WCO) • Christophe Zimmerman, Senior Technical Officer FUNDACIÓN MÉXICO- ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA LA CIENCIA (FUMEC) • Leopoldo Rodríguez, Member of the Board of Governors • Guillermo Fernández de la Garza, Executive Director MEXICANOS PRIMERO JALISCO • Benjamín Manzano Gómez, Director CORPORACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA PARA EL DESARROLLO DE INTERNET • Salma Jalife, International Affairs Coordinator Events 96th Annual Meeting In March, the Annual Meeting was held in Mexico City, attended by 370 members who, as every year, listened to the annual report of activities of the Chamber in a voice of its President, Carlos Paz Soldan. The new Mexican administration led to a moment of reflection on the topic “Mexico: A Key Player with Global Responsibility.” Sergio Alcocer, Vice Minister for North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Senator Marcela Guerra, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, North America; Eloy Cantú, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Enrique Berruga, Member of COMEXI. Guillermo Wolf, Excecutive Vice President and General Director AMCHAM; Carlos Paz Soldan, former AMCHAM President; Miguel Ángel Margáin, General Director, IMPI; Óscar E. Sosa, Talent Management Director, ManPower; Francisco Rosas, Legal and Public Affairs Director, UPS; Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. 12th National Convention In June 2013, American Chamber held its 12th National Convention under the theme “Innovating Paradigms: Taking Mexico into Action” for the purpose of exploring how the public and private sector leaders conceive innovation and how these perceptions are influencing business strategies and the way of making public policy. The convention hosted eight panels made up of more than 30 high-level speakers and two keynote speeches. The National Convention provided a framework for announcing a change in leadership. Ernesto M. Hernández, President and General Director of General Motors de México, became President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/ MEXICO, who took up office since July 2013. Carlos Paz Soldan, former AMCHAM President; Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico; Emilio Chuayffet, Minister of Public Education; Guillermo Wolf, Executive Vice President and General Director, AMCHAM. Ernesto M. Hernández, President, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Day of Secretaries and Executive Assistants As every year, AMCHAM gratefully acknowledged its secretaries and executive assistants by organizing an event that was not only full of enthusiasm because of the activities and the gifts provided by the sponsors, but a time of reflection since this year’s conferences addressed internal and external image. The event reached 600 attendees. Gala Dinner In an elegant space and a joyous environment, the Chamber brought together its membership to make a Thanksgiving celebration, where typical symbols of this holiday could not be missed. In the presence of U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Earl Anthony Wayne, Ernesto M. Hernández, President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO, expressed his gratitude for being an excellent year for the Chamber. Furthermore, attendees listened to Dr. Arturo Valenzuela´s outlook on the current status of the bilateral relationship and the role Mexico plays in the international scenario as well as to Francisco N. González, General Director of PROMÉXICO. This was a perfect opportunity for networking, accompanied by raffles and dancing. Earl Anthony Wayne U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Francisco N. González General Director of ProMéxico Guadalajara Chapter 2013 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman José Miguel Zozayacorrea Kuri Partner Baker & McKenzie Adalberto Ortega Solís General Director Ortega Abogados y Consultores Treasurer Francisco Miguel Wilson Loaiza Partner PwC México Ana María Rodríguez de Pohls General Director Fragamex Counselors Jaime Rábago Jiménez Partner Director Grupo Impulso Rafael Farga Zetina Partner Soporte Industrial para Ingeniería, Mantenimiento y Construcción Armando Beltrán Zacarías General Director Pacific Star José Joaquín de Aguinaga Vázquez General Director Publicidad de Aguinaga Luis Romero Luna Retired Partner Ernst & Young Eduardo Lafaire Cruz General Director Parque Industrial Guadalajara Hans E. Neufeld Solorzano General Director Hancar Industrial Fernando Niño de Guzmán Lizarazu General Director Montes y Cía. Ignacio Navarro Hernández General Director Estrasol Julio Acevedo García General Director Hewlett - Packard Centro de Servicios Globales Randy McCann General Director Brown-Forman Casa Herradura José Medina Mora President CompuSoluciones Leopoldo Velázquez Partner & Director KPMG Cárdenas Dosal Juan Carlos Ousset Executive Director Luis Ousset R. PERMANENT GUEST MEMBER Susan K. Abeyta Consul General U.S. Consulate General Guadalajara Chapter Once again, in Guadalajara Chapter, we were pleased to host during 2013 three of the major events that have become benchmarks for our membership with the aim to create value. The first was the AMCHAM Cumbre de Empresarios AMCHAM Endeavor held in September at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. At its third edition, this event has been distinguished by providing entrepreneurs with the necessary tools for strengthening their businesses as well as providing members with the opportunity to interact in a face- to- face way with business leaders. In this edition, we enlarged the agenda that began with a meal followed by two conferences. This year, the panel of entrepreneurs was comprised of entrepreneurs who managed to raise capital for their businesses through investment funds. The event ended with the dynamic that has characterized other events: the approach between businessmen and entrepreneurs which is now under a scheme of work tables. In October, the traditional cocktail Meet the Consulate was held. It aims to inform the members about the work performed by the U.S. Consulate General of the United States of America in Guadalajara as well as the services it provides. For this purpose, each of the heads of area gave a brief report on the functions performed. As part of this event, Yiacatecutlis were delivered to members who collaborated with AMCHAM this year in a project which will add value to our membership. Furthermore, some awards were delivered to Chairmen of committees. To close the year, in November we hosted the XLVIII Annual Meeting of Members and the Gala Dinner, which was attended by over 380 participants, including AMCHAM membership, the President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/ MEXICO, Ernesto M. Hernández, some Presidents of other Chambers, the U.S. Consul General and Commercial Consul of the United States of America. As it has been tradition, four awards were delivered to 2013 Distinguished Members: United Airlines, under the category of American companies; Montes y Cía., under the category of Mexican companies, and Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, under the category of service. The Adolf Horn prize for innovation was delivered to Kaxan Media Group. Finally, our President José Miguel Zozaya Correa presented his annual report, and the Secretary for Economic Development of the State of Jalisco, José Palacios, on behalf of the Governor, MSc. Aristóteles Sandoval gave a message to the audience. Monterrey Chapter 2013 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Andrés Ochoa-Bünsow National Managing Partner Baker & McKenzie Vice Presidents and Directors Alejandro J. Maiz President Maiz Proyectos Félix G. Tejada General Director The Alles Group Monterrey Treasurer and Director Leandro Castillo Managing Partner and Audit Partner in Charge - Monterrey Office KPMG Members of the Executive Committee David W. Eaton Vice President of Sales and Marketing Kansas City Southern de México Marisa Jiménez de Segovia General Director Air-Care de México Leo P. Lobato Commercial Director Escites México Alberto J. Morales Partner D&A Morales y Asociados Carrie Osman OF - Counsel Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton Javier Torres General Director Montoi DIRECTORS Lorenzo Barrera General Director Banco Base Albert Correa General Director Air Liquide Alberto de Armas Vice President of Human Resources Cemex México Andrés Engels Partner Colegio Euroamericano de Monterrey Juan Carlos Puente Vice President & General Director Whirlpool México Francisco A. Gámez Partner Promotion and Development Director DEC Ronald T. Riekena General Director Caterpillar México José Garza General Director Prolamsa Juan Mario Garza Director Grafo Print Editores Hernán González Director of International Relations Cydsa Corporativo Eduardo H. Guerra Director Northern Region TÜV-Rheinland de México José María Guerra General Director Mars México, Wrigley Division Eugenio Martínez-Serna CEO Dal-Tile Mexico Anthony Menezes General Director IBM México Antonio César Miranda President & General Director Praxair México Humberto Morales Partner Sánchez Devanny Eseverri Rachel Morales Vice President Human Resources Mexico and Latin America Parker Hannifin José Páez General Director Amway de México Francisco Paredes Commercial Director Seguros Monterrey New York Life Francisco Pontón General Director Steel Warehouse Mexico Juan Antonio Salazar General Director USEM de México VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Luis F. Martínez Director Abogados Martínez Todd C. Nelson Country Manager The Offshore Group NOMINATING COMMITTEE Robert W. Chandler Partner Sánchez Devanny Eseverri Alejandro J. Maiz President Maiz Proyectos HONORARY OFFICERS HONORARY VICE PRESIDENT Joseph M. Pomper U.S. Consul General U.S. Consulate General in Monterrey HONORARY MEMBERS John Howell Consul for Commercial Affairs U.S. Consulate General in Monterrey Russell Comeau Consul for Economic and Political Affairs U.S. Consulate General in Monterrey Monterrey Chapter With more than 100 competitors, the Monterrey Chapter Annual Charity Golf Outing was held in June. This year, there was more than one million pesos in prizes and, for the first time, the Outing featured a special prize of US$20,000 for the player who proved precision by making three Hole-inones in the Pot & Green at 10, 30 and 50 feet. Participants had the opportunity to win three Hole-inOne prizes: a Mercedes-Benz C250 CGI Sport, an Infiniti G37 Sedan and a Ducati Hyperstrada. All of the Tournament profits were donated to Auxilio a Niños con Enfermedades Reumáticas ($214,404.06 pesos), and to Hogar de la Misericordia ($142,936.04 pesos). The Monterrey Chapter’s 40th Annual General Meeting, celebrated in May, broke attendance record with more than 500 AMCHAM members and friends. The event featured the participation of Ildefonso Guajardo, Mexico’s Minister of Economy, as Keynote Speaker; while Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico; Rodrigo Medina, Governor of the State of Nuevo León; and Carlos Paz Soldan, President of AMCHAM, who also gave interesting messages to the audience. The Economic Fora proved to be very attractive events since each of them were celebrated at capacity. In January, Dr. Deborah L. Riner analyzed Mexico’s macro-economic stability despite external threats such as the U.S. slow economic growth, or the direct impact of the euro on the Mexican peso. As usual, her conference was held in Saltillo, Coahuila. In September, Dr. Salvador Kalifa discoursed upon how structural reforms might enhance the flow of foreign direct investment into the country, and in October, Everardo Elizondo explored what happened with the high expectations on the Momento de México. Institutional Strengthening Our member companies operate in a world that is constantly changing and, therefore, they require dynamic responses. This environment has prompted us to articulate a long-term strategy aimed at adapting us to changes and responding comprehensively and convincingly to our membership´s needs. From now and on, our resources and actions will be geared towards generating the greatest positive impact to reach our strategic goals: Be recognized as the most respected and influential chamber of commerce dealing with U.S. Mexico trade & investment affairs. Strengthen our position within the American business community by providing consistently and efficiently high value added services to our members and stakeholders. All this work will be based on our core values and four pillars designed to strengthen our relationships, our operations, our public image and our people. Implementing actions that will change paradigms and make a difference to our members Services BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) For the third year in a row, AMCHAM continued its partnership with the University of Cambridge, but also achieved an understanding with the University of Pachuca, Hidalgo in Mexico, providing ease access to a widely recognized multilingual evaluation system that measures language skills quickly and with flexibility. Economex A monthly closed-door forum which brings together top-ranking executives to discuss macroeconomic and businessrelated matters with AMCHAM’s Chief Economist, Dr. Deborah Riner. CEOs, CFOs and General Directors attend these sessions in a networking environment for high-level decision making. Job Bank Through its partnership with BUMERAN, AMCHAM continued to offer a renew Job Bank Service for the second year. Our membership has published 3725 vacancies and received a total of 117,560 résumés qualified for positions, increasing fourfold in the number of candidates with a job opportunity in 2012. Meeting Rooms The Meeting room rental service in Mexico City has positioned itself for its personalized attention and the comfort of the facilities which are located in AMCHAM Headquarters. Revenues increased by 10% compared to 2012. Visas AMCHAM continued with the Global Entry and the Business Facilitation Program, with great influence on our member businesses. A record number of 695 interviews were given in AMCHAM offices. Trade&InvestCenter AMCHAM offers reliable information needed to streamline their commercial endeavors with a specialized area on trade and investment between Mexico and the United States. Trade&InvestCenter is specialized in assisting trade between Mexico and the United States through information services, business matchmaking and development service. This year Trade&InvestCenter advised 9% more partners than in 2012. Positioning in Media With the purpuse of spreading the mission and positioning the activities of the Chamber, a public relations strategy to promote a constant presence in media has been implemented. The actions and events with more visibility in the media during 2013 were the following: • 96th Annual Meeting and 12th National Convention • Presentation of the Business Security Survey in Mexico, Fifth Edition • Positioning on the Tax reform AMCHAM generated many opportunities for interviews and coverage of some of the events organized in the framework of the AMCHAM Committee network, resulting in a prominent presence in the media categorized as Tier 1, as well as in electronic versions of such media. Newspapers: Reforma, El Universal, Excélsior, El Financiero, El Economista, Milenio Television: Televisa, TV Azteca, Canal 11, El Financiero TV, Proyecto 40 Radio: Radio Centro, Radio Fórmula, Imagen, MVS Magazines: Expansión, Poder y Negocios, Alto Nivel Agencies: Notimex, Bloomberg, Reuters During 2013, 270 news stories were generated, equaling an unexpended cost of $29,847,430 pesos. Moreover, a strategic alliance with the newspaper Reforma was made to formulate a Supplement with the most important topics of the Chamber. This supplement was published in June. Likewise, a memorandum of understanding between AMCHAM and The Business Year was signed. Coverage according to the type of media in 2013 was distributed as follows: Coverage of the news stories generated through events, press releases, surveys and committees’ positioning was distributed throughout 2013 as follows: Percentage against the total of news stories generated. This year, the social media strategy was also strengthened. On Twitter, followers increased from 2,500 to nearly 4,000 in less than a year. Furthermore our LinkedIn profile account was opened and it has attracted more than 700 followers so far. Finally, the institutional website revamping was implemented in order to make information more attractive and easier to find. In this regard, it is projected to continue feeding the different platforms, so they could become a source of reference and communication for the various stakeholders. Publications AMCHAM EAGLE (Electronic, weekly, English and Spanish) Best Practices in Diversity and Labor Inclusion (Electronic, English and Spanish) Charting the Economy (Electronic and print, quarterly, English) Encuesta de Hábitos de Consumo de Productos Pirata y Falsificados (Electronic, Spanish) Crecimiento y profundización del sector financiero en México (Electronic, Spanish) Networking Best Practices Manual (Electronic, English) Membership Directory (Print and CD-Rom, annual, English) Survey of Salaries and Benefits (Print and CD-Rom, annual, bilingual) Business Security Survey in Mexico, Fifth Edition (Print and Electronic, English and Spanish) Guía para la selección de personal confiable. (Electronic, Spanish) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) (Electronic, English and Spanish) Why is Mexico an attractive investment destination? (Electronic, English and Spanish) Management Staff Executive Vice President and General Director Guillermo Wolf Chief Economist Deborah L. Riner Labor Counsel Luis Manuel Guaida National Director of Administration and Finance José Manuel Pliego Human Resources Manager Claudia González Administration Manager Omar Linares National Director of Business Development Raúl Arroyave Key Account Managers Andrea Hernández Ma. Carmen Herrera Ricardo Meza Marketing and Membership Services Senior Manager Ivonne Íñiguez Membership Services Senior Manager Alma Soots National Director of External Relations and Committees Erika Quevedo Institutional Communications Manager Luis Mejía Committees Manager Paulina Núñez Editor Soledad Villa Guadalajara Chapter Director Lorenza Verea Membership Services Manager Verónica Barajas Membership Development Manager Gabriela Bricio Marketing and Communications Manager Julia Camarena Administrative Manager Héctor Manuel García Events Manager María del Mar García International Trade Manager Fernando Lafaire Monterrey Chapter Director Lupina De Ezkauriatza Membership Development Manager Susana Garza Membership Services Manager Mónica González Administrative Manager David Ibarra Trade&InvestCenter Manager María Pérez Communication and Public Affairs Manager Adriana Zertuche Mexico City Blas Pascal 205, piso Col. Los Morales 11510 Mexico City (52-55) 5141-3800 E-mail: [email protected] Guadalajara Chapter Av. Moctezuma 442 Col. Jardines del Sol 45050 Zapopan, Jal. (52-33) 3634-6606 E-mail: [email protected] Monterrey Chapter Río Manzanares 434 Oriente Col. Del Valle 66220 Garza García, N.L. (52-81) 8114-2000 E-mail: [email protected] Peninsula Representation Blvd. Kukulcán Km 12.5, Local B-16, Zona Hotelera 77500, Cancún, Q. Roo (52-998) 250-6060 E-mail: [email protected] Follow us For a better business environment
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Monterrey Chapter - American Chamber Mexico
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