February 1, 2015 - St. John Neumann Catholic Church
February 1, 2015 - St. John Neumann Catholic Church
Page 1 February 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SJN MEN’S CLUB PRESENTS Julio Valdivia Latin Cigar Night Monday, February 2 in Resurrection Hall SPONSORED BY TOTAL BANK Menu from Chefs: Jim Iovino and Lou Romano: Argentinian Flank Steak CIGARS FOR SALE FROM Have a fresh mojito at the Men’ Club Havana Bay Mojito Bar Todos los hombres de SJN bienvenidos! Social Hour 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Annual Membership: $20 Dues: Paid Members $14 and NonMembers $18 St. John Neumann Men’s Club Established 1981 - “Men Serving Men” I… You… We are One For centuries, the Catholic Church has performed more works of charity than any other organization in the world. Why? Because God is love, and through that powerful statement, He teaches us that it is in giving that we receive. His message is simple—to love God above all else and to love others. It is through His love that I seek your help. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. United, as one family of God, we feed the hungry, cloth the poor, care for the sick and dying, and touch the hearts of those in despair. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we nourish and educate our children, both spiritually and intellectually. We assist the poorest of our parishes and schools so that all persons may encounter Jesus Christ. We provide shelter for the homeless. As Catholics, we consistently defend and respect the dignity of all human life, work to eliminate prejudice, and promote social justice. We journey together by sharing in the sacraments—from baptism to receiving the Eucharist, to confirmation and penance, to marriage and anointing the sick. And this year, we are blessed with sixty-five men studying in our seminaries answering their call to the priesthood to become shepherds of Christ here in south Florida. You make all this possible. Let us unite through our support of this year’s ABCD so that I… you… and we can continue to carry out the good works of Jesus Christ here in South Florida. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 - 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 2 February 1, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon., Feb. 2 - 7:00 a.m. +Eduardo Segredo by Loving Family; 8:30 a.m. +Betty Ann Bosley by Elizabeth DeChurch Tues., Feb. 3 - 7:00 a.m. +Michael Schmidt by Darleen & Paul Bronson; 8:30 a.m. +Angela Perez by SJN School Family Wed., Feb. 4 - 7:00 a.m. +; 8:30 a.m. +Albert Bernard Canty by Mike Campisi Thurs., Feb. 5 - 7:00 a.m. +Robert Fabian by Loving Family; 8:30 a.m. +Joaquin Casajuana by Loving Wife Friday, Feb. 6 – 7:00 a.m. ; 8:30 a.m. +Archie & Florida Gallant by Trudy Milone Sat., Feb. 7 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass; 5:00 p.m. Confirmandi 2015 by Parish Family Sun., Feb. 8 -7:30 a.m. +Marie Gentile by Loving Family; 9:00 a.m. +Ivan Klepac by Jana Kaban-Klepac & Family; 11:00 a.m. +Adel by the Celebration Choir; 1:00 p.m. SJN Parish Family PRAY FOR THE SICK Matthew Mersman; Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez; Keysang Chin; Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settler; Teresa Fernandez; Elizabeth Mastromarino; Natalie Mesa; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns; Bill Losa; Denyse Dawson; Claire Pare Smith; Deacon Tom Aguilu; Graham Mozealous; Amelia PhangSang; Tracy Gutierrez; Marilyn March; Graciela Pushaw; Epifanio Rodriguez; Angela Ortiz; John James Berryarza; Phillip Wong; Matteo Gherardi; Dylan Almedo; Dennis Phang Sang; Evelyn Sandoval; Adriane & Jose Rodriguez & Family; Gerry Vilas; Kathy Tomecko; Anne Brown; Marga Martinez; Jared A. Rosenstein; Andy Cuevas; Maria Teresa Mendez; Stephen Michael; Frankie Viturello; Brianna DeFreites; Stephen Williams; Richard Schuler; Miguel Estades; Connie Palmer; Rick McLelland.; Zody Fogarty; Laura Boling; David Bowels; Yoli Gonzalez; Lucas Giovanni; Margarita Acevedo; Norrine Sweeney; Susan Arrington; Ethan Rodriguez; Lena Antich; Max Mercedes; Patricia Mendoza; Victor Cobian; Dolores Maksel; Annelise Dlugash; Lena Callejas; Christine Michaels; Kim Bankston; Isabella Buckham; Jennifer Hew; Connie Zumbrum; Myrna Gallagher; Susan Loretta. Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SUNDAY READINGS: Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings: February 1 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Gospel: Mark 1:21-28. Next week’s Readings: February 8 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1st Reading: Job 7:1-4,6-7; 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23; Gospel: Mark 1:29-39. ANNUAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Our Archbishop, Thomas Wenski and the Office of Marriage and Family Life invite all couples in the Archdioceswe of Miami celebrating their 25th or 50th and above wedding anniversaries in 2015 to join us for a special Mass on Saturday, February 14 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. There will be a photo session with Archbishop Wenski starting at 4:00 p.m. before the Mass. Certificates will be distributed after Mass. To register to participate, please contact Clarissa Moreno at 305-255-6642 ext. 304 by February 3. DIVINE MERCY MEETS on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 4 at 7:30 p.m., Rm. AE-201. “Jesus I Trust In you” WORD OF LIFE: How … do we best respond to couples struggling with infertility? First, we must acknowledge their pain and accompany them in their suffering. — “Children as Commodities?”, 2014 Respect Life Program USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30 a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!! Page 3 February 1, 2015 PASTOR’S REFLECTION Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Dear Friends, Evil never presents itself to us as vile and horrible. Evil and the things that are not of God, always present itself as a “seeming good,” glamorous and attractive. Jesus has come to unmask evil. He has come to show us that these powers of evil are not glamorous and fascinating, but rather tawdry and tedious. They merit our caution, but not our interest. • Why is the spirit Jesus expels (in the gospel we read today) described as “unclean?” • Why do we often run from the truth that unmasks evil? As you reflect on God’s Word, may He strengthen you with His peace. May the good Lord bless you and your dear family abundantly each day. Please pray for me. In Christ, Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro “Yes, I am happy, perfectly happy; and do you wish to know where I find true happiness? At the feet of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” ~Augustine Maria of the Blessed Sacrament, Herman Cohen~ COME AND ADORE THE HOLY EUCHARIST FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH, FEBRUARY 6, STARTING AT 8:00 P.M. SIGN UP AFTER ALL THE MASSES! “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME FOR ONE HOUR?” Mt. 26:40 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY We will begin construction in March for our next Habitat for Humanity House. You can sign up next week after all masses. The Habitat for Humanity team will be at all masses to introduce the Lazo family, who will be the recipient of this year’s house. We need lots of the “man” and woman” power to build this home for the Lazo family. Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann ST. JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC SCHOOL IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Looking for a PreK3-8th grade school that provides a Catholic education tailored to meet children’s individual strengths? St. John Neumann Catholic School offers the best in faith formation, academic excellence and service to others. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Visit our web site at www.sjncs.org for more information 305-255-7315 SAVE THE DATE FOR ST. JOHN NEUMANN’S SCHOOL FIRST ANNUAL EAGLE 5K RUN/WALK AT ZOO MIAMI ON FEBRUARY 8! Put on your running shoes and soar to the finish line! For more information, visit www.sjncs.org or e-mail Cris Rodriguez at [email protected]. JUSTICE CORNER: AUTHORITY & ACTION Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus’ authority to teach. Today, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church continues to teach. The Holy Father’s speeches, and papal encyclicals provide wisdom on pressing issues of our times. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) helps us to understand moral and political issues by examining proposed legislation through the lens of Scripture and Catholic social teaching. USCCB advocacy alerts explain how proposed legislation will impact people who are poor or vulnerable and provide talking points for speaking with legislators. Jesus calls each of us to act on His authority, as His hands and feet. We, like Moses, are called to live prophetic lives to build God’s Kingdom here on earth. And the Church equips us with resources to advocate for others. Do you receive advocacy alerts? Join a Catholic Advocacy Alert list today so you can learn how easy it is to urge elected officials to build a just society. Learn more at www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/get-involved Page 4 February 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann A Cordial Invitation to all couples Formal Gala Dinner Dance Saturday, February 14 at 7:30 p.m. St. John Neumann Resurrection Hall Catered Full-Course Gourmet Dinner Soft beverages, white or red wine + Full Open bar Dinner/Dance Music By DJ- “Thumper” $150 donation per couple - all inclusive. For tickets contact either: Gustavo Caballero – 305-772-7766, email: [email protected] Robert González – 305-793-2330, email: [email protected] Limited seating – No tickets sold at door Tables may be reserved for groups of 8 (4 couples) MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT & UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN Are joining together to attend Ragtime at Actors’ Playhouse Wednesday, February 11 at 8:00 p.m. Advance ticket purchase at $41 required. Tickets are limited so reserve your seat now, by calling Wanda & Manny Vasquez, 305-233-2826, Clarissa & Ruben Moreno, 305-255-6642, Beverly Loftus at 305613-4964 or [email protected]. A FAMILY FEAST – EVERYONE’S INVITED Stone Soup Night, February 6, 7:30 p.m., Rooms E & F This is Friday night out for families and single parents. Kids are welcome We have stone soup, bread, and brownies. Maybe a touch of wine for the parents. The main focus is just having a night out and some time spent socializing. We will offer a topic for consideration– How we all address compromise inside and outside the family. Join us! Bring a friend! https://sites.google.com/site/stonesoupfamilies/ SISTERS IN CHRIST INVITATION SJN MARRIAGE COVENANT RETREAT MARCH 20, 21 & 22 The Sacrament of your marriage deserves all the help you can provide it Spend the day with your spouse and other couples while exploring new opportunities to grow even closer to your spouse. For information contact: Daniel Stanley, 305308-3420 (anytime) or Leonor Leon-Stanley, 305-794-0325 (after 5:00 p.m.). Sisters in Christ would like to extend a personal invitation to all Women in the Parish to join us in a night of reflection and sharing. We will meet on Monday, February 9 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. in Rm. E. Ultimately, we would like to provide an outreach whereby all our sisters can keep in touch with each other to enhance a friendship based on the love of Jesus by offering spiritual and moral support. Bring a small snack to share with other Sisters in Christ. Hope to see you. Page 5 February 1, 2015 CALLING ALL SJN PARISHIONERS TO DUST OFF THEIR DANCING SHOES AND HELP SUPPORT THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann FEAST OF ST. BLAISE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Blessing of the throats after the 7:00 and 8:30 a.m. Masses Many Catholics might remember Saint Blaise's feast day because of the Blessing of the Throats that took place on this day. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said. Saint Blaise's protection of those with throat troubles apparently comes from a legend that a boy was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. The boy was about to die when Saint Blaise healed him. Though there are few details available of the life of Saint Blaise, and he does not appear in martyrologies until the ninth century, it is agreed that Saint Blaise was the Bishop of Sebaste during the period of persecution of Licinius, the early fourth century. St. John Neumann's First ever Dancing For Life Dance Competition is just around the corner! Save the date for this highly anticipated event featuring our very own parishioners competing for the title of the Dancing For Life winner on February 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Resurrection Hall. According to legend, Saint Blaise was a physician at Sebaste before he became a priest and was raised to the episcopal see. When the persecutions of Christians began, Blaise took refuge in the hills. He was discovered living in a cave, by men who had been sent to hunt him under order of the governor. Legend states that when he was found, he was surrounded by sick wild beasts whom he was curing. Our competitors have been working very hard in preparation to impress our panel of guest judges but we need a little extra help from all of you to cheer on your favorite couple! Each ticket will be $8 during pre-sale and $10 at the door (if available While in prison awaiting trial and torture, Saint Blaise performed a miraculous cure of a young boy who was choking to death on a fish bone. After suffering various forms of torture, Saint Blaise was beheaded. . Saint Blaise, pray for us that we may not suffer from illnesses of the throat and pray that all who are suffering be healed by God's love. Amen All proceeds will go to the Respect Life Ministry. CANDLEMASS – MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7:00 AND 8:30 A.M. MASSES Forty days after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ we celebrate his presentation in the Temple, when he was offered to the Father and shown to his people. In addition, the church celebrates the Purification of the Blessed Virgin. The tradition of the Church is to carry candles in procession to honor the Blessed Mother. It is on this day that all the candles used in the Church are blessed. Bring the candles used in your home for a blessing as well. Lord God, you are the source of everlasting light. Your son, our beloved Lord Jesus was presented in the temple 40 days after his birth. He was recognized by Simeon and Anna, and welcomed as the promised Messiah. May we like them, behold the glory of the Lord Jesus. Grant that we may stand before you with hearts cleansed by your forgiving love. May we serve you all our days and make your name known as we worship you as our Lord So may we come by your grace to eternal life. Amen Page 6 February 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann NOTICIAS DEL APOSTOLADO APOSTOLADO HISPANO REFLEXIÓN DEL PÁRROCO DOMINGO CUARTO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 1 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 Queridos Amigos, El mal nunca se presenta como feo o horrible. El mal, y las cosas que no son de Dios, siempre se presentan como algo “bueno” llamativo y atractivo. Jesús ha venido para desenmascarar al mal. El ha venido para enseñarnos que el poder del mal no es atractivo ni fascinante, pero si es dañino y tedioso. El mal merece nuestra cautela, pero NO nuestro interés. Yo… Usted… Nosotros, somos uno Durante siglos, la Iglesia Católica ha realizado más obras de caridad que cualquier otra organización en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Debido a que Dios es amor, y a través de esa declaración poderosa, Él nos enseña que es al dar cuando recibimos. Su mensaje es simple: amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y amar a los demás. Es a través de Su amor que yo busco su ayuda. Usted es la respuesta a las oraciones de alguien, y juntos, podemos ayudar a aquellos que *¿Por qué le llaman “impuro” al espíritu que Jesús tanto lo necesitan. expulsa en el evangelio proclamado hoy? Unidos, como una sola familia de Dios, alimentamos a los ham- *Por que es que huimos de la verdad que desenmascara brientos, vestimos a los pobres, cuidamos de los enfermos, morial mal? bundos, y llegamos a los corazones de los desesperados. Con la Tomen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mi. Asegúrense que los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones diarias. En Cristo, Mons. Pablo A. Navarro SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN. El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) se celebra los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. EL SACRAMENTO NO SE CELEBRA ANTES DE LA MISA. LECTURAS DOMINICALES: FEBRERO 1 DOMINGO CUARTO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO: DEUTERONOMIO 18:15-20; 1 CORINTIOS 7:32-35; MARCOS 1:21-28. FEBRERO 8 - DOMINGO QUINTO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO: JOB 7:1-4,6-7; 1 CORINTIOS 9:16-19,22-23; MARCOS 1:29-39. guía del Espíritu Santo, alimentamos y educamos a nuestros hijos, tanto espiritual como intelectualmente. Ayudamos a los más pobres de nuestras parroquias y escuelas, a fin de que todas las personas puedan encontrarse con Jesucristo. Proporcionamos refugio a las personas sin hogar. Como católicos, constantemente defendemos y respetamos la dignidad de toda vida humana; trabajamos para eliminar los prejuicios y promover la justicia social. Marchamos juntos mediante la participación de los sacramentos, desde el bautismo o la recepción de la Eucaristía, la confirmación, la penitencia y el matrimonio, hasta la unción de los enfermos. Y este año, hemos sido bendecidos con sesenta y cinco hombres que estudian en nuestros seminarios, habiendo respondido al llamado al sacerdocio, para convertirse en pastores de Cristo en el Sur de La Florida. Ustedes hacen todo esto posible. Unámonos a través de nuestro apoyo al ABCD de este año, de manera que yo ... usted ... y nosotros podamos seguir llevando a cabo las buenas obras de Jesucristo en el Sur de La Florida. “El AMOR CON EL QUE NOS SEDUCE JESUS Proxima enseñanza del Instituto Pastoral por el Diacono Henri Gonzalez el miércoles 4 de febrero a las 7:30 p.m. en los salones C yD MISA ANUAL DE ANIVERSARIOS DE BODAS de PLATA, ORO y MAS El Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski y la Oficina de Matrimonio y "Sí, soy feliz, muy feliz; y ¿deseas saber dónde encuentro la Vida Familiar invitan a todos los matrimonios de la Arquidiócesis verdadera felicidad? A los pies de Jesús en la Santísimo de Miami celebrando sus 25, 50 o más años de matrimonio este Sacramento. Agustin Maria del Santísimo Sacramento, Herman Cohen. año a participar en una Misa especial que celebrará el Sábado 14 VEN A ADORAR LA SANTA EUCARISTIA PRIMER de febrero del 2015, a las 5:30pm en la Catedral de St. Mary. VIERNES DEL MES, FEBRERO 6, A PARTIR DE Se realizará un sesión de fotografía con el Arzobispo Wenski, comenzando a las 4:00 p.m. antes de la Misa. Los certificados se LAS 8:00 P.M. REGISTRESE DESPUES DE LA distribuirán después de la Misa. MISA! “Asi que no habéis podido velar conmigo una hora?” Mateo 26:4 Sch=SJN School YR=Youth Room Eucharistic Ministers: 7:30 pm AE-202; Apostoles AE-201 •Angeles de Agape 7:30 pm RH ABCD • AGAPE Prayer Group • • • • • • • Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann LITURGICAL MINISTERS - FEB 7 - 8 7:30pm AE-100 Evangelization RH-D 7:30 pm Discipulado Hombres 7:30 pm AE-200 Divine Mercy 7:30 pm AE-200 Lay Ministry 7:30 pm AE-103 Men’s Club 6:30 PM RH 8:00pm Chapel • N/A Men's 7:30 7:30 pm AE-201 Viñedo Raquel 7:30 pm AE-101 Sp. Bible StudyAE-100 7:30 pm AE-103 • Sp. Women’s Emmaus 7:30 pm 200 •LEAF AE-101 •Hosanna Jesus AE-100 • EMMAUS Discipleship Grp. 7:00 pm AB • Lay Ministry 7:30 pm • Scouts 7:30 pm AB • Cub Scouts 7:30 pm CD • Separated & Divorced 7:30pm AE-102 7:30 pm EF • Divina Misericordia Matrimonial 7:30 pm EF 7:30 pm AE-101 • Sp. Men’s Emmaus • Men’s Emmaus • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • Men's Bible Study8:00 am E • RCIA 7:30 pm EF • Upper Room Prayer 7:30 pm AE102 • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • On the Road Again • 7:30 am Mass • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:55 am Rosary Msgr. Navarro • 7:00 & 8:30 am Masses • 8:30 am Mass • Kairos 7:30 pm •Emmaus Discipleship 9:00 • 9:00 am Mass am AE102-103 AE-201 Msgr. Navarro •Baptism Prep. Class 1:00 • 11:00 am Mass •Marriage Covenant pm EF` 7:30 pm 102-7:30 pm Fr. Rivero •Spirit Day RH– Adult Ed. • 1:00 pm Mass • Stone Soup 7:30 pm EF • Nocturnal Adoration 8 9:00 am Fr. Rivero pm to 8 am Saturday • Youth Grp. 6:45pm • Confessions 4:00 pm Chapel AE & RH-E & F Chapel & Priest • AA 8:00 pm School Sacristy MS=Main Sanctuary RH=Resurrection Hall Gr 8 • 5:00 pm Mass AE=Adult Education Fr. Rivero Building February 1, 2015 • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • Intercessory Prayer • Enriquecimiento 8 Sunday 7 3 Tuesday Monday 2 EVENTS OF THE WEEK Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday FEBRUARY 2 - 8 Page 7 5:00 p.m. Ron & Chelina Ahearn Jose Pedro Fernandez Rita S. Lopez Barbara Segale Katie & Daniel Pierson Maria Bello Tony & Sandy Mesa Jorge & Susan Sanchez Elizabeth Gomez Margann Wilhelm 7:30 a.m. Damis Gonzalez Maria Rosa More Paul Banaszak Pat Tierney Kim Bankson 9:00 a.m. Jose & Maria Montesinos Tom Paz Jose & Mary Caballero Peter Glaria Yesenia Fernandez Margaret Slama Justo & Maria Ortiz 11:00 a.m. Tammy Garcia Pablo & Pedro Rivera Ruben & Clarissa Moreno Hilda S. Nolan Odalys Lledo Rosie & Robert Vasconcelos Carlos & Patsy Lastra Maria & Zeke Concepcion Paul & Teresita Walkington Vivian & Albert Sueiras 1:00 p.m. Fresnel & Grace Hernandez Roberto & Carolina Alas Aldo & Rochi Bacigalupo Gloria Zowe Jimmy Guillen Juan & Wanda Pujol Hector & Leslie Ramirez Luis & Maritza Munoz Gaston & Jackie Zilleruelo Lectors: 5:00 p.m. Marge Binder Michael Carrier 7:30 a.m. David DePaz Teresa Collier 9:00 a.m. Ethel Dunne Troy Gatcliffe 11:00 a.m. Robert Gonzalez Paul Bedard 1:00 p.m. Jorge Alvarez Alejandra Alvarez Acolytes: 5:00 p.m. Michael Ahearn Felipe Jannarone Luis Sebastian Lopez Sophia Marie Lopez Gabriel Maristany Vincent Sardinas 7:30 am Carson Willis Sara Kristjansson Peter Kmieck Lauren Castano Carolina Paz 9:00am Isabelle Seiglie Danny Collazo Nicholas Fonseca Cecilia Seiglie Arianna Viteri 11:00 am Katie Fernandez Alexa DePaz Eliza Garcia Isabella Garcia Mateo Oliva Patrick Oliva 1:00 pm Jorge Escobar Daniel Victoria Luis Kannee Katelyn Alvarez Sergio Galvez Ushers Team B 5:00 p.m. Flip Trembley John Kane Alex Sardinas Vance Salter/James Salter Mario Bosi/Joseph Goncalves 7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum Ronald Samaroo 9:00 a.m. Nick Chang Nelson Pay John Sullivan/Julio Lopez Tyrone Brown/Sue Farwell Simon Amofah/Terry Figueroa Leo Francis Anthony & Sarah Amofah 11:00 a.m. Ruben Garcia H. Julian Sosa Jorge Molina/Eddy Del Rio Angie Drescher/Luis Guzman Rene Lopez/Thomas Visney Jose Bendezu/Roberto Estades Hernando Sabogal/Emilio Diaz 1:00 p.m. Jose Lopez Oscar Castro Maria Taveras/Abdiel Ponce de Leon Armando Martinez/Rosariuo Reyes Carlos Anato/Graciela Vigo Melba Gomez/Guillermina Gomez Antonio & Liliam Morales Maritza Taveras/Jose Lopez Luis & Sandra Arroyo Manuel & Gabriela Ixtlahuac Carlos Anato/Joceline Sosa Coffee & Donuts Team #4: 7:30 a.m. Minerva Evans Marilu Smogar/Cecil Garcia Betty & John Roche Mafe Nussbaum/Margaret O’Brien Maritza & Lauren Castano 9:00 a.m. Sue & Skip Reisinger Jacqueline & Danielle DeSouza Dominique Lochet/Claudia Fraga Eduardo Vasquez Fraga 11:00 a.m. Diego & Madison Fernandez Madeleine Yrurzun-Urrutia Angel & Eleane Navarro/Vanessa 1:00 p.m. Janeth Mejia Antonio Williamson/Mariajose Rojas Juan D & Valeria Morales Juan F. Rojas