PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) © Víctor Morales Present Simple (aff.)


PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative) © Víctor Morales Present Simple (aff.)
PRESENT SIMPLE (affirmative)
1. Escribe cada palabra en el recuadro correcto.
2. Rodea la opción correcta y luego relaciona las frases con los dibujos.
3. Completa con la opción correcta.
a) Jimmy ____________________________.
a) I watch / watches TV every day.
* play tennis
b) He play / plays football.
* plays football
c) They dance / dances very well.
d) She like / likes dogs.
e) We speak / speaks Italian.
f) They study / studies history at school.
g) I eat / eats meat.
b) Mary and Tom _____________________
* eat an apple every day
* eats fruit in the morning
c) The dogs _________________________.
* like the park
* likes the garden
d) Lisa and I _________________________
* watch a film every weekend
* watches TV at home
e) The teacher _______________________
* speak English and French
* speaks Chinese and Japanese
f) My mum __________________________.
* dance flamenco
* dances with my dad
4. Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto para formar frases.
a) speaks / Jill / French  __________________________________________________________
b) play / football / boys / the  _____________________________________________________
c) likes / my / pizza / sister  ______________________________________________________
d) day / watches / he / every / TV  _________________________________________________
e) Gerry / biology / Frank / study / and  ____________________________________________
© Víctor Morales
Present Simple (aff.)
5. Relaciona los verbos con los dibujos y escribe debajo su significado.
7. Completa las oraciones con el presente
simple de los verbos entre paréntesis y
luego relaciona las frases con los dibujos
de abajo.
a) Jane (watch) _________________ TV.
b) Danny and Isabel (study) __________
c) Sue, Ann and Tom (play) ___________
tennis on Tuesdays.
d) Jim (like) _________________ snakes.
6. ¿Son ciertas estas frases en tu caso?
Escribe T (True) si la frase es verdadera,
o F (False) si es falsa.
___ My family eats vegetables at night.
___ The students at my school speak
___ I like computer games.
___ My friends and I play football in the
e) Wendy (eat) ________________ pizza
every Friday.
8. Rodea el verbo correcto.
a) I watch / watchs / watches TV.
b) She play / plays / playes football.
c) We speak / speaks / speakes French.
d) They like / likes / liks hamburgers.
e) The baby eat / eats / eates bananas.
f) You study / studies / studys Maths.
___ I watch TV in the mornings.
g) Tom and I play / plays / playes golf.
___ My teacher speaks English very well.
h) My dad like / likes / liks cats.
___ I study every day.
i) She speak / speaks / speakes Arab.
Present Simple (aff.)
© Víctor Morales
9. Completa la tabla.
10. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
a) Susan (speak) ____________________
Japanese with her friend.
b) The boys (play) __________________
tennis on Saturdays.
c) The dog (eat) _______________ meat.
d) I (watch) _________________ a film on
e) Pam (like) ________________ cheese.
11. Completa las frases con estos verbos. Luego tradúcelas y relaciónalas con los dibujos.
a) Martin speaks Spanish. _____________________________________________________
b) The boys ___________ bread and cheese. _______________________________________
c) He ___________ maths on Tuesdays. ____________________________________________
d) They ___________ football in the park. __________________________________________
e) She ____________ TV on Saturday. _____________________________________________
f) Jeff ______________ turtles. ____________________________________________________
12. Escribe seis frases ordenando las palabras del cuadro.
© Víctor Morales
Present Simple (aff.)
1. Rodea la opción correcta.
a) He doesn’t walk / don’t walk in the
park everyday.
b) We doesn’t ride / don’t ride
bikes to school.
c) My brother doesn’t eat / don’t eat
hamburgers at the weekend.
4. Mira los dibujos y completa las oraciones con la forma afirmativa o negativa,
según corresponda, de los verbos que
tienes en el recuadro.
play * study * like * sleep * live * eat
d) My friend doesn’t like / don’t like
e) Joe and Jane doesn’t play / don’t play
tennis on Tuesdays.
2. Rodea las respuestas que sean ciertas en
tu caso.
a) I drink / don’t drink
orange juice
b) My friends sleep / don’t sleep at my
house at the weekend.
c) My mum
buys /
doesn’t buy
d) We live / don’t live in a big house.
e) You don’t study / study French at
3. Escribe cinco frases negativas con las palabras de la tabla.
© Víctor Morales
a) Jane _____________________ in Paris.
b) Bob _______________________ tennis.
c) Sam and Phil _____________________
d) The students ____________ at school.
e) Barbara __________________ snakes.
f) The children ______________ at night.
Present Simple (neg.)
5. Busca en la sopa de letras los verbos que representan los dibujos. Luego escríbelos al lado
del que corresponda y escribe debajo su significado.
6. Completa con don’t o doesn’t.
a) Jim ___________ live in England.
b) I __________ English on Wednesdays.
c) He _________ buy books in that shop.
d) Dan and his brother ____________ like
e) Mary and I ___________ ride bicycles.
7. Escribe oraciones negativas con los verbos que hay entre paréntesis.
8. Ordena las palabras y forma oraciones.
a) Japan / doesn’t / she / live / in
b) live / near / don’t / the park / I
c) doesn’t / my brother / a bicycle / ride
d) buy / we / every day / don’t / sweets
a) Tom (walk) _______________________
in the park.
e) hamsters / my friend / doesn’t / like
b) We (like) _________________________
f) milk / drink / the dog / doesn’t
c) I (watch) ______________________ TV.
d) They (sleep) ______________________
at home.
g) study / they / don’t / French / study
e) Jenny (drink) ______________________
orange juice.
h) milk / drink / the dog / doesn’t
9. ¿Son ciertas estas frases en tu caso? Escribe T (True) si la frase es verdadera, o F (False) si
es falsa. Luego, las que sean falsas escríbelas al lado en afirmativa.
___ My family doesn’t live near a park.  ___________________________________________
___ I don’t buy sweets.  _________________________________________________________
___ We don’t sleep in the afternoons.  _____________________________________________
___ I don’t walk to school.  ______________________________________________________
___ My dad doesn’t live in France.  _______________________________________________
Present Simple (neg.)
© Víctor Morales
10. Rodea las respuestas correctas.
a) We live in Paris. We don’t live / doesn’t live in London.
b) My friends walk to the cinema. They don’t walk / doesn’t walk to the swimming pool.
c) Marlene studies English but she don’t study / doesn’t study history.
d) My mum speaks French. She don’t speak / doesn’t speak German.
e) I eat fish. I don’t eat / doesn’t eat meat.
11. Escribe las frases en forma negativa utilizando las expresiones que hay en los paréntesis.
a) We drink milk on Mondays. (on Tuesdays).
We don’t drink milk on Tuesdays.
b) The students watch a film on Wednesdays. (on Thursdays)
c) You sleep eight hours on Sundays. (on Wednesdays)
d) He rides horses on Thursdays. (on Sundays)
e) Jane buys vegetables on Saturdays. (on Mondays)
12. Escribe las frases de abajo en forma negativa. Luego vuelve a escribirlas en forma afirmativa, pero de acuerdo con los dibujos y utilizando las palabras que hay en los paréntesis.
Mary plays tennis. (basketball)
The girls ride horses. (bicycles)
Mary doesn’t like play tennis.
She plays basketball.
Ron and Tim watch TV. (films)
Her little brother speaks English. (Italian)
The cart eats meat. (fish)
© Víctor Morales
Present Simple (neg.)
PRESENT SIMPLE (interrogative)
1. Completas las preguntas con el presente simple de los verbos que hay entre paréntesis.
Luego respóndelas con respuestas cortas y que sean verdaderas para ti.
a) __________ your class ______________ (study) history? ______________________________
b)__________ you _______________ (eat) vegetables? _________________________________
c) __________ babies _______________ (like) milk? ____________________________________
d)__________ your mum _______________ (listen) to rock music? _______________________
e) __________ your friend _______________ (wear) black jeans? _________________________
2. ¿Qué les gusta hacer a Sue y a Joe? Responde las preguntas de abajo utilizando
respuestas cortas.
4. Completa el diálogo relacionando las preguntas de abajo con sus respuestas.
a) Does Joe go horse-riding?
b) Do Sue and Joe listen to music?
c) Do Sue and Joe play football?
d) Does Joe go swimming?
e) Does Joe eat sweets?
Do you work ?
Alfred: Yes, I do. I work at a pizza shop.
Alfred: Yes, I do. I work everyday from 4
pm to 8 pm.
Alfred: No, she doesn’t.
Alfred: Yes, I do. It’s fun.
Alfred: No, I don’t. I don’t like pizza.
3. Escribe preguntas en presente simple con
las palabras de abajo. Luego contéstalas
utilizando respuestas cortas.
a) dogs / eat / meat
b) a duck / live / in a tree
c) rabbits / study / French
© Víctor Morales
Present Simple (int.)
5. Ordena las palabras correctamente para formar preguntas. Luego contéstalas como si te las
hicieran a ti, utilizando respuestas cortas.
a) speak / you / English / do _____________________________________? _________________
b) eat / do / sweets / you ________________________________________? _________________
c) like / your mum / does / cats? __________________________________? _________________
d) your teacher / near / you / does / live _____________________________________________?
e) go / ice skating / your friends / do _______________________________________________?
6. Escribe la pregunta correspondiente a cada respuesta.
a) Does Helen work in a shop?
Yes, she does. Helen works in a shop.
b) ___________________________________________ Yes, they do. They study History.
c) ___________________________________________ No, we don’t live near a bank.
d) ___________________________________________ Yes, he rides to school on his bike.
e) ___________________________________________ No, he doesn’t wear jackets.
7. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos que hay entre paréntesis.
a) David and Brian ___________________ (watch) a film on Fridays.
b) David _____________________ (not study) music on Saturdays. He ___________________
(study) music on Mondays and Thursdays.
c) Carol _______________________ (go) swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
d) Brian and Jane ____________________ (play) basketball on Tuesdays.
e) Jane ___________________ (not ride) her bicycle on Tuesdays. She __________________
(ride) her bicycle on Wednesdays.
f) Jane and Brian ______________________ (walk) in the park on Saturdays.
8. Completa el horario de debajo de acuerdo con las respuestas del ejercicio 7.
9. Mira el horario del ejercicio 8 y contesta las preguntas.
a) Does Jane walk in the park on Mondays and Fridays?
b) Does David study music on Thursdays?
c) Do Jane and Brian play basketball on Thursdays?
d) Do David and Brian watch a film on Fridays?
e) Does Carol go swimming on Wednesdays?
Present Simple (int.)
© Víctor Morales
10. Completa las preguntas utilizando el presente simple y contéstalas con respuestas cortas.
a) ___________ students ________________ (study) at school? _____________________
b) ___________ your dad ______________ (read) books in English? _____________________
c) ___________ you ________________ (like) meat? _____________________
d) ___________ the Simpsons _____________ (live) in France? Yes, _____________________
e) ___________ your mum ____________ (work) at a bank? _____________________
f) ___________ your friends ____________ (speak) Italian? _____________________
11. Escribe cuatro preguntas más con las
palabras de la tabla y luego respóndelas, como en el ejemplo. ¡NO vale repetir verbo!
a) Do hamsters play football?
No, they don’t.
b) _________________________________________________? __________________________
c) _________________________________________________? ___________________________
d) _________________________________________________? ___________________________
e) _________________________________________________? ___________________________
12. Escribe preguntas con las palabras de abajo.
Luego mira los dibujos y respóndelas.
a) Nancy / live / near the cinema
Does Nancy live near the cinema?
Yes, she does.
b) Isabel and Jane / eat chips / at school
c) the boys / ride to school / on their bicycles
d) John / listen to music / in his bedroom
13. Completa las oraciones con la forma afirmativa correcta del presente simple de los verbos
que hay entre paréntesis.
a) Jane and Tom ________________________ (play) computer games at Jane’s house.
b) Mary _________________________ (speak) English very well.
c) I __________________________ (study) at school with my friends.
d) My brother ____________________________ (like) football at the weekend.
© Víctor Morales
Present Simple (int.)