Second Sunday of Lent


Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass Schedule
Misas de los domingos
Rev. Bill Barman,
Parish Office Hours
Horas de Oficina
Rev. Randy Guillen,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
Mon - Sat / Lunes a Sábado:
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Rev. Loc Tran,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Deacon Ricardo Barraza
Deacon Anthony Bube
Deacon Tin Nguyen
Deacon Tim O’Donoghue
Closed from 12 noon to 1:00 pm /
Cerrado de 12 medio dia a 1:00 pm
Saturday Vigil Mass / Misa del sábado:
5:00 pm ............English Vigil Mass
6:30 pm .... Vietnamese Vigil Mass
Sunday Mass / Misa del domingo:
6:30 am ...............................English
8:00 am .............................. Español
10:00 am .............................English
12:00 noon ......................... Español
5:00 pm ...............................English
7:00 pm .............................. Español
Holy Days as announced
Dias Santos seran anunciados
11712 N. Hewes, Orange, CA 92869
Tel. (714) 633-5800 Fax. (714) 633-8364
Website: email: [email protected]
Page 2
Year C
February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays / Sábados................... 8:30 am
Tuesday/martes......................... 6:00 pm
Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration
Adoración Perpetua del Santisimo
21st Day of the Month ............... 7:00 am
.... until 6:15 am the following Morning.
21 dia del mes ............................ 7:00 am
hasta las 6:15 am de la mañana siguiente.
Sacrament of Baptism/Bautismo:
Saturdays / Sábados................. 10:00 am
La manifestación de la Gloria de Dios en el Evangelio de hoy está llena de una luz que a
la vez asombra y revela. Jesús, transfigurado en el Monte Tabor, llena de su energía a
los apóstoles adormecidos, que ven la visión, pero no la saben captar. Es perdonable que
no capten del todo el significado de esta extraordinaria visión de Jesús transfigurado,
entre Moisés y Elías. Aquí, en el monte santo, se resumen la Ley y los profetas.
Hoy esa transfiguración se nos ofrece y se nos entrega. Como nos recuerda san Pablo,
somos nosotros los que vamos a ser transformados. Hoy se nos presentan la luz y la vida
de la Resurrección, para que no nos descorazonemos, no sea que nos quedemos del todo
dormidos. Este domingo ya mira hacia la Pascua. Mira hacia la transformación. Nos
pide que levantemos la cabeza, y reconozcamos al Señor Resucitado como nuestra luz y
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sacrament of Matrimony/Bodas:
Saturdays / Sábados................................
.......... 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm, & 3:30 pm
Call the Parish Office
Llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia
Génesis 15:5-12, 17-18
Salmo 27 [26]
Filipenses 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]
Lucas 9:28b-36
Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]
Luke 9:28b-36
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s
easy! It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
Today’s showing forth of God’s glory is filled with a light that astonishes and reveals.
Jesus transfigured on Mount Tabor energizes even the sleepy apostles, who see but cannot get hold of it. They can be forgiven for not apprehending the full meaning of this
extraordinary vision of a transfigured Jesus with Elijah and Moses. The whole of the
Law and prophets is summed up here on this mountain.
The transfiguration on Mount Tabor is handed over to us this Sunday. As Paul reminds
us, it is we who are to be transformed. The light and life of the Resurrection are set forth
here so we do not lose heart and fall entirely asleep. This Sunday looks to Easter. It
looks to transformation. It asks us to lift up our heads and acknowledge the risen Lord
as our light and our salvation.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saturday, February 20
5:00 pm
Juan G. Ventigan 6:30 pm
Andre Sap Ngo Sunday, February 21
6:30 am
8:00 am
Benito Salud Cabrera 10:00am
James Gorham 12:00 pm
Intention of Karla & Jocelyn Cruz
5:00 pm
Mother of Darlene Cotuara 7:00 pm
Teresa Montes Portillo
Monday, February 22
6:30 am
Gilbert Weyer 7:00 am
Maria Soto Tuesday February 23
6:30 am
7:00 pm
All Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, February 24
6:30 am
7:00 pm
Daniel Mesdeo Thursday, February 25
6:30 am
Fortund Theresa Mesdeo 7:00 pm
Jorge Juarez Perez Friday, February 26
6:30 am
All Souls in Purgatory
8:15 am
Congratulations to the following couples on their vows of marriage:
Axel Calles Orozco & Denisse Bailon
Join us every Friday during Lent for the Stations of the Cross
(6:00 pm English, 7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm español).
Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz) todos los viernes durante
la cuaresma (6:00 pm English, 7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm español).
àng Thánh Giá 6 gi chiu (Anh ng) 7 gi chiu (Vit
ng) 8 gi ti (Tây Ban Nha) mi Th
Sáu trong Mùa Chay
February 21, 2016, Second Sunday of Lent
Many icons depicting Jesus’ transfiguration bear the Greek
title Metamorphosis, a technical term also for nature’s
springtime transformation. Fittingly, this Jubilee Year of
Mercy coincides with the Lectionary’s Year of Luke, for
only Luke specifies Moses and Elijah speaking about Jesus’
“exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31). Israel’s exodus liberated from slavery;
Jesus’ exodus liberates from sin’s living death of selfishness.
Pope Francis suggests that Lent’s prayer, fasting, and works
of charity can transfigure the world, if Christians translate
Isaiah’s challenge into our daily lived experience of Jesus’
life-giving exodus by releasing those bound unjustly, setting
free the oppressed, sharing your bread with the hungry,
bringing the afflicted and homeless into your house, clothing
the naked, not turning your back on your own. “If you remove from your midst oppression, and malicious speech . . .
then light shall rise for you in the darkness . . . you shall be
like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never
fails” (Isaiah 58:9, 10, 11).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
21 de febrero de 2016, Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma
Muchos iconos con la imagen de la transfiguración de Jesús
tienen un título en griego que dice Metamorphosis, una palabra técnica que también se refiere a la transformación natural
de la primavera. Casualmente, este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia coincide con el Año C en el que los domingos se lee
el Evangelio de Lucas, además solamente Lucas menciona
que Moisés y Elías “hablaban del éxodo de Jesús, que él estaba a punto de cumplir en Jerusalén” (Lucas 9:31). El éxodo
de Israel liberó de la esclavitud; el éxodo de Jesús libera de
la muerte en vida del pecado del egoísmo. El Papa Francisco
sugiere que en esta Cuaresma la oración, el ayuno y las obras
de caridad pueden transformar al mundo, si los cristianos en
la vida diaria interpretaran el desafío de Isaías de experimentar de Jesús el éxodo que da vida al liberar a los presos injustamente, dando libertad a los cautivos, compartiendo el
pan con los hambrientos, ofreciendo un techo a los
desamparados y afligidos, vistiendo al desnudo, no dándoles
la espalda a los más necesitados. “Si quitas de en medio de ti
el yugo, el amenazar con el dedo y el hablar iniquidad, y si te
ofreces al hambriento, y sacias el deseo del afligido, entonces surgirá tu luz en las tinieblas, y tu oscuridad será como el
mediodía. Y el Señor te guiará continuamente, saciará tu
deseo en los lugares áridos y dará vigor a tus huesos; serás
como huerto regado y como manantial cuyas aguas nunca
faltan” (Isaías 58:9, 10, 11).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent Page 3
La Purísima Catholic Church
Fish Fry Sponsor
February 26 through March 18
(4 weeks)
Could your business use an affordable means of advertising
to Fish Fry supporters? Would you like to congratulate La
Purísima Catholic School in providing faith-filled academic
excellence to this community? Is there a special student or
friends who deserves shout out?
Our weekly Fish Fries brings together our community in a
faith-filled setting, approximately 500 in attendance each
week. Buy a square (business card size) in our weekly placemats used for the Fish Fry and reach out to hundreds of people each week. You may buy one, two, or as many as six
weeks of advertising space. Each square is $25 a week.
Space is limited so reserve your spot today.
Proceeds support LPCS Tuition Assistance!
Phone Number
Business Name:
In which week (s) would you like your ad to run?
‰ Week 3 – Feb. 26
‰ Week 4 – Mar. 4
‰ Week 5 – Mar. 11
‰ Week 6 – Mar. 18
Fish Tacos and Artisan Pizza are the In Thing at the Fish Fry
Team Taco must be doing something right. Fish Tacos are
going out the door in record numbers. We ran out of supplies
for the Tacos for the first time ever. You have to come to the
Fish Fry to see what this Taco frenzy is all about.
Also, this year, the Youth Ministry is cooking Artisan Pizzas
in the new Pizza ovens. In addition to the standard cheese
pizza that we’ve had, this year, we have a “Margaritte” pizza
that is just yummy. Come out and see what our youth can do
with pizza dough!
Of course, we have fish and chips as always. We consume an
average of 400 lbs. of fish each week. There’s salmon, popcorn shrimp, and Tiger Shrimp as well. For sides we have a
great green salad and clam chowder. There’s also a variety of
desserts and wine, beer and soft drinks.
We are also seeking donations to offset food costs. We are
trying to make the Fish Fry accessible to everyone. Your
donation will help to keep the food costs down. Due to the
generosity of LP Parishioners and friends, we have been able
to keep the prices the same for the last 3 years.
Additional help is always needed ….in all areas – either before, during or after the Fish Fry. Contact Frank Micheletti at
(714) 997-7990 or [email protected]. You can also
stop by the LP Parish Office to sign up to work or make a
REMEMBER: This year, all proceeds from the Fish Fry
goes to LP Parish School for TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS
Amount enclosed - Number of weeks :
_____________x $25 =________________
Attach a business card, or add a three line message in the
space below.
Thank you for supporting
La Purísima Catholic
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s easy!
It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
Page 4 Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
We are seeking donations of the following for the ongoing
needs of our pantry:
¾Peanut butter
¾Canned fruit
¾Cash/checks made payable to Trinity Guild (collection
basket or Parish office)
The Pastoral Services Appeal is an annual campaign of the
Orange Catholic Foundation held on behalf of the Diocese of
Orange that grants funds to support ministries and services that
serve all parishes and the local community. It also gives parishes the opportunity to raise significant capital funds by earning rebates over their own individual parish goal. 100% of
every gift over the parish goal is returned to our parish. Please
prayerfully consider making your donation today.
For those in serious need of food, the pantry is open:
Mondays & Fridays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Mobile Pantry: NORTH Parking Lot
2nd & 4th Wednesday 8:30 am
Cumpliendo con el mandato que hizo Jesús, en el que pedía
que rezáramos por nosotros mismos y por el mundo entero, los
invitamos que nos acompañe a orar la Coronilla de la Divina
Misericordia y agradecer al Señor por su Resurrección.
Miercoles, 24 de febrero a las 6:00 pm en el salon de Trinity
The Young Adult House at LP is coming! Please join us this
Sunday, January 31, after the 10:00 am and 12:00 noon Mass
in the Youth and Family Center to begin this journey. Meet
young adults and mentors who have experienced the benefits
of community living. We will also be hosting a Young Adult
House at LP informational meeting on February 21, after the
10:00 am and 12:00 noon Mass in the Youth and Family Center where we will share specifics and answer questions regarding the Young Adult House at LP and our application process.
February 21, 2016
Our wonderful Prayer Blanket Ministry has gone viral! We are
now receiving many requests for a “Hug from God” and we
need your help. Prayerfully consider donations of fabric, flannel, yarn (by the pound is preferable but we will take any and
all), and monetary donations. Thank you for your generosity!
The Parish Perpetual Day of Adoration is the 21st day of the
month immediately after the morning Mass until 6:15 am the
following morning. Come and spend some quiet time with the
El día de Adoración Perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento es el
21 del mes. Adoración comienza después de la Misa de la
mañana hasta las 6:15 am de la mañana siguiente. Venga y
dedique un poco de tiempo a solas con el Señor.
Second Sunday of Lent Page 5
Linh M qun nhim cng oàn Trn Quang, Lc (714) 633633-5800, Website ca giáo x: hp://www.lapurisima .net
Qua bài Phúc Âm Chúa nh't th
I Mùa Chay tu#n va qua,
chúng ta li ã nghe v cuc hành trình ca Chúa Giêsu
trong sa mc vi nhng cám d Ngài phi ng #u. Nhng
cám d này chính là hình nh ca nhng quyn r* ma qu+ <t
trc chúng ta trong nhng ngày chay tnh này, khi chúng ta
sng trong b#u không khí ca Mùa Chay. Vic bin hình ca
Chúa Giêsu vi s hin din ca ba tông > Phêrô, Giacôbê,
Gioan; vi Môisê và Êlia i din trong cùng bi cnh ca
Mùa Chay. T ó chúng ta khám phá c mt s th't, Mùa
Chay không phi là khong thi gian chúng ta phi i #u
vi nhng cám d do ma qu+ sp <t a ra. Mùa Chay c*ng
không phi là khong thi gian ngi tín hu phi t buc
mình chu ng nhng s au kh mà không tìm cách tránh
né. Mùa Chay #u tiên là mt s mc khi v thân ph'n, v
nh mnh, trong tin trình t nhiên ca con ngi, và nhng
kinh nghim phi có t ý chí b ngoài ca cuc sng. Mt
trong nhng kinh nghim ó chúng ta có c v vic bin
hình ca Chúa Giêsu, trong bài Phúc Âm theo thánh Luca
hôm nay.
Nh th này, Chúa Giêsu a Phêrô, Giacôbê, Gioan lên núi
c#u nguyn. C
theo cách diUn t ca thánh sX Luca, thì
chúng ta có th" hi"u rZng bin c ã xy ra vào lúc ban êm.
Vì thng thng nh chúng ta bit, sau khi ging dy và
làm các phép l, Chúa Giêsu [n mình vào các ni thanh vng
" c#u nguyn vào ban ti. Và nh\t là cn c
vào thái ca
các môn khi s vic xy ra ó là Phêrô, Giacôbê và Gioan. Thi gian ban êm trong bài Phúc Âm >ng hóa vi
bóng ti c diUn t ] ây, có th" là bi"u hin cho khuynh
hng x\u, bi"u hin cho ph#n bóng ti trong tâm h>n ca
mi con ngi chúng ta. Nó c*ng là mt trong nhng iu
mà Luca diUn t, khin cho quang cnh dU gây xúc ng hn.
Ðang khi c#u nguyn, din mo ca Chúa Giêsu bin i
khác thng, chói lòa hào quang ánh sáng. Nhng Ngài v^n
là Ngài. Ngài v^n là Chúa Giêsu. Con ca Thiên Chúa, có
khác chng là v din mo và quang cnh chung quanh. Mt
quang cnh huy hoàng ca cuc àm o gia Chúa Giêsu
vi Môisê và Êlia, n ni khi c chiêm ngm, các môn ã phi tht lên nh trong mt cn mê sng: "Ly Th#y, nu
chúng tôi c ] ây thì tt lm. Chúng tôi xin dng ba lu,
mt cho Th#y, mt cho Môisê và mt cho Êlia". H không
mun lìa xa ni h ã c ch
ng kin. Mt Th#y chí thánh
vi vinh quang và ân sng, mt vinh quang và ân sng có th"
hoà quyn trong m c tr#n th con ngi ca h trong
nhng dp i theo Chúa.
Nh chúng ta bit, Môisê và Êlia là hai tiên tri Cu {c,
Môisê là ngi ã c Chúa tuy"n chn " a dân Ngài ra
kh|i ách nô l ca nc Ai C'p. Êlia là tiên tri ã c kêu
gi " làm c v\n cho giao c, dân Do Thái ã g#n nh
chi t nhng n Chúa trong i sng h. Khi c'p n
Page 6 Second Sunday of Lent
S 712
bin c này, các thánh sX khác thì nói rZng: Có mt cuc
àm o gia Chúa và hai v tiên tri. Trong khi Luca còn i
xa hn, diUn t ngay c ni dung ca cuc àm o gia
Chúa Giêsu, Môisê và Êlia. H nói v s cht ca Chúa
Giêsu s thc hin ti Giêrusalem. Mt cái cht không phi
là d\u hiu kt thúc ca công trình c
u chuc, nhng là mt
cái cht khi mào cho s sng li trong vinh quang trong
nc Ngài. Trong chng trình c
u ca Thiên Chúa, s
cht, s sng li và lên tri ca Chúa Giêsu c th" hin
cùng mt lúc trong bin c bin hình này. S cht trong thân
xác hay cht ca nhân tính ca Chúa Giêsu là mt s sXa
son cho s vinh quang v}nh cXu ca mt i sng khác
trong thiên tính ca Chúa Giêsu.
Chu ng là vt qua nhng thX thách khó khn. Không
phi chúng ta luôn luôn ng #u vi mi cám d và hot
ng ca ma qu+. Nhng trong chính thi gian này, s vinh
quang ca Thiên Chúa v^n còn th" hin trong chính các sinh
hot ca chay tnh, s thng hi, n nn, tha th
trong 40
ngày. Li phán t trong ám mây minh ch
ng rZng Ð
Giêsu bin hình ngày hôm nay, chính là Chúa Giêsu Kitô, là
Con Thiên Chúa. Ngài ã lãnh nh'n và thánh hóa bí tích RXa
ti ni sông Gioan vi Gioan T[y Gi, Ngài là Con ca
Thiên Chúa, là Li ca Thiên Chúa nói vi nhân loi và nhân
loi phi ón nh'n Ngài: "Ðây là Con Ta yêu d\u, các ngi
hãy nghe li Ngi".
(Continued on page 9)
Mi chiu th
Sáu trong mùa Chay, giáo x
u có ngm
àng Thánh Giá t 6 gi chiu n 8 gi ti. Riêng cng
oàn Vit Nam s vào lúc 7 gi. Kính mi cng oàn dân
Chúa sp xp thi gi n tham d.
Chng trình Fish Fry mùa Chay ca giáo x
s vào mi
chiu th
Sáu, t 5 gi chiu n 8 gi ti. Nh nhng nm
trc, cng oàn s cng tác trong vic dn dp sau mi ti
o binh Legio Mariae xin mi quý quân binh tán tr và
hot ng tham d bui hp hàng tháng vào lúc 4 gi chiu
By, ngày 27 tháng 2 ti Parish Center.
Giáo x
ã phát ng chng trình Qu Mc V 2016
(PSA). Ban Tài Chánh giáo x
ht lòng cám n các gia ình
ã luôn nhit tình và qung i tham gia vào Qu Mc V.
Quý v ã và ang thc s th" hin tinh th#n ngi bo qun
kho báu thiêng liêng ca Thiên Chúa. Qua vic tham gia vào
Qu Mc V, quý v ã nêu gng sáng cho gia ình và
nhng anh ch em tín hu khác.
February 21, 2016
Pam Hurwitz or Teresa Olivier ................................................. [email protected]
Elizabeth Carrillo .................................................................... [email protected]
Claudia Pham
Disconnect from the noise and distraction and
spend some quiet time in prayer:
= Stations of the Cross (6:00 pm English, 7:00
pm Viet, 8:00 pm español) every Friday during Lent.
= Learn to pray like Pope Francis: Ignatius
prayer training starts April 15
Dành thӡi gian Ӈ cҫu nguyӋn
àng Thánh Giá 6 giӡ chiӅu (Anh ngӳ) 7 giӡ
chiӅu (ViӋt ngӳ) 8 giӡ tӕi (Tây Ban Nha) mӛi
Thӭ Sáu trong Mùa Chay
Bҳt chѭӟc cҫu nguyӋn nhѭ ӭc Thánh Cha
Tham dӵ lӟp cҫu nguyӋn theo Thánh I Nhã bҳt
ҫu ngày 15 tháng tѭ
Let us gather together in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lenten season. Here are some opportunities to live out our Lenten Mission.
Fast from your daily coffee fix or dining out and
and give the money to:
= Manger Boxes Ministry - given to new moms
at quarterly baby showers. Help us welcome
the newest members of God’s family.
= Take the $$ out of ministry: Cover the cost of
a retreat for a Confirmation candidate $165.
Hãy chung lӡi cҫu nguyӋn, n chay, và bӕ thí
trong mùa Chay này. Sau ây là vài cѫ hӝi Ӈ
sӕng tinh thҫn Mùa Chay.
Vamos a reunirnos en oración, en ayuno, y limosna
en esta época de Cuaresma. Estas son algunas de
las oportunidades para vivir nuestra Misión de Cuaresma.
Desconecte del alboroto y la distracción y pase un
rato tranquilo en oración:
= Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz) todos los
viernes durante la cuaresma (6:00 pm English,
7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm español).
= Aprenda a orar como el Papa Francisco: Formación de Oración Ignaciana comienza 15 de
Hãm mình dùng cà phê hay mӝt bӳa n bên
ngoài và dùng tiӅn ó Ӈ:
Mөc vө Manger Boxes - cho các bà mҽ mӟi. Hә
trӧ mөc vө chào ón các giáo dân mӟi gia nhұp.
Ӫng hӝ chi phí tnh tâm $165 cho các em trong
lӟp thêm sӭc.
= Abstenerse de beber café o de salir a cenar y
Show your gratitude for the blessings you’ve been
given by the Lord:
= PIZZA NIGHT @ LP: 90 refugee children
from the violence in Central America are
housed in Fullerton. They would love a night
out! Help with the party & cover the cost.
Tӓ lòng biӃt ѫn cӫa mình ӕi vӟi các phѭӟc
lành nhұn ѭӧc tӯ Thiên Chúa:
donar el dinero a: Manger Boxes Ministry –
donaciones van las nuevas mamás en los
“Baby Showers” trimestrales. Ayúdenos a recibir a los nuevos miembros de la familia de
= Ponga el dinero para el ministerio: Ayude a
cubrir el costo del retiro para un Candidato de
Confirmación $165.
ÊM PIZZA TҤI LP: 90 em tӷ nҥn tӯ Trung
Mӻ, hiӋn ang cѭ ngө tҥi Fullerton, cҫn giúp ӣ
tài chánh.
ѭa phong bì tiӅn vӟi mөc vө ѭӧc tһng, trong
ngày thӭ Sáu tuҫn thánh
Muestre su agradecimiento por las bendiciones que
le ha dado el Señor:
= PIZZA NIGHT @ LP: 90 niños refugiados de la
violencia en América Central viven en la ciudad
de Fullerton. ¡Les encantaría una noche de
fiesta! Ayude con el costo.
GOOD FRIDAY: Our great Feast of a Generous God! Place your financial donation/sacrifice in
an envelope marked with the need and gift it this
Every Friday in Lent to serve at the LP Fish Fry
Arrive by 4:15 pm and check in @ the Youth Office
February 21, 2016
VIERNES SANTO: ¡Nuestra gran fiesta de un Dios
= Coloque su donación / sacrificio financiero en
un sobre marcado con su necesidad y regálelo
Second Sunday of Lent Page 7
Visit Us Online!
Scan this code
or go to:
La Purísima Parish School / Escuela Parroquial La Purísima (714) 633-5411
In Association with the Sisters of the Company of Mary/Associados con las Hermanas de la Compañía de María
Annette Zaleski, Principal/Directora
It’s never too early to research your children’s schooling
options. If you are interested in a Catholic School education
for your child, please call to schedule a tour at LP now that
classes are back in session. We welcome visitors most any
time during the year. La Purísima offers both half-day and
full-day preschool and full-day Transitional Kindergarten
through 8th grade. The school is fully accredited by the
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and
the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The
preschool is also fully licensed by the state of California. For
more information, call (714) 633-5411 or visit
Parents, guardians, & parishioners, please help support our
Box Tops 4 Education program. Each Box Top is worth .10
cents for your school. If you have box tops at home, please
turn them into our School Office by February 19. Your support is greatly appreciated!
2016--17 SCHOOL YEAR
Cavalier families, don't forget to register on or before April
29 to get a $100 discount per child!
Buy your gift cards at La Purísima School office! Support
your Parish school by buying gift cards (also known as scrip)
to your favorite stores, restaurants, movie theaters, online
retailers, even gas stations, and grocery stores! If we don't
have it in stock, we can probably order it. It doesn't cost any
extra for you, but the school receives a bonus for selling the
gift card. So, you can support our Parish school without
spending any extra money. Come in to the School Office
during school hours and buy some gift cards! Cash or check
All school families and parishioners are invited to La Purísima School’s Cavalier Spaghetti Dinner and Auction fundraiser on Saturday, March 19, from 5:00 to 9:00 pm in the
School Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children.
Purchase your tickets by March 11, and receive one free
chance auction ticket per dinner ticket. If you would like to
donate and item for the Silent Auction or Chance Auction or
become a table, bar or food sponsor, please contact the
school office at (714) 633-5411.
LP Catholic School is selling See's Candy as a fundraiser!
Same cost for you, but your purchase from an LPCS family
means a donation from See's to the school. If you don't know
of any families with kids at the school, feel free to order at
the School Office.
Target Store has announced that they will end their Take
Charge of Education program as of May 14, 2016. Thank
you to all the parents and parishioners who have registered
their cards to benefit our Parish School. There is still time to
earn money to benefit our school before the program ends.
Here's how to sign up for the Take Charge of Education program if you have a Target® Visa® Card and/or a Target ®
Enroll Online at
home or call 1(800) 316-6142
It’s that easy! La Purísima Catholic School will receive a
percentage of the amount of each purchase in the form of a
cash donation from Target!
We are still in need of a parent volunteer to chair this event.
Please prayerfully consider helping and working with an
energetic team of parents to coordinate this event. Contact
the school office for more information.
Page 8 Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
All High School Teens are invited to attend our monthly
youth nights! Our upcoming nights will be February 28,
March 13, and April 10.
Don’t miss out! Our high school community comes together
to play games such as January’s “Puking Rainbow or Not.”
Each night this year we will grow in our discipleship by
learning and living out this Year of Mercy!
FEBRUARY 7, 2016
Envelopes: 365
Mail In:
***Stop by our youth office and check out our new blackboards for the full month to month calendar.
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s easy!
It’s convenient and secure!
Go online to:
(Continued from page 6)
Chúng ta cùng vi Phêrô, Giacôbê và Gioan ch
ng kin vic
Chúa Giêsu bin hình và cùng c d ph#n vào vic àm
phán ca Chúa vi hai tiên tri. T ó, chúng ta có th" c
d ph#n vào vic kh nn và cuc Phc sinh ca Chúa trong
nhng ngày sp ti. Ðó là mt cách th chúng ta tham d
trong b\t toàn nhân tính, trong con ngi ca Chúa Giêsu và
chúng ta c*ng s c tham d vào thiên tính b\t dit ca
Con Chúa trong ngày ti.
If you are interested in getting involved with La Purísima
Church, families, and community, look to the Knights of
Columbus. The K of C provides an opportunity for fraternal
camaraderie, while meeting our families, and supporting the
priests and community.
The Knights were formed to render financial aid to members
and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to
sick, disabled, and needy members and their families.
K of C from La Purisima and Holy Family Cathedral meet
the first Thursday of the month and are active in several
fundraisers and community activities. These include La Purisima Fish Fry, Holy Family Fiesta, golf tournament, OLSF
basketball free throw contest for students, and meal preparation for Isaiah House.
For information contact:
Kurt (714) 633-5456 or Frank 997-7990
Ði"m cui cùng ca bin c bin hình ca Chúa ngày hôm
nay không phi ch+ mc khi cho chúng ta v chng trình
hành ng ca Thiên Chúa trong vic c
u ri con ngi.
Bin c này cho chúng ta th\y ngày lch sX, nhân loi nh'n
bit s x\u h ca i sng tr#n th và ý ngh}a ca s cht và
s Phc sinh ca Chúa Giêsu trong nhim v c
u ri. Bin
c này còn nhc li cho chúng ta mt cách sng trn vn và
nhng hy sinh cay ng trong cuc sng. Chúng ta còn c
d ph#n trong s vinh quang ca Thiên Chúa là kt qu ca
vic chay tnh, thng hi và tha th
. (Ðài Phát Thanh Chân
Lý Á Châu)
Las fechas de las sesiones de Preparación Matrimonial serán
todos los miércoles, del 8 de abríl hasta el 6 de junio de 7:00
pm a 9:00 pm en el salón de la escuela La Purísima. El precio
de las sesiones es $85.00 por pareja, para cubrir el costo de
los materiales. Para obtener más información, por favor visite
la oficina o llame al (714) 633-5800.
BULLETIN DEADLINES: We kindly ask that bulletin articles for: Sunday, March 6, be submitted by noon on Friday,
February 26. Please email: [email protected]
February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent Page 9