ingles i
ingles i
INGLES I [1] INGLES I Reglamento…………………………………………………………………………...1 Estudio Independiente……………………………………………………………….2 10 sugerencias para administrar tu tiempo………………………………………...3 El tiempo disponible ejemplo………………………………………………………..4 Plan de estudios……………………………………………………………………...5 Índice BLOQUE 1 VERB TO BE AND PERSONAL INFORMATION ........................................ 7 POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES, COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES............... 9 VOCABULARY: FAMILY, SEASONS, PROFESSIONS AND MONTHS......13 BLOQUE 2 FREQUENCY ADVERBS ........................................................................ 15 SIMPLE PRESENT ................................................................................... 17 LEISURE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 19 VOCABULARY FOR WORK AND STUDY .................................................... 21 BLOQUE 3 PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ....................................................................... 23 SIMPLE PRESENT AND PRESENT PROGRESSIVE …….. .................... 24 VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING, WEATHER AND BODY PARTS .......... 26 BLOQUE4 COUNTABLE NOUNS AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS ............................. 29 HOW MUCH AND HOW MANY ................................................................. 31 WH QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 34 PLURALS .................................................................................................. 35 [2] REGLAMENTO 1. El Colegio de Educación Media Superior Abierta tiene reconocimiento de validez oficial de estudios (RVOE) de la Secretaría de Educación del Gobierno del Estado (SEGE). Acuerdo B0170, clave de centro de trabajo 24PBH0125 2. El plan de estudios es de la Dirección General de Bachillerato (DGB) y es válido en todo el país. Consta de tres módulos: Módulo Básico (31 asignaturas), Módulo Propedéutico (8 asignaturas) y Módulo de Formación para el Trabajo (1 especialidad). 3. El estudiante puede presentar exámenes por materia agrupando asignaturas seriadas excepto matemáticas quedando de la siguiente manera: Modulo Básico (20 materias), Módulo Propedéutico (4 materias) y Módulo de Formación para el Trabajo (1 especialidad) 4. Al concluir sus estudios se entrega un certificado de Bachillerato General, válido para cualquier carrera en cualquier Institución de educación superior en todo el país. 5. Se reconocen los estudios parciales realizados en cualquier institución de educación media superior presentando un certificado parcial legalizado de la escuela de procedencia, se tramita una equivalencia de estudios ante Secretaría de Educación y continúa con las asignaturas que le faltan para concluir sus estudios de Bachillerato. 6. La inscripción ante la Secretaría de Educación es Bimestral y se pueden reportar máximo 8 asignaturas por bimestreposterior al bimestre de inscripción. La inscripción y la presentación de exámenes en el Colegio es permanente. 7. Los requisitos para la inscripción en Secretaría de Educación: Certificado de Secundaria, original, Acta de Nacimiento original, copia del CURP y Certificado Parcial legalizado en caso de haber cursado estudios de bachillerato inconclusos. No existe límite de edad para el ingreso. 8. El estudiante puede consultar sus calificaciones y obtener sus libros digitales gratuitos en la página web del Colegio. Puede solicitar Constancias de Estudio (IMSS, Beca Oportunidades o trámites de estudios superiores), Credencial (boletur, descuentos en pasajes foráneos, museos) 9. Por ser un modelo no escolarizado el tiempo de término de estudios del bachillerato depende del ritmo de estudio del alumno, sin embargo se pueden determinar los siguientes periodos: 1 examen por semana 10 meses 1 examen por quincena 20 meses (1 año y medio) 1 examen por mes 40 meses (3 años 4 meses) Estos tiempos pueden disminuir si el alumno tiene estudios parciales previos. [3] 10. El estudiante que no presente examen en tres meses consecutivos será dado de baja en la Secretaría de Educación. Para continuar sus estudios deberá solicitar un certificado parcial de las asignaturas acreditadas e inscribirse nuevamente ESTUDIO INDEPENDIENTE Las características y habilidades para el estudio independiente no se reducen a un contexto exclusivamente escolar. Esto quiere decir que la independencia se conforma a lo largo de la vida, es un proceso donde el individuo se enfrenta a diversas situaciones que tiene que resolver en distintos ámbitos como son el laboral o el familiar e incluso dentro de su comunidad, en los que influyen, por supuesto, factores de carácter social y cultural. Pero es la escuela, la entidad socialmente encargada de dotar de las destrezas o habilidades que le permitan al sujeto, desarrollar de manera consciente métodos de aprendizaje, sobre todo si deseamos que el postulado de la educación permanente, “aprender durante toda la vida”, realmente se cumpla. El estudio independiente puede considerarse como un proceso dirigido hacia el autocontrol y la autoevaluación y entenderse como una actividad orientada hacia la formación de habilidades que permitan la construcción ininterrumpida de conocimiento y aprendizaje. Existen muchos elementos para justificar la necesidad de fomentar el estudio independiente en los sistemas de educación abierta o a distancia, el principal queremos encontrarlo en el hecho de que a menos que el estudiante participe activamente en la adquisición de sus propios conocimientos estas modalidades educativas como formadoras del estudiante, carecen de sentido. Si los objetivos de estos sistemas no van solamente hacia la acumulación de conceptos, el estudio independiente debe ser una parte indispensable del proceso formativo. El estudio independiente tiene implícita la idea de que el aprendizaje requerido para un proceso formativo puede ser incorporado no sólo en el salón de clases o bajo la tutela del maestro sino que el alumno tiene la responsabilidad de trabajar de manera independiente y trascender lo que ha sido enseñado en el aula, en las diferentes áreas y dimensiones del saber. El estudio independiente lleva consigo la responsabilidad de la propia formación por parte del alumno y esto es importante si consideramos que el sistema educativo ha estado renunciando al proceso formativo y la creación de un aprendizaje colectivo es muy difícil en los sistemas de educación abierta, en donde la posibilidad de interacción está limitada. No estamos hablando acerca de una nueva moda educativa. Estamos hablando de una competencia humana básica, de la capacidad de aprender por uno mismo, que de repente se ha convertido en un requisito previo en este mundo nuevo. Las personas que toman la iniciativa en el auto aprendizaje, tienen más posibilidades de retener lo que aprenden que el estudiante pasivo y esta iniciativa está más en sintonía con nuestros procesos naturales de desarrollo psicológico, pero es importante añadir que la disposición para la autodirección de las personas es variable, lo que exige diversos grados de asistencia por parte de la institución y de los asesores, especialmente durante el desarrollo de las habilidades de estudio independiente. Estamos hablando de un conjunto de acciones porque el estudiante pone en práctica algunas herramientas cognoscitivas que ha venido consolidando a lo largo de su vida académica y otras que experimenta para resolver problemas específicos, las cuales le facilitan y hacen más efectiva o satisfactoria su labor de aprendizaje. Se trata de una labor consciente, y esta conciencia en el acto de estudiar es un elemento fundamental que permite comprender y emprender acciones permanentes de estudio independiente. El estudio independiente necesita rescatar la noción de responsabilidad personal, entendida como el hecho de que un individuo asuma la titularidad de sus pensamientos y acciones. En conclusión el estudio independiente es el sistema de estudio que deposita en el alumno, la mayor responsabilidad de su aprendizaje de acuerdo con sus posibilidades, características, vivencias y [4] necesidades, estimulándolo para que utilice al máximo sus propios recursos conveniente y oportuno conforme lo considere La asesoría o tutoría es el sistema de estudio que se basa en el proceso de auto aprendizaje y el asesor es un programador de experiencias didácticas y un orientador del proceso; esta modalidad de estudio no implica la asistencia a clases. 10 SUGERENCIAS PARA ADMINISTRAR TU TIEMPO 1. ¡Mantente alerta! La mayoría de la pérdida de tiempo ocurre por distracciones. Distracción es cuando tu atención está en otra cosa o en otra parte que no sea lo importante que sucede a tu alrededor. 2. Cambia la rutina. Pregúntate: ¿Qué parte de mi rutina puedo cambiar o modificar para que mi productividad aumente? 3. Mantente en movimiento. Entre más activo estés, más alerta te sentirás. 4. Usa “objetivos espontáneos”. Éstos son ideas dirigidas hacia un resultado deseado que surge espontáneamente. Pregúntate: ¿Cuál es el resultado final de esta actividad? 5. No realices muchas actividades simultáneamente. Trata de trabajar a la vez que requiera concentración. 6. Líbrate del papeleo. Existen solamente tres opciones: basura, archivo o acción. 7. Utiliza tu tiempo libre en algo importante en qué ocuparte (archivar, organizar, adelantar algo, estudiar, capacitarte…) 8. Sé claro y conciso. Cuando expliques algo a alguien, hazlo de manera sencilla, clara, breve y con los datos suficientes. Así no tendrás que estar explicando lo mismo varias veces. 9. Toma un descanso mental. Cuando estés bloqueado y parece que no puedes avanzar, respira hondo varias veces para relajarte, trata de pensar en algo agradable y luego retoma lo que estás haciendo, con la mente fresca. [5] 10. Sé puntual y organiza tus actividades. Una manera casi infalible de llegar a tiempo es planear llegar más temprano. La mejor forma de optimizar el tiempo es planear todas nuestras actividades. EL TIEMPO DISPONIBLE EJEMPLO ACTIVIDADES LUNES MARTES MIÉRCOLES DORMIR DESAYUNO COMIDA CENA TRABAJO TRANSPORTE FAMILIA DEPORTE TELEVISIÓN ASEO PERSONAL ESTUDIO INDIVIDUAL ASESORÍAS [6] JUEVES VIERNES SÁBADO DOMINGO TOTAL TIEMPO DISPONIBLE [7] PLAN DE ESTUDIOS PRIMER SEMESTRE: SEGUNDO SEMESTRE: TERCER SEMESTRE: ALG001 Matemáticas I TRI002 Matemáticas II GAN003 Matemáticas III QUI001 Química I QUI002 Química II GEO003 Geografía EYV001 Ética y Valores I EYV002 Ética y Valores II FIS-003 Física I ISC001 Introducción a las Ciencias Soc. HDM002 Historia de México I HDM003 LYR001 Taller de Lectura y Redacción I LYR002 Taller de Lectura y Redacción II LIT-003 Literatura I ING001 Lengua adicional al español I ING002 Lengua adicional al español II ING003 INF001 Informática I INF002 Informática II CUARTO SEMESTRE: QUINTO SEMESTRE: Historia de México II Lengua adicional al español III SEXTO SEMESTRE: FUN004 Matemática IV BIO005 Biología II FIL-006 Filosofía BIO004 Biología I HUC005 Historia Universal Contemporánea EYM006 Ecología y Medio Ambiente FIS004 Física II MDI006 Metodología de la Investigación ESM- Estructura 004 Socioeconómica de México LITLiteratura II 004 ING004 Lengua adicional al español IV FORMACION PARA EL TRABAJO:_______________________ [8] BLOQUE 1 MAINGOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE PROPERLY PEOPLE AND OBJECTS AND COMPARE THEM ACCURATELY USING THE CORRECT ADJECTIVE. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED VERB TO BE AND PERSONAL INFORMATION. POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES COUNTRIES NATIONALITIES VOCABULARY: FAMILY, SEASONS, PROFESSIONS, NUMBERS AND MONTHS ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED TOLERANCE OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. AWARENESS OF NATIONAL AND PERSONAL IDENTITY THROUGH COMPARISON WITH OTHER CULTURES SKILLS ACQUIRED APPLICATION OF NEW VOCABULARY WORDS IN NEW CONTEXTS [9] LESSON 1 SECTION 1. NUMBERS (0-100). Los números en inglés del 1 al 20 son los que cambian de forma en su escritura y a la vez presentan rasgos comunes. Los números del 13 al 19 terminan igual y son los años que corresponden a la adolescencia por eso a los adolescentes en ingles se les dice teenagers(teen porque están en sus años teen y agers por la edad) One-Uno. Eleven-Once. Two-Dos. Twelve-Doce. Three-Tres. Thirteen-Trece. Four-Cuatro. Fourteen-Catorce. Five-Cinco. Fifteen-Quince. Six-Seis. Sixteen-Dieciséis. Seven-Siete. Seventeen-Diecisiete. Eight-Ocho. Eighteen-Dieciocho. Nine-Nueve. Nineteen-Diecinueve. Ten-Diez. Twenty-Veinte. [10] A partir del veinte (Twenty), los números que le siguen son “Numeros Regulares” acumulativos: Twenty-one (veintinuno),twenty-two (veintidós)...así hasta el 30 (thirty), al que le sigue thirty-one(treintayuno), 40 (forty), 50 (fifty), 60 (sixty), 70 (seventy), 80 (eighty), 90 (ninety) y 100 (one hundred). Twenty-One. (21) Forty-One. (41) Sixty-One. (61) Eighty-One. (81) Twenty-Two. (22) Forty-Two. (42) Sixty-Two. (62) Eighty-Two. (82) Twenty-Three. (23) Forty-Three. (43) Sixty-Three. (63) Eighty-Three. (83) Twenty-Four. (24) Forty-Four. (44) Sixty-Four. (64) Eighty-Four. (84) (25) Forty-Five. (45) Sixty-Five. (65) Eighty-Five. (85) Twenty-Five. Twenty-Six. (26) Forty-Six. (46) Sixty-Six. (66) Eighty-Six. (86) Twenty- Forty-Seven. (47) Sixty-Seven. (67) Eighty-Seven. (87) Seven. (27) Forty-Eight. (48) Sixty-Eight. (68) Eighty-Eight. (88) Twenty-Eight. (28) Forty-Nine. (49) Sixty-Nine. (69) Eighty-Nine. (89) Twenty-Nine. (29) Fifty. (50) Seventy. (70) Ninety. (90) Thirty. (30) Fifty-One. Thirty-One. (31) Fifty-Two. (52) (51) Seventy-One. (71) Ninety-One. (91) Seventy-Two. (72) Ninety-Two. (92) Thirty-Two. (32) Fifty-Three. (53) Seventy- Ninety-Three. (93) Thirty-Three. (33) Fifty-Four. (54) Three. (73) Ninety-Four. (94) Thirty-Four. (34) Fifty-Five. (55) Seventy-Four. (74) Ninety-Five. (95) Thirty-Five. (35) Fifty-Six. (56) Seventy-Five. (75) Ninety-Six. (96) Thirty-Six. (36) Fifty-Seven. (57) Seventy-Six. (76) Ninety-Seven. (97) Thirty-Seven. (37) Fifty-Eight. (58) Seventy- Ninety-Eight. (98) Thirty-Eight. (38) Fifty-Nine. (59) Seven. (77) Ninety-Nine. (99) Thirty-Nine. (39) Sixty. (60) Seventy-Eight. (78) One Forty. (40) Seventy-Nine. (79) Eighty. (80) [11] hundred. (100) Los números del 100 al 1000 son: 100 (one hundred), 200, (two hundred), 300 (three hundred).....así hasta el 1000 (one thousand), 2000 (two thousand), 3000 (three thousand)...y así hasta 1 millón (one milion), 2 millones ( Two milion).... 100 one hundred 130 one hundred and thirty 101 one hundred and one 131 one hundred and thirty one 102 one hundred and two .... 103 one hundred and three 140 one hundred and forty 104 one hundred and four ... 105 one hundred and five 150 one hundred and fifty 106 one hundred and six ... 107 one hundred and seven 160 one hundred and sixty 108 one hundred and eight ... 109 one hundred and nine 170 one hundred and seventy 110 one hundred and ten ... 111 one hundred and eleven 112 one hundred and twelve 180 one hundred and eighty 113 one hundred and thirteen ... 114 one hundred and fourteen 190 one hundred and ninety 115 one hundred and fifteen 200 two hundred 116 one hundred and sixteen 300 three hundred 117 one hundred and seventeen 400 four hundred 118 one hundred and eighteen 500 five hundred 119 one hundred and nineteen 600 six hundred 120 one hundred and twenty 700 seven hundred 121 one hundred and twenty one 800 eight hundred 122 one hundred and twenty two 900 nine hundred ... 1000 one thousand [12] Exercise 1 eighteen ____ one hundred and eleven ____ twelve ____ three hundred and seventy-four ____ fourteen ____ seven hundred and eighty-nine ____ twenty ____ two thousand six hundred and twenty-one ____ thirty-one ____ five thousand four hundred and thirty-two ____ forty- ____ sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety- ____ fifty-eight ____ thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirteen ____ sixty-seven ____ Exercise 2 NOW YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR THE NUMBERS 11 ___________________________________________ 29 ___________________________________________ 44 ___________________________________________ 209 ___________________________________________ 677 ___________________________________________ 892 ___________________________________________ [13] SECTION 2 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés son: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Hacen referencia a quien posee y no a lo poseído. En general preceden a sustantivos. Exemplos my(mái) - mi, mis your(iór) - tu, tus / su, sus (de usted) his(jis) - su, sus (de él) her(jer) - su, sus (de ella) its(its) - su, sus (de algo) our(áuar) - nuestro/a/os/as your(iór) - su, sus (de ustedes/vosotros) their(dér) - su, sus (de ellos/as) my job my girlfriend my friends your name his car his house her English class her teachers its roof its culture our planet our money your country your help their houses their cars mi trabajo mi novia mis amigos tu nombre su carro (él) su casa (él) su clase de inglés (ella) sus maestros (ella) su techo su cultura nuestro planeta nuestro dinero su país (ustedes) su ayuda (ustedes) su casa (ellos) sus autos [14] Exercise 1 MATCH THE PERSON WITH THE OBJECT USING POSSESSIVES. THE FIRST ONE IS DONE FOR YOU book 1. Her book 2. __________________ bell 3. __________________ ball camera 4. Me and my mother __________________ [15] SECTION 3 VERB “TO BE” PRESENT ¿POR QUÉ “TO”? Algo que, al principio, le resulta difícil de entender a todo estudiante es que, en castellano, el infinitivo de los verbos tiene tres terminaciones: ar (cantar), er (beber) e ir (dormir). Más adelante observarás que los verbos ingleses tienen gran variedad de terminaciones. Por ese motivo -con el único objetivo de unificación- a los verbos en inglés se les antepone la preposición to para indicar que están "en infinitivo" (ejemplo, to be = ser o estar). Nota VERB "TO BE" POSITIVE En inglés el verbo viene siempre precedido por el pronombre personal (sujeto de la oración). En castellano no ocurre lo mismo: al comenzar una oración podemos decir soy, estoy (sujeto tácito o implícito) en reemplazo de yo soy, yo estoy. Cabe insistir que, en inglés, el pronombre I (yo) se escribe siempre con mayúscula, ya sea que se encuentre al principio o en el medio de una oración. VERBO "SER - ESTAR" (PRESENTE) AFIRMATIVO ENGLISH Normal Contracted I am You are He is She is It is We are I'm You're He's She's It's We're You are They are You're They're ESPAÑOL Normal Yo soy, estoy Tú eres, estás El es, está Ella es, está El/Ella es, está Nosotros/as somos, estamos Ustedes son/están Ellos/as son, están [16] Contracción Soy, Estoy Eres, Estás Es, Está (para El) Es, Está (para Ella) Es, Está (para El o Ella) Somos, Estamos Son/Están Son, Están (para Ellos o Ellas) INTERROGATIVO INTERROGATIVE ENGLISH Normal Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? NEGATIVE ESPAÑOL Contracted - Normal Contracción ¿Soy/Estoy yo? ¿Soy/Estoy? ¿Eres/Estás tú? ¿Es/Está él? ¿Es/Está ella? ¿Es/Esta él? ¿Es/Está ella? ¿Somos/Estamos nosotros? ¿Son/Están ustedes? ¿Son/Están ellos/as? ¿Eres/Estás? ¿Es/Está? (El) ¿Es/Está? (Ella) ¿Somos/Estamos? ¿Son/Están? ¿Son/Están? (Ellos o Ellas) NEGATIVO ENGLISH Normal ¿Es/Está? (El o Ella) ESPAÑOL Contracted Normal Contracción I am not I'm not Yo no soy/estoy No soy/estoy You are not You're not You aren't Tú no eres/estás No eres/estás He is not He's not He isn't El no es/está No es/está (para El) She is not She's not She isn't Ella no es/está No es/está (para Ella) It is not It's not It isn't El/Ella no es/está No es/está (para El o Ella) We are not We're not We aren't Nosotros/as no somos Nosotros/as no estamos No somos No estamos You are not You're not You aren't Ustedes no son/están No son/están [17] They are not They're not They aren't Ellos/as no son/están No son/están (para Ellos o Ellas) Exercise 1 Verb “To Be” Affirmative WRITE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB TO BE IN PRESENT TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. 1. It _________ cold today. 2. I _________ at home now. 3. They _________ Korean. 4. My name _________ Nikita. 5. We _________ from Ukraine. 6. That _________ right. 7. I _________ OK, thanks. 8. Clara and Steve _________ married. 9. She _________ an English teacher. Exercise 2 “To Be” Interrogative WRITE QUESTIONS WITH THE VERB TO BE IN PRESENT TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES (FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE). Example: you / a good singer --> Are you a good singer? 1. David Bisbal / your favorite pop star? _________________________________________________________ 2. we / from England? _________________________________________________________ 3. you / twelve? _________________________________________________________ 4. your friends / good students? _________________________________________________________ 5. Messi / your favorite footballer? _________________________________________________________ [18] 6. she / a good teacher? _________________________________________________________ 7. Martha / a tennis player? _________________________________________________________ 8. the dogs / under the table? _________________________________________________________ 9. the cat / in the garden? _________________________________________________________ 10. he / happy? _________________________________________________________ Exercise 3 “To Be” Negative WRITE THE NEGATIVE FORM OF THE VERB TO BE IN PRESENT TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. 1. We _______________ friends. 2. Mary and Mark _______________ doctors. 3. Peter _______________ a football player. 4. Blue _______________ herfavoritecolor. 5. Catherine _______________ from Italy. 6. The dogs _______________ white. 7. They _______________ English teachers. 8. A cat _______________ a dangerous animal. 9. The computer _______________ new. 10. The chairs _______________ old. [19] SECTION 4 DAYS AND MONTHS EN INGLÉS LOS DÍAS DE LA SEMANA Y LOS MESES SON: DÍAS DE LA SEMANA:(Siempre se escriben con mayúscula como nombres) CASTELLANO INGLÉS LUNES MARTES MIÉRCOLES JUEVES VIERNES SÁBADO DOMINGO Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MESES DEL AÑO:(Siempre se escriben con mayúscula como nombres) CASTELLANO INGLÉS ENERO FEBRERO MARZO ABRIL MAYO JUNIO JULIO AGOSTO SEPTIEMBRE OCTUBRE NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBRE January February March April May June July August September October November December [20] Exercise 1 UNSCRAMBLE AND WRITE THE DAY. 1. U S Y T E A D: __________________ 2. A F R Y I D: __________________ 3. U A N Y D S: __________________ 4. A Y W D E D E N S: __________________ 5. N A D Y O M: __________________ 6. T S A R U Y A D: __________________ 7. R H U D A T S Y: __________________ Exercise 2 ADD THE MISSING LETTER 1. ____ anuary 2. ____ bruary 3. ____ arch 4. ____ pril 5. ____ ay 6. ____ une 7. ____ uly 8. ____ ugust 9. ____ eptember 10. ____ ctober 11. ____ ovember 12. ____ ecember [21] SECTION 5 VOCABULARY SEASONS Las estaciones (seasons) del año en inglés son: Summer – Verano it's hot. it's sunny. In summer, people go to the beach. People usually go on holiday. Autumn o Fall – Otoño it's often windy. In autumn, it's cloudy. it's a bit cold. Winter – Invierno In winter, it's very cold. it rains. [22] it's rainy. it snows. it's snowy. Spring – Primavera it's warm. In spring, it's nice. people go on a picnic. Exercise 1 UNSCRAMBLE AND WRITE THE SEASON. 1. i g r p n s: __________________ 2. u m s e m r: __________________ 3. m a t u u n: __________________ 4. e r w i n t: __________________ COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Algunos países y sus nacionalidades en inglés son: País AUSTRALIA BELGIUM BOLIVIA BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA FRANCE FINLAND ICELAND INDIA ITALY Nacionalidad AUSTRALIAN BELGIAN BOLIVIAN BRAZILIAN BULGARIAN CANADIAN CHILEAN CHINESE COLOMBIAN FRENCH FINNISH ICELANDER INDIAN ITALIAN [23] Pronunciación ostréilia, austréilian bélyium, bélyian bolí:via, bolí:vian bresíl, bresílian bulgária, bulgárian kánada, kanéidian chíle, chiléan cháina, chainí:s kolómbia, kolómbian frans, frénch fínland, fínish áisland, aislánder índia, índian ítali, itálian MEXICO PERU the PHILIPPINES RUSSIA SCOTLAND the UNITED KINGDOM the UNITED STATES VENEZUELA MEXICAN PERUVIAN FILIPINO RUSSIAN SCOTTISH BRITISH AMERICAN VENEZUELAN méksikou, méksikan perú, perúvian de fílipins, filipínou rásha, ráshan skótland, skótish di iunáitit kíngdom, brítish di iunáitit stéits, amérikan venesuéla, venesuélan Exercise 2 LOOK AT THE EXAMPLE AND WRITE. He is from China. 1. China He is Chinese. __________________ 2. Japan __________________ __________________ 3. Australia __________________ __________________ 4. France __________________ __________________ 5. Spain __________________ __________________ 6. England __________________ [24] [25] FAMILY LOS MIEMBROS DE LA FAMILIA EN INGLÉS SON (su pronunciación se tiene de los paréntesis: aunt(ant) - tía brother(bróder) - hermano brother-in-law(bróder in ló) - cuñado children(children) - hijos husband(jásband) - esposo mom, mommy(mam, mámi) - mami, mamita mother(máder) - madre mother-in-law(máder in ló) - suegra cousin(kósin) - primo/a dad, daddy(dád, dádi) - papi, papito daughter(dóter) - hija daughter-in-law(dóter in ló) - nuera nephew(néfiu) - sobrino niece(níis) - sobrina only child(óunli cháild) - hijo/a único/a orphan(órfan) - huérfano father(fáder) - padre father-in-law(fáder in ló) - suegro first-born(férst-bórn) - primogénito goddaughter(god dóter) - ahijada parents(pérents) - padres sister(síster) - hermana sister-in-law(síster in ló) - cuñada son(san) - hijo godfather(god fáder) - padrino godmother(god máder) - madrina godson(gód son) - ahijado grandchildren(gránd chíldren) - nietos son-in-law(san in ló) - yerno stepdaughter(stép dóter) - hijastra stepfather(stép fáder) - padrastro stepmother(stép máder) - madrastra granddaughter(gránd dóter) - nieta grandfather(gránd fáder) - abuelo grandmother(gránd máder) - abuela grandparents(gránd párents) - abuelos stepson(stép son) - hijastro uncle(ankl) - tío wife(uáif) - esposa grandson(gránd son) - nieto great-grandfather(gréit gránd fáder) bisabuelo great-grandmother(gréit gránd máder) bisabuela great-grandparents(gréit- gránd párents) bisabuelos Exercise 3 FILL IN THE CORRECT FAMILY MEMBER. 1. My mother's sister is my ________________. 2. My daughter's brother is my ________________. 3. My father's daughter is my ________________. 4. My mum and dad are my ________________. 5. My sister's son is my ________________. [26] 6. My aunt's son or daughter is my ________________. 7. My father's brother is my ________________. 8. My mother's father is my ________________. 9. My daughter's son is my ________________. 10. My brother's daughter is my ________________. PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS Algunas profesiones y ocupaciones o trabajos se enlistan a continuación: accountant actor actress air hostess architect contador actor actriz azafata arquitecto model mailman (US) nanny nurse inspector astronaut astronauta interior designer au-pair, babysitter baker bank clerk beekeeper niñera panadero empleado bancario apicultor barbero, peluquero (de hombre) librero albañil conductor de autobús carnicero farmacéutico deshollinador asesor cocinero oficial de aduanas dentista disc jockey, DJ médico conductor instructor de manejo basurero electricista empleado ingeniero obrero agricultor jeweller journalist office worker painter modelo cartero niñera enfermera inspector diseñador de interiores joyero periodista oficinista pintor photographer fotógrafo pilot plumber policeman policewoman politician postman (GB) office worker psychiatrist psychologist receptionist reporter sailor salesman scientist secretary security guard shepherd shoemaker singer soldier piloto fontanero, plomero policía mujer policía político cartero oficinista psiquiatra psicólogo recepcionista reportero marinero vendedor científico secretario guardia de seguridad pastor zapatero cantante soldado barber bookseller bricklayer bus driver butcher chemist chimney-sweeper consultant cook customs officer dentist disc jockey, DJ doctor driver driving instructor dustman electrician employee engineer factory worker farmer [27] fashion designer firefighter , fireman fisherman gardener graphic designer hairdresser inspector interior designer diseñador de moda bombero pescador jardinero diseñador gráfico peluquero (de mujer) inspector diseñador de interiores jeweller joyero journalist judge lawyer periodista juez abogado librarian bibliotecario lifeguard lorry driver mechanic meson salvavidas, socorrista camionero mecánico albañil sports instructor stockbroker student surgeon tailor taxi driver teacher instructor de deportes agente de bolsa estudiante cirujano sastre taxista profesor, maestro technician técnico telemarketer, telesales person tourist guide translator university lecturer vet (GB), veterinarian (US) waiter waitress watchmaker writer persona que vende por teléfono guía turística traductor profesor universitario veterinario camarero camarera relojero escritor Exercise 4 WRITE THE NAME OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS. 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ [28] BLOQUE 2 MAINGOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT THE PRESENT, LEISURE ACTIVITIES AND CHORES. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED SIMPLE PRESENT FREQUENCY ADVERBS LEISURE ACTIVITIES. VOCABULARY FOR WORK AND STUDY. ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED TOLERANCE OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. SKILLS ACQUIRED ASKING AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PRESENT. EXPRESSING ABOUT TIME. USE OF VOCABULARY RELATED TO WORK AND STUDY. USE OF AUXILIARY DO/DOES. [29] LESSON 2 SECTION 1 SIMPLE PRESENT AFFIRMATIVE El presente simple afirmativo se forma con el infinitivo del verbo sin "to". En la 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it) se añade una -s final al verbo. I play Yo juego You play Tú juegas He plays Él juega She plays Ella juega It plays Juega We play Nosotros jugamos You play ustedes juegan They play Ellos juegan EJEMPLOS I work as a secretary Trabajo como secretaria You call her every day La llamas todos los días He finishes his job Termina su trabajo She goes home Se va a casa It matters a lot Importa mucho We study maths Estudiamos matemáticas You use a dictionary Usan un diccionario They like ice creams Les gustan los helados [30] Formación de la 3ª persona Como regla general, hemos dicho que la 3ª persona del singular en presente simple lleva una -s final. Pero hay excepciones según el verbo termine en -y, -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x. 1 Si el verbo acaba en -y precedida de una consonante, se cambia la -y por -ies. To cry She cries Ella llora To study He studies Él estudia To fly It flies Vuela 2 Si la terminación -y va precedida de una vocal, como hemos visto antes como el verbo "to play", sólo se le añadirá una -s. He plays (él estudia). 3 Si el verbo acaba en -o precedida de una consonante, se añadirá -es. (To do) He does Él hace (To go) She goes Ella va 4 Si el verbo acaba en -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, se añade -es. (To watch) She watches Ella ve (To wash) he washes Él lava (To pass) She passes Ella aprueba (To fix) He fixes Él arregla Exercise 1 ARRANGE THE WORDS TO MAKE AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES IN SIMPLE PRESENT. 1. I / to collect stamps ________________________________________________________ 2. we / to play card games ________________________________________________________ [31] 3. he / to read comics ________________________________________________________ 4. Chris / to sing in a band ________________________________________________________ 5. we / to have a hamster ________________________________________________________ 6. Andy and John / to like cola ________________________________________________________ 7. she / to be nice ________________________________________________________ 8. they / to help their parents ________________________________________________________ 9. the children / to speak English ________________________________________________________ 10 I / to buy a newspaper every Saturday ________________________________________________________ [32] SIMPLE PRESENT NEGATIVE La estructura del presente simple en forma negativa es: Sujeto + do/does + not + verbo + ... Forma larga Forma corta I do not play I don't play You do not play You don't play He does not play He doesn't play She does not play She doesn't play It does not play It doesn't play We do not play We don't play You do not play You don't play They do not They don't play EJEMPLOS I do not live in London No vivo en Londres You don't have any pets No tienes mascotas He does not understand him No lo comprende She doesn't write a letter No escribe una carta It does not work No funciona We don't play tennis No jugamos al tenis You do not watch TV No ven la televisión They don't remember anything No recuerdan nada [33] Para indicar que es negativo se usa el auxiliar Do y Does para terceras personas. No tiene significadoúnicamente indica que en este caso es un negativo al seguirle NOT. Exercise 2 WRITE THE NEGATION OF THE VERBS IN BOLD. 1) They play volleyball every week. They ___________ volleyball every week. 2) John is nice. John ___________ nice. 3) This car makes a lot of noise. This car ___________ a lot of noise. 4) I like computer games. I ___________ computer games. 5) We are from Greece. We ___________ from Greece. 6) You wear pullovers. You ___________ pullovers. 7) They speak English. They ___________ English. 8) He watches TV. He ___________ TV. 9) I am from Spain. I ___________ from Spain. 10) Steve draws nice pictures. Steve ___________ nice pictures. [34] SIMPLE PRESENT INTERROGATIVE La forma interrogativa tiene dos opciones, preguntar afirmativamente o negativamente. AFIRMATIVO Do/does + sujeto + verbo? Forma larga NEGATIVO Do/does + sujeto + not + verbo? Forma corta Don´t/doesn´t + sujeto + verbo? AFIRMATIVO NEGATIVO Do I play...? Do I not play...? Don't I play...? Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...? Does he play...? Does he not play...? Doesn't he play...? Does she play...? Does she not play...? Doesn't she play...? Does it play...? Does it not play...? Doesn't it play...? Do we play...? Do we not play...? Don't we play...? Do you play...? Do you not play...? Don't you play...? Do they play...? Do they not play...? Don't they play...? Ejemplos Do I eat this dessert? ¿Me como este postre? Don't you speak English? ¿No hablas inglés? Does he know him? ¿Le conoce? Doesn't she play the violin? ¿No toca el violin? Does it float? ¿Flota? Don't we study this subject? ¿No estudiamos este tema? Do you go to the cinema? [35] ¿Vais al cine? Don't they smoke? ¿No fuman? Exercise 3 PUT IN THE CORRECT VERB FORMS AND THE NOUNS INTO THE GAPS. USE SIMPLE PRESENT. 1. ________to school? (You/to walk) 2. ________a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat) 3. ________parrots? (Your father/to like) 4. ________a room with her sister? (Wendy/to share) 5. ________a lot in England? (It/to rain) 6. ________sports after school? (The friends/to do) 7. ________camping in summer? (Susan and Jack/to go) 8. ________their friends to the party? (They/to invite) 9. ________ at the bus stop? (We/to wait) 10. ________ in the mornings? (He/to smile) [36] SECTION 2 FREQUENCY ADVERBS Los adverbios de frecuencia como su nombre lo indica, nos sirven para saber con qué frecuencia o periodicidad un sujeto realiza una acción determinada. Para saber cuándo debemos utilizarlos, aquí una lista de los adverbios de frecuencia más comunes en inglés. La lista está en orden de periodicidad con la que se realiza la acción: comenzando por “siempre” y terminando por “nunca”. Always (siempre) – la acción se realiza 100% del tiempo • • How frequently do you think of me? (¿Con qué frecuencia piensas en mi?) Always, I can’t stop thinking of you. (Siempre. No puedo dejar de pensar en ti.) Frequently (frecuentemente) • • How often do you practice sport? (¿Qué tan a menudo haces deporte?) Frequently, because I love swimming. (Frecuentemente, porque me encanta nadar.) Usually o Normally (usualmente o normalmente) • • Karen, do you know what time is John going to arrive? (Karen, ¿sabes a qué hora va a llegar Juan?) No, John usually arrives late. (No, Juan normalmente llega tarde.) Often (a menudo) • • Do you often come here? (¿Vienes aquí a menudo?) Not very often, and you? (No muy a menudo, ¿y tú?) Sometimes (algunas veces) • • How frequently do you go out with your friends? (¿Qué tan seguido sales con tus amigos?) I just sometimes go out with them. (Solo algunas veces salgo con ellos.) Occasionally (ocasionalmente) • • Do you often play chess? (¿Juegas ajedrez a menudo?) No, I occasionally play chess. (No. Juego ajedrez ocasionalmente.) [37] Seldom o Hardly ever (pocas veces) • • Have you tried to speak to them? (¿Has tratado de hablar con ellos?) Yes, but they are seldom at the office when we call. (Si, pero muy pocas veces están en la oficina cuando llamamos.) Rarely (rara vez) • • Is it always this cold in February? (¿Es siempre así de frío en febrero?) No, it rarely gets that cold this time of the year. (No. Es raro que haga tanto frío en esta época del año.) Never (nunca) • • Have you seen this film before? (¿Has visto esta película antes?) No, I have never seen it. (No, nunca la he visto.) Reglas gramaticales de los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés o frequency adverbs Los adverbios de frecuencia los puedes colocar en distintos lugares de la oración: 1.- Si la oración tiene un verbo (no un verbo auxiliar), coloca el adverbio de frecuencia después del sujeto y antes del verbo. • Diana usually calls after dinner. (Diana normalmente habla después de la cena.) 2.- Si la oración tiene el verbo “to be”, coloca el adverbio de frecuencia después del verbo “be”. • Rachel isoften at her office early in the morning. (Raquel esta a menudo en su oficina temprano en la mañana.) 3.- Si la oración tiene más de un verbo (de los cuales uno es auxiliar), coloca el adverbio de frecuencia antes del verbo principal. • I can never do anything when my kid is sick. (Nunca puedo hacer nada cuando mi hijo está enfermo.) 4.- Cuando utilizas los adverbios de frecuencia en preguntas o en la forma negativa, coloca el adverbio de frecuencia antes del verbo principal. • • • Do you usually brush your teeth after each meal? (¿Normalmente te lavas los dientes después de cada comida?) Yes, I always brush my teeth after each meal. (Sí, siempre me lavo los dientes después de cada comida.) She doesn’t often go shopping. (Ella no suele ir de compras.) [38] 5.- Cuando contestas alguna pregunta, normalmente el adverbio de frecuencia lo colocas al principio seguido de una coma, a menos que tu respuesta sea más completa. • • Normally, I get up at around at 7 a.m. (Normalmente me levanto alrededor de las 7.) On weekends and holidays, I always get up late. (Los fines de semana y en vacaciones, siempre me levanto tarde.) Exercise 1 REWRITE THE COMPLETE SENTENCE USING THE ADVERB IN BRACKETS IN ITS CORRECT POSITION. 1) He listens to the radio. (Often) _________________________________________ 2) They read a book. (Sometimes) _________________________________________ 3) Pete gets angry. (Never) _________________________________________ 4) Tom is very friendly. (Usually) _________________________________________ 5) I take sugar in my coffee. (Sometimes) _________________________________________ 6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (Often) _________________________________________ 7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (Always) _________________________________________ [39] 8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (Usually) _________________________________________ 9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (Never) _________________________________________ 10) Christine smokes. (Never) _________________________________________ [40] SECTION 3 VOCABULARY LEISURE ACTIVITIES Free time = the time when you are not working, when you can choose what you do. Free time = leisure time LEISURE ACTIVITIES Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies (from India), art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies. Some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction (SciFi), Fantasy, Documentary, Musical. Watch TV - Different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies (SitComs), Talk Shows, Documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies, Political programs, Religious programs. Spend time with family - You can do many things with your family. Usually, the fact that you are together is more important than the activity. [41] Go out with friends - You can also do many things with your friends, like go out to a bar, go dancing at a club, have dinner at a restaurant, play a sport, sit down and talk, go out for a coffee, have a barbecue, or any other activity that you all enjoy. Or sometimes when you don't do anything specific, you can say hang out with friends. Surf the internet - On the internet, you can research a topic you are interested in using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, learn what is happening in the world by reading news websites, etc. Play video games - You can play games on your computer or on a game consoles, like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. You can play on your own or with your friends or family. Play a musical instrument - Learn to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra. Listen to music - Turn up the volume and listen to your favourite type of music, such as pop, rock, hip hop, rhythm & blues, blues, jazz, classical, soul, heavy metal. Read - Many people love to read both fiction and non-fiction books and magazines. If you like fiction, you can read novels, short stories, crime fiction, romance, etc. If you like non-fiction, you can read biographies, autobiographies, or books on history, science, philosophy, religion, or any other topic you are interested in. Write - Many people like to write in their diary. Another name for a diary is a journal. You can also write many other things, such as poetry, novels, letters, short stories, etc. (See under Read for more options). Go to the park - You can go to the park alone, with family or with friends. You can take a picnic rug and a picnic basket and have a picnic. You can read, sleep, kick a football around, climb trees or play on the children's playground. Go to cultural locations and events - There are many types of cultural locations and events. You can go to the museum, to an art gallery or to the zoo to see animals from around the world. You can go to concerts, plays, musicals, dance recitals and opera performances. Go shopping - Many people like to go to shopping malls and areas of the city that are known for shopping to buy clothes or items for their houses and gardens. Cook - Many people like to cook different types of food. You can make meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can bake cakes, cookies, slices and pastries in the oven. Some people boast that they have a special recipe - ask them to cook it for you! [42] Study something - There are many things that you can study just because you find it interesting! You can study a language; you can learn a skill, such as cooking or making furniture; or you can even study the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians, if you want to! Art and crafts - There are many, many arts and crafts that you can learn and practice. You can paint, draw, sew, crochet, knit, sculpt, engrave, make furniture, make jewelry, or you can even create your own new art form! Gardening - You can plant flowers, vegetables or herbs and maintain your garden by watering it, pulling the weeds and feeding it with fertilizer. Exercise and play a sport - To stay fit and healthy, you can do exercise alone, such as swimming or working out at a gym, or you can play a team sport, such as football or basketball. For more information on sports and exercise, go to our Sports Page. Exercise 1 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT WORD FROM THE CHART. cycle chess dancing photographs a voluntary worker 1. Maggy would like to be a ballerina. So, she just can't miss her ____________lessons. 2. It is rainy today. Why don't you play ____________ with your grandfather? 3. You take very nice ____________. [43] 4. I've bought a little boat. Instead of going for a ____________ ride tomorrow? 5. I don't have free time anymore. I am ____________ after my work, I meet my partners. and VOCABULARY STUDY SCHOOL SUBJECTS Business Studies: Here you learn about how the business world works. Drama: A class where you can try acting and learn about the theatre. Economics: Here we learn about how trade, industry and money is organised in the world. Geography: The study of the world's land, rivers, mountains, weather and how it all works. History: The study of the past and how past events shaped our world. Mathematics (alsoMath in USA; Maths in UK):The study of numbers, shapes and spaces. Physical Education: Learning how to play sports and getting some exercise. Religious Education / Studies: The study of belief sytems and God. Science: Usually this subject is taught in three fields: • • • Biology: The study of living things like plants, animals and humans. Chemistry: The study of different substances and how they interact. Physics: The study of matter and energy and how they affect each other. [44] EDUCATION VOCABULARY Boarding School :(noun) A type of school where students live as well as study. 'During my first few weeks at boarding school I missed my parents a lot.' Cheat:(verb) to act in a dishonest way to get what you want. 'The student cheated by writing the answers on his hand and looking at them during the test.' Co-educational:(noun)a school that has both male and female students. A schools for just boys (or girls) is called a single-sex school. 'I think co-educational schools helps students to form better relationships with members of the opposite sex in later life.' Coursework:(noun) Coursework is the work done by students that contributes towards their overall grade, but which is assessed separately from their final exams. Coursework can, for example, take the form of experimental work, or may involve research. It can comprise of dissertations, reports or essays. 'I get nervous when I take a test. I prefer to do coursework because I have a long time to do it and I can do it at my own pace.' Enrol:(verb)to enrol means to join a course. In American English it is spelt enroll. The noun form is enrolment (enrollment US) Exercise 2 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT WORD FROM THE CHART. geography enrolled cheat mathematics qualification 1. My favorite subject is ______. I'm very good with numbers. 2. We learn how rivers are formed today in ______. 3. She tries to ______ on her test, but her teacher sees her. 4. Only students who are ______ on this course may enter the classroom. 5. To work for this company you need a university _______. [45] BLOQUE 3 MAIN GOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE ACTIONS IN PROGRESS USING THE SIMPLE PROGRESSIVE TENSE APPROPRIATELY. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. SIMPLE PRESENT AND PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING, WEATHER AND BODY PARTS. ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED Tolerance of cultural difference. SKILLS ACQUIRED Ability to describe action in progress. Proper use of vocabulary related to clothing, weather and body. [46] LESSON 3 SECTION 1. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (AFFIRMATIVE). Los tiempos progresivos ("progressive tenses" o "continuous tenses") expresan el "progreso" o desarrollo de una acción en un momento dado. El tiempo presente progresivo ("present progressive") expresa una acción que se está desarrollando en el momento presente, generalmente, una acción temporaria que comenzó hace poco tiempo y que terminará pronto.En inglés, al igual que en español, el tiempo presente progresivo está formado por el verbo auxiliar "be" (ser o estar) conjugado en tiempo presente, más el "present participle" (form + ing) del verbo principal. Unos ejemplos son: Sujeto estar/ser present participle I am eating. You are working She/He is playing They are singing Las formas del presente progresivo son: [47] Exercise 1 Affirmative USE THE WORDS PROGRESSIVE BELOW TO MAKE SENTENCES IN PRESENT 1) I / to read a book = __________________________ 2) it / to rain = __________________________ 3) he / to repair his bike = __________________________ 4) they / to watch a film = __________________________ 5) the cat /to sleep on the chair = __________________________ 6) Jane and Emily / to do their homework = __________________________ 7) Bill / to wait at the bus stop = __________________________ 8) we / to listen to the radio = __________________________ 9) the children / to play a game= __________________________ 10) Laura / to walk the dog = __________________________ Exercise 2 Negative PUT IN THE VERB IN BRACKETS INTO THE GAP AND FORM NEGATIVE SENTENCES IN PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Use long forms of the auxiliaries only. 1) The children questions. (not/to ask) _____________________________________________ 2) Nick to the gym. (not/to go) _____________________________________________ 3) I the door. (not/to open) _____________________________________________ 4) He jokes. (not/to tell) _____________________________________________ 5) The baby now. (not/to cry) _____________________________________________ 6) We a farm. (not/to visit) _____________________________________________ [48] 7) They the phone. (not/to answer) _____________________________________________ 8) Gerry, Joe and Boris hamburgers. (not/to eat) _____________________________________________ 9) My teacher at the bus stop. (not/to wait) _____________________________________________ 10) The rabbit over the fence. (not/to climb) _____________________________________________ Exercise 3 Interrogative COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS WITH THE CORRECT FORM. 1) ___________________ in the lake? (Lisa/to swim) 2) ___________________ your brother? (you/to help) 3) ___________________ a museum? (he/to visit) 4) ___________________ her T-shirt? (Doris/to wash) 5) ___________________ home? (they/to run) 6) ___________________ to the radio? (Henry/to listen) 7) ___________________ the buckets? (the boys/to carry) 8) ___________________ the string of the kite? (she/to hold) 9) ___________________ breakfast? (we/to make) 10) ___________________ the computer? (Ron and Fred/to check) [49] SECTION 2. SIMPLE PRESENT AND PRESENT PROGRESSIVE La diferencia entre estos dos tiempos es importante acorde a lo que queramos decir. Hasta ahora hemos visto las conjugaciones de ambos y es tiempo de ver los usos que tienen y lo más importante ¿Cuándo usar uno o el otro? La diferencia más importante radica en si lo que queremos decir es algo en general o si es algo inmediato. In general or right now? Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is happening right now? Conjugación Simple Present Present Progressive in general (regularly, often, never) right now Colin plays football every Tuesday. Look! Colin is playing football now. present actions happening one after also for several actions happening at the another same time First Colin plays football, then he Colin is playing football and Anne is watches TV. watching. Signal words(Siempre que en la oración exista una de estas palabras se debe poner el tiempo que le corresponda) • • • • • • • • • • always every ... often normally usually sometimes seldom never first then • • • • • • • at the moment at this moment today now right now Listen! Look! Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present: be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, wantEstos verbos no se ponen en ING [50] Exercise 1 PUT THE VERBS INTO THE CORRECT TENSE (SIMPLE PRESENT OR PRESENT PROGRESSIVE) 1. Look! He (leave) ______________ the house. 2. Quiet please! I (write) ______________ a test. 3. She usually (walk) ______________ to school. 4. But look! Today she (go) ______________ by bike. 5. Every Sunday we (go) ______________ to see my grandparents. 6. He often (go) ______________ to the cinema. 7. We (play) ______________ Monopoly at the moment. 8. The child seldom (cry) ______________. 9. I (not / do) ______________ anything at the moment. 10. (watch / he) ______________ the news regularly? SECTION 3. VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING Clothing — Ropa dress skirt miniskirt blouse stockings tights socks shoes (a pair of shoes) high heels (abreviatura de high-heeled shoes) sandals stilettos trainers wellingtons dress Personal items — Accesorios personales vestido falda minifalda blusa medias mallas; medias calcetines zapatos (un par de zapatos) wallet purse handbag umbrella walking stick glasses earrings cartera monedero bolso de mano paraguas bastón gafas pendientes wedding ring anillo de casado tacones altos engagement ring anillo de compromiso sandalias zapato con tacón de aguja zapatillas de deporte botas de agua vestido lipstick pintalabios makeup maquillaje ring bracelet necklace anillo brazalete, pulsera collar [51] slippers shoelace boots leather jacket gloves vest underpants knickers bra blazer swimming costume swimming trunks pyjamas nightie (abreviatura de nightdress) dressing gown bikini hat baseball cap scarf coat overcoat jacket trousers (a pair of trousers) suit shorts jeans shirt tie t-shirt raincoat anorak pullover sweater cardigan jumper zapatillas cordón de zapatos botas chaqueta de cuero guantes chaleco calzoncillos bragas sujetador americana bañador bañador (para el hombre) pijama piercing sunglasses watch cufflinks belt lighter keyring keys comb hairbrush mirror piercing gafas de sol reloj gemelos cinturón mechero, encendedor llavero llaves cepillo para el pelo peine espejo handkerchief pañuelo Other related words — Otras palabras relacionadas camisõn to wear vestir bata, albornoz bikini sombrero gorra de béisbol bufanda abrigo abrigo chaqueta pantalones (un par de pantalones) traje pantalones cortos vaqueros camisa corbata camiseta chubasquero anorak jersey suéter rebeca jersey to put on to take off to get dressed to get undressed button tight loose ponerse quitarse vestirse desvestirse botón ajustado/a ancho/a [52] Exercise 1 WRITE THE NAME OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7. ________________ 8. ________________ 9. ________________ VOCABULARY FOR WEATHER Word Part of speech Meaning airconditioner/airconditioning noun an appliance that cools down the air in a home or building avalanche noun below freezing preposition/adjective blizzard noun boiling hot adjective + noun breeze noun a dangerous slide of snow down a mountain temperature less than 0 degrees Celsius/(32F) a storm with lots of snow and wind common expression for describing a very hot day Celsius noun chilly light wind measurement of temperature (0 degrees is freezing/100 is boiling) cold [53] Example Sentence The air conditioner keeps the office nice and comfortable even when it's very hot outside. The skiers were warned about a possible avalanche. It's supposed to go below freezing before the weekend. The airplane couldn't take-off because of the blizzard. It was boiling hot, so we all jumped into the lake. Don't bother with a hat. There is always a breeze near the ocean. In the summer, the average temperature here is 20 degrees Celsius. It's a bit chilly today, so I think adjective cloud/cloudy noun/adjective water in the sky that appears as a white or grey mass cold spell adjective + noun a period of colder than average weather cool adjective temperature in between warm and cold degrees noun measurement for temperature drizzling continuous verb drought noun Fahrenheit noun flood noun flurries noun raining slightly a long period with no rainfall measurement of temperature (32 degrees is freezing/212 is boiling) It was 100 degrees Fahrenheit when we got to San Francisco. overflow of rain water The flood was so bad, our basement was full of water. very light snowfall There are a few flurries but the snow isn't sticking to the roads. fog/foggy noun/adjective thick water vapor that blocks one's vision forecast noun/verb the expected weather for the future freezing cold adjective + noun frost noun common expression used to describe a very cold day ice crystals on a frozen surface frostbite noun a skin condition caused by over exposure to the cold (typically reddish skin with white spots) hail noun small pieces of ice that fall during a storm heat stroke noun heat-wave noun humid/humidity adjective/noun hurricane you should wear a coat. It may look cloudy in the morning, but the sun always comes out by afternoon. They're calling for a cold spell, so we put off our camping trip. The days were boiling hot, but the nights were cool and comfortable for sleeping. I don't feel the heat until it's about forty degrees Celsius outside. I think I'll take the dog for a walk. It's only drizzling now. Forest fires are a serious danger during a drought. a flu-like condition one can acquire after spending too long in the sun extremely hot weather that is much higher than average-usually lasts a short time moisture in the air a tropical storm with very [54] We couldn't see the bridge because there was too much fog. According to the 5 day forecast, it's going to rain on our wedding day. It was a freezing cold day for the Santa Claus parade. Some flowers are so strong they can withstand frost. I lost my hat while I was skiing, and I ended up with frostbite on my ears. There was so much hail that some of the trailer homes were destroyed. Bring lots of water and wear a hat to avoid heat stroke in this weather. During the heat-wave we cooled our beds down with ice packs. It feels a lot hotter than it actually is because of the humidity. Half of the buildings on the noun icy adjective lightning noun mild adjective meteorologist noun minus/negative adjective overcast adjective partly cloudy adverb + adjective precipitation noun puddle noun rain/raining/rainy noun/continuous verb/adjective raindrop noun rainbow noun raining cats and dogs idiom scorching/a scorcher adjective/noun season noun shower noun sleet(similar to hail) noun slush/slushy strong wind and rain island were flattened by the hurricane. The roads are icy so please slippery because of ice avoid driving down any hills. The outdoor pool always closes electrical discharge and flash when the lifeguards think between a cloud and the ground lightning is coming. temperature that is warmer It's quite mild out so I didn't than average(in a cold season) bother with a hat or mittens. The meteorologist predicted a person who studies weather that the cold spell would be patterns over by now. indicates that a temperature is It was minus twenty degrees at below zero the top of the skil hill. The sky is overcast this morning, no sun is visible but the sun is supposed to come out by late afternoon. term often used in a weather Tomorrow's forecast is partly forecast to indicate that the cloudy with clear skies by skies are sunny and cloudy at nightfall. the same time rain or snow that falls on an There is very little precipitation area in the desert. Children love to splash in collection of rain water puddles when they are wearing rubber boots. My hair is all wet and messy water that falls to earth from the rain. I love catching raindrops on my a single measurement of rain tongue. According to legend you can a band of colours found in the find a pot of gold at the end of a sky after a rainfall rainbow. They cancelled the football raining heavily game because it was raining cats and dogs. It was a scorcher, so the whole extremely hot temperature/a family slept in the cool very hot day basement. time of year characterized by My favorite season is Fall, certain weather because I love to watch the Winter,Spring,Summer,Fall (or leaves changing colours. Autumn) They've been calling for quick/light rainstorm showers all week, but so far it's been dry. All-weather-tires are best if you rain that freezes as it falls have to drive in sleet. snow on the ground that has The snow turned to slush as [55] noun/adjective been rained on smog noun heavy,dark cloud cover caused by pollution snow/snowy/snowing noun/adjective/ continuous verb frozen water that warms slightly as it falls to earth snowstorm noun sun/sunshine/sunny noun/noun/adjective sunburn noun sunglasses/shades noun suntan/tanned noun(also verb)/adjective(also verb) large amounts of wind and snow the gassy star that warms the earth painful red/pink skin caused by being in the sun too long dark eyewear that protects you from the sun soon as it started to rain. You really notice the smog downtown in this type of humidity. It is already snowing up in the mountains, so the ski season should be great this year. All of the schools were closed because of the snowstorm. We hope to have sunshine on the day of the beach picnic. The bald man got a sunburn on his head. I forgot my shades and I was driving right into the sun. brown/golden skin caused by long periods of sun exposure I got a suntan on the cruise, but it has already faded away. Don't forget to reapply your sunscreen when you get out of the lake. Can you check the temperature before we get dressed for our walk? When I checked the temperature this morning, the thermometer said it was already thirty degrees Celsius. sunscreen/suntan lotion noun cream that protects your skin from sun damage temperature noun how warm or cold the air is thermometer noun instrument for measuring the temperature of the air thunder/thunderstor m noun thunder is a loud noise after lightning, caused by rapid expansion of air superheated by the lightning Let's close all of the windows. It looks like a thunderstorm is coming. tornado/cyclone noun violently spinning windstorm The tornado picked up everything in its path, including animals and cars. umbrella noun held over one's head and body for rain protection I always keep an umbrella in my car in case of rain. UV (ultra violet) rays noun the damaging rays from the sun Ultra violet rays can cause skin cancer if you don't wear sunscreen. wind/windy noun/adjective blowing air outside It's too windy to play golf today. wind chill factor noun when the wind makes the air feel colder than the actual temperature It's minus two, but with the wind chill factor it's minus fifteen. Exercise 2 [56] WRITE THE NAME OF THE FOLLOWING WEA WEATHER CONDITIONS 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ ______________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ ______________ 7. ________________ [57] VOCABULARY FOR THE BODY ankle buttock calf femur foot, feet heel heelbone instep knee kneecap metatarsus patella phalanges shin shinbone splint bone tarsus thigh thighbone toe LEG - PIERNA tobillo nalga pantorrilla fémur pie, pies talón calcáneo empeine rodilla rótula metatarso rótula falanges canilla tibia peroné tarso muslo fémur dedo del pie HEAD - CABEZA bags under the ojeras eyes beard barba brain cerebro canine tooth colmillo cheek mejilla chin mentón crinkles pequeñas arrugas crow's feet patas de gallo dimple hoyuelo ear oreja eye ojo eyebrow ceja eyelash pestaña eyelid párpado forehead frente freckle peca gum encía hair cabello hard palate paladar duro incisors incisivos ARM - BRAZO elbow codo finger dedo fingertip yema del dedo fist puño forearm antebrazo hand mano humerus húmero index finger índice knuckle nudillo little finger meñique middle finger dedo medio nail uña palm palma de la mano phalanx falange ring finger anular radius radio second phalanx falangina shoulder hombro third phalanx falangeta thumb pulgar ulna cúbito upper arm brazo wrist abdomen armpit back belly bladder breasts chest groin heart hip kidney liver lung loins navel nipple spleen [58] muñeca TRUNK - TRONCO abdomen axila espalda vientre vejiga pechos pecho ingle corazón cadera riñón hígado pulmón zona lumbar ombligo pezón bazo lips lower jaw lower lip molars moustache mouth neck nose nostrils palate premolars pupil sideboards (GB) sideburns (US) tongue tonsil tooth, teeth throat upper jaw upper lip uvula wisdom tooth wrinkles labios mandíbula inferior labio inferior molares bigote boca cuello nariz agujeros de la nariz paladar premolares pupila patillas patillas lengua amígdala diente, dientes garganta mandíbula superior labio superior campanilla muela de juicio arrugas stomach thorax waist estómago tórax cintura SKELETON - ESQUELETO backbone columna vertebral breast bone esternón carpal carpo clavicle, collarbone clavícula eye socket cuenca del ojo femur fémur hipbone ilion humerus húmero kneecap rótula mandible mandíbula pelvis pelvis phalanx falange radius radio rib costilla scapula omóplato shinbone tibia shoulder blade omóplato skull cráneo spine columna vertebral sternum esternón Exercise 3 WRITE THE NAME OF THE FOLLOWING PARTS OF THE BODY 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ [59] 7. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 9. __________________ 10. __________________ 11. _________________ 12. __________________ 13. __________________ 14. _________________ 15. __________________ [60] BLOQUE 4 MAIN GOAL: BY THE END OF THIS BLOCK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS AND MANAGE PLURALS IN ENGLISH APPROPRIATE. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. How much and how many. Wh questions ATTITUDES AND VALUES EMPHASIZED Tolerance of cultural difference. SKILLS ACQUIRED Ability to describe plurals correctly. [61] LESSON 4 SECTION 1 COUNTABLE NOUNS AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Countable Nouns (Los nombres contables) Los nombres o sustantivos contables son aquellos que se pueden contar. • Ejemplos: one [a] pencil (un lápiz) two cats(dos gatos) three houses(tres casas) Nombres contables tienen una forma plural: • Ejemplos: egg/eggs (huevo/s) bicycle/bicycles(bicicleta/s) dress/dresses(vestido/s) Se puede usar "a" o "an" con nombres contables en singular: o Ejemplos: an apple (una manzana) a house (una casa) Se pueden usar números delante de un contable: • Ejemplos: three apples(tres manzanas) five houses(cinco casas) [62] Uncountable Nouns (Los nombres incontables) Los nombres o sustantivos incontables son aquellos que no podemos contar porque no los podemos delimitar individualmente sino que forman parte de un todo. Son tratados como singulares (no se pueden hacer plurales añadiendo '-s'). Algunos ejemplos son: salt(sal), wood(madera), tea(té), wine(vino), sugar(azúcar), bread(pan), furniture(muebles), hair(pelo), information(información), money(dinero), weather(tiempo), time(tiempo), rice(arroz) Sin embargo, en el momento que los delimitamos, estos mismos nombres o sustantivos pasan a ser contables. Deberán ir precedidos, si quieren individualizarse, de alguna palabra con valor partitivo. • Ejemplos: agram of salt (un gramo de sal) apiece of wood (un trozo de madera) twocups of tea (dos tazas de té) threeglasses of wine (tres vasos de vino) [63] Nombres incontables no tienen una forma plural: rice(arroz) • Rices milk(leche) • Milks No podemos usar números delante de un incontable: • two rices Exercise 1 WRITE COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS. . 1. Time __________________________ 2. Books __________________________ 3. Sugar __________________________ 4. Milk __________________________ 5. Pens __________________________ 6. Hair __________________________ 7. Chairs __________________________ 8. Meat __________________________ 9. Butter __________________________ 10. Pencils __________________________ 11. Bread __________________________ 12. Jam __________________________ 13. Friends __________________________ 14. Fingers __________________________ 15. Flour __________________________ 16. Apples __________________________ 17. Oil __________________________ 18. Cars __________________________ [64] 19. Salt __________________________ 20. Houses __________________________ 21. Cheese __________________________ 22. Rice __________________________ 23. Tea __________________________ 24. Games __________________________ 25. Tomatoes __________________________ 26. Cream __________________________ 27. Honey __________________________ 28. Carrots __________________________ SECTION 2. HOW MUCH AND HOW MANY. En ingles cuando queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo incontable, usamos la estructura: “How much + sustantivo + is there? Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = ¿cuánta leche hay? En las respuestas se puede usar un partitivo no específico como; a lot (un montón), a little (un poco), none (nada), some (algo). Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = There is a little. ¿Cuánta leche hay? hay un poco O por el contrario podemos usar partitivos específicos de unidad o medida o peso para especificar las cantidades; Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = There is a litre, there is a bottle, etc. ¿Cuánta leche hay? Hay un litro, una botella, etc. Si queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo contable, usamos la estructura: “ How many + sustantivo + are there? [65] Ejemplo: How many oranges are there? = ¿Cuantas naranjas hay? En las respuestas se usa: a lot (un monton), a few (unas pocas), too many, (demasiadas), o none (ninguna), some (algunas), si queremos especificar cantidades entonces usamos partitivos contables del tipo; un kilo, un litro, un paquete, una bolsa, one, two, etc. How much y how many se usan para preguntas en general acerca de cosas, cuando queremos que se nos indique las cantidades que hay, entonces how much y how many van acompañados de is there o are there. Ejemplos: How much water is there? = There is 1 litre. How many students are there? = There are eleven students in class. También existe otra forma de preguntar cuando no estamos seguros de si hay algo o no, y es usando: Is there + any + sustantivo (para incontables) o Are there + any + sustantivos (para contables) Ejemplo: Is there any bread? - ¿Hay algo de pan? Yes, there is - Si hay Are there any apples? - ¿Hay alguna manzana? Yes there are - Si hay Si quieres especificar la cantidad o cantidades, pues usas there is o there are + partitivo(s) Ejemplo: There is a loaf of bread. Hay una barra de pan. There are two loaves of bread. Hay dos barras de pan. There is an apple. Hay una manzana. There are three apples. Hay tres manzanas. Apuntes especiales. En inglés los líquidos, materias y substancias son incontables, en este apartado debemos de incluir a los siguientes sustantivos que son incontables en inglés: Money – dinero Fruit – fruta [66] Bread – pan Time – tiempo Chocolate – chocolate Meat – carne Beef - carne (vacuna) Exercise 1 WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER WITH HOW MUCH AND HOW MANYACCORDING TO THE QUESTION. 1. We need some tea. ______ do we need? 2. We need some eggs. ______ do we need? 3. We need some paper. ______ do we need? 4. ______ cigarettes do you smoke a day? 5. ______ packets of cigarettes do you have? SECTION 3. WH QUESTIONS WH questions ask for information. They are different than Yes/No questions. There are 6 different WH question words: STRUCTURE WH questions in simple present use “do” or “be”: WH Questions with "do" WH + DO/DOES + SUBJECT [67] + VERB Examples: • • • Where do you work? Where does she live? When do you wake up? WH Questions with "be" WH + BE + SUBJECT Examples: • • • Where are you from? Who is that man? When is your class? WH Questions are similar to YES/NO questions except they have WH words at the start. Examples: • • Are you from Canada? Where are you from? Here are some example questions and answers: • • Where are you from? I am from Japan. • • What is your name? My name is Jacob. • • When do you wake up? I wake up at 7:30 am. • • Why are you angry? I am angry because I did not pass my exam. [68] Exercise 1 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WITH THE APPROPRIATE WH QUESTION WORD. 1. _________ do you live? I live in Toronto. 2. _________ do you wake up? I wake up at 7:30 am. 3. _________ is your brother? He is great, thanks for asking. 4. _________ is this? That's my electronic dictionary. 5. _________ do you take English class? Because I want to improve my speaking. [69]