Monterrey Chapter - American Chamber Mexico
Monterrey Chapter - American Chamber Mexico
2014 National Board of Directors PRESIDENT Ernesto M. Hernandez President and Managing Director General Motors de México VICE PRESIDENTS Raul Gallegos President and General Director GE International Miguel Jauregui Founding Partner Jáuregui y Del Valle Andres Ochoa-Bünsow National Managing Partner Baker & McKenzie President of AMCHAM, Monterrey Chapter Jim Shoultz Vice President and General Manager Colgate-Palmolive México Jose Maria Zas President and General Director for Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean American Express Alejandro Elizondo Country Head Principal Financial Group México Jose Raul Guerrero Managing Director Korn/Ferry International Monica Flores General Director of Latin America ManpowerGroup Tony Gutierrez Mexico Country Manager American Airlines Guillermo Garcia-Naranjo CEO Senior Partner KPMG Gabriel M. Lopez President and General Director Ford Motor Company Enrique Hidalgo President ExxonMobil México Alejandro J. Maiz President Maiz Proyectos AMCHAM, Monterrey Chapter David O’Donnell Chief Executive Officer Grupo O’Donell de México Carlos Mendez Chief Executive Officer PwC México Luis Rebollar President Mexico, CA and Caribbean DuPont México Jose Zozaya President and Executive Representative Kansas City Southern de México Fernando Silva President Best Buy México Jose Miguel Zozayacorrea Partner Baker & McKenzie President of AMCHAM, Guadalajara Chapter Jorge Torres President FedEx Express Guillermo Wolf Executive Vice President and General Director AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER Javier Soni General Director and Partner (Retired) PwC México DIRECTORS Carmina Abad Chief Executive Officer MetLife Armando Beltran General Director Pacific Star AMCHAM, Guadalajara Chapter Leandro Castillo Managing Partner and Audit Partner KPMG AMCHAM, Monterrey Chapter 2 Ambassador Antonio O. Garza Counsel White & Case VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Eckart Miessner General Manager Emerson Electric de México Carl Rianhard President Opentec Luiz Stortini General Director Dow Química Mexicana DIRECTORS AT LARGE Carlos Abrams-Rivera President Mondelez International Eric Alvarez General Director Janssen de México Bernardo Ayala President Union Pacific de México Bernard Cicut Managing Director 3M de México Eduardo Cepeda President and General Director JP Morgan Francisco Crespo Mexico BU President The Coca-Cola Export Company Jorge Cossio President LatAm Axalta Coatings Systems México HONORARY OFFICERS Honorary President Hon. Earl Anthony Wayne Ambassador of the United States of America to Mexico Government of the United States of America Honorary Vice Presidents Laura F. Dogu Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of the United States of America Dorothy L. Lutter Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs Embassy of the United States of America Stephanie Miley Minister Counselor for Economics and Environment, Science, Technology and Health Affairs Embassy of the United States of America OBSERVERS TO THE BOARD John M. Bruton Senior Advisor ManattJones Global Strategies Luis Manuel Guaida Partner Guaida y Asociados Labor Counsel AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO PAST PRESIDENTS Purdy C. Jordan Honorary President Corporación del Fuerte Carlos Paz Soldan Former President (Retired) P&G México Jorge Sanchez DeVanny Partner Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri Wesley H. Wolfe President Patronato Centro Médico ABC Perform, while we transform Dear Members, From the first day in this position, I have understood what an honor and responsibility it is to be AMERICAN CHAMBER’s President, but over the last two years I have come to truly appreciate what a privilege it is to lead this outstanding organization. It is my belief that once every company and staff member discovers the greatness of this Chamber, there is virtually nothing we cannot accomplish. I can honestly say I have never been more optimistic and enthusiastic about what lies ahead for AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO. Our Board of Directors wisely took a long-term view in a moment when the country and businesses were experiencing important transformations. As a Chamber, we began a profound renovation in 2013, and this year we remained focused on making solid progress on the four strategic priorities that we announced and that seek to unlock the limitless potential of this remarkable organization: improved value perception, strengthened relations with key stakeholders, more efficient committees, and increased membership. While transforming the Chamber, we have continued delivering the sound, consistent and value added services that our members expect year after year. In 2015, we will reinforce our actions to solidify our position and build sustainable, long-term growth. We remain confident that we have the right strategies in place, and I truly appreciate that our members, strategic partners and staff are embracing these initiatives and are passionate about the opportunities ahead. On behalf of everyone at AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO, I thank you for your unparalleled support and assure you that we will continue to challenge ourselves to create more value, expand our impact as a binational organization, and earn your trust and respect every day, not only for what we achieve, but for how we do it. Ernesto M. Hernandez Chairman of the National Board of Directors, and President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO 3 MISSION Promote sustainable trade and investment between Mexico and the United States by participating in the shaping of public policies and fostering a socially responsible business environment. VISION Act and be seen as the opinion leader within the American business community, helping to shape policies impacting the United States – Mexico business environment positively. VALUE PROPOSITION AMCHAM: •Offers access to relevant and timely information. •Facilitates discussions about relevant topics. •Promotes meetings with key authorities from both countries. •Elaborates institutional positions and white papers. •Participates responsibly in the elaboration of public policies to improve the business environment. •Facilitates networking to promote business and trade opportunities. 4 AMCHAM: A Unique Chamber AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF MEXICO was founded in 1917 and was the first chamber representing U.S. businesses in Latin America. The Chamber is a founding member of the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACCLA), an organization that closely collaborates with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. These strong alliances give you access to business contacts and opportunities throughout the region. AMCHAM offers each member company the unique opportunity to be part of an organization that represents businesses from diverse industries, sectors and sizes. A Chamber that Works for You The Chamber represents the membership on current local, national and bilateral issues that affect trade and investment. The organization has access to both the U.S. and Mexican governments, and advocates for a more competitive and transparent business environment. AMCHAM headquarters in Mexico City together with its two chapters in Guadalajara and Monterrey offer meetings and events for networking and business facilitation opportunities. AMCHAM + Members = Strategic Synergy The Chamber has solid programs to create this synergy. The committee system acts as a sounding board for the issues that need to be addressed with the government and private sector of both countries. These topics are the basis for holding informative events, developing position papers and advocating directly with the appropriate authorities. AMCHAM provides economic data and information which is sent to you on a regular basis including projections to help you make informed business decisions. Trade and investment changes and trends are available by reviewing the updated material on the website. Different types of events are organized throughout the year addressing business issues, new laws or reforms, and are excellent opportunities for meeting prospective clients and suppliers. These events feature high-level private or public sector speakers. 5 Binational Advocacy As part of the Chamber´s efforts to strengthen trade and investment between Mexico and the United States, our members maintained a constant dialogue with U.S. government and business leaders. On April 15, 2014 AMCHAM met with members of the influential House Appropriations Committee (HAC) to exchange views on the status of the bilateral relationship, the U.S. economy impact on the Mexican business environment and the meaning of the Mexican reforms, especially that on energy. Rep. Harold Rogers, Javier Soni, U.S. Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne, Guillermo Wolf and Henry Cuellar. In late July, AMCHAM hosted the visit of the Governor of California, Edmund G. Brown, who headed a Trade Mission aimed at strengthening ties between Mexico and the State of California, and working closely with government officials, industry leaders and different stakeholders from both countries to expand and consolidate a regional industry cluster, with a particular emphasis on research and development in sectors such as energy, tourism and agriculture. Governor of California, Edmund G. Brown. 6 In early August, representatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and members of the Working Group “Security in the Supply Chain” met to discuss the challenges and threats that American businesses based in Mexico face in their supply chain operations, focusing primarily on ground transportation in the northern border. On August 5, 2014 and prior to her meeting with the Mexican Government, Judith Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the U.S. Department of State, met with members of the Social Responsibility and Education, Diversity, and Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committees in order to know the work such committees and U.S. companies in Mexico are doing regarding disability and employment inclusion. Alfredo Kupfer, Judith Heumann and Oscar Sosa. On August 20, 2014 the Energy Task Force and IT Committee met with officials from the U.S. Department of Commerce to discuss the current scenario of the energy and telecommunications sectors in Mexico, given the recently approved reforms. The U.S. delegation was comprised by Arun Kumar, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and General Director of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service; Walter M. Bastian, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere and Vinay Vijay Singh, Senior Advisor, Global Markets, International Trade Administration. In early September, the Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, visited Mexico City on a Trade Mission, accompanied by representatives of the Government of New Jersey, industrials and entrepreneurs. AMCHAM hosted Governor Christie, contributing to open a new chapter on the relations between Mexico and New Jersey that will boost business opportunities and will strengthen the cultural and social ties. Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. 7 Committees at Work Mexico City Recognizing the importance of voluntary savings in the national and household economy, the Financial Services and Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committees, organized the event entitled “Voluntary savings: Strategies for business growth”, addressed at encouraging savings in the private sector and highlighting its importance. It was attended by representatives of the public and private sectors, including Carlos Ramirez, President of the National Commission for Retirement Savings (CONSAR). Following the Tax Reform of 2014, the Board of Directors and leaders of the Fiscal Affairs Committee met with representatives of Procuraduría de la Defensa del Contribuyente (PRODECON) to share the concerns and challenges AMCHAM members are facing regarding the implementation of the Tax Reform. Currently, AMCHAM and PRODECON are working together to propose improvements in pro rata charges. The Diversity and Human Capital and Labor Affairs Committees met with authorities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare to learn about tax incentives for individuals and companies that hire people with disabilities and the elderly, renewing the commitment to social responsibility by member companies. Our Information Technologies Committee formulated a series of comments and recommendations on various aspects of the Telecommunications Secondary Legislation proposed by Mexican authorities. This document, focused on issues such as asymmetric regulation, state infrastructure sharing, granting of concessions, technological neutrality, advertising and content, was submitted to the Commissions on Radio, Television and Cinematography and Legislative Studies of the Senate. The Data Privacy Group of the Legal Affairs Committee prepared and sent to the Commission on the Interior of the Senate comments on the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties. Also, members of the group met with representatives of the Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información (IFAI) to expose the industry’s concerns regarding the proposed general laws on transparency and protection of personal data submitted to Congress in September. During 2014, the International Trade Policy Committee submitted to the Ministry of Economy a proposed amendment to the General Rules on Foreign Trade, seeking to simplify the requirements to be fulfilled by enterprises conducting operations under the IMMEX program. Such provisions include the VAT Law, the Special Tax Law on Production and Services, and the Federal Law on Rights. One more time in 2014, as part of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee Counter-Piracy Program, 316 officials of various customs offices around the country were trained in collaboration with the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI). This program aims to facilitate the identification of pirated and counterfeit goods before they are introduced into the country, helping to reduce the amount of illegal products entering the country. Furthermore, AMCHAM in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) hosted the “Advanced Workshop on Effective Enforcement against Notorious Markets” to discuss the economic and social impact generated by these illicit markets, identify the different key players and propose solutions to address this problem. As a result of the visit in 2013 of President’s Obama to Mexico, the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research was created with the objective of facilitating the flow of information and evolve from a mere trade relationship into the foundations for a region of knowledge, capable to hold its own in the global economy, while promoting a better understanding between both nations and strengthening their capacities to solve common problems. 8 Consequently, the Corporate Social Responsibility and Education Committee was invited to participate in the Mexican Consultation Group of FOBESII which was formed to analyze the current educational, academic and scientific linkages between Mexico and the U.S., as well as to make recommendations to promote greater interaction. This year, the Innovation Task Force conducted the First Business Innovation Survey, which was aimed to know the nature of the innovative activities of the AMCHAM membership. One hundred companies participated in this survey, and the outcomes will be used to formulate public policy proposals on innovation. Furthermore, the Survey was submitted to the heads of the National Council of Science and Technology, the Mexican Institute of the Industrial Property and the Under Secretary of Commerce and Industry. Following the invitation of the commission on Environment and Natural Resources of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, the Sustainable Development Committee submitted comments on the Reform of the General Law for the Prevention and Management of Waste. For the first time, the Security Committee launched the Supply Chain Security Survey. This study is a specialized project aimed to gather information related to the incidents involving companies’ operations as well as different security measures employed to mitigate the impact of such events. Also, the Committee conducted for the sixth consecutive year the Business Security Survey in Mexico, which had the support of various business organizations, registering the highest number of responses to this date. Our Energy Task Force submitted comments to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies on the Energy Secondary Legislation to contribute to the formulation of a regulatory framework that promotes the competitiveness of the energy sector. As a result of the meetings held throughout the year, the Compliance Group of the Legal Affairs Committee developed a Toolkit compiling the most relevant U.S. and Mexican legislation on ethics and anticorruption as well as best practices shared by our member companies. This document is intended to provide AMCHAM membership with the basic tools to ensure compliance with the law within companies and during their relationships with externals. In order to promote Corporate Social Responsibility and in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States, on April 29th AMCHAM joined Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne in a visit to Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I.A.P., supporting the aid this institution provides to underprivileged children. Derived from this visit, AMCHAM donated part of the proceeds from the golf tournament to this institution. In September 25th, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO handed a donation in kind to Fundación Hablarte e Integrarte which works with children with speech problems, such as cleft lip and palate. The donation was aimed to be used in therapy since the foundation provides all the material to children who take it. 9 Guadalajara Chapter The International Trade Committee took the initiative to hold monthly sessions with key players of foreign trade of different levels of government, strengthening ties with the Ministry of Economy and ProMéxico at the Federal level, the Ministry of Economic Development and JALTRADE at the state level and representatives of foreign trade and investment promotion in the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, to enhance communication, share events and tools to foster exports and investment in the state. As an initiative of the Fiscal Committee addressed at linking members with tax authorities in the region, the Chamber strengthened its ties with trustees recognized by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) and West Regional Delegation of the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate (PRODECON). These linkages have enabled the Chamber to provide its membership with invaluable information on Audit and Transfer Pricing trends. Young entrepreneurs were the engine of AMCHAM Cumbre de Empresarios, an event that the Chapter has hosted for the fourth year in a row, aimed at promoting the development and competitiveness of businesses in Jalisco. This annual summit brings together prominent business leaders to share their experiences, knowledge and key success factors with over 200 entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium size enterprises. Thanks to the Security Committee, AMCHAM Guadalajara Chapter has built ties with the Civil Protection and Fire-Fighting Department, the Police Single Command, the State Prosecutor’s Office, STPS, the Federal and Highway Police and other agencies (Overseas Security Advisory Council, Consulate) with the purpose of opening channels of communication and achieving a rapprochement between business community and authorities. Multisectoral Dialogue: The Jalisco´s perspective of Social Responsibility. Jointly hosted by AMCHAM, the OAS, the Government of Canada, the Government of the United States and the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Jalisco, this is a practical and interactive two-day workshop that provided SMEs with theoretical and practical knowledge and tools to develop innovative solutions on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The Adolf B. Horn Chair carried out, in partnership with the University of Guadalajara, was held at the Enrique Diaz de Leon Auditorium and attended by executives of the business sector, scholars and representatives of the three levels of government, having as keynote speaker Claudio X. Gonzalez Guajardo, President of Mexicanos Primero. The purpose of the event was to keep alive the approach and philosophy of Adolf Horn, as precursor and founder of various entities. One of the objectives was to promote fair trade in all its forms: traditional, electronic, international and regional, through lectures, colloquia, courses, conferences, seminars and publications. The First Annual Guadalajara Business Security Conference, organized in conjunction with the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara, the American Society for Industrial Security, the Overseas Security Advisory Council and the Business Alliance for Secure Commerce, provided information to the business sector on the current scenario of security in Mexico and the actions of the Mexican State to be implemented. 10 Monterrey Chapter During November, the Human Resources Committee held its Fifth Annual Forum: “El Desafío de las Redes Sociales en la Cultura Empresarial”. Since most event attendees came from an HR background, this represented an opportunity for them to reflect on which policies, if so, may be required for the use of social media during office hours, the content their employees share, and whether to use them as a recruiting tool or as a channel for internal communication. Throughout the year, the Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Committee triggered the sharing of best practices on topics such as diversity & inclusion, impact on community and supply chain. During the Legal and Tax Affairs Committee sessions, some topics such as electronic accounting and its implications for 2015, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation’s criteria on civil liability, and the financial reform were discussed. Additionally, the Committee held in April the forum “Maquila: Nuevo escenario frente a la Reforma Fiscal”, along with the International Trade Committee. Authorities from SAT and AMCHAM members, experts on the subject, analyzed the tax reforms, the electronic media in customs, and the process of IVA and IEPS certification. The International Trade Committee’s project, “NAFTA Trusted Supplier Database”, is under development and will be launched in early 2015. With this project, AMCHAM will provide a reliable source of information aiming to foster trade between multinational companies, whether they are located in Mexico or the U.S. 11 Committees Network Mexico City AGRIBUSINESS AND FOOD INDUSTRY Chairman Sergio Carvallo Director of Government Relations Almidones Mexicanos CORPORATE REAL ESTATE Chairman David O’Donnell CEO Grupo O’Donnell de México Vice Chairwoman Adriana Navarro Senior Manager International Properties & Real Estate FedEx Express DIVERSITY Vice Chairman Oscar Sosa Talent Management Director, Mexico and Central America ManpowerGroup ENERGY TASK FORCE Chairman Olaf Carrera Vice President of Government and Public Affairs BP México Vice Chairwoman Carla Garcia Director of External and Government Affairs ExxonMobil México FINANCIAL SERVICES Vice Chairman John Ferry Asset Manager Zurich Fondos México FISCAL AFFAIRS Chairman Fred Barrett Transfer Pricing Leader – Mexico, and TLS clients and Markets Leader – Mexico PwC México Vice Chairman Agustin Allard Tax Director Xerox México 12 HUMAN CAPITAL AND LABOR AFFAIRS Chairman Alfredo Kupfer Partner Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri Vice Chairman Alejandro Fernandez del Castillo Advisor Envases y Laminados INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Vice Chairman Carlos Bello Partner Bello, Gallardo, Bonequi y García INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Chairman Kiyoshi Tsuru General Director Tsuru, Morales, Isla, Abogados Vice Chairwoman Carol Reynada Attorney at Law P&G México INNOVATION TASK FORCE Chairman Jorge Vega – Iracelay Senior Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs and Social Responsibility Microsoft México Vice Chairwoman Jana Nieto Director Institutional Relations 3M México LEGAL AFFAIRS Chairwoman Iliana Martinez Director of Legal Affairs General Motors de México Vice Chairman Bernardo Galavis Director of Legal Affairs and Government Relations P&G México LOGISTICS Chairwoman Yamile Sanchez Senior Manager Area Sales Central America and the Caribbean APL México Vice Chairman Armando Berrellez Hubs & Line Haul Managing Director FedEx Express SECURITY Chairman Thomas Gillen Regional Security Director Latin America AIG Seguros México Vice Chairman Daniel Contreras General Director Security Advisors SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND EDUCATION Chairwoman Mercedes de la Maza Director of the Manpower Foundation for Mexico and Central America ManpowerGroup Vice Chairwoman Elia Hernandez Coordinator of Ecology and Social Responsibility DuPont México Vice Chairman Roberto Sanchez de la Vara Coordinator of the Masters Programs of Administration and Technological Innovation Management Universidad Iberoamericana SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Chairman Jesus Cortes General Director Kabyax Negocios Sustentables Vice Chairman Ruben Colomo Technology Evangelist Microsoft México TRADE POLICY Chairman David Hurtado Partner Jáuregui y Del Valle Guadalajara Chapter HUMAN CAPITAL Chairman Ricardo Barbosa Partner Barbosa & Huerga Abogados Vice Chairwoman Cecilia Diaz Executive Manager Díaz Morones y Asociados INTERNATIONAL TRADE Chairman Alejandro Allera Director Master in International Business ITESM, Campus Guadalajara Vice Chairman Daniel Sanchez National Partner Baker & Mckenzie EDUCATION Chairman Carlos Brockmann President Becas Magdalena O. Vda. de Brockmann Vice Chairwoman Claudia Garcia de Alba Assistant to CEO Administradora San Pablo FISCAL Chairman Bernardo A. del Rio Managing Partner J.A. del Río y Asociados Vice Chairwoman Andrea Barrera Tax Director KPMG Cárdenas Dosal INNOVATION Chairman Ricardo Gomez President Kaxan Media Group Vice Chairman Jose Torre Senior Customer Service Leader PPMAN Fábrica de Eventos YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS Chairman Sergio Valencia General Director Basurama Vice Chairman Rafael Sanchez Commercial Director Llanta Veloz LEGISLATION Chairman Jorge Fernando Ruiz Director Môller & Ruiz GENDER EQUITY Luz Carmen Najera Director of Corporate Affairs Ingredion Integra COMMUNICATION MEDIA Gema Leticia Gonzalez del Toro Commercial Director Rubig Monterrey Chapter Vice Chairman Javier Soto General Director Soto Risolve CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY Chairman Eduardo H. Guerra Director Northern Region TÜV-Rheinland de México SECURITY Chairman David Toscano General Director Sadespe Vice Chairman Agustin Peña Quality Manager Iems Américas Vice Chairman Cesar Eduardo Godoy Director of Commercial Property and Legal Apro Group HUMAN RESOURCES Chairman Francisco A. Gamez Partner Promotion and Development Director Dec SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENT Chairman Omar Rafael Osorno Global Security Services Hewlett-Packard Centro de Servicios Globales Vice Chairman David Eugenio Puente Partner Sánchez DeVanny Vice Chairman Mauricio Alcocer Sustainability and Renewable Energy Center Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara INTERNATIONAL TRADE Chairman David W. Eaton Vice President of Sales and Marketing Kansas City Southern de México TOURISM Chairwoman Araceli Ramos Director of Public Relations Mundo Cuervo Vice Chairman Alejandro Barba General Director Quid Media Services COMMISSIONS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Berenice Lopez Director of Public Relations & Training Assistant Self-Training Vice Chairman Luis F. Martinez Director Abogados Martínez Serna LEGAL & FISCAL AFFAIRS Chairman Alberto J. Morales Partner D&A Morales y Asociados Vice Chairman Jorge Barrero Partner Santamarina y Steta 13 AMCHAM Advocates During 2014, as part of the work done and with the goal of continue to be reference point, AMERICAN CHAMBER/ MEXICO interacted with prominent U.S. and Mexican goverment officials, as well as with representatives of domestic and international organizations in events, committee meetings and closed-door sessions. Government of Mexico I. EXECUTIVE BRANCH SECRETARÍA DE GOBERNACIÓN (SEGOB) • Lucila Guerra , Directora General de Planeación Estratégica para la Prevención Social • Ariadna Camacho, Directora de Participación Ciudadana para la Prevención Social de la Violencia y Delincuencia • Maria Fernanda Sierra, Subdirectora de Participación Ciudadana para la Prevención Social de la Violencia Comisión Nacional de Seguridad (CNS) • Luis Esteban Islas, Jefe de Unidad de Planeación Prospectiva y Seguridad Privada • Rafael Pineda, Director de Análisis Geoespacial del Fenómeno Delictivo • Nora Frias, Titular de la Unidad de Desarrollo e Integración Institucional • Abigail Guido, Jefe de Departamento de Georeferencia Delictiva A SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES (SRE) • Sergio Alcocer, Subsecretario para América del Norte • Ana Luisa Fajer, Directora General para América del Norte SECRETARÍA DE HACIENDA Y CRÉDITO PÚBLICO (SHCP) • Eduardo Apaez, Director General Adjunto de Normatividad y Actividades Vulnerables, Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior • Naly Acosta, Directora de Financiamiento Sectorial Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (CONSAR) • Carlos Ramirez, Presidente • Carlos Marmolejo, Vicepresidente de Operaciones 14 Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) • Frida G. Valdecasas, Administradora Central de Investigación Aduanera • Jaime Martinez, Administrador de Operación Aduanera • Sylvia Marcela Robles, Administradora Central de Asuntos Legales de Comercio Exterior • Maria Elena Sierra, Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales de Comercio Exterior • Isabel Clavijo, Administradora Central de Programas de Certificación y Facilitación • Fanny Marlene Palacios, Administradora de Planeación y Coordinación Estratégica Aduanera 3 • Mayra Lorena Reyes, Administradora de Planeación y Coordinación Estratégica Aduanera 5 • Wenceslao Delfino Muñoz, Análisis de Procesos Aduaneros • Jose Juan Anzaldo, Subadministrador de Operación Aduanera de la Aduana de Cd. Hidalgo • Silvia Maribel Pecina, Administradora de la Aduana de Manzanillo • Jose Horacio Hernandez, Enlace de la Administración General de Aduanas • Jose Peña, Jefe de Departamento de Operación Aduanera • Beatriz Amparo Lizama, Administradora del Servicio al Contribuyente, SAT Monterrey • Edgar Compean, Subadministrador de Servicios al Contribuyente, SAT Monterrey • Juan Manuel de la O, Administrador de la Aduana de Monterrey • Carlos Perez Gomez, Administrador de Fiscalización Estratégica de Precios de Transferencia • Sergio A. Lopez, Administración de Fiscalización Internacional Procuraduría de la Defensa del Contribuyente (PRODECON) • Edson Uribe, Subprocurador General • Minerva Hernandez, Subprocuradora de Cultura Contributiva y Relaciones Institucionales • German Saldivar, Director General de Relaciones Institucionales • Oscar Fernandez, Director de Vinculación Internacional SECRETARÍA DE ECONOMÍA (SE) • Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretario de Economía Subsecretaría de Competitividad y Normatividad • Rocio Ruiz, Subsecretaria de Competitividad y Normatividad • Ana Laura Villanueva, Directora General Adjunta de Banca y Valores • Rodolfo Hernandez, Director de Modernización del Comercio y Servicios Subsecretaría de Industria y Comercio • Jose Rogelio Garza, Subsecretario de Industria y Comercio • Sandra Sanchez, Directora General Adjunta de Innovación, Servicios y Comercio Exterior Instituto Mexicano para la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) • Miguel Angel Margain, Director General • Alfredo Rendon, Director General Adjunto de la Propiedad Industrial • Monica Villela, Directora General Adjunta de los Servicios de Apoyo • Uriel Raymundo Velazquez, Especialista en Propiedad Industrial • Mariano Gonzalez, Coordinador Departamental de Inteligencia y Vínculo con Autoridades Federales de las Entidades Federativas y Municipales SECRETARÍA DE ENERGÍA (SENER) • Cesar Emiliano Hernandez, Subsecretario de Electricidad • Guillermo Garcia, Coordinador de Políticas de Exploración y Extracción de Hidrocarburos • Odon de Buen, Director General, Comisión Nacional para el uso Eficiente de la Energía, CONUEE • Alejandro Amerena, Director General de Asuntos Internacionales INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN (IFAI) • Gerardo Pigeon, Director de Análisis y Estudios de Ponencia • Alvaro Cabrera, Subdirector en la Ponencia de la Presidencia II. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS • Ruben Camarillo, Secretario de la Comisión de Energía SENADO DE LA REPÚBLICA • David Penchyna, Presidente de la Comisión de Energía • Jorge Luis Lavalle, Integrante de la Comisión de Energía SECRETARÍA DE COMUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES (SCT) • Carlos Almada, Subsecretario de Transporte III. STATES SECRETARÍA DE SALUD (SSA) Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico • Rolando Zubiran, Secretario • Vladimir Sosa, Subsecretario de Energía Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS) • Patricio Caso, Coordinador de Asesores del Comisionado Federal • Ricardo Cavazos, Coordinador de Asesores del Comisionado Federal GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE NUEVO LEÓN GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO • Luis Carlos Najera, Fiscal General • Mauricio Gudiño, Secretario de Movilidad • Alfonso Rejon, Secretario Técnico, Instituto de Justicia Alternativa SECRETARÍA DE MARINA (SEMAR) • Jose Luis Corro, Capitán de Puerto, Contraalmirante • Jorge Luis Cruz, Director General de la Administración Portuaria Integral Lázaro Cardenas, Vicealmirante Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores • Mario Alberto Reynoso, Director, Ciudades Hermanas SECRETARÍA DEL TRABAJO Y PREVISIÓN SOCIAL (STPS) • Rafael Avante, Subsecretario del Trabajo • Jose Adan Ignacio, Subsecretario de Previsión Social • Martha Zarate, Directora de Igualdad Laboral para Adultos Mayores, Personas con Discapacidad y Personas que viven con VIH-SIDA Secretaría del Trabajo • Francisco Valderrama, Director General • Fernando Ramirez, Director Previsión Social • Gerardo Rodriguez, Delegado Federal del Trabajo Auditoría Fiscal de Zapopan • Jose Maria Velasco, Administrador Local • Berenice Lizet Esquivel, Sub-Administrador Local • Leobardo Arreola, Jefe de Comercio Exterior SECRETARÍA DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES (SEMARNAT) • Luis Eduardo de Avila, Director General de Gestión Integral de Materiales y Actividades Riesgosas • Alfonso Flores, Director General de Impacto y Riesgo Ambiental PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA REPÚBLICA (PGR) • Arturo Ancona, Titular de la Unidad Especializada en Investigación de Delitos contra los Derechos de Autor y la Propiedad Industrial CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA (CONACYT) • Enrique Cabrero, Director General • Ma. Dolores Sanchez, Directora Adjunta de Posgrados y Becas • Luis Ponce, Director de Posgrado • Jesus Arturo Borja, Director de Evaluación y Cooperación Internacional • Rafael Pando, Director de Planeación, Evaluación y Seguimiento Tecnológico Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara • Ramon Godinez, Director de Turismo • Leobardo Arreola, Jefe de Comercio Exterior Ayuntamiento de Tlajomulco • Antonio Salazar, Jefe de Comercio Exterior Ayuntamiento de Zapopan • Omar Chavez, Jefe de Comercio Exterior Centro de Promoción Económica y Turismo de Zapopan • Ian Paul Otero, Director General del Centro de Promoción Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social • Maria Cristina Gonzalez, Coordinadora de Atención y Orientación al Derechohabiente • Sonia Conchas, Coordinadora Técnica de Orientación e Información 15 INEGI • Odilon Cortes, Coordinador Estatal Palacio de la Cultura y la Comunicación (PALCCO) • Jose Perez, Presidente Clúster de Turismo Médico Jalisco • Carlos Enrique Rodriguez, Presidente Global Risk Analysis • Dwight Dyer, American Senior Analyst Instituto de Fomento al Comercio Exterior • Ruben Resendiz, Director General Nacional Financiera • Bernardo San Pedro, Representante Estatal Oficina de Convenciones y Visitantes de Guadalajara • Gustavo Staufert Buclon, Director de Promoción ProMéxico • Sergio Rios, Director Regional Secretaría de Atención Tributaria • Carlos Perez-Gomez, Admnistrador • Sergio A. Lopez, Representante de la Administración de Fiscalización Interna U.S. TRADE & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY • Keith M. Eischeid, Country Manager Latin America and the Caribbean U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION • Sandra Cruz, Associate Director for Latin America Office DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Arun Kumar, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and General Director of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service • Walter M. Bastian, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Hemisphere • Patrick J. Krissek, Mexico Desk Officer • Vinay Vijay Singh, Senior Advisor U.S. Commercial Service • Dillon Banerjee, Principal Commercial Officer • Claudia Salgado, Commercial Officer • Miguel Angel Vazquez, Renewable Energy Commercial Specialist DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE • Marie-Flore V. Johnson, Fiscal, Trial Attorney, Criminal Division DEPARTMENT OF STATE Government of the United States of America I. EXECUTIVE BRANCH EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES TO MEXICO • Earl Anthony Wayne, Ambassador of the United States of America to Mexico • Dorothy L. Lutter, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs • Amy Cloud, Customs and Border Protection Assistant Attaché to Mexico • Michael Lewis, Regional Intellectual Property Attaché for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean • Teresa Verthein, Commercial Specialist • Claudia Rojas, Legal Specialist for Intellectual Property • Ines Hori, Specialist in Economic Affairs • Carmen Landa y de Aguilar, Cultural Advisor • Robert Cavese, Specialist in Economic Affairs • Katherine Monahan, Economic Affairs Counsel U.S. General Consulate in Monterrey • Joseph M. Pomper, Consul General • Russell Comeau, Political and Economic Affairs Consul • John Howell, Commercial Consul • Ingrid Specht, Political and Economic Affairs Officer • Michael Barrera, Political and Economic Affairs Officer • Mario Vidaña, Senior Commercial Specialist • Belen Gallegos, Commercial Specialist 16 Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor • Judith E. Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights • Ramiro Martinez, Grant Program Officer DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • Martha Pineda, Marketing Specialist DEPARMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY • Alan Bersin, Assistant Secretary and Chief Diplomatic Officer • Claire Prestwood, Border Security Division • Lori Anne Parker, Border Security Division Customs & Border Protection • Garret Conover, Program Manager, Office of Field Operations • Manuel Garza, Customs and Border Protection Officer II. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Harold Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee • Henry Cuellar, Member of the House Appropriations Committee • Mark Meadows, Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs III. STATE LEVEL STATE OF OHIO Government of Ohio • William J. Healy II, Mayor of Canton STATE OF TEXAS City of San Antonio • Jill Metcalfe, Director of Casa San Antonio in Mexico • Yanet Godinez, Trade Specialist UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) • Stephen Kelley, Director, Justice & Citizen Security Office • Thomas Delaney, Director, Agency for International Development • Sean Jones, Deputy Director • Cecilia Real, Project Manager & Counterpart Coordinator, Justice & Citizen Security Office • Kevin Mc Glothlin, Supervisory Private Enterprise Officer Other Countries CONSULATE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM IN MONTERREY • Alejandra Rodriguez, Trade&Invest • Marcos Moreno, Administrative and Security Officer OFICINA DEL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIADO DE PUERTO RICO PARA PANAMÁ Y LATINOAMÉRICA • Awilda Mercado, Directora Ejecutiva International Organizations MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE (MPI) • Victoria Rietig, Policy Analyst THE WORKPLACE PROJECT • Deena Fidas, Director INTERNATIONAL MAIZE AND WHEAT IMPROVEMENT CENTER (CYMMIT) • Bram Govaert, Director Adjunto del Programa Global de Agricultura de Conservación CONSEJO CIUDADANO DE SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA DEL DISTRITO FEDERAL • Luis Wertman, Presidente Business Organizations U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • Jodi Hanson Bond, Vice President, Americas • Diana C. Rodriguez, Director, Mexico • Reuben Smith-Vaughan, Executive Director, AACCLA / Senior Manager, Americas Policy and Advocacy ASOCIACIÓN PROTECTORA DE CINE Y MÚSICA • Alfredo Tourne, Director General ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE TIENDAS DE AUTOSERVICIO Y DEPARTAMENTALES • Eugenio Carrion, Director General de Relaciones con el Gobierno CÁMARA NACIONAL DE LA INDUSTRIA CINEMATOGRÁFICA Y DEL VIDEOGRAMA • Agustin Torres, Director General CÁMARA NACIONAL DE LA INDUSTRIA DE PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS • Rosa Maria Sanchez, Directora Jurídica y Comercial AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL SECURITY, CAPÍTULO MÉXICO (ASIS) • Armando Zuñiga, Presidente JAPAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY • Koji Ishimatsu, Presidente CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN MEXICO • Molly Puglisi, Directora General CONFEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE AGENTES ADUANALES DE LA REPÚBLICA MEXICANA • Victor Hugo Gamas, Presidente ASOCIACIÓN MEXICANA DE EMPRESAS DE SEGURIDAD PRIVADA • Mario Espinosa, Presidente ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE IMPORTADORES Y EXPORTADORES DE LA REPÚBLICA MEXICANA • Luis Roberto Abreu, Presidente CÁMARA NACIONAL DE LA INDUSTRIA ELECTRÓNICA, DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Y TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN (CANIETI) • Imelda Gonzalez, Director Regional • Hector Gonzalez, Presidente CONSEJO COORDINADOR EMPRESARIAL • Jaime Williams, Presidente, Comisión de Energía INDEX NUEVO LEÓN • Horacio Campaña, Presidente • Adriana Vignau, Directora WORLD TRADE CENTER NUEVO LEÓN-UANL • Maria Magdalena Garcia, Gerente OSAC RESEARCH AND INFORMATION SUPPORT CENTER • James Weston, Chief • Leonardo Gasparini, Director Artístico COPARMEX • Jose Medina, Presidente Oficina Jalisco 17 Institutional Events 97th Annual Meeting In March, the Annual Meeting was held in Mexico City and attended by 300 members who, as every year, listened to the Chamber´s annual report of activities in the voice of its President, Ernesto M. Hernandez for the second year running. Bruno Cattori, CEO, Chrysler de México; Dr. Pedro Aspe, President, PROTEGO; Ambassador James R. Jones, Chairman, ManattJones Global Strategies; Carlos Heredia, Professor/ Researcher, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE); Guillermo Wolf, Executive Vice President and General Director, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO 2013 Yiacatecutli Award winners Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico; Fred J. Barret, PwC México; Patricia Gonzalez, PwC México; Veronica Ramirez, General Motors de México; Jose Zozaya, Kansas City Southern de México; Ernesto M. Hernandez, President AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO 13th National Convention In June 2014 AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO held its 13th National Convention under the theme “Prospering Together: a road map for advancing a joint North American Vision” comprised by five discussion panels with top speakers. From Thinking Regionally to Compete Globally to Building beyond NAFTA: a TPP Approach, each one explored the strengths of North America as an economic region, and its possibilities of growth. Ernesto M. Hernandez, President, AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO Earl Anthony Wayne, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Francisco de Rosenzweig, Under Secretary for Foreign Trade, Secretariat of Economy 18 14th Day of Secretaries and Executive Assistants Under the title: “La importancia de ser yo misma ¡redescubriendo mi valor!”, AMCHAM celebrated Secretaries and Executive Assistants with lectures, raffles and gifts, providing them with a space for conviviality, reflection and fun while honoring their support and valuable work. Breaking a record, we counted 600 attendees who enjoyed a lecture from Ma. Elena Segura Revuelta “¡Basta! Valores vs. Violencia”, and “El Valor de Convivir” by Ana Cecilia Dominguez. AMCHAM Golf Tournament Business for a worthy cause In October, supporting the cause of Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I.A.P., a nonprofit organization for children with cancer, AMCHAM organized a golf tournament that had the purpose of not only promote networking among its members, but also reaffirms the commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. Proceeds from around 20 thousand dollars were donated in benefit of Casa de la Amistad, an institution dedicated to help underprivileged children to follow their treatment against the disease. Guillermo Wolf, Executive Vice President and General Director, AMCHAM; Eduardo Mallet,Vice President of Casa de la Amistad; Ernesto M. Hernandez, President, AMERICAN CHAMBER/ MEXICO Gala Dinner In the majestic Palacio de Minería, the Chamber brought together its membership to make a Thanksgiving celebration, where typical symbols of this holiday could not be missed. In the presence of U.S. Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne, and several special guests, AMCHAM´s President Ernesto M. Hernandez expressed his gratitude for the excellent year the Chamber has achieved. The dinner was enlivened by the Mineria Symphony Orchestra String Ensemble, and attendees enjoyed Edith Marquez´s performance later that night. 19 Guadalajara Chapter 2014 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 20 PRESIDENT Jose Miguel Zozayacorrea Partner Baker & Mckenzie Adalberto Ortega General Director Ortega Abogados y Consultores TREASURER Francisco Miguel Wilson Tax Partner PwC Ana Maria Rodriguez General Director Fraga Mex COUNSELORS Jaime Rabago Partner Grupo Impulso Rafael Farga Partner Soporte Industrial para Ingeniería, Mantenimiento y Construcción Armando Beltran General Director Pacific Star Jose Joaquin de Aguinaga General Director Publicidad de Aguinaga Luis Romero Partner (Retired) EY Eduardo Lafaire General Director Parque Industrial Guadalajara Hans E. Neufeld General Director Hancar Industrial Fernando Niño de Guzman General Director Montes y Cía. Ignacio Navarro General Director Estrasol Julio Acevedo General Director Hewlett-Packard Centro de Servicios Globales Jose Medina President CompuSoluciones Leopoldo Velazquez Partner & Director KPMG Cárdenas Dosal Juan Carlos Ousset Executive Director Luis Ousset R. Jose del Monte Director Banco Regional de Monterrey Guadalajara Chapter Guadalajara Chapter carried out the following main activities: Multisectoral Dialogue: The Jalisco´s perspective of Social Responsibility. Jointly hosted by AMCHAM, the OAS, the Government of Canada, the Government of the United States and the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Jalisco. AMCHAM Cuarta Cumbre de Empresarios. The event brought together the most prominent business leaders from the region and the country who shared their experiences with attendees including entrepreneurs and representatives of small and medium sizes businesses in the region. Adolf B. Horn Chair, in partnership with the University of Guadalajara, was held at the Enrique Diaz de Leon Auditorium and attended by executives of the business sector, scholars and representatives of the three levels of government; having as keynote speaker Claudio X. Gonzalez Guajardo, President of Mexicanos Primero. The First Annual Guadalajara Business Security Conference. Organized in conjunction with the U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara, the American Society for Industrial Security, the Overseas Security Advisory Council and the Business Alliance for Secure Commerce. Adolf Horn Cup Golf Charity Outing. Held in conjunction with CANIETI, this event is aimed at raising funds intended for strengthening the Social Innovation Center in the municipality of Zapopan. Meet the Consulate. With the participation of the U.S. Consular team, the Yiacatecutli Awards were delivered to entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves through their participation in AMCHAM activities. 21 Monterrey Chapter 2014 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Andres Ochoa-Bünsow National Managing Partner Baker & McKenzie VICE PRESIDENT Alejandro J. Maiz President Maiz Proyectos TREASURER Leandro Castillo Managing Partner & Audit Partner in Charge Monterrey Office KPMG David W. Eaton Vice President of Sales & Marketing Kansas City Southern de México Marisa Jimenez de Segovia General Director Air-Care de México Leo P. Lobato CEO Escites México Alberto J. Morales Partner D&A Morales y Asociados Carrie Osman Of Counsel Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton Javier Torres General Director Montoi Alberto de Armas Vice President of Human Resources Cemex México DIRECTORS 22 Jaime de la Garza CEO Corporate Properties of the Americas Francisco A. Gamez Partner Promotion and Development Director Dec Jose Garza General Director Prolamsa Juan Mario Garza Director Grafo Print Editores Hernan Gonzalez Director of International Relations Cydsa Eduardo H. Guerra Director Northern Region TÜV-Rheinland de México Jose Maria Guerra General Director Mars México, Wrigley Division Sergio Leme President and General Director Whirlpool México Eugenio Martinez Serna CEO Dal-Tile México Humberto Morales Partner Sánchez DeVanny Todd C. Nelson Country Manager The Offshore Group Jose Paez General Director Amway de México Lorenzo Barrera General Director Banco Base Francisco Paredes Commercial Director Seguros Monterrey New York Life Gonzalo Escamez General Director Cintermex Francisco Ponton General Director Steel Warehouse México Ronald T. Riekena Country Manager Caterpillar México Jesus Rodriguez President NearShore Region Teleperformance Juan Antonio Salazar General Director USEM de México VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Luis F. Martinez Director Abogados Martínez Serna Felix G. Tejada General Director AG Innova Partners (The Alles Group Monterrey) NOMINATING COMMITTEE Robert W. Chandler Partner Sanchez DeVanny Alejandro J. Maiz President Maiz Proyectos HONORARY OFFICER/ HONORARY VICE PRESIDENT Joseph M. Pomper Consul General in Monterrey U.S. Consulate General HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS John Howell Consul for Commercial Affairs U.S. Consulate General in Monterrey Russell Comeau Consul for Economic and Political Affairs U.S. Consulate General in Monterrey Monterrey Chapter Coordinated by the Trade&InvestCenter, more than 850 Global Entry interviews for pre-approved members and their families took place at the Monterrey Chapter office during 2014. This Program allows avoiding long waiting-lines at Immigration in the airports. The Economic Fora provided timely information on Mexico’s macroeconomic stability. Dr. Deborah Riner, AMCHAM Chief Economist, explained issues such as job creation rate and macroeconomic stability during her presentation held in Monterrey and Saltillo in February. Everardo Elizondo, Former Deputy Governor of Banco de México, commented on the U.S. slow but continued economic recovery which will benefit Mexico. Thanks to the kind sponsorship of member companies, the Chapter’s Chamber Days provide our members with unique opportunity to do high-level networking, and to participate in lectures on trending topics such as: Global competences in employees, a rational and profitable investment on security and Mexico as an attractive business and holiday destination. Over 120 players enjoyed the Chapter’s 15th Annual Golf Charity Outing, where two records were broken: the number of players (122), and the quantity of Hole-in-One prizes (four cars, plus one more in a putting contest). All the profits went to Asociación Regiomontana de Niños Autistas ($190,113.54 pesos) and to Casa Simón de Betania ($124,909.02 pesos). The 41st Annual General Meeting, celebrated in September with more than 420 attendees, featured a discussion panel on Mexico’s Energy Reform with Raul Millares, Energy Director of Alfa; Jaime Williams, President of the Energy Commission of the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE); and Benjamin Torres, Partner and Head of Energy, Mining and Infrastructure, Baker & McKenzie Mexico. The General Meeting also featured a speech from Rolando Zubiran, Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Nuevo Leon, and leader of the Energy Reform in the State. Hernan Gonzalez, Cydsa; Leo P. Lobato, Escites México; and Todd C. Nelson, The Offshore Group, received the 2103 Yiacatecutli Distinguished Service Award. Chapter´s President Andres OchoaBünsow, who submitted a report on 2013’s activities, was re-elected for the 2014-2015 period, and presented the new Board of Directors slate. Ernesto M. Hernandez, President of AMERICAN CHAMBER/ MEXICO also delivered a speech to the Monterrey Chapter audience. 23 2014 Achievements on Administration and Finance In compliance with the new requirements of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data by Private Parties, the Data Privacy Notice of AMERICAN CHAMBER/MEXICO was updated on the website. The accounting system was brought up-to-date with the aim of sending electronic accounting to SAT before the date specified in the law by the tax authority. The online payment system was implemented through the website, providing the membership with alternative payment options for AMCHAM´s products and services. The Chamber reached a record amount in cash and banks. We had a decrease in paper and printing expenses of 10% and in office exprenses of 17% against 2013. We also had a decrease in costs and delivery of documents and packages time among our three offices due to a corporate agreement signed with FedEx, which generated savings of 48% against 2013. Implementation of electronic transfer payments to suppliers was done during 2014, generating savings of about 10% in costs and time of process of each operation. The implementation of e-learning trainings for Mexico City and Monterrey staff, with more subject coverage was done in record time. It was designed a new Performance Evaluation of Competencies and applied to all AMCHAM staff, according to the Action Plan. 24 Media Report During 2014, in accordance with the 2014-2016 Action Plan various strategic corporate communication actions were taken in order to increase the perceived value of AMCHAM. • Publishing partnerships were established with magazines “The Business Year” and “Negocios ProMéxico”. Since 2014 AMCHAM is part of the Editorial Board of the “Negocios ProMéxico” magazine, official media of the Mexican Government devoted to the dissemination of investment opportunities and international trade in the country. This partnership provides AMCHAM with the opportunity to incorporate monthly strategic content to promote the advantages and strengths of the Mexican market, as well as publish successful business stories in the industry of our country and advertise major investments made by currently Mexico-based companies. Last year, AMCHAM established a collaboration agreement with the magazine “The Business Year”, a leading provider of business information and a publisher of annual trade and investment resources. The magazine was published in 2014, comprising information regarding the world’s top political, commercial, and industrial leaders. It is intended to deliver targeted facts, in-depth analysis, and strategic advice to the global business community on economic trends and investment opportunities. • Strengthening our relations with key media. Newspapers: El Universal, Reforma, El Financiero, El Economista, Milenio and Excélsior Television: Televisa, TV Azteca, Proyecto 40, Canal 11 and CNN Television Radio: Radio Fórmula, Radio Radio Centro, Imagen and MVS Agencies: Reuters, Bloomberg and Notimex News portals:,,, and • Several tools for positioning media were developed and implemented: • Media Kit • Key Messages • Media Training 25 • Opinion leaders and strategic means for positioning key issues were identified. The Chamber continued to have presence in media. However, there was a significant change in the position as it was migrated from traditional media to digital media and social networks, with the consequent reduction of not-incurred costs. During 2014, 172 news stories were generated, equaling a not-incurred cost of $10,749,292 pesos distributed as follows: • An aggressive social media strategy was implemented. The profile corresponds to opinion leaders from Mexico and the U.S., domestic and foreign media such as Bloomberg, Associate Press, BBC, Reforma, Expansión and Milenio. 26 • Adjustments to AMCHAM Home Page were made to provide swift and easy navigation through the site, along with a more attractive design. 27 Services The services offered by AMCHAM to its membership are designed to strengthen business through: Business contacts Member to Member A special promotions newsletter that enables membership to advertise promotions related to products or services and get discounts or special rates in local member companies´ establishments. Language Skills BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) AmCham partnership with the University of Cambridge offers the possibility of assessing employees’ business language skills through BULATS, something which is specially valuable in Mexico’s growing international markets. Talent Search Job Bank Through a strategic alliance with, a leader company in talent search and placement in Latin America, an advanced technology platform is available for all our members. Office Spaces Meeting Rooms A perfect location in Mexico City for business meetings in absolute privacy, with personal attention and competitive prices. Expertise Visas Personal advice and confidentiality in procedures for Visas, Global Entry memberships and the Business Facilitation Program. Business Expansion Trade&InvestCenter A strong business development tool that specializes in assisting trade between Mexico and the United States through information services, business matchmaking and development service. 28 Publications AMCHAMEAGLE Newsletter (Electronic, weekly, English and Spanish) Crecimiento y profundización del sector financiero en México (Electronic, Spanish) Best Practices in Diversity and Labor Inclusion (Electronic, English and Spanish) Compliance Toolkit (Print, English and Spanish) Business Security Survey in Mexico, Sixth Edition (Print and Electronic, English and Spanish) Encuesta de Hábitos de Consumo de Productos Pirata y Falsificados (Electronic, Spanish) Charting the Economy (Electronic and print, quarterly, English) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) (Electronic, English and Spanish) 29 Publications Guía para laSelección de Personal Confiable (Electronic, English and Spanish) Membership Directory (Print and CD-Rom, annual, English) Networking Best Practices Manual (Electronic, English) 30 Sondeo de Innovación Empresarial en México (Print, Spanish) Survey of Salaries and Benefits (Print and CD-Rom, annual, English and Spanish) Why is Mexico an attractive investment destination? (Electronic, English and Spanish) Management Staff Executive Vice President and General Director Guillermo Wolf (Retired) National Director of External Relations and Committees Erika Quevedo Membership Development Manager Gabriela Bricio Chief Economist Deborah L. Riner Institutional Communications Manager Ana Maria Gomez Membership Services Manager Veronica Barajas Committees Manager Rosa Angelica Jimenez MONTERREY CHAPTER National Director of Administration and Finance Jose Manuel Pliego Administration Manager Omar Linares Editor Soledad Villa Human Resources Manager Claudia Gonzalez GUADALAJARA CHAPTER National Director of Business Development John Ferry Key Account Managers Andrea Hernandez Ma. Carmen Herrera Ricardo Meza Marketing and Membership Services Senior Manager Ivonne Iñiguez Membership Services Senior Manager Alma Soots Director Braulio Laveaga Administration Manager Hector Manuel Garcia Events Manager Maria del Mar Garcia International Trade Manager Fernando Lafaire Marketing and Communications Manager Julia Camarena Director Lupina De Ezkauriatza Administration Manager David Ibarra Communication and Public Affairs Manager Adriana Zertuche Membership Development Manager Susana Garza Membership Services Manager Monica Gonzalez Trade&InvestCenter Manager Maria Perez 31 Mexico City Blas Pascal 205, piso Col. Los Morales 11510 Mexico City +52 (55) 5141-3800 [email protected] Guadalajara Chapter Av. Moctezuma 442 Col. Jardines del Sol 45050 Zapopan, Jal. +52 (33) 3634-6606 [email protected] Monterrey Chapter Río Manzanares 434 Oriente Col. Del Valle 66220 Garza García, N.L. +52 (81) 8114-2000 [email protected] Follow us For a better business environment 32
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