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View - Catholic Diocese of Brownsville
Volume 7, Issue 8 ‘Merciful like the father’ theme for Jubilee Year Radio Vaticana The upcoming Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy will be a moment of true grace for all Christians and a reawakening to continue along the path of the new evangelization and pastoral conversion indicated by Pope Francis. The Jubilee Year of Mercy will be inaugurated on Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will run until Nov. 20, 2016 which is the solemnity of Christ the King. For the first time in the history of Jubilee Years in the Church, this one offers the possibility for individual dioceses around the world to take part in the event by opening their own Holy Door, or Door of Mercy, in a cathedral, or church or at a shrine that is popular with pilgrims. The logo for the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy portrays the figure of the Good Shepherd carrying the lost soul that provides a fitting summary of what the Jubilee Year is all about. Similarly, it’s motto, Merciful like the Father, serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of God who asks us not to judge or condemn but to offer love and forgiveness instead. The Jubilee Year will be punctuated by a series of celebratory events in 2016 each with its own separate theme and that are expected to attract large numbers of pilgrims to Rome. They include a celebration from Jan. 19-21 for all those involved with pilgrimages and another gathering on April 3 for believers who are living through the experience of mercy and on April 24 a gathering for young people to profess their faith. Other events later on in the year include a gathering on June 12 dedicated to those who are sick or suffer disabilities and a similar gathering on Nov. 6 that will be dedicated to all prisoners. On Sept. 4 there will be a day dedicated to those involved in volunteer and charitable work and on Oct. 9, a day dedicated to Marian spirituality. Finally, there will be a special Jubilee Day for deacons on May 29, on June 3 for priests and on Sept. 25 for catechists. Serving More Than A Million Catholics in the Diocese of Brownsville Noche de »Year of Mercy Door of Mercy designated Paz The Valley Catholic The Valley Catholic A mosaic of the Holy Family photographed at Holy Family Parish in La Grulla. The mosaic, i which hi h was created t d outt of Talavera tiles by artisans in Monterrey, Mexico, was added to the façade of the church in September. Father Juan Rogelio Gutierrez, pastor of the church, said he selected the image because it was a more true-to-life depiction of a family than the traditional images of the Holy Family. “Many parishioners have told me this image is more relatable to families of today,” he said. “The image transmits the warmth and tenderness of a loving family.” MerryChristmas OUR HISTORY THOSE WHO SERVE December 2015 YEAR IN REVIEW BROWNSVILLE — The faithful are invited to join Bishop Daniel E. Flores at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, for a Mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral marking the opening of the Year of Mercy. The festivities will begin at 6 p.m. at St. Thomas Church, located at 155 E. Jefferson St. in downtown Brownsville, where a procession to the cathedral will start. Father Michael Amesse of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, rector of the cathedral, said a Holy Door of Mercy will be ceremonially opened at this liturgy and remain open for the entirety of the year, marking the cathedral as a special place of pilgrimage during this Year of Mercy. “The bishop is going to walk through the Door of Mercy on that day,” Father Amesse said. “Everyone present will also have the opportunity to walk through the Door of Mercy.” After the Mass and after every Mass during the Year of ev Mercy, the Litany of St. Joseph M will be recited. Father Amesse wi said the cathedral was placed sai under the patronage of St. Joun seph to guide the parish during sep the Jubilee Year. th The Holy Door is a special part p a of the celebrations which take place during a Jubilee Year. ta The first Jubilee Year was proclaimed in 1300 by Pope Bonicla face VIII. The ‘Jubilee Year’ or fa ‘Holy Year’ is a special time of ‘H grace in the life of the Church. gr Since that first Jubilee, there Si have been only 29 others. Pope ha Francis has called for a Jubilee F of Mercy to be held from Dec. 8, 2015 until Nov. 20, 2016 in order to draw the eyes of the Church and of the world, in a particularly focused way, to the splendor of the mercy of God. The use of these doors dates back to at least 1475. The Holy Door is a unique door in each » Please see Door of Mercy p.3 ENESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL EN EN ESPAÑOL Un articulo sobre la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia y la columna del Mons. Juan Nicolau “VERBUM MITTITUR SPIRANS AMOREM” (“The WORD is sent breathing love.”) Catholic Charities, nursing home celebrate 50 years Page 3 Father Harry Schuckenbrock, OMI Page 8 Highlights from 2015 Pages 9-12 Páginas 12-13 DIOCESE 2 The Valley Catholic - Sobre el Año de la Misericordia Q ueridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, En la persona de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, siendo la persona del Hijo eterno de Dios Padre, se nos muestra la definitiva expresión de la misericordia de Dios. Él, por obra del Espíritu Santo, se hizo hombre en el seno de la Virgen y en cada gesto, cada palabra, cada obra del Señor entre nosotros se nos manifiesta la plena voluntad del Padre misericordioso. Él desea que su amor nos llegue y que nos penetre hasta lo más íntimo de nuestro ser para que alivie nuestras heridas. De hecho, el amor de Dios se expresa en forma misericordiosa precisamente porque llega para sanarnos y fortalecernos. Al mismo tiempo, el Señor Jesús, por medio de su obra de misericordia hacia nosotros, nos invita a extender la gracia de la misericordia a los que sufren. La persona que ha experimentado la misericordia de Dios recibe, por la gracia del mismo Señor, un impulso divino animándola a convertirse en agente de la misericordia de Dios en el mundo. Con sus ojos fijos en este misterio tan grande, el papa Francisco, con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo, ha decretado para la Iglesia un Año Santo de la Misericordia. Este tiempo especial de gracia y misericordia comienza el 8 de Diciembre con la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción y terminará el 20 de Noviembre de 2016 con la solemnidad de Cristo Rey del Universo. Quisiera invitar a todos a vivir esta gracia que el Señor nos ofrece durante el jubileo extraordinario de la Misericordia. El tema de la misericordia de Dios se ha manifestado como enfoque principal de la Iglesia en nuestros tiempos. San Juan Pablo II, el Papa emérito Benedicto XVI, y ahora el Papa Francisco han repetidamente, a veces con lágrimas, desarrollado una enseñanza profunda sobre este misterio central de la fe Católica y de la vida humana. Es una señal de la providencia de Dios sobre el mundo y sobre la Iglesia el que esta enseñanza se ha ido profundizado y divulgado durante estos años bajo la tutela de tres sucesores de San Pedro. Cada uno ha ofrecido sus enseñanzas en profunda continuidad con la sagrada tradición y al mismo tiempo con sus propios rasgos tan particulares. De hecho, el tema es insondable ya que se Mercy: a gift from God D ear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, being the person of the eternal Son of God the Father, we have shown to us the definitive expression of God’s mercy. He, by the Holy Spirit, became man in the womb of the Virgin and in every gesture, in each word, and in each of the Lord’s works among us, manifests the full will of the merciful Father. He desires that his love reach us and penetrate through to our deepest being, and to heal our wounds. In fact, God’s love is expressed in a merciful form precisely because it comes to heal and strengthen us. At the same time, the Lord Jesus, through his merciful deeds towards us, invites us to extend this grace and mercy to others who suffer. The person who has lived the mercy of God receives, by the grace of the Lord, a holy impulse calling him or her to become an agent of God’s mercy in the world. With his eyes fixed on this great mystery, Pope Francis, with the help of the Holy Spirit, has decreed a Holy Year of Mercy for the Church. This special time of grace and mercy begins December 8th with the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and ends November 20th, 2016 with the solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. I would like to invite everyone to live this grace that the Lord offers us during the extraordinary jubilee of Mercy. The topic of the mercy of God has shown itself as a primary focus of the Church in our times. Saint Johan Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and now Pope Francis have repeatedly, at times with tears, developed a profound teaching on this central mystery of the Catholic faith and of human life. It is a sign of God’s providence over the world and over the Church that this teaching has deepened and spread during these years under the guidance of three successors of Saint Peter. Each pope has offered his teaching in profound continuity with sacred tradition and at the same time with the particular features distinctive of each. In fact, the topic is inexhaustible, as it is about the unending sources of God’s love. Today’s world suffers greatly. For the longest time, we have suffered as human beings from cruelty and hardness of heart in the world. These are expressions of sin dominating the mind and freedom of human beings. But it seems that in our era, men’s capacity to do harm has multiplied in proportion to trata de las fuentes inagotables del amor de Dios. El mundo de hoy sufre mucho. Desde antes, hemos sufrido como seres humanos la crueldad y la dureza de corazón en el mundo. Estas son expresiones del pecado dominando la mente y la libertad del mismo ser humano. Pero parece que en nuestra época la capacidad del hombre para hacer daño se ha multiplicado en proporción con nuestro dominio tecnológico. Las guerras, el terrorismo, la crueldad del mercado que vende hasta a los no-nacidos para ganar más 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd., San Juan, TX 78589-3042 Telephone: 956/781-5323 • Fax: 956/784-5082 Bishop Daniel E. Flores Publisher Catholic Diocese of Brownsville Brenda Nettles Riojas Editor Subscription rate $15 per year • $17 outside of Texas $25 out of U.S. Rose Ybarra Assistant Editor The Valley Catholic, a publication of the Diocese of Brownsville, is published monthly Terry De Leon & South Texas Circulation Circulation Member of the Catholic Press Assocition The Valley Catholic email: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook Advertising Evana A. Zamora (956) 784-5038 Gustavo Morales (956) 266-1527 December 2015 Gilbert Saenz (956) 451-5416 Michael Kent (956) 566-7075 MOST REVEREND DANIEL E. FLORES BISHOP OF BROWNSVILLE our technological dominance. Wars, terrorism, the cruelty of the market that sells even the unborn to gain more money and power, combined with modern temptations to isolate ourselves behind our private screens to avoid human contact, all this shows that the world needs to receive again the announcement of mercy as a gift that comes from God and as the responsibility of every human being. The Holy Year will have many elements which I will write more about as the year progresses. For now, it would be good to note in broad strokes the main themes. It is probably best is to contemplate this mystery under two different but closely related aspects. First, the Year of Mercy invites us to rediscover and deepen our personal encounter with God’s mercy. Secondly, the Year of Mercy invites us to find new paths to express mercy toward other people. It is very clear that without receiving God’s mercy, as Christians, we cannot live this mercy in relation with others. It is good to note that the basic element of re-engaging God’s mercy in our lives implies the examination of our conscience in order to dedicate ourselves again to participation in the Church’s life, especially the sacraments. Reconciliation and communion are key in the spiritual life. Similarly, we know that reading the Gospel and daily prayer lead us to live the encounter with the Lord Jesus more efficaciously. During this year, the Lord invites us to live again the grace of our relationship with him. Pope Francis has noted that a pilgrimage is an important way of living the Year of Mercy. I intend to designate the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville as the main Church of pilgrimage in the Dioceses, together with the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle, in San Juan. I invite you to visit these Churches during the year to live more intensely the blessing and graces of the Lord Jesus Christ and to receive the indulgences dinero y poder, combinado con la tentación contemporánea de aislarnos detrás de nuestras pantallas privadas para evitar contacto humano, todo esto muestra que el mundo necesita recibir de nuevo el anuncio de la misericordia como regalo que viene de Dios y como responsabilidad de cada ser humano. El Año Santo tendrá varios elementos de los cuales escribiré mencionando algunos puntos conforme el año va transcurriendo. Por lo pronto, sería bueno señalar a grandes rasgos los temas principales. Posiblemente lo mejor es contemplar este misterio bajo dos aspectos distintos pero estrechamente relacionados. Primero, el Año de la Misericordia nos invita a reencontrar y profundizar la misericordia de Dios. Secundo, el Año de la Misericordia nos anima a buscar nuevos caminos para expresar la misericordia hacia otras personas. Es muy claro que sin recibir la misericordia de Dios no podemos como cristianos vivir la misericordia en relación con los granted by the Holy Father. With the strength of a renewed relationship with the Lord we can dedicate ourselves with more strength to being living agents of mercy. The works of mercy, traditionally lived in the Church, are an essential part of our journey during the Year of Mercy; they are expressions of the second aspect that I have mentioned: to intensify the practice of mercy in the world. These are the corporal works of mercy: 1. Visit the sick 2. Feed the hungry 3. Give drink to the thirsty 4. Shelter the homeless 5. Clothe the naked 6. Visit the imprisoned 7. Bury the dead And these are the spiritual works of mercy: 1. Teach (with humility) the one who doesn’t know 2. Give counsel to the troubled 3. Correct (charitably) the one who is mistaken 4. Forgive (from the heart) the one who offends us 5. Comfort the sorrowful 6. Bear with patience the faults of others 7. Pray to God for the living and the dead During this Holy Year the Lord invites us all to examine our lives and thus make more space in life to practice more concretely the works of mercy. The testimony of mercy practiced in the world is what the world today needs the most. The Son of God suffered the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins and to invite us to respond with compassion to his disfigured body marked with the signs of brutality. We could say together with Saint Thomas Aquinas that our salvation consists in responding to the Lord who has loved us so much. The Lord identified himself with those who suffer and in responding to them we comfort Him. Faith without love does not save, and a love that does not extend to help the one who suffers is useless. Remembering this truth of the Faith, I ask the Lord to help us all to share the mercy we have received. Mother of Mercy, Immaculate Virgin Pray for us. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Mary, Have mercy on us. demás. Es bueno notar que el elemento básico de reencontrarse con la misericordia de Dios implica examinar la conciencia para poder dedicarnos de nuevo a la participación en la vida de la Iglesia, especialmente en los sacramentos. Reconciliación y comunión son claves de la vida espiritual. De igual manera sabemos que la lectura del Evangelio y la oración diaria nos conducen a vivir más eficazmente el encuentro con el Señor Jesús. Durante este año el Señor nos invita a vivir de nuevo la gracia de nuestra relación con él. El Papa Francisco ha señalado la peregrinación como modo de vivir el Año de Misericordia. Tengo intenciones de designar la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción en Brownsville como templo principal de peregrinación en la Diócesis, junto con la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de San Juan del Valle, en San Juan. Les invito a visitar estos templos durante el año para vivir más intensamente las bendiciones y gracias del Señor Jesucristo y para recibir las indulgencias concedidas por el Santo Padre. Con la fuerza de una relación renovada con el Señor podemos dedicarnos con más fuerza a ser agentes vivos de la misericordia. Las obras de misericordia, tradicionalmente vividas en la Iglesia, forman parte esencial en nuestro camino durante el Año de la Misericordia ya que son expresiones del segundo aspecto que he mencionado: el de intensificar la práctica de la misericordia en el mundo. Estas son las obras de misericordia corporales: 1. Visitar a los enfermos 2. Dar de comer al hambriento 3. Dar de beber al sediento 4. Dar posada al peregrino 5. Vestir al desnudo 6. Visitar a los presos 7. Enterrar a los difuntos Y estas son las obras de misericordia espirituales: 1. Enseñar (con humildad) al » Por favor lea Misericordia p.15 Bishop Flores’ Schedule - December 2015 Dec. 4 6 p.m. Weslaco Bishop’s Annual Dinner at St. Joan of Arc Parish Hall Dec 5 7 p.m. Harlingen TSTC 11th Annual Noche de Gala Dec. 8 6 p.m. Brownsville Procession & Mass for Feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 9 6 p.m. Colonia El Flaco Mass for Feast of Juan Diego Dec. 12 7 p.m. Mass for Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec. 25 Midnight Midnight Christmas Mass Dec. 25 1 p.m. Christmas Mass Brownsville Brownsville Basilica December 2015- DIOCESE The Valley Catholic Editor’s note: Join us each month as we take a glimpse back in time and review the history of the Diocese of Brownsville. Charitable arms mark 50 years of service Catholic Charities, nursing home established in 1965 The Valley Catholic Like the Diocese of Brownsville, Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley and San Juan Nursing Home are celebrating their 50th anniversaries in 2015. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, the charitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville, sponsors programs that provide assistance to individuals and families experiencing a crisis in their lives, regardless of religion. It is part of the larger family of Catholic Charities USA and Caritas Internacionalis. Each year, more than 100,000 Valley residents receive assistance from Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. Programs sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley include emergency assistance, which provides rental, utility and financial assistance for the infirmed, unemployed and the homeless as well as assistance with medical transportation, fire loss and funeral costs. Counseling for individuals, couples and families is also available. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley is also ready to respond in the event of a natural disaster such as hurricanes, floods and other catastrophes, providing short-term and long-term recovery services. Other programs sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley that assist the community at large include Tim Coats, which distributes jackets and coats to needy Valley residents every Fall and Winter; the Summer Food Service Program, which provides breakfast and lunch for children when school is out for the summer and Sharing Baskets, which provides meals to 5,000 families in time for Thanksgiving. Door of Mercy, continued from pg. 1 of the Major Papal Basilicas in Rome which is ordinarily sealed with brick, but which is opened for Jubilee Years when pilgrims cross through it as a symbolic gesture. The symbolism of these doors is thought to come from the ancient practice of offering ‘sanctuary’ in churches to those who had run afoul of the law. So too, today, the Church remains a home for sinners and invites us to cross the Threshold of the Holy Door and open our hearts to receive the mercy of Christ. Why a Year of Mercy? Seeing the great need for mercy and healing in the world, Pope Francis called for the Year of Mercy. It is a time for the Church across the world to take approximately a year to focus on forgiveness and healing in a special way. Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Francis writes in Misericordiae Vultus, the Photos by The Valley Catholic Above: Every year San Juan Nursing Home hosts the Senior Olympics for adult day care centers and nursing homes in the area. Left, Johnny Bodden, a senior at Juan Diego Academy in Mission, sorts canned goods for Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley’s annual Sharing Basket project, which feeds 5,000 families in time for Thanksgiving. In June 2014, Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley added humanitarian relief for immigrants to its long list of programs and services. In response to influx of immigrants arriving in the United States, mostly from Central America, Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley took the lead in opening two respite centers to provide medical attention, food, showers, clothing and more. The respite center at Sacred Heart Church in McAllen continues in operation. To date, more than 27,000 people have received Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, is the “face” of the Father’s mercy—he reveals the mercy of God by his words, actions, and person. We follow Jesus’ example when we open ourselves to the Father’s mercy by looking “sincerely” into the eyes of our brothers and sisters, including those “who are denied their dignity.” Accepting Pope Francis’ invitation for the Year of Mercy is an incredible opportunity to grow. Pope Francis has asked us as individuals and as a Church “to be a witness of mercy” by reflecting on and practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Encountering mercy means encountering God. It can transform your life, your relationships, your work, and your ability to embrace and experience all of life. As we celebrate this Jubilee Year of Mercy we are called to greater conversion of heart, greater fidelity to the Sacrament of Confession, and greater efforts to be beacons of mercy in our world. assistance. San Juan Nursing Home The Virgin of San Juan Nursing Home, as it was called in 1965, was opened by Father Jose Maria Azpiazu of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate primarily as a convalescent home for aging and infirmed priests. However, it was quickly discovered that there was a need for a long term care facility for the general public. The Virgin of San Juan Nursing Home officially opened to the public on Jan. 10, 1966 as a 46-bed facility providing skilled nursing, physical, occupational and social therapy, daily religious services and more, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. San Antonio native Sister Maurilia Sierra of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus served as the facility’s first administrator from 1966 until August 1973 when she was elected assistant general of her community, a position that relocated her to Paris, France. In January 1967, the nursing home was one of only eight facilities in South Texas that was certified for extended medical care under a new medicare program that provided up to 100 days following a hospital stay of at least three days. This earned the facility statewide attention from the media. The Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, the second bishop of the diocese, set a precedent for his successors, making regular visits to the nursing home. The bishops have continued to reaffirm this ministry for the elderly and infirmed with their presence, support and prayers. Today, San Juan Nursing Home is the only Catholic long-term care facility in the Rio Grande Valley. The full-time pastoral care team continues to provide religious services on a daily basis and Mass every Sunday and on feast days. Prayer and faith are integral to the nursing home residents and the staff. Grace is prayed as a community before every meal. The nonprofit facility, which has expanded to include 122 beds, focuses on the holistic care of its residents addressing the body, mind and the spirit. San Juan Nursing Home also offers a pain management program which addresses issues of physical pain, emotional pain, suffering and loss of control through song, prayer, therapeutic touch and aromatherapy. The nursing home is located on the grounds of the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del ValleNational Shrine. For more information, call (956) 787-1771. Arturo Mari/Catholic News Service St. John Paul II pushes open the Holy Door and walks into St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve 1999. Opening a sealed Holy Door is one of the traditions that usually marks a Holy Year. 3 4 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - »Women speak for themselves en la Frontera Confessions of a pack rat on a journey to less T he truth is I prefer an uncluttered space. My attempts, however, fall short. I have a tendency to save everything because I believe that it may be useful later. This habit is exasperated by my growing collection of books and research material for different writing projects along with my collection of supplies for sewing, crocheting, mix-media art and scrapbooking. I have closets, cabinets and shelves stuffed with fabrics, threads, yarns, paints, craft paper. I tell friends, my entire home is an art studio. You can find a creative work underway in almost every room of my home. The mixedmedia arts are a magnet for all sorts of items, some of which most people would discard. The artist in me knows even an empty box or piece of wood can be repurposed for one of my nicho shrine projects. But the art and craft supplies are not alone in taking space in my home. When my husband and I bought our home 21 years ago, it took us several years to purchase furniture and fill the rooms. As a young couple with two young children we never imagined that our once spacious home would be filled with an excess of accumulated possessions we hold on to. It is easy for this excess to clutter our living spaces and such clutter is not conducive to a healthy home or work space. We have fallen prey to overindulgence and the trap of consumerism. When we first got married 27 years ago I made the Brenda Nettles Riojas Editor of The Valley Catholic ornaments for our first Christmas tree. The day after Christmas we started a tradition of going to the half-off sales to buy decorations for future Christmases. We have since amassed boxes full that sit in our attic 11 months of the year. We have accumulated so much that we started putting up a second tree. Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home appealed to everyone to consider how we are caring for our environment. In his appeal, he even addressed what he calls the “ecology of daily life,” the setting in which we live our lives. In the section “Joy and Peace,” he notes Christian spirituality “encourages a prophetic and contemplative lifestyle, one capable of deep enjoyment free of the obsession with consumption.” He said, “We need to take up an ancient lesson, found in different religious traditions and also in the Bible. It is the conviction that “less is more”. A constant flood of new consumer goods can baffle the heart and prevent us from cherishing each thing and each moment.” My husband asked me for my Christmas list in November. The truth is I don’t need anything. What I need is to let go. I am embarrassed by my weakness for sales, the excess we’ve accumulated, and my failure to purge what I do not need. The Holy Father’s words resonate as I commit myself to simplify and create a healthy space to work and to live. He said, “Christian spirituality proposes a growth marked by moderation and the capacity to be happy with little. It is a return to that simplicity which allows us to stop and appreciate the small things, to be grateful for the opportunities which life affords us, to be spiritually detached from what we possess… This implies avoiding the dynamic of dominion and the mere accumulation of pleasures.” My father died in August this year, and my siblings and I have the task now to go through what he left behind. It pains me to see how much he held on to after my mother’s death 23 years ago. He still had boxes of her costume jewelry. The truth is I still have boxes of some of her craft items. I call them “las cajitas de posibilidades” (boxes of possibilities). I believe my father would have lived his last years with less stress if he had gotten rid of roomfuls of furniture and possessions he no longer needed. As I continue on my pilgrimage, I want to change my pack rat ways and let go by purging myself of the excess in my life. I realize too, it’s about making time to organize and make decisions on what stays and what goes; what are the essentials. Sometimes we have to evaluate how much value we assign to possessions. After all, when we die we’re not taking anything with us. One of my biggest fears is the clutter I will leave behind when I die. Susan V. Vogt in her book “Blessed by Less: Clearing Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly” gives some practical tips to what she calls “living lightly.” She started her journey of letting go one Lent when she decided to give away an item a day. This Advent leading into Christmas, I plan to do the same. We are each called to be good stewards. As December moves us into a new year, I look forward to the possibilities that living lightly will create, including making more space to focus on what is important starting with spiritual growth. Already I see the difference with the small steps we have taken in our office where a cleaner, uncluttered environment allows us room to concentrate on the work before us. Moving forward, this prayer from St. Ignatius Loyola offers us some focus on letting go of not just material possessions but of other tendencies as well. Take Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all that I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me. To Thee, O lord, I return it. All is Thine, dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and thy grace, for this is sufficient for me. »Family Life Gift that can’t be bought: love D ecember is a wonderful month to reflect on the word “gift” and perhaps to recall all the various definitions and subtle differences in meanings that this word holds. During this time of Advent as we prepare our hearts to once again “receive” the gift of the Christ Child who grew in age and wisdom and ultimately gave the greatest gift of all - his life – so that we might have the gift of eternal life; we also prepare to celebrate that great mystery through the giving and receiving of “gifts”. Perhaps we are contemplating what “gifts” we want to buy or make for our friends and family members to express the love we have for them. And although we know that the greatest gift we can give another is our love, most of us tend to fret over what “gift” we should give. Recently I had lunch with a friend and after lunch we walked into a little shop connected to the restaurant. I was not too interested in looking because I was not planning to shop, but my friend told me to select something from Lydia Pesina Director, Family Life Office the store because she wanted to gift it to me. Then several things in the store seemed appealing to me when before I had not paid much attention to anything. I stopped and reflected on that incident because I tend to see myself as not being a very materialistic person but I got excited about the “gift” I selected. I want to believe that the joy came not as much from the pretty pendant I chose as much as from the love that my friend Lety has always shown me. Hopefully during this Advent season we will have some reflection time to consider the “gift of love” that we have received from Jesus who is “the reason for the season” and the love that we intrinsically have for our family members; the ones we most get along with as well as the ones that perhaps we don’t always understand. Pope Francis stated that “The Christian vocation is first and foremost a call to love, a love which attracts us and draws us out of ourselves, “decentering” us and triggering “an ongoing exodus out of the closed inwardlooking self towards its liberation through self-giving, and thus towards authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God” (Deus Caritas Est, 6). (3/29/15) The gift of love is not so much centered on how we “feel” as much as on how we “act” out of the love we are called to have for one another. And love is centered on service as we hear in the above mentioned quote from Pope Francis: “an ongoing exodus out of the closed inward-looking self towards its liberation through self-giving….” Jesus taught us “self-emptying love” through the Paschal Mystery of suffering, death, and resurrection. We too are called to give that gift of love to one another through serving God by serving our family, by serving the Church/ community, and by serving the poor. My mother, Carmen Colegio Reyna, died a few months ago and presently I am meeting weekly during lunch with a couple of friends who have also lost a parent this year. We are walking our grief journey together through a process guided by “The New Day Journal” by ACTA Publications. From our sharing and reflections, I am reminded of what a great gift my mother has left me through her life of love and service to our family. Although this Christmas will be the first one without her in our home, I will be recalling that the Christmas gift she left me will not be under the Christmas tree, but it will continue to be imbedded in my heart. I pray that the gift of love that our forbearers have left us and the gift of love that we can each share with our family members (putting aside our ego and any difference we may have) will be the main gift that adorns our homes this Christmas. DECEMBER 2015 Changes to annulment process begin Dec. 8 By CINDY WOODEN Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — While a juridical process is necessary for making accurate judgments, the Catholic Church’s marriage annulment process must be quicker, cheaper and much more of a pastoral ministry, Pope Francis said. Rewriting a section of the Latin-rite Code of Canon Law and of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Pope Francis said he was not “promoting the nullity of marriages, but the quickness of the processes, as well as a correct simplicity” of the procedures so that Catholic couples are not “oppressed by the shadow of doubt” for prolonged periods. The Vatican released Sept. 8 the texts of two papal documents, “Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus” (“The Lord Jesus, the Gentle Judge”) for the Latin-rite church and “Mitis et misericors Iesus,” (“The Meek and Merciful Jesus”) for the Eastern Catholic churches. The changes, including the option of a brief process without the obligatory automatic appeal, go into effect Dec. 8, the opening day of the Year of Mercy. Pope Francis said the changes in the annulment process were motivated by “concern for the salvation of souls,” and particularly “charity and mercy” toward those who feel alienated from the church because of their marriage situations and the perceived complexity of the church’s annulment process. The new rules replace canons 1671-1691 of the Code of Canon Law. Pope Francis also provided a set of “procedural regulations” outlining how his reforms are to take place, encouraging bishops in small dioceses to train personnel who can handle marriage cases and spelling out specific conditions when a bishop can issue a declaration of nullity after an abbreviated process. Those conditions include: when it is clear one or both parties lacked the faith to give full consent to a Catholic marriage; when the woman had an abortion to prevent procreation; remaining in an extramarital relationship at the time of the wedding or immediately afterward; one partner hiding knowledge of infertility, a serious contagious disease, children from a previous union or a history of incarceration; and when physical violence was used to extort consent for the marriage. The reformed processes were drafted by a special committee Pope Francis established a year earlier. Among the criteria he said guided their work, the first he listed was the possibility of there being “only one executive sentence in favor of nullity” when the local bishop or judge delegated by him had the “moral certainty” that the marriage was not valid. Previously an appeal was automatic and a declaration of nullity had to come from two tribunals. The rules are not retroactive, however, any initial sentence issued Dec. 8 or later would fall under the new rules and not require an automatic appeal if both parties agree. DECEMBER 2015 »Sunday Readings The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church DECEMBER 6 (Second Sunday of Advent) Reading 1 BAR 5:1-9 Responsorial Psalm PS 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 Reading 2 PHIL 1:4-6, 8-11 Alleluia LK 3:4, 6 Gospel LK 3:1-6 DECEMBER 13 (Third Sunday of Advent) Reading 1 ZEP 3:14-18A Responsorial Psalm IS 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 Reading 2 PHIL 4:4-7 Alleluia IS 61:1 (CITED IN LK 4:18) Gospel LK 3:10-18 DECEMBER 20 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) Reading 1 MI 5:1-4A Responsorial Psalm PS 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 Reading 2 HEB 10:5-10 Alleluia LK 1:38 Gospel LK 1:39-45 DECEMBER 27 (The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph) Reading 1 SIR 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 SM 1:20-22, 24-28 Responsorial Psalm PS 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 or PS 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10 Reading 2 COL 3:12-21 or COL 3:12-17 or 1JN 3:1-2, 21-24 Alleluia COL 3:15A, 16A or CF. ACTS 16:14B Gospel LK 2:41-52 The word of the Lord abides for ever. This word is the Gospel which was preached to you. (1 Pet 1:25; cf. Is 40:8). With this assertion from the First Letter of Saint Peter, which takes up the words of the Prophet Isaiah, we find ourselves before the mystery of God, who has made himself known through the gift of his word. This word, which abides for ever, entered into time. God spoke his eternal Word humanly; his Word “became flesh.” (Jn 1:14). This is the good news. This is the proclamation which has come down the centuries to us day. D isciples in Mission: Six Weeks with the Bible FAITH - The Valley Catholic 5 »Making Sense of Bioethics W Parents and “Sex Ed” hile some parents might be happy to avoid the awkward conversations that arise around human sexuality by allowing the school system to provide their children’s sex education, it is nonetheless important for parents to recognize that they are the most significant teachers and models for their own children as they mature sexually. Instilling a healthy attitude about sexuality in young people involves a variety of considerations, including conveying a proper sense of constraints and boundaries. These boundaries arise organically through the virtue of chastity, by which a person acquires the ability to renounce self, to make sacrifices and to wait generously in consideration of loving fidelity toward a future spouse, out of selfrespect, and out of fidelity to God. This critical process of developing sexual self-mastery is an area where parents are particularly well suited to help their children. At the end of the day, the parental duty to influence in a positive way a child’s upbringing around sexuality cannot be abdicated or delegated. Parents know their children in a personal and individual way and are able to determine their readiness for, and receptivity to, sexual information. Moreover, the reality of parental love towards their children enables a parent to say certain “hard things” in love that may need to be said, in a manner that only a parent may effectively be able to say it. I recall the story that a middleaged woman once shared with me degrade into a selfish and selfreferential kind of activity, even within marriage, if we aren’t careTadeusz ful to attend to deeper realities. Pacholczyk Spouses who have made a Priest of the Diocese lifelong marital commitment to of Fall River, Mass. each other in the presence of God are uniquely empowered to live in a way that exceeds merely viewing each other as objects or as a means about something that happened to satisfying their appetites; they when she was 12. She was at home become called to, and capable of, watching TV with her mother, a higher kind of love that involves who was the strong authority friendship, sacrifice and selffigure in the family. At a certain giving. moment, a scene came across the Otherwise, a dominance of screen where a woman was remov- things over persons can take over, ing her clothing and dancing in leading to forms of selfishness front of a group of men. Her moth- in which persons are used in the er glanced over at her and without same way as objects are used. In skipping a beat said: “I’ll kill you the context of this kind of selfishif you ever do that.” Her daughter ness, a woman, for example, can understood, of course, that she become a mere “object” for a man, didn’t mean it literally, but appreci- and children can be reduced to ated that her mother cared enough mere “hindrances” on the part of about her to be very direct: “What their parents. my Mom said on that and many The human sexual love that other occasions stayed with me for is nurtured within a healthy years afterwards, and helped me marriage, meanwhile, generates to reflect carefully on the right use communion between persons, as of my sexuality.” Parents influence each comes to consider the good of their children in thousands of difthe other as his or her own good. ferent ways, sometimes not even Marital sexuality is thus meant to realizing how particular comments go beyond merely existing with or observations they make can someone else and using them for become highly significant to their selfish gain, and instead calls a child’s thinking. person to existing for someone else Helping children to think through total self-gift. correctly about human sexuality As husband and wife seek remains a delicate and challenging to live out these truths of their task in the midst of a sex-saturated human sexuality, they impart society like our own. Indeed, our valuable and important lessons thinking about human sexualto their children about generosity can easily go off the rails, and ity, unselfish living, and chastity, sexual activity itself can quickly » Please see Sex Ed p.15 Year of Mercy opportunity for spiritual growth T he mercy of God is the hope of every Christian. This is the good news that the Holy Father, Pope Francis wants to emphasize this during the Year of Mercy to the universal Church. Already regarded as the “Pope of Mercy,” Pope Francis has proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy to remind the world that the mission of the Church is to witness compassion to a world hurting for God’s love. The Year of Mercy will also be a special time for the Church, as a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective. Popes traditionally proclaim a holy year every 25 years, featuring celebrations and pilgrimages, calling for conversion, repentance and opportunities to experience God’s grace by receiving the sacraments, most especially the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Extraordinary holy years, like the Holy Year of Mercy, are less frequent, but offer the same opportunities for spiritual growth. The Holy Year will open on Dec. 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will close with the liturgical Solemnity of Christ the King on Nov. 20, 2016. On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Holy Father will have the joy of opening the Holy Door in Rome at St. Peter’s Basilica, and the holy door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters it will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons and instills hope. The last Pope to do so was now Saint John Paul II who Deacon Luis Zuniga Director, Office for Pastoral Planning & San Juan Diego Ministry Institute. opened it in 2000. The Holy Father invites the universal Church (every diocese throughout the world) to join in celebrating the Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy: “On the following Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Rome – that is, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran – will be opened. In the following weeks, the Holy Doors of the other Papal Basilicas will be opened. On the same Sunday, I will announce that in every (diocese) local church, at the cathedral – the mother church of the faithful in any particular area – or, alternatively, at the co-cathedral or another church of special significance, a Door of Mercy will be opened for the duration of the Holy Year. At the discretion of the local (bishop) ordinary, a similar door may be opened at any shrine frequented by large groups of pilgrims, since visits to these holy sites are so often grace-filled moments, as people discover a path to conversion. Every Particular Church, therefore, will be directly involved in living out this Holy Year as an extraordinary moment of grace and spiritual renewal. The Holy Jubilee Year is also a continuing celebration of the Second Vatican Council, the opening of the Jubilee coincides with the 50th anniversary of the conclusion of the Council. During the first angelus on March 17, 2103 at St. Peter’s square the Holy Father said: “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always, Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness”. As part of the Catechesis (instruction) for the Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy, the parables of mercy found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 15 are recommended to ponder upon: “In the parables devoted to mercy, Jesus reveals the nature of God as that of a Father who never gives up until he has forgiven the wrong and overcome rejection with compassion and mercy. We know these parables well, three in particular: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the father with two sons (cf. Lk 15:1-32). In these parables, God is always presented as full of joy, especially when he pardons. In them we find the core of the Gospel and of our faith, because mercy is presented as a force that overcomes everything, filling the heart with love and bringing consolation through pardon.” (Misericordiae Vultus, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy). Pope Francis is hoping the Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy will be an opportunity for the Church to be cleansed, renewed and revitalized. It will also be an opportunity for the Christian faithful to rediscover the essential mandate of Church to be in the words of the Holy Father: the “poor Church for the poor.” May this Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy remind us that God’s love and mercy endure forever; for in the end we all stand as beggars before God in need of his mercy. Courtesy photo A Coptic icon depicting the stoning of St. Stephen, the first deacon and martyr, by Egyptian artist Bassem Saad, circa 2009. »Feast Day Dec. 26 Spotlight on St. Stephen Catholic News Agency Just after Christmas, the Catholic Church remembers its first martyr, and one of its first deacons, St. Stephen. Roman Catholics celebrate his feast Dec. 26, while Eastern Catholics honor him one day later. In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke praises St. Stephen as “a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit,” who “did great wonders and signs among the people” during the earliest days of the Church. Luke’s history of the period also includes the moving scene of Stephen’s death – witnessed by St. Paul before his conversion – at the hands of those who refused to accept Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Stephen himself was a Jew who most likely came to believe in Jesus during the Lord’s ministry on earth. He may have been among the 70 disciples whom Christ sent out as missionaries, who preached the coming of God’s kingdom while traveling with almost no possessions. This spirit of detachment from material things continued in the early Church, in which St. Luke says believers “had all things in common” and “would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” But such radical charity ran up against the cultural conflict between Jews and Gentiles, when a group of Greek widows felt neglected in their needs as compared to those of a Jewish background. Stephen’s reputation for holiness led the Apostles to choose him, along with six other men, to assist them in an official and unique way as this dispute arose. Through the sacramental power given to them by Christ, the Apostles ordained the seven men as deacons, and set them to work helping the widows. As a deacon, Stephen also preached about Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament law and prophets. Unable to refute his message, some members of local synagogues brought him before their religious authorities, charging him with seeking to destroy their traditions. Before he was put to death, Stephen had a vision of Christ in glory. “Look,” he told the court, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” The council, however, dragged the deacon away and stoned him to death. 6 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - DECEMBER 2015 JDA snares state championship Courtesy photo Capilla Santa Ana oldest church in the Valley The volleyball team from Juan Diego Academy in Mission captured the TAPPS 1A state championship with a 25-22, 25-21, 23-25, 25-20 win over Lubbock All Saints Episcopal on Nov. 14 at South San Antonio High School. The Lady Lions finished the season with a 37-3 overall record. It is the first state championship for the school’s athletic program. Sister Pimentel honored Sanctuary built in 1840 by faithful from Mier, Mexico This is the first of a series on the hidden jewels in the Diocese of Brownsville. By ROSE YBARRA The Valley Catholic ROMA — Capilla Santa Ana in Roma was built in 1840 by volunteer labor, on a donated site, of contributed materials according to the Texas Historical Marker that adorns the small sanctuary. Spiritual and sacramental care was provided by diocesan priests from the Spanish colonial city of Mier, Mexico (founded in 1853), which is located about 13 miles from Roma. About 500 people received sacraments in this chapel. “This chapel was built by the people of Mier who had a very deep connection to Roma from the very beginning,” said Deacon R.C. Salinas, who serves at Sacred Heart Parish in Escobares. “Just before this became the United States of America, the steamboats started coming up the river from Brownsville and so more and more people started moving into the area.” More people meant a worship site was needed. The chapel contains many of its original elements, including the baptismal font, the chapel bell that was used to call the people to worship, the oak armoire that stored vestments and the pews. “This chapel is beautiful,” Deacon Salinas said. “You’ll never find another one as restored in our diocese.” Behind the sacristy in Capilla Santa Ana is the living quarters used by the priests from Mier. By horse and buggy, the standard mode of transportation in those days, the trip from Mier to Roma could take more than an hour. “They had to travel up and down the hills and pass through a lot of arroyos and gullies,” Deacon Salinas said. “Nothing was paved like it is now.” The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate took responsibility for the pastoral care of Roma and established Our Lady of Refuge Parish in 1853. The new church with a large bell tower dwarfed the little chapel. Elements from the original Our Lady of Refuge Church, which has been revamped twice, are also housed in Capilla Santa The Valley Catholic Photos by Eric Sánchez/The Valley Catholic Built in 1840, Capilla Santa Ana in Roma was under the pastoral care of secular priests from Mier, Mexico who administered the sacraments to about 500 before Texas became part of the United States in 1845. A number of the original elements have been preserved including the pews, the stone floor and the baptismal font. Sister Norma Pimentel, director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, and City Commissioner Richard Cortez were honored Nov. 5 as McAllen’s Man & Woman of the Year. The award was presented at the McAllen Chamber of Commerce 61st Annual Banquet. Rosaries donated for refugees Courtesy photo The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island from Manorville, N.Y. donated hundreds of rosaries to refugees from Central America. The Real Men Pray the Rosary Apostolate led by David and Valerie Calvillo presented the rosaries to the Immigrant Respite Center at Sacred Heart Church in McAllen. Ana, including the retablo, altar and communion rail. “There was no longer a need for Santa Ana Chapel but the sanctuary was still properly maintained by Our Lady of Refuge Parish,” Deacon Salinas said. “This is a tribute to the community of Roma and the Oblate Fathers for preserv- ing the historical jewels they have in their parish. “What has happened here in Santa Ana Chapel is truly magnificent.” Capilla Santa Ana is located at 708 Estrella St. in Roma. For more information, contact Our Lady of Refuge Church at (956) 849-1455. DECEMBER 2015 NATIONAL - The Valley Catholic 7 World Youth Day host city attractive destination More than two million expected to attend event July 25-31 By NANCY WIECHEC Catholic News Service KRAKOW, Poland — Guide Ewa Basiura grasped a heavy iron cuff chained to the side of St. Mary’s Basilica. “Any idea what this was used for?” she asked her American tour group. No one ventured an answer. This is where wayward Catholics were shackled on Sundays to shame them for their infidelities, she said. “Of course, these are not used anymore,” she added. “If they were, we’d need a lot more.” Rynek Glowny, Krakow’s main square, with its majestic basilica and medieval curiosities is the heart of Krakow, the enchanting former royal capital of Poland. Pope Francis, invoking Krakow’s “two great apostles of mercy,” called on the world’s young people to join him here for World Youth Day July 25-31. “The city of St. John Paul II and St. Faustina Kowalska is waiting for us with open arms and hearts,” he said in a letter released in August. Organizers are expecting up to 2.5 million people for the international Catholic festival, includ- ing 35,000 from the United States. More than 400,000 pilgrims from around the world had registered as of October. The city is so popular with travelers that it ranks in the Conde Nast readers’ choice of the top 25 cities in the world. With many Catholic points of interest and its strong connection to the life of St. John Paul, Krakow and its environs remain a top pilgrim destination as well. “Krakow is historic, atmospheric, romantic, friendly and charming,” said Basiura, a city guide and doctor of philosophy. “There’s always something interesting to see and do.” The gothic St. Mary’s Basilica anchors the main square, the largest in Europe. The church is dedicated to the assumption of Mary. Its most cherished work of art, a wooden and gilded altarpiece by German sculptor Veit Stoss, depicts Mary’s dormition and assumption into heaven. Outside, situated between the basilica’s massive towers, a digital clock counts down to the opening of World Youth Day. At the center of the square is Cloth Hall, a medieval market filled with venders offering Polish handicrafts, art, clothing and jewelry. Religious goods, including renditions of Poland’s patroness, Our Lady of Czestochowa, and amber rosaries can be found there. Karol Wojtyla, later St. John Paul, spent nearly four decades in Krakow and was its archbishop from 1964 until his election as pope in 1978. Statues and images of him appear throughout Krakow, including on Wawel Hill, the city’s birthplace and treasured landmark. In 1946, newly ordained Father Wojytla celebrated his first Mass in the crypt of St. Leonard below Wawel Cathedral. Later, he was installed archbishop at the cathedral, which is dedicated to Sts. Stanislaus and Wenceslas. Memorabilia related to St. John Paul are displayed in the cathedral’s museum. Located south of the city center is the immense modern Divine Mercy Sanctuary, dedicated to the devotion promulgated by St. Faustina and advanced by St. John Paul II. Pope Francis is to lead the Way of the Cross from the sanctuary during World Youth Day. In 2002, St. John Paul blessed the new sanctuary at the site where St. Faustina died. It had personal meaning to him, he said during the dedication. It was the place he would stop to pray while working at a nearby factory during the Nazi occupation of Poland. The two-story sanctuary, constructed in the shape of a ship with a capacity for 5,000 worshippers, is set apart from the city’s historic churches. Two of Krakow’s most visited churches are Sts. Peter and Paul and St. Andrew’s, located adjacent to one another along Grodzka Street just off the Main Square. Pope Francis: A family that doesn’t eat together is hardly a family »Birthday & Anniversary Wishes The list of birthdays and ordination anniversaries is provided so that parishioners may remember the priests, deacons and religious in their prayers and send them a note or a card. » Meals not only a time to share food but also stories, experiences 1 1 9 10 11 15 25 29 30 By JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — A family that chooses to watch TV or play with their smartphones rather than talk at the dinner table is “hardly a family,” Pope Francis said. “When children at the dinner table are glued to the computer, or the telephone and do not listen to one another, they are not a family, they are retired,” the pope said Nov. 11 during his weekly general audience. Continuing his catechetical series on family life, the pope reflected on the theme of togetherness, which is manifested at the dinner table. The pope said that “to share a meal — and not just food, but also affection, stories, events — is a fundamental experience.” The pope said Christians have a special vocation to foster family togetherness. The dinner table, he noted, is the place chosen by Jesus to teach his disciples and where he summarized the meaning of his death on the cross “that nourishes true and everlasting love.” For this reason, the family feels “at home” at the celebration of the Eucharist where they bring their “experience of togetherness and open it to the grace of a universal coexistence, of the love of God for the world,” he said. “Through the participation in Nancy Wiechec/Catholic News Service People walk through the market center in early September in Krakow’s main square in Poland. The city, once the royal capital of Poland, will host the international World Youth Day in July 2016. December Birthdays Rev. Oliver Angel, JCL Rev. Andres Gutierrez Rev. Emmanuel Kwofie Rev. Simon Brzozowski, MSF Rev. Msgr. Gustavo Barrera Rev. Arturo Castillo Rev. Ignacio Luna Rev. Jerzy E. Maika Rev. Gregory Labus 24 Sister Margarita Ortiz, OP Karen Callaway/Catholic News Service A family prays together before a meal in 2012 at their Chicago home. A family that chooses to watch TV or play with their smartphones rather than talk at the dinner table is “hardly a family,” Pope Francis said. the Eucharist, the family is purified of the temptation to be closed in on itself; it is strengthened in love and fidelity, and stretches the boundaries of brotherhood according to the heart of Christ,” the pope said. “There are no little ones, orphans, weak ones, defenseless, wounded and disillusioned, desperate and abandoned ones that the eucharistic togetherness of the family can’t nourish, refresh, protect and care.” However, the pope said that there are obstacles to family togetherness and Christians are called to overcome them. At the dinner table, he said, families speak and listen, but “there can’t be any silence that is not the silence of monks but of selfishness, of the cellphone, of the television.” People in wealthier countries, in particular, are enticed to spend money on excessive amounts of food that ultimately distract from the “true hunger of the body and the soul,” he said. “When there is no togetherness, there is selfishness and each one thinks of him- or herself,” the pope said. Advertisements have picked up on the loss of animated family meals and instead offer “a listlessness of snacks and hankering for sweets while so many of our brothers and sisters remain far from the table. What a shame!” Pope Francis called on families to contemplate the mystery of the Eucharist in which “Christ breaks his body and shares his blood for all. There is no division that can resist this sacrifice of communion.” Christian families who embrace this calling of togetherness, “cooperate with the grace of the Eucharist, which has the power to create an always new communion that includes and saves,” he said. 9 17 22 31 Deacon Jose G. Gonzalez Deacon Gilberto Lopez Deacon Roberto Cano Deacon Crawford A. Higgins 3 8 13 13 13 17 19 19 30 Rev. Gustavo Obando Rev. Alejandro G. Fajardo Rev. Genaro Hernriquez Rev. Joel Grissom, SM Rev. Rodolfo Franco Rev. Msgr. Juan Nicolau, Ph.D Rev. Francisco Acosta Rev. Thomas Pincelli Rev. Robert DeLong, MSF 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Deacon Hector Garcia Deacon Gerardo Aguilar Deacon Antonio M. Arteaga Deacon Ramiro Davila Jr. Deacon Paul Escobar Deacon David Espinoza Deacon Francisco R. Flores Deacon Reynaldo I. Flores Deacon Javier A. Garcia Deacon Oscar Garcia Deacon Silvestre J. Garcia Deacon Jose G. Gonzalez Deacon Gilberto Guardiola Jr. Deacon Crawford A. Higgins Deacon Amando Peña Jr. » Anniversaries 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Deacon Graciano Rodriguez Deacon Gerardo J. Rosa Deacon Rodolfo Sepulveda Jr. Deacon Raymond Thomas Jr. Deacon Nicolas E. Trujillo Deacon Catarino Villanueva Deacon Armandin Villarreal Deacon Luis Zuñiga January » Birthdays 1 4 6 10 13 22 22 24 28 28 Rev. Leo Francis Daniels, CO Rev. Rigobert Poulang Mot Rev. Msgr. Louis Brum Rev. Eusebio Martinez Rev. Alejandro Flores Rev. Horacio Chavarria Rev. Oscar Siordia Rev. Ignacio Tapia Rev. Robert Davola Rev. William Penderghest, 2 4 14 18 19 23 24 28 Deacon Alfred Crixell Deacon John P. Kinch Deacon Paulo Escobar Deacon Ramon G. Leal Deacon Salvador G. Saldivar Deacon Reynaldo I Flores Deacon Juan Valenzuela Deacon Alejandro Flores 3 Brother Hoss A. Alvarez, MSC 5 Sister Emily Jocson, ICM 23 Sister Dianne Maresha » Anniversaries 4 4 28 30 30 Rev. Thomas Kulleck Rev. Manoj Kumar Nayak, Rev. Cesar Partida Bishop Daniel Flores as priest Msgr. Agostinho S. Pacheco 28 Deacon Francisco Pon 8 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - Those Who Serve: DECEMBER 2015 Father Harry Schuckenbrock, OMI Oblate priest served as first director of catechesis Raymondville native recalls early days of Brownsville diocese By ROSE YBARRA The Valley Catholic SAN ANTONIO — When the Diocese of Brownsville was established in 1965, there was a great need for organization and structure. The ninth diocese in Texas was formed by detaching the four counties of Cameron, Willacy, Hidalgo and Starr from the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Although the Catholic faith was present in the Rio Grande Valley since the 1500s, this was the first time the Church community was organized into manageable units, said Father Harry Schuckenbrock of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. “In those first days, we were giving things a direction that in the older dioceses were already set,” he added. “It was like beginning brand new.” The Raymondville native was tabbed for a key role in the diocese in those early days. Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros appointed Father Schuckenbrock director of religious education for the diocese in 1966 and charged him with conducting the first diocesan-wide census. In February 1967, Father Schuckenbrock organized more than 10,000 volunteers who went door-to-door to interview families and gather statistical data. “Those of us who needed to make some decisions needed that information and we didn’t have that information on the four counties, outside of the U.S. Census,” he said. “Our census laid out for us the extent of the growth of the Catholic faith in the Valley. It helped us determine where we needed parishes and other ministries. It was exciting putting things together.” Father Schuckenbrock, 82, was a force behind many important projects in the diocese. In addition to the conducting the first census, he expanded religious education and was the first pastor of St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish in Brownsville, the first parish in world named for the founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Today, Father Schuckenbrock is retired from active ministry and lives at the Oblate Madonna Residence in San Antonio, a retirement community for the Oblate priests, but for him, the Valley will always be home. One of seven children, he was born on July 20, 1933 in Lasara to Tony and Marie Schuckenbrock and raised in Raymondville. His family worked in agriculture and he helped by picking cotton. It was during this time that the fully bilingual priest first learned to speak some Spanish. “I learned certain things as a child,” said Father Schuckenbrock, who is also an avid outdoorsman. “We used to pick cotton as kids together with the cotton pickers from Mexico so trying to communicate with them, we learned a few words, conversational Spanish. I learned the grammar stuff in school.” He left Raymondville as a sophomore in high school to attend the Oblates junior seminary in San Antonio but returned in the summers and on holidays to visit with his family and friends. He was ordained a priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate on Sept. 8, 1959 at the DeMazenod Seminary Chapel in San Antonio and spent more than half of his 52 years of active ministry serving in the Diocese of Brownsville. When Father Schuckenbrock started as director of religious education for the diocese, most parishes only offered first communion preparation for public school students. He expanded religious education programs to include students from first grade to 12th grade and Courtesy photo Father Harry Schuckenbrock of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate celebrates his 50th anniversary as a priest in 2009 at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Port Isabel where he was in residence at the time. implemented programs for adults with the help of religious sisters of the Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence. He assigned a sister to each county to oversee the religious education programs and provide training and orientation for new catechists. “He wanted to make sure the teachers had everything they needed to do good formation,” said Sister Mary Felice Mojica, 85, of the Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence, one of the four sisters who assisted Father Schuckenbrock. The others were Sister Victo- ria Pastrano, Sister Wilfred Ontiveros and Sister Yolanda Rodriguez. “He created a large library with resources for the catechists with books and audio visual materials. He also wanted every student to have a textbook and every teacher to have a proper training manual. “He worked for all of the diocese, not just one part, and made sure we went to every parish. All those things showed how enthusiastic he was about people really learning the religion and living it.” Towards the end of his sevenyear tenure as director of religious Anatomy of matachines costume explained Each element tells a story about the Catholic faith The Valley Catholic They are vibrant and intricate, but the garb worn by matachines is more than meets the eye. Marisela Garcia, a longtime matchines instructor and costume maker said every detail on the costumes she and the other dancers wear are based on the faith and history of Catholicism in Mexico. The sights and sounds of the matachines are intended to bring attention to Jesus. “The headpiece is called a penacho,” she said. “It is a crown and it is a symbol of the queens who sent the Spanish explorers to Mexico in the 1400s. “But if you notice the shape of the crown, it is a pyramid representing the Aztec people because the Aztec people were converted to Catholic Christians.” Photos by The Valley Catholic The concheros — rattles made from shells — used by matachines are designed to call attention to Jesus. Like Church bells which call the faithful to worship, every sound the matachines make, from the drum beats to the rattles from the concheros, are, “a call from God,” Garcia said. The seven feathers in her crown represent the seven sacraments and the red on the costumes represents the holy blood of Jesus. Many costumes are also emblazoned with images of the Virgen de Guadalupe. “Our costumes are an opportunity to evangelize,” Garcia said. “Every dancer that comes to my group learns about our faith. You need to know about what you are representing. “It is an honor and a privilege to dance for Jesus.” On Saturday, Dec. 12, matachines groups across the Rio Grande Valley and around the world will dance in honor of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas. In Brownsville, parishioners, including matachines, from several churches, will journey in procession to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 1200 E. Lincoln St. for an outdoor Mass with Bishop Daniel E. Flores at 7 p.m. In Brownsville, it is a decades-old tradition that commemorates the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother to the indigenous Juan Diego, at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of Mexico City in December, 1531. “It’s an honor and a privilege to dance for Jesus.” - Marisela Garcia, matachines instructor, dancer education for the diocese, Father Schuckenbrock advocated for a religious education coordinator in every parish. “Because where they had one, the programs were going very well but where they did not have one, it sort of remained a sloppy operation,” he said. Father Schuckenbrock was the first pastor of St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish in Brownsville, where he served from 1996-2005. Masses were celebrated in a metal building which was affectionately referred to as the “bodega church,” by the parishioners. The building, which was constructed in 1990, was intended to be a temporary sanctuary but it took 23 years to raise enough money for a new church building, which came with a price tag of $1.69 million. Father Schuckenbrock attended the blessing and dedication of the new 8,854-square-foot, Spanish colonial-style church on Dec. 7, 2013 where he received a standing ovation that moved him to tears. The old bodega church – now the parish hall - was named in Father Schuckenbrock’s honor. “On that occasion, I got kind of emotional about the whole thing,” he said. “They gave me a standing ovation and it just tore me up.” “Father Harry is greatly beloved to us,” said Juanita Barron, secretary and longtime parishioner of St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish. “He is loved and respected and we know that he loves and respects us just the same…. The fact that he was so moved at the dedication is further proof of that. Our joy is his joy.” “The community struggled to provide for their own families,” Father Schuckenbrock said. “Despite the fact that they did not have a whole lot to give, they gave everything they could give, they really did. They were extremely generous. Especially with their time in making tamales and menudo to raise money for the church. It was wonderful to be with them, to witness their courage and their hope.” YEAR IN REVIEW December 2015 2014 - The Valley Catholic 9 2015 The Diocese of Brownsville celebrated a milestone anniversary in 2015. Pope Francis visited Sacred Heart Church in McAllen via satellite in August. A month later he traveled to the United States for his first visit. These are among the highlights from an incredible year. January Sister Pimentel presented with national award Sister Norma Pimentel of the Missionaries of Jesus, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, was among three religious leaders who received the “Keep the Dream Alive” Award, a national honor for excellence in the ministry of social justice on Jan. 9 in Washington, D.C. Presented by Catholic Charities USA, the award is named for civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Sister Pimentel was recognized for her ministry with Central American refugees. Development on Jan. 22 at the San Juan Pastoral Center. This workshop shared effective ways in which parish communities are engaging parents and helping families grow in faith together. KMBH-TV sold The Board of the RGV Educational Broadcasting, Inc. announced that the sale of the television station KMBH-TV was finalized on Jan. 23. RGV Educational Broadcasting, Inc., a nonprofit corporation formed in 1983 with the support of the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville, served the Rio Grande Valley community for 30 years. Filipino community gathers for Feast of Santo Niño On Jan. 18, Bishop Daniel E. Flores celebrated a Mass for the Filipino community on the Feast of Santo Niño at St. Anne Parish in Peñitas. The celebration began with a Sinulog/ Dinagyang/Ati-atihan procession of the image of Santo Niño, followed by the Mass and a celebration featuring Filipino cuisine, dance and music. Diocese hosts national family ministry workshop The Youth Ministry Office of the diocese sponsored” Engaging Parents - Forming Family Faith,” a national workshop by the Center for Ministry Catholic education highlighted at annual banquet The diocesan Catholic Schools Office hosted the 18th Annual Spirit Awards banquet on Jan. 23 at Msgr. Ralph Hall at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in McAllen. The event honors excellence in Catholic education while raising funds for the diocese’s tuition assistance program. An honoree or honorees from each of the 13 Catholic schools in the diocese was recognized at the event. The diocesan honoree was Lisette Allen, director of accreditation for the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department in Austin. A native of Harlingen, she served as superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Brownsville for six years before assuming her current responsibilities. spread the message and devotion of Divine Mercy, held its annual conference on Jan. 24 at the Performing Arts Center in Weslaco. February Knights of Columbus sponsor youth retreat Bishop Flores celebrated a Mass in honor of World Day for Consecrated Life on Feb. 1 at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine. All religious priests, sisters and brothers serving in our diocese were invited to attend. Knights of Columbus Council 12040 hosted its 12th Annual Youth Retreat and Concert, “Vision of Faith” on Jan. 31 at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in McAllen. The event, which was open to all high school students in our diocese, featured Steve Angrisano. Bishop Flores served as a guest speaker and celebrated the closing Mass. Hundreds attend annual Pro-Life March & Rally The Annual Pro-Life March & Rally was held on Jan. 24 in McAllen, drawing hundreds of participants. The event began with opening prayers led by Bishop Flores at St. Joseph the Worker Parish followed by a procession into downtown during which the participants stopped to pray at the local abortion clinic. The event concluded at Sacred Heart Parish. The event, which is sponsored by the Respect Life Apostolate of the Diocese of Brownsville, is held in reparation for the more than 57 million babies who have been killed in the United States since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling on Jan. 22, 1973 that legalized abortion. Fifth Annual Divine Mercy Conference held Jan. 24 Fountain of Mercy Ministries, a local apostolate whose mission is to Religious honored on World Day for Consecrated Life CRS representative visits Rio Grande Valley Center for unaccompanied immigrant minors blessed Bishop Daniel E. Flores blessed a new center for unaccompanied immigrant minors at Resurrection Catholic Church in Alamo on Jan. 31. Bishop Flores also blessed frescoes in the Fatima Chapel finished by the artist Uriel Landeros, a native of Alamo, and the St. Gabriel Computer Center that will be available for use by the community, especially children with no computer at home. Jorge Brenes-Abdalah, a Catholic Relief Services (CRS) speaker talked to Catholic school students and to young Catholic Professionals during a speaking tour Feb. 2-4 in the Diocese of Brownsville. During his visit, he spoke about his experiences and shared what CRS is doing to provide sustainable growth and development in Nicaragua and around the world. Caritas Internationalis examines local response to humanitarian crisis Members of the international aid organization, Caritas Internationalis, came to the Rio Grande Valley in February to see the local Church’s response to the humanitarian crisis that caught the world’s attention in June 2014. “We are here at the border and we are seeing, together, what is 10 YEAR IN REVIEW happening to the children and families in the area firsthand, which gives us a better reference point for how we can better be of help,” said Sister Donna Markham, president of Catholic Charities USA. Caritas North America, Caritas Latin America and Caribbean came south and held their annual meeting in San Juan Feb. 4-6. Conference promotes stewardship The Third Annual Diocesan Stewardship Conference, hosted by the Diocese of Brownsville, was held Feb. 5-7 at the Bishop Marx Conference Center of the San Juan Pastoral Center. Bishop Flores delivered the keynote address. Sessions in English and Spanish covered topics such as the basics of stewardship; stewardship and discipleship; forming councils and the diocesan grants program. Married couples recognized at World Marriage Day Couples who celebrated a wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and more years in 2015 were honored during a Mass for World Marriage Day on Feb. 7 at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del ValleNational Shrine. The Mass, which is sponsored by the Family Life Office of the diocese, highlights the positive example of the couples’ witness to the Sacrament of Marriage. Bishop Flores recognizes Scouts at Mass, dinner The fourth annual Religious Recognition Mass and Dinner for Scouts with Bishop Flores was held on Feb. 15 at Holy Spirit Church in McAllen. The event is for those who earned religious emblems from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. Bishop, imams, rabbi participate in interfaith gathering in McAllen At a time when conflicts have been associated with religious tensions in different corners of the world, religious leaders in the Rio Grande Valley are engaging in interfaith dialogues for peace and creating opportunities to listen and understand each other’s faiths and cultures. “I have my hopes these dialogues can be of great good for the local community,” said Bishop Flores during an interfaith luncheon with the imams and the rabbi from McAllen, and other representatives on Feb. 19. Bishop Flores gives talk on immigration in Washington Bishop Flores delivered a lecture on immigration Feb. 24 on the campus of The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., urging the country to breakout of social “paralysis” on the issue and approach it with faith. Pilgrimages to historical cites celebrate diocese’s jubilee In honor of the Diocese of Brownsville’s Golden Jubilee, four one-day pilgrimages were organized. The first pilgrimage was held on Feb. 28 and included visits to historic sites of the diocese, including the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville, La Lomita in Mission and Our Lady of Refuge Church in Roma. Pharr Oratory wins TAPPS state championship in soccer The Pharr Oratory Athenaeum for University Preparation soccer team earned the state championship after playing their final game on Feb. 28 in Waco against the then-undefeated Austin Hill Country Christian Academy under cold conditions. The final score was 2-0. The team was one of the 538 registered members of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) in Division III. The Valley Catholic - December 2015 Border bishops meet in Brownsville Ten bishops from along the TexasMexico border celebrated a Mass for peace and justice on March 17 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville and consecrated the border to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The bishops meet twice a year, alternating locations between the two sides of the border, to continue their work centered on the pastoral realities affecting the dioceses in Texas and northern Mexico, including immigration and migration issues. Sister Pimentel speaks at United Nations Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, spoke at the United Nations in New York on March 18 during the 59th Annual Commission on the Status of Women. Sister Pimentel was part of panel addressing, “Women Upholding Human Dignity.” The RGV Catholic Men’s Fellowship sponsored a Catholic Men’s and Women’s Conference on March 21 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in McAllen. The focus of the event was family life. Bishop Flores, who spoke at the conference, shared stories about his own family and said God’s providence is constantly working in our lives. Bicycle ride to combat poverty held March 14 Volunteers recognized at Catholic Charities annual gala Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley hosted its 5th Annual Gala, “Celebrating 50 Years of Providing Help, Creating Hope,” on March 14 at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance. Herminia Forshage, a volunteer and philanthropist, was the recipient of the 2015 Hope Award, which honors those who serve the most vulnerable members of society. Other key volunteers from the immigrant respite centers in Brownsville and McAllen were also recognized. Father Larry Snyder, former president of Catholic Charities USA, served as the gala’s keynote speaker. Teens gather for pro-life retreat in Brownsville The third annual Pro-Life Youth Retreat was held April 10 at Dean Porter Park in Brownsville. The free, all-night event, which promotes chastity and pro-life values, is designed for middle school and high school students. Annual Hike for Life held in Brownsville The fifth annual Brownsville Hike for Life was held on April 11 at Dean Porter Park. Bishop Flores served as the keynote speaker. Pro-life advocates sang and prayed as they walked from the park to the Federal Courthouse. The purpose of the hike is to create awareness of the dignity and value of human life and to raise funds for the Gift of Life Pregnancy Center, a pro-life facility in Brownsville that primarily serves women in crisis pregnancy. Serra International President Daniel Grady travelled to the Rio Grande Valley to attend a conference for Serra’s National Council for the United States (USAC). Local Serra clubs hosted a dinner on April 24 for the national president and Dr. Ruben Gallegos, who also serves on the national board. Serra International is a lay apostolate that promotes vocations to the priesthood. Currently there are four local chapters in the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholics from across the Lone Star State united on March 24 for the Texas Catholic Conference’s 2015 Texas Catholic Faith in Action Advocacy Day. The bi-annual rally was hosted by the Texas Bishops to promote the Church’s values of life, justice, charity, and religious freedom to members of the 84th Texas Legislature. The Bishops and event participants addressed a broad range of diverse issues including advance directives reform, school choice tax credit scholarships, payday lending, Medicaid expansion, and abortion facilities regulation. Pro-life pregnancy center hosts annual Mass, gala The McAllen Pregnancy Center held its sixth annual Mass of Thanksgiving and gala on March 28. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Flores at St. Joseph Church in Edinburg and the gala, themed “Noche de Vida y Luna” was held at Valencia Events Center in McAllen. The proceeds from the event benefitted the center, which provides free, confidential services for women facing crisis pregnancies. Holy oils blessed at Chrism Mass Bishop Flores celebrated the annual Chrism Mass on March 31 at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Bishop, Steward the Caterpillar celebrate Día de los Niños with families Project ARISE hosted a Día de los Niños celebration on April 25 at the community center on South Tower Road in Alamo. The event was cosponsored by the Diocese of Brownsville’s Stewardship and Development Office. Steward the Caterpillar, the Children’s Stewardship Program mascot, visited with the children and spoke about sharing their God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure with others. Center volunteer named finalist for national award Thousands of Texas Catholics attend Advocacy Day in Austin Basilica hosts mariachi concerts The Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine held its fourth annual Mariachi Concerts on Feb. 13 and Feb. 20, featuring their professional house mariachi, mariachi bands from local middle school and high schools along with local professional groups. April Serra International president visits diocese Catholic Men’s and Women’s Conference held in McAllen March The 11th Annual Oblate Trail Ride, a bicycle ride that raises funds to combat poverty sponsored by the Diocese of Brownsville Development Office, was held on March 14. The Oblate Trail Ride, which features 25 and 62.5-mile rides, benefits the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. The funds raised will benefit projects in the Valley. del Valle-National Shrine. During this Mass, the priests, deacons and representatives of the diocesan community gather with the bishop, who blesses the holy oils — the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens and the sacred Chrism — for use in the coming year. The entire assembly is called to renew its baptismal promises. Priests also renew their vow of obedience to the bishop and their commitment to serve God’s people. Middle school students celebrate faith at Youth JAM The Office of Youth Ministry hosted the annual Youth JAM retreat on April 18 at B. Garza Middle School in Weslaco, where hundreds of sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders gathered for faith and fellowship. The theme of Youth JAM was derived from Matthew 5:8, which reads, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Alamo native Father Agustino Torres of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal served as the keynote speaker. Father Torres now serves in the metro New York City area. Diocese, Young Life work together to bring teens to Christ Young Life, a non-denominational Christian ministry and the Catholic Church marked a new chapter aimed at reaching out to young people who have disconnected from their faith. Bishop Flores signed a collaborative agreement on April 21 with Young Life to “Reach a World of Kids” together – introducing teens to Jesus Christ, helping them grow in their faith, and guiding them back to their respective faith communities. The signing marked the first time that a Catholic diocese and Young Life have formally united to share in the call to reach “every kid, everywhere” with the gospel. Alma Revesz, a lead volunteer at Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley’s (CCRGV) Humanitarian Respite Center (HRC) at Sacred Heart Church, McAllen, was named one of Catholic Charities USA “2015 National Volunteer of the Year” finalists in April. A parishioner of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in McAllen. she volunteers six days a week, averaging nine to 10 hours a day. May Inaugural women’s conference held in McAllen A Catholic Women’s Conference, “Living the Joy of the Gospel & Celebrating the Feminine Genius,” was held during the Month of Mary on May 2. The event was organized by different ministries of the Diocese of Brownsville, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas and other women’s groups. Keynote speakers included Bishop Flores and Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo, president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services. Group equipped to share the Good News Forty eight students from parishes through the diocese completed the Escuela Biblica Católica, a fouryear program of intensive study that YEAR IN REVIEW 11 December 2015 2014 --The The Valley Valley Catholic Catholic covers the entire Bible. The students received certificates of completion at a ceremony held on May 2 in the chapel of the San Juan Pastoral Center. They were also recognized by the University of Dallas-School of Ministry, which developed the program. The goal is for the laity to be formed so they, in turn, can implement Scripture studies in their parishes. Prison retreat held in Willacy County On May 14-17, 2015, the Office of Jail/Prison Ministry presented the first Prison Retreat at the Willacy State Jail Facility located in Raymondville. This Prison Retreat, similar to the ACTS Retreats, has had tremendous impact on the lives of men behind bars across the state of Texas. Begun by a group of men in the Austin Diocese, the Kolbe Prison Retreats have brought new hope to men who are cut off from their families and loved ones — who are in pain, who are suffering and who are forgotten. Sacred Heart Parish celebrates 50th Anniversary Bishop Flores joined parishioners from Sacred Heart Church in Elsa to celebrate the parish’s 50th Anniversary during the noon Mass on May 17. The first chapel was built in 1930, a mission of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Weslaco. A building purchased from the Harlingen Air Force Base was moved to Elsa and renovated for use as a church in 1948. A new church building was blessed and dedicated in the spring of 1965 by Bishop Adolph Marx, who was the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi at the time. He would later be appointed the first bishop of the Diocese of Brownsville. Two priests ordained Bishop Flores ordained Jesus G. Garza and Rene Gaytan to the holy priesthood on May 30 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville. Father Garza, a McAllen native, was assigned parochial vicar of Immaculate Conception Parish in Rio Grande City. Father Gaytan, a native of Magdalena, Jalisco, Mexico, was assigned parochial vicar of Sacred Heart Parish in Elsa. Children from Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jewish faith traditions participated in a variety of games and activities during an Interfaith Field Day on May 17 at Fireman’s Park in McAllen. The event themed, “We are all God’s Children” was initiated by the different faith groups as an interfaith peace project. Between games and meal sharing, Bishop Flores said, “As we experience the joy of getting to know each other, we recognize we have a great gift of life and we should all share it with each other. Even though we belong to different religions and have different ways and times of worshiping God, we know that God loves us all very much and he wants us to learn how to love one another. We want to try to be a people who share that message of love and joy.” First class graduates from Catholic high school Seventy years of faith St. Thomas Church in Brownsville, a mission of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, celebrated its 70th anniversary on July 5 with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Flores. The Stewardship and Development Office launched the annual diocesan appeal “Merciful Year of Rebuilding Our Faith,” in late July. Proceeds from the appeal, which ends in January 2016, will benefit our local parishes. Cano joined 3,100 sisters in the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. June Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service and the Texas Department of Agriculture, sponsored the Summer Food Service Program to ensure that low-income children receive nutritious meals when school is out for the summer. The program, which ran June 1 to Aug. 29, served more than 90,000 free meals to children, ages 3-18, in the Rio Grande Valley. Priests welcomed home The Most Rev. Michael D. Pfeifer, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of San Angelo and his brother Father Theodore “Ted” Pfeifer of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate returned to their hometown of Alamo on July 12 to celebrate their priestly anniversaries at Resurrection Parish. Bishop Emeritus Pfeifer celebrated 50 years as a priest while Father Pfeifer marked his 56th anniversary of ordination. Holy Spirit Parish in McAllen opens renewal center Holy Spirit Church in McAllen opened the doors to its new retreat house, the Holy Spirit Renewal Center, Youth & Adult Domus on July 19. Bishop Flores celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving before cutting the ribbon on the new center, which includes 24 dorm rooms and meeting spaces. August Father-Son Program held the day before Fathers Day The Father-Son Program was held on June 20 at the Bishop Adolph Marx Conference Center in San Juan. Dads and their 10, 11, or 12 year old sons were invited to spend a morning reflecting on what it means to be a man with Christian values, the move into manhood and on God’s plan for the role of men in today’s world. Pope Francis makes ‘virtual’ visit to McAllen Pope Francis participated in a virtual audience on Aug. 31 with Americans from around the country during an event hosted by ABC News. The event was moderated from inside the Vatican by ABC News anchor David Muir as the Holy Father engaged via satellite with individuals in three different locations: Sacred Heart Parish in McAllen; Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Chicago and a homeless shelter in Los Angeles. The event was aired in a one-hour special edition of “20/20” on Sept. 4. September Immigrant respite center celebrates anniversary The immigrant respite center at Sacred Heart Parish McAllen opened on June 10, 2014. The immigrants, mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, are dropped off by Golden Jubilee Mass celebrated on Sept. 2 An open air Mass was celebrated on Sept. 2 in front of the mosaic at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle-National Shrine to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of Brownsville. More than 3,000 attended the sunset celebration, which was the principal event of the Jubilee Year. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston was present at the Mass as well as several other bishops, including the Most Rev. Ruy Rendon of Matamoros; the Most Rev. Jose S. Vasquez of Austin; the Most Rev. Placido Rodriguez, CMF, of Lubbock; the Most Rev. Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of San Angelo and the Most Rev. Raymundo J. Peña, Bishop Emeritus of Brownsville. Border bishops meet in Matamoros Nine bishops from the U.S. and Mexico border prayed for immigrants during an outdoor Mass Sept. 5 along the edges of the Rio Bravo in Matamoros Tamaulipas, Mexico, calling for more action in reaching out to “our brothers and sisters who suffer.” Catholic nursing home celebrates gala Raymondville native takes perpetual vows with Sisters of Mercy Sister Claudia Cano professed perpetual vows on Aug. 8 at her home parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Raymondville. She took vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and service to the poor, sick and uneducated. The Mass and profession ceremony was celebrated by Bishop Flores. Sister Cano was joined by family and friends, including her parents Jorge and Dora Cano. With this final step into the Mercy community, Sister celebrated Mass for the 71 active and 18 retired permanent deacons serving in our diocese. St. Paul Church marks 100 years Juan Diego Academy in Mission celebrated its first class of graduates in 2015. Twenty students received their diplomas at a commencement ceremony on May 28 in the school gymnasium. Confederation of Oratory kicks off Jubilee Year Father Mario Avilés, procurator general of the Confederation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, announced the celebration of a jubilee year from May 25, 2015 to May 26, 2016 in honor of the quincentenary of the birth of St. Philip Neri (1515-2015), founder of the Confederation. The Confederation of the Oratory was founded in Rome by St. Philip Neri in the 16th century. It is a society of apostolic life of Catholic priests and brothers who live together in a community known as an Oratory. July Annual appeal launched More than 90,000 meals provided to students Interfaith Field Day U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) agents at the McAllen bus station a few blocks away from the church after being detained and processed. They are given a court date and granted permission to travel to their final destination. At the center, the immigrants are provided food, lodging, clothing, showers, personal hygiene products and more while they wait for their buses to depart. San Juan Nursing Home, the only Catholic long-term facility in the Rio Grande Valley, is celebrated its Golden Anniversary Gala on Sept. 10 at the Valencia Events Center in McAllen. Bishop Flores served as the keynote speaker. Operated under the guidance of the Diocese of Brownsville, San Juan Nursing offers its residents Mass every Sunday, confession and prayer time that they might otherwise miss out on due to their health constraints. Bishop Flores celebrated a Centennial Celebration Mass on Sept. 13 at St. Paul Church in Mission. The cornerstone for the original church was placed on April 13, 1913. The church cost $5,078.48 to build, which included the price of the land for $400. The first wedding at the church was held in February 1915. Catechists gathered for Annual Convocation The 2015 Catechetical Convocation was held on Sept. 19 at the McAllen Convention Center. The theme of the event was “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person.” More than 1,700 catechists who serve in the Diocese of Brownsville’s parishes, mission churches and Catholic schools attended the event. Bishop Flores commissioned the catechists for their ministry and awarded service pins to catechists who have completed 10, 20, 25 and 30+ years of faith formation ministry. Rio Grande City altar society celebrates 125 years Members of the Vela Perpetua Altar Society from Immaculate Conception Church in Rio Grande City were honored on the occasion of the organization’s 125th Anniversary at a Mass on Sept. 19. The Vela Perpetua Altar Society was established in 1890 by Louisiana Davis, the daughter of Henry Clay Davis, who founded Rio Grande City in 1848 after the Mexican War. Valley residents travel to see Pope Francis More than 100 people from the diocese traveled to Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia to see Pope Francis. He visited the United States from Sept. 22-27, primarily to celebrate the closing Mass for the 2015 World Meeting of Families. October Retreat held at Segovia Prison Bishop Flores and Father George Gonzalez, Diocesan Prison Chaplain, celebrated Mass at Segovia Prison in Edinburg on Oct. 4 concluding a threeday Kolbe Prison Retreat led by Mario Rodriguez a parishioner of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in McAllen. Kolbe Prison Ministry operates under the direction and coordination of the CDOB Jail/ Prison Ministry Office. Deacons honored at annual Mass, banquet The annual Deacons Day celebration was held on Sept. 12 at Resurrection Church in Alamo. Bishop Flores What unites us: ‘We all love God’ 12 YEAR IN REVIEW Faith leaders came together to build peace and learn more about each other in an interreligious conversation on Oct. 7 at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley Community Engagement and Student Services Building in Edinburg. Some of the topics discussed were family life, youth and ways religion can contribute to the whole of the community. The Valley Catholic ic - Decembe December 20155 of Health Ministries was held in the parish hall after the Mass where four local doctors. The legal community gathered Oct. 8 for the Red Mass which is celebrated each year to invoke God’s blessing upon all protectors and administrators of the law, including lawyers, judges, government officials and law enforcement agents, as well as their families and support staffs. Bishop Flores celebrated the 21th annual Red Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Edinburg. Thomas Mengler, J.D., president of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, served as the keynote speaker at the banquet. New altar blessed in Donna More than 1,300 youth attended YouthBLAST, a one-day conference to deepen, celebrate and share the Catholic faith, on Oct. 24 at Weslaco East High School. The theme of the event was, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” from the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 5:8). Bishop Flores addressed the youth along with keynote speaker Michael Marchand. November St. Joseph Academy marks 150 years The Brownsville Academy, the school now known as St. Joseph Academy, opened after the Civil War, on Nov. 2, 1865 on Elizabeth Street. Later, it was known as St. Joseph College and St. Joseph School for Boys, before adopting the St. Joseph Academy name in 1930. Bishop Flores joined Father Robert DeLong of the Missionaries of the Holy Family on Oct. 11 to bless the newly renovated St. Joseph Church in Donna. The church was originally built in 1979. St. Joseph Church was established as a parish in 1928. Juan Diego Academy captured the TAPPS 1A state championship in volleyball on Nov. 14 with 3-1 win over Lubbock All Saints Episcopal School. Bishop Flores celebrated the Mass of Innocents, which extends healing to families who have experience the loss of a baby before or shortly after birth, on Oct. 13 at the Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel in McAllen. During the Mass, which was organized by the diocesan Respect Life Apostolate, parents were invited to write their baby’s name in a Book of Remembrance. The diocesan Office of Youth Ministry led a delegation of 58 youth and adults from across the Rio Grande Valley at the biennial National Catholic Youth Conference on Nov. 19-21 at Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. More than 23,000 youth and youth ministers attended the three-day conference, which included prayer, community and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones. Sharing Basket project feeds 5,000 families Peter Piper Pizza, KRGV and Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley joined forces for the annual Sharing Basket project, which provided food for 5,000 families in need just in time for Thanksgiving, December Dinner supports local parishes White Mass brings faith, medicine together The annual White Mass for the special intentions of health care professionals was celebrated by Bishop Flores on Oct. 15 at Our Lady of Perpetual Church in McAllen. A reception sponsored by the Office Father Ignacio Luna celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Leo Francis Daniels of the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Franciscan Brother Mario Nagy celebrated 50 years of religious life. Benedictine Sister Nancy Boushey celebrated 50 years of religious life. Sister Emma Marie Stillman of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament celebrated 50 years of religious life. The Bishop’s Annual Dinner was held on Dec. 4 at the St. Joan of Arc Parish Hall in Weslaco. The proceeds from the dinner are added to the Annual Diocesan Appeal and therefore used to fund Bishop’s charitable giving throughout the diocese. Brother Richard J. Sharpe, FMS Sept. 17, 1947 - May 27, 2015 Brother Richard J. Sharpe of the Marist Brothers, president of St. Joseph Academy, died on May 27, 2015 at McAllen Heart Hospital. He was 67. Brother Sharpe had a lifelong calling to Catholic education. He started his career as a teacher at Marist High School in Chicago and later served in administrative roles at Bishop Carroll High School, in Ebensburg, Penn.; Mount Saint Michael Academy in Bronx, N.Y.; St. Elizabeth High School in Oakland, Calif. and Our Lady of Lourdes High School in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. before arriving at St. Joseph Academy in 2002. Father Jaime Cabañas celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Tomás Matéos celebrated the 70th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Deaths Delegation attends national conference Father Gomez named Moderator of the Curia Bishop Flores announced on Oct. 14 that Father Jorge Gomez has been appointed Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Brownsville. Father Gomez assumes this role in conjunction with his roles as chancellor of the diocese and pastor of Holy Family Parish in Brownsville. As Moderator of the Curia Father Gomez assists the bishop with the internal management of the diocese. Father Ruben Delgado celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Capuchin Sister Marta Garcia celebrated 70 years of religious life. Juan Diego Academy wins state volleyball championship Mass of Innocents honors lost babies Sister Madonna Onyeukwu of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy celebrated 25 years of religious life. year. At the time of her death, she was the coordinator for special programs for the diocesan Catholic Schools Office. Father Michael Montoya of the Missionaries of Jesus celebrated 25 years of religious life. Their joy is contagious Red Mass celebrated Jubilees Sister Mary Beatrice Cruz, IWBS Sept. 28, 1932 - July 17, 2015 Sister Mary Beatrice Cruz, 82, a Sister of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, died peacefully at Incarnate Word Convent on July 17, 2015. She made first profession of vows April 21, 1951 and professed perpetual vows July 31,1954. Her years of ministry as a Sister included serving Incarnate Word Academy Elementary and Immaculate Conception in Brownsville and also as director of religious education at St. Joseph Parish in Donna and at St. Mary, Mother of the Church in Brownsville. Father Michael Annunziato, Merry Christmas! Peace, joy and blessings to you and your family. We thank our readers, contributors, advertisers and TVC Ambassadors for your prayers and support. Become a TVC Ambassador March 21, 1927 - January 13, 2015 Father Michael Annunziato of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary-United States Province died on Jan. 13, 2015 in New Bedford, Mass. He was 87. During his 61 years of priestly ministry, he served as pastor of Queen of Peace Church in Harlingen, Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish in La Joya and Sacred Heart Parish in Edinburg, in addition to assignments in Japan and Massachusetts. Deacon Irineo Gonzalez April 12, 1944 - Sept. 27, 2015 Deacon Irineo Gonzalez, 71, who served as deacon at St. Joseph Parish in Edinburg for 25 years, died Sept. 27, 2015. “Deacon Irineo and his wife, Tula have been very involved in the parish, long before he was ordained to the diaconate,” said Father Gregory T. Labus, pastor of St. Joseph Church in Edinburg. “As a deacon, he was especially dedicated to sacramental preparation.” Sister Helen Rottier, CSJ March 1, 1941 - May 19, 2015 Sister Helen Rottier of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet died on May 19, 2015 at the Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis. She was 74. Sister Rottier worked in the field of education in the Rio Grande Valley for more than 24 years, serving as a teacher at St. Joseph Academy in Brownsville; an administrator at St. Luke School in Brownsville; and principal of Immaculate Conception School in Rio Grande City before becoming the first principal of San Martin de Porres School in Weslaco from 1999 to 2012. She also taught part-time at Our Lady of Guadalupe School and Juan Diego Academy in Mission and served as interim principal at St. Joseph School in Edinburg for the 2014-15 academic Deacon Heriberto A. Treviño July 2, 1923 - Oct. 16, 2015 Deacon Heriberto A. Treviño, 93, of Brownsville died on Oct. 16, 2015 at his residence. Born in Los Saenz, Texas, he had resided in Brownsville since 1954. Deacon Treviño served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Brownsville in 1990 and served at Mary, Mother of the Church Parish. The communications team for the Diocese of Brownsville is exploring ways to expand The Valley Catholic newspaper’s reach and include more parish stories. To do this, we are looking for volunteers from each parish to serve as a Communications Ambassador for their parish. The Valley Catholic, the diocese’s newspaper, is an award-winning publication that provides stories each month, many of which are not covered by the secular media. Here is a volunteer opportunity to help spread the Good News. Please call (956) 784-5009 if you are interested in joining this ministry. DECIEMBRE 2015 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL - The Valley Catholic » La Alegría de Vivir »Vida Familiar Cinco etapas de la Sanación espiritual D L a sanación espiritual consta de cinco etapas: despertar, purificación, iluminación, la oscuridad del alma y la unión mística. La etapa del Despertar ocurre durante una crisis o alguna experiencia traumática, se descubre que hay potencial y un poder dentro de nosotros que no hemos utilizado hasta entonces. Muchas veces necesitan estar frente a una tragedia para tratar algo nuevo, entendiendo que su vida en ese momento es una crucifixión, el despertar es simbólicamente una resurrección. Durante esta etapa se cae en la realización de que tenemos elección, como si Dios nos hablara y dijera: “he puesto ante ti la vida y la muerte, bendiciones y maldiciones, pero la elección es tuya”. Muchos despiertan al hecho que debe haber más vida y se preguntan tres cosas: quien soy yo?, donde voy? y si hay algo más que esto?. Esta tercera pregunta es lo que los motiva y explica la profundidad del gran interés espiritual. La oración en esta etapa es lo que yo llamo “dame” oraciones llenas de miedo, o “Dios, si me escuchas dame” La etapa de Purificación es una etapa maravillosa donde estamos trabajando en aquello que nos mantiene alejados de Dios, haciendo todo lo posible y hasta lo imposible para remover de nuestra vida aquello que nos impide sentirnos en la presencia de Dios. La lucha más grande en esta etapa será contra el EGO, esta parte de nosotros que no quiere que Dios nos domine. En esta etapa mucha gente descubre lo que se llama oraciones de afirmación, empiezan a experimentar cosas que ahora entiendan. La tercera etapa que llamamos de Iluminación puede ser una etapa peligrosa que puede ser destructiva, pues confrontamos nuestras creencias, ahora empezamos a conocer y a cuestionar nuestras creencias pero cuando se presenta la iluminación se empieza 13 Msgr. Juan Nicolau Sacerdote jubilado de la Diócesis de Brownsville a dar gracias a Dios por lo vivido, y se experimenta el verdadero valor de vivir, pensando que la vida vale la pena vivirse. Este es un ejemplo de revelación: la religión es lo que yo hago, y espiritualidad es lo que yo soy. Sin embargo tiene que haber un balance. Nosotros no somos amantes de nosotros mismos. Estamos sedientos de paz, armonía y gentileza, no separación, soledad, alienación y competición. Durante la etapa Oscura del Alma se confronta la crucifixión, resurrección, ascensión, transformación y trascendencia. Puede ocurrir en cualquier momento de la vida. Dios quitara todo de tu vida, hasta lo bueno, para traer algo mejor, sin permitirnos vivir en la mediocridad, para traer la excelencia a nuestra vida. La noche Oscura del Alma es una de las etapas más poderosas de sanación que un individuo puede trabajar y superar En la etapa de Unión Mística, poco importa si se ha sanado físicamente o no, ahora nos hemos superado y estamos mas allá de lo físico, hemos trascendido porque sabemos que nada es imposible. En esta etapa dejamos de culpar a los demás por nuestra condición, hemos entendido cual es el propósito de nuestra vida, hemos ganado el estima y aprecio de las personas honestas y hemos padecido las traiciones de los falsos amigos, apreciamos la belleza y somos capaces de ver lo mejor en los demás. Cuando se llega a la realización que este mundo es mejor porque nosotros hemos vivido en el, recordando que la Gloria de Dios se encuentra en la persona que está realmente viva, resucitada, motivada, redimida, salvada, perdonada, y sanada. Regalo de amor iciembre es un mes fabuloso para reflexionar en la palabra “regalo” y quizá recordar todas las definiciones y pequeñas diferencias en significado que esta palabra tiene. Durante este tiempo de Adviento, mientras preparamos nuestros corazones otra vez para “recibir” el regalo del niño Jesus, quien creció en edad y sabiduría y al final nos dio el regalo más grande de todos –su vida- para que nosotros pudiéramos tener el regalo de la vida eterna; también nos preparamos para celebrar este gran misterio a través del dar y recibir de “regalos”. Quizá estamos contemplando qué “regalos” queremos comprar o hacer a nuestros amigos y familia para expresar el amor que les tenemos. Y aunque sabemos que el regalo más grande que podemos dar es nuestro amor, la mayoría de nosotros tiende a preocuparse sobre qué “regalo” debemos de dar. Recientemente fui a comer con una amiga y después de la comida caminamos hacia una pequeña tienda conectada al restaurant. No estaba muy interesada en mirar porque no planeaba comprar, pero mi amiga me dijo que escogiera algo de la tienda porque me lo quería regalar. Entonces, varias cosas en la tienda me parecieron atractivas siendo que no les había puesto mucha atención antes. Me detuve y reflexioné sobre ese incidente porque me considero una persona que no es muy materialista y aun así me emocioné con el “regalo” que selec- Lydia Pesina Directora, Oficina de Vida Familiar cioné. Quiero creer que la alegría no vino tanto del bello pendiente que escogí sino del amor que mi amiga Lety me ha mostrado siempre. Esperemos que en esta temporada de adviento tengamos algo de tiempo para reflexionar sobre lo que consideramos el “regalo de amor” que hemos recibido de Jesús quien es “la razón de la estacion” y el amor que tenemos intrínsecamente por nuestra familia; aquellos con los que debemos de llevarnos bien y con aquellos que quizá no siempre entendemos. El Papa Francisco dijo que “La vocación Cristiana es primordialmente una llamada al amor, un amor que nos atrae y nos saca de nosotros mismos, “descentralizándonos” y provocando un éxodo continuo fuera del ser introspectivo hacia su liberación a través de la auto entrega, y así hacia el autodescubrimiento auténtico y, ciertamente, el descubrimiento de Dios” (Deus Caritas Est, 6). (3/29/15) El regalo de amor no está tan centrado en cómo nos “sentimos” sino cómo “actuamos” por medio del amor que estamos llamados a tener el uno por el otro. Y el amor se centra en el servicio como escuchamos en la cita mencionada por el papa Francisco: “un éxodo continuo fuera del ser introspectivo hacia su liberación a través de la auto entrega…” Jesús nos enseño el “amor entregado” a través del Misterio Pascal del sufrimiento, muerte y resurrección. Nosotros también estamos llamados a dar el regalo del amor uno al otro, sirviendo a Dios, a nuestra familia, a la Iglesia/ comunidad, y a los pobres. Mi madre, Carmen Colegio Reyna, murió hace algunos meses y actualmente me reúno semanalmente durante la comida con un par de amigas que también han perdido un progenitor este año. Estamos caminando nuestro camino de duelo por medio de un proceso guiado por el “Diario de Un Nuevo Día” de publicaciones ACTA. A través de lo que compartimos y las reflexiones, recuerdo qué gran regalo me dejó mi madre con el ejemplo de su vida de amor y servicio a nuestra familia. Aunque esta será la primer Navidad sin ella en nuestro hogar, estaré recordando que el regalo de Navidad que me dejó no estará bajo el árbol de Navidad, sino que continuará impreso en mi corazón. Rezo para que el regalo de amor que nuestros antepasados nos han dejado y el regalo de amor que cada uno pueda compartir con los miembros de su familia (dejando a un lado nuestro ego y las diferencias que podamos tener) sea el regalo principal que adorne nuestras casas esta Navidad. 14 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL The Valley Catholic - »Mujeres en la frontera L Confesiones de una acumuladora a verdad es que prefiero un lugar despejado. Mis intentos, sin embargo, se quedan cortos. Tengo la tendencia de guardar todo porque creo que me será útil después. Este habito es exacerbado por mi creciente colección de libros y materiales de investigación para diferentes proyectos de escritura así como mi colección de materiales de costura, tejido, medios mixtos y álbum de recortes. Tengo armarios, gabinetes y estantes llenos con telas, hilos, estambre y papel. Le digo a mis amigos, toda mi casa es un estudio de arte. Puedes encontrar trabajo creativo en proceso casi en cada cuarto de mi hogar. El arte mixto son un imán para todo tipo de artículos, algunos descartados por la mayoría de las personas. La artista en mí sabe que incluso una caja vacía o un pedazo de madera puede ser reutilizada para uno de mis proyectos de santuario de nicho. Pero los artículos para el arte y artesanía no son los únicos que toman espacio en mi casa. Cuando mi esposo y yo compramos nuestra casa hace 21 años, nos tomó varios años comprar muebles y llenar los cuartos. Como pareja joven con dos pequeños niños, nunca nos hubiéramos imaginado que nuestra espaciosa casa estaría llena de un exceso de posesiones acumuladas que guardamos. Es fácil que este exceso ateste nuestros espacios y que este desorden no sea conductivo a un hogar o espacio de trabajo saludable. Hemos caído victimas a la indulgencia y la trampa del consumismo. Cuando recién nos casamos hace 27 años hice adornos para nuestro primer árbol de Navidad. El día después de Navidad iniciamos la tradición de ir a las ventas de mitad de precio y comprar adornos para la siguiente Navidad. Desde entonces hemos llenado cajas que se quedan en nuestro ático 11 meses al año. Hemos acumulado tanto que empezamos a poner un segundo árbol. El Papa Francisco en su encíclica Laudato Sí: Al cuidado de nuestra casa en común, apeló a todos para considerar cómo estamos cuidando de nuestro medio ambiente. En su llamamiento, señaló incluso lo que él llama la “ecología de la vida diaria,” el ambiente en el que vivimos nuestras vidas. En la sección “Alegría y Paz,” señala la espiritualidad Cristiana “fomenta un estilo de vida contemplativo y profético, uno capaz de disfrutar profundamente libre de la obsesión del consumismo.” Él dijo, “Necesitamos tomar una antigua lección, encontrada en diferentes tradiciones religiosas y también en la Biblia. Es la convicción de que ‘menos es más’. Una marejada constante de nuevos vienes para consumir pueden deslumbrar el corazón e impedirnos apreciar cada cosa y cada momento.” Mi esposo me pidió la lista de Navidad en noviembre. La verdad es que no necesito nada. Lo que necesito es dejar ir. Me da pena mi debilidad por las baratas, el exceso que he acumulado y mi fracaso por deshacerme de lo que no necesito. Las palabras del Santo Padre resuenan mientras me comprometo a simplificar y crear un espacio Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia Cortesía El Papa: Dios quiso nacer en una familia humana La pintura icónica de la Sagrada Familia para el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias en Filadelfia. ACI Prensa Brenda Nettles Riojas Editora, The Valley Catholic saludable para trabajar y vivir. Él dijo, “La espiritualidad Cristiana propone un crecimiento marcado por la moderación y la capacidad de ser feliz con poco. Es un regreso a la simplicidad la cual nos permite detenernos y apreciar las pequeñas cosas, el estar agradecimos por las oportunidades que la vida nos otorga, ser espiritualmente desapartados de lo que poseemos… Esto implica evitar la dinámica de dominio y los placeres de la acumulación.” Mi padre murió en agosto de este año, y mis hermanos y yo tenemos la tarea de ver todo lo que dejó atrás. Me duele ver todo lo que acumuló después de la muerte de mi madre hace 23 años. Él todavía tenía las cajas de mi madre con joyería de fantasia. La verdad es que yo todavía tengo cajas con algunas de sus manualidades. Les llamo “las cajitas de posibilidades”. Yo creo que mi padre hubiera vivido sus últimos años con menos estrés si se hubiera desecho de cuartos llenos de muebles y posesiones que ya no necesitaba. Mientras continúo con mi peregrinaje, quiero deshacerme del exceso en mi vida. Me doy cuenta también, se trata de hacer tiempo para organizar y hacer decisiones sobre lo que se queda y lo que se va; qué es esencial. Algunas veces tenemos que evaluar qué tanto valor le asignamos a las posesiones. Después de todo, cuando morimos no nos llevamos nada. Uno de mis mayores miedos es el desorden que dejaré atrás cuando muera. Susan V. Vogt en su libro “Blessed by Less: Clearing Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly” nos da algunos consejos prácticos para lo que ella llama “vivir ligero.” Ella empezó su camino para dejar ir en una Cuaresma cuando decidió deshacerse de un artículo por día. Este Adviento de camino a la Navidad, planeo hacer lo mismo. Todos somos llamados a ser buenos corresponsables. Con forme diciembre nos mueve hacia un nuevo año, espero las posibilidades que el vivir ligera van a crear, incluyendo hacer más espacio para enfocarme en lo que es importante empezando con crecimiento espiritual. Ya veo la diferencia con los pequeños pasos que he tomado en la oficina donde un ambiente más limpio, sin desorden nos da espacio para concentrarnos en el trabajo frente nosotros. Avanzando, esta oración de San. Ignatius Loyola nos ofrece un poco de enfoque para dejar ir no sólo posesiones materiales pero de otras tendencias también. Toma Señor, y recibe toda mi libertad, mi memoria, mi entendimiento, y toda mi voluntad, todo lo que tengo y poseo. Me lo has dado todo. A ti, Oh Señor, regreso todo. Todo es tuyo, dispone de ello de acuerdo a Tu voluntad. Dame tu amor y tu gracia, ya que esto es suficiente para mí. DECIEMBRE 2015 La fiesta de la Sagrada Familia se celebra cada año el domingo después de Navidad (el 27 de diciembre.) En medio de una fuerte crisis en torno a la integridad de la familia, Dios Amor nos brinda nuevamente el modelo pleno de amor familiar al presentarnos a Jesús, María y José. La Sagrada Familia nos habla de todo aquello que cada familia anhela auténtica y profundamente, puesto que desde la intensa comunión hay una total entrega amorosa por parte de cada miembro de la familia santa elevando cada acto generoso hacia Dios, como el aroma del incienso, para darle gloria. Por ello, a la luz de la Sagrada Escritura, veamos algunos rasgos importantes de San José, Santa María y el Niño Jesús. San José Es el jefe de la familia y actúa siempre como Dios le manda, muchas veces sin comprender el por qué de lo que Dios le pide, pero teniendo fe y confianza en Él. “Al despertarse, José hizo lo que el Ángel del Señor le había ordenado: llevó a María a su casa”. (Mt 1, 24-25) Cuando se entera que María estaba embarazada piensa en abandonarla porque la quería mucho y no deseaba denunciarla públicamente (como era la costumbre de la época), pero el Ángel de Dios se le apareció en sueños y le dijo que lo que había sido engendrado en el vientre de María era obra del Espíritu Santo y que no temiera en recibirla. “Ella dió a luz un hijo,y él le puso el nombre de Jesús” (Mt 1, 25) Cuando nace el niño, él le pone el nombre de Jesús, como el Ángel le había dicho. Luego, cuando Herodes tenía intenciones de matar al Niño Jesús y ante otro aviso del Ángel del Señor, José toma a su familia y marcha hacia Egipto. Por último, con la muerte de Herodes y ante un nuevo aviso del Ángel de Dios, lleva a su familia a instalarse en Nazaret. San José, Casto Esposo de Santa María, acoge a Jesús en su corazón paternal, educándolo, cuidándolo, amándolo como si fuere hijo suyo. El Niño Jesús aprende de su “santo padre adoptivo” muchas cosas, entre estas, el oficio de carpintero. La Santísima Virgen María Desde el momento de la Anunciación, María es el modelo de entrega a Dios. “He aquí la sierva del Señor, hágase en mí según tu Palabra” (Lc 1, 38) En la Anunciación, María responde con un Sí rotundo desde una libertad poseída, poniéndose en las manos de Dios. En Santa María vemos una continua vivencia de la dinámica de la alegría-dolor: criando, educando, siguiendo de cerca a su Hijo Jesús mostrándole en todo momento un auténtico amor maternal. “Su madre conservaba estas cosas en su corazón” (Lc 2, 52) Ella fue vislumbrando lentamente el misterio trascendente de la vida de Jesús, manteniéndose fielmente unida a Él. El niño Jesús Desde chico, Jesús demuestra que es el Hijo de Dios y que cumple fielmente lo que su Padre le manda. “Vivía sujeto a ellos” (Lc 2, 51) Como niño, Él obedecía a su madre y a su padre adoptivo, y permanecía siempre junto a ellos. María y José fueron sus primeros educadores. “El niño iba creciendo y se fortalecía, lleno de sabiduría, y la Gracia de Dios estaba con Él” (Lc 2, 40) Jesús aprende el oficio de carpintero de su padre adoptivo José. “¿No sabían que yo debo ocuparme de los asuntos de mi Padre?” (Lc 2, 49) Cuando Jesús se queda en el Templo, a los doce años, se puede pensar que desobedece a sus padres y que eso está mal. No es así, Jesús demuestra en este hecho su plena independencia con respecto a todo vínculo humano cuando está de por medio el Plan de su Padre y la Misión que Él le ha encomendado. El Papa propone una cura para la tentación de leer el horóscopo ‘El Señor Jesús se contrapone a los falsos profetas’ Por ALVARO DE JUANA ACI Prensa VATICANO — “¿Cuántos de ustedes leen el horóscopo cada día?”. Es la pregunta que hizo el 16 de noviembre el Papa Francisco a los fieles desde la ventana del estudio pontificio antes del rezo del Ángelus al comentar las lecturas de la Misa del día. “Yo tendría ganas de preguntarles, respondan interiormente, ¿cuántos de ustedes leen el horóscopo del día? Callados. Cada uno que se responda a sí mismo. Y cuando te vengan ganas de leer el horóscopo, mira a Jesús, que está contigo. Es mejor, te hará mejor. Esta presencia de Jesús nos llama a la espera y la vigilancia, que excluyen tanto la impaciencia como la pereza, tanto las fugas hacia delante como el permanecer en- Imagen referencial carcelados en la actualidad de lo mundano”. El Pontífice explicó que “el Evangelio de este penúltimo domingo del año litúrgico propone una parte del discurso de Jesús sobre los acontecimientos últimos de la historia humana, orientada hacia el pleno cumplimiento del reino de Dios”. “Contiene algunos elementos apocalípticos, como guerras, carestías, catástrofes cósmicas: El sol se oscurecerá, la luna no dará más su luz, las estrellas caerán del cielo y las potencias que están en el cielo serán conmovidas”, dijo Francisco sobre lo que narra el Evangelio. “El Señor Jesús no es sólo el punto de llegada de la peregrinación terrena, sino que es una presencia constante en nuestra vida, siempre está a nuestro lado, siempre nos acompaña; por esto cuando habla del futuro y nos impulsa hacia aquel, es siempre para reconducirnos al presente”. “Él se contrapone a los falsos profetas, contra los visionarios que prevén la cercanía del fin del mundo y contra el fatalismo. Él está al lado, camina con nosotros, nos quiere. Quiere sustraer a sus discípulos de cada época de la curiosidad para las fechas, las previsiones, los horóscopos, y concentra nuestra atención sobre el hoy de la historia”. Pero “el problema no es ‘cuándo’ llegarán los signos premonitorios de los últimos tiempos, sino el estar preparados para el encuentro”, explicó el Papa. Por todo ello, “estamos llamados a vivir el presente, construyendo nuestro futuro con serenidad y confianza en Dios”. DECEMBER 2015 DIOCESE 15 - The Valley Catholic »Media Resource Center Recommended by SISTER MAUREEN CROSBY, SSD Coordinator of the Media Resource Center - Diocese of Brownsville »From the Bookshelf Advent and Christmas Format: audio Length: 5 cd’s Audience: High School/Adults Author: Fr. John Baldovin, S.J., Publication:Now You Know Media. 2011 This series will explore the season of Advent through its liturgical prayers, scripture readings, music and poetry. You will also experience newfound Christmas joy and understanding through the Masses and Celebrations of the “Holy Night”. La Nochebuena South Of The Border Format: hardcover Length: no numbers Audience: Children 3-12 Author:James Rice Publication:1993 The story and illustrations draw attention to the cultural differences that make the Mexican Christmas holiday unique and enjoyable. Santa has become Papa Noel and is reindeer have been replaced with eight burros pulling a cart. A sombrerowearing Santa is making his rounds through the Mexican desert in James Rice’s latest twist of a holiday tale. »Worth Watching The Christmas Miracle What is Advent? continua de la pág. 2 Format: DVD Length: 91 minutes Audience: Family Production: Ignatius Press, 2006 Based on the best-selling book: GrownUps Don’t Know Everything…a story o love, redemption and above all,Hope… The Crippled Lamb An image of an expectant Mother Mary. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said Advent is an ideal time to reflect on the Church’s pro-life values since the season culminates in the celebration of the most important human birth in the history of the world. By JENNIFER GREGORY MILLER Special to the Valley Catholic Misericordia, que no sabe 2. Dar buen consejo al que lo necesita 3) Corregir (con caridad) al que se equivoca 4) Perdonar (de corazón) al que nos ofende 5) Consolar al triste 6) Sufrir con paciencia los defectos del prójimo 7) Rezar a Dios por los vivos y por los difuntos. Durante este Año Santo el Format: VHS Length: 25 mins Audience: Children 2-8 yrs Director:Tommy Nelson Co, Based on book by Max Lucado, 2001, Old Asah knew tis well, and when it came time to teach young Benjamin Goat about life, the old story-telling camel told a tale of little Joshua…a Crippled Lamb who always felt left out. Joshua longed to keep us with the flock, but God had very special plans for him- just as he does for everyone. One cold night winter night, Joshua was in the right place at the right time to watch istory’s greatest event unfold…and to be a part in it. On going: Every Tuesday: 12:15p.m. 2 p.m. Every Sunday: 6 p.m. December 4 Advent Day of Reflection (Office of Catechesis) 4 Bishop’s Annual Dinner 5-6 For Better Forever (Family Life Office) 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Diocesan Offices closed, Holy Day of Obligation) 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 17 Vocation Hour for Family Life Office at St. Joseph Chapel, Alamo 24 Christmas Eve (Diocesan Offices closed) the Virgin Mary. In our shopping and baking, let us remember to purchase and prepare something for the poor. When we clean our homes, let us distribute some of our possessions to those who lack many necessities. While we are decking the halls of our homes, let us not forget to prepare a peaceful place in our hearts wherein our Savior may come to dwell. Focus on the Liturgy There are always four Sundays in Advent, though not necessarily four full weeks. The liturgical color of the season is violet or purple, except on the Third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday, when optional rose vestments may be worn. The Gloria is not recited during Advent liturgies, but the Alleluia is retained. The prophesies of Isaiah are read often during the Advent season, but all of the readings of Advent focus on the key figures of the Old and New Testaments who were prepared and chosen by God to make the Incarnation possible: the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, Sts. Elizabeth and Zechariah. The expectancy heightens from Dec. 17 to Dec. 24 when the Liturgy resounds with the seven magnificent Messianic titles of the O Antiphons. The Advent season also has a Marian and pro-life focus. We meditate on this wonderful mystery of the Word Made Flesh with as much eagerness as his Mother, Mary prepared and awaited the birth of her son. In the United States, we celebrate the special feasts of the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of the United States of America, on Dec. 8, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, on Dec. 12. Other saints’ days traditionally associated in with our preparation for Christmas include St. Nicholas, patron saint of children whose feast falls on Dec. 6, and the saint of light, St. Lucy on Dec. 13. Señor nos invita a todos a examinar nuestra vida y así crear más espacio en la vida para practicar más concretamente las obras de misericordia. El testimonio de la misericordia practicada en el mundo es lo que el mundo hoy más requiere. El Hijo de Dios sufrió la cruz para el perdón de nuestros pecados y para invitarnos a responder con compasión a su cuerpo desfigurado y marcado con señas colmadas de la brutalidad. Podríamos decir con Santo Tomás de Aquino que nuestra salvación consiste en responderle al Señor que tanto nos ha amado. El Señor se identificó personalmente con los que sufren y respondiéndoles a ellos socorremos a él. La fe sin amor no salva y el amor que no se extiende para socorrer al que sufre no sirve para nada. Recordando esta verdad de la fe, le pido al Señor que nos ayude a todos a compartir la misericordia que hemos recibido. Madre de misericordia, Inmaculada Virgen, Ruega por nosotros. Señor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios e Hijo de María, Ten piedad de nosotros. Bishop Emeritus Raymundo J. Peña’s Calendar December 2 December 23 of Events Courtesy photo Liturgical season celebrates the coming of the Lord Happy New Year! While a month yet remains in the civil year, the Church celebrated the beginning of a new Liturgical year with the First Sunday of Advent on Nov. 29. Advent — from the Latin ad venio, “to come” — is the liturgical season anticipating the Adventus Domini, the “coming of the Lord.” While the days grow shorter and colder, we prepare for the “Sun of Justice” who comes to kindle our hearts with his light and his love. The Eternal Word, who is outside of time, became Incarnate in time, thereby making all time sacred. In the season of Advent, we await the coming of Christ on all the levels which we experience time: in the past — as a babe in the stable of Bethlehem; in the present — as grace in our souls; and in the future — as the Judge at the end of time. The Advent season is filled with preparation and expectation. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas — shopping and decorating, baking and cleaning. Too often, however, we are so busy with the material preparations that we lose sight of the real reason for our activity: the Word made flesh coming to dwell among us. Christians are urged to preserve the spiritual focus of Christmas amidst the prevailingly secular and consumer-driven society. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the season, let us strive to keep Advent a season of waiting and longing, of conversion and hope, meditating often on the incredible love and humility of our God in taking on flesh of »Calendar 6 p.m. 11 a.m. Evins Ministry Posadas Edinburg Brownsville Mass at UT-RGV/Edinburg Counseling at UT-RGV/Edinburg Mass/Confessions at UT-RGV/Edinburg Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo 3 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo Every Thursday: 7-8 p.m. Holy Hour at St. Joseph Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, 727 Bowie St., Alamo 1st: Intention to the Consecrated Life (active and contemplative) and for the Sisters and Brothers in our diocese and the success of their mission 2nd: Intention to the Permanent Diaconate the deacons (permanent and transitional) of the diocese and their families 3rd : Intention to Married Life: for the welfare and sanctification of all the families in the diocese and for building up the Kingdom in our domestic churches 4th: Intention to the priesthood and the priests of the diocese for the success of their ministry 5th: Intention to Pope Francis 25 Christmas Day (Diocesan Offices closed, Holy Day of Obligation) 26 Christmas Holiday (Diocesan Offices closed) January 1 New Year’s Day, Solemnity of Mary (Diocesan Offices closed, Holy Day of Obligation) 5 Clase para Cerficado DER (Office of Catechesis) 7 DRE Certification Class (Office of Catechesis) 9 Convalidation Conference (Family Life Office) 16 Sponsor Couple Training 1 Eng (Family Life Office) 19 Professional Day (Office of Catechesis) 21 Vocation Hour for Family Life Office at St Joseph Chapel, Alamo 22-24 Catholic Engaged Encounter (Family Life Office) 28 Advisory Team (Office of Catechesis) 31 Mother/Daugther Program (Family Life Office) Please submit your schedule to be published in The Valley Catholic by the first Friday of each month by email at [email protected] or fax: (956) 7845082. Sex Ed, continued from pg. 5 where that chastity is seen as the spiritual energy capable of defending love from the perils of selfishness and aggressiveness. Parents are in the unique position of being able to model for their children a healthy example of sexual integration, generosity, and self-mastery within marriage. Under these circumstances, parents also convey to their children the beautiful message that human sexuality reaches far beyond the biological, and touches on the most intimate core of the human person, particularly as experienced in his or her capacity for personal and radical self-gift to another in marriage, faithful even unto death. 16 DIOCESE The Valley Catholic - DECEMBER 2015 Our Catholic Family ‘Her knowledge and wisdom is invaluable’ Bookkeeper has served Sacred Heart Parish for 50 years By ROSE YBARRA The Valley Catholic EDINBURG — From the brief Bishop Adolph Marx era to the current Bishop Daniel E. Flores epis copacy, Maria Guadalupe “ L u p i t a” De la Cruz has served the Church since the early days of the Diocese of BrownsDe la Cruz ville. At age 23, she was hired as the secretary of Sacred Heart Parish in Edinburg on Sept. 20, 1965, 18 days after Bishop Marx was installed as the first bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Brownsville. “The job was first offered to my sister right after she graduated from high school, but she turned it down because she was leaving to attend university in Austin,” said De la Cruz, who was working at a store at the time. “My sister told the priest, ‘why don’t you give my sister Lupita a job? She doesn’t have a good job. “The priest offered me the job and said, ‘I’ll give you two weeks and see if you like it.’” Fifty years later, De la Cruz is still working at the parish, witnessing history at both her parish and in the diocese. Less than two months into her new job, she answered the telephone call informing the parish that Bishop Marx had died unexpectedly on Nov. 1, 1965 while visiting family in Germany during a break from the Vatican Ecumenical Council in Rome. “I got the call and that was something else,” she said. “We were in shock.” De la Cruz attended the instal- lation of Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros on June 29, 1966 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville. It was Bishop Medeiros that helped De la Cruz see her work as a church secretary as an important ministry. “He sent all the secretaries in the diocese a letter affirming that what we were doing was a vocation,” she said. “He reminded us that when someone calls the parish or walks into the office, the first person they encounter is the secretary. I took his words very seriously, that it is a vocation … and I think that’s why I haven’t left.” The first pastor she worked for kept the books and she handled the secretarial duties. When a new pastor came in, the bookkeeping responsibilities were added to her position. She maintained the accounting ledgers by hand for years and years before computers and accounting software were commonly used. De la Cruz, who turns 74 on Dec. 28, was born in Montemorelos in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon and immigrated to the United States with her parents at the age of 13. They became a migrant farm worker family and traveled to Michigan and Illinois each year. As a teen, De la Cruz began volunteering at Sacred Heart Church and a was a member of Las Hijas de Maria, a prayer group of young ladies who wanted to follow Our Blessed Mother’s example of womanly virtue. As an adult, “my life has been the Church,” she said. In addition to her day job in the parish office, she became involved in the Cursillo Movement and was the local director. She was also the director of the lay ministry program for the diocese in its earliest days. At her parish, she has served as an RCIA catechist, led baptismal preparation classes, is a lector and an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, among other ministries. De la Cruz, who was called to single life, has let go of most of her ministries to care for her mother, Carmen, who is 98-years-old. “That is Lupita, she is a won- Family marks anniversary of Bishop Marx’s death Courtesy photo The family of the Most Rev. Adolph Marx, the first bishop of the Diocese of Brownsville, gathered at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville on Nov. 1 to mark the 50th Anniversary of his death. Bishop Marx died on Nov. 1, 1965 at the age of 50 in his hometown of Cologne, Germany while visiting family, just two months after his installation as our bishop on Sept. 2, 1965. He had been in Europe attending the Vatican Ecumenical Council in Rome. Bishop Marx’s family traveled to Brownsville from Germany, Dallas, Houston and Washington, D.C. to attend a Mass and visit his tomb at the cathedral. Bishop Daniel E. Flores celebrated the Mass and took some time to visit with the Marx family. Courtesy photos When Lupita De la Cruz started working at Sacred Heart Parish in Edinburg 50 years ago, the church’s finances were maintained through handwritten ledgers. derful person,” said Father Jerry Shanley, a priest of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. “She is good to her family, she is good to the parishioners and was good to me and the other priests. If she can give, she will give without hesitation.” Father Shanley, who currently serves as a chaplain at Valley Baptist Hospital in Harlingen, was the first pastor from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary assigned to Sacred Heart Church in Edinburg. For the first 12 years of De la Cruz’s time at Sacred Heart Church, the parish was under the pastoral care of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. In 1977, the parish was transferred to the care of religious priests from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. “Lupita helped us through that transition very well,” Father Shanley said. “We were new here and she was our guide every step of the way. She has a profound knowledge of the parish and the people and their backgrounds.” “Having served here for as long as she has, Lupita’s knowledge and wisdom is invaluable,” said Tere De Jesus, who works in the ministry of stewardship and development at Sacred Heart Parish. “She goes about her work with a faithful heart. She is a jewel in our parish.” For De la Cruz, the highlights of her career have been many, but being part of the construction of the new church was especially exciting. Bishop Flores dedicated the new sanctuary on Nov. 4, 2011, a project that took 12 years to complete from start to finish. Another part of her career that brings her joy is following the parishioners through their sacraments. “Entering baptism, communion, confirmation and marriage information for the same person into the parish registry, it feels good,” she said. “It is a testament of the faith and of God’s love.” De la Cruz’s mother recently asked her how long she plans to work at the parish. “She asked me, ‘Are you going to stay in the Church until the end like Pope John Paul II? Are they going to have to wheel you around the office in a wheelchair?’” De la Cruz recalled with a laugh. “I replied, ‘I don’t know, mom. I just pray every day.’ I never dreamed that I was going to do this or be here this long, but the Lord put me here for a reason. I’ll stay as long as God sees fit.”